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South african contractor also killed. At least two other americans have been wounded. Lets get to cnn in london with more for you. Hi, phil. According to the u. S. Embassy, they are aware of this attack in amman. In a statement they released a short time ago, they said this, the American Embassy in jordan, we have received reports about the security incident at the Jordan International Police Training center. Were in contact with the jordanian authorities. Weve offered full support. We report more info when available. The human cost, four people in all killed. Two u. S. Contractors, South African contractor, as well, and the Jordanian Police officer who was apparently responsible for this shooting before being killed by his Jordanian Security colleagues. Some other people were juinjure as well. This appears to be a shooting spree. The question is one of motivation. A u. S. Official told cnn just a short time ago this particular Police Officer involved in this shooting lost his job. Hed been fired. That points to a likely grievance motivating this attack. You have to note that this attack comes is taking place on an important anniversary in jordans modern history. What is considered to be jordans 9 11. A terror attack at three hotels in amman, which killed around 60 people, an esevent that is saido strengthen jordans resolve against terrorism. It has been marked there over the last 24 hours or so. Today on this anniversary, the shooting is taking place. One possible, you have to think likely theory, is they are rier. But were hearing this particular Jordanian Police officer at the Training Center just lost his job. Phil black reporting live for us. Thank you. Any minute, two louisiana Police Officers charged with Second Degree murder in the death of a 6yearold autistic boy are due in court. Theyre accused of shooting first grader jeremy, as they chased his dads car. Jeremy will be buried later this afternoon. His father was also shot. He remains in the hospital in serious condition. Cnns nick valencia is in marksville, louisiana. The two marshalls will make their Court Appearance later this morning. The details are being worked out. This community continues to grapple with the death of the 6yearold autistic boy jeremy. A course close to the investigation tells me one of the marshalls actually knew the victims prior to the shooting. He was an innocet little boy. Reporter nearly a week since the death of jeremy. He always was an angel. Reporter there are still two Big Questions. Why would Law Enforcement chase the boys father down a dead end road and why would they use deadly force . The boy was buckled into the passenger seat of his dads car when police opened fire. He was hit five times in the chest and head. His father, chris, was also hit and wounded. Jeremy, 6 years old. He didnt deserve to die like that. Thats whats unfortunate. Reporter days after the shooting, the head of Louisiana State police announced two marshalls face Second Degree murder and attempted murder charges. Stafford and greenhouse jr. Taken into custody and placed on administrative leave. The incident was captured on police body cameras. Im not going to talk about it, but ill tell you this, it is the most disturbing thing ive seen. I will leave it at that. Reporter two other marshalls were also present during the shooting. Stafford and greenhouse, so far, the only two arrested. He had his wings on earth and now hes soaring in heaven. Reporter roxanne was jeremys teacher. He was one of her favorite students. She loved how his eyes lit up when he smiled. He loved class. I sent all the pictures we have to the Family Members so they have all the mementos. He loved the dress up centers he had, pretend play, doing the al fa b alphabet puzzles. At a nearby store, an employee says he heard shots on the way home from work. He knows the officers, as well. Tell us about them. We dont know them. They cool people. Theyre not bad. Never did nothing bad. Reporter in fact, neither marshall has been convicted of a crime. According to local news reports, in 2011, stafford was indicted on aggravated rape. The case was eventually dismissed. Adding to the outrage in the community is the father, chris, was unarmed when deputies opened fire. He is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries. The funeral for the little boy, the 6yearold jeremy, is later today in mississippi. The community here really grappling with this tragedy, that they cant understand, carol. Nick valencia reporting live from louisiana this morning. Were also following a developing story out of new york city. A deadly shooting near new yorks penn station during the height of the morning rush. Happened around 6 15 eastern. Police say it started with some kind of altercation in a mcdonalds that eventually led to the shooting in the 8th avenue subway station. One person was killed, two injured. Theyre in serious condition this morning. An official briefed on the investigation tells cnn Amtrak Service has not been affected and trains appear to be running normally. Tensions at a boiling point at the university of mississippi where students and professors are being urged to walk out of class today. The school facing backlash over what some are saying has been an inadequate response to racist incidents around campus. Many students are demanding action. Hundreds of students protested last night. Also, dozens of Football Players are refusing to play until University President tim wolf steps down. Now, a group of professors is threatening to walk out until something is done. Cnn has more on this. Good morning. Good morning. It really is incredible, just how fast this story has evolved. Yesterday, the Football Players refused to play. Now, some of the teachers refuse to teach. As you mentioned, theyre staging a walkout, in their own words there. The Faculty Council hoping to address the level of uncertainty and also an information vacuum not only on the campus, but system wide leadership. Its a really joint call for all faculty to join in. A specific statement cnn obtained a few moments ago. I want to read you a portion of it here. Coming from the Faculty Council there. Mainly, the chair. Portion of the statement reading, we the concerned faculty of the university of missouri stand in solidarity with the missou student activists advocating for Racial Justice on our campus and urge all mu faculty to demonstrate their support by walking out. I have to tell you, it is incredible. We have to remind ourselves this started several months ago as a Student Movement. Then you have the Football Players joining in. Yesterday, their head coach also tweeting his support, as well. Many of them want change. Were trying to find out exactly what else the faculty actually wants here. Of course, are they also calling for the potential resignation of the School President at this point. Thats something were working to find out, carol. Tell us about these racial incidents. What happened to bring things to this point . Its a long list that has been outlined by one of several activists, in a letter posted online. Everything from students openly using racial slurs. Also, there was an incident in which a swastika was drawn on a dormitory. Then what is really fueling concerns and anger amongst the student body is an incident october 10th, in which the School President , tim wolf, was taking part in a homecoming parade. Protesters blocked his vehicle, trying to get nare message across. Instead of speaking to the students, the president has apologized for not actually hearing them out, in fact, the apology coming late last week. Again, there was some concern that he said, had he actually stepped out of the vehicle, had a conversation, perhaps things wouldnt have escalated to what were seeing now there on the campus on in missouri. Polo reporting live. Later this hour, ill be talking to nicole, an associate teaching professor at the university. Shes one of the professors urging the walk outth this morning. She said today will be historic. One day until the next debate and two strategies leading up to it. The republican president ial front runners battling it out for the top spot. First up, ben carson. Say goodbye to mr. Nice guy. He has a new wave of attacks again its media after questions surface about his past. Kind of investigations that were done, talking to the wrong people, not going to the Junior High School where the lockins occurred. I mean, this is stupid. If the media is no better than investigating than that, its sick. While carson accuses the press of a political hit job, his Business Manager says he thinks its a good thing carson is being tested. I think its a very good thing that dr. Carson is being vetted. That dr. Carson is being tested. He needs to be toughened. He needs to know expected. This is a walk in the park. Itll become more intense, and dr. Carson has to show that he had the fortitude, he has the courage and the character to withstand all the scrutiny. While donald trump serves up ratings gold on saturday night live, his appearance is getting mixed reviews. The Hollywood Reporter calling it toothless and uncomfortable. Theyve done so much to ridicule me over the years. This show has been a disaster for me. Look at