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Groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies thats something. When you have a wonderful motherinlaw who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter thats something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body its a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed thats the finest i know. So i close in saying that i may have been given a bad break, but i have an awful lot to live for. That i might have been given a bad breck, baugh ive got an awful lot to live for. Thank you. Gosh. Still powerful. That was july fourth 1939. Lou gehrig died in 1941. He was just a few days shy of his 38th birthday. Leading a sermon in the mosque of mosul. Cnn has not authorized the video and officials are examining it. Isis has been very adept at using social media for its cause. Is that how these images became public . Well, they did first emerge or the link to the video first emerged on an official isis twitter account. The video identifying the man as being the khalif ibrahim is now known ever since the terrorist organization declared that islamic callafit. This sermon taking place in iraqs second largest city. The first city to fall to isis last month and one of its historic old mosques. During the sermon the man who is being identified as al baghdad preaches to the worshipers that the month of ramadan is a month of jihad and fighting the enemies and the believers. The worshippers at this mosque does not go there because they expected al baghdadi to appear. This is the first friday of the holy month of ramadan so the mosque was quite packed. But quite surprise when al baghdadi did, himself, did show up. Also surprising was the fact he was able to show up at all which just goes to show you how much confidence he and isis have over the territory that they control because flying above, you not only have u. S. Drones, u. S. Aerial surveillance but surveillance from a number other countries. This man who is one of the most wanted individuals in the world was able to appear in public at this stage. Arwa damon, thank you so much in baghdad. Earlier i spoke with a cnn military analyst and i asked him if this is a bold move for al baghdadi to show up in mosul and if iraqi forces are a direct threat to him at this point. They are trying to come up the tigris valley and doggbogge down in tikrit. He doesnt believe the iraqi army has the ability to eject isis without outside help. No reason for ago baghdadi not to show himself in mosul. He regards mosul as his territory now. Is it your feeling, would it be your gut feeling that he would stay there in mosul or at least in iraq for a period of time or that he is just simply, you know, descended into the city for this video opportunity and is probably moved out . I think thats the case. I think he came in here. He made a statement. He made his appearance known. They put out this video. These guys are masters of social media. Hell go back to syria. I think he feels more comfortable what he has declared as temporary capital and the city up el rocka in syria. He is probably safer in syria than he is in iraq. Lieutenant colonel Rick Francona there. A father accused of intentionally leaving his 22monthold on a hot car all day long. That little boy there cooper died last month in atlanta. At a hearing this week, Police Revealed what Justin Ross Harris was doing while his son was in the car. Did you uncover anything at what he was doing during that day while his child was out in the car . Yes. The most common term would be sexting. That was allegedly with six different women. Then details about harris internet browsing history child like childfree websites and animals drawing in hot cars and in one jaw dropping moment what harris wife leona said to him after the police interview. Did his wife ever say to him about what he said to police . She had him sit down and he starts going through this and she asked him, well, did you say too much . Nick valencia now with us. Youve been following this story really from the very beginning. Now with this case, where are we . He is being held without bond. This was really a probable cause hearing but it rolled out almost like a trial, didnt it . It turned into so much more and so many we were told to expect anything but there was so much there that no one would expect to come out. Im sure the focus is shift to go the wife. Is there evidence there . The prosecutors and detectives highlighteding her odd behavior at the day care saying she was insistent this child was left in a hot car even though day care workers, no one had brought that up and a thousand Different Reasons why this child didnt show up to day care. We were at the funeral and observant how she was acting she was crying a little bit. The grandparents the most emotional among everyone in that audience. She pretty much defended her husband in that funeral as well and reminding everybody he is a good guy, you know, god fearing man. She felt compelled to stand up there in front of a crowd of more than 300 people and saying i am absolutely not angry with my husband. It was unprovoked. The service, as we talked about a couple of weeks ago, it should have been all about this 22monthold and it should have been all about little Cooper Harris and turned into more. The suspicion surrounding his death. The