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No let up in gaza as the death toll mounts. We will get reaction from the chief negotiator. What should the u. S. Do . Is there any way to halt the bloodshed . Welcome our viewers from the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in jerusalem. Youre in the situation room. Theres no end in sight to the bloodshed with israel and hamas. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu viewing to keep going until israel demolished every single tunnel. Israeli forces are trying to find one of their own. Palestinian militants kidnapped this man. Second lieutenant hadar goldin. Meanwhile, praise of u. S. Support for israel. He went out of his way to praise the president of the United States and secretary of state. Translator just untiring efforts of secretary kerry with whom i speak to several times a day and the efforts of president obama, who has made, i think, consistent statements about israels right to defend itself. The Prime Minister says israel will do everything in its power to find that missing israeli soldier. For more on israels plans, i want to bring in dori gold, the Senior Advisor to Prime Minister netanyahu. Former ambassador to the u. N. Pleasure to have you. Thank you for having me here. What is the information on the missing soldier . That is being handled by the channels that deal with these. The minister met with the goldin family and senior officers. It is best not to speculate on this on the international media. It is something handled by the military. A sensitive issue right now. When the Prime Minister of israel says israel will regroup. I assume that means start drawing forces from gaza. What is your understanding now that apparently most, if not all of those, hamas tunnels from gaza into israel have been destroyed . First of all, they all have not been destroyed. Most of them have been destroyed. A good number of them have been destroyed. The Prime Minister used the word redeploy. There is work still to be done in the gaza strip and the israeli troops will be on the perimeter of gaza. Some will be inside of gaza. Right now, there is a very large presence in Southern Gaza looking for our lieutenant goldin who has obviously been taken capture by the hamas. I think it is still a developing situation, but where we have finished our work, for example, in beit lahiya, israel told the palestinians to come back to the neighborhood because they finished the operation. That is in the northern territory. You used to be an israeli diplomat. Why not send a team to cairo to meet with the new Egyptian Government of president el sisi. He is meeting with the palestinian delegation. You want good relations with egypt. Israel has excellent relations with egypt with el sisi. We went down the route of the ceasefire, humanitarian ceasefire with hamas. Of course, you know what happened. Little over an hour after the ceasefire went into effect, a suicide bomber came out and attacked israeli forces. Two were killed. Then, of course, lieutenant goldin was captured by hamas as a result. I understand that. Im trying to take a look at israeli egyptian relations. It is not morsi. You had a terrible relationship with him. There is a new relationship there. El sisi wants good relations with israel. In fact, when you say no, isnt that a snub . It is not a snub. They are consulting with el sisis team. There is a discussion about the dangers. Hamas, we think of in palestinian context. Hamas has been allied with a jih jihadi group in sinai. It is attacked in the nile delta area. When we have these difficulties which we are having with hamas, the egyptians understand that. That would be more reason to strength israels relationship with egypt because the Egyptian Government does view hamas almost like a cousin of the Muslim Brotherhood which they regard as terrorist group. You would want to align yourself with the delegation. Whether we send a negotiation now, doesnt effect our relationship with egyptian. This is based on mutual interest. Hamas is part of the jihadi network. They are affiliated with the group in syria. There is plenty of joint interest in israel and egypt which will continue whether we send a delegation to the particular negotiation or not. Because we know that israel did accept the original egyptian proposal for a ceasefire a few weeks ago. Hamas rejected it. If the same proposal is put on the table by egypt and the palestinian delegation now in cairo say we accept it. We will immediately stop sending rockets. Israel will stop military activity. Down the road, we will start discussing other issues with the zone. Then you accept it and hamas reject it. Israel has certain goals it is trying to achieve. It is trying to achieve those diplomatically. In the absence of a serious negotiating partner on the other side, in light of hamas repeated violation of now seven ceasefire agreements, the Israeli Cabinet has taken a decision not to send the team to egypt. That will have to be reviewed. That is a formal decision . Israel is not sending a delegation to cairo . Right now, the team is not going out. I dont want to get into the security cabinet deciding or did not decide. The security cabinet reviews the situation on a day by day basis. We will make a decision in the future. The point im trying to make, hamas, because they are suffering, all of the palestinians in gaza are suffering. They may say after 40 days of warfare, we now accept. The question is will they accept . Can their word be accepted when they