this guy. Great, great, great, great. Fantastic. Ive got to say, youre doing a great job. I think this show got better by 2 billion percent. Joining me to talk about this is cnn National Correspondent suzanne malveaux. Good morning. Good morning, carol. Gop candidates as you can see are trying to set the stage for tomorrows Republican Debate in milwaukee. Getting ahead of some of theish shoo yous. Namely, the controversial ones. For this weekend, dr. Carson, it was all about going from defense to offense regarding his stories about his past. For rubio, we saw providing more information about his finances. You saw for trump there, it is about getting in digs at both of them, hoping their troubles will stick. Burden on of proof is not going to be on me to corroborate everything that ive ever talked about in my life. Reporter over the weekend, dr. Ben carsons attacks on the media intensifying. The gop president ial contender unleashing a fire storm of verbal attacks on reporters who challenged histories about his past. Show me somebody, even from your business, the media, who is 100 accurate at everything that they say. You said this when you were in kindergarten. Give me a break. Reporter recent reports in politico and the wall street journal, calling in aspects of his life story published in his book. Politico wrote, the campaign change td version of the story about receiving a full scholarship from west point. The academy doesnt charge tuition. In response, carsons campaign clarified that he never applied nor was granted admission. I said i was offered. I didnt say i received it. Reporter carson saying hes facing harsher scrutiny than any other president ial candidate because hes seen as a threat. Ive never seen this before. Many other people who are politically experienced tell me theyve never seen it before either. Reporter gop rival donald trump calling it the beginning of the end of carsons campaign. When you say hitting your mother over the head with a hammer, talk about hitting a friend in the face with a lock, a padlock, and you talk about stabbing someone, its a serious statement when you say you have pathological disease. As i understand it, you cant really cure it. Look at this guy. Great, great, great. Reporter meanwhile, trump was all laughs as host of saturday night live. Enrique. I brought you the check for the wall. So wonderful. Reporter garnering the highest ratings the show has had in years. Carol, i watched snl and thought the cast tackled most of the criticism regarding trump, including accusations of racism, immigration policy, questions around president obamas birth certificate and trumps over the top tweets. We also learned in the new biography of george h. W. Bush that trump was interested in the vp slot. Trump said on state of the union this weekend, it was the other way around. That Senior Adviser came to him, said hed be great. It didnt go further than that. Were all imagining a bushtrump 88 ticket, carol. Oh, my goodness. Thanks so much. Still to come, the voice recorder giving us Key Information about what brought down that russian jet. The latest from egypt, next. 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And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. The mother of 9yearold shooting victim lee is accused of spending donated money to buy a new car. Just last week, lee was murdered. Police say the 9yearold was lured into an alley by gang members and shot to death. His mother, karla lee, held up her sons pictures for the cameras. If anybody know anything, please, please. That inspired a go fund me effort. People donated 17,000 to help with the boys funeral. When word got out his mother bought a new car, people were not happy. One tweet, quote, i didnt donate my money to buy his mom a 2015 car, calling the move sad. Another, quote, is this the boy . Is the boy even cold yet . She should not have shown how trashy she was by speaking on video. The poor boy had no chance. She said she bought the chrysler with her own money for protection. People talking. Yall really think im going to sit there and take almost 17,000 and spend it on a car . Man, my son would have never wanted me to do that. First of all, you think i just walked in a dealer like, give me a 2015 . No, i didnt. The i told them i was scared. You dont understand that. Ms. Lee also said she still has 13,000 in the go fund me account after paying for her sons funeral. The u. S. Is growing more confident this morning that a bomb took down a doomed russian jet nine days ago. One official saying 99. 9 certain now. The fbi is offering its help. Sources say the agency could be used to decipher an explosionlike sound heard on the planes voice recorder. Still, egyptian officials are being more cautious about the bomb theory. Were in Sharm El Sheikh with more. Carol, even as there is growing consensus around the possibility that this is an act of terror, egyptian officials continue to maintain to us on the ground that it is simply too soon to tell. They say as far as theyre concerned, all scenarios remain on the table. The subject of much of the concern and speculation is this last sound picked up by the cockpit voice recorder. Thats what the fbi is saying they are very well equipped to try and help solve, in terms of the riddle about exactly what happened here. They are in talks currently to see if they can be brought in, they can come in and help. As of yet, theres no confirmation. They dont have an official role. All this as 100 victims bodies have been identified. The Russian State News Agency says there is an expectation there will be investigations done on the remains of the plane to answer the question once and for all, whether there is any explosive residue. That could be in the near future, carol. Still to come, donald trump takes over saturdsaturday nig live, but did ben carsons jabs at the media win the weekend . Attention americans eligible for medicare. Changes to medicare plans could significantly impact your healthcare costs. Are you getting all the benefits youre entitled to . Call healthmarkets and well help you find the right medicare plan. Hi, im doctor martin gizzi. Its a new medicare year. That means more changes. And more confusion. My advice . Dont go it alone. You can get smart, unbiased help finding the right coverage for you. Call healthmarkets today. We search thousands of medicare plans from leading insurance companies. Plans that may. Cost less. Cover more. With more choices. Like dental and vision care. And freedom to choose your own doctors, all at a price you can afford. We find the right plan for you. And we do it at no cost. If you miss the medicare deadline, you may have to wait a year before enrolling. Please dont wait. 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The National League for democracy says it is on track to a landslide victory. Already securing 70 of the seats. The win would end decades of military dominance. Sundays election is considered the freest in a jgeneration. Police are investigating a detectiveinvolved shooting in brooklyn. Three plain clothes detectives were investigating a robbery when a suspect pulled out a gun and tried to hold them up. One of the detectives opened fire and shot the suspect. The suspect was taken to a hospital. Hes in stable condition. The detective was treated for ringing in his ears. Take a look at these pictures. This is incredible, right . Dozens of cars literally swallowed up by a massive sink hole. It happened underneath an ihop parking lot in mississippi. The restaurant had only been opened for a few days. Despite all of the damage you see here, isnt that incredible, what a surprise when you came out of the restaurant after eating a stack of pancakes. The good thing is no one was injured. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. Ben carson on the attack and animated. He calls the media sick and stupid for investigating his background. The kind of investigations that were done, you know, talking to the wrong people, not going to the Junior High School where it occurred, but talking to other people. This is stupid. I mean, if the term media is no better than investigating than that, its sick. A review, cnn found no one who can remember carsons bad temper when he was a boy. No one heard anything about carson attacking a friend with a knife. The wall street journal is questioning his story carson told about his time at yale. Politico scrutinized his claim west point gave him a full scholarship. Donald trump was tweeting the story was one of the many lies of ben carson. Adding that, quote, the carson story is either a total fabrication or, if true, enveloeven worse, trying to hit mother over the head with a hammer or stabbing a friend . Trump seemed to soften his tone during the sunday talk shows. Well, sort of. I feel badly for ben. Ive gotten to like ben. Its a tough thing. I mean, he writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her in the head, or wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer, hitting a friend in the face with a lock, with a padlock, hard in the face, stabbing somebody, only to be broken up by a belt buckle. Hell have to explain a lot of things away. The scholarship situation, the dinner with westmoreland, where we westmoreland wasnt there. Lets