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Swearing in. The it was john lewis questioning the legitimacy of trump. Zpl i dont see it as president elect as a legitimate president. Now to cnns Jessica Schneider outside trump tower. So, jessica, what more is the president elect saying . Well, two tweets appeared before 8 00 this morning. The president elect taking to twitter resorting to personal attacks against congressman john lewis, after representivity lewive lewis said he does not view Donald Trumps presidency as legitimate because of the russian hacks during the election cycle. Donald trump fired back this morning in two successive tweets saying this. Congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in a horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime fested, rather than falsely complaining about election results. Sad. Congressman lewis represents most of atlanta. Hes represented in georgia since 1986, but you know, congressman lewis not described as someone of little action. He was at the fehr front of the civil rights muchlt movement in the 1960s. He marched alongside Martin Luther king jr. , the man we are celebrating this weekend in the holiday on monday. He also led the marches including the march on washington. He was the youngest speaker at age 23 in 1963 to speak at that march and then of course infamously, he led those larges, the sell la to montgomery march, the bloody sunday incident, where he was confronted by those Alabama State troopers and then beaten, so nancy pelosi saying that a lot of people have tried to silence thim throughout the years and all have faileded. Of course, hes being credited with helping to promote greater infrastructure and developments in the atlanta area. Additionally, which helped secure a number of fortune 50 0 company that is continue to generate jobs and Industry Growth overall. Mean tile, lets turn to that interview in the wall street journal. Where donald trump is suggesting that hed lift the very same sanctions that were imposed by president obama last month. What more do we know about that . He said that he would keep in tact those sanctions in for little bit of time and then did implicate he continued into first 100 days of his presidency, particularly if russia worked with the u. S. On some of the United States goals including fighting terrorism, fighting isis and then donald trump did talk about his willingness to engage with russia, to engage with the president , Vladimir Putin there, specifically saying this, ill read it for you. I understand that they would like to meet and thats absolutely fine with me. Donald trump in that hour long interview with the wall street journal talking about russia, also china, saying that at this point, especially at the beginning of his soon to be presidency, he said everything is up for negotiation. All right, jessica, thanks so much. Appreciate it. Were hearing more about this Senate Investigation into russian meddling. In last years election, the Intelligence Committee is promising to look into russian cyber activity. It will also veinvestigate any activity associated with u. S. Political campaigns. Cnns Senior International correspondent, matthew chance, is joining us now from moscow, so matthew, we have heard about this report from the Intelligence Community on russia hacking. How is that resognating there and what is being said perhaps from the krim lynn on what their expectations are on the swearing in of donald trump just days away. In terms of the kremlin we response to hacking, theyve been consistent throughout this whole period where these allegations have been made in various forms. The last time we spoke to the kremlin, which was yesterday, about this issue, you know, you got a sense their impay she thinks. The president spokesperson for putin said this. Were done talking about it. There is an emotional storm in the United States engulfing the United States at the moment and the kremlin saying theyre not going to take any further part in it. But yeah, theyve been categoringly rejecting any suggestion, any allegation theyve been involved in this Election Hacking scandal. . Te in terms of what their expectations are from donald trump, president elect, hes going to be sworn in shortly and i think theyre realistic, but i think theyre quietly optimistic as well because of u what donald trump said. Not least of what he said recently about ending sanction, about recognizing russian sovereignty over crime annex from ukraine this 2014. Theyre quietly optimistic its going to be a much better situation with donald trump than it was with president obama. Math mt. Chance in moscow, thank ys so much. Lets talk more about this Senate Investigation. Joining me now the steven cash. A counsel at day pitny, he is allegation a former counsel for the Senate Select Intelligence Committee as well as a cia lawyer u and operations officer. Joining us from washington. Good to see you. Good morning. Okay, so, do you expect this investigation to shed any more light that has already, more so than any that has been shed in this investigation . Well, i would hope so. I think the senate Intelligence Committee has a long history of being able to work in a surprisingly bipartisan way. To look at the things that need to be looked at to make sure that our intelligence apparatus is working well and that what they produce is as good as it can be. So i do think this is a positive development. And we are learning that trump adviser on National Intelligence adviser, general, michael flynn, has been in contact with russias ambassador. In close proximity to when president obama announced sanctions and now reportedly that ambassador will also be in the audience attending the inauguration of donald trump. Does any of that concern you . Well, it