Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180728 15:00:00

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The latest news from around the world with host Fredricka Whitfield. Devastation. House after house after house in this neighborhood unable to survive. Lets give you a sense of what it was like when the fire roared through here. Flames swirling in high winds and hot temperatures, Wreaking Havoc on the Northern California landscape. The aptally named car fire which was first sparked by a vehicle ravaged the reason since monday, doubling in size over the course of the week and is still growing, deadly, out of control. Charred dozens of acres and structures as firefighters try to contain it. Neighborhoods scorched as smoke and fire climbed through hills, fueled by dried landscape. No idea what were going to do tomorrow. Hell, we dont know what were going to do tonight. Reporter this man and his wife never imagined they would see their house like this. We didnt think the fire was going to come here, so we didnt really take things out. Like Everybody Else that was scrambling at the last minute to they continue to work very hard. This is a constant in and out battle. Very have been having to do it since the day got started. Talk to me about how this is a constant battle just when something bigger is depressed, then a smaller fire pops up. What are your team members up against . As you said before, the triple digit temperatures, low humidity, topography, and the fuel type theyre dealing with, especially throughout california. The vegetation is so dry, it is so receptive to fire. These fires all produce spot fires out ahead of the main body by ember cast. When they touch, they start another fire. Those fires grow, drawing the main body that the fire hit to them, causing those fires to increase in speed dramatically. Last night over the course of the night, due to better mapping, the size of the car fire is over 80,000 acres. Oh my goodness. There have been evacuations but talk to me about the ongoing threat, the ongoing plans to put people on stand by or to evacuate new areas. The fire pretty much dictates the direction were going in. This case right now, by that i mean the direction of the fire in relation to evacuations. The other night the fire, one of the first nights of the fire was 6700 acres. Next morning was 20,000. 28,000 that afternoon. Following morning, 44,000. And this morning, looking at the stats, 80,906 acres. It just explodes and makes those runs like it did last night. The firefighters continue to arrive, more resources continue to arrive. National guard is engaged and they will be more so engaged as the days continue. Were pulling in a lot of resources, including air. All right. All the best, cal fire deputy chief scott mclean, thank you so much. Intense heat is making a tough job nearly impossible for many firefighters on the ground. Some captured what looks like a firenado, Whipping Flames into a frenzy. Lets bring in meteorologist allison chinchar. Explain how this happens. How it works, the fires are incredibly hot. It is taking that air, heat rises, we know this. As heat and hot air goes up, new air has to come into replace it. As it does, you get that swirling effect. Thats why it looks like a rotating tornado would. Heres the problem. It acts very similar to a or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or Liver Problems. Learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. 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The president and his team are adding yet another denial to the running list, arguing that then candidate trump had no knowledge of the infamous 2016 trump tower meeting where russians are expected to offer the Trump Campaign dirt on hillary clinton. This latest denial coming after trumps long time lawyer and friend Michael Cohen claims Trump Nguyknew in advance about meeting. The sources say he is willing to make that assertion to special counsel robert mueller. Cnn White House Reporter Sarah Westwood joins us from new jersey, near the Bedminster Golf Club where he is spending the weekend. How is the white house handling this today . Reporter fred, President Trump is settling in for a weekend here in bedminster with Unanswered Questions still surrounding the 2016 Trump Tower Meeting involving his son, donald trump jr. And a russian lawyer. Leaving the white house yesterday, President Trump refused to answer questions about claims from Koenmichael C as former attorney. He said he had knowledge of the meeting, something trump and his legal team continue to deny. Rudy guiliani is going after Michael Cohen, attacking his credibility in the wake of cnn reporting what cohen is prepared to testify. Look at how dramatically Rudy Guilianis tone shifted when it comes to trumps former fixer. He doesnt have any incriminating evidence about the president or himself. The man is an honest, honorable lawyer. I expected Something Like this from cohen, lying all week, been lying for years. Reporter trump is also wading into the controversy on twitter, denying his son gave him a heads up on the meeting and suggesting cohen is lying to extricate himself from legal trouble. This is a remarkable shift in tone for trump who earlier this year was vocal in his defense of cohen, confident in cohens loyalty. This is all coming against the