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Caught red handed trying to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 election. Cnn newsroom starts now. Hello everyone, thank you for joining me this sunday. Im fredricka whitfield. We begin today with House Democrats vowing to act urgently as they move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump. And now house intel chairman adam schiff says there is a tentative agreement for the anonymous whistleblower to testify before congress as early as this week. This is Serious Business here. The president has suggested that people like this whistleblower should be treated the way we used to treat spies and traitors and we used to execute spies and at any rateors. Theres no messing around here. Whats more we want to protect this whistleblower but encourage others that are aware of this wrongdoing or other wrongdoing to come forward and thats a vital interest of ours as well. Meantime sources tells cnn former u. S. Special envoy to ukraine, kurt volker plans to appear before three congressional kmeels this week. This comes as a new abc news poll reveals that a majority of americans believe that trumps encouragement of a foreign leader to investigate joe biden and his son is a serious problem. But 83 said they were not surprised by it. Cnns Sara Westwood is at the white house. Sara, how is the white house reacting to news that the whistleblower could testify before congress as soon as this week . Reporter well, President Trump is continuing to question the motives of this whistleblower, continuing to attack him as partisan and this as house intelligence chairman adam schiff says his committee reached a tentative agreement to have this whistleblower come forward and testify. That agreement would involve continuing to protect this individuals identity from becoming public. It also hinges on the whistleblowers attorneys getting the appropriate curt clearances from the director of National Intelligence office in order to accompany the whistleblower. Thats something that cnn reported was a condition of the whistleblower testifying earlier this week. Now the Steven Miller senior aide to President Trump on fox news today continued to argue that the whistleblower is partisan and even said that the whistleblower doesnt deserve that title. Take a listen. I think its unfortunate that the media continues to describe this individual as a whistleblower. This individual most certainly does not deserve this. A partisan hit job doesnt make you a whistleblower blower because you go through the whistleblower protection act. Reporter House Democrats are pushing for documents and testimony on all front related to this ukraine controversy. On friday mike pompeo was subpoenaed by three house committees. Kurt volker is one of several Senior State Department officials democrats want to get. He could appear before multiple committees this week. This week well see the pressure continue to mount on the administration to divulge documents and to make people available to talk about this call with the ukrainian president and the fallout. So as the former u. S. Special envoy for ukraine plans to appear at his deposition this week in front of three congressional committees were now hearing reaction from ukraine over kurt volkers departure which came a day after the whistleblower complaint was released. Cnns Matthew Chance is in kiev. Matthew, tell us more. Reporter with respect to the reaction to kurt volker, theres been some reaction from former officials in this country that dealt with kurt volker directly. He was a key figure with ukraine that ensured free flow of aid and military equipment and training to this country from the United States in its battle in ukraines battle with pro russian rebels in the east of the country. I had a conversation with top president ial aide to president zelensky of ukraine yesterday and he said it was with deep regret he heard that kurt volker resign. His consistent and comprehensive support for ukraine throughout his tenure meant a lot for our country. There was some regretful words coming from ukrainian officials. The reaction thats been from ukrainian officials to the whistleblower report. Been very mutted, deafening by its silence. Ukrainians took a strategic decision not to say anything publicly at least not in an official capacity in case it makes things worse than theyve already become. Ukraine is in a very delicate diplomatic situation. It needs to maintain a strong relationship both with the incumbent u. S. President and any future u. S. Administrations that may come. Mindful of the fact theres an election in the u. S. In 2020. They are working, walking a very he delicate tight trope try to not make these things any worse. Matthew chance in kiev. Lets talk more about this now. Joining me is White House Correspondent for the New York Times and a White House Correspondent for the daily mail. Good to see you both. So michael you first. Could the white house stand in the way of security clearances being granted to kurt volker so he might testify . I suppose technically they might but they probably wont. Right . The administrations response to this seems to be more along the lines of the response that theyve played out in other controversies and scandals and thats to try to demean and undermine the accusers rather than to stand in the way of something that is likely to happen. I mean i think they did try during the Mueller Investigation to keep some of their white house officials from testifying as well. They used executive privilege. That wont work for somebody like kurt volker. The thing thats different about this inquiry is that the subject matter that is at issue has already been out there. The conversation has already been revealed. What the democrats are trying to