certainly concerns. I dont know what actually happened. Ive read the same reports that you are referring to. The bottom line is in just a few days, president elect trump is going to be President Trump and p big on his plate in terms of Foreign Relations is how to deal with russia. So, he is going to need the best possible timely intelligence to help him make those decisions on how u to engage. And at the confirmation hearings just this week for the secretary of defense nominee retired general, james mattis, he was asked about the confidence in the u. S. Intelligence committee that he has and this is what he said. I have very, very high degree of confidence in our Intelligence Community. And if you see that community being undercut, not debated about their conclusion, but under cut or somehow, ignored or selectively being listened to or ignored, again, do you feel you have an obligation to make us aware of this so that we can exercise our responsibilities . Ill be come polite transparent with this committee, sir, but i would not have taken this job if i didnt believe the president elect would also be open to this or any other matter. So, both secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson and cia nominee, mike pompeo, also siding with the Intelligence Committee, even though we have heard donald trump whos questioned the Intelligence Community. But then donald trump most recently said he wants his picks to quote, be themselves. So, what do you see moving forward in terms of people he surrounded himself with, who do respect the intel, that is being presented to the white house, yet at the same time, donald trump has laid the groundwork that hes suspicious of it. Its fine for him to be suspicious. Hes going to be the president of the United States. Maybe its more than that. Maybe im using that term too lightly. Its also dismissing it. Its dispelling it. Its being more than critical. But you know u, hes used liang wanlg that says he doesnt want anything to do with it. I think hes going to have to stop using that language because in just a few days, hooe going to have to face the reality of very, very complex world as im sure general mattis would say, the number of thets and challenges that we face overseas are extremely numerous, but most importantly, are nuanced and complicate complicateded. Hes going to be the president of the United States. Hes going to have to rely on his Intelligence Community to give him the best b possible information, including information that can be found no place else. The american intelligence apparatus in my view is still the best in the world in finding out what reality really looks like, often through clandestine means. Im hoping he listens to general mattis. And when he says i trust the Intelligence Community, i think thats the right thing to and i think President Trump is going to have to communicate to the Intelligence Community that he is respectful of them. So, at the same time, are you in agreement apparently with trumps proposal to impose some structural change as it pertains to the office of director of National Intelligence, perhaps even downsizing it . What is your view, is it correct that my Research Says youre in support of that . I am and i want to make clear that making structural krang changes to make the Intelligence Community work better, that said sh to the extent that the president is going to take a hard look at what in my view is a bloated office of dni, office of the director of National Intelligence, thats a good thing and i think when he starts doing that, he will learn that while there are changes to be made, specifically, that it become smaller and have a more leadership rather than operational role, he will also learn to appreciate has general mattis said, what a important and professional tool he has at his disposal in the entire Intelligence Community u. I hope that happens at the cia as well. And when we have a new cia director, im hoping he finds the same thing. Well leave it there. Appreciate it. So, as the country is preparing to honor Martin Luther king, on monday, president elect trump is attacking civil rights icon, john lewis, a man who once marched alongside mlk. Well have more on that. snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. I won this 55 inch tv for less than 30 on dealdash. Com. Visit dealdash. Com for great deals. And start bidding today f donald trump is firing back at john lewis today. Trump tweeting this, lewis should spend more time on ficking and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart rather than falsely complaining about the election results, all talk, talk, talk, no action or results. Sad. This comes after lewis questioned the legitimacy of president elect. Unless it is president elect as a legitimate president. You do not consider him legitimate president. Why is that . I think the russians participated in helping this man get elected and they have destroyed the candidacy of hillary clinton. Ryan and historian and princeton professor, julian, all right, so, ryan, you first. This is quite the hornets nest, now. Youve got to congressman whos career has spanned speaking up and he did that and then got now the president elect who is challenging this congressman saying he really isnt doing enough. So, whats the next move here . In this very open, verbal battle . As far as i know and correct me if im wrong, this is the most senior democrat to make the case. That President Trump has not been legitimately elected. My own view just to inject some opinion. He was elected fairly. He won the electoral college. So i dont agree with congressman lewis on that. But he carries enormous moral authority in washington among both democrats and republicans. As we know, he was one of the icons of the civil rights era. Almost beaten