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Hear what he has to say about a variety of topics. Once again welcome our viewers in United States and around the world. Im Wolff Blitzer joined with christian amanpour. The pope nets miss an opportunity to delve into a crowd. Thousands hoping for a glimpse of him. And hell come out after his speech. They hope they will be able to shake his hands then. And as we await his departure from the vaticans diplomatic admission cris chrohris cuomo i what a pleasure to be able to witness this. No pope has ever addressed congress. Is he going to talk about political things . Of course he is. Thats why hes here. He wants to talk about big issues like global warming. Like income inequality. Like immigration. He was very quick to point himself out as the son of immigrants and talking about america as the unit, north america, central america, south america all as one. Now, the question is how does he apportion it and what is his tone . I think were going to see his biggest, his most grand speech today before congress. Why . Because his people tell us. Thats why. They say this is the big one. But what will matter most is how does he say it . We know there is going to be disagreement. But can the pope bring a tone that speaks to tolerance and inclusiveness and that is positive enough for people who disagree to still want to do better . I think the answer clearly chris is the pope certainly can do that. Hes done that christiane so many times over these years. He has indeed. And i think importantly for viewers here and around the world, the pope were told by Speaker Boehner in fact, is going to speak in english and without a teleprompter. He only did that during the welcoming ceremony yesterday. He spoke in english and without a teleprompter. And imagine, well talk with our guests about it. At this age to learn a whole new language, to practice it and to be able to come to a new country and speak in the language of that country to the people of that country and he will no doubt brick hng his big themes it is about social justice. And that takes the form of everything that society and politic has to offer. Whether the economy, immigration, whether the poor and elderly. And indeed taking care of our environment. We have some great guests with us. Tell us about how you think the english is so important at this time . Well this is a pope who likes to embrace the culture hes visiting. And he recognizes that to reach the hearts, popularly of the legislature, he has to speak their language. As we know it, hes not comfortable with english. He has said that. And yet he a has taken time to learn and it work on it. I know his press secretary father lombardy said he has put a lot of personal time into these talks. Particularly todays talk. So it is also an exercise in humility to see. Father, i know you are the president of the jesuit conference of the United States. Hes the first jesuit pope. Explain the significance of that to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. The jesuit order is 476 years old is and it is the thirst time in the history of the order a jesuit has been elected pope. We have not seen a pope from the religious order since mid 19th century. So were used to popes who dpram a diocese. As a jesuit he comes with the spirit and care. But the jesuits also a missionary order. Coming from that he wants to go as he says to the peripheries. He wants to go to the frontiers, to those new place where is the gospel has to be heard. And sometimes those peripheries are place where is the gospel has been for hundreds of years and forgotten and he wants to claim it back. Exciting day here in the capitol. Jeff zelny is just outside the u. S. Capitol. Set the scene where you are. Were on the east side of the capitol. So basically between the capitol and the Supreme Court. You can see behind me there are hundreds of people who have gather gathered. Staffers and onlookers for the popes arrival. Hell be coming in the next 10 or 15 minutes or so. Probably less. Will be driving through here and entering the u. S. Capitol through the carriage entrance where most dignitaries come in and then hell be going to have a private meeting with speaker john boehner. Boehner, a republican of ohio, who went to catholic mess every day a as young boy he says is the reason that pope francis is here today. Hes actually invited three popes over the year. But pope francis accepted the invitation and will be delivering the first address to a joint meeting of congress. And so interesting whos going to be inside that room. Were now told that governor crhris christie is going to be n the room. Dr. Ben cars season an invited guest as is chris christie. There are also going to be four members of the Supreme Court. Four justices. Chief Justice John Roberts was at mass at the bhave a silica. And hell be on hand today as well. And there has been some criticism from some republicans thinking there is going too sharp a message on Climate Change or the environment. But Speaker Boehner actually had a message for anyone who was questioning this. He said this in a column he put out yesterday. Kind of a memorandum to his colleagues. He said the pope transcends all of that. He appeals to our better angels and our higher calls. The best thing we can all do is to listen. Open our hearts to his mess and reflect on his example. Of course that does not mean you have to follow everything he says on this but a message from speaker bane tore his members how they should receive the speech here today. Standby, jeff. It is interesting that about half of those u. S. Members of congress who are catholic are democrats. The other half are republicans. Jake tapper with us as well. Got a good group of experts as we watched moments ago the pope leaving for that drive to capitol hill. A moving moment but also a political moment. Pope francis yesterday talking about immigration reform. Talking about Climate Change. Talking about helping those who are stuck, who are mired in poverty. And also talking about religious liberty. John king, after the pope delivered, celebrated mass at catholic university, he stopped by the Little Sisters of the poor which is of course a charity that is currently suing the obama administration, among other organizations, for the contraceptive mandate. The requirement under obamacare that they offer services that the Little Sisters find against their religious believes. We are allowed i think to read a little bit of politics into this. We would be fools not to. A little bit of the message from the pontiff. Hes on the same page with the president only issues like Climate Change and immigration and e spent a lot of time on those yesterday. But adding that stop to the Little Sisters of poor was not on the schedule, is a clear message from the pope that he stands with them in their fight against the administration and the mandates on contraception by catholic or any religious hospitals. No doubt about it. On the right side of the screen you are seeing these images from last night when pope francis visited Little Sisters of the poor. Were told by the lawyer for if Little Sisters that the lawyer did not specifically bring up the lawsuit but he didnt really need to did he. No he didnt need to. The pictures are worth a thousand words