gave the word . They gave their word to the qatari and he gave his word to the secretary of the United States and secretarygeneral of the united nations. We lost three soldiers. We lost two soldiers and one is missing. Again, this will be reviewed carefully by the Israeli Cabinet which will look at the situation on the ground as it is developing. And we will take a decision. You have to understand, wolf, were talking about an organization which doesnt play by diplomatic rules. It is part of this Jihadist Network across the middle east. It is part of the delegation led by the Palestinian Authority and abbas with whom you had a good relationship. That Organization Plays by the rules. That is true. We find it a little odd, certainly we found it odd in the past that abbas would sit in the same delegation with hamas. Nonetheless, now they are and we are reviewing the situation as it develops every day. We have just gone through, as i said before, seven separate ceasefire efforts that totally failed. Maybe the eighth time will be the charm. Maybe. If you dont learn something from your repeated efforts that fail because of hamas unreliability, you have a problem. All right. Dore gold, you miss the u. N. . Do i miss the u. N. . You know, you would have to be a glutton for punishment. He is now the Senior Advisor for netanyahu. Ill speak live with the chief palestinian negotiator. He is standing by. We are here in jerusalem. This is the situation room special report. Your 16yearold daughter studied day and night for her drivers test. Secretly inside, you hoped she wouldnt pass. The thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was. You just werent ready. But she did pass. cause shes your baby girl. And now youre proud. A bundle of nerves proud. But proud. Get a discount when you add a newlylicensed teen to your Liberty Mutual insurance policy. Call to learn about our whole range of life event discounts. Newlywed discount. New College Graduate and retiree discounts. You could even get a discount when you add a car. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Were back live here in jerusalem. Joining us now is the chief palestinian negotiator. He is joining us from jericho on the west bank. Did you hear anything at all . I assume you were listening to Prime Minister netanyahus speech today. Did you hear anything at all that was encouraging to you . Wolf, i heard one thing from netanyahu tonight. He said i will not negotiate. I will only dictate. That was his message. That was his team. That was the address of his defense minister. Indeed, he is continuing to kill and wound 17 palestinians on the hour every hour. And i think his bombs will not only destroy gaza and buildings in gaza and kill people in gaza, but with this trend now, he will destroy relations with egypt and destroy relations with jordan and with the Palestinian Authority will not be existing anymore. Because we have sent the delegation as i said last night to cairo today. The delegation fully empowered to reconfirm our need to have a ceasefire. Our commitment to have a ceasefire and to begin reinventing the human suffering. Now the Prime Minister not only rejected to send the delegation to cairo, i told you when the Israeli Government did that, this is tactical. They dont send reservists for the mere fact to declare a ceasefire. What netanyahu and his cabinet are doing in gaza, its reoccupying gaza. Today, 44 of gaza is under israeli occupation. They will continue doing this and they will end up maybe in a week or ten days in total occupation of the gaza strip. Then the total occupation of the absence of the authority that will go down the drain. Destroying the relations with egypt, jordan. What mr. Netanyahu will do in the next interview is he says i have no partner because everybody in the middle east has dashed. This government is a government that came to destroy the twostate solution. They came to follow the efforts of mr. Kerry and mr. Obama and our nine months of negotiations. Dictating and not negotiating. Now resorting to the destruction and killing fields. Wolf, with the irony, they tell we are regrouping. Go back to your homes. There are no homes. No neighborhoods. No cities. Nothing. Total destruction. How disappointed are you that president obama and secretary of state kerry in the public statemen statements of the 24 hours defended israel. They said hamas is to blame and not israel. Well, you know, life is not fair. I think mr. Kerry did his best to have a ceasefire. Mr. Kerry, at 12 30 a. M. On the morning of august 1st, received a phone call from mr. Lahti. I was with him in which he told him that hamas is on board and all palestinian factions are on board. Israel hit tunnels. He was told that this would undermine the ceasefire in minutes and that the palestinians have the right to defend themselves. That is what they insisted. Israel is reserving the right to destroy tunnels and us saying we will defend ourselves and cause a ceasefire. This was unfair for anyone to blame us and our side. Between 8 00 a. M. And 9 25 a. M. In the morning of august 1st, 21 homes were destroyed by the israeli army in search of tunnels. Five palestinians were killed. Palestinians killed two israelis. One disappeared. The point is, we will not go on the blame game. I notice that israel is part of americas domestic life. I know life is not fair. I know it is my word against israeli. I dont stand a chance. Who said life is about fairness. What we are trying to do here is to get back to a ceasefire. We sent a