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Backlash over his jabs at the parents of a muslim u. S. Soldier killed in afghanistan. Khizr kahn spoke at last weeks Democratic National convention condemning donald trump, calling the move unconstitutional and offered to lend trump his own pocketbook of the constitution. Trump has fired back, accusing the Clinton Campaign of writing the speech and even suggesting the mother was not allowed to speak. This morning, both parents spoke with cnn, we want to play you a substantial piece of what they had to say. I apologize if i am a little emotional about this. Every decent republican has rebuked his behavior, yet nobody has stood up and said enough. Stop it. You will not be our candidate. In private, they have done this. We are aware of it. In private, they have done this. Speaker paul, paul ryan, Senate Majority leader, other senior Republican Leadership have done that. But this candidates maligning of decent patriotic republican has continued the leadership. Look what he did, and how he spoke about mitt romney. Look what he did, how he spoke with senator mccain. This is a consistent, this is a proof of his ignorance and arrogance, and i ask of his advisors to get him in a room, close the door and set him right. If he wants to be the candidate of this wonderful republican party, republican and Democratic Party, both are as patriotic as any where and anyone. Therefore, im mazamazed and lo and care that we have received and continue to receive and we will continue to speak up until this candidate behaves in a dignified manner, deserving of the candidacy of this office. Mr. Kahn, you just called him ignorant and arrogant, and in fact, donald trump said you attacked him at the Democratic National convention. In a tweet, he said he was viscously attacked by mr. Kahn at the Democratic Convention. Am i not allowed to respond. So bear with me. Go ahead. That is again, that is again, his ignorance of the First Amendment. I have exactly same rights as he does. He had been abusing, disrespecting women, judges, all descent americans. Had been so abusive of them. I exercise exactly same rights. That, again, proves his ignorance. He wants to have one set of rights for himself and he wants to have another set of rights for others. No. Somebody should tell him that there is equal dignity. Equal protection of law in this country. That is why that constitution came to play. I keep that in my pocket because i cherish this document. I wish somebody would read it to him. Certain fundamental values that enshrine in this document. His supporters say since youve exercised your First Amendment rights, youre now fair game. It is now fair game for donald trump to talk about you in and his supporters to talk about you. You spoke at the Democratic National convention, which is a political platform. Well, they have been exercising their rights, so there is nothing new to that. We are private citizens. We are private people. We want to be out of this controversy. My good wife, ghazala, had been insisting that i not respond. I let i take a more dignified path than responding to undignified attacks, and comments. Therefore, we jointly decide that there is no need to escalate this. We have made the point. The amount of recognition, the amount of love, sporks care, street corners, any place we go to, people come and they say you have spoken what we wanted to say. I have my email box full of messages from prominent republicans that are saying that this year, no republican president ial vote. So we want to be out of this controversy. We dont want to continue. That is not our style. We are decent, dignified family of this country. Very appreciative of the blessings that we have enjoyed. We continue to enjoy. We want to remain that way. Mrs. Kahn this is not our path. Mrs. Kahn, i want to talk to you, because donald trump specifically questioned you and questioned your silence at the Democratic Convention last thursday. I want to play you the sound and undoubtedly youve heard it by now of what he had to say about your choice not to speak on thursday. Lets listen. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. But plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet. And it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. Mrs. Kahn, i would like to give you a chance to respond to that right now. Actually, i have already responded. In my statement that i think it is published in washington post, and but still, i can say that my religion or my family or my culture never stopped me saying whatever i want to say. And my husband is very supportive of me in these things that i have all the rights as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter. I have done very well saying my mind out, but that time was different. And anybody can see that difference that time was when i was standing there in front of america, without saying a word, i had lots of love. I touched lots of hearts. So im thankful for everything that america has given me. Everything that i had got from america, the most of it, the love and the respect. I just, im so happy to be saying that i am a muslim woman. And muslim women have all the rights in the world in eyes of god, we have equal to our husbands. We are equal and we are number one in our in the household, in my family, in my culture, in my community. Im very glad that i have been in this country, and i got all the happiness and that comes from ohio, yeah. Somebody have to pay the price for this freedom that we have. As a gold star mother, is there a message you want to send right now to the country about what youre feeling four days into this discussion . Im really very happy for the things that i got from america, and from all over the world. My respect, my love has gone, a lot that i was expecting, but always, where ever i go, i dont know people hugged me, people love me, not right now, but all these 12 years, i had americas respect. Thats why i thought i should go with my husband, stand there and tell them how muslim feels in this country. We feel very protected. We feel very happy, and our futures, our children are in a safe place. Mr. Kahn, donald trump is apparently watching right now on twitter, he just said mr. Kahn, who does not know me, viscously tacked me from the stage of the dnc and is all over tv doing the same. Nice, he said. Given that you know he is watching now, is there a message you would like to send to him about this discussion . I really want to maintain mine and my familys dignity. I spoke what was appropriate, and if he is watching, just imagine, there was no need to comment the way he commented. That initiated this conversation. I again say, we want to maintain our dignity. We want to maintain my familys dignity. My sons dignity. And sacrifice. And he should listen to america, what america and the world is telling about the remarks, about the lack of empathy, and thats all i wish to convey to him. That a good leader has one trait. Earlier, i said empathy. I probably right now will misspell it, but it is basic character, realizing, feeling the pains, the difficulties of the people that you wish to lead, and that is missing. Donald trump needs to sit with his advisors and portray to this world that he is empathetic. You solve the problems with empathy. Putting people together. There are bad people among us. But there are good people among us as well. You gather good people to get rid of bad people, but you do not malign the whole religion, the whole culture. All right, so as you heard, mr. Trump has already responded to that interview. Moments ago, senator john mccain did too. He released a very harsh statement about the feud, calling on republicans to denounce mr. Trump in saying it is time for trump to set an example for the United States of america. Cnns Phil Mattingly joins me now. Weve seen it for the last 13, 14 months. When donald trump feels he is being a tacked, he counter punches. Thats what he is doing right now with the kahn family, tweeting out as john berman referenced, mr. Kahn, does not know me visually attacked me and is all over tv doing the same. Nice. Now, carol, when you talk to