to death when he led the selma march in 1965. Hes been in congress for 30 years and has maintained an impeccable reputation. And the fact that trump has now escalated this by not just responding to what lewis said about whether he was legitimate or illegitimate, but instead, decided to attack his district as crime infested, for what ive seen from some of the commentary this morning, there are a lot of africanamericans who and not just africanamericans, actually, but a lot of commentators who are interpreting that as a race tinged comment saying just because hes an africanamerican representative, his district must be crime infested and you live if atlanta. You could speak more to that than i could. I think my escalating it in the way that trump did and making a personal attack on one of the heroes of the personal rights movement, trump has made an enormous political mistake and this will push the effectiveness, other democrats to join him in not going the that inaugural. Thats my view. Theres been quite the response you know from particularly you know, Media Outlets here in atlanta who are helping to substantiate the make up of the districts in which lewis represents. Ethnically, very diverse. Economically. Extremely diverse. Were talking about a district which has a number of fortune 500 companies. The infrastructure building, many of those efforts, which lewis has directly had a hand in to helping in the growth and productivity of fulton county, dekalb county, the city of atlanta, helping to encourage jobs and improvement in education, so, theres quite the response coming from trying to insult the work and integrity of lewis, so, you know, julian, its really interesting because were talking about the use of the word legitimacy and were talking about you know, the president elect who spent a good part of the eight years of president obamas presidency trying to delegitimize him, questioning where he was born and now, the table is turned. On how donald trump you know u, was elected into office. And that in addition to the Intelligence Community, talking about the russian hand that may have played here, and how donald trump is responding in this way. So, do you see that this is battle that now is playing out in front of us is only going to intensify even after this swearing in of a donald trump. I think it will and theres a difference between the two cases. The Birther Movement was about questioning the place of president obama. Raising false claims about where he came from. This is in the context of a hacking scandal. And russian interjenkins, which intelligence agencies has been b pushing, not the democrats. The democrats are pick iing up this. Democrats have been frustrated with their briefs from fbi director comey and why congressman lewis went much farther than i think most democrats are willing to do at this point, hes articulating the concerns about what happened in this election those concern rs going to be at the center of this election as to what russia did. I would add on the response from trump, i dont think we should take the criticism seriously. Not really a question of how active lewis has been. Hes been a man of action from 1965 and even before that in the Civil Rights Movement to being a very prominent and very important liberal in the Democratic Caucus on issues like Voting Rights and but how can people not take the word seriously when this is his primary or what donald trump is is exhibited to his primary form of communicating. Written word, tweet. They can certainly listen to the tweet. I dont think the criticism is a good one. Hes kind of picking on the wrong person. The tweets are very important. President trumps communication. Often trump picks the wrong person and weve seen moments when he does that and it undercuts his support as happened in the Democratic Convention as everyone will remember. All right, julian, ryan, thanks so both of you. Still to come, thousands of people from civil rights dproups and pro immigration groups are rallying in the nations capitol at two separate events. Well have more after this. Im val. The orange money retirement squirrel from voya. I represent the money you save for the future. Whos he . Hes the green money you can spend now. Whats up . Gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. Hes got a killer backhand. When its time to get organized for retirement, its time to get voya. Two big things happening. About 17 civil rights groups. Action network marching from the Washington Monument to the park near the mlk memorial for a rally and several major immigrations groups and theyre holding a rally at the historical metropolitian church. Theyre trying to garner support for mass deportations. We are not going to allow donald trump to bury were not going to we are a nation where all peoples regardless of relation. Regardless of background. Regardless of who you love. We are here for everybody. Cnns athena jones is joining us from the church where the rally is underway. What more is happening now . High energy rally. A lot of chanting. Talking about a future is ours. Part of the said were not going to let donald trump turn hateful rhetoric into action. With we wont let him tear immigrant families apart and thats really the overall message. You talk to the organizers here, they say that the message today is of unity, love, resistance, defense and sanction ware. I spoke with organizers, heres what she had to say. This is a group thats coming together from north carolina, california, new mexico. So, immigrants from across the country are coming here to d. C. This is also part of a Larger Movement that were doing today, 70 cities 70, cities are participating in some way or another. Theyre doing marches, rallies press conferences. And were you know, here to stay and say were not going to get pushed around as immigrants. We are a group of immigrants that contribute to this economy. And we shouldnt be pushed out and if you kicked out every undocumented person, you would have an economic recession in this country. So, the economic argument is also part of the message that these folks want to send to the incoming administration. And i tell you, theres a positive energy here, a positive atmosphere, but if you talk to folk, they also talk about people waking up in here, people people concerned about what is going to happen to the millions of undocumented immigrants in this country. Given the fact that president elect trump ran on a hard line stance on immigration. The wall, cutting funding to sanction ware cities. This group, the group here, standing and ready to resist. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right, coming up, president obama will be wrapping up his final week in office and hes reflecting on his legacy. Just as republicans are working to dismantle key parts of it. Hi, im frank. I take movantik for oic, opioidinduced constipation. Had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up bigtime. Tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated. Had to talk to my doctor. She said, how long you been holding this in . laughs that was my movantik moment. My doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. Dont take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. 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We may not get there in one year, but america, i have never been more hopeful than i am tonight that we will get there. I promise you. We as a people will get there. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Did you. We did. Look, if you had told me at the beginning of my presidency, that eight years later, we would cut unemployment from its half at its peak, that the stock market would have recovered, we provided 20 Million People Health Insurance that didnt have it before, i would have said all right, we did okay. Did you see some idealism . Zpl i did. Im grayer. People like to note the additional wrinkles, but my spirit is unchanged. Its undaunted. I continue to believe that as frustrating as sometimes it can be, american democracy moves the ball forward. Republican members of congress have already move toward repeal iing obamas legislation. The house just advanced a resolution to fund the process, but my next guest says its not too late to save obama care. Dan kilde is leading a rally in warren, michigan tomorrow alongside Bernie Sanders and chuck schumer. Welcome, good to see you. Thank you. Thanks for having me on. So, this week, president elect trump had this to say about this Affordable Care act. Obama care is complete and total disaster. We dont want to own it. Politically. They own it right now u. So, the easiest thing would be to let it implode in 17 and believe me, we get pretty much whatever we wanted, but it would take a long time. So, do you see it imploding unless it is replaced with Something Else . Well, if they repeal it and dont replace it, obviously, that would have incredible consequences and to hear president elect trump really speak to the political implications for the loss of health care for 20 Million People or the loss of significant coverage that cant be taken away from hundreds of millions of people, how cynical can he be to be measuring this question based on the political implications . This is about the hes making orkt that it will implode unless some kind of intervention comes in to replace it with Something Else. So, hes saying its, in his words, its a total disaster, its going implode this year unless a new plan is put in place. Thats just rhetoric. This law, while imperfect, while any law, could use some changes im sure that we could Work Together to achieve, but when we hear republicans and president elect talk about the element of their plan, which of course is a secret, they wont reveal it, they describe the Affordable Care act. They describe coverage that cant be taken away. They describe plans that children can be on until the age of 26. They describe the Affordable Care act. They might want to call it Something Else, but the truth of the matter is, this is an important legacy, not just of president obama, but finally as a nation coming to the point where we see health care as a right that shouldnt be determined by whether or not you are a wealthy person. It is something that is fundamental, the Affordable Care act movesed us forward on that. But right now, the republicans see more focus on scoring political points or satisfying their narrow base by saying look, we repealed it with no idea whatsoever. What they will replace it with. Zpl then you heard in the down hall here on cnn with paul ryan, you heard a man whos republican, who said volunteered on a number of campaigns who looked squarely in the eye of paul ryan and said he is thinking president obama because it helped save his life. As a cancer patient. And this is what else was said during that town hall. Because we see this law collapsing even faster this year, because we see more Insurance Companies pulling out people with little or no choices and another round of double digit premium increases, we feel we need to step in and provide better choices and options as possible. First 100 day sns. Definitely a plan within the first 100 days. So, paul ryan making it sound i mean just that its fairly simple to make these improvements. We know that repealing has been defeated more than 60 times. What in your view, could be different this go around if indeed it is replaced as as soon as it is repealed. What would be in this possible you know, replace plan that you think would allow this Affordable Care act to be salvaged or improved . Well, i