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Offensive on the terror group. Cnns Atika Shubert is in jordans capital where fighter jets are overhead. Lets begin with Barbara Starr. Shes at the pentagon this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. U. S. Officials telling cnn at this hour jordanian and u. S. War planes are returning along with other coalition airplanes from that round of airstrikes against isis in syria. These are the jordanian airstrikes that King Abdullah has been working on behind the scenes. This is jordans retribution for its retaliation for the murder of its pilot. Is this going to change the coalition . Not likely. This is going to be the same strategy but jordan making a very very strong statement in going after isis. We are likely to see additional airstrikes in the coming hours. Jordan is being accompanied in the air by u. S. War planes. The u. S. Providing support with intelligence reconnaissance surveillance and targeting support. On the ground the question is what is isis up to . We know the isis fighters are basically trying to disappear into the woodwork if you will. Mek mingle their profile. War planes now. Theyre carrying out the strategy. The targets within syria. Are they in iraq do we know . Everything this hour is that they are in syria. They were killed by isis. This is going to be very direct by jordan. This is going to be their very precise effort to establish that they are enacting their strategy their policy using their war planes mainly their f16s against isis in northern sir yeah carol . All right. Barbara starr, thanks so much. Atika shubert, you saw some of those f16s flying overhead earlier today. Tell us about that. Thats right. We saw four f16s flying over the sky of amman and the sky of aye. That is where the jordanian pilot Muath Al Kaseasbeh comes from. At that time the king was meeting with his father. King abdullah told him that they were returning from a mission in syria specifically targeting the isis strong hold. It does seem that jordans retaliation is it now underway. We do hope to get more details from the jordanian military. They said they will be putting out a statement shortly with more specifics about what those fighters and other fighters hit over the course of the day. And, atika, the king really means business on the royal courts Facebook Page he posted a picture of himself in full military dress. When he was vitting the United States earlier a senator told us that King Abdullah told us pay back would remind them of Clint Eastwood in unforgiven. He plays a western gun fighter who makes it his mission to go after the bad guys. This is all a demonstration that jordan means business this time correct . Reporter correct. This is not simply a demonstration or a show of power, this has affected King Abdullah personally. I think thats why we see the images that we do now with him in the military uniform. Lets not forget he is a trained helicopter pilot, for example. He told the kaseasbeh family that the loss of their son feels like a loss of their family. It goes to show that not only is King Abdullah personally affected but almost every jordanian ive spoken to say they feel this has personally affected them because they feel this is an insult not only to jordan but to the religion of islam and this is really rejuvenated their fight against isis. It has really solidified public opinion, not just in jordan but across the arab world. This could be a major turning point in the fight against isis. Atika shubert live in amman. Lets bring in cnn military analyst colonel peter ransour. Welcome to both of you. Thank you, carol. Thanks carol. Colonel, i want to start with you. You know you heard what Barbara Starr said. These isis terrorists are trying to blend in with the civilian population to save themselves so what is jordan targeting exactly do you think . Well theyre getting any targets that come out into the open any fixed facilities that have been identified as being part of the Islamic State government and anything that basically that we can identify for them because we have better intelligence assets than they do. This campaign will actually take the immediate Revenge Campaign will take a number of days because Islamic State fighters cant stay hidden forever. As they come out in the open they can be targeted and destroyed. So would one of their targets be raka in syria which has become the de facto capital of isis do you think, colonel . Oh, im sure of it. If you want to send a message to the Islamic State, have you to hit their capital, their selfproclaimed capital of raka. Im almost positive that thats on the target list. Any kind of facilities they can identify within that city as being part of the Islamic State will get hit. And, john i would suppose the difficulty of that there are many many civilians living in raka. Isis just sort of moved in and took over and is sort of governing that city but, you know sadly a number of civilians might pay the price for what isis has done. And what isis will try to do is take whatever images they have of civilian suffering and turn that into more propaganda videos. If you look at the 22 minute video of the murder of lieutenant kaseasbeh, most of it is talking about jordan and the civilian casualties. Theyre looking to be in this battle and theyre trying to use their weakness as a sign of strength to recruit and gain support. I think that the inhumanity of this attack is going to work against them in the broader arab public. Jonathan we hear that this is a tipping point. The killing of this jordanian pilot is a tipping point, but the problem with that it may or may not be a problem, im hegoing to ask you, there is a large contingency in jordan that pledges allegiance to isis. I think there are those that are sympathetic to isis but this murder in particular was so inhumane in the way that it was done that i think even people who were sympathetic to the idea of sunnis fighting against shia those sorts of ideas which have been long popular in jordan there used to be support for Saddam Hussein in jordan but the inhumanity of this to kill a muslim in this way is not islamic, its just barbaric one of the things hes trying to do is trying to turn this into a tribal battle where he gets the tribes on his side fighting against people who want to up end the established order and the tribes are a group that the king thinks he can bring to his side. The tribes are a way to push isis out of a large part of this area in iraq and syria. Okay. So the United States is helping jordan in