republicans who have been watching this over the course of the last 48 hours, they desperately want donald trump to stop. To move on. This is an issue that frankly in politics, we havent seen before. It is considered that out of the realm of reality. Perhaps nobody hammered this home kind of more intensely than john mccain. Obviously a former naval aviator himself, a target of donald trump, putting out a 697 word statement, just a little bit ago. That statement included this. Quotes, i claim no moral superiority over donald trump. I have a long and private record for which i will have to answer at the final judgment. I repose my hope in the promise of mercy and the moderation of age. I challenge the nominee to set the example for what our country can and should represent. He goes on to say, arizona, his home state, is watching. It is time for donald trump to set the example for our country and the future of the republican party. While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by the unfetterred license to defame those who are the best among us. My son served today. My youngest served in the war that claimed captain kahns life as well as in afghanistan. I want them to be proud of me and do the right thing by their comrades. John mccain not the only one speaking out. Republican leaders doing much the same. Paul ryan, speaker of the house, putting out a statement saying, quote, many Muslim Americans have served valeantly in america. Captain kahn was one great example, and khizr and ghazala kahn should always be honored, period. The Trump Campaign is framing this they want to move on. They want it a broader discussion about terrorism. Theyre having a difficulty in doing that, likely because their own candidate continues to talk about this. However, mike pence, the running mate of donald trump, last night putting out a statement of his own, saying this. Donald trump and i believe captain humayun kahn and his family like all gold star families should be cherished by every american. In that statement, mike pence goes on to talk about the immigration ban that the kahn family was speaking out about originally, saying that had that been in place, Something Like this would not have happened. Now, captain kahn was killed in 2004, in iraq, under president george w. Bush. There is a little disconnect there as the Trump Campaign attacks Hillary Clinton and president obamas former policy. That said, the interesting thing is behind the scenes, when you talk to republicans, as this has gone on, they just dont know what to do about it. They would like it to go away. Let me ask you about senator mccain. It was back in may, may 5th to be exact, he said he would back donald trump as his president ial nominee because gop voters have had their say. When you read the press release, does it sound like he has changed his mind . Not officially. Look, i think if you read this press release, and it is a powerful press release, which concludes by thanking the kahn family for immigrating to america, but it underscores the difficulty republicans are facing. They have pledge today back their nominee. They cant rescind that pledge, or else cause a national firestorm. He mentions donald trump by name. Nor does mitch mcconnell. Republican leaders, theyve become especially condemning donald trump remarks without ever talking about donald trump, or even mentioning his name in the statements. Theyre trying to walk a fine line here. When you talk to the advisors, gop Campaign Officials for senate races across the country, how do you walk this line. You need a republican to win the white house, particularly if you want to talk about Supreme Court issues, you cant disavow that republican, because then that becomes the only thing anybody cares about. And yet that republican only says things that force you to disavow those things on a regular basis. It ans extraordinarily difficult position the Republican Leaders are in. John mccain putting out a powerful statement but doesnt get himself out of that position. He remanins in that position as long as donald trump is the nominee. Phil, thank you so much. Stick around. Im going to ask Donald Trumps National Security advisor about all of this, next. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. 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Its gonna make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. Its such a wonderful combination, its pro enamel, its good for your enamel, its a positive thing. Today, nearly dozen gold star families, demanding an apology from donald trump over his deepening feud with a Fallen Soldiers family, quote, when you question a mothers pain by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are tacking us. When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice. You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost. With me now to talk more about this is retired admiral chuck kubick and lieutenant frank anconoa. Admiral, should mr. Trump apologize. I think it goes without saying that the grief experienced by mr. And mrs. Kahn, even after 12 years, is certainly representative of thousands upon thousands of gold star families. And i think he has made it very clear he considers captain kahn, as i do, to be an american hero. But carol should he apologize. There is a deeper story here than all the back and forth thats going on in the media, if we have a minute to talk about it. We do. But i just want to go back to this. These families are very hurt. This father is really hurt. Should mr. Trump apologize . Well, i think he has shown that he is understands their grief, he understands the they dont think that. Well, i think maybe if everybody just calmed down and listened closely they would hear that coming through, in addition to all the political rhetoric. It is absolutely clear that as americans, we look at captain kahn, you know, as a brave american soldier. Not as a muslim or pakistani soldier. We respect everything he has done. Donald trumps remarks have reflected that, even though he has also had to answer the political charges against him. Do you think mr. Trump should apologize . I do, i do. I think that his choice of words in the way this was handled was unfortunate. I take the admirals points that mr. Trump has certain feelings and views, but he hasnt articulated those well. In talking to other people serving in the military, they are offended by the way this is being used as a political pawn. Theyre not happy with the speech at the convention, and theyre not happy with the response. This is an argument we dont need to have. Captain kahn was a hero. I can tell you, as the admiral said, when youre in these situations, in a combat zone, you serve with people of all faiths. It really never comes into play. All youre worried about is protecting each other out there. Not what religion they are. Admiral. Youre spot on, colonel. Thats important for everyone to realize. Can ta captain kahn was killed by radical terrorists and operating in a combat zone under restricted rules of engagement. I think the fact that politicians had said by that point in the iraq war, i was there at the time, i was in theater, my cb division returned with the marines, we were in fallujah, and operating in a different way than we operated when we actually marched to baghdad, and it put young soldiers, it put everyone in extreme jeopardy and i think thats what happened. When captain kahn was faced with taxicab coming at him, the combat rule of engagement would put a 50 caliber round through the grill. He was forced to go out there and confront it and they detonated. Thats the responsibility of rules of engagement. I am not sure his grieving parents fully understand that. It is politicians who send soldiers to war without giving them the go ahead to fight to win. I think mr. Trump has made it very clear that in the future, soldiers wont die like this. He wont send people in, except as a last resort. If we do have to fight, we will always fight to win. Admiral, send people in as a last resort. Donald trump has said a whole bunch of different things. He wants to bomb the out of isis. He might put troops, one time he cited 40 or 50 