and the stop was important for him to make for those republican politicians who believe that this pope has not talked enough about the so called cultural issues, the culture wars, this was a way for the pope to talk about it without talking about it. And donna, this once again illustrates the fact that this pope cannot be classified by the traditional left right way of looking at politics in this country. That is correct. And, you know, it bears repeating he is here with i believe a gospel of mercy and inclusion and the rec reconciliation. Hes shown by example that hes here to speak about the poor. To give us hope and encouragement to do more to help those. And were looking right now at some pictures of the pope making his way to the capitol. You can see the motorcade. Obviously the pope getting a lot of heat from conservative republicans for his position on Climate Change. Some calling him a marxist, a liberal, a lefty. But when you look through the rhetoric you can see areas where he clearly lines up with conservative republicans. I think it is a mistake to try to personal injuripigeon ho hope. Hes not a righty. Hes not a lefty. He is pope francis. Hes a jesuit. Hes a man of the people. Hes not here to push votes. Hes not here to change votes. Hes here to push, touch and change hearts. And that is how people should listen to his message. With that kind of open heart, open spirit. Dont scrutinize his words and parse his words, which i suspect will be very deliberate because it is a huge evereffort for him speak in english. We saw it yesterday in the white house. It was the first time he ever did it. So i think hes going to have very deliberate words. Dont parse them. Hes not here to make endorsements and political agendas. Hes here to deliver a message of peace and mercy. Wolff, back to you. Were going to take a quick break as the pope gets ready to go up to capitol hill. Were going to have live arrival of the pope up on capitol hill. Christiane you are getting indications that the pope is sensitive to the fact that some here in washington see him tilting left. Others see him tilting right. He is not a politician in the american system. He is pope francis. But he did address it that perhaps ive given the impression that im a left te says. But he says that would be an error of interpretation. My doctrine is purely the gospel. And if they like i can recite the creed and all the prayers that back up everything he says about social justis. Including the climate. Chris cuomo is there on capitol hill as the motor kad arrives. The pope just passed us by. He gave you the thumbs up. He seemed to wave me off. We see the people arriving in the papal fiat. It is the popes compact, his hatchback. And whats important about that . It is one of the many gestures one of the many symbolic gestures he is making here. Everyone drives around washington in cadillacs and big cars. He uses a compact to show hes a humble man. And first of many gestures hell make today. Hes going to bring an historic copy of the bible and donate that to the library congress. And in congress there is a picture of moses. As hes speaking hes going to be under mosess gaze and in his speech hes going mention that. And interesting. What we know about the speech is it will be less of a stern scolding and more of a gentle nudge. But this is a man who knows he has a powerful voice and a voice people listen to. And hes going to be pushing them on issues that are of great controversy here as we know. And weve been talk about in this morning. Immigration, abortion. The refugee crisis in europe. Jims been working the stay long time. We all have. And he says hes never seen the simplify like from that security perspective. And we see why. There he is entering the chamber. Hes going to be giving his speech. This is the moment certainly weve all been waiting for to see what he says in this historic speech before congress. Theres that fiat. Its a small car. Befitting this very, very peoples pope as he likes to be called. Chris, the speaker of the house john boehner who of course is a practicing catholic will welcome the pope as he gets out of the vehicle. Is that right . I dont know if chris can hear me. Yeah i there is a delegation. The speaker of the house john boehner is going to be there to receive the pope . Yes i can i cant hear brett. Wolf, i can see the pope coming in right now. As you can see in the pictures here hes waving to the crowd of hundreds of capitol hill workers watching him drive lew. Hes headed to the carriage entrance right now on the side of the house of representatives and going up through the capitol to meet with john boehner. It is a very glorious morning out here in washington. Sun splashed day. He waved to the crowd as he rolled through. Now hes entering the u. S. Capitol behind us in the carriage entrance and the house of representatives chamber. A very exciting moment right now christiane. History unfolding. This will be the first pope ever to address the United States congress. And what a amazing time. A time of real transition. A Pivotal Moment for the catholic church, particularly here in the United States. There have been millions who left the church over the last decade and they are trying basically to recruit more catholics. They need to get people into the churches again. So that is one of his main missions. But again a pivotal time because of the dramatic Political Climate that we all live in. Not just the partisan divisions here in the United States between left and right but around the world. The refugees, the income inequality that has become such a rallying cry that has spurd so many outsider politicians on to waves of political momentum that we, you know, would never have imagined. The pope will address that kind of thing. We understand that the pope will say that hes not come to the United States capitol to lecture american lawmakers. He has come to talk to share and there you see speaker bayner. The speakerer is waiting for the pope. Our vatican correspondent is with us as well. For john boehner for those of who us know him this is going to be a hugely significant moment in his life. He is the speaker of the house of representatives. But he is a very, very practicing catholic. And this is going to be a moving moment delia. Always a thrill obviously to be able to meet your pope. But, you know, one of the things that i think the pope is coming here to do is to remind the speaker and the other legitimatlegitimate legislators is that their o job is not just political. It is political because it involves protecting and safeguarding the dignity of people. So the pope is coming to kind of bring the message, broaden the message out just a limit bit and remind people of the religious, the spiritual aspects of issues that are then political. But in the first instance obviously for the pope, these political issues are gospel issues. They are kbe questions of social justice. And in particular relation to the poor. But i think the overall reminder here is it is not just about left and right and republican democrat. You have a larger mission. Father, what is the proper protocol for a catholic speaker of the house of representatives in the United States . To shake hands with the pope . To kiss the popes ring . What is the proper protocol . Often for catholics