father calling in in this bizarre phone call from jail. Now much is being made about this Life Insurance policy. We got new search warrants yesterday saying through the investigation, harris had made comments to family members regarding a Life Insurance policy he has on cooper and what they need to do to file for it. After little coopers death youre looking at him there, his precious face there. Just troubling to think that there was 27,000 dollars on two Life Insurance policies and prosecutors perhaps pointing to that being a motive that they wanted to collect this money to start a new life, start fresh. Very troubling details emerging. But friends and family saying, no way, this guy, no way could he be responsible for something this heinous, this tragic. Hes just a god centered man they say and a man with great moral fiber. Even one of the coworkers testified during this hearing and that person was asked about the behavior of mr. Harris, if anything seemed odd that day. There was nothing out of the ordinary. He said they went to home depot, they went to the story and got these light bulbs, went back to his car and tossed the light bulbs in the car and no suspicious behavior. He didnt lead on anything to coworkers and no one could have had the idea he was sexting six other women while his baby was that the car. Perhaps that was the distraction. So much to this case and we are hearing more as its been revealed. Prosecutors pointing to financial turmoil in the family saying 4,000 Credit Card Debt and some people may bat their eye at that but other peoples of modest means say that is a lot money. It doesnt mean the investigation is over. We know authorities are still looking into a lot as it builds. Prosecutors building its case toward trial. One thing is guaranteed there is a lot more to come in this, including full toxicology reports and also that full autopsy report on little Cooper Harris. Nick valencia, keep us posted and thanks very much. In the meantime, 3,000 miles away, more protests in california over the immigration crisis. For the second time this week, undocumented immigrants were flown from overcrowded facilities in texas to Southern California. Shame on you shame on you shame on you reporter protesters gathered again friday in murrieta, california, where they blocked three busloads of immigrants earlier into the week and this time, the buses steered clear of the area and head to go a facility in san diego. We are joined with our correspondent from the white house. The Obama Administration is being pressured by lots from lots of Different Directions about what to do about this Current Crisis . Reporter thats right. Lots of Different Directions for sure. First and foremost, from texas, republican governor rick perry who basically issued a challenge for president obama to come to texas, come directly to the border next week to see the situation on the ground himself. Now, the president already has a visit to texas scheduled for wednesday and thursday. Hell be in austin and dallas and the administration for fundraisers first and foremost. The Administration Says he has no plans to make a visit to the border and make a side trip there. The white house said back to governor perrys challenge they said of course, the president and the administration is very attune to the challenges and the problems that at the board border. Here is a. The most effective way that governor perry can help if that is what he says he wants to do, would be to pick up the phone and call the republican members of the house of representatives that represent the state of texas and tell them to support the bipartisan proposal to reform our immigration system that passed through the senate. Reporter now, to note, its not just rick perry that is calling on the president to visit the border. Two Congressional Republicans from the southernmost parts of the state are also calling on president obama to visit next week when he comes. It will be interesting to see, fred, whether the political pressure really mounts this week in advance of that trip if that potentially does prompt a visit but, as of now, the white house says no visit to the border scheduled while hes in texas next week. Fred . Sunlen, thanks so much from the white house. Arthur is getting its second downgrade. That was the first named storm of the atlantic hurricane season. So once a category two hurricane and now a posttropical cyclone. Reporter this is the type of weather you expect to see here on this holiday weekend. Thousands are enjoying this weather. Water conditions looking really good. The lifeguards say the water is calm and smooth out there but the National Weather service says not the case everywhere. The storm is threatening many in its new path. Winds as high as 65 Miles Per Hour and dredging rain forecast for maine and parts of eastern canada. The debate over illegal immigration reaches a boiling point in california and things really are pretty ugly and its heating up right now still. Avo waves dont care what age you are. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. From safety. To fuel economy. To quality. Todays chevrolet has it all. And its a great time to buy. During the chevy 72 hour sale, youll get 0 apr for 72 months. Plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. 