backdrop of an otherwise successful week for President Trump. He was able to tout robust Economic Growth numbers friday. Earlier in the week had a break through in trade talks with the european union. The Russian Investigation and Michael Cohens cooperation with investigators is continuing to distract from his economic message, fred. All right. Keep us posted, sarah, thanks so much. How did we get here. Lets go back to the week this all happened in june of 2016. Here are the facts. We know the publicist, Rob Goldstone emailed donald trump jr. To offer incriminating information on hillary clinton. A few days later, then candidate trump offered up this message just two days before the Trump Tower Meeting. I am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week, and were going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the clintons. I think youre going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. All right. So that planned speech set for that monday would fall right after the scheduled Trump Tower Meeting, but the speech never happened. Team trump has changed their narrative on the meeting multiple times. First they said the meeting was just about adoptions, and President Trump dictated the initial misleading response to the story, saying the meeting was just on adoption. Then emails between donald trump jr. And Rob Goldstone show dirt on clinton was offered, and trump jr. Responded i love it. Then later team trump argued the meeting doesnt matter because no information actually came from it. The big question. How much did donald trump know and when did he know it. Team trump denied time and time again that donald trump knew anything. When did the president learn that meeting had taken place . I believe in the last couple of days is my understanding. One key point is this is not a situation where the president was involved in this meeting, was not aware of the meeting, did not attend this meeting. He didnt know about this meeting until a few days ago . Yes, thats correct. Did you tell your father anything about this . It was such a nothing. There was nothing to tell. I mean, i wouldnt have even remembered it until you start scouring through stuff. It was a wasted 20 minutes which was a shame. Did you know at the time they had a meeting . I didnt know anything about the meeting. It must have been an unimportant meeting, i never heard that. No one told you a word, nothing. No, i didnt know that. It sounded like a very unimportant meeting. Joining me now, Cnn National Security analyst and cnn political commentator david swerdlick. David, you heard the initial denials but how much potential legal trouble would the trump team be in if cohens claims are true that donald trump, then candidate, did know about the meeting before it happened. Good morning, fred. So theres political trouble and legal trouble. Legally Michael Cohen has not been indicted of any crime yet even though he is being investigated, and President Trump is not the subject that we know of criminal charges or investigation. At a minimum, if what Michael Cohen is reportedly saying is true, that means the entire white house narrative that President Trump knew nothing in advance about that Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting with Jared Kushner and paul manafort, that would change everything they were saying for months now, whether that would ultimately lead to criminal charges remains to be seen, but it would totally discredit the white houses posture on this throughout the special counsel investigators investigation. Mark, despite it has been revealed that Michael Cohen would record conversations, sources tell cnn that cohen does not have Audio Recordings to corroborate this claim that trump knew. So how would bob mueller verify this, is it a Matter Of Who Else was in the room . Michael cohen sharing that information and then the interviews would then take place . Sure. The big question now is how does cohen know this, and why has the story changed, did he tell congressional investigators or not, and would mueller have other means to establish this information. Presumably he does. He would have call records and interviews with other witnesses. The significance is potentially enormous. The big question after all denials and changing stories is of course did President Trump know about the meeting. There was a blocked call from don jr. To a number we dont know who he called, so if cohens information is accurate, then it would be significant. And david, cohen has represented trump for years. They certainly came across publicly as being very tight, even cohen saying he would take a bullet for trump. Now the president s attorney, rudy guiliani, is calling cohenna liar, a cohen a liar. What is going on. How much does this reveal about how nervous donald trump is or people around him might be. So that seems to be the strategy from mayor guiliani and others to discredit cohen. We dont know what he said or reportedly said is true. Just like cohens credibility will be investigated, so will the credibility ultimately of the president and some of his spokespeople be challenged or called into question. Mayor guiliani, you played a clip of him saying months ago he thought cohen was an honest, trustworthy individual. Now shifting to cohen has been lying for days, years, you played that clip with sean hannity