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This is the first time that hansa bin laden is dead if was a Counter Terrorism organization that took place in the afghanistan and pac stan region. This is not netly a u new or recent development. They had intelligence that lead them to believe that he had been killed. And they said in an appearance on position news, that he had been killed, but i want to read you part of the statement that the white house released this morning that seems to explain what the white house viewed. The loss of hamza bin laden was responsible for dealing and planning with various terrorist groups. He was labelled an emerging leader of al qaeda and offered a one Million Dollar reward for information that has lead to his capture. Documents collected from the compound seems to suggest that Osama Bin Laden was groops his s grooming his son to take over the group. And what gave them the certainty so circulate the statement from president trump. Let me also bring in brian brown nap it it was Counter Intelligence does not necessarily mean it was a military operation, but what are the ways it could have been taken out. If you look at the statement, it is fairly vague. They site the afghanistan and p p pakistan region. So it is possible that this was a cia operation. The pentagon not comments, and also what is interesting is were being told by defense officials they had this intelligence for some time. They have been pouring over intell tryi intei intel trying to assess if he was killed. That is unusual, usually they announce an obituary. There has been no announcement, they are trying to confirm that he was killed in this operation. Thank you, i appreciate it, lets me bring in ben weideman, what kind of reaction is coming . I will be honest with you, not much. Al qaeda is kind of a thing of the past, they have not carried out any significant operations for years and it is important to keep in mind that the reward for him was a Million Dollars. The current leader of al qaeda, the reward for him is 25 million. So i dare to suggest that the white house is making more of a deal out of this killing of hamza bin laden, he was 15th of 20 children. The third to be killed. He may not have been been as important as all of this attention warrants. Any idea what kind of role he may have had in the operation then . Were simply depending on what were being told by the white house, that he was involved in al qaeda planning and coordination with other terrorist organizations, but in terms of how al qaeda currently operates, you it in parts of west africa, you it in parts of syria, and theyre all working independently and separately if is no longer a Global Network of terrorist rs that s that we wer accustomed to 10 or 15 years ago. It is not really clear what role he played beyond what were being told by largely unnamed american officials. Thank you so much. Still ahead, democrats debate over health care in this country. Bernie sanders facing the real life consequences that some americans face with mounting medical debt. How are you going to pay off i cant, im going to kill myself no, stop, youre not going to kill yourself. How he handled that situation. And the bahamas bracing for a second major storm coming up. Back then, we checked our smartphones. Zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed but ocuvite has vital nutrients. That help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. Are we supposed to dance . Boy bands without dancing are just ok. Get a better than just ok unlimited plan with spotify premium included on americas best network. Only from at t more for your thing. Thats our thing. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. The nerves in your colon. Miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. And it doesnt cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. Miralax. Look for the pink cap. All right, the third democratic debate in houston laid bare the internal rift over the number one issue for democrats. Health care. That is what poll after poll shows including our latest poll finding that 89 consider the issue fairly or extremely important. Interestingly were still waiting on one top tier candidate to relace a plan of her own, elizabeth warren. And we mentioned a, Health Care Plan that shes thinking of. It is really interesting that she is a candidate that fashioned herself as a candidate with a plan. She has fully gotten behind the plan, and when asked about her fission for the Health Care System in america, and we saw this at the debate just this month, and one of the criticisms that she has gotten as a supporter is that it is not a realistic plan, and a question of will this plan raise taxes on the middle class. This is how she raised taxing. Will there be a tax hike . What matters is how people pay. Where we pass medicare for all, it will be the very richest in this country, the wealthy individuals and the corporations are going to pay more. But middle class families are going to pay less. So it seems pretty clear that she doesnt plan to answer that question with a yes or no, instead she wants to talk about the total cost. It is expected to be a big divide. Alex thompson is now with me, and it is good to see you. Alex, you first, you have been following warren. She is backing bernies medicare. What do u yo think that means about her view. It is an issue that she has struggled with. She would talk very generally about making sure that everyone is on the table. She would go for medicare far all and she was getting a lot of flak from the left. Bernie supporters saying she was not sufficiently committed to the issue. That was new when she went to the debate in june, it