delegation today to reconfirm our commitment of a ceasefire. It is composed of whos who in politics. Fully mandated to do the ceasefire and then to go and negotiate and talk about things by words, not bullets. By words and negotiations, not bullets and m15s. The israeli Prime Minister rejects the initiative to go to cairo and send an israeli delegation to cairo. Not only that, he goes on the press conference and saying israel will go with force. We will just continue counting those who die and wounded. Then in a years time when everybody has gone down the drain in the bath of extremism and violence, we say it is in the nature of the dna that they act this way. You make some fair points. We heard the leader of hamas make a similar point to Nic Robertson who interviewed him. We played that clip earlier here in the situation room where he said he never agreed to allow israel to continue the operation of tunnels during the ceasefire. This is significant, saeb. This is what john kerry said after the agreement was announced by the u. N. And u. S. Kerry said in new delhi, india, august 1st, the parties are expected to cease all offensive activities. Neither side will advance beyond current locations. They will stay in place. Israel will continue the defensive operations for tunnels behind its lines. Was john kerry, when he said israel will continue the defensive operations for tunnels behind its lines, was he deliberately misleading the world or deliberately not listening to the qataris not telling him . He told us, he told me on the phone that israel told him that they would continue with the tunnels. Then when he went and saw me, he came back to secretary kerry and told him if this is the case, which would undermine the ceasefire, were on board. Palestinians have the right to defend. We defend ourselves. This is the story. He was told. I can confirm. On the morning of august 1st, at 12 30 a. M. He told secretary kerry that israel will continue destroying the tunnels. He told him on behalf of the palestinians that palestinians in this case reserve the right to defend themselves. That is the situation. That is the honest truth of what had happened. All right. Im glad you explained it. Im glad we are continuing our conversation. Saeb the chief palestinian negotiator explaining obviously a major problem in the 72ceasefire agreement. Hamas not going along with what others were doing, including the secretary of state of the United States. Much more of Nic Robertson interview tomorrow morning on fareed zakarih at 10 00 a. M. Coming up, israel vowing to do everything it can to find the Second Lieutenant hadar goldin. We will have a discussion with the family member. Much more on the breaking news after this. Wandering out into this great unknown and when its done, believe that i will yell it from that Mountain High i was born free its the chevy summer drive. See your local chevy dealer. That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. 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We are making sure he is safe. Reporter at any cost . I am a citizen and brother. I am not making businesses. Im not talking about causes. I want to make sure my brother is coming back home. I love my brother. Reporter hadars twin brother says he is not an enemy of the people of gaza. What would you like to say to people in gaza who feel that theres an operation going on and they are being targeted too like your family is being targeted. As a family being targeted and as the gaza people being used by hamas, i want to say i want to see my brother home. I want the world to take care of the threats of us losing our love of family. Reporter how is your family coping since you heard that he was missing and captured . My family we love our brother. We want our brother to come home. We believe that the world cares and we want to bring him home. Reporter how have you been feeling . Terrible. Missing my brother. I love my brother. I hope to see him. Reporter i understand he got engaged just before the operation started. Why was that . He had something in his mind when he got engaged . My brother is a smile. I miss him so much. He got engaged to make people happy. He wanted to make people happy. To love with him. To dance with him. Thats what people do. Reporter throughout the emotional appeal, we got the sense of frustration that no one has been in touch with the family yet to tell them whether they are negotiating the safe return of their brother or to find out about his well being. Wolf. Saima near tel aviv with the family of the Second Lieutenant who is still listed as missing in action. Saima, thanks. Still ahead, life in the west bank, mostly normal, compared to the life in gaza. The west bank is getting more and more outraged by the day about what is going on in gaza. We will have a full report. Our Martin Savidge went there to find out. We are live in jerusalem and this is the situation room special report. 