ground troops, and now im not sure where he stands. So maybe you can clarify that for us. Well, i think it is pretty well said that he is unpredictable. He isnt going to broadcast exactly what he will a he do he isnt going to tell voters what hell do. He isnt going to attack a friendly country like libya, like secretary clinton did. She ignored a truce that had been negotiated, and continued to bomb anyhow, and then a year later, when we had americans and extremists in benghazi, thee obstructed a i understand. Im just curious. Let me just clarify what you just said. You say donald trump should not tell the American People what exactly his plans are to defeat isis because that would be, what . Well, there is going to have to be a much more complex strategy than what we have right now. And part of that strategy will be overt and will be broadcast and part of it will be covert. What we do in terms of employing troops, employing air is not something you broadcast in advance. It has to be well considered. It has to be put together by the military leaders, not by staffers in the white house. I think thats the colonel, who has also been in theater of war, i want you to weigh in, because this is different. Usually president ial candidates tell how theyll defeat something as dangerous as isis. Colonel francono, does this make sense . This is the conversation we need to be having, rather than discussing the unfortunate comments of mr. Trump. We need to find out what his strategy is. And i take the admirals point you dont go down this administration, the Current Administration has been too open with what we plan to do by setting artificial dates by which were going to withdraw, you just have to wait us out. What we need to talk about is the strategy. I would like to hear what you plans to do. I dont care about the operations and tactics. Thats something that needs to be kept secret. Unfortunately, this these unfortunate made by mr. Trump and others in the administration, and the Democratic Party are taking us away from the conversation we need to be having. So but i think we need to remember that captain kahns family is grieving, and give them the benefit of the doubt here. All right, i have to leave it there. Admiral i have to leave it there. Okay, thanks, carol. Thanks for being with me. I do appreciate. Still ahead in the newsroom, Hillary Clinton also suffered bumps on the road this weekend when she had to answer questions about her private email server. 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Good morning, im carol costello. Donald trumps rough weekend, over shadowing an interview with Hillary Clinton. An investigation into her private email server. When asked about the fbi directors characterization, clinton was reckless or careless and negligent with classified information, this is how she responded. Director comey said that my answers were truthful and what ive said is consistent with what i have told the American People. That there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails. I was communicating with over 300 people in my emailing. They certainly did not believe, and had no reason to believe, that what they were sending was classified. What i believe is, number one, i made a mistake. Not using two different email addresses. I have said that. And i repeat it again today. It is certainly not anything that i ever would do again. I take classification seriously. I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom i worked. So lets talk about this, charmaine youst is a former advisor to Ronald Reagan and bernard whitman, 52 reasons to vote for hillary. Welcome to both of you. Bernard, the debates are coming. Is it enough for clinton to say it was a mistake and ill never do it again. Thats not all she has been saying. This has been going on for over a year. She has made clear she made a mistake. If she knew then what she knows now, she wouldnt have done it. She knew then, right . Congress investigated it, the state department investigated it, she made a mistake, come clean with the American People and i think frankly, we should move on and talk about the fundamental issues that are fact the consider. The economy, Foreign Policy, health care, jobs. All the republicans have is this email gate and theyre going to continue to dredge it up. What was going through your mind when you were listening to her response . I thought it was classic hillary to dodge and evade. To spin and reframe something by telling the American People that the fbi director said something he did not say. He said that she was terribly careless with American Foreign policy secrets and classified material. He didnt exonerate her and say that she had said what she said. She told us that she didnt send classified material versus over email and he said she in fact did. We still have 30,000 emails that were wiped clean off of her system in a way that the fbi director comey said appeared to be, well, that were unretrievable forensically. How she did it, why she did it, she is white washing it. I do think charmaine is right about this. Ive talked with moderate republicans who were thinking about voting for clinton until this hit full force. Again, should she explain in detail why she made the decision to use her personal server . I think that she has made look, i dont think it is that complicated. I think she said you know what, i did it for ease, carry one device. She didnt think about it too much. Her predecessors had done it. The people in the state department knew about it. She never imagined it would causal this concern that it has. Bernard, thats the problem. She should have imagined. She was the secretary of state. She is the one, you know, that is responsible for all that happens and fails to happen. So for her to say and dodging and weaving and saying it wasnt her fault, thats her number one job her job isnt the cio of the state department. A big part of her job is National Security. You were talking about we should be talking about fundamental issues. I completely agree. It is our National Security. She has exposed to Foreign Countries our National Secrets thats not true. There is not a sled hred of evidence. The fbi director said it was a good possibility, but didnt say there was any evidence this goes to show you have to wonder why anyone would join the cia or go into cl clandestine service, when she was careless. It is very concerning as an american citizen voting for her, giving her this is exactly the presidency of the United States. Bernard, last word and then i have to go. The last thing republicans want to do is talk about their nominee because he attacks the American People, degrades the parents of Fallen Soldiers and no one will come to his defense. The only thing republicans have to talk about is Hillary Clintons email server. Thats you dodging and changing the subject. And excuse that one mistake. Ive got to leave it there. Bernard and charmaine, thank you to you both. What did trump mean . He tells us, via twitter. Beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. When we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. And we leave out corn, wheat and soy. For your pet, we go beyond. At the the lincoln summer inits time to relax. T, from the moment you take your foot off the brake, the brake stays engaged and you stay put. Taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. And even hills. Thats the more human side of engineering. This is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers. Lease a lincoln mkx for 349 a month or get 0 apr for 60 months and Just Announced 1,000 summer invitation bonus. They give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese. S. Cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni cheese. Can you spell delicious . Delicious. D. E. L. Donald trump had a rough 72 hours, in addition to his ongoing feud with the family of a fallen soldier, trump is raising eyebrows, after insisting russian president Vladimir Putin will not make a military move in ukraine. I have my own ideas. He is not going into ukraine, just so understand. He is not going to go into ukraine, all right. You can mark it down. Put it down. Take