and trump jr. Where he said no quickly and didnt emphasize the denial, but said there was nothing to tell from this meeting, focusing on that, rather than the fact of whether or not President Trump or then candidate donald trump knew about the meeting. So credibility will be an issue. Of course, cohen may have other information that can corroborate this, ultimately it will be about believeability of the people involved. Even if nothing came from the meeting, don trump jr. Calling it a Nothing Burger, is that secondary to the real intent being enticed with theres dirt and then responding with i love it. Heres the significance of this meeting. For all of the statements time and time again, there was no collusion between russia and the campaign, setting aside whether theres a crime inclusion, t in collusion, the senior members wanted to collude, they wanted to get this damaging information from people they were told represented the russian government. So whether it was Nothing Burger or not, whether it was disappointing, the fact is they clearly were interested in information that was offered. And the Trump Administration, the president namely is clearly annoyed at the ongoing questions about all of this, his relationship with Michael Cohen, if this was betrayal. And on the day the president tweeted out saying it would be a betrayal for an attorney to be recording anything, then we know now the president found a way to lash out at journalists asking the questions, right . So david, we know people that work with the president have said he has been looking for a way in which to punish journalists who are annoying and Kaitlin Collins was a Pool Reporter this week asking these questions which were really precipitated by some of the thoughts the president had already shared earlier via tweet. Take a listen. Did Michael Cohen betray you, mr. President . Thank you, everybody. Mr. President , did Michael Cohen betray you . Thank you, everybody. Mr. President , are you worried about what Michael Cohen is going to say to prosecutors . Thank you, kaitlin. Lets keep going. Are you worried about whats on the other tapes, mr. President . Keep going. Thank you, everybody. Why has Vladimir Putin not accepted your invitation . As a Pool Reporter, shes persistent as is required and expected of any Pool Reporter, david, but who, if anyone, can really step in here to help make sure that that kind of freedom of asking of questions by a White House Press corp can carry on . Sure. As you say, fred, our colleague Kaitlin Collins was doing her job as a reporter, trying to get answers to important questions in an opportunity with the president of the United States. For viewers, it is worth reminding she was there as a Pool Reporter, as a representative of all the broadcast networks. Theres also print Pool Reporters there at the same time, and shes doing there what reporters do, asking tough questions. To your question, fred, about whether or not theres someone that can make sure the president and white house respect the First Amendment and freedom of the press, the answer ultimately i have to say is the voters and at least until we get to an election congress. But there has to be a trust between the press corp and white house communication shop, and President Trump i think has to understand better than he has in the past that unlike his past career as a businessman and tv figure, the media is not there to do tough stories about him. He is the peoples representative and the press on behalf of the people ask those tough questions. Mark, you know, the press is an extension of the american people, having the access to ask the question, to demand transparency from the leader of this country, the leader of the free world, but is it your feeling this is just the beginning . Kaitlin collins was told by the white house not to be in attendance for the rose garden question and answer period later. Is it your feeling this is just the beginning of the white house making more concerted efforts to ban certain correspondents access . It could be part of a new strategy. It isnt the first time. In the first months of the administration there was a concerted effort to kick some news organizations, including new york times, out of a press briefing with sean spicer. We have seen instances of this. Of course, the whole backdrop of the rhetoric about the press being the enemy of the people continues throughout the Trump Administration which is obviously very disturbing and harmful, so it is certainly possible that theyre going to try to have a more aggressive strategy, picking and choosing reporters about who can attend, who cannot attend. Hopefully thats not the case. Thanks to you both. Appreciate it. Thank you. Still ahead. Stunning allegations from six women against cbs and the man in charge, les moonves. She alleged in this case he backed her against a wall and said this has to stay between us, and she was very frightened, but more significantly she then gets fired. Sexual misconduct, harassment, intimidation, and a culture of covering it all up. 