0 apr for 72 months plus no Monthly Payments for the rest of the summer. Hurry, the chevy 72 hour sale ends monday. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. 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It was an angry crowd of protesters in the Southern California town of murrieta. They dont want Illegal Immigrants detained in their city. The protests and counterprotests have been emotionally charged with some protesters yelling racial slurs against latinos. Ryan lizza is joining me. Happy fourth. As we celebrate this nations independence this weekend you got this very heated debate that is just stewing over. The policy is to detain and then deport. A policy in place a long time. Why is it boiling over right now . Youve had this surge of undocumented immigrants coming from Central America and the facilities that are used mostly in texas right there on the boa border are being overwhelmed so a lot of people are bussed to facilities north there. This is between l. A. And san diego is murrieta and not used to dealing with this many immigrants coming in for processing. So the mayor of the town on monday basically spoke out and wanted the federal government to do something about it and i think a lot of folks interpreted his comments as, you know, that they should protest out in the streets. He has since retracted that and said what he really meant they should contact their congressman. I think this town is not used to this and why youre seeing the protests there. President obama has asked for more money to deal with this problem, the problem meaning, you know, Illegal Immigrants particularly from Central America who will be processed before either being deported or maybe allowed to move on to family members who are in the United States. So is this congress willing to help him on this . Well, its very complicated because you have folks on in obamas own party who are saying, no, these kids should not be deported as you pointed out, they should say here in the United States so that is complicating the politics for the president. On the other side there should be bipartisan support to get some funding to solve this very specific problem. Unfortunately, the last few years the big bargain between republican and democrats on immigration was supposed to be increased Border Security for those already in the country. You know that bargain broke down and passed the senate but never passed the house. So you have a lot of democrats who are not really willing now to spend any money, anything else on security because they felt like there was a deal that they didnt get so i think that is a bit of the box that the democrats and the president are in. It is interesting, ryan, because it seemed as though democrats and republicans, in large part, were very much in agreement on doing something more about Border Security. Then it all kind of goes haywire and where you see additional splintering when it comes down to dealing with or how to deal with certain immigrants, certain conditions, you know, and certain age brackets. So it almost seems as though when you have, you know, the landscape as complicated at this, its going to be very difficult for there to be some sort of bipartisan agreement on anything. Do i have that wrong . I think youre right about that. After the 2012 election a lot of talk in washington that democrats and republicans had a political interest in solving this problem. What really happened since then is the Republican Party really split among sort of pro Business Establishment wing that wants Immigration Reform and a much more conservative tea party base that, you know, if you had to maim one issue that the tea party opposed more than anything else, its probably Immigration Reform. So the republicans after some of them joining with democrats and voting for it in the senate, in the house, just that legislation never had a chance. So a lot of democrats now say we dont want to do anything more on security until we go back to the bargaining table and have that original deal. Security for a path to citizenship and things have been stuck for about a year now. Ryan, thank you so much from the beautiful Nations Capital on this birthday weekend of the nation. Appreciate it. Happy fourth. Thanks for having me. Happy fourth. There is never a dull moment when joan rivers is around and, oh, boy, did i find that out. Joan and i were having a pretty great talk about her new book, and then things took a turn. What do you think . Was it a stunt . Was it the real deal . Did i push the limits or did she . Next. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. F provokes lust. It elicits pride. Incites envy. And unleashes wrath. Temptation comes in many heartpounding forms. But only one letter. F. The performance marque from lexus. We set up an interview with joan rivers to discuss her new book dairy of a mad diva. And along the way, she was funny and engaging during the interview, and then something set her off. And she stormed off the set. No kidding. Here is the interview in its entirety. Joan rivers you look so fabulous and i am so underdressed. Youre not underdressed. Its hot. A steamy summer weekend and a nice way to tu. It is, indeed. What is it about the year of 2013 that you focus on in this diary when you thought, man, theres so much material, i cant help myself, ive got to write about it . Well, it was my last book that on the best selling list 