talk about that. With me now, cnn analyst and editor of the daily beast, and tim, a former republican governor of minnesota and Advisory Council member for the u. S. Global leadership coalition. Welcome to both of you. Good morning. Good to see you. Tim, you ran for elected office. You won. Will this hurt ben carson . I think theres going to be a dual impact, carol. On the one hand, if youre on the defensive in the republican primary, attacking the media can be a popular thing with republican primary voters. In that regard, it may not initially hurt him. Now, the next phase is going to be whether these allegations of either exaggerating or fabricating are born out. If they are, its going to hurt him. If theyre not, and it kind of goes away as a misunderstanding, attacking the media and having that opportunity is probably not going to hurt him much, at least with republican primary voters. John, should ben carson put forward evidence or is it up to us to uncover it . He should be able to make it clear that the things in his own biography that were so popular, that drove him to the point where he could run for president , are based in fact. Thats at stake here. I think the governor pointed out something important. If attacking the media is a way of deflecting questions that are part of the normal scrutiy that is provided to president ial candidates is a popular tactic in the Republican Party right now, and i think youllseeing idealogical politicians resisting the scrutiny the press provides in campaigns, and thats a problem. The constitution doesnt mention Political Parties but it mentions the press. There is a tension in the relationship. Simply trying to get cheers from the base in order to deflect attention from legitimate questions, that it self is a problem. Tim, you heard from ben carson said. He said, you didnt scrutinize Barack Obamas biography in the same way youre scrutinizing mine. Youre a republican. Is the media unfair to republican candidates . Look, if youre going to run for president of the United States, everybody gets their time in a barrel. Its all going to be vetted and scrutinized, familiarly if youre a front runner or near the pack. This is, you know, routine or regular or expected. Again, he can buy some time as a tactic to attack the media, but if it turns out the allegations are exaggerated or fabricated, itll cost him. Thats the way it should be. Thats the way the process is. Its ugly, difficult, but it vets out people over time. You cant just be the front runner for a month if you have baggage. The big debate is happening tomorrow. The next big debate, i should say. How much will this play in the debate, do you think . My guess is its going to be largely a point of agreement with candidates who are finding it as they did in the last debate, profitable to deflect attention from tough questions by na by blaming the media. Ben carson isnt a polarizing figure the way donald trump might be. I dont know youll see other candidates not rush to his defense. The question is, will moderators start pulling punches, for fear of getting the audience to turn on them . The reality is, they need to continue asking legitimate, tough questions. If you overreach, if you tropictroll, you hurt the credibility of yourself as a questioner and the press in general. We know theres a large history here and there are times the press can be more tough on republicans, particularly local republicans in places like new york, the new york tombs. Th times. That happens, at times. The process has its own integrity and the candidates, i dont think theyll throw ben carson under the bus, i think theyll keep the attention on the media. Hoping they can get the media not to do its job aggressively. If you were on the stage, is that what youd do . Again, if you have an opponent who is in a hole, i dont think you want to necessarily, like Bernie Sanders did, throw Hillary Clinton a lifeline. You let them dig out of the hole. For purposes of republican primary, attacking the media is popular. It buys you time. I hope they get to more serious issues. Im on the Advisory Council of the u. S. Global leadership coalition. I wish somebody asked them, whats your view on that specifically as a candidate . What are you going to do with those types of programs, funding and otherwise . Specifically, tim, how is your Group Pushing for that . Weve launched a campaign called impact 2016. Its bipartisan, led by condoleezza rice, tom ridge, many others, myself, just trying to elevate the issues. Even though its a small amount of money, of diplomacy, go development and aid, as a economic, strategic and humanitarian tool that can be important as president. We want it to be an important part of the discussion during the campaign, too. Sounds good to me. Many thanks to both. I have to leave it the. Still to come in the newsroom, sickening photos of an nfl stars bruised former girlfriend released online. Should he still be playing football . If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. Greg hardy. What can you say . Its the same old, same odld. If youre a talented athlete who can win ball games, you can pretty much get away with anything. Ha hardy was playing for the cowboys despite awful pictures of his exgirlfriend. There were bruises on her back and neck. Hardy was suspended four games in 2014. Yes, prosecutors tried to take him to court, but his alleged victim was nowhere to be found. Still, why is greg hardy still playing and ray rice cant find a job . Its not because hardy is a totally reformed apologetic guy. This is how he himself put it in a tweet. Quote, i just had to say i express my regret for what happened in the past and im dedicated to being the best person and teammate i can be. Mostly, i am grateful for the opportunity to play in the nfl. No apologies to his alleged victim. No word about his girlfriend. Nothing. With me to talk about this, cnn sports anchor, rachel nikchel n and a c nr nichols and a cnn correspondent. Ill allow you to be on soapboxes. Why do the cowboys say hardy is playing and why is ray rice being shunned by every team in the nfl . Right. Look, we know and you said it, it comes down to if you can still play football, people want you on the field. There is a perception in the nfl that ray rice is done playing football, while greg hardy can still play football. The cowboys will tell you that, hey, theyre giving greg hardy a Second Chance and, gosh darn it, this is the country of Second Chances. The problem is, Second Chances should not pop out of a vending machine, carol. You should get a Second Chance when you have earned it. Especially when it involves making millions of dollars and asking for the fans, all these people cheering your name. You have to earn it. Greg hardy has bumped his nose at the woman he beat. He thumbed his nose at women in general. He has been enabled by the cowboys. The owner saying he thinks hardy is terrific. In fact, hes a real leader. In the same breath, jerry jones says, as an organization, they dont condone Domestic Violence and take this seriously. You cant just say that. The words dont mean anything. They do condone it and dont take it seriously. Look what theyre doing with greg hardy. I know. Its crazy. Ray rice talked with espn about the hardy situation. He said, quote, it really shouldnt take photos or anything to understand the severity of Domestic Violence. It happens every eight seconds as we speak. It does continue to raise awareness. Its just a tough deal that sometimes it takes a visual and photos for the severity of it to be known. My deepest condolences go out to the survivors of Domestic Violence. As rachel said, jerry jones wants to give hardy a Second Chance. Hardy isnt talking like ray rice. What has he done to deserve it . Well, carol, he sacked a lot of quarterbacks, to be honest with you. Thats what hes done. What we tolerate, we perpetuate. Jerry jones and the cowboys are perpetuating Domestic Violence, in my opinion. Its frustrating as a former player. It seems play makers are more important than principles. Im tired of it. The culture of the nfl needs to change. Jerry jones and the cowboys had an opportunity to make a difference and make a gobold statement. It seems to matter not what youve done. If you can really play, you can stay and get paid. Theyre paying him almost 1 million per game this season. Thats absurd to me. What does this say to kids . What does this say about the Dallas Cowboys and their organization, that not only did they choose to sign this man after he was convicted by a judge in a bench trial of Domestic Violence, but then they continue to employ him after these photos come out . Its absurd, carol. Heres a dose of reality. The panthers, his former team, theyre 80 without hardy. The cowboys are on the worst losing streak since 1989. Yeah, karma, thanks for inviting them to the table, right . Absolutely. Theres an element of that for those of us watching. I want to follow up also, i am surprised at the men in the locker room for the cowboys. There are a lot of good guys in the locker room. There are men with daughters, mothers, wives they care about, good people i have spoken to. I would think more of them would go to their coach, go to their owner and say, this is not a guy we want around. We talk