was the first time that i had ever heard it. It was a way of hugging bernie a little bit and making herself the bible progressive alternative and not giving her a clear way to attack her from the left. And now a few minutes later, some people are wondering are you going to give us a plan of your own or stick with bernie . We dont know the answer, but i expect her to still just continue to hug bernie on this issue. A voter challenged Bernie Sanders head on on his medicare for all plan in a very Emotional Exchange last night. Take a listen to this. Theyre saying that, you know, i need to resign or do something how are you going to do o off i cant. Im going to kill myself. Stop, youre not going to kill yourself. I have huntingtons, i cant drive, i can hardly take care of myself. You probably dont know how hard that it. Let me talk to you after the meeting. This underscoring how big of a concern it is, the cost of it, and theyre looking and the pressure is really on, isnt it . That is exactly right. According to a number of polls, health care is the number one issue that voters are thinking about as they prepare to vote in a primary and in next novembers election, and that theyre still having an internal struggle means that voters are going to be concerned about weather they have to give up their private insurance. Bernie could support the universal Health Care Plan, but she has to take some of the advantage of that plan. Bernie has been among them saying yes, they have to raise taxes, people will have to pay more. And that is huge in the minds of those who will be helping it get paid for into it means that she has to take some of that bagg e baggage, and when voters confront senator sanders over very personal issues, theyre bringing their own personal concerns about what his plan would do and what the other plans might to do and it is cost concerning for a large number of american thats are struggling to pay their bills, cover their st symptoms, and cover the lack of insurance that so Many Americans have. Gun control, too, is another issue that is really defining this 2020 race and the white house is seething on polarizing comments on beto orourke at the debate this week. Take a listen. Hell yes were going to take your ar15, your ak47, were not going to allow it to be used on fellow americans any more. Theyre talking about taxes, but gun control. Not just gun control, leading candidates talking about taking firearms away from law abiding citizens. The American People deserve to know this president , this Vice President , and these House Republicans will always stand for the Second Amendment right to keep and bare arms. So alex, how does the administration take that approach. Especially in light of, and on the heels, of a deadly mass shooting in place. They are really expanding. It used to just be that barack obama was asking for background checks and could not get it through. But also just they are not just talking about panning assault rifles, or not even doing a voluntary buy back, but a mandatory one where they have to give their assault rifles back to the government. So really what were seeing is the white house believes this is a winning issue for them. And were really outside of the normal bounds of the conversation. It will be baffling to find out how it really plays out. And beto orourke and his campaign are proud of that moment. Do you see that other Democratic Candidates will be coming out as, you know, forcefully as beto orourke did . As passionally as he did. They are changing significantly. There is a number of bans and polls and people that believe they are trying to rekindle some of the magic. And willing to sort of lead the charge and the fight and try to inspire enthusiasm among voters by going far on various issues. And i think you will see other candidates try to follow that path way. They may not go as far as he has, but they see there is energy in the party, especially in the left lane of the party, for strong action on gun control measures, and beto orourke is leading the charge on that. Yes, so, candidates are taking a stand in a variety of ways, but you have nascar no assau assault weapons which angered the nra. Is this a step with what is happening across the country. That there is great pressure for a big industry like nascar. To say this is where we stand on this. I think youre seeing two things with the rise of School Shootings in particular, there is a lot of of people on the left and i think more businesses are being pressured, over 100 businesses signed letters raising concerns about guns. Youre seeing a shift for the left assembling a coalition for the nra. Good to see you both, thank you. Thanks. Still ahead, it is not just the president ial race getting the focus of voters for 2020, democrats are trying to swing the senate back to blue. I will speak with john osoff next. More towers. More coverage its a network that gives you freedom from big cities, to small towns, were with you. Because life can take you almost anywhere, tmobile is with you. No signal goes farther or is more reliable in keeping you connected. [horn honks] man this is what i feel like when i wear regular shoes, cramped and uncomfortable. We can arrange a little upgrade. Which is why i wear skechers. Wide fit shoes. They have extra room throughout. 