19 weeks, so my producer is not a fool. She said, write another. So i said about what shall she said, well, youre funny every day. Write about what annoys you or makes you laugh every day and that is how the book came about and it was so great to write because every day, the laugh and itch and put something down. Its all in there. Your experience and observations and things ripped from the news or entertainment headlines. For example, you write this. Im back in l. A. For a minor cosmetic procedure having a brow lift and tummy tuck and chin jaw and lip implant or my Plastic Surgeon like to call it the usually. Joan, you joke about yourself and these surgeries. I mean, everything is on the table, right . Not on the table and at that time skin off the table and make another person who works right beside me. I am never lonely. Youre so honest about this Plastic Surgery. Usually people get Plastic Surgery they dont want to tell anything about it. Are you still getting them and is it an addiction . What is going on here . No. Its california and im sure you too but hoe old aw old are you . Im about 50. You probably have had your botox. Not yet. I dont need it. Not every woman. Dont put your money in a car, put your money on yourself and leave the car at the curve. In california, the women look extraordinary beautiful and that is because its been pulled so tight sometimes, they go to the bathroom through their ears but it doesnt matter. They look good. They look good. Oh, my gosh. Well, youre right, everyone does look good in l. A. You also write, you know, really about these interviews that youre constantly on junkets whether youre talking about your books or your tv shows, all of your enterprises and you write, i must say i hate going on shows where the interviewer just reads the questions regardless of what is being said. Me, i just killed my mother. Interviewer, i understand you like shoes. I hate that you write at least link it up with did you get your mothers . Exactly exactly no, but you know that. Its always so easy to tell who is a good interview and who is a bad interviewer when they follow what the guest has just said, you know . If John Travolta said im coming out of the closet you have to say are you looking for a suit or a young guy . You have to follow up on the question. Right. Do you feel like i mean, you have been a trail blazer in so many different ways and it seems like youve covered it all but are there projects along with you and daughter melissa or things you hope to tackle and hope to do some day soon . Everything. We are in the fourth year of Fashion Police and second year in the internet show in bed with joan and im going back to broadway starring with the National Theater in november. I want to do another book. I want to do another book you just want to keep doing things. Its so much fun to make people laugh and get a check. Wow. And so, you know, yeah, in all these, you know, i guess forays, its been, you know, very good to you and, you know, youve got best selling books. You sell out on stage. Even with your fashion critiquing, while its very mean in mways. Its not mean, its knots mean. Really . Its not mean . You can its not mean. I tell the truth. Im sure i say the same things that all of your viewers say to their friends sitting next to them on the couch. You know, were one of the few shows that says thats an ugly dress. And that is okay. These ladies make 28 million a picture. You really think that nicki minaj cares, any like her dress . When youre in that kind of a bracket you dont really care. You dont really care about feelings being hurt . Its not about them, its about clothing. What about when it is about something that is off limits. You joke about the deck of Casey Anthonys baby and do you feel there are boundaries ever . Let me tell you life is very tough and if you can make a joke to make something easier and funny, do it. Done. Do it. Thats all. What . Darlene, i dont know what your life has been like, but i have a lot of people who have gone through hell and if you can make Winston Churchill said if you make someone laugh, you give them a little vacation and maybe you take the worst thing in the world and make it funny. Its a vacation for a minute from horror. Yeah. And people love to laugh. Oh, my gosh. Thats why people love you. But they also know that you, you know, you have some shock value to you. On the cover of your book, youre wearing a fur and you knew that there would probably be Animal Rights activists. This whole interview is becoming a defensive interview. No are you wearing leather shoes . Yes no. Im do you know what i mean . Youre wearing fur youre wearing leather shoes youre eating chicken youre eating meat i dont want to hear this nonsense come to me with a paper belt and ill talk to you. But you did hear it in some of those press conferences and people were upset. Im going. I really am going because all you have done is negative. All you have done it negative. No i havent heard i make people laugh for 50 years, i am put on earth to make people laugh. My book is funny i wear fur that was killed 15 years ago. I work for Animal Rights. Stop it with you do this and youre mean and you are not the one to interview a person who does humor sorry are we serious . Yeah, she was serious. Oh, my gosh. I thought she was joking and i thought this with kind