about character and team work in sports, the fabric of the locker room is. If more of those good men went to their coach and said, we dont want this in our mix, i promise you, greg hardy would be gone. If the sponsors of the Dallas Cowboys, the people we as consumers give our money to, american airlines, at t, if they went to the cowboys and said, hey, we dont want our name associated with this guy, greg hardy would be gone. Again, i believe in Second Chances, too. I dont appreciate the Dallas Cowboys saddling greg hardy to the idea of Second Chances. People can deserve a Second Chance if they earn it. Greg hardy has not earned it and his teammates have a responsibility to say, we dont want him around. Frankly, these sponsors have the responsibility to say we dont want him around. We at cnn have reached out to the sponsors, only one, american airlines, even bothered to respond to us, carol. Their response, frankly, was, hey, we work with a lot of teams. They do community service. We do community service. You can see their statement on the screen here. We join with the teams on several projects throughout the year. As part of our endeavors with them and initiatives, we improve the communities we serve and we support organizations that protect victims. Come on really, carol, come on. Rachel, i dont know if you agree or not, but i think you do, i think ray rice actually deserves a Second Chance. Of course he does. Thats whats so gulling. Dont tell me about Second Chances and this is a country of Second Chances. Theres a guy who does deserve a Second Chance but hes not greg hardy. Its ray rice. Hes not producing anymore, rachel. You know that. Its true. Youre absolutely right. I know. Youre right. Last five years before his incident, ray rices production dropped 42 , to 3. 1 yards per carry. If he was a pro bowl player, hed be on the team, unfortunately. That makes me nauseous. Coy and rachel, thanks to both of you. Welcome. Tensions rising at the university of missouri this morning. Next, well talk to a School Faculty member about whether students and teachers will walk out this morning. E. Changes to medicare plans could significantly impact your healthcare costs. Are you getting all the benefits youre entitled to . Call healthmarkets and well help you find the right medicare plan. Hi, im doctor martin gizzi. Its a new medicare year. That means more changes. And more confusion. My advice . Dont go it alone. You can get smart, unbiased help finding the right coverage for you. Call healthmarkets today. We search thousands of medicare plans from leading insurance companies. Plans that may. Cost less. Cover more. With more choices. Like dental and vision care. 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Well, youd have to go back to last year with ferguson and the riots. A lot of students on our campus come from the ferguson area, which is only 100 miles away from the university. There were a couple of peaceful protests on campus in support of ferguson and in honor of ferguson. And that sparked some reaction on social media and even on campus, that really galvanized the africanamerican students on campus which can only be called systematic racism. So students are very angry at the president of the university. They say he is ignoring their concerns. Can you address that . I think if you seen the unfortunate statement that was caught on video on friday where he answered the question, how would you define systematic oppression as it is your belief that you do not have equal opportunity at our institution. I think that gives that kind of captures nicely the inadequacy of his responses. To be fair, the system president usually has relatively little to do with the individual campuses. He oversees the four campuses and so usually the system president doesnt have such a public face on campus. That certainly is not whats happening now. The professors, like yourself, are threatening to walk out of class. You say it may be an historic day. What do you mean by that . There are a number of things going on right now. I think we are all holding our breath to see what happens at the board of curators meeting today. They have called their third kind of Public Private meeting in about its been about a sixweek span. Theres expectation that were going to hear something about the status of system president campus chancellor. Bout our own i think what comes out of that meeting is going to affect what happens immediately on campus, though. I dont think the simple firing of our president is going to slow down the movement on campus but it will certainly affect where it goes next. Thank you so much for being with me today. Ill be right back. Where our next arrival is. 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Where is your husband . The name your price tool, its gotten squarer. Sive. Over the years. Brighter. Bigger. Thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Checking some top stories at 58 past the fbi offering its help into the investigation of the doomed Russian Airliner as one official says theyre 99. 9 sure a bomb took that plane down, killing all 224 people on board. U. S. Sources say the fbi could be used to decipher an explosionlike sound heard on the planes voice recorder. Russian Officials Say more than 100 victims have been identified through dna testing. Am in maryland four people are dead, including a child following this fiery crash involving a church van. Our affiliate jjla reports it started when a pickup truck hit another car and kept driving with its tires on fire. 14, including 4 children, were taken to the hospital. Starbucks is stirring up controversy with their plain red christmas cups this holiday season. The company decided to remove the reindeer and ornaments. Starbucks says it wants to usher in the season with a pure design that creates a, quote, culture of belonging, and diversity. Critics call it waging a war on christmas. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Good morning. Im carol costello. Later this morning, two louisiana Police Officers charged with seconddegree murder in the death of a 6yearold autistic boy are due in court. The officers are accused of shooting first grader jeremy martis as they chased his fathers car. Jeremy will be buried later this afternoon. His father was also shot. He remains in serious condition in the hospital. Cnns nick valencia is in marksville, louisiana, with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Tuesday marks one week to the day that the 6yearold jeremy, that special needs autistic child, was shot and killed by police. Here in marksville, louisiana, two very Big Questions remain outunderstanding. One is why the marshals would pursue the father driving in that car. The second is why they would use lethal force. The father of that 6yearold was found to be unarmed. Even still Police Officers unloaded at least 18 rounds from two different guns and they hit that little boy five times in the head and chest. He was strapped in the front seat. Now, we also are learning some more information from a source close to the investigation, which makes this case even more bizarre. One of the things were being told is norris greenhouse, one of the marshals charged with the death of the 6yearold, knew the victims prior to the shooting. Thats a big part of the investigation for the Louisiana State police. Earlier the head of the state police spoke about the connection between the two. Well, youre dealing with a small town like this. By the way, this is a good town. My grandfather was born and raised grandmother was born and raised in marksville. These are good people. Its a small town. Everyone knows everyone. We heard the same thing. We believe they had some type of relationship where they met each other, knew each other. As this progresses, well certainly find out more and more information. But, i think in a town like this, everyone knows each other. Certainly, we heard that. A lot of rumors but we have to deal in facts. Reporter these two officers are still being held in the Detention Center here behind me, expected to make their first Court Appearance later today. The details of which are still being worked out. Were also looking into the history of these officers. According to local media reports, at least one of the officers has a very troubled history. Derek stafford, 32 years old, has been indicted in the past on two counts of aggravated rape back in 2011. A year later that those cases were dismissed. Weve been looking into both both officers history. Weve not been able to confirm either one of them has been convicted of a crime. The funeral, as you mentioned, is expected to be held later this morning for that 6yearold in hattiesburg, mississippi, where the family is right now. No one has any idea why these officers were chasing this car . Reporter well, thats a big question here. Very early on in the investigation the Marshals Office here in marksville said that chris few had a warrant out for his arrest. Thats been batted down in the days after the shooting. Louisiana state police say there were no active warrants. Much is made about the connections between greenhouse and few. The state police are looking into the connection f that could have led or been a part of this shooting. Nick valencia reporting