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So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. All right, as we watch the president ial battlefield take shape ahead of 2020, democrats are facing a uphill climb. Even if theyre able to win the keys to the white house their ambitious legislative plans will only be put into action if they have both. The house and the senate maintain the House Majority and flip the senate. For that to happen, the party will need to win states in key hard to win battleground states. That includes georgia and my next guest thinks he is the right candidate to help turn this state blue. He ran in 2017 for a congressional special election and while he didnt win it marked the most expensive house race ever. Good to see you. Good to see you. Youre doing it again, are you using that momentum from that congressional race or are you reshaping things to gain new momentum . We brought a huge grass roots moou movement. There is so much momentum in this state and for folks listening at home if ending Mitch Mcconnells reign as the majority leader in the u. S. Senate, if were restoring integrity to washington. Ending the daily outrage that we experience every day is your highest priority, you have to look at georgia. What are they telling you about what used to be a very stronghold red, nearly becoming purple, and in other congressional and senate races, what did that telling you about the direction that people want you to take if, indeed, you become senator. I think across the political spe spectrum there is outrage at the level of corruption. Most georgians believe everyone should have health care. They believe we should solve this environmental crisis. So the question is why arent these things getting done and people are drying out for clean government. Why arent they getting done . Perhaps seating a democratic with your position in se the last congressional race or even now potentially in the senate race . I think people recognize the solutions to our problems are not mysterious. We know how to solve the environmental crisis. We agree every american needs health care. It is corruption that is rooted deep in our political system that keeps the people is will have being expressed. 30 million spent on your last candidacy. I think between both sides it was more than 60. You have been able to maintain a pretty strong volunteer front. You said you had 13,000. What will you do to get the attention of voters . I will launch my campaign with the support of congressman lewis. Were going to every corner of this state. Informing people on their Voting Rights. How does it change for you . I feel a heavy obligation to live up to the values that he embodies, human rights, civil rights, basic decency, compassion, the dignity of every individual. My message for folks across the country. It doesnt have to be this way. We can still find unity, we can still find values that bring us together. Are you taking any particular cues while watching the race for the white house . Are you seeing anything, a candidates approach to issues whether it is health care, a top priority for jor januageorgians gun control is a top priority. Lets get very specific. It is best for treatable illness. We can extend a Public Health insurance program. Georgia has the highest mortality rate in the country. And let folks choose between that option and a private insurance option. On the issue of gun violence, here is the latest example. Beto orourke on the campaign trail. Getting a lot of attention, listen. I met the mother of a 15yearold girl shot by an ar 15, and that mother watched her bleed to death because so many other people were so the by that ar15 there was not enough balances to get to them in time, hell yes were going to take your ak47, your ar15, were not going toy allow them to be shooting fellow americans any more. Are you among those afraid that this is infringing on the Second Amendment rights . Lets take away the applicants and focus on the substance. Nine out of tent keep talking about background checks. Most americans agree that semi automatic weapons should require licenses. I think there is con ground and there are so many people who are hurting and afraid there is no need to antagonize marksman, hunters, people who are serious owners of firearms. The Vice President is saying theyre taking your guns away, that was the translation of and the reiteration of the Vice President. Mike pence has been bought and paid for by the National Rifle association for his whole career. Take every dollar you receive to the nra and give it to victims of gun violence. There is broad consensus on this issue. There is a clear public will. I know im repeating myself, and that is because the solutions are not mysterious. We agree on the issues. And you dont see any changes coming from this white house or a Senate Majority leader mitc e mcconnell at this juncture . Mitch mcconnell at at the root of all that is wrong with politics. Here in georgia we can remove mitch mechanic continue from power. If folks want to help me do that, it is elect jon dotcom. In the race for the u. S. Senate seat here in georgia. All right, well be right back after this. I wanna keep doing what i love, thats the retirement plan. With my annuity, i know there is a guarantee. Its for my family, its for my self, its for my future. Annuities can provide protected income for life. 