it is appropriate to kiss the popes ring. We know this pope though he sort of favors an embrace. He likes to make eye contact with the person hes greeting. There are various ways in which people embrace the pope. This is a familiar pope. A pastor. I think hes going toe want to look into the eyes of the speaker and welcome him. The speaker of the house clearly excited about this moment. Understandably so. Hes not the first catholic as speaker of the house. But he is certainly a very visible and observant catholic. And john king, we at the table here were just talking about b the fact that he looks literally as nervous as the choir boy. Waiting to meet the pope, his religious leader. And he was very open about the fact that when he gets very emotional he tears up. And he gets very fidgety. And the speaker of the house having a tough job corralling his own flock, if you will. A signature moment of his career. As a proud catholic hes very much looking forward to this. And when the pope addresses the joint session of congress, the first ever time in history that a pope will have done this. Behind him will be sitting two catholics. One of them john boehner, the speaker of the house. And the other Vice President joe biden the first ever catholic Vice President. And hes also someone who identifies very proudly as a catholic. Just the other day was talking about his personal although not political personal opposition to abortion. And when the vote came, joe biden gathered about a dozen Catholic Leaders to talk about the popes upcoming visit would you like to listen to john baoehner a little bit . He is nervous here. And he said the other day in a press conference, that while he disagrees with the pope on certain issue, particularly the cultural issues, Climate Change. He said i am not about to get myself into an arguments with the pope. Probably wise. Probably wise. The catholic vote very significant in this country. Very significant. It is a swing vote in some kay states but in most states it is a very important vote for democrats and republicans. Ive known boehner for a long time. When efs elected i was chief of staff for Eleanor Holmes norton. This is a major moment for him. Lets listen in. Your holiness, welcome. Glad to really glad to be here. How are you . Good morning. Good morning. Thanks so much for the invitation. I appreciate it. [inaudible] were having trouble hearing whether they are saying. But clearly the man in the middle is the interpreter. All of these cardinals with the pope right now. Tell us in general who they are. It is important because you have the cardinal secretary of state, there just on the popes left on the screen. Cardinal weurl is there. Also the foreign minister paul gallagher. So you have a whole contingent from the vatican who at the same time as the pope meets with president obama they are meeting with the secretary kerry and their counterparts at the white house. So also discussion going on with the vatican elements and the white house. That is statutory hall where the pope will go after his joint meeting with the congress. And heel have an opportunity to see some of those statues and there are some of particular importance to this pope. Yes. Well two things. In the House Chamber there is a graph relief of moses. Is when hes standing. Ive actually had the opportunity to say the prayer in the house and you look straight up and see noesz looking at you. Moses the law giver. And also a relief of pope gregory ix who made a contribution to law. So he wont be the only pope in the chamber. It will be a moving moment indeed. Were getting ready to hear the pope address the United States congress. There you see the huge crowds on capitol hill. They are excited and getting ready as well. Lets take a quick break. Much more of special coverage, pope francis in america. Right after this. dog mmmm. Weve been together since 2012. Dinner is absolutely our favorite time together. I do notice that sometimes i eat better than her. I get my healthy bowl of beneful, and she eats a cheese stick and a cracker. Thats what she ate last night. Cheese stick and a cracker. Can you believe what some people put in their bodies . vo beneful originals is a healthy blend. Your dog will love. With whole grains, real beef and accents of vegetables. 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And he in deference and with respect to the American People and to the american lawmakers and all their guests there in congress will speak in english without a teleprompter. He will presumably read his speech. Again were really eeg irly awaiting this. Theres been so much anticipation and so much question about what exactly the pope will say. Whether tone he will take. He met the speaker of the house john boehner shortly ago when he came in. John boehner of course a practicing catholic, a committed catholic. Very excited to receive pope. He himself extended the invitation to the pope. And just before this day said look im not here to pick a fight with the pope. Let us let him appeal to our better angel. There you can see the pope surrounded by archbishops and the cardinals. His italian secretary of state. That is the number two figure in the vatican. And you can see off camera to the right of the picture is the president of the u. S. Conference of bishops. Catholic bishops. And that is archbishop joseph curt. Who i had the opportunity to sit down and w and talk to last night. And i asked him what was the main agenda for the pope on this visit. Do you think this pope is a pope who wants to be defined by the culture war so to speak . It is almost as if he is saying these issues of sexuality, of the social values, yes we have to deal with them. But actually there is so much more to deal with. Hes a man of faith. He wants to point to jesus christ. And he says i want to see the person before the idea. You notice that was a theme in cuba. And he says, you know, the person means that im not going to spend a all of my energy arguing with someone. Ill be true to my convictions. Ill be a son of the church as he says. Im not changing Church Teaching but he says i truly want to engage. I want to learn from that person. And i want to make sure that everyone is well. He must have said it three dozen times. He said the message of christ salvation is meant for all of us. For everyone. And then he said no one is to be excluded. So he really i think is asking us to see that person. And i do believe that brings out the best in people. If cheers are any indication. And we saw a lot of it, including from our brother bishops. Thats a sign that hes touching a cord with people. And i kind of like that. So there you have archbishop kurtz talking about this inclusive pope. Were a you will people. Were all committed to social just us. John allen is out there waiting and watching and hes been following the pope all the way from the vatican from here for years. I have to say ive been covering the popes three of them. Plural. For the better part of 20 years. But even i am a little out of my depth this morning buzz as we know no pope has ever addressed congress. I do believe we have a short preview of coming tractions in the speech the pope gave to president obama on the saut lawn yesterday. But buckle your seat belts. It is going to be an exciting morning. It is wolf. This