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As our Martin Savidge reports, places like heblon, anger is escalating. Reporter these are the most violent days in years. The anger at israel and its war in gaza. When these marchers came too close to israeli settlement, soldiers opened fire. As many as six people died in clashes like these last weekend. A week later, the crowds are larger as political groups are angry over a slaughter of innocent people. They are demonstrating against this aggression against our people. Reporter soon word spreads that the attempts for a ceasefire has violently fallen apart. It is not about the ceasefire. It is about the occupation. The israeli occupation. Reporter the crowd of women and children pours through the streets of hebron. This time, the protesters fail to reach a checkpoint. The Border Police meet them. Stunned grenades and they keep the protesters away. The angry crowd shouting back with rocks and words. It wasnt long before we were caught in the crossfire. Identifi Israeli Soldiers pushed people back. This is in between the protesting crowd and Israeli Soldiers. Here they come now. You have to keep your eyes open for the rocks and crowd control devices. Fears are mounting here as the death toll continues to grow in gaza, so will the days of rage in the west bank. Martin savidge, cnn, hebron. Still to come, president obama has demanded the unconditional return of the israeli soldier, but are his words enough . We are live in jerusalem and this is the situation room special report. From youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. Dont those people know youre already shaken up . 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Step down a bit publicly, but step it up on the diplomatically side quietly. There is a great deal the United States can do, wolf. John kerry needs help to get this done. That is keep talking to all the parties in the middle east so this doesnt expand and spill into the other conflicts there now. Also, there will be a pull back by the israelis in time. We ought to be preparing now for what comes next after that. We need an international force. Israelis have argued. We need a big economic package for gaza. We can prepare the way with other nations on that now. Jim, you know the arab world well. You know this issue well. What would you tell the president . What does he need to do . I think the president s made some errors on this one. This is not helping the United States at a very difficult time in the middle east. It is not helping our standing with arab opinion. Im sure of that. At the same time, i think what people understand is that israel perfectly knows how to do it is like the braer rabbit. What they dont know is how to deal with public pressure. The president needs to step up the public pressure on israel so an internal debate takes place in gaza which is out of control and a slaughter. A tremendous loss of life that will take a very long time for us to get over. I think that people will look at the United States as complicit and people will look at israel as a country that they simply cannot live with. It will have reverb rations throughout the arab world. Leaders who were silent will pay a price with public opinion. The United States will pay a price. The United States can put pressure and try to stop the slaughter. Kimberly, the u. S. Credibility. You appreciate this as well. U. S. Credibility among arabs and israelis is not necessarily all that high. How does the obama administration, particularly secretary kerry, fix that . Not high. The only way you can survive this situation is to keep slogging through it. There has been a change to try to get secretary kerry removed from the process. That would admit defeat. You have to keep the phone calls going. That is what the officials are trying to do. Just keep talking and keep momentum going in the right direction. Is this secretary kerry and ill ask a blunt question to david and jim and kimberly. Is he the right man for this job . I think he is, wolf. I agree with kimberly. This is not time for him to step back. I disagree with jim on this point. It seems to me secretary kerry has gotten himself into a deep and hostile situation with the israelis. For him to be way out front and putting public pressure on when the israelis feel he came up with a plan and failed and pushed the truce on him. I think he would be better advised to lower his profile a bit. Let the white house push for israeli withdrawal and get the soldier back. I think this is the time for quieter diplomacy and not dictate to the israelis. We may get more out of it in the long run. Jim, go ahead. At the same time, 1,700 palestinians have died and a tremendous amount of anger and despair have taken hold in gaza and are reverberating throughout the region. I would disagree, david, if we want to salvage anything. It is the time to stand up. Stand up like jim bakker did and be very firm and principled and not back off. When we make a statement and back off, the israelis got the message these guys can be moved and pushed. The palestinians got the message, dont take these guys seriously because they cannot do anything. I think that is the problem we have here. The dynamic on both sides with the israelis with a sense of impunity and then a sense of nothing ahold. I want to continue this. Kimberly, ill come back to you right after break. I want to come back to what james baker had. He withheld approval of loan guarantees to reset the soviet jews in the area. Lets continue the conversation in a moment. Well be right back. We can save big with priceline express deals. You know what man, these guys aint no dragons. Theyre cool. These deals are legit. Yeah, were cool. Shes cool. Were cool. Priceline express deals really are legit. Thousands of people book them everyday. Perhaps its because there are thousands of four star hotels to choose from. Or maybe people just like saving up to 55 . Look saving you money makes us happy. What does an apron have to do with Car Insurance . Every time you tie on an apron, you make progress. And we like that. Because progress