live from louisiana this morning. Tensions at a boiling point at the university of missouri where not only students but professors are being urged to walk out of the classroom today. Hundreds of students protested over the weekend in what they say has been an inadequate response by the school to racist incidents happening around the campus. Dozens of Football Players refusing to practice or play until University President tim wolfe steps down. A group of professors threatening to walk out, too, until something is done. One student has gone on a Hunger Strike, demanding action. He talked with cnns poppy harlow last night. So, im in this because its that serious. Were dealing with humanity here. And at this point we cant afford to continue to work with individuals who just dont care for their constituents. And when you see whats happening on campus now, with the racial incidents, with the graduate Health Insurance and Everything Else thats going on, we just have leadership that doesnt care about its student body. Were joined now with more on this. So, specifically, tell us what these racial incidents entail. What are they upset about . During my conversation with Jonathan Butler yesterday he laid out a couple of them. Theres a disturbing one recently, which was a swastika that was painted on one of the dorm rooms. Also what they say is a repeated open use of several racial slurs on campus as well. And as well as several other incidents. In fact, you just spoke to one of the members of the faculty a few moments ago and she mentioned ferguson is only 100 miles away from there. Many students that make up the student body there are members of that community. They have seen these kind of civil movements before. Whats interesting here, it started as a Student Movement and now you have faculty members. Now you have the head coach of the Football Players that refused to play, now coming together, trying to lead to change. I want to read a portion of a statement that was actually put out by members of the faculty a few moments ago. Specifically, dr. Nicole monnier, who you spoke with. She says, we the concerned faculty stand in solidarity with mizzou student activists who are advocates for Racial Justice on our campus. We urge all mu faculty to demonstrate their support by walking out on monday, november 9th, tuesday november 10th, along with other allies along with forum on graduate rights. University officials are meeting to try to find out what the solution is here. Whats interesting is the University President , tim wolfe, has acknowledged, yes, there is racism on this campus, which is very interesting here, because not every day the head of a Major University actually acknowledges Something Like that. Lets talk about the Football Players for just a second. I dont know if we have a picture of them, but they have joined arms to unite with the other students protesting on campus. If they dont play football next weekend, right, the university has to pay Something Like 1 million to brigham young, right . Youre talking about an Athletic Department that brought in 83 million in revenue last year. Football is a way of like there for students there at miz sdwlchlt mizzou. As you see them there, they are standing together. Mainly with the support from their head coach, gary pinkel. Interesting. Theyre hitting the university where it really hurts and perhaps thats what prompted the University President to pony up with a statement. Who knows. Thank you so much. In about 20 minutes ill talk to one of the professors who organized this mornings walkout. That will happen in 20 minutes here in the newsroom. Were also learning new information about a deadly shooting in jordan that killed two americans. The incident happened at a special ops Training Center outside the capital city of amman. A u. S. Official telling cnn the gunman was a Jordanian Police officer that was fired from his job. A South African contractor was also killed during the incident and at least two other americans were wounded. Lets head to london and phil black who has more on this. Hi, phil. Hi, carol. The death toll from this particular event is now five in total. Four victims, two americans, as you touched on, a South African and jordanian, civilian contractors at this Police Training center, and the shooter himself, who was, were told, until recently, a trainer, a Police Trainer with the rank of captain at this particular shooting center. So, yes, as u. S. Officials say, this man was recently fired. Jordanian government Officials Say they believe he was acting because of personal motivations. Which supports the theory of a connected to some sort of organization, notably some islamist organization. Theres certainly a remaining concern there could be that connection because of the date. It is the tenth anniversary of what is often known as jordans 9 11, coordinated suicide terror attacks at three hotels in the capital amman that killed around 60 people. That was ten years ago today. While that event has been commemorated in jordan, this shooter was going on his rampage. Four people have been killed as a result of his action. Phil black reporting live from london, thank you. Still to come in the newsroom, ben carson launches a fresh round of attacks on media. Will his battle on reporters have an impact on tomorrows debate . This is brad. His day of coaching begins with knee pain, when. Hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol . Whats the catch . Theres no catch. You want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol . No. For my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. Oh no. under his breath hey man hey peter. unenthusiastic oh. Ha ha ha joanne . Is that you . Its me. You dont look a day over 70. Am i right . Jingle jingle. 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Republican president ial hopeful ben carson lashin out one day before he Takes Center Stage at the gop debate. Carson unleashing a new wave of attacks against not donald trump but the media. Accusing the press of a political hit job after questions of his past surfaced. The kind of investigations that were done, you know, talking to the wrong people. Not going to, like, wilson Junior High School where incident occurred but talking to other people. I mean, thats just stupid. I mean, if our media is no better at investigating than that, its sick. But a close aide to carson says he thinks questions about carsons past are fair game. I think its a very good thing that dr. Carson is being vetted, is being tested. He needs to be toughened. He needs to know exactly that what is expected because this is just a part a walk in the park. Its going to become more intense and dr. Carson has to show he has the fortitude, the courage and character withstand all the scrutiny. So, is this important or is it a tempest in a teapot . Lets check in with suzanne malveaux. Its pretty clear over the weekend all the gop candidates want to get some things out before tomorrows Republican Debate in milwaukee. So, obviously for dr. Carson it is about going from defense to offense, regarding stories about his past. They want to deal with this and get it done. For rubio, its providing more information about his finances, and for trump, well, its about getting in those digs at both of them, hoping their troubles will stick. The burden of truth is not going to be on me. To corroborate everything ive talked about in my life. Reporter over the weekend dr. Ben carsons attacks on the media intensifying, you be leashing a firestorm on reporters who have challenged his stories about his past. Show me somebody, even from your business, the media, who is 100 accurate at everything that they say. You said this when you were in kindergarten. Give me a break. Reporter calling in questions of carsons life story published in his book. Politico wrote carsons campaign changed the story about receiving a full scholarship from west point. The military academy doesnt charge tuition. In response, carsons campaign clarified that he never applied nor was granted admission to west point. I said was offered. I didnt say i received it. Reporter carson saying hes facing harsher scrutiny than any other president ial candidate because hes seen as a threat. Ive never seen this before. Other people who are politically experienced tell me theyve never seen it before either. Reporter gop rival donald trump calling it the beginning of the end of carsons campaign. When you say hitting your mother over the head with a hammer, talk about hitting your friend in the face with a lock, a padlock, and talk about stabbing someone, thats a serious statement when you say you have a pathological disease, because from what i understand, you cant really cure it. Reporter meanwhile, trump was all laughs as host of saturday night live. Enrique. I brought you the check for the wall. Reporter garnering the highest ratings the shows had in years. Snl didnt pull any punches. Including accusations of racism, his immigration policies and questions around president obamas birth certificate. We also learned in john meachams new biography of george h. W. Bush that trump was interested in the vp slot. Trump said it was the other way around, lee atwater came to him and said it would be great. Gives you lots to