is not the first time a pope has addressed parliament. That has happened around the world on the few occasions, region . John paul ii addressed the parliament of poland and the parliament of italy. And another pope addressed the parliament of germany. And francis also addressed the European Parliament which is not a national but a supernational parliament. So this is roughly the fifth time a pope has stood in front of a legislature but obviously the first time in the United States. And delia, gallagher, it is a huge, huge deal. Obviously for the vatican. For the pope but for the United States of america as well. Absolutely. And one of the themes that this pope has been bringing here and is very current right now in europe is the question of immigration. And we saw him come and say i am the son of immigrants. And i think that introductory mark in itself endeared him to our country. But also ties in all of the Current Issues that at least in europe for the moment but also here we are dealing with. We are awaiting the speech of the pope, pope francis getting ready address a joint meeting of the United States congress. Were all anticipating his words. Hell speak in english. Get ready. Pope francis in america. Our special coverage continues in a moment. They speak louder. We like that. Not just because were doers. Because were changing. Big things. Small things. Spur of the moment things. Changes youll notice. Wherever you are in the world. Sheraton. The best iphone ever the momis here. Rived. And youre all like. And then you remember theres verizon. Which is great, because if youre going to get the best iphone wouldnt you want to have the best network . Kinda makes you want to jump for joy. Tell all your friends and family. Even throw a party. Get the best iphone on the best network. Go in store or visit us online. 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Have never seen the city like in this terms of security. And certainly the level of enthusiasm were seeing for the pope here today is unique as well. Thousands and thousands of people are lining the streets. They are getting as close as they can to the capitol because that is where the action is going to be. The pope does have other points on the agenda today where people will get exposed to him. And this is the moment for these people who have come here to see pope francis. What will he be like . Down in the crowd is rosa flores. What is it like today . Electrifying. We were on a riser yesterday so you get the feel of the crowd. Here you really feel the energy because you see young, you see old. You see green, purple, blue, white, black every color of people here hoping and waiting to see pope francis. And i want you to take a look because there are giant jumbo trons, thousands of people here hoping to get a glimpse of the pope. But then he is actually expected to come out of the speakers balcony and wave at the crowd. That is what everybody is waiting for. They just want to make sure they actually see the pope property from a Television Screen but actually in person. Now chris, ive got the tell o you you know all the pomp and circumstance happening in that Historic Building that you see behind me. You know that is not what pope francis enjoys. He enjoys being with the people. So what is pope francis going to do after . In very much proep francis fashion, after speaking with congress he is going to go visit with the homeless, chris. Yep. So just just to make sure that he keeps grounded and we know that thats very much in pope francis fashion. After having an event like this hes going to go spend some time with the homeless. Feeding the homeless. Weve seen him do that many, many times in other countries and the United States is not going to be the exception. Chris . Thank you rows rosa. Instead of the big fancy lunch of the congressman afterwards, hes going to go feed the homeless at catholic relief services. I want to show you if you are just tuning in now. Moments ago, there it is. The papal fiat. The pope is in there moving along. The car is as famous as anything now. It is its own figure in this situation. And the crowds are going crazy. And waiting for him was speaker john boehner. And i want to show you the picture of speaker john boehner. He was obviously nervous as he got to meet the pope. Boehner a very devout catholic. He set this up and sent the invitations. In fact he sent invitations to the last three popes. This one and two before him. Benedict and john paul the ii. He wanted this to happen. There is the motorcade now. There will be announcements made inside as the hall gets seated before the pontiff comes. Now this is very elaborate. From a security perspective, logistical perspective and a political perspective. And its taken months and months of planning. Hey chris, we can see those members of congress, the senators, the representatives walking through the hall right now into the house of representative chambers. Now the pope is going to be speaking inside the house. It will be familiar to viewers because that is where the president gives the state of the union address. It will not be the same atmospher atmospherically. I was talking to some catholic senators. And jim cain of virginia, said that he hopes lawmakers are going to treat this as a sermon. Not up and down. Not applauding a lot and certainly he hopes not jeering at the pontiff. It would be hard to imagine that. But i can tell you for most lawmakers for all the discussion about the tough message here, senator mccain said hes actually expecting more of an optimistic up lifting message. Not a harsh in tone message. Well see in about a half hour. But Speaker Boehner said this, for a catholic boy like me, this is big stuff. And that sums it all up. Hes an ohio republican. Went to mass every day. And this is his doing here, why the pope is addressing this joint meeting of congress here. There are going to be four Supreme Court justices inside this House Chamber. Chief Justice John Roberts, justice kennedy, just Ruth Bader Ginsburg and just sotomayor. They are going to be watching from the front row as well as members of the diplomatic force, other ambassadors from across washington. We are seeing them line up right now. This is a big moment for members of congress. Only one member, a congressman from arizona, said he is boycotting this speech. But everyone else i can tell you to a person is excited about this speech, whether they are catholic or not. Whether they agree with the pope or not. And that is an important point. Yes mccain is hoping it gets treated like a sermon in terms of decorum. Lets go to jake tapper right now as you have been pointing out rightly all morning. This is about politics. These are real issues. He knows who hes talking to. The question is how does he try to communicate what he thinks matters . And in fact one of the ways the pope will be communicating what he thinks matter is by speaking in english, which is of course hardly the first tongue for this man of italian ancestry. Raised in south america. Jeff just mentioned that one member of congress, a republican from arizona, will be boycotting the event. Anna navarro, you spoke with a member of congress who told you that the speaker of the house was very clear on what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not