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This week he revoked brennans security clearance calling him a hack who cant be trusted to keep secrets. It prompts more than 70 intelligence officials, including top former cia directors, to come together with a statement warning the president the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts. Brennan himself firing back at the president , calling him power hungry. He is drunk on power. He really is. I think he is abusing the powers of that office. I think right now, this country is in a crisis in terms of what mr. Trump has done and is liable to do. Trump may not be stopping with brennan. He has ordered white house to draft more clearance cancellations of current and former officials, all of whom have been publically critical of the president or tied to the russia investigation in some way. Cnns Sarah Westwood is in new jersey where the president is this weekend. How else is the white house is the president responding . President trump is continuing to attack the former cia director whose security clearance he stripped earlier this week in an attempt to retaliate against brennan for his criticism of the white house. Trump going after brennans tenure at cia director, describing him as a political hack. There were times when both democrats and republicans did criticize brennan. But former Senior Intelligence officials, dozens of them are now banding together to defend brennan, arguing that President Trump has created a potentially dangerous precedent by stripping a former Government Official of his security clearance over political commentary that the president doesnt like. 60 excia officials came together to issue a strong warning to the president writing, all of us believe its critical to protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure. We believe equally strongly that former Government Officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as Critical National Security Issues without fear of being punished for doing so. The country will be weakened if theres a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views. All of these former Senior Intelligence officials are not necessarily saying they agree with how brennan has gone about attacking the president. But they certainly agree with brennans right to do so. President trump is considering stripping security clearances from nine additional individuals who are related to the russia investigation in various ways. Senator mark warp ner is warnin that he will take action if President Trump follows through with this plan. The Washington Post is reporting that the papers have been drawn up to strip the security clearances from those nine officials. White house aitd aides are wai for a time when it might be convenient to roll out the revocations of the clearances, perhaps to distract from future negative headlines. Sarah westwood, thanks so much. Lets talk more about this. With me is bob baer, a cnn security analyst and juliette kiam. Good to see you both. We saw this powerful statement from dozens of former cia officials condemning the president s decision to revoke brennans security clearance. Bob, as a former cia case officer, how is this move likely playing with current rank and file members within the cia . Not well. I looked at those 60 names. There are a lot of very good officers, nonpartisan. They are offended by this. Its intimidation by the president to shut them up. Frankly, pulling brennans clearance, theres no justification for it. Everybody in the cia knows why you get one pulled. Its unauthorized disclosure, contact with foreign governments, statements that have been made on television that betray secrets. Brennan did none of that. This was political retaliation. I think the president is scared of brennan because of what brennan knows about the russian investigation. He trying to shut this thing down, period. Juliette, brennan described this pulling of security clearance, you know, as an egregious act. He described the president as being drunk on power. In your view, how perilous does this make this situation for the Intelligence Community, that the president would do this . And threaten to do it more. Senior leaders, you might have thought, this is really bad. This pushback that you are seeing from people like bill gates, who dont get into the political scrum, as well as the former agents, i think suggests that the president sort of did something without thinking through the consequences, which we have seen before. I have to say, you cant look at what the president did to john brennan outside the context of the omarosa tapes. In other words, the press release that was sent out about brennan was dated a month ago. This is being used to distract from a lot of bad media about the white house. The fact that Sarah Sanders and others are the ones in charge of this, as we now know in terms of the reporting, in terms of when they will release future security clearance withholdings, suggests this is all political. I think the Intelligence Community will survive this. But i think it shows how desperate donald trump, Sarah Sanders and others are right now in terms of what the narrative means for the white house. Bob, the flip side to that, did brennan at any juncture in your view cross the line . Did he go too far, whether it be talking about russian collusion or otherwise, knowing he would still be used as a consultant with the Intelligence Community . Well, i think