it any way he is already there, isnt he. Frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess, under obama, with all the strength that youre talking about, and all of the power of nato and all of this, in the meantime, he is going he takes crimea, he is sort of, i mean you said you might recognize that. Im going to take a look at it. The people of crimea, from what ive heard, would rather be with russia than where they were. So here is the thing. Putin did make a military move, when he seized the countrys crimea penisula. Donald trump is out on twitter trying to clarify what he meant to say in that interview with abc yesterday. He put out two tweets just now. What i said in an interview that putin is not going into ukraine, you can mark it down, im saying if im president , already in crimea, following that up, so with all of the obama tough talk on russia and the ukraine, theyve taken crimea and continued to push. Thats what i said. So donald trump now trying to spin this as he was criticizing the Current Administrations lack of ability to do anything to kind of block Vladimir Putin and the annexation of crimea and that will change when he is president of the United States. What has come across, though, and to clinton officials, but also republican and Foreign Policy, it paired for a moment he wasnt totally sure exactly what was going on. He also appeared to echo a talking point that Vladimir Putin has put out as the rationale for his annexation of crimea, when he said it seemed like people were supportive of that. Thats exactly what Vladimir Putin has said for annexing crime me yeah. It is important to know. U. S. Officials and their allies have condemned this. Theyve sanctioned russia and the Clinton Campaign out with a statement, what he is talking about. Russia is already in ukraine. Does he not know that. What else doesnt he know. This is scary stuff. But it shouldnt surprise us. This comes on the heels to the russians to invade our allies in europe. What is worth noting, this plays into the narrative that the Clinton Campaign is trying to push. Donald trump doesnt have the makeup to be sitting in the oval office. You talk about his questioning of nato countries like the countries in the baltics, you talk about a lot of the issues that he has been discussing, particularly as it relates to russia. The Clinton Campaign is more than happy to foment this idea that donald trump is too close to Vladimir Putin, and when it comes to ukraine, Paul Manafort for a long period of time had to make the idea, put that idea out there that this is something deliberate and something that would deliberately undermine intentions. Just to make it crystal clear, it went into a sovereign nation and took control of part of that nation for its own. Yes. So is donald trump intimating that would be an okay thing to do . Well, what he is tweeting today is that as president , it would not be, but it is worth noting, carol, he has said in the interview that he would have to look into the idea the people of crimea. To remain apart of russia. Again, the u. S. Has sunkanction russia because of that act. So that would be a distinct shift in policy, one that republicans are very against. Republican officials have criticized the Obama Administration for not doing enough when it comes to trying to push back on what Vladimir Putin has done in ukraine and crimea. All right, Phil Mattingly, thanks so much. A russian helicopter is shot down in syria killing all five on board. Cnn Senior International correspondent, matthew chance, live from moscow with more on this. Hi, matthew. Reporter the Russian Defense Ministry Says they were just coming back from delivering humanitarian supplies to aleppo. There has been a siege underway in Northern Syria in which the government is laying seeiege of the city by antigovernment rebels and the Russian Armed forces have been backing the Syrian Government with air strikes. You can see the pictures that have come to us on social media, black plume of spoke, twisted wreckage of this m8 helicopter, a transport helicopter. Theyre often armed and it seemed from the picture, this helicopter was armed. What we know for certain, there were at least five people on board. The Russian Defense ministry has come out and said this, and the kremlin has said now taking control of this media messaging of the situation, all five people on board are dead. That makes it the biggest single loss of life for the russians in syria since they began the inter veen intervention last year. Still to come in the newsroom, a whole new world of distracted driving. While texting and driving was just the beginning. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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His response when Police Stopped him, this is what i get for playing that game. Thats right, police say both drivers were playing pokemon go. Kelly wallace has more about the evolving dangers of the distracted driver. Andrea was the perfect mom. We were going to have more kids. It was the high of life. We were settled, loving what we did, raising a family and breaking ground on a new home. In the blink of an eye, our world changed. Reporter on june 30th, 2014, andrea took her darling girls, then 11 months and 4 years old, for a bike ride right near their home in rural steam, minnesota. Her husband matt was doing some dangerous work on the familys farm. I had a twoway radio that kept in contact with one of my guys. To keep me safe, you know, and all a sudden over the twoway, mom said, matt, where are you . I could just hear it on moms voice right away. She said andrea and the girls were in an accident. 911, wheres your emergency . Theres a girl that got hit by a car. What was that like when you get to the hospital and see claire . It was something ill never forget. Because i was told shes okay and so it was horrible. No parent should have to go through that. What do you tell the girls . For any parent to go to their 4yearold and their 11monthold and say mommys in heaven is something i dont know. A driver, chris webber, a south Dakota National guardsman and father of two, admitted he designed to make a payment on his phone. He says he looked down at his phone and heard a thud. He says he never saw andrea and the girls. I failed number one because i was on my phone. I just knew he was on his phone. My gut told me that even before i got to the scene. I knew it. And its tough. Its so preventable. I mean, we are addicted to her phones. Anything can happen. And that anything happened to us. Such a tragedy. Every day, more than eight people are killed in this country due to some form of distracted driving, carol, and to give you a sense of how dangerous it is, just reading your text, you know, a text for a few seconds is eat gi s is is of driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. You wonder why people keep doing it. I mean, laws prevented people from doing this but they do it anyway. We are instinctively drawn to these phones. We hear the ping and we cant turn away. We know its dangerous but so many of us do it anyway. Kelly wallace, thanks so much. Kellys special by the way distracted driving, driving while distracted, airs saturday at 2 30 p. M. Only on cnn. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. Mpic Training Center experience and over 1,000 other incredible prizes. Visit milklife. Com champions to enter. And over 1,000 other incredible prizes. The tempurbreeze makes me, not cold, but not hot. Its amazing ah, its like a Summer Breeze cracked window. 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Insulting the family of a fallen soldier. The kahn family resonating. This is proof of his ignorance and arrogance. Plus, trumps russias stance is cruel niced. Scrutinized. But it isnt just questions about putin but ukraine too. Hes not going into ukraine, okay, just so you understand it. You can mark it down, you can put it down. But isnt russia already in ukraine . Lets talk live in the cnn newsroom. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. As we begin a new week. Donald trump may well be searching for a reset button. It has been a bruising 72 hours in the post convention sprint to november. Trump blunters on ukraine saying theres no way russia will make a military move but moscow did just that more than two years ago when its military seized crimea. Trump says Hillary Clinton has rigged it by scheduling the faceoffs at the same time as the nfl games but its a Nonpartisan Group that picked the dates more than a year ago. Trump criticized for claiming the nfl sent him a letter complaining about the schedule, something the league denies. What may be the biggest if not most damaging story of the campaign, donald trump facing a growing backlash for his jabs at the parents of a muslim u. S. Soldier killed in the line of duty in afghanistan. Khizr kahn spoke last week at the Democratic National convention. He called the most unconstitutional. Trump has fired back, accusing the Clinton Campaign of writing the speech and even suggest the mother was not allowed to speak. This morning, both parents spoke with cnn. I apologize if i am a little emotional about this. Every decent republican has rebuked his behavior. Yet nobody has stood up and said enough, stop it, you will not be our candidate. In private, they have done this. We are aware of it that in private they have done this. Speaker paul, paul ryan, senator majority leader, other senior Republican Leaderships have done that. But this candidates maligning of decent patriotic republican has continued. Look what he did and how he spoke about mitt romney. Look what he did, how he spoke about senator mccain. This is a consistent, this is a proof of his ignorance and arrogance, and i again and again ask his advisers to get him in a room, close the door, and set him right. If he needs, if he wants to be the candidate of this wonderful republican party, republican and Democratic Party both are as patriotic as anywhere and anyone. Therefore, i am amazed at the love and care that we have received, that we continue to receive, and we will continue to speak until this candidate behaves in a dignified manner deserving of the candidacy of this office. All right, lets bring in cnns Phil Mattingly. Its worth noting this was five days ago. This wasnt even a primetime speech, yet has become the maximum impact moment of the Democratic National convention. One that has continued. With donald trump firing back. Making very clear he believes hes been attacked. When donald trump attacks, he counterpunches. But the rationale for why the kahn family came out and spoke last week was kind of laid out during a new day interview. Take a listen. They have been exercising their rights so theres nothing new to that. We are private citizens. We are private people. We want to be out of this controversy it my good wife ghazala has been insisting that i not to respond. I let, i take a more dignified path then responding to undignified attacks and comments. Therefore, we jointly decide there is no need to escalate this. We have made the point. The amount of recognition. The amount of love, support, care, street corners, any place we go to, people come and they say you have spoken what we wanted to say. I have my email box full of messages from prominent republicans that are saying that this year no republican president ial vote. So we want to be out of this controversy. We dont want to continue. That is not our style. We are decent dignified family of this country. We appreciative of the blessings we have enjoyed. We continue to enjoy. And we want to remain that way. This is not our path. And, carol, if the kahn family doesnt want this to escalate it very clearly has. In large part donald trump coming out and speaking in an interview with abc news, questioning why mrs. Kahn did not speak, suggesting its restrictions imposed on her by her faith. She was asked about that and mrs. Kahn was asked about the thought process in the back and forth with donald trump. Take a listen. I can say that my religion or my family or my culture never stopped me saying whatever i want to say. And my husband is very supportive of me in these things. That i have all rights as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter. I have done very well saying my mind out but that time was different. And anybody can see when i was standing there in front of america without saying a word, i had lots of love. I touched lots of hearts. So im thankful for everything that america has given me. Donald trump is apparently watching right now. On twitter he just said, mr mr. Kahn who does not know me viciously attacked me from the stage of the dnc and is now all over tv doing the same. Nice, he said, given that you know he is watching now, is there a message you would like to send to him about this discussion . I really want to maintain mine and my familys dignity. I spoke what was appropriate and if hes watching, just imagine, there was no need to comment the way he commented. That initiated this conversation. I again say we want to maintain our dignity. We want to maintain my familys dignity, my sons dignity and sacrifice. And he should listen to america, what america and the world is telling about the remarks, about the lake of empathy. Thats all i wish to convey to him. Its worth noting over the course of the last 24 hours Donald Trumps statements about this have been roundly criticized and denounced by the republican party. Top Republican Leaders across the board put out a 697 word statement criticizing donald trump for this back and forth, for these interactions. But notable omission in that statement and others they are at least at this point supporting donald trump for president. With me now to talk about all of this, cnn political commentator and trump supporter jeffrey lord. Cnn contributor and Hillary Clinton supporter michael nutter, hes also the former mayor of philadelphia. And journalist onusha hussein, editor and chief of new shades. Com. Jeffrey, mr. Trump tweeted again this morning that mr. Kahn is viciously attacking him. Why cant he just let it go. Well, look, he has been attacked. Look, everybody has every respect in the world for the kahns and their son. Captain kahn is without doubt an american hero. But i have to say, carol, when you choose to appear at either the democratic or Republican Convention, address 20 Million People and in the case of the kahns, roundly attack donald trump for political reasons, you are going to get blowback. Thats part of the First Amendment here. Thats the free speech. Mr. Kahn keeps waving this constitution. I have it right here myself. Thats the First Amendment. And mr. Kahn choose to get up there and deliberately misrepresent Donald Trumps position on issues. Of course hes going to get an answer. What did he expect . Okay, so nusha, i see you shaking your head. First of all, i just want to thank the kahns. I had the honor of attending uva with marian kahn and i want to thank the kahn family, theyre a family of american heroes. This is the voice that american muslims have been waiting for. Weve spent last year and a half, months, having our faith, having our being called muslim, being openly bashed and we have finally found a hero who have stood up to our biggest bully and i want to thank the kahns. Their sons with a hero. The mother is a houro. They have given back american muslims, something that has been stripped from us during this entire election cycle, that is our dignity. For somebody to even try to justify trumps attack on them, shame on you. He didnt even answer the question. Has he read the constitution . Instead of answering the question, he attacked his wife. Yes, he did answer. He did answer. Yes, he has. What was his answer . Have you read it . Because somebody who has read the u. S. Constitution cannot be actively promoting a ban on muslims entering america. Please tell me where it says in the constitution that congress does not sit Immigration Law. Please tell me. Immigration law. What about protecting people of faith, freedom and liberty. Immigration. Congress gets to decide what Immigration Law is. Thats is wait, wait, what was trumps response to mr. Kahn . He didnt have any response but to continue slandering this family whose son died for america. Slandering a woman