acceptable for members of congress. Yes. They received a memo telling them not to clap. Telling them not to get up. Telling them not to try to take selfies. Telling them not the rush the aisle as they do during the state of the union. So they are supposed to be on their best behavior. And i think this is a very important moment for john boehner. It is the culmination of an effort of years for him and he love this is pope in particular. Despite some differences on the political front. So i hope they are going to be on the best behavior. Lets see if they can restrain themselves. Look, i think even for the most jaded political folks in washington, and certainly the folks in congress are, this is an exciting moment. Having the pope here is a big, big deal. Particularly if you are a catholic but also for noncatholics. I think this congressman from arizona made a huge mistake. Who boycotts the pope for god sakes . Well he does. I mean look, the good news for the congressman from arizona is that god and the pope love all of gods children, even the mistaken ones. Lets talk about some of the president ial candidates we expect to see. Dr. Ben carson has been invited as is new Jersey Governor Chris Christie who is an observing catholic. And the three state senators on the republican side. Paul, rubio and cruz. And over the popes shoulder will be the Vice President of the United States. Whose decision were still waiting on. So maybe seven and one pondering. And the republican front runner who is not there likes to call his critics stupid. Uses very harsh language. And some other candidates have delved into the harsh language at times. Maybe i dont think they will but maybe they could learn a lesson from the pope. And were going to take a quick break. When we come back as members of the congress and other dignit y dignitaries convene in the congress, were going to go to dana bash who is there as well. When account lead craig wilson books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. And when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes . Great proposal lets talk more over golf great. Better yet, how about over tennis . Even better. A game changer your 2 oclock is here. 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Walk us through some of the decorum, the preparations the instructions that have been given to members of the congress on this historic day. Weve heard a lot of you are colleagues talking about the fact that leadership had told their members both verbally and in some cases in writing, please dont treat this as the partisan event. Treat this very differently, with respect and so forth. In this case the leadership saved seats. By and large it is those who they know will actually behave and keep the decorum that both leaders and both parties want to have in this event. They are announcing the diplomatic corps now coming in. The ambassadors here in the United States are led by the acting dean of the diplomatic corps. Shortly the Supreme Court justices will be introduced and then members of the president s cabinet. There are also dana, u. S. President ial candidates inside as well. Thats right. There are of course the members of congress who are running for president who are here. I saw senator rubio. Senator lindsey graham. Senator bernie sanders, and senator cruz. But in the gallery, the virts gallery there are a couple of president ial candidates who were invited and wanted to come here and see the pope for themselves. Ben carson, i spoke to him briefly. I said why are you here . What made you want to come . And his answer was that he wanted to come and see somebody who is famous for his faith and not just a celebrity because he is an actor or a singer and so forth. He just wanted to be part of the he is a catholic. That is his faith. He said he was invited by a freshman member of congress. He snapped up the ticket to witness it. Theyre both actually sitting right behind the press area where we are and the gallery overlooki overlooking the entire scene. I should briefly say this is for, as you were mentioning, senator for house members, some members of the diplomatic corps, some members of the Supreme Court are going to come. All told between the galleries, 800 to 900 people are inside this chamber to witness this event. A hot ticket, indeed, washington, d. C. , the nations capital. Dana, youre inside. Christiane amanpour is with us. Some of these president ial candidates will love what the pope has to say but some wont be happy with some certain sensitive issues, for example, when the pope starts talking about immigration or Climate Change, some of those issues. They might not necessarily be all that thrilled to hear what he has to say. So interesting to me because there are a lot of International Issues the pope is closely aligned with that hes unlikely to discuss today. For instance, cuba. He sent invitations to the president , to the head the president s of both cuba and United States. He had said that he would have liked to have come to the United States through mexico but it was too complicated for him to do that. He decided to make a trip from cuba to here. Were told by the vatican now the justices come in. Chief Justice John Roberts is coming in with some of the other justices. Chief Justice Roberts is a catholic. Three justices who are coming in are catholic. One of the justices whos coming in, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is jewish. Indeed. There are probably points to make on that. Lets get back to cuba. He will not talk about the cuban embargo. A lot of folks in congress who are jittery about that. He has brokered the iran nuclear deal. He wont talk about it in this speech. It must be quite odd for him to come to the United States as this Catholic Leader the president s cabinet. Members of the president s cabinet as well. Other members of the cabinet are coming in as well. It almost has a president ial feel, state of the union address, although there are significant differences. Precisely. Its not called a joint session. Its a meeting. An invitation to the pope. A meeting of congress here, both houses. Secretary of state kerry, a roman lick. He came during his run in 2004. The whole issue of divorce, remarried, communion, that was a major moment during his president ial run in 2004 when he was forbidden from taking communion. The pope will be intoed by the sergeant of arms, and he will walk down that aisle and the podium. Were told after his remarks he wont go out that same door. There you see senators there. We saw al franken, member from minnesota. Theres the chief justice, john rober roberts, anthony ken dishgs one of the justices as well. This is a very, very distinguished group who are inside and outside. You see on the left side of your screen, there are literally tens of thousands of people who gathered on the washington mall. They will listen, hear what the pontiff has to say. Those who have had advanced word on what the pope will say. Hes going to get into some of these sensitive issues. He hasnt shied away from it. He went straight in with the white house address to talk about what to him are the Top Priorities about immigration, economic unjustice and justice in the world, about the environment to a certain extent. Dane nashgs youre inside there. I guess the