do is to build a case around it. The administration cant ultimately block the transcript from coming out because its already out there. And the president was unapologetic about the phone call and how he conducted himself. Adam schiff says the stonewalling if theres such a thing in this case moving forward only strengthens their case for overall impeachment. Fr do you think the white house sees it that way or is it strictly defending itself . What ive heard from white house officials is they dont take this too seriously yet. That they wont take it particularly seriously unless or until the house moves to actually move on the impeachment inquiry which is what nancy pelosi is calling now a formal impeachment inquiry. No vote taken on the floor. There isnt some special committee thats been established for it. Until that happens the white house continues to consider this to just be routine oversight. Of course theres the question of whether that is a good strategy or not. Considering how many people are now being called to testify and how many people could be called to testify in the future. But to this point they havent shifted from that strategy. The president doesnt see this as routine oversight. He tweeted out yesterday this is president ial harassment. Thats the demeanor the president is taking. Well, i mean, were citing the sense of the way the House Democrats have been conducting themselves since they took over in vann. They just see this as a continueation of the investigation, but theyve already launched and trying to get more information on that point. Yes the president does believe that this is extreme harassment and you heard his Senior Adviser Steven Miller today claiming that this whistleblower could be some part of the deep state which is something new. They said this person could be partis partisan. Now they are saying could be a deep state operative. Thats new from the white house this morning as well. Still unclear who the whistleblower is. Whether the white house has any where who it might be. Were hearing that whistleblower has tentatively agreed to testify as early as this week. Other than to discredit this whistleblower, what will be and what could be the posture of the Republican Party who is coming out still to defend this white house, this president and his conduct. Yeah. So the white house appears to be headed down the Public Relations track for the moment which is to say discredit the whistleblower and undermine the allegations, the accusations, attacking democrats for being on a witchhunt and the like at some point. That strategy is likely to involve not only the white house and its aides as we have seen in the last several days but increasingly the kind of allies on capitol hill on the republican side. But at some point the republicans and especially the folks inside the white house will have to shift to a legal strategy. If articles of impeachment get drawn up, then we move into we move from a situation where its sort of a typical washington Public Relations scandal and move into a legal proceeding and, you know, one wonders whether this administration will be able to make that shift from something that is largely kind of the typical twitter fight that the president tends to have and his allies echo into something more disciplined and more specific legal strategy to try to rebut what are ultimately, you know, charges that could end his presidency. Right now you only have handful, small handful of republicans who are critical of the president s phone call. Like mitt romney saying something is wrong here, very inappropriate. Republicans as a whole accusingg politics. They support the inquiry but pretty much support impeachment overall. Take a listen. But ive seen enough to support an impeachment inquiry that has been launched by Speaker Pelosi with tremendous support within the House Democratic caucus. I heard a member of house leadership this morning say on another network he wanted to have an inquiry but wasnt ready to vote for impeachment. If they were truly serious about that they would bring it to the floor, have a vote and then there would be fairness and American People could know this was not a democrat ram rod of this president. So there has been adjustment of posture. There are Many Democrats who are now saying we really support this inquiry. They dont necessarily want to call for impeachment just yet, its just too premature. What are the risks they are weighing . Well, if it looks like they are coming out in favor of impeaching the president before they conducted an investigation, the that is something that could be a very risky strategy for them. But another approach you saw today was that Rudy Giuliani is now claiming that the republicans in the senate should open up an inquiry of their own into joe biden. Now i think thats an interesting strategy from the president s lawyer, right, to try combat whats happening in the house by saying wait our Party Controls the senate why dont they do something to investigate these claims. Thats not something weve seen so far and its unclear whether thats a strategy Senate Republicans want to pursue so close to the 2020 election either. Thank you both. Coming up, the role of Rudy Giuliani. Could the president s personal attorney lead him down the path to impeachment . If he continues to focus on that white whale it will bring him down. Plus the u. S. State department wading into the Hillary Clinton emails again. Why dozens of current and former senior officials who sent messages to her could be facing security violations. Working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, Family Reunion attendance is up. Were all related yeah, i see it. 