mean, obviously, the idea of having competition, which will affect pricing both for premium, but also the cost of health care itself, makes sense. Were certainly willing to look at those areas where there has been diminished competition because of the providers that are available. The Health Care Insurers that are available. Thats a technical question that we can answer, but you dont decide to blow up the entire thing with the idea that maybe we can find solutions. This means the loss of health care to hundreds, i mean, really, 20 Million People. Immediately for sure. I really dont understand why speaker ryan or republicans who have had six years after 60 votes to repeal this, why they cant just present their alternative without having to put the entire health care of many millions of people in jeopardy without plan to replace i. We know why. Its politics. When it comes to politics, we understand this is a political environment, but when it comes to the certainty of access to health care, like the man who was on the town hall with speaker ryan. The certainty the way he got cancer, he would be able to have life saving treatment. That is not something that should ever be the suggest of political debate. That is a fundamental human right. And to see the republicans in congress and president elect trump see this as a political question, its just shameful. It tells you how far weve gone. On one end, youve got health care being taken away and donald trump wakes up and says the most important thing you can do is insult my friend and icon of the Civil Rights Movement. And donald trump decides thats the most important thing. You tweeted in response saying my friend, john lewis, has sacrificed more than donald trump ever has or will. He or he is almost dying fighting for equal rights. In your view as it pertains to how this dispute was invited, that congressman lewis would go on an interview on nbc and say that he doesnt consider president elect trump legitimate. Even after we know donald trump questioned the legitimacy of president obama for you know, eight years. Plus. Even though you support congressman lewis background and his commitment to serving america, whats your view on whether it was appropriate for even congressman lewis to say that . Well, john lewis has earned the right to express his opinion through decades of fighting for the rights of others to do the same. So im not going to second guess him. I would say this. That any scrutiny that donald trump is receiving for his performance not just up to the election, but in the weeks that have followed, any scrutiny that he is bringing is, that he is bringing upon himself, his behavior yohas been embarrassin. He just has to accept the fight that he has to grow up some. And youll be at inauguration. I will be there unhappily. Congressman dan kilde, thank you so much. Stay with cnn for our coverage of tomorrows democratic rally to save obama care Affordable Care act. Coming up, president elect donald trump has criticized nato, but today, poland is welcoming thousands of u. S. Troops on its soil part of a nato build up. Why russia is calling that a threat to its security. s free. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. 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We heard a professor bring up this pretty random idea you could go russians on entirely coffee grounds. We were both really curious about food grown off of waste. Z with that, back to the roots was born. One of the biggest surprises in that weve learned from going back to roots is the fact that some things that are seemingly really easy, are really hard. Like growing a team. And at the same time, some things that seem impossible are actually quite easy. Like attracting retailers. Currently, the Company Boasts a few Million Dollars in Venture Capital and while they started with mushroom kits in 2009, they now sell about 14 different prugts including a selfcleaning fish tank that grows food. Organic stone ground place. The product list might seem elect tick, but the flosty isnt. It stems from this idea that lets make food and fun. Its the biggest european deployment of american troops in decades. Poland has welcomed some 4,000 u. S. Troops. The u. S. Says its meant to reenforce its ties with nato allies. It comes amidst growing concern over potential russian aggression in the region. Russia calls the move a threat to its national security. And interest. Polands neighbors, the baltic states, are worried about what russia might do next. American troops are doing their part to show these nervous nations the u. S. Has their back. Ivan watson reports. War games in the snowy fields of Eastern Europe as u. S. Soldiers train in latvia. 25 years ago, this was part of the soviet union. Today, it is part of the European Union and also, a u. S. Military ally in nato. These are live fire exercises. Thats why ive got to wear all this extra protective armor. Military commanders say theyre trying to show that theyre a force of deter ens and their number one threat, latvias much bigger neighbor to the east. Orgins are in response to russian activity in 2014. In teenlgic situations changes. Hes talking about russias annexation of the crimean peninsula. Russias land grab figrightens people in latvia, where there are still bitter memories after a half century of soviet occupation. Our main aim is to protect our sovereignty and protect our state hood. If russia is so peaceful and regards us as good neighbor, why you should put more equipment and forces on the border. But there are two side to this tension. We traveled from latvia across lithuania to klein grad. A russian enclave in europe thats cut off from mainland russia. In soviet times, this was a heavily militarized place. Closed off from the outside world. It was recently