anticipation is getting ready for the climax. Reporter absolutely. You can really feel it. More specifically im looking down at john boehner and joe biden. Two devout catholics who cant believe what theyre going to witness. Boehner in particular, he has been wanting this to happen for 20 years. Hes invited three popes. Of course, this is the first and only one to come. And just in general when it comes to his temperament, hes not someone whos excitable or gets excited, but you can see hes kind of on the tips of his of this moment. In anticipation this is something i never quite witnessed to see. Someone who seems to be nervous and emotional. That weve seen before. John boehner and joe biden. Theyll be right behind the pope as the pope delivers his remarks. He will be speaking in english. Were told this speech should last approximately 30 minutes or so. The pope obviously wants to make some critically important points. Not just on religion, but also getting into some of the issues that have been so concerning to him, as we await the pope. Momentarily he should be coming forward. President of the jesuit conference from canada is with us as well. This is a moment for this pope, a son of the americas. Yes. The first pope of the americas. He would like to see the americas as one. Hes very excited to engage government this particular way. He communicated well with government when he was a provencal jesuit in argentina and buenos aires. The pope is about to be introduced. Lets listen in as we get ready for history to unfold. Pope francis is about to walk through that door, any second now. We want to be able to hear this introduction. Mr. Speaker, the pope of the holy. [ applause ] [ applause ] members of congress, i have the high privilege of presenting to you pope francis see. [ applause ] mr. Vice president , mr. Speaker, honorable members of congress, dear friends, i am most grateful for your invitation to address this joint session of congress in the land of the free and the home of the brave. [ applause ] i would like to think that the reason for this is that i too am a son of this great continent, from which we have all received so much and toward which we share a common responsibility. Each son or daughter of a given country has a mission, a personal and social responsibility. Your own responsibility as members of congress is to enable this country, by your legislative activity, to grow as a nation. You are the face of its people, their representatives. You are called to defend and preserve the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good, for this is the chief aim of all politics. A Political Society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, especially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people. To this you have been invited, called and convened by those who elected you. Yours is a work which makes me reflect in two ways on the on the one hand, the patriarch and lawgiver of the people of israel symbolizes the need of people to keep alive their sense of unity by means of just legislation. On the other, the figure of moses leads us directly to god and thus, to the transcendent dignity of the human being. [ applause ] moses provides us with a good synthesis of your work. You are asked to protect, by means of the law, the image and likeness fashioned by god on every human life. Today i would like not only to address you, but through you the entire people of the United States. Here, together with their representatives, i would like to take this opportunity to dialogue with the many thousands of men and women who strive each day to do an honest days work, to bring home their daily bread, to save money and, one step at a time, to build a better life for their families. These are men and women who are not concerned simply with paying their taxes, but in their own quiet way, sustain the life of society. This [ applause ] they generate solidarity by their actions, and they create organizations which offer a helping hand to those most in need. I would also like to enter into dialogue with the many elderly persons who are a storehouse of wisdom forged by experience, and who seek in many ways, especially through volunteer work, to share their stories and their insights. I know that many of them are retired, but still active. They keep working to build up this land. I also want to dialogue with all those young people who are working to realize their great and noble aspirations, who are not led astray by facile proposals, and who face difficult situations, often as a result of immaturity on the part of many adults. I wish to dialogue with all of you, and i would like to do so through the historical memory of your people. My visit takes place at a time when men and women of good will are marking the anniversaries of several great americans. The complexities of history and the reality of human weakness notwithstanding, these men and women, for all their many differences and limitations, were able by hard work and selfsacrifice, some at the cost of their lives, to build a better future. They shaped fundamental values which will endure forever in the spirit of the American People. A people with this spirit can live through many crises, tensions and conflicts, while always finding the resources to move forward, and to do so with dignity. These men and women offer us a way of seeing and interpreting reality. In honoring their memory, we are inspired, even amid conflicts, and in the here and now of each day, to draw upon our deepest cultural reserves. I would like to mention four of these americans, abraham lincoln, Martin Luther king, dorothy day and thomas merton. [ applause ] this year marks the 150th anniversary of the assassination of president abraham lincoln, the guardian of liberty, who labored tirelessly that this nation, under god, might have a new birth of freedom. Building a future of freedom requires love of the common good and cooperation in a spirit of subsidiarity and solidarity. All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of god and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. [ applause ] but there is another temptation which we must especially guard against. The simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil, or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject. [ applause ] our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve todays many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the wellbeing of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good. [ applause ] the challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of thesehallenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience. [ applause ] in this land, the various religious denominations have greatly contributed to building and strengthening society. It is important that today, as in the past, the voice of faith continue to be heard, for it is a voice of fraternity and love, which tries to bring out the best in each person and in each society. Such cooperation is a powerful resource in the battle to eliminate new global forms of slavery, born of grave injustices which can be overcome only through new policies and new forms of social consensus. Politics, instead, is an expression to live as one in order to build as one the greatest common good. That of a community which