think about. Suzanne malveaux, many thinks. Lets talk more about this with ron brownstein, also the editorial director for the national journal. Thanks for being here. Thanks, carol. Is donald trump right, will this sink ben carson . I think this has the potential to severely con train carson. Carson is unusually vulnerable to these kind of questions because his candidacy is fundamentally his biography. There hasnt been a lot of policy. As you saw in the last debate, that he had trouble articulating the policies even that he has put out. I think the core of his appeal is his story of personal redemption, which is particularly resonated with evangelical christians or a big part of the iowa caulk can cuss, particularly in the south as you go forward. I dont think this is going to dislodge those voters from him. As these doubts persist, i think they could combine with the questions about his command of policy to limit his appeal potentially that universe, thats enough to make a splash but not enough to win a republican nomination. What do you make of this. Ben carson over the weekend was chastising the media, yet his Business Manager says this morning that the vetting of carson is a good thing. What is that about . Yeah. Its hard to say exactly why theyre diverging, but i think the business you know, hes right, fundamentally. The modern presidency exists under a microscope that was unimaginable even 20 years ago. Certainly as you move deeper into the primaries, if youre one of the finalists in the primary, youll be facing scrutiny on every aspect of your public and in many aspects of your private life. So this is kind of a foreshadowing of what could be expected if he does well. This is a candidacy that is especially or even uniquely about biography. The core of his appeal, i think, is his personal story, which is a very powerful one. And i think it is inevitable that when that is the grounding of the campaign, that it is going to face, you know, detailed examination. So tomorrow night on the debate stage,fy were ben carson, perhaps, i would present evidence that all of the stories that hes told in his many books are true. I would say, well, heres the Family Member that i attacked with that knife, right . And heres the some documentation from yale that there really was a class and i was really given 10 by this professor to do the right thing. Well, he may or may not have that at his fingertips. You saw over the weekend his comments to the New York Times about the west point issue were probably a more accurate description. He described it in a much more informal way as someone saying, hey, youre the kind of person we want as opposed to what hes been saying for years about receiving a specific kind of offer. You know, he could do that. I think its more likely that he will attack the media if it comes up at all. Fox from the moment that the cnbc debate ended, the fox business channel has been advertising, were going to ask the real economic questions. Were not going to get caught up in the personal controversies and disputes among the candidates, so im guessing this is not central to the fox debate. I mean, the whole way theyve been presenting it is theyre going to go down a different lane. And i think in the end, it will it almost certainly will come up. I dont think its going to be front and center based on everything theyve signaled about how they intend to conduct this debate. Well see tomorrow night. Ron brownstein, thanks so much. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton heads to New Hampshire today where in a few hours shes expected to file for the New Hampshire ballot. This is the first stop in a fiveday, twocity swing through the state. Clinton will also meet with league of conversation Voters Action Fund which will announce its endorsement of clinton for 2016. The group says its the first time it has ever backed a candidate before a vote was cast. Still to come in the newsroom, this hour president obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are meeting for the first time in more than a year. Can the visit thaw their frosty relationship . 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Call it a reset, a repair or just an attempt to get back to issues of Common Ground, the Prime Minister of israel is expected here at the white house shortly. Their first meeting between him and the president in 13 months. As you know, the last time the Prime Minister was here in the United States, it was a very contention period. He had a controversial speech before the United States congress. There was a lot of disagreement over the Iran Nuclear Deal. Now the question is whether the United States leader and the leader from israel can get past the personalities, get back to business. And the reality that president obama still has yet one more year in office. So, among the things on the agenda, were told, israel certainly looking for an increase in aid from the United States. The number that has been floated that now exists is around 3 billion. The question is, how much that might go up . No clear indication from Senior Administration officials whether that will be resolved today. Also, theres certainly the palestinian question that could come up as well as the syrian crisis, which has been so much of an issue here in washington, d. C. The watch word from the administration is to try to figure out a way to look forward and not in the rearview mirror. So, mr. Netanyahu due here at the white house just about now to sit down and Start Talking with the president. He does have some other things on his agenda, including a speech at the American Enterprise institute. Another appearance at center for progress and hes meeting with the Jewish Community as well. A lot on the plate for netanyahu today and tomorrow, carol. Joe johns reporting live from the white house. Thanks so much. Good morning. Im carol skcostello. Thank you for joining me. If the president of the University System is not out we are walking out, that is the message from a group of faculty members at university of missouri amidracial text on campus. My next guest helped organize the walkout, associate prsz elisa glick is on the phone with me. Good morning. Good morning. Tell me why professors have decided to walk out along with students. Well, i think the time for patience has ended. We have waited for leadership to take action. We have watched while more racial incidents have occurred on campus. There have been numerous problems on campus this semester. Issues regarding Academic Freedom as well as students being called the n word. Theres a long history on this campus but this semester has really been absolutely appalling. Morale is very low. There are deans and faculty members who have been here for 30 years and have never seen anything like this and morale has not been lower. And we feel that its absolutely necessary for institutional change to happen for us to move forward. Has the University President met with these students at any point . Yes, he has. To some extent, thats part of the problem. He issued an apology for his behavior. There was an incident in the homecoming parade where these very brave student activists who called themselves concerned students 1950 after the first black student who was admitted to the university of missouri, these students had a protest although the homecoming parade that where they surrounded tim wolfes car and he did not get out of his car, didnt engage with them in any way. There was press conference about that. Im sure youre aware of it and some of your viewers are as well. So, he recently did issue finally an apology, but then just this past weekend had an incident with students where students were engaging with him oneonone about racism and institutional racism and it was a very Tense Exchange and culminated in him basically saying that institutional racism was what happens when people dont feel they have equal opportunity. And the students felt that this was blaming them for the problems instead of taking responsibility for his part in them. So, at this point, professor, the professors are going to walk out, students are going to walk out, the Football Players are threatening to boycott next weeks football game. What needs to happen to bring people back together . I think that tim wolfe needs to step down. There have also been concerns about other leadership. Our chancellor, chancellor loftin. In fact, im a member of the faculty in English Department and womens general studies and the English Department recently voted no confidence in chancellor loftin. So, theres a real concern about the leadership not doing their job. And i think that its time for us to have new leaders and i know many faculty agree with me. And that will enable us to move forward and begin the healing process after this extremely traumatic semester. Associate professor elisa glick, thank you for joining me this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, donald trump danced his way to huge ratings for saturday night live but did the gop frontrunner get a free pass from snl . I brto get us moving. Tein im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in. This holiday, i can count on my going off list. Again, and knowing right when my packages arrive. So thats two things. Introducing real time delivery notifications. Sign up at myusps. Com its a highly thercontagious disease. Here. It can be especially serious even fatal to infants. Unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. Its called whooping cough. And the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. 