thrust back into the spotlight after Russia Deployed Nuclear capable missiles here. Russias top diplomat defended the move arguing its the u. S. Thats threatening russia. Solitary threat. But the plans of the United States, not only to quadruple i think the money allocated to support military deployment in Eastern Europe, then they moved infrastructure next to our borders. Its still the headquarters of the russian knaverys baltic fleet and moscows been flexing its own muscles, performing military drills in the region. In 2014, western governments punished russias actions in ukraine with economic sanctions. Theyve contributed to a broader crisis in russia thats got emp we talked to worried about the fuf. Of course i feel bad when they always blame russia for everything thats gone wrong in the world, says this man. This confrontation he tells me is not good for anyone. Rival militaries maneuvering on opposite sides of increasingly tense borders. In a land that still bears scars from the last time ar mys fought here. The country side is dotted with dozens of old german churches like this one. Abandons and in ruins after the soviet army invaded and conned kerred this land. Reminders of what happened the last time tensions someone out of control in this part of europe. Ivan watson, cnn, russia. All right, coming up, nfl great, bo jackson speaking out saying he would never have played football had he he known how dangerous it is. vo when i brought jake home, i wanted him to eat healthy. So i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. Made specifically for indoor cats. Purina cat chow. Nutrition to build better lives. What if instead of waiting weeks for your tax refund . You can get an advance on that refund. [zombie] an advance on my tax refund, i could really use that. [john] what would you do with that money . [zombie] id love to take a tropical holiday. [john] id be careful, with your skin tone. [zombie] no i get it cause im a zombie. Yeah thats funny. [off camera] all my undead, we are back. [john] i will see you out there. [zombie] see ya. [john] and dont take it personally. [vo] you can get a refund advance of up to 1250 no interest at block. [john] dont just get your taxes done. Get your taxes won. A star athlete is now voicing his concerns about the risk of head injuries in b football. Heisman trophy winner and nfl probowler, bo jackson, told usa today that had he known about all these injury, he would have never played football, even adding theres no way he allow his kids to play today. Andy shoal is with me now. We know him as a great baseball and football player, but these words resognate given his career. And really giving his history on the sport. When a running back legend says he wished he had never played the game, people take notice. Bo jackson, a twosport athlete, many know by bo knows. Bo knows baseball. Know nows Something Else. He told usa today if i knew then what i know now, i would have never played football. Never. The only man to be an nfl probowler and Major League Baseball star added i wish i had known about all of those head injury, but no one knew that. The head injuries he refers to is the longterm effects of concussions that can lead to cte. Cte has been linked to deaths of newmumerous former football players, both took their lives after trug ling with the disease. Other former players have said they regrplaying the sport in light of the discovery, including Wesley Walker who told news day that i know its a business and its a risk that i took. Now, knowing this things i know now, theres no way i would do it. To go through what ive been through. But not all players ayee, including j. J. Watt, who i caught up with last year. I understand that im going to get hit. I understand im going to get hit in the head. I go into every game and practice knowing that, its a decision ive made to play football. Its like a firefighter. A firefighter knows theyre going to go into a fire at point. I understand football is a rough game, but im doing whatever i can to rep he present that. And thats the theme ive gotten from a lot of players. They said they know the risks an choose to play any ways, but as we said earlier, the list o former players that wish they would never have played is growing. Of course that happens as they get older. They start feeing the adverse effects of playing. And so, it will be interesting to see if the trend continues. These are powerful words from a bo jackson, but he did master these two sports. He was also a store baseball player. I could see how he says all right, i wish i would have never played. He could have concentrated on baseball and been a multiyear all allstar in the sport. Hes had the hip replacement. The big football injury is what impacted and ended his career with the dual sports. So, yeah, you could see how he feels that way. Love that bo. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right, this is some interesting information. Just coming in. Just seconds ago, ax rocket launches into space and lot is on the line. And before the crash, the company made breakthroughs in space by landing several rockets back on earth successfully. Wishing them closer to their goal of being able to reuse rocket lot images of that right now u rocket into space. Todays rocket is bringing ten satellites into space for Communications Company iridum. Still and always fascinating to be able to see that, so many, many hundred of f miles away. We have so much more straight ahead in the news room coming up next. Hello an thank you for joining us. President elect donald trump has said he wants to improve the u. S. Relationship with russia, but now, six days before being sworn in, trump is revealing how he would engage with russia going

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