these efforts, but we know colonel, that not everybody within jordan loves the United States. So how does that factor in with what john just said . I think the king is going to get his people rally his people behind his policy in this case. What isis did to a jordanian pilot was just unconscionable. Even though they were trying to make a parallel between civilian casualties the explosions that kill people and burn them and then the burning of the jordanian pilot, it will backfire on them. Jordanians are jordanians first and this will create a wave of nationalism within the country and they will rally around the flag. All right. Colonel peter mansoor, jon alterman thank you both. Thank you, carol. Secretary of state john kerry is calling out russia as the violence intensifies between Ukrainian Forces and pro russian separatists. Right now kerry is wrapping up talks in kiev with the president and Prime Minister there. Kerry has three demands for russia pull back heavy weapons that can reach big cities and towns, remove foreign troops and equipment from Eastern Ukraine and close the border between ukraine and russia. We cannot close our eyes to tanks that are crossing the border from russia and coming in to ukraine. We cant close our eyes to russian fighters in unmarked uniforms crossing the border and leading individual companies of socalled separatists in battle. Our chief National Security correspondent jim sciuoto is traveling with the secretary. What else did he say, jim . Carol, ill tell you. What you have here is some truth talking going on from secretary of state john kerry, but also western powers with president holland to france arriving later today. Angela merkel of germany. The key western powers coming to ukraine together because of what they call a grave escalation on the ground just in the last several days civilian casualties mounting. Much more russian aggression in the eastern part of this country. Much more russian heavy equipment and heavy weapons coming across the border. And we have this just in now, carol, because there is now a russian peace plan as it were on the table to move out of this. Let me give you the reaction of a western official to that peace plan. This western diplomat says it is not a peace plan it is a cynical effort to get out of all the efforts made in minsk. This is the efforts that were meant to lead to a cease fire and a peaceful path here. The events on the ground making a mockery of that western officials telling us here. That does not mean that secretary kerry and others are losing all hope for a diplomatic solution. Secretary kerry also said that there is still a diplomatic off ramp available. Heres how he described them. All right. Well we had the sound there but the way he described it he said this is not to be seen as a battle between east and west that thats not the way the west sees this, that they simply want an end to military action on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. The sad fact is though carol, its been escalating not deescalating. Thats despite the fact that you have very powerful very painful economic sanctions being imposed on the russian economy at the same time as the price of oil is falling. Thats really hurting the russian economy as well. One thing that secretary kerry has announced as he came here is another 16 million in humanitarian aid. When you speak to ukrainians in private, though they are thanking the west and the u. S. In public. In private what they really want is military help. This is something we talked about earlier in the week. It is said that the u. S. Administration is reconsidering the possibility of sending lethal military aid to ukraine, but that decision is far from made. Meanwhile, Russian Forces and pro russian separatists making big gains on the ground. Hundreds of square miles gained of territory in the last several months carol. Ive been covering this story for a number of months and the descriptions of the situation on the ground that im hearing from u. S. Officials ive never heard it more grave. The level of concern very intense. Thats why youre seeing secretary kerry here. Thats why youre seeing president hollande Angela Merkel coming here trying to get opposition from the west and nato powers. Jim sciutto, thank you so much. Well take you live from ukraine next. President obama is at the annual Prayer Breakfast, and hes speaking now. Well bring you back to capitol hill, too, after this. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 Million People. [ mom ] with life insurance, were not just insuring our lives. Were helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. All right. This is the annual Prayer Breakfast in washington at the washington hilton at dupont circle. The president is speaking as the president always does. President obama now talking about what his faith means to him. Lets listen. For all of us. It certainly strengthened me with the power through his spirit as ive sought his guidance not just in my own life but in the life of our nation. Now over the last few months weve seen a number of challenges certainly over the last six years, but part of what i want to touch on today is the degree to which weve seen professions of faith used both as an instrument of great good but also twisted and misused in the name of evil. As we speak, around the world we see faith inspiring people to lift up one another, to feed the hungry and care for the poor and comfort the afflicted and make peace where there is strife. We heard the good work the sister has done in philadelphia and the incredible work that dr. Brantley and his colleagues have done. We see faith driving us to do right, but we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge, or worse, sometimes used as a weapon. From a school in pakistan to the streets of paris we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for the faith, their faith. Profess to stand up for islam but in fact are betraying it. We see isil a brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism terrorizing religious minorities like the a had a zeed did is subjecting women to rape. We see sectarian war in syria, the murder of muslims and christians in nigeria, religious war in the Central African republic a rising tide of antisemitism and hate crimes in europe so often perpetrated in the name of religion. So how do we as people of faith reconcile these realities . The profound good the strength the tenacity the compassion and love that can flow from all of our faiths operating alongside those who seek to hijack religions for their own murder murderous ends. Weve been grappling with that throughout human history. Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the inquisition people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ. In our home country slavery and jim crow all too often was justified in the name of christ. Michelle and i have returned from india, an incredible country full of this incredible diversity, but a place in past years religious faiths of all types have on occasion been targeted by other peoples of faith simply due to their heritage and their beliefs, acts of intolerance that would have shocked gandhi the person who helped liberate that nation. This is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith. In todays world when hate groups have their own twitter accounts and bigotry can fester and hidden places in cyber space, it can be even harder to counter act such intolerance, but god compels us to try. And in this mission i believe there are few principles that can guide us particularly those of us who profess to believe. And, first, we should start with some basic humility. I believe that the starting point of faith is some doubt, not being so full of yourself and so confident that you are right and that god speaks only to us. And doesnt speak to others. That god only cares about us and doesnt care about others that somehow we alone are in possession of the truth. Our job is not to ask that god respond to our notion of truth, our job is to be true to him, his word and his commandments and we should assume humbly that were confused and dont always know what were doing and were staggering and stumbling towards him and have some humility in that process. And that means we have to speak up against those who would misuse his name to justify oppression or violence or hatred with that fierce certainty. No god condones terror. No grievance justifies the taking of innocent lives or the oppression of those who are weaker. Or fewer in number. And so as people of faith, we are summoned to push back against those who try to distort our religion any religion for their own nilistic ends. Here at home and around the world we will constantly reaffirm that fundamental freedom, freedom of religion the right to practice our faith how we choose to change our faith if we choose to practice no faith at all if we choose and to do so free of persecution and fear and discrimination. Theres wisdom in our found ersers writing in those documents that helped found this nation the notion of freedom of religion because they understood the need for humility. They also understood the need to uphold freedom of speech that there was a connection between freedom of speech and freedom of religion. To infringe on one right of one for the religion of another as protection of both. Part of it is recognizing in modern complicated, diverse societies the functioning of these rights the concern for the protection of these rights calls for each of us to exercise civility and restraint and judgment. And if in fact we defend the legal right of a person to insult anothers religion were equally obligated to use our free speech to condemn such insults and stand shoulder to shoulder with religious communities, particularly religious minorities who are targets of such attacks. Just because you have the right to Say Something doesnt mean the rest of us shouldnt shouldnt question those who would insult others in the name of free speech. Because we know that our nations are stronger when people of all faiths feel that they are welcome, that they too, are full and equal members of our countries. So humility i think, is needed. The second thing we need is to uphold the distinction between our faith and our governments. Between church and between state. The United States is one of the most religious countries in the world. Far more religious than most western developed countries, and one of the reasons is that our founders wisely embraced the separation of church and state. Our government does not sponsor a religion nor does it pressure anyone to practice a particular faith or any faith at all. And the result is a culture where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can freely and proudly worship without fear or coercion so that when you listen to darryl talk about his faith journey, you know its real. You know hes not saying it because it helps him advance or because somebody told him to. Its from the heart. Thats not the case in theocracies that restrict peoples faith. Thats not the case in authoritarian governments that elevate a leader or a Political Party above the people or in some cases above the concept of god himself. So the freedom of religion is a value we will continue to protect here at home and stand up for around the world and is one that we guard vigilantly here in the United States. You know last year we joined together to pray for the release of Christian Missionary kenneth bae held in north korea for two years, and today we give thanks for the fact that kenneth is back where he belongs, home with his family. Last year we prayed together for pastor said abidini detained in iran since 2012 and i was recently in boise, idaho, and had a chance to meet with his beautiful wife and children and to convey to them that our country has not forgotten brother said and that were doing everything we can to bring him home. And then i received an extraordinary letter from pastor abidini, and in it he describes his captivity and expressed his gratitude for my visit with his family and thanked us all for standing in solidarity with him during his captivity. And pastor abidini wrote, nothing is more valuable to the body of christ than to see how the lord is in control and moves ahead of countries and leadership through united prayer. And he closed his letter by describing himself as prisoner for christ who is proud to be part of this great nation the United States of america, that cares for religious freedom around the world. [ applause ] president obama speaking at the annual Prayer Breakfast. In the audience 3600 international and National Leaders listening to his message of faith. Also in the oughtaudience the dalai lama. China doesnt necessarily like the dalai lama. It will be interesting to see if the president comingles with the dalai lama because china would be very upset if the president did so. Well keep you posted. To those of us to those of you just joining me good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. Strong words from secretary of state john kerry as he calls out russia amid the