of a roll out of more jones rivers funny. It wasnt so funny. I struck a chord with her. We wondered, though, in the end was this a stunt . Well, rivers did not return to the interview. We even have since called her but nada. But off camera, she did keep her microphone on as she continued to talk and say some not so, you know, happy things and she dropped quite a few fourletter words. But as for the question, i asked joan rivers about the fur. Well, earlier in the week, tmz released video of Animal Rights protesters crashing rivers book signing in new york, putting her on the spot about her fashion choice. So at the time, she treated it with humor that only joan rivers can do and i thought by asking her about that, as i was trying to do, there might be an encore of all things funny joan rivers, but maybe not so all things funny. She wasnt happy. All right. Thanks for the interview any way. Straight ahead, Plastic Surgery gone horribly wrong and im not still talking about this joan rivers interview. We are talking about something else. A woman wanted to enhance her looks. Why a cheaper solution actually nearly killed her. , i have occasional constipation. Thats why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. Go to colacecapsules. Com for savings. Welcome back. Im fredricka whitfield. Taliban militants claiming responsibility for an attack on hundred dollars of oil tankers outside afghanistans capital of kabul. In all, more than 400 trucks went up in flames. The taliban said they attacked the trucks because they were transporting fuel for nato force. Van der sloot has a brandnew title. Husband. He married his girlfriend in prison friday morning. Van der sloot is serving time for murder of another peruvian woman and was never charged but arrested for the death of natalie holloway. The pope rode through the streets waving and seemed strong and stood strong as he greeted onlookers. The 77yearold has had to cancel several recently events but the vatican denied any of it had to do with the pope being ill. Woo this is one whale of a moment. You can see the terror on the photographers face. The moment a blue whale actually surfaced capsizing the boat that the photographer was on. Right off the coast of san diego, by the way. On the other end of the lens, this guy right here, this is what he saw. The wideopen mouth of a blue whale. The photographer and the other person were tossed right off the boat there as it capsized and they were rescued after another boater called for help. Wow. What a moment two words that should never be used in the same sentence diy surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, too many people are bypassing doctors just to save some money on basic medical procedures . Well, one florida hairstylist almost lost her life to fix what she always saw as her flaw. Now, she has no lower arms or hands and no feet . National correspondent ka yank la h kyung lah has this womans horror story. She will not make it. Reporter not live another day. April brown lives that moment june 2010, dying in a hospital bed, a staph infection eating her body away she says. I really wanted to live and i really just wanted to live. Reporter the onetime cosmetologist was seeking beauty, silicone butt injections and somebody was offering a price at their house at a cheaper price and the real cost would come later. I was in pain and my butt was hard and i was itching. Reporter when they removed the silicone did they test . Yes. Reporter what was it . Boomer caulk sealant. Reporter the stuff you buy from home depot . Yes. Reporter it would take 27 surgeries. My hands popped out with this pink nail polish and im like, oh, my god. Im going to lose my hands im going to lose my hands. Reporter and her feet. Im crying. Reporter a horror story and not the only one. What is that . This is closeup of her right cheek that shows these swollen red nodules. Reporter dr. Richard glogow of San Francisco shows us what is happening with the patients face. This is something growing underneath her skin . Yeah, right within a week to ten days of that picture being taken, it looked like this. The body is reacting to the material. Reporter the patient thought she was buying an injectable filler to smooth wrinkles and it injected it with the help of a nurse and purchased it off a website and the wouldnt claims to sell dermal fillers direct to customers and a similar treatment at a doctor costs nearly 800. The website sells it for just 100. The fda says only licensed medical professionals can make these purchases. For consumers for buy direct its illegal. When the doctor removed the substance and tested it. Glass or fiberglass so this was material that contained material that, you know, the body is not prepared to accept. Reporter she injected glass or plastic in her face . Probably. Reporter dr. Glogau doesnt blame the patients. He says in a world where botox and fillers are commonplace and the web offers facst and easy access to the inaccessible. People assume its as easy as getting your hair colored. At the end of the day its a medical procedure. Reporter as far as april brown she is learned to walk with prosthetics and how to write but her most powerful skill now is teaching others about her mistake. All i can ask them to do is when they have that first thought, make sure they have a Second Thought about it and do a