its what john brennan knows. A lot of the intelligence were seeing thats appeared in the press is just the tip of the icebe iceberg. He knows a lot more. Theres a lot more from the National Security agency that would back this stuff up. Thats what scares the president. Is that where he potentially went too far, revealed too much given he does know but there would be classified information that he would be entrusted with to not share publically . You know, he said that the collusion charges are probably will stand. He said its hogwash there is no collusion. Thats the closest he came. He didnt cross any lines of disclosure on secrets. I watched his statements very carefully. He said nothing that i would consider is a secret. Let me add one thing. Going after bruce ohr is totally egregious. Thats a warning to justice that if you come after me, im going to pull your security clearances. They are ready to destroy bruce ohrs career and he said nothing at all. Thats intimidation of the department of justice. I think thats worse than brennan. The president went very far, certainly making it political with ohr by bringing in his wife, who worked for fusion gps and the president was very sharp in his criticism to both of them. Lets take a listen to the president , to the white house, while they have had contradictory reasons as to why they did revoke brennans clearance. Look, i say it, i say it again, that whole situation is a rigged witch hunt. Its a totally rigged deal. Any benefits that senior officials might glean from consultations with mr. Brennan are now outweighed by the risk posed by list erratic conduct and behavior. We have the sound bite of the president of the ohrs and why they are on the wrong side of things. I think bruce ohr is a disgrace. I suspect i will take it away very quickly. I think that bruce ohr is a disgrace with his wife nellie. For him to be in the Justice Department and doing what he did, thats a disgrace. Thats disqualifying for mueller. Thats the president s sentiment that they are on the wrong side of things. How much did the president reveal in all of that to you . Theres not evidence that bruce ohr gave his wife any classified information, any advice. Theres no email, nothing. A lot of officials in washington have spouses who work in jobs that may be a conflict of interest. The government looks into that. Security officers look into it. They find out if theres any sort of passing of information. Theres been no accusations against bruce ohr. In fact, he didnt work on the investigation at all. Going after this man is a pure vindictive act. I dont see it any other way. The rank and file of the department of justice feel the same way. Juliette, does the president reveal in any way from all that he said overreach . Absolutely. Were searching for a reason for what he did. He is telling us, he doesnt like brennan. He said it in a tweet today. He is going back to brennans tenure at the cia as if thats a justification for rescinding the security clearance. They have said sometimes i think its hard for us to take what they say literally, because you cant believe they are actually saying it. They have said that they dont like what brennan has been saying about the president publically. Period. Theres no National Security need. Theres no classified theres no evidence of classified evidence disclosure. Brennan was on the far side of these formers in the sense that he was much more aggressive, his language could be jawdropping. I admit that. I knew brennan. To see that language from him was, i think, surprising. I think reflected more what he believed to be the importance of calling out what was going on with this administration. It reflected John Brennans change in terms of what was going on. I think going after ohr and his wife we saw this with mccabe as well. Donald trump sees wives as appendages of what their husbands are doing. He went after mccabes wife because she had run for office once. As bob was saying, my husband had been in the classified world as well. You learn immediately that pillow talk is the thing that you do not do. Theres lots of couples out there that do not disclose what they are working on. Its just a reach by trump at this stage to denigrate a man because his wife has a successful career. We have seen it before. We will live it there for now. Thanks to both of you, appreciate it. Still ahead, an alarming report from the pentagon claiming china is likely training pilots to strike u. S. Targets. That same report detailing the countrys efforts to upgrade its military might, even in space. Whats the message behind these power moves . A horrifying discovery in colorado. The bodies of a pregnant woman and her two daughters found days after they disappeared from this home. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. Talk to your rheumatologist. Right here. Right now. Humira. Welcome back. New details about the ho heartbreaking deaths of a pregnant mother and her two young daughters. Some may have been strangled. The bodies of the 4 and 3yearold were found in an oil well. Their father has been arrested but not formally charged in the death of his wife and the two daughters. The family shared their life on social media and they appeared smiling and laughing. The girls gushing over their dad. My daddy is a hero he helps me grow up strong we are following the investigation. Its heartbreaking. What is the latest . Authorities have shared few details to this point in the investigation. New Court Filings from last night by chris watts team suggest strangulation could have been the death for some of the victims. They request the court allow dna samples be taken from the neck and hands of the two girls. They are requesting dna samples from the hands and under the fingernails of the wife. The defense not giving any indication as to why they would make this request. Its unclear if it will be allowed or if that was done in the course of the autopsy. That autopsy complete. Authorities not sharing many details. They have not released the cause of death at this point. What about a motive . People have been looking at these videos posted on facebook, pictures of the family that seemed so happy, would speak glowingly, particularly of the dad, the husband. There are so many unanswered questions. Undoubtedly, why is the biggest one, the most difficult one to answer. Authorities sharing very Little Information to this point. One of those reasons is because the judge has sealed the arrest affidavit. That document could shine more light on a possible motive. We dont expect that to be unsealed until we see chris watts in court, which will happen tuesday. I just want to show you this scene behind me quickly. Last night, a vigil where this Community Came together to mourn the loss of life and also to support one another. As you see this show of support for this family, the tragic irony among many points of that is that today was supposed to be a celebration of life for this family. Today, a gender reveal party was planned 15 weeks pregnant at the time of her death. Thanks so much. Still ahead, shocking claims of chinas efforts to assert its military dominance. A new pentagon report says the country is training to strike u. S. Targets and is working to develop its nuclear capabilities. Is the country vying to replace the u. S. As a world superpower . Realign yourself with align probiotic. And try new align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. Sharper vision, without limits. Days that go from sun up to sun down. A whole world in all its beauty. 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The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Alarm belling are ringing over military moves in china. A new report from the pentagon warning china is developing its fleet of longrange bombers and is training its pilots to strike the u. S. And its allies. Barbara starr has more. Reporter china is aiming to boost its Nuclear Weapons capabilities through its longrange bombers. The Chinese Military likely training for strikes against u. S. And allied targets according to the latest pentagon report. One of the cias leading experts on china says china is trying to send a message. The chinese do not want conflict, war. At the end of the day, they want every country around the world, when it is deciding its interests, its decisions on policy issues, to side with china, not the United States. Reporter chinas goal . The chinese fundamentally seek to replace the United States as the leading power in the world. Reporter the president making clear Chinese Military power is to be reckoned with. The chinese have some military advantages. Mike pence revealing a u. S. Military shortfall. Hypersonic missiles designed to fly five miles per second. They could evade detection by our Missile Defense radar. In fact, china claimed to have made its First Successful test of a hypersonic vehicle. Reporter the key chinese advance. China launched a missile that tracked and destroyed one of its own sal ligtellitsatellites. Reporter it is here in the South China Sea in a wellknown feud that the u. S. Finds itself facing off against china. Manmade islands now with air strips and radar towers, islands capable of housing troops and weapons. It was clear when cnns ivan watson joined a u. S. Navy patrol aircraft that Chinese Forces warned the americans were not welcome. The u. S. Crew responded with a carefully crafted message. Thanks to to barbara starr. Help us through this report. The pentagon saying chinas air force has been, quote, reassigned a nuclear mission. It is likely training its pilots for missions against the u. S. Whats your interpretation of that . Well, we should not be surprised. Chinas military power has been growing dramatically over the years, because china wants a Strong Military capability. Combined with its economic power, combined with the size of the country to project power certainly in asia and maybe even other parts of the world. This should not be a surprise. China responded to this report saying the u. S. Report ignores the facts and that the u. S. Should abandon its, quote, cold war mentality. What do you make of that statement . This is typical chinese rhetoric. When i was ambassador, i constantly reminded the chinese its growing at such a rapid rate, population, four type times of the u. S. They had an obligation to tell us what their intentions are with respect to the world and show us what their intentions are. Their action in the South China Sea is not good. The actions with the 2025 program is not good. We have got a huge challenge ahead of us. The answer, i think, is very simple at least in concept. That is to engage china. 