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Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today he is one of the most powerful men in television. Now cbs president and Ceo Les Moonves is the latest high powered Media Executive to face allegations of sexual misconduct, an investigation by The New Yorker details allegations of six women of harassment, intimidation, retaliation. Cnn has not independently confirmed allegations, and he denies them. One of the accusers, actress i will described working on a pilot for cbs. Heres an excerpt from that account. In a mill i secosecond he has o over me pinning me. He was violently kissing her, holding her down on the couch with her arms above her head. The new yorker recounts a similar claim from a writer, janet jones during a work meeting. Quoting he came around the corner of the table and threw himself on top of me. It was very fast. He began trying to kiss her. Jones says she struggled and shoved moonves away hard yelling quote, what do you think youre doing . In a statement, he says i recognize there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those were mistakes and i regret them immensely, but i always understood and respected and abided by the principle that no means no, and i never misused my position to harm or hinder anyones career. The new yorker article was written by ronan farrow. He detailed allegations of rape and misconduct against harvey weinstein. He describes the power and intimidation behind the latest allegations. Youre dealing with both an individual who is at the top of his game and on whom many, many other powerful people depend for their livelihoods, and also a corporation thats at the apex of our culture, that shapes our news, that shapes our fiction that we consume. As it turns out within this, and many facets of the company, careful not to overgeneralize, we say there are a string of examples manifested in litigation and complaints inside the company where people said this happened to me, too. This wasnt just les moonves, it was a culture of protecting powerful people. That was the feeling of several of these women, that this seemed practiced. They all continued to fear retaliation. Janet jones, the writer describes him calling her afterwards and threatening her, saying things that seem to be cliche, coming after a work meeting and after an alleged assault like this are serious and frightening, like youre never going to work again. She and the other women were frightened to come forward, said they were doing so but wanted to expose what they said was a culture of impunity. Lets get insight from bill carter and cnn legal analyst areva martin. Good to see you both. All right. So i am wondering in general how much of a roam does this me too movement play in the latest allegations a role does this me too movement play in the latest allegations and even identify themselves with the allegations. Yeah. I think youre right, fred. Since we have seen so many high Profile Actors come forward, tell their story, women are embolden, are more courageous about telling stories. Theres a shift in the culture. I have been litigating Sexual Harassment cases for over 15 years and ten years ago when women came forward, they werent believed and were often shamed, they were called sluts and promiscuous. We saw the culture shift. In the last six or nine months, women can tell their stories and theyre received and well received. Saw women on the cover of time magazine. Theres a huge shift in the culture where women can tell the stories and theres a different way those women are perceived, not just in media but i think it is changing the way the cases are being litigated, how courses see the cases, how jurors see the cases. Were seeing legislators talk about eliminating nondisclosure agreements, eliminating Binding Arbitrations and the way the matters have been litigated. I think this story today is definitely being told because of women that have been brave enough to come forward and tell their personal stories. Bill, this statement says a lot. He touches on a lot of things from he and cbs saying, quote, they have consistently found success elevating women to Top Executive positions across our company and also saying that he recognizes there were times decades ago when i may have made women uncomfortable by making advances. Those are mistakes and i regret them immensely but i always understood, respected and abided by the principle no means no. I never misused my position to harm or hinder anyones career. Covering a lot of bases, does that in any way kind of insulate him or even cbs from any say potential legal challenges result . Certainly does. Cant say it insulates them. He is trying to put distance between these events and what his behavior is now with other examples of this kind of behavior. It doesnt mitigate the event. And really the part thats questionable i think Going Forward is the part where he says he never interfered with anyones career. That part of it gets to be dicey if women come forward and you try to say he made a pass at me, i said no, then my career went downhill. Thats kind of hard to point out with some actresses, maybe they werent as popular, got older, people have ageism against them, it is an uncomfortable situation. For cbs it is a disaster because this guy is the entire company. He is vital. And he has been very successful there. Have to give him credit for that. This is clearly a very dark day for them. And the allegations span a lot of stuff. Inappropriate behavior, sexual misconduct, Sexual Assault from alleged threats to groping, alleged forceful kissing, i bet there are many more that