is what we make, too. Were back with david and james and kimberly. Kimber kimberly, i was asking if secretary kerry was the right leader to do the job. I think he is. I think president obama has bought him time and space to do that by his remarks on friday taking ownership of the criticism of israel causing civilian casualties in its campaign against the palestinians. What secretary kerry has to do behind the scenes is to try to get egypt to tighten its border area with gaza. So that israel has the confidence that the palestinians that hamas wont be able to bring in the kind of weapons and concrete it used to build the tunnels and attack the israelis. That is delicate negotiation. You almost dont want the israelis there for that. You dont want it look like they forced anyone into doing something that caused them to be weaker with the conflict. President obama takes the blame for criticizing israel and leaves secretary kerry to work. The president is being praised here today in israel, david, for the strong support of israel. Yesterday, you know on a personal level, i suspect there is no great love between president obama and Prime Minister netanyahu. Deep distrust. I think they actually like john kerry more, but they dont like what he is doing. We all agree. Jim and i will not agree. We want to see this end quickly as possible. We want to end the terror for the palestinians. The way to do that may not be to push in a very, very public way berating the israelis. If netanyahu called today and said stop second guessing me. There is an argument that the diplomacy has strengthened. Kimberly is right. We have to do things behind the scenes to prepare for lasting solutions. Giving more security to the israelis. Closing the borders. But closing the borders is exactly what israel has done. Actually since 1994. Egypt has total control of the rafah border. I worked with Vice President gore in the 90s to bring Economic Development into gaza. We had Economic Companies to go in. Because they would not allow i am ports and exports, they would not be allowed in. The way to strangle israel will not allow trade. They will not allow trade and the middle class, the entrepreneurs in gaza have dried up. If you want to replace hamas, create hope and opportunity and jobs for people in the gaza strip. What israeli officials i have spoken to have said is they would like to see a mechanism to allow in economic aid, but stop dualuse items like concrete and rebar to build the tunnels. That would require egypt to be tough on everything over its Border Crossing just like israel. That is something that is being discussed. They had macaroni on their dualuse list. We have to wrap it up. To build houses and hospitals and build schools, you need concrete and iron. We will continue this conversation. An important conversation involving u. S. Attitudes toward the critically important part of the world. Prime minister netanyahu today offered condolences to the families of the 63 fallen Israeli Soldiers. The battle with hamas rages on, the fight for recovery is just beginning for some of the 400 wounded troops. Cnns sara sidner spoke to one family. Reporter a mother sits by her sons side. His head wrapped in a bandage. Wounded on a mission in gaza. I heard thanks, god. Reporter why . Because we can handle it. Because we will overcome. Everything is okay. He is alive. We earned our family. Reporter he survived a blast to the face and neck with shrapnel. He is 21. He got hurt. His friends got killed in front of him. He lost five friends from his group. What is going to happen to him . Reporter he doesnt want his face shown because he is insisting on finishing his mission. Hell be complete israels objective of blowing apart the hamas Tunnel Network that it says can be used to strike inside israel. In another hospital, another wounded soldier who could talk telling us detonating tunnels underground is detailed work fraught with dangers in hamas territory. We saw them carrying rpgs and grenades he says. When we arrived at the tunnel entry, we isolate the area to work on it, but there is always danger. Revealing his first name, ron says he found himself in the crosshairs of a sniper. The bullet hit his hip and thigh and stomach. The injuries we see in the emergency room which had more than 100 Soldiers Pass through here is injuries to the extremities. Reporter amputations . Amputations and open fractures. Reporter the families gather at the southern israeli hospital to worry over soldiers who have been injured. What they are talking about is the soldier captured. Their worst nightmare. I am thinking about this soldier and thinking about his parents. You know, it has hurt us. We dont know him. Reporter but palestinians say their pain and suffering is much greater. More than 1,600 people have been killed. Mostly civilians according to the Palestinian Health ministry inraeli soldiers try to avoid civilians, but hamas is using children and civilians. They hide weapons in mosques and schools. They shoot at us from civilian areas. Hamas, for its part, makes clear it should come as no surprise that Israeli Soldiers are targets while stalking tunnels and killing Palestinian People in a territory that is not their own. Sara sidner, cnn, israel. Thats it for me. Thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in jerusalem. This is a special edition of the situation room. News room will start after a quick break. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. 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