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The islands are still trying to clean up the destruction left behind and right now the death toll from dorian stands at 50. Cnn meteorologist Alison Chinchar is joining me now. What can the bahamas to expect . Conditions will deteriorate in the next several hours as the storm continues to make its way across. Winds are sustained but the Stationary Movement is the bigger concern. The storm can finally begin to exit the area. It is expected to push off to the north and west before making a sharp turn to the north and east away from freeport and bermuda. The storm is expected to intensify. It is not out of the question that we could perhaps get upwards of a category two storm out of this. We expect those wind gusts. And the rain bans are very large. Were looking at mainly two to four inches of rain, but there will be some areas that could pick up in excess of six inches of rain total. Another area of guidance is this cluster of storms over the gulf of mexico. It is continuing towards texas in the next few days. The wind and the rain are really just continuing. All right, alison, thank you so much, were hoping for the best, of course. Still to come, Actress Felicity Huffman learned her fate after buying her daughters way into college, but some say it is not enough. More right after this. At verizon, were building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Thats why the nfl chose verizon. Because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. Imagine. Megared omega3 power for your whole body. Now with an antioxidant blend for great sleep, refreshed skin and less stress. One softgel. 7 benefits. New total body refresh. Power your day with megared. man hey. N banjo . Go home. woman banjo sorry, it wont happen again. 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She also said when she was driving her daughter to the testing center, she thought just turn around, and to my eternal shame, i didnt. She sa she said she takes full responsibility. Prosecutors wanted her to spend a month in prison. Her lawyers wanted probation for a year. In sentencing her to 14 days in prison, the judge saying sdpodee her taking responsibility, the outrage is not the harm to the colleges but a system already so distorted by money and privilege in the first place. In may she pleaded guilty to one count of fraud for paying 15,000 for rick singer who got her daughter extra time on a College Entrance exam and bribed the administrator at the location where she took it. In a three page letter, she said i talked myself into believing that all i was doing was giving my daughter a fair shot. Dubbed operation varsity blues. Dozens of wealthy, prominent coach coaches. His front Charity Worldwide foundation was to reportedly help disadvantaged kids abroad, but singer has confessed to taking tens of millions of dollars of helping kids of wealthy parents cheat and bribing coaches to designate substitutes as athletes paving the way for their students. Also caught up, Lori Laughlin whose two daughters were admitted to the school as competitive rowers even though they never participated in the sport. They paid singer half a Million Dollars and sent photos of both of their daughters on rowing machines to bolster their false claims. They have both pleaded not guilty to fraud and money laundering. Huffman has been ordered to report to prison on october 25th. Not clear where she will do that time. She asked for california, not sure where she will get it, she said you can rebuild your life from here on out paying your dues. Joining me now to discuss cnn legal analyst, good to see you, so was she given leniency in your view because of her admission, because of her impassioned plea, the laters from her puz and friend famil friends. They only asked for 30 days in prison, its not like she was gi given a small fraction, she plead guilt very early. The at of money involved was only 15 tlour,000. In the federal system that drives the sentence, the amount of money involved, it was fairly small. But certainly there is a lot of, i think a lot of discussion about december parties for other types of defendants and cases. Namely Lori Laughlin. Contrasting her situation where she paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and then pictures of her daughter were sent and her daughter is not the athlete that you know the applicant they pledged to be, do you think the judge is sending a message where there is a plate of not guilty . Yeah, there is no doubt she is engaged in a high risk strategy. If she cant, she will face a stiffer sentence. She should be prepared for years in prison if she is convicted. Oh, boy, thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right, his death at the he needs his dead sho death shocked the world. The president said that kim jong un was not responsible. So why are they getting together now and what is potentially next . We call it the mother standard of care. Its something we take personally, and believe in passionately. Its the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated . Thats exactly how we care for you. With answers and actions. To hear your concerns, quiet your fears, lift your spirits. With teams of cancer experts and specialists, delivering advanced Treatment Options and compassionate support every step of the way. All here in one place, with one purpose. To fight your cancer, together. Thats the mother standard of care. This is how we inspire hope. This is how we heal. 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Also, richard grinnell, someone that is being considered resportedly to replace National Security advisor john bolton. He was a real north korea hawk. So it is interesting that he will be having diner with the warmbiers and president trump. They have feared back, they have fiercely insisted that the kim regime is evil and responsible for their sons torture and death. They are still trying to collect from a 50 0 million lawsuit they won in u. S. Court. They are trying to seize assets to north korea. So they are trying to make their case. And when he came out in a vegetative state. Will riply, cnn hong kong. The son of Osama Bin Laden killed by a american antiterrorist operation. What were learning, straight ahead. Life, but ancestry showed me so much more than i could have imagined. 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