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Woolite keeps clothing looking like new and cleans with just twelve ingredients versus the leading detergents twentyfour. Woolite. Less ingredients. More love. Rudy giuliani remains at the center of the impeachment inquiry after being named repeatedly in the whistleblower complaint. Today giuliani once again made the rounds on the sunday talk shows pushing unproven conspiracy theories about the biden, democrats and Hillary Clinton. The president s former Homeland Security adviser said today that giuliani is wrong when he claims ukraine not russia hacked dnc computer servers during the 2016 election. And he worries giulianis false statements is hurting the president as democrats move forward on the impeachment inquiry. Its not only a Conspiracy Theory its completely debunked. You know i dont want to be glib about this matter but last year retired former senator gray wrote a piece in the hill magazine saying the three ways or five ways to impeach oneself and third way was to hire Rudy Giuliani. At this point i am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again and for clarity here, george, let me just again repeat that it has nova ln no validity. With me is michael warren. He wrote a story on giulianis ten Month Mission aimed at proving the democrats dealing with ukraine are the origin of the investigation into Russian Election interference. Michael, good to see you. Tell us more about giulianis quest and these conspiracies that he continues to push. Right. We know that starting back in december of 2018 Rudy Giuliani started talking about a series of former and current ukrainian officials, he says telling cnn several times over the last several months that gull was particularly interested in a supposed theory that the origin of the fbi investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election somehow began in ukraine. He says while in the process of learning information about that he also stumbled upon information regarding joe bidens son hunter biden who was on the board of a company in ukraine that was under investigation and is now no longer under investigation. He continued to push giuliani did those two theories trying to find information also talking with members of the media including in the conservative media as well as his client donald trump about these two issues. He continued to push this even though as tom bossard said theres no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of joe biden or his son hunter biden with regard to ending the investigation into that ukrainian company. Then, michael, giuliani was named 31 times in that whistleblower complaint and today he flip flopped when asked repeatedly if he would testify before congress if sbd. Take a listen. I wouldnt cooperate with adam schiff. I think adam schiff should be removed. If they remove adam schiff and put in a neutral person, a democrat who hasnt expressed an opinion yet, if i had a judge in a case and he had already announced im going impeach, if he already went ahead and did a whole false episode, wouldnt i move to recuse that judge. Thats your answer youre not going to cooperate. I said i would consider it. You wont cooperate . I will consider it. I have to be guided by my client. Its his privilege not mine. If he decides that he wants me to testify, of course ill testify. So, michael, if giuliani does not cooperate with the impeachment inquiry does that hurt or help the president . Well its hard to say whether it hurts or helps the president. I dont think the situation really helps giuliani right now. You heard just in that one interview and he was certainly like this when speaking with me last week can be slippery what exactly what he plans on doing. Is he really not going to cooperate if Congress Asks him or subpoenas him . Look, hes not simply a lawyer. Hes doing pr on behalf of the president. Part of his job is really to suggest as he did that adam schiff and Intelligence Committee run by democrats is somehow illegitimate. That seems to be almost Daring Congress to really get mad and possibly subpoena him. So i do think that Rudy Giuliani is in a little bit of hot water here whether or not that affects the president well just have to see what he says. Apparently not in hot water with the president because hes out there likely at the encouragement of the president. Well see what happens next. Thank you so much. Straight ahead elizabeth warrens surge in the 2020 race may be slowing at least in one critical battleground state. Could her lack of support from black voters cost her the democratic nomination . Thanks to move free ultra i keep up with this little one. See the world with this guy. And hit the town with these girls. In a clinical study, 4 out of 5 users felt better joint comfort. Take the ultra challenge. Try move free today. Mom youve got to [ get yourself a new car. G ] i wish i could save faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . 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Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. All right. Welcome back. A new cnn polling out of South Carolina is painting a discouraging picture for any candidate not named joe biden. According to that poll 37 of likely primary voters say they support the former Vice President as their top choice. Thats more than 20 points ahead of the next closest candidate senator elizabeth warren. Cnn politics reporter is in detroit this afternoon where warren, senator warren and senator Amy Klobuchar are set to appear at a president ial forum. Dan, tell us about what they are poised to say and do. Reporter well you can see over my shoulder senator warren is speaking to the union here of food workers in the other room speaking about, actually right now about her upbringing and life and the importance of unions relating that to the importance of joins. The poll does show cracks in her recent rise. Theres plenty of caveats. Black voters will matter to every person running in the democratic primary p. M. What it shows in South Carolina a state where 60 of the electorate is expected to be africanamerican, joe biden has a commanding lead. According to our poll hes the first choice of 45 of black voters, sand serious in second with 13 and warren is at 4 . That matters because thats critical to her ability to within South Carolina. Theres an important point. The poll has a 9. 