80 of life is showing up. We must be involved much more diplomatically, economically as well as militarily. Our military budget increases. But we have to be in asia economically with something called the Transpacific Partnership which we should try to put back together again. Then china will not be able to bully us. President trump tweeting this morning, all the fools that are so focused on looking only at russia should start also looking in another direction, china. Do you think he is referring to something other than this latest report . Frankly, russia is of great concern. China should be of an even greater concern. China is so much larger. Their vision is so longterm. There will be other chinese leaders with the same vision, close to the same vision at xi. China feels that their rightful place in history has to be restored after thousands of y r years. Russia is only strong now i think because of putin. When putin leaves, russia will not be the force it is today. Which xi leaves, china will still be there. Mr. Ambassador, thanks so much for your time. You bet. Next, an advocate of human rights across the globe has died. Now many world leaders, including u. S. President s are remembering the life of former u. N. Secretarygeneral kofi annan. Looks great, honey. Right . Sometimes you need an expert. I got it. And sometimes those experts need experts. On it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed Needs Insurance expertise. Its all good. Steve, youre covered for general liability. And, paul, we got your back with workers comp. Wow, its like a party in here. Where are the hors doeuvres, right . [ clanking ] tartlets . We cover commercial vehicles, too. I think theres something wrong with your sink. We cover commercial vehicles, too. The first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. Tributes and condolences are pouring in following the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner kofi annan. His foundation says he died after a short illness. His wife and children were by his side in his final days. He is being remembered as a man of courage, a friend of thousands and a leader for millions. Richard roth looks back at annans life and legacy. I kofi annan i kofi annan. Reporter he was the seventh secretarygeneral in u. N. History. This is my first day. Its like first day in school. Reporter he received quite an education serving ten years at the helm of the u. N. There were personal highs and lows. From winning the Nobel Peace Prize to failing his fight to stop the u. S. Invasion of iraq. Born in ghana his schooling included the big chill of minnesota. He spent most of his adult life with the u. N. Now we go to work. Reporter the man who many called kofi rose to the top. Staffers recalled his ability to lead and inspire. He did manage to avoid potential careerending moments while serving in the department of peacekeeping. In 1994, the u. N. Security council and others including annan were accused by the u. N. Field commander of ignoring warnings in rwanda. The world was reluctant to send troops in. I believed at that time that i was doing my best. But i realized after the genocide that there was more that i could and should have done. Reporter the next year thousands of muslims were massacred as Bosnian Serbs overran a safe zone. The secretarygeneral at the time would take the heat. Madeleine albright would block him. I didnt have any such dreams. It had never happened that somebody from the system was elected secretarygeneral. Reporter his first term was highly rated. He championed human rights. It was annan whose charm and style elevated him to International Rock star status. The man and the organization accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, months after 9 11. We have entered the Third Millennium through a gate of fire. Reporter it would not be a smooth second term. Friends reported he appeared depressed and distant, unable to stop the u. S. Invasion of iraq. The called the assault illegal. I think the worst moment, of course, was the iraq war which as an organization we couldnt stop. I really did everything i can to try to see if we can stop it. Reporter a personal nightmare when a suicide truck bomb killed a u. N. Iraq envoy and many others sent by annan. You can imagine shock with the brutal death of my friends and colleagues happened. Reporter iraq brought more bad news. The socalled oil for food u. N. Agreement with iraq led to corruption. A report later cleared annan, but his son was linked to the scandal. The reserved annan erupted when a reporter pressed him about a mysterious mercedes tied to his son. You have been acting like a school boy in this room. You are an embarrassment. Reporter warmer when he drew a standing ovation. He never stopped working for the goals of the global organization. A life and career fuelled by tragedies and triumphs. Richard roth, thank you. Barack obama released a statement saying kofi annan was a diplomat and humanitarian who embodied the mission of the u. N. Like few others. His integrity, persistence, optimism and sense of our common humanity always informed his outreach to the community of nations, long after he had broken barriers, he never stopped his pursuit of a better world and made time to motivate and inspire the next generation of leaders. Michelle and i offer our condolences to hir familis fami many loved ones. George w. Bush releasing a statement saying laura and i send our sympathies to the annan family. He was a tireless leader of the u. N. His voice of experience will be missed around the world. Nikki haley releasing this statement saying, kofi annan devoted his life to making the world a more Peaceful Place through his compassion and dedication to service. He worked tirelessly to unite us and never stopped fighting for the dignity of every person. We join the entire u. N. And Diplomatic Community in celebrating his life and lifting the annan family up in love and prayers. Next, Paul Manaforts legal team now finding renewed confidence as the jury heads into a third day of deliberations monday. The president publically weighing in on the trial. We will discuss next. vo this is not a video game. This is not a screensaver. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers biggest sale of the year. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the new sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 24month financing on all beds. Only for a limited time. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. 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Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Jurors in the Paul Manafort trial will begin a third day of deliberations monday morning. He is charged with 18 counts of tax evasion, bank fraud and hiding foreign bank accounts. Jurors have asked the judge four questions, including a request to define reasonable doubt. Manaforts attorney is suggesting longer deliberations favor his client. Happy to continue deliberating on monday. Were happy to see theyre doing so. Everyone, have a great weekend. Does a long deliberation work in your favor . I think it does. With me now is shan wu, a former federal prosecutor and the former lawyer for rick gates and lynn sweet, the Washington Bureau chief for the chicago sun times. In your view, shan, do prolonged deliberations in a case like manaforts, does that say that its favorable to the defense . Its always a little bit of speculation. In this case, i would disagree. I was concerned for the prosecution when that note came out so fast asking about reasonable doubt. Now the jury seems to have settled down. They are deliberating. As a prosecutor, i liked that. I like the jury taking its time, working through the case. I dont personally think that a longer deliberation is good news for the defense. Does it speak to perhaps how complicated this case might be . We are talking about 18 counts. And involving details that perhaps most laymen are not familiar with. It does. I think actually the jury was very impressive. Their first questions out of the box were extremely focused and went right to the heart of one of the harder issues about the Disclosure Requirements and Registration Requirements for the foreign bank accounts. One possibility is that sometimes a jury wants to get the low hanging fruit out of the way. If they had questions about that, they want to know about the law and reasonable doubt so they can analyze the rest of the evidence. That seems to be what they are settling down to do now. Then lynn, the president weighed in yesterday. Listen to what he said. I dont talk about that now. I dont talk about that now. I think the whole manafort trial is very sad. When you look at whats going on there, i think its a very sad day for our country. He worked for me for a very short period of time. You know what . He happens to be a very good person. I think its very sad what they have done to Paul Manafort. Two things there, lynn. Number one, very unusual for a president , a sitting president to be commenting on an ongoing case, no less the jury and deliberation. Number two, does the president s sentiment give a window into his allegiance to Paul Manafort . I will take the second one first, which is, yes, and he is signaling he would be open to some kind of clemency. But it doesnt matter for the jury, of course, because theyre not supposed to be watching any of it. Of course, President Trump says, im not going to comment and then he goes on to give maybe or four interesting points about the case. Can i just throw in one thing . I did cover the tail end of the manafort case. Here is why i would read absolutely nothing in terms of the tea leaves into this question. The judge gave the jurors 90 minutes of instructions on this case of which beyond a reasonable doubt was a portion of it. They dont have a written record of the instructions. So, of course they would maybe need a refresher. I dont know why they just didnt get the written instructions that the judge gave them. But that is another reason why no one should be surprised if they have questions, because they dont have the jury instructions written down for them. And they were sent a lot of exhibits that they will be looking at for the first time. Then, how do you digest the fact that the sitting president is president is involved in a case like this, an extension of the president s campaign . I dont think thats ever happened before. From a legal standpoint, does it rise to obstruction, what the president said, probably not. Certainly very questionable he would insert his views into it. I would say for kevin downing, the defense attorney, this is a moment that enshrines him in the defense counsel hall of fame. The president supports my client on trial. So its really amazing. Theres some questions about should he have done that. I say, you know, he cant look a gift horse in the mouth. Judge ellis chose not to impose a gag order. So i think, you know, hes free to comment. Okay. Robert muellers team, you know, wants george papadopoulos, hes a former adviser to trumps 2016 campaign, to spend six months in jail, saying he impeded the investigation when he lied to them about