you cited from there. But when you hear now from these testimonies as well as from people witness to the accounts, heard it first person, et cetera, it shows this is systemic or at least theyre trying to establish this was a systemic problem. Part of the cbs culture. How does this end up being moonves defense, saying everybody was doing it, it was pervasive, it was everywhere, how does that assist him . Definitely it doesnt benefit anyone thats accused of Sexual Harassment to say other people in the workplace were engaged in similar conduct. Thats not a defense. I think something thats happening also as individual women are coming forward and telling their stories, theyre not just identifying one individual, theyre talking about this culture that exists in the workplace. As a civil rights attorney, i think thats a positive move in terms of the me too movement because it is going to allow companies hopefully to look at the way they do business and look at how they change their culture to make the workplace safe for all women. And if it is not specifically everyone was doing it, the in fern there were people who heard the accounts, complaints made, and nothing was done to stop it. It will be interesting to see what happens now. Areva martin, bill carter, thank you so much. The u. S. Just logged its best Economic Performance since 2014, but the threat of new Trade Tariffs is still hanging over the economy. Straight ahead, former u. S. Ambassador to china weighs in on whether this could become an all out trade war. 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How much credit do you believe the president does deserve for this surge in Economic Growth . I think he deserves some. Essentially the United States is a strong country, we have a strong economy, the tax cuts clearly have helped. Fewer regulations have helped a little bit. The president is probably responsible for that. Basically congress and the country, were lucky were americans. Were a strong country, that will continue indefinitely. Some economists say that bump may be temporary as farmers rush to ship products before tariffs kick in and effects of the tax cuts wears off. Most of the tariffs are from china which has targeted u. S. Farms in retaliation for new u. S. Tariffs imposed by the president and ambassador to china. Do you think theyll back down . I do not. Frankly i think were the high point with the strength of our economy. Had we had potential Federal Reserve raising Interest Rates in addition to that, long term the 1. 3 trillion tax cuts will add to the deficit for the same amount. If President Trumps serious about new tariffs on chinese products and another 200 on top of that, that will be a war. China will not acquiesce. Nationalism will be strong in china. Sovereignty will be threatened. Having said that, if the United States approach china solidly not with all of this, china wants to work with the United States and doesnt want a trade war. Theyre dependent on the United States. We have to handle china appropriately, constructively. If we push strongly enough, i think we find a way to get out of this. As former senator, for a state that borders canada, montanas biggest Trading Partners are china and canada. Theres a similar story with many northern border states, could trade battles cost republicans votes in your view later this year or in 2020 . Well, it is unclear. The election is not too far away. If we have a trade war, i hope we do not, we all hope we do not, the effects of that may not take effect for three months. Takes awhile to work its way through the economy in the form of higher prices and fewer products bought. It takes a little while. Add to that i think a lot of the trump supporters, some of which tends to be are still giving him a pass. Theyre not hit too hard yet. Were not yet at the Tipping Point for them, so theyre willing to give him a bit of a pass. My judgment is that probably the socalled trade wars will not have much effect because theyre not in effect yet on the midterms. All right, ambassador, senator, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Next, a disturbing theory in the mysterious shooting of a houston doctor. Former fbi investigator walks us through the crime scene as police say he may have been targeted. Thats straight ahead. 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A worker who spoke to us off camera mentioned they had been using a type of nail gun to fire nails into iron supports. Something someone with sinister plans may have used to their advantage. Used gun powder and a shell to fire the nails into steel. So that sound itself would sound like a gunfiring. Is it coincidental . I dont know. Then theres the precision of the shooting. Dr. Hausknecht was shot while riding his bike. When the target is moving also, that takes skill. It suggests to franks that the shooter was someone who had training. And there were three shots. Three shots. I find that very interesting. It could be that just the shooter has a certain amount of training but thats typically a tactical training. Tactical, either Law Enforcement or military training. Two shots to the chest, one to the head. Thats usually the training, you come out, boom boom, to chest, boom, one to the head in that order. All right, thanks to our affiliate kprc. 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