sacrifices particular interests in order to share injustice, promote its goods for social life. The difficulty that this involves, but i encourage you in this effort. Here too i think of the march which Martin Luther king led from selma to montgomery 50 years ago as part of the campaign to fulfill his dream of full civil and Political Rights for africanamericans. [ applause ] that dream continues to inspire us all. I am happy that america continues to be, for many, a land of dreams. [ applause ] dreams which lead to action, to participation, to commitment. Dreams which awaken what is deepest and truest in the life of a people. In recent centuries, millions of people came to this land to pursue their dream of building a future in freedom. We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us [ applause ] because most of us were once foreigners. [ applause ] i say this to you as the son of immigrants, knowing that so many of you are descendents of immigrants. Tragically, the rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected. For those peoples and their nations, from the heart of american democracy, i wish to reaffirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent, but it is very difficult to judge the past by the criteria of the present. [ applause ] nonetheless, when the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our neighbors and everything around us. Building a nation calls us to recognize that we must constantly relate to others, rejecting a mindset of hostility in order to adopt one of reciprocal subsidiarity, in a constant effort to do our best. I am confident that we can do this. Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the second world war. This presents us with great challenges and many hard decisions. On this continent, too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities. Is this not what we want for our own children . We must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation. To respond in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal. We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays, to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the golden rule, do unto others as you [ applause ] do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This rule points us in a clear direction. Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves. In a word, if we want security, let us give security. If we want life, let us give life. If we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities. The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us. [ applause ] the golden rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. [ applause ] this conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at Different Levels for the global abolition of the Death Penalty. I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes. Recently my brother bishops here in the United States renewed their call for the abolition of the Death Penalty. Not only do i support them, but i also offer encouragement to all those who are convinced that a just and necessary punishment must never exclude the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation. [ applause ] in these times when social concerns are so important, i cannot fail to mention the servant of god dorothy day, who founded the catholic worker movement. Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed, were inspired by the gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints. How much progress has been made in this area in so many parts of the world. How much has been done in these first years of the Third Millennium to raise people out of extreme poverty. I know that you share my conviction that much more still needs to be done, and that in times of crisis and Economic Hardship a spirit of Global Solidarity must not be lost. At the same time i would encourage you to keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. They too need to be given hope. The fight against poverty and hunger must be fought constantly and on many fronts, especially in its causes. I know that Many Americans today, as in the past, are working to deal with this problem. It goes without saying that part of this great effort is the creation and distribution of wealth. The right use of natural resources, the proper application of technology and the harnessing of the spirit of enterprise are essential elements of an economy which seeks to be modern, inclusive and sustainable. [ applause ] business is a noble vocation, directed to producing wealth and improving the world. It can be a fruitful source of prosperity for the area in which it operates, especially if it sees the creation of jobs as an essential part of its service to the common good. This common good also includes the earth, a central theme of the encyclical, which i recently wrote in order to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home. We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all. [ applause ] in laudato si, i call for a courageous and responsible effort to redirect our steps and to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity. I am convinced that we can make a difference, im sure, and [ applause ] and i have no doubt that the United States, and this congress, have an Important Role to play. Now is the time for courageous actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a culture of care and an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature. [ applause ] we have the freedom needed to limit and direct technology, to devise intelligent ways of developing and limiting our power, and to put technology at the service of another type of progress, one which is healthier, more human, more social, more integral. In this regard, i am confident that americas outstanding academic and Research Institutions can make a vital contribution in the years ahead. [ applause ] a century ago, at the beginning of the great war, which Pope Benedict xv termed a pointless slaughter, another notable american was born. The cistercian monk thomas merton. He remains a source of Spiritual Inspiration and a guide for many people. In his autobiography he wrote, i came into the world. Free by nature, in the image of god. I was nevertheless the prisoner of my own violence and my own selfishness, in the image of the world into which i was born. That world was the picture of hell, full of men like myself, loving god, and yet hating him. Born to love him, living instead in fear of hopeless selfcontradictory hungers. Merton was above all a man of prayer, a thinker who challenged the certitudes of his time and opened new horizons for souls and for the church. He was also a man of dialogue, a promoter of peace between peoples and religions. From this perspective of dialogue, i would like to recognize the efforts made in recent months to help overcome historic differences linked to painful episodes of the past. It is my duty to build bridges and to help all men and women, in any way possible, to do the same. When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue, a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons, new opportunities open up for all. [ applause ] this has required, and requires, courage and daring, which is not the same as irresponsibility. A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces. [ applause ] being at the service of dialogue and peace also means being truly determined to minimize and, in the long term, to end the many Armed Conflicts throughout our world. Here we have to ask ourselves, why are Deadly Weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society . Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money, money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade. [ applause ] three sons and one daughter of this land, four individuals and four dreams. Lincoln, liberty. Martin luther king, liberty in plurality and nonexclusion. Dorothy day, social justice and the rights of persons. And thomas merton, the capacity for dialogue and openness to god. Four representatives of the American People. I will end my visit to your country in philadelphia, where i will take part in the world meeting of families. It is my wish that throughout my visit the family should be a recurrent theme. How essential the family has been to the building of this country. [ applause ] and how worthy it remains of our support and encouragement. Yet i cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without. Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life. [ applause ] in particular, i would like to call attention to those family members who are the most vulnerable, the young. For many of them, a future filled with countless possibilities beckons, yet so many others seem disoriented and aimless, trapped in a hopeless maze of violence, abuse and despair. Their problems are our problems. [ applause ] we cannot avoid them. We need to face them together, to talk about them and to seek Effective Solutions rather than getting bogged down in discussions. At the risk of oversimplifying, we might say that we live in a culture which pressures young people not to start a family, because they lack possibilities for the future. Yet this same culture presents others with so many options that they too are dissuaded from starting a family. A nation can be considered great when it defends liberty as lincoln did, when it fosters a culture which enables people to dream of full rights for all their brothers and sisters, as Martin Luther king sought to do, when it strives for justice and the cause of the oppressed, as dorothy day did by her tireless work, the fruit of a faith which becomes dialogue and sows peace in the contemplative style of thomas merton. In these remarks i have sought to present some of the richness of your cultural heritage, of the spirit of the American People. It is my desire that this spirit continue to develop and grow, so that as many young people as possible can inherit and dwell in a land which has inspired so many people to dream. God bless america. [ applause ] very moving and powerful address by pope francis before the house of representatives and the United States senate. The pope, in powerful words, very moving words, addressing some of the most contentious issues out there. We have full analysis of what weve just seen. You see a standing ovation by members of the house and senate. The First Time Ever a pope has addressed the United States congress. Dana bash is inside there. Dana, this was really a move, moving address. Reporter oh, it absolutely was. No matter where you stand on the political aisle, no matter what your religion, this was a moment in history. And you could see pretty much to a person that members of congress got it. They were listening like ive never seen or heard them listen before. It was really remarkable. Having said that, all of the talk about not having a partisan response, its hard to avoid that in a partisan place like the United States capitol, especially these days. And the idea of human activity causing environmental problems, which the pope said explicitly, brought democrats, most of them to their feet, and many republicans did not do so. Barely clapped. And then on another issue, of course, talking about the idea of immigration was another. Even when the pope talked about the golden rule and linking the golden rule to do unto others as you thpt them to do to you, linking that to immigration, you saw democrats get up and cheer and some republicans not do so. So, it was definitely partisan when it comes to the response and many lines, but there was one moment i thought that really struck me at the very beginning, which was absolutely nonpartisan. When the pope talked about the land of the free and the home of the brave, not only did members of congress clap, but the four Supreme Court justices who were here. They clapped as well, which is highly unusual for them to clap at anything at an address like that. But that was something that was completely nonpart san. Just a patriotic moment that everybody joined in on. The pope will be going into statuary hall. This is a live picture youre seeing of statuary hall. The pope will have a moment to reflect on some of the great individuals who are in those statues there. Christiane amanpour, there were not so subtle references, his opposition to abortion, supports traditional marriage, as its called, clearly opposition to samesex marriage. Lots of support for immigration. Lots of support for protecting the environment, dealing with Climate Change. Lots of support for greater efforts to engage in income inequality to help the poor, to help the needy. He made specific references to these politicians he was addressing, please, cooperate for the common good. Exactly. And he also talked about his opposition to the Death Penalty globally. That was sort of a surprise. He addressed what makes this country great through the four particular great americans he chose. Lincoln for liberty, Martin Luther king for the dream and of tolerance and civil rights, of all people. Dorothy day for her social justice and work on behalf of the oppressed and thomas merton, the monk who was so rigorous himself and devoted to religious tolerance. He discussed all those things, political, pastoral and did give a little lesson to the political leaders to say, you can get your country to be great. You can keep doing that. You have to do it by pooling all your resources and not being devisive. He talked about what made america great. Business made america great, but it has to be put to the service of young people in the country in general. He spoke very clearly about the needs and the unmet needs of young people and also of the elderly. I want to bring chris cuomo into this conversation. Chris, it was really move, ive got to tell you. You have to listen closely because he speaks with a thick accent, but you could understand those powerful words. We were discussing the subtlety and the nuance the holy father used in knitting together so many ideas in an effort to find the space that joins the people in that room. And i think its very important to note that while dana is right to point out partisan contrast, they were standing in ovation at the beginning and that at the end. I dont think that was over. Two dozen applause lines. They hoped it would be a sermon, as we watch the pope walking through statuary hall. He had to adjust during his message to allow for applause. He wanted to rush through, focusing on the language, focusing on the point of purpose, jim, but he was stopping to let them applaud. Thats what stood

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