5 margin of error. Secondly the biggest impact on what happens in South Carolina may be what happens in iowa and New Hampshire. Voters in South Carolina have shown that very pragmatic, they watch what happens in early states. That will matter. Hard to say that this poll predisposes what will happen in South Carolina. Of course it shows issues that warren has to work on. What happens in iowa and New Hampshire two states where shes doing very well could matter more to what happens in South Carolina. Okay. Then lets talk about a candidate who has been working hard to work his way up, try the popularity among the democratic candidate, im balking about ta cory booker. They met the donor threshold to meet the november debate. But they are still away from their selfimposed deadline. Heres what he told jake tapper on state of the Union Earlier today. Not a vanity play. Im not sticking around for this ego. Im not going to be in this primary unless i have a viable path to victory. In the Fourth Quarter well need help and i hope people will help. So reality check for the campaign. How worried are they in the big scheme of things . Reporter they think they are going to meet that deadline, that selfimposed deadline. Unique to hear a campaign say if we dont hit that number well dropout. Will he really dropout . Probably not. His campaign is confident they will surpass that number and be able to stay in the race. Youre right. It matters. It shows how much that money will matter as this race tightens and as the field tightens. Youll have candidates who can go on air and spend a lot of money to get their name out there. If he doesnt have the finances to do that, that will restrict him. Not only if he does or does not make the debate stage but in pure campaigning that will restrict him. This issue of impeachment and impeachment inquiry. Where do the majority of these candidates stand on congress pushing forward on it, on the inquiry . Reporter what youre seeing is a lot of democrats are coming out in favor of proceeding with impeachment which is somewhat of a change around mueller. A lot of democrats came out during the Mueller Investigation said they support impeachment. Some were far more careful about it. This ukraine issue has changed it. Take a listen to what Amy Klobuchar said a few minutes ago here at this Union Meeting about what is different and how she sees impeachment. To me this reminds me of watergate. We just dont have file cabinets any more. In watergate they dispatched people to break in and get information and in the course of it broke the law and then there was a coverup. In this case, the fact that this president is asking for dirt from a foreign leader for an ongoing political race, which endangers the security of our country, to me is the same thing. Reporter its going to be interesting to hear what voters ask about impeachment. I hear somebody right now asking somebody about the conduct of the president. If you hear more questions about that, about the conduct of the president. How impeachment impacts this race youll hear more 2020 candidates respond and get their talking point together on this. What Amy Klobuchar says she sees the ukraine issue as more resonating with the president. Thank you. Well check back with you. As talk of impeachment plays out in washington voters around the country are weighing in on the issue. Cnns Paula Sandoval talked to voters from new jersey to texas about where they stand. Thank you all reporter the mounting impeachment drama is front and center for voters. Austin is no exception where crowds descend on the annual Texas Tribune festival to talk politics. Nancy pelosi impeachment inquiry into President Trump. As we observed it, we had this bomb shell, bomb shell of possible dishonoring that constitution. Right. As those facts became revealed and then we learned more and more, it became selfevident that while weighing equities back and forth about how important is this and is this the case, i had never said i wasnt doing it. I said when we have the facts, if we have the facts, and when we have the facts, well be ready. Reporter those willing to speak the to cnn are pleased with the democratic led efforts to investigate allegations that the president pressureed a foreign leader to get dirt on a political opponent. Were being distracted about other things. Might as well put information on the table so we citizens who they work for can make our decision. Reporter but conservatives who are part of the tribune speaking lineup urging people not to rush to judgment. President trump says things frequently that it wish he wouldnt say. I dont have control over that. The fact that he shouldnt have gone down that road is a long way from saying, therefore, he should be impeached anticipate forcibly removed from office after the American People voted in an election. Reporter 1600 miles away in new jersey, Nancy Lawrence a registered independent is sounding off about the man she once supported. I voted for trump because i wanted change. But i feel the change we got was a little bit of lying and cheating and i do believe he needs to be impeached. Reporter as voters weigh in nationwide new polling suggests americans are largely split over whether they approve are Nancy Pelosis impeachment inquiry. Though one night pbs released poll has limitations on representativeness. Gentleman still ahead the Trump Administration is under scrutiny for hiding the president s calls on a different server, but the u. S. State department is focusing on Hillary Clintons emails again. The strategy behind the unprecedented move next. s actu. What was that . Judy . Dcon. Mice love it to death. I had no idea that my grandfatherfe changing moment for me. Was a federal judge in guatemala. He was an advocate for the people. A voice for the voiceless. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com only marcos can deliver. Americas most loved pizza. Hot and fresh, and right to your door. Dough made from scratch, every day. Sauce from the original giammarco recipe. And authentic toppings like crispy, old world pepperoniâ„¢. Thats italian quality pizza. And it makes the moment. Primo. Every day at marcos, get two medium, onetopping pizzas for just 6. 99 each. Hello to the italian way. Hello primo. Man can i find an Investment Firm that has a truly longterm view . It begins by being privately owned. With more than 85 years of experience over multiple market cycles. With Portfolio Managers who are encouraged to do whats right over whats popular. Focused on helping me achieve my investors unique goals. Can i find an Investment Firm that gets long term the way i do . With capital group, i can. Talk to your advisor or consultant for investment risks and information. The Trump Administration is giving new life to the Hillary Clinton email probe. According to the Washington Post the state department is investigating 130 of her former aides who sent messages to her private email while clinton was u. S. Secretary of state. Good to see you. You broke this story. Three years ago the fbi concluded there was nothing to see here with clintons emails. Yet here we are with your reporting that these emails will be collected as part of this probe. So, is this out of the norm or is this customary . It depends on who you ask, right . State Department Officials are saying look this is a continuation of an internal review that was going on for a while. Its standard procedure. Nothing to see here. Were doing this on the up and up. But in this environment with a president uniquely focused, hashing out the issue of clinton, his 2016 rival and her emails and an environment this is still a political football still kicked around a lot of people are having suspicions that this is done for political purposes. The concerns are fueled furthermore by the fact it appears that there have been reclassifications of the materials that were looked over before considered to be not terribly concerning that have been brought back into the center of things where these diplomats have been reached out to, brought back in to account these materials that have been considered to contained classified information whereas they may not have been the focus of such scrutiny before. Who makes that determination of reclassification. Thats another question. Is this done at the order of people who are more political appointees or people who are tasked to do this as career officials who look over this thing that have legitimate reason to believe to call something classified that wasnt called classified before and defining that and figuring out who made that decision and who made the call for doing that is at the center of answering your question. If you are looking at these materials an saying people missed something before incorrectly okay thats a legitimate argument. If it appears to be across the board finding a reason to find fault because youre trying to please the political higher ups, thats not so much on the up and up. The article says this has nothing to do with who is in the white house. Then the next quote, this is about the time it took to go through millions of emails which is about three and a half years. Is that point of view being challenged at all within the u. S. State department . It appears that there are people that do not buy that point of view. And do not believe that its simply a matter of time that theres been this renewed scrutiny in recent weeks and months to these issues, to these cases and emails that seemed to have been cleared as part of that process. Thats a major piece why a lot of peoples feelers are going up internally and externally. If youre doing a routine examination you go through certain parts of you examination. Thats done you move through everything else. But there seems to be a revival of many things in recent weeks and thats a big part of what has people concerned. Additional pressure being put on. Not necessarily apolitically speaking. The questions are being raised why this is happening now and why this is happening to this particular body of investigative body where a lot of investigation has been done. Fascinating article. I encourage everyone to read this in the Washington Post. Good job. Thank you so much. Thanks for being with us. Still ahead, chaos as protesters and police clash in hong kong just days before the countrys 70th anniversary. Were on the scene next. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. 