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When necessity do meet, well take you back to capitol hill. But lets move on to donald trump, because donald trump has said no one will be a bigger friend to israel than me. But this weekend there was little talk of netanyahu or the economy or immigration, because mr. Trump was playing comedian. Theyve done so much to ridicule me over the years. This show has been a disaster for me. Look at this guy. Isnt he fantastic . Ive got to say, youre doing a great job. I think this show just got better by about 2 billion percent. You think youre this terrific person. You think youre this, you think youre that. Ba ba ba. Well, the ratings were, as trump would say, huge. Snl got a big bump, but maybe when all is said and done, trump did not. The Hollywood Reporter called the episode toothless and uncomfortable, a dumpster fire, and at times it was with protesters outside the studios and a Group Offering 5,000 to heckle trump. Snl tried to diffuse the tension with faux Bernie Sanders. Youre a racist who the i knew that was going to happen. Trumps a racist i heardfy yelled that theyd give me 5,000. As a businessman, i can fully respect that. Whether critics called the show dead, timid and easy going. At least donald trump tweeted he had fun. With me now cnn contributor bill carter. Hi, bill. How are you doing, carol . So, i think the snl writers chickened out. It was a toothless show. Well, it wasnt hardhitting, it wasnt pointed. I dont know that anybody should be overly surprised because the guest host can veto sketches. So, if they did something really, you know, vicious against him, he would have probably not done it. And i also think that just generally, and i know michael as well, hes always so kind to his guests. Hes not going to have a nasty thing. If you look through things that are pointed, they were there a little behind the scenes. Like in the weekend up date thing, there were a few comments that were rough there, in that, but when he was on set, they really didnt do much to undermine his campaign for sure. So, i know the ratings were big, but at some point, dont you have to ask yourself, whos watching and why are they watching . And does it im here. Im here. Thats just my phone ringing. I apologize. I thought my question so tough, you decided to leave me. But im glad youre back. Who is that . Please continue. So the ratings were huge, but at some point dont have you to wonder why people are watching . I mean, theyre watching him because hes something theyve never seen in a president ial race before. Hes crazily outspoken. He says whats on his mind. He has a larger than life personality. All of that plays very well, both on the campaign trail and as a host of saturday night live, so i dont think theyre mutually exclusive. I think they Work Together well. Nobody should be surprised the ratings were big. No, i dont think im not really surprised because, you know, i watched it myself. I was interested to see what he had to say. Im just speaking from the perspective that just because the ratings were huge, does that mean anything about the popularity of Donald Trumps candidacy . No, i dont think it means a thing about the race and i dont think it will affect the race in any way. I think he neither hurt himself or helped himself. Th it was just an event people wanted to see on tv. Some people thought it came off well at all, theyre not going to change their vote because of it. I dont think this was anything that had a political cast to it. It was much more like a side show to the campaign. Like, you know, hillary appeared in a sketch on the tonight show. It didnt really change anything there either. I think its just it has become kind of part of the routine now. That these candidates appear in late night shows. I know. And something to do with comedy. Theres a part of me that doesnt like that. I know nixon was on laugh in,. It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago but the evolution of this. Now were at the point where politicians are actually hosting shows. Its just kind of its like, where will we go next . Is that a requirement if you want to be president of the United States you have to be a great performer . Its not a requirement but i think its gotten to the point where someone is good at it, it helps them a little if theyre consistently relaxed, they can make fun of themselves, they can play with themselves. The president does appear at these dinners and gets mocked at the dinners and he has to do jokes at the dinner. There are times when the president is a performer of sorts like this. And being a sport and getting sort of, you know, a part in the rhythm of the whole season like this, i think its part of it now. I think this is a step above it because no, you know, frontrunner has ever hosted saturday night live before. Thats pretty unusual. But trump has done it before and hes kind of a new york figure. So, its not that out of the range of events that he would be the host of saturday night live. I got to tell you, bill, if i run for president , im going to write my own comedy sketch show and release it on youtube. It would probably improve the level of writing if someone was really on the ball and wanted to do it. I dont know that donald wanted to be funny as much as he wanted to get relaxed and have people say he did a good job. Yeah. Bill carter he wanted face time. Bill carter, get back to your phone call. Nice to be with you. Seriously now. Now to scathing new allegations against russia and its athletic community. A new report says russia is guilty of widespread doping and cheating. The World Antidoping Agency now calling for track and field athletes to be banned from international competition, including the upcoming olympics. So, lets get more on this. I want to bring in cnn interNational Correspondent matthew chance. Hes in moscow. Hi, matthew. Reporter hi, carol. Thats right. This is an absolutely scathing report. I mean, its a really huge story as well because youve got to remember that russia is an athletics super power. It came second, to give you an example, in 2012 in the london olympics to the United States in the medals table. So, it is a major player in the world of athletics, an athletics superpower. This report from the World Antidoping Agency making some extraordinary allegations and findings in its pages. Saying russia should be barred for the foreseeable future because of its statesponsored doping program. It described inadequate testing in russia for athletes that doesnt conform to international standards. It said some athletes that completed in the 2012 Olympic Games in london could have been stopped from doing that, but no action was taken against them. I mean, it goes on and on, the list. One of the most serious allegations is moscow laboratory, which is accredited to do drugs testing, disposed of 1400 samples of urine tests and blood tests and things like that without permission of the world doping agency, which is totally against the rules. Have you a really systematic problem, according to this report, inside russia. And the report also alleges that russian officials, the russian government, is complacent in this. Matthew chance reporting live from moscow this morning. Still to come in the newsroom a sexting scandal at a high school. Students swapping hundreds of nude photos. Why . And what parents need to know now. In panama, which is a city of roughly 2 million people, we are having 5,000 new cars being sold every month. This is a very big problem for us with respect to fast and efficient transportation. Its kind of a losing proposition to keep going this way. We are trying to tackle the problem with several different modes. One of them is the brand new metro. We had a modest forecast 110,000 passengers per day in the first line. We are already over 200,000. Our collaboration with citi has been very important from the very beginning. Citi was our biggest supporter and our only private bank. We are not only being efficient in the way we are moving people now, we are also more amicable to the environment. People have more time for the family and its been one of the most rewarding experiences to hear people saying the metro has really changed my life. Just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. No matter who shows up. [cricket sound] richard. Didnt think you were going to make it. Hey sorry about last weekend, i dont know what got into me. Well forgive and forget. Kind of. I dont think so do you like nuts . Tand thats what were doings to chat xfinity. Rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. The high school in the middle of a sexting scandal. Im going to its a scandal. Students inside this school could face charges after they were caught swapping hundreds of naked pictures. Some of those photos taken inside the school. Ana cabrera is following the story for us from denver, and digital correspondent Kelly Wallace is with us. Ana, tell us whats going on inside this