Little Research and they wents weaned be blindsided and wont be saying i had no idea that a simple procedure like that can leave me with no hands, no feet, and no butt cheeks. Reporter cnn did reach out to pmaa. Com for a comment. No one answered the phone on the phone number on the website and we got a statement it is not about product but about procedure. When we went back to check the website a few days later it had been completely scrubbed. It no longer kyung lah, cnn, los angeles. There is nothing basic about any surgery. The Police Officer caught on video beating a woman on the side of the highway is coming up. We talked to the eyewitness who caught it all on camera. At university of phoenix, we know you cant afford wrong turns on the road to your future. Thats why we build tools like our Career Guidance system. Its kind of like gps, you know, for your career. It walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. Go to phoenix. Edu and get started today. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. Video of a california Highway Patrol officer beating a woman on the side of the highway has gone viral. And it was all captured on cell phone and its now captured the attention of a nation. By all accounts, we need to warn that, for some, this story might be too disturbing to watch. Here is sara snider. Reporter video from a california freeway shot by a driver stunned by what he was seeing unfold. A woman being punched over and over and over again by a california Highway Patrolman. You see, you heard it. It was like thump, thump, thump you hear her head bouncing. Bam bam on the concrete. Reporter how many times did he hit her . I think around 15 shots to the head and punching like this is not just jabs. These are hooks. Those are lights out punches and not like taps. Reporter the Highway Patrol report says the woman posed a danger to herself and other drivers because she was walking within traffic lanes at times and when she was asked to stop she continued to ignore the officers command and ultimately she becomes physically combative, it says. The tape only shows a small part of what transpired. There were events that led up to this until all of that is collected and put into perspective, we arent going to be able to make a determination. Reporter the eyewitness who goes by the name david diaz says he saw exactly what led up to it before you started reorganized. When you see the video, the first thing hear is me laughing the reason why is before we got the video starting they were playing like a ring around the rosey behind that red truck. A grown man and woman running around that truck and she is avoiding him and its like when we laugh when someone runs on the field in a baseball game. Reporter he says she did eventually start walking towards the officer and that is when the takedown began. He grabs her and she kind is like, you know, does the resisting in terms of natural reaction. And then he then grabs her, throws her to the floor and then gets on top of her, which then you would think, okay, he is just going to wrap her up and call it another day in los angeles . But, no, this wasnt the case. Reporter the chp says the woman who carried no i. D. Was taken to a hospital for a physical and mental evaluation. The report indicated that the individual was not injured and the officer didnt notice any injuries on the individual. Reporter diaz has a hard time believing that after seeing and hearing this. She didnt put up any restraint. She did what anyone else would do when they are getting pounded to go like this and like this. And now they say, oh, she is restraining . Its an excuse. We are giving we are giving too many excuses. There is no more rationizing this and why i posted this video. Reporter we are going to make a determination as to what transpired in this situation and we will do the right thing. Reporter the officer involved has been put on administrative duty while the case is investigated. Sara sidner, cnn, los angeles. History made on wall street this week. What happened with the markets and why the jobs report also some pretty good news. [ female announcer ] theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. If frustration and paperwork decrease. If grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. The dow has been in record territory for weeks now. But traders made history when the dow closed about 17,000 for the First Time Ever on thursday. It may not be an important level for investors but analysts say it is a key psychological threshold. The markets werent the only piece of good Economic News this week. We saw a strong jobs report for june. Christine romans shows us where the jobs are coming from. Reporter by now, youve seen the numbers 288,000 jobs created net new jobs and 6. 1 Unemployment Rate and look at the trend and where the jobs are added. The trend here is pretty clear. The best start to a year the best First Six Months of a year since 1999 is the statistic the white house likes to point out is the best six months overall in job creation since 2006 since before the recession. That is really important but where are the jobs being created . The usually suspects leisure and hospitality. These tend to be lower paid jobs. Retail jobs also a driver of jobs gains. Again, lower paid jobs. That is why youre likely to see the debate over increasing the minimum wage and debate continue this year. Where im seeing is broaden out 67,000 business and professional service jobs are lawyers, those are accountants, Information Technology specialists. These are jobs that tend to pay a little bit more and it shows a broadening out of where we are seeing demand in the economy. One thing here that is important, the asterisk. A strong report but this is a labor market getting its stride and hitting its stride but you still have an underemployment rate of 12. 