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Reporter here in Hong Kong Riot Police continue move to the front line through the heart of this city to the area where protests began on sunday. A very popular mall. Protesters decided to gather, despite the fact that their march was not authorized by police making any Public Assembly illegal here in hong kong and leading to a very Quick Police Response including the water canon right there that theyve been using to fire the blue dye. Lets get across the street as we follow scenes that have been playing out, familiar scenes yet very violent and disturbing for people in this city on this 17th consecutive weekend of protests and just two days before the anniversary, the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the peoples republic of china. Tuesday, october 1st is a day where Hong Kong Police said any demonstration killing. That hasnt stopped these protesters who have come out and promising to come out in larger numbers. These signs where they turned the chinese flag into the nazi emblem. They are saying these march are anticninazi. Thats the anger thats fueling this group of protesters. The radical protesters come out in smaller numbers but armed with petro bombs, hurling bricks at Police Officers and prepared for water canons and tear gas that come their way. Theres no end in sight here in hong kong. Im will relationshipley. Coming up, Congress Confirms what cnn has been reporting. The whistleblower can testify as early as this week. That testimony is dependent on the whistleblowers attorneys getting security clearance. Could the white house stonewall . Thats next. More towers. More coverage its a network that gives you freedom from big cities, to small towns, were with you. Because life can take you almost anywhere, tmobile is with you. No signal goes farther or is more reliable in keeping you connected. Makes my butt look good fancy but not too fancy no matter why you love your clothes, care for them with woolite. Woolite keeps clothing looking like new and cleans with just twelve ingredients versus the leading detergents twentyfour. Woolite. Less ingredients. More love. Thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, sports fans are seeing more away games. Various yeahhh isnt that a fire hazard . Uh, its actually just a fire. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Behr presents tough as walls. Thats some great paint. Thats some great paint. Behr ultra, ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction with interior paints. Great paint, new low price. Starting at 29. 98. Exclusively at the home depot. A recent study shows one out of seven americans use cbd. Likely thinking its safe because its the nonpsychoactive part of the plant. Thats not always the case. Tonight dr. Sanjay gupta looks at the Science Behind medical marijuana in a special cnn report. Heres a preview. Why did he do it . I didnt think there was any risk trying it. I never heard anybody having any negative effects from it. So i thought i had nothing to lose. I took two puffs off of it. Next thing i know, im feeling crazy. Not thinking straight. Not able to move. Within seconds jay appeared to have lost consciousness and started to have frightening hallucinations. His friend drove him to Lexington Medical Center where he started to have seizures. They said i scored a three on the scale. 15 is normal and three is brain dead, essentially. Yes, sir. Wow. Im joined now by the host of weed 5 dr. Sanjay gupta. Thanks so much. So most people, the conventional wisdom is cbd is fine, its safe. Why is it that someone can get in trouble if you vape it. This is an amazing story. Cbd is safe. Its the nonpsychoactive part of the plant. It can be a medicine. The problem is that what jay took was not cbd. But he thought it was. He thought it was. He bought it in a store. Paid for it with a credit card. Package said cbd. It had no cbd in it. It was a total synthetic and obviously you can hear how sick it made him and he almost died from this. Thats the problem. I think theres probably in some ways no greater issue with regard to cbd is that theres hardly any regulation. No requirement these products be proven as safe or even authentic. Someone buy as product that says cbd bud they have no assurances thats the case. One is first of all theres a lot of legitimate responsible folks in this industry who is make cbd sway process to get the purified cbd, make sure it doesnt have synthetics. There are legitimate players. Unfortunately they are lumped together with the dishonest ones at the same time. Theres a thing called certificate of analysis. In this case if you find a certificate of analysis, anybody who is selling you cbd should have this. Thats a label . Its a certificate that actually is telling you whats in the product. Tell you it is what it says it is and doesnt have these heavy metals or pesticides or things that might be dangerous. Its a thing you got to ask for. Thats the age in which we live. If youre thinking about buying cbd for whatever reason, going to one of the stores because its available every where nowadays the responsible ones will have a certificate of analysis. Independent lab verifies the product. Separately vape is another issue. Reportedly the number is like 13 deaths caused related to vaping. But then the Common Thread is of many who were vaping like that gentleman, with the cbd product, i mean are we just saying even if you got that certificate vaping cbd waste product might not be safe for you i think if you have the certificate of analysis, then that obviously gives you a lot more assurance that, in fact, it is a safer more authentic product. The issue with all these illnesses and deaths right now is probably these adult traded products, mostly. 80 seem to be from these adult products. That means 20 were not. Hundreds of people who maybe got sick despite having a nonadulterated product. They dont know why that is. Thats an active investigation trying to figure out whats going on. Is it something about those products. Is it something about the vaping of a product itself . They dont know. That investigation is ongoing. Fascinating. Well be watching the special. Always good to see you. Dont miss our new cnn special report weed 5 the cbd crazy tonight at 8 00 eastern and pacific only on cnn. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. Only marcos can deliver. Americas most loved pizza. Hot and fresh, and right to your door. 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