his contact with the professor in london. Is the judge likely to impose a sentence like that or is this just a warning shot . I think hes likely to follow that recommendation. Frankly, its still quite a sweetheart deal for papadopoulos. Even though he may have hoped not to have any jail time whatsoever. I think the judge will probably follow that recommendation. Lynn, final word . Actually, what is so interesting in the government sentencing memo is how they go through how they went in and george papadopoulos, who lives in chicago with his wife, how he went in on the first interviews without a lawyer. Whats also interesting is his wife had taken to tv shows in a plea either for clemency or go fund me for their legal costs and the lawyers even went to the trouble of slapping her down a bit and saying she said something that wasnt right, so, you know, i do agree, the range is 0 to 6 months imprisonment. Even though they, the prosecutors did mention that range is there, the judge has discretion. Real quick before i let you go, why wouldnt a case like manaforts why wouldnt the jury be sequestered, given this is so highly publicized and theres so much at stake . Probably judge ellis felt that was too great an imposition on the jury. Judges are very sensitive to the strain and interference in the jurors lives. Theres also some feeling when you sequester a jury, it places even greater pressure on them. But hes bog to be secondguessed on this one. All right. Hopefully theyre following all those instructions, right . Not watching reports. Because thats usually what comes with an instruction over the weekend when you get to go home and then deliberate again on monday. No reading of any material about the case. Et cetera. Well see. All right, shan wu, lynn sweet, appreciate it. Next, a Health Crisis for an increasing number of pregnant women. Opoid addiction. A Controversial Program that helps women wean off opioids during pregnancy could actually cause them to more easily overdose, but how . Dr. Sanjay gupta explains straight ahead. R you thing. 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Or do something about it. Garlique® helps maintain healthy cholesterol naturally. And its odor free. And pharmacist recommended. Garlique. ® a growing crisis in the u. S. According to a new cdc report. More than 72,000 americans died from drug overdo hses last year. Most of those deaths were opoid related. Another cdc report finds the number of addicted pregnant women is soaring. Cnn chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta has that. I have been addicted to opiates since i was 17. My grandmother gave me my first percocet. I had a headache, and she told me that would help. Reporter if there was a last refuge of people inslated from the opioid epidemic, it was pregnant women. But even they are no longer immune. For them, the risk of opioid addiction has quadrupled. What do you think when you hear that . I believe it because i did that. Reporter rachel solomon grew up here in eastern tennessee, a part of the country hard hit by the opoid epidemic. Two years ago she had a miscarriage. The doctors say due to her opioid addiction. When rachel found out she was pregnant again, she was terrified. How worried were you about the baby . I was very worried, but i just thought that my body was not going to be able to carry it. Reporter its hard to overstate the risks of being pregnant while addicted to opioids. Miscarriage, stillbirth, and the possibility a baby would essentially be born into a crisis of withdrawal known as neonatal abstinence syndrome, nas. This is tough to watch. The uncontrollable crying, unstoppable tremors. And this distinctive scream. Theyre essentially coming off of opioids i guess like an adult would, except these are babies that have just been born. Thats correct. Were going to see how big the baby is reporter for dr. Craig towers, this was not acceptable. He decided to challenge the status quo. Conventional wisdom has been if someone has a use disorder during pregnancy, dont try and detox, wait until after theyve delivered the baby. The thought was that would be safest, is that right . Thats correct. Our two systemic reviews now have shown that thats not the case. Reporter dr. Towers says he has now detoxed more than 600 women from opioids while they were pregnant. Not a single baby has died. What was it that made you convinced that maybe you could get through this time . He asked me just to trust him. And nobodys ever done that with me. You know, theyve never cared like that. Reporter its the same compassion Michaela Howard felt when she detoxed during pregnancy. It wasnt easy, but look at how it turned out. How is j. C. Doing . Shes good. Shes a happy baby. Reporter this is her beautiful baby girl, now 3 months old. She was born with no withdrawal symptoms and didnt go to the nicu. Reporter youre pretty proud i imagine that shes doing so well . Im very happy about that. Were almost there. Doing good. Reporter now weeks away from her due date, rachel is hoping for the same miracle as michaela. You got names picked out . Brantly. Reporter whats it like to look at brantly . Its amazing. Its amazing. Thanks so much, dr. Gupta and all the best to them. Weve got so much more straight ahead. It all starts right now. All right, hello again, everyone, thank you for joining me this saturday. Im fredricka whitfield. We begin with fresh attacks

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