who has lost a child. He didnt answer anything. He had nothing to say but more insults. Where was your anger when mrs. Clinton essentially called michael, i want to get you into this because and i will just ask you this. The more perhaps mr. Kahn appears on television, do you think it will you know, theres a huge outcry against donald trump now and what he said about this family but the more mr. Kahn appears on television, might the tables turn . First of all, i want to also express my deepest sympathy to the kahns. I want to thank them for their presence. I want to thank them for their son. And he is an american hero. And this entire episode is indicative of the kind of hate, the kind of ignorance and the psychological imbalance that donald trump represents. Theres a difference between free speech and cheap talk which is what mr. Trump is engaged in. And there is a clearly theres something wrong with him that he continues this activity. The concept what they said. When youre a candidate you have to make a decision how youre going to conduct yourself. You cant fight every fight. Every now and then, you have to exercise some good judgment and some dignity and respect. Say that you feel this sympathy for the family and let it go. But he cant do that because he has no constraints. He knows no bottom to the kinds of things he will engage in. Mr. Kahn has already said, i think both have indicated, that they would like this controversy to end. But in the middle of their interview just taking place right back on twitter because he has no selfcontrol. Donald trump attacking again. He cant let things go which is dangerous for any political leader at any level of government. Theres something wrong with him. I want to get in another point. Because a lot of people out there think that, you know, families who have lost loved ones in service of their country are being politicized including the mother who appeared at the rny who lost her son in bengh i benghazi. Hillary clinton addressed the mother because the mother blames her for her sons death at that benghazi compound. I want you to listen to her response and then comment on the other side. My heart goes out to both of them. Losing a child under any circumstances, especially in this case, to state department employees, extraordinary men both of them, two cia contractors gave their lives protecting our country, our values. I understand the grief and the incredible sense of loss that can motivate that. As other members of families who lost loved ones have said, thats not what they heard. I dont hold any ill feeling for someone who in that moment may not fully recall everything that was or wasnt said. Jeffrey, your characterization of Hillary Clintons response to that benghazi mother . I didnt hear there but ive heard a longer clip of that where she says shes wrong. In other words, shes calling pat smith a liar. Where is the outrage . Where is the endless Media Coverage of this . There isnt any. I would suggest thats a problem. Well, i will say that other families who lost loved ones in benghazi no idea what youre talking about. Michael, go ahead. Yeah, i mean, jeff wants to make a point about some of the details of benghazi to deflect from the direct assault four or five days now direct assault. You did not hear a direct assault from Hillary Clinton, you heard empathy and an understanding. He has no moral center. He has no ability to be empathetic. If its not about him, then it doesnt exist. He has already told us in his own words at the Republican Convention that he is the only one who can do certain things. Thats messianic and its dangerous. Theres something wrong with donald trump. Okay, anusha, i want actually, i just think that jeffrey should response to that. If we were dealing with a reality show, it would be funny. Hes running for president of the United States of america. He knows no boundaries. He keeps talking to the bottom and then there is no bottom and goes own further. I also want to say, please, jeffrey, if i could just say that as a mother, you know, last week my daughter asked me, my 4 1 2yearold, if donald trump was a bad guy. Our children are listening. Jeffrey, you will be judged by history. You will be judged by history. This is a man whos attacking a family who lost their son. Anybodys attempt to say this is okay, i dont have any more words for you. Jeffrey, last word. Youll have a better understanding of her character all right, i have to leave it there. Jeffrey lord, anusha and michael nutter, thank you. Still ahead in the newsroom, Hillary Clinton also suffering so many bumps in the road. What she had to say about her private email server next. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Im going to make this as simple as possible for you. 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The issue of Hillary Clintons emails on a personal server while she was secretary of state once again in the news. Even though the fbi and the Justice Department agreed after an investigation that there should be no charges, what remains controversial is how to square her public statements denying there were any classified emails with what she may have said to the fbi when they interviewed her. Mrs. Clinton said over the weekend on fox that the fbi director james comey described her statements to the agency as truthful and she once again pointed to the faith that some of the information in the emails was reclassified after the fact. Listen. Director comey said that my answers were truthful and what ive said is consistent with what i have told the American People. That there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails. I was communicating with over 300 people in my emailing. They certainly did not believe and had no reason to believe what they were sending was classified. What i believe is number one i made a mistake not using different email addresses. I have said that and i repeat it again today. It is certainly not anything that i ever would do again. I take classification seriously. I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom i worked. Two problems here for Hillary Clinton and her campaign. First, theres important stuff left out, for xap he, the fbi director has said that some of the emails that were sent or received open Hillary Clintons private server were marked class fewed and that whoever was doing the sending or receiving should have known that and while the fbi director has said Hillary Clintons answers in an interview were truthful, congressional investigators have questioned whether mrs. Clintons public statements about this were somehow different from what she may have said to the fbi. Carol. All right, joe johns reporting live for us this morn, thank you. Still to come in the newsroom, donald trump takes heat for saying russia wont go into ukraine even though russia is already there. So what gives. Our coverage stacks up with anybody, including verizon and at t. And only tmobile gives you more than just great coverage. Now you can stream video and music free without touching any of your data. So ditch the other guys. And get great coverage and more with tmobile. We got you covered. And we wont stop jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. So guys with ed can. Take viagra when they need it. 