school. Reporter well, carol, its kind an elaborate investigation under way here at this school that has a little more than 1,000 students and now were learning that up to hundreds of students could be involved in this sexting situation here. Police are currently investigating. They have since confiscated about three different phones, were told, after receiving a tip from one of the students. And they say these phones contain hundreds of pictures. They are pictures of nude body parts, pictures of students in their undergarments that were sent among each other, swapped, saved, shared. And it may have been going on for awe few years, we have learned, and has now grown to a widespread level. So much so that most of the Football Team is believed to be involved. They had to forfeit their game over the weekend as this investigation unfolds. We learned theyre using some specific apps that parents may not be aware about. One is called photo vault. Essentially on your phone screen it looks like a calculator app or a media player app, but once a student or a user enters a password, then they have access to hidden pictures. This is something that the principal has just recently learned about. Hes been here for ten years and said that that piece of this investigation has come as a huge shock. Listen. I had no knowledge until this past week that there were cell phone apps out there that would mask a photo vault. I now know. Do i know everything . Absolutely not. I need to learn more. Peer pressure, something more than what we evaluated here locally, yeah, im starting to believe so. Reporter this was so common that a lot of students said it almost felt normal and they didnt realize that there are legal ramifications. Ultimately it will be the District Attorney to decide whether any criminal charges will be filed. Its possible felony charges could come from all of this, leading to time behind bars or even having to register as a sex offender, carol. Its just incredible. So, kelly, its just unbelievable that students would be willing to do this because when i was in high school, i mean, i would have never thought about that. I know. You know, its a different world, right . It really is. Theyre growing up with these phones. They have them. Theres a lot of anonymiy. You might think if i send a photo, im just sending it to you, it will be kept by you, and then it will be shared. I want to take our viewers to the white house to check in because president obama is meeting with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lets listen in for a second. Discovered earlier the fact that someone dressed in military uniform carried out an attack at a Training Facility in which it appears there may have been two or three u. S. Citizens killed. And a number of other individuals injured. Obviously, a full investigation is taking place. We take this very seriously and well be working closely with the jordanians to determine exactly what happened. But at this stage, i want to just let everyone know that this is something were paying close attention to and at the point where the families have been notified, obviously, our deepest condolences will be going out to them. I also want to extend my condolences to the israeli people on the passing of former president. Obviously, an important figure in israeli politics and and we extend heartfelt condolences to his family. This is going to be an opportunity for the Prime Minister and myself to engage in a wideranging discussion on some of the most pressing Security Issues that both our countries face. Its no secret that the security environment in the middle east has deteriorated in many areas. And as ive said repeatedly, the security of israel is one of my top Foreign Policy priorities. And that has expressed itself not only in word and in deeds. We have closer military and intelligence cooperation than any two administrations in history. The military assistance that we provide, we consider not only an important part of our obligation to the security of the state of israel but also an important part of u. S. Security infrastructure in the region. As we make sure that one of our closest allies could not only protect ours but can also work with us in deterring terrorism and other security threats. In light of what continues to be chaotic situation in syria, this will give us an opportunity to discuss whats happening there. Well have an opportunity to discuss how we can blunt the activities of isil, hezbollah, other organizations in the region that carry out terrorist attacks. A lot of our time will be spent on a memorandum of understanding that we can potentially negotiate. It will be expiring in a couple of years, but we want to get a head start on that to make sure that both the United States and israel can plan effectively for our defense needs going forward. Well also have a chance to talk about how implementation of Iran Nuclear Agreement is going on. Its no secret the Prime Minister and i have had a strong disagreement on this narrowing issue but we dont have a disagreement on the need to making sure iran does not get a Nuclear Weapon and we dont have a disagreement about us blunting destabilizing activities in iran that may be taking place. Well be looking to make sure we find Common Ground there. And we will also have an opportunity to discuss some of the concerns that both of us have around violence in the palestinian territories. I want to be very clear that we condemn in the strongest terms palestinian violence against innocent israeli citizens. And i want to repeat once again it is my strong belief that israel has not just the right but the obligation to protect itself. I also discuss with the Prime Minister his thoughts on how we can lower the temperature in between israeli and palestinians, how we can get back on a path towards peace and how we can make sure that legitimate palestinian aspirationses are met through a political process even as we make sure that israel is able to secure itself. And so theres going to be a lot of work to do with too little time. Which is why i will stop here and once again say, welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. President , please let me express condolences to the people of israel for the loss of lives. Were with you. Were with each other in more ways than one and i want to thank you for this opportunity to strengthen our friendship, which is strong, strengthen our alliance, which is strong. I think its rooted in shared values. Its buttressed by shared interests. Its driven forward by an interest of a shared destiny. We are obviously tested today in the instability and insecurity in the middle east, as you described it. I think everybody can see it. With the savagery of isis, with the aggression in terror by irans proxy, by iran itself and the combination of turbulence is now displaced millions of people as butchered, hundreds of thousands, and we dont know what will transpire. And i think this is a tremendously important opportunity for us to Work Together. To see how we can defend ourselves against this aggression and this terror, how we can roll it back. Its a daunting task. Equally i want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for peace. Well never give up our hope for peace. I remain committed to a vision of peace of two states for two peoples, a demilitarized palestinian state that recognizes the jewish state. I dont think anyone should doubt israels determination to defend itself against terror and destruction, but neither should anyone doubt israels willingness to make peace with any of its neighbors that genuinely want to achieve peace with us. And i look forward to discussing with you practical ways in which we can lower the tension, increase stability, and move towards peace. Finally, mr. President , i want to thank you for your commitment to further bolster Israel Security and the memorandum of understanding that were discussing. Israel has shouldered a tremendous defense burden over the years, and weve done it with the generous assistance of the United States of america. And i want to express my appreciation to you, the appreciation of the people of israel to you, for your efforts in this regard during our years of Common Service and what youre engaging in right now. How to bolster Israel Security, how to maintain israels qualitative military edge so that israel can, as youve often said, defend itself, by itself, against any threat. So, for all these reasons, i want to thank you again for your hospitality, but even more so for sustaining and strengthening the tremendous friendship and alliance between israel and the United States of america. Thank you very much, mr. President. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. All right. Hello, everyone. Im kate bolduan. Im john berman. What youre looking at right now, a meeting in the oval office between american president barack obama and the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Its been more than a year since those two men met. And what a year it has been. A year of tension between the two of them really with the Iran Nuclear Deal taking place. Benjamin netanyahu coming to the United States, speaking before the American Congress against that deal. But

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