1 . These are people out of work or people who like to work fulltime but working parttime. A twospeed recovery. People who have not found their way back into the labor market yet and still going to be a concern for the reminder of the year. Frederica . Thanks so much, christine. Up next, how a powerful new Television Ad is redefining the phrase like a girl. My hair pped lobster. And now for lunch, try our new lobster tacos, just 9. 99. Ends soon so hurry in. water dripping and dont juspipes clanging ncisco. Visit tripadvisor San Francisco. soothing sound of a shower with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. This independence weekend, an intriguing and provocative Television Ad show cases the power of women in girls. This is what happened during the making of an ad for always. Young women were asked to run like a girl. Run like a girl. Oh, my hair and then girls ages 10 and younger were asked the same thing. Run like a girl. Show me what it looks like to run like a girl. I love it cnns Kelly Wallace was touched to learn that girls under 10 see themselves as strong, fast, seemingly unbeatable. So kellized women and men what happens after puberty . Why are so many girls and women critical of themselves . As we get older, we are more worried what people are thinking about us. Its a hard time with a lot of changes any way and all of the contradictions that society throws at us do not make it easier. We just put ourselves down and put so much pressure on ourselves. Thousands of years they try to make us think we are the weak sex so i guess its had an imprint. I guess todays parents see things differently. A girl shouldnt be an insult. It should be a compliment. We are amazing and beautiful and we are meant to be strong and meant to be a girl. Get out there and do your thing. Like a girl. Salary kelley, i found there remarkable as well. Women are powerful in so many ways at home and in the class restroom a classroom and border room and why is this perception anything like a girl can be interpreted in an unflattering way . Reporter i know, frederica. It is incredible. Its 2014. Why does this still exist . It is hard to know why. Is it a carryover from a time when girls didnt really play as many sports as boys . When gender roles were very narrowly defined, right . Girls are supposed to be grow up and be mommies and boys are supposed to grow up and be the bread winners. Its hard to know why but, wow it is so obvious these stereotypes still exist. What i found powerful is how the adolescent girls when they thought about how they responded and they wanted to do it again, the second time they did it what i like to call that full throttle girl power, right . Which was amazing so it shows how deeply ingrained these stereotypes can be but also how people want to change them too which is great. So i wonder if this really is a generational thing. In other words, are the chances pretty good that these girls 10 and under who were full throttle will grow out of puberty and maintain that strong, you know, exhibition of doing Something Like a girl . Oh, my gosh. Right . We hope so but i think, frederica, we have a lot of work to do as parents and women because look again at how those adolescent girls responded with their arms flailing, you know, and slapping instead of punching. Just a few years earlier, they would have responded in very confident empowering ways. What happened to those girls after puberty . I think that is the big question. I think we got to talk to our girls, have them look critically how girls and women are portrayed in the media and get them to take that, you know, full confident self they have when they are young with them into their teenage years. Youre a mother of girls. Yes. Did you notice the dynamic, you know, of their confidence changing based on, you know, what kind of, i dont know what is it you know, what their family experiences, their School Experiences or is it just who they are . Well, it is so interesting because my girls are 8 and 6 and my 6yearold loves sports, right . And she might be i dont use the term but some people would give her the term tomboy. I asked her. I said, lily, run like a girl. She ran but not as fast as she normally runs. I asked her about it and she sort of even at 6, in her mind, boys run faster, throw harder, are stronger than girls. So i feel like i have a lot of gender stereotype work to do in my own household lots of work to do. Yes. Thanks, kelly. Keep us posted on that. I sure will. That is going to do it for this girl, once a tomboy. Im fredricka whitfield. Hi, ana youre putting on the frequent flyer miles. I just saw you in atlanta yesterday. Jetsetting. Head back to denver on monday but its fun to get around for sure. Thanks. Have a great fourth weekend. You too. You are in the cnn newsroom

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