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You can mark it down, you can put it down, you can take it any way you want. Hes already there, isnt he . Hes there in a certain way but im not there yet. Obamas there. That whole world is a mess under obama. With all the strength youre talking about and all the power of nato and all of this, in the meantime, hes going he takes crimea, hes sort of but you said you might recognize that . Im going to take a look at it. But, you know, the people of crimea, from what i heard, would rather be with russia than where they were. Putin did make a military move when he seized the countrys Crimean Peninsula in 2014 but mr. Trump has an explanation. Moments ago trump tweeted, when i said in an interview that putin is not going into ukraine, you can mark it down, i am saying if i am president. Already in crimea. Then trump added, quote, is with all the obama tough talk on russia and the ukraine, they have already taken crimea and continue to push. Thats what i said. Cnns drew griffins has been reporting on the possible ties to russia. Take it away, drew. Theres two themes going on here. One, does donald trump, carol have any ties with russia as a business man and the answer seems to be no. Hes tried many times to build in russia, twice trying to get a trump tower built. Literally have not gone off the ground in moscow. The only thing hes done substantive is in 2013 he tried to well, he did, he successfully brought the Miss Universe pageant to moscow, he made several million dollars, we believe, and it was a big success. He did try to meet vladimir putp during that time and he was not able to do so. What everybody is looking at is his campaign ad now, a guy by the name of Paul Manafort. Manafort, longtime political consultant to republican president ial candidates. But in 2010, manafort was a political consultant to a guy named Viktor Yanukovych who became, with his help, the president of ukraine. He had to leave the ukraine. His government fell apart. He ran over to russia. It all kind of fell apart. And thats when we have this invasion take place where russia invaded crimea. The question is, carol, does Paul Manafort who had at one time very close ties with the former president of ukraine, have Donald Trumps ear on this. And thats what a lot of people who study these geopolitics want to know. Its very complicated but the former president of ukraine fled to russia, right . Thats right. Thats absolutely right. And encouraged, encouraged, Vladimir Putin to invade crimea because he felt so many of those citizens as donald trump said identify as russian citizens. So that is what has everybody raising eyebrows. Now, the question is, really, how close is Paul Manafort now to the former president of ukraine and how close is the former president of ukraine to Vladimir Putin. And what does this all have to do with Donald Trumps position on ukraine. Its very complicated. Conspiratorally thinking people will think its all connected. Those who are following trump maybe are not quite sure he grasps the entire knowledge of whats happening in that country and hes speaking off the cuff. Well just have to wait and see. All right, drew griffin, thanks so much. So lets talk about this. Andy smith, hes the director at the university of New Hampshire survey center. Hes with me. Also historian, professor at prince stone university, jillian selezar and retired general mark hurtling. General hurtling what do you think trump meant when he was talking to George Stephanopoulos . Im not sure, carol, i think what he said was some thingings where he didnt understand actually whats been going on in ukraine not only for last several years but also the last century or so. They are a land without borders. They have been challenged as a country to provide their own sovereignty. Theyre just standing up now. Two years ago not only was their the annexation of crimea which everyone seems to be focused on but there was an invasion of western ukraine and, in fact that fight continues to be going on. There has been over 10,000 People Killed in who is now considered a near frozen conflict because of the invasion of russia into western ukraine into an area about the size of our state of delaware. Russia has occupied that area and the fight continues. So i just dont think mr. Trump truly understood the complications involved in ukraine. And hes better to not comment when he doesnt understand because for the 48 Million People that live in ukraine, they have definitely been invaded by russia. So julian is this i mean, is this like sarah palin when she said i can see russia from my house . Are we exaggerating this whole conundrum . No, i think it reflects a series of statements weve seen from trump on Foreign Policy. It raises this conspiracy story about manafort and what his role is. Two, it raises the question about what does trump know and understand about Foreign Policy and is his knowledge so thin hes not fit to be president , and finally about temperament and hes often willing to say things and speak off the top of his head whereas president cant do that on Foreign Policy because it has big complications but on all three areas, i think its a concern. Trump will surround himself with smart people who know Foreign Policy and hes going to be okay. Well, that certainly would be the hope of most people in america and around the world that if he is elected that he would surround himself with people. I think theres really two things that are going on with this and you can see both campaigns playing to their campaign strengths. The Clinton Campaign certainly has been effective in saying that trump is unfit. Really unknowledgeable on the temperament issue is certainly one of the things theyve been emphasizing. What trump is doing by pushing back on this, first off, hes not explaining, which is usually a good strategy in politics. But hes projecting toughness by talking about weakness of the Obama Administration. That hits clinton as well. So i think youre seeing both of their campaigns locking down and Going Forward into november. But the thing to remember, still, is the American Public generally doesnt pay a lot of attention to Foreign Policy issues unless theres a shooting war going on involving the u. S. The rest of the world, we kind of turn another eye to, a blind eye to, excuse me. General, Something Else that donald trump said, he said that people of crimea in his mind maybe they wanted to rejoin russia, right. But its a sovereign country, right, and russia wrested crimea from a sovereign country so just explain to us why thats concerning. Well, its very concerning because it is a sovereign nation. Ukraine is not a part of nato. They asked for nato omission a few years ago. It was rejected because of a variety of reasons. So theyre not under the defensive treaties of nato. But to have russia go into crimea, which consists of their blackwater port of savastapol. They just overroad the sovereignty of a nation in doing so. One of the other things is the u. S. Military has forces in ukraine right now. Several training areas. That are contributing to the benefit of the Ukrainian Military to counter the russian encursion. So just to say, well, mr. Putin should do whatever he wants in a nonnato country and then to have mr. Trump later say im going to do something about that as president , where just a few weeks ago, for a nato country, he said he wouldnt come to their aid, is very confusing to me as a military guy and as a strategist. Let me ask you Something Else, general, because i interviewed Donald Trumps Foreign Policy adviser, an admiral, in the 9 00 eastern hour of newsroom, and he said donald trump wouldnt lay out specifics of his plan to defeat isis because he wanted to keep some things under wraps. What do you think about that . I think any president ial candidate who is going to have control of our nations military has to at least outline the type of strategy and the type of dock rin they will adhere to. Certainly, theyre not going to give the tickets or operational art or things like that. As an American People, we want to know what they will do in situations like this. Its going to be beyond the statements of, well just take care of mr. Putin or well make America Great again. You have to have a strategy. You have to have an approach as a president ial candidate because you are going to be the commander in chief and the rest of the military really kind of have to know what youre going to do. Jillian are you aware of trumps strategy or a trump doctrine . No, i dont think hes outlined it. Its all over the place. Hes talked about everything from withdrawing from nato to being topped over isis. Its an amall gram of different ideas but im not so sure its a doctrine as much as him telling us different points of view on different days. Im not sure he needs one to be honest. I think generally we think that but im not sure thats how the electoral is reacting this time and they might be reacting to a differe different aspect of his candidacy that some find appealing so i dont know if a doctrines necessary. Andy, final word, agree . I think so. We can all recall richard knicks bes secret plan to deal with vietnam. Wouldnt release any information on it. I think trumps push back to that strategy, trust me and im tough. If we dont expect our president to outline a doctrine or his thoughts on how he is going to govern and conduct National International relations, were asking for trouble. General mark hurtling, andy smith, julian salazar, thank you. Donald trump accuses Hillary Clinton of rigging their upcoming debate so could he be a no should . Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. They give awards for spelling but everyone knows cheese. S. Cracker barrel has won awards for their delicious cheddar and they put that cheddar in a new macaroni cheese. Can you spell delicious . Delicious. D. E. L. Come on come on. P g. Proud sponsor of moms. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. 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And then he had this to say on abc. Ill tell you what i dont like, its against two nfl games. I got a letter from the nfl saying this is ridiculous. Because the nfl doesnt want to go against the debates because the debates are going to be pretty massive from what i understand, okay. And i dont think we should be against the nfl. I dont know how the dates were picked. I dont know why those particular so you dont like the with me now to talk about this is larry sabato, director at the university of virginia. John av lan, cnn political analyst and editor and chief of the daily beast. And cnn media correspondent brian stelter. Welcome to all of you. I have to clear my throat here. Good morning. Brian, did donald trump get a letter from the nfl complaining about the debate schedule . The nfl says there was no letter sent. The Trump Campaign walked that back on sunday, saying it was actually a source close to the league that told trump been this calendar conflict. The reality is, you look at the calendar, they could have known many months ago this was the case. These dates were set last year. The commissioner has a very hard job. They have to juggle sporting events and religious holidays and venues. They came up with the best dates they could. Carol theyre saying clearly theyre not look at changing the debates even though trump would like different dates for them. But larry, isnt it reasonable to think that you dont want to schedule a debate, you know, alongside a Football Game because people are more likely to watch the Football Game . Well, i hate to think they would be more inclined to watch a Football Game because there are so many of them as opposed to three president ial carol somehow i suspect youre right. Look, i went back and checked. These dates for 2016 are almost identical to the dates that have been used in recent election cycles. Theres nothing unusual about these dates. This is donald trump once again playing a game. Hes putting everybody back on their heels. Maybe he is testing whether he can drop out of one or more of these debates if theyre not if the campaigns not going well for him. Who knows exactly whats going through his mind. I do know this, no one should change anything on account of his whining. So john, is it possible that donald trump would skip a debate . He has before. He famously did during the primary season. Didnt seem to do him any favors in iowa which he narrowly lost after he pulled out. This is part and parcel of the way donald trump plays ball. Maybe to him, lifes all one big negotiation. But as brian pointed oust, these debates were set by the commission in september of 2015. You know, a typical candidate doesnt throw tantrums to try to get everything his way. And god love monday night football, but im pretty sure the republic will survive if theres a president ial debate. There will be huge viewership. Usually, ironically, the candidate whos lagging in the polls is the one who needs the debates the most so its really questionable why donald trump would be threatening other than just his impulse. I got to say, when i talked to people in the public theyre excited for these debates. They are psyched. The whole world is going to be watching these debates. The idea that trump would withdraw from one of them is almost preposterous. The whole worlds waiting for it. To be fair to hip, m, he has no said anything about boycotting. A lot of people look at this and wonder if hes sitting the stage for further demands. If hes beginning the negotiations in public so he can have more leverage. I think that is very possible in this case. Every four years, the campaigns do have lots of things they negotiate, even down to the height of the podiums and the temperature in the room. What might he want to change, larry . Well, he might want to eliminate questions about ukraine or who knows. Because debates have had an impact in the past when a candidate has made a terrible gaffe. President ford. Claiming they werent under the thumb of the soviet union in october of 1976. It probably cost him the election. He was gaining on jimmy carter. So these things can matter. Who knows what kind of assurances donald trump and his team may want. But the important point is they should not be allowed to get any kind of unfair advantage in the debate. We all need to watch this very carefully. Heres a free idea, Hillary Clinton, donald trump, monday night football, halftime show debate. That could solve the problem right here and there. That is genius, brian stelter. Genius. John avlon, last word. Yeah, look, i think what theyre going to want frankly is to get a broader audience thats more packed with trump supporters. Donald trumps best deflection technique during these primary debates was a crowd that roared when he said things that were politically incorrect. It provided him cover. I think thats his best case scenario. Worst case sean narrfa scenario theres no audience at all and they have to stand on what they say and their mastery of the facts. I miss those days. I do. Its more fair, right . It should just be them in a room answering questions. And the American Public listening. Well see what happens. I doubt that will happen but who knows. Well, eight weeks from today, first debate. Larry sabatto, john avlon, brian stelter. Were days away from the opening ceremonies and rios problems are far from over. Stels will last through june. Get back to great. This week, these items just one cent each. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Craso come dive into disheser like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. Or try crab lovers dream with tender snow and king crab legs. Love crab . Then hurry, crabfest ends soon. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . 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The bad news is it wont open up for the rest of the city until after the games. Weve seen people behind us getting turned away when they try to go in. We also had unfortunately some bad news on the venue side. While those venues were delivered largely on time, some of them have since been damaged. First it was the olympic village. We heard about all the problems there. Well now the main boat ramp at the marina where the sailing event and the surfing events are taking place, it was ripped apart by strong winds. On the same day, this very strong weather front also damaged some tv studios on copacabana beach right next to the volleyball the beach volley stadium. Those studios were damaged. Theyre having to build a barricade around that. It just seems like as soon as they get one thing done, theyve got to fix Something Else, carol. Shasta darlington, thank you. Thank you for joining me today. Im carol costello. At this hour after a break. Or demand your own space. 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Weve barely enters the next phase of the Campaign Season and there are there are new questions about Donald Trumps words, positions and heart. He was tweeting about the family who lost a son in iraq while they were speaking on cnn. This on top of his statements about how involved

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