escalating violence in ukraine. We dont view this as a zero sum game. We have never viewed it that way. This is not meant to be nor should it be a divide between east and west. This is about rule of law. Its about the norms by which nation states behave. At the top of the hour john kerry will hold a press conference with the ukrainian Prime Minister. When that happens well bring it to you live. But mr. Kerry has already laid out three demands for russia pull back heavy weapons that can reach big cities and towns. Remove foreign troops and equipment and close the border between ukraine and russia. So what is russias reaction this morning . Lets head to moscow and check in with matthew chance. Russia has its own peace plan. Is anyone taking that seriously . Reporter well, its a bit unclear whats meant by that. A couple of weeks ago Vladimir Putin sent a letter to his ukrainian counterpart suggesting ways to deescalate the situation about something the two leaders have been discussing but its something that is being seen by western diplomats as nothing new. But i think its important, carol, to remember there is already a truce that has been agreed and that is on the table and essentially has been signed by all the parties in this conflict including the russians the ukrainians and the pro russian rebels. It was agreed in bella, russia in minstk in 2014. Its still the peace plan which all sides are supposedly signed up to but the political will just hasnt been there. The fighting has continued and thats why john kerry was there today reiterating just some of the points from that mintsk protocol as its called getting russia to withdraw its armor, withdraw foreign fighters and seal the borders between ukraine and russia. Its nothing new, its just a restatement of what has already been agreed to but hasnt been implemented by any of the sides. Well secretary kerry and the ukrainian president poroshenko pulled no punches. They went ahead and called russia out. Theyve ratcheted up the language. How might president putin react to that . Yeah hes not going to react well to that. Let me read to you what john kerry said. We cannot close our eyes to tanks crossing the border from russia into ukraine. Russian soldiers crossing the border and leading socalled separatists again, alleging that its Russian Troops russian equipment that is prosecuting that battle and winning in many cases against the Ukrainian Government forces. Thats something the kremlin categorically denies. Its something they havent reacted to at this time but when they do i can almost guarantee theyre going to deny it again. They say they dont have any regular soldiers there. They only provide political and diplomatic support to the rebels in Eastern Ukraine although they admit there are some volunteers as they call them from Russia Fighting in that country. These allegations from john kerry something that russia categorically denies. Thats not sort of a good basis on which to proceed towards a peace deal. All right. Matt through chance reporting live from moscow. Many thanks. Ill be right back. You wouldnt do half of your daily routine. So why treat your mouth any differently . Complete the job with listerine®. Kill up to 99 percent of germs. And prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. Sfx ahhh listerine®. Power to your mouth™ what can your fidelity greenline do for you . Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 Million People. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. 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Thanks for being here. Experts have said to win against isis this has to be an arabled war. Are we finally there . Well i think the attack earlier this week against lieutenant moab kaseasbeh galvanized the east. Were seeing reports that there was such revulsion at that execution that there are many more people willing to not only take up arms against isis but also speak against them. Weve seen many islamic clerics talking about what a horrible thing this was and what a bein on islam this particular burning of this pilot was. I know jordan has a Strong Military but is it equipped to fight isis . Certainly. First of all, their air force is extremely capable, carol. They train alongside our u. S. Air force. We do several exercises with them during peace time. A lot of training. Some of their pilots train in the United States but beyond that they also have an extremely good special operations force. They have been training with many folks, not only u. S. But other special Operations Forces and their intelligence capabilities are first rate they have provided intelligence to the United States and coalition in both iraq and other places over the last several years, and i think what youre going see after King Abdullah suffered this attack against his own country is again, galvanizing of his population in support of what he wants to do along with the Political Institutions the tribes and the religious figures in jordan. Okay. So supposedly jordan is targeting isis in syria, right . Theyre lobbing bombs within syrias borders. How will Bashar Al Assad react, do you think . Well i dont think he has much of a choice. Whats interesting is even mr. Assad has condemned the isis video, which i think is fascinating, but it also shows that when you have these kinds of dysfunctional governments all around the middle east and in other places like weve seen in africa youre going to see this kind of terrorism. If you dont have a functioning government these things are going prosper. And whats interesting about what weve seen over the last couple of months is theres a lot of focus on the military actions against isis but truthfully theyre what we call in the military seven lines of operations against isis. Only two of those are kinetic lines. The rest are things like better governance reduction of terrorist ideology countering their information operations. So theres a lot of things going on against isis and i think the burning of the pilot is just an indicator that isis is struggling right now to maintain their power base. Right. Lieutenant general Mark Hertling thanks i appreciate it. Nbc news Brian Williams forced to apologize for not telling the entire actually he didnt tell the truth as we came to find out. Well talk about why next. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. 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He talks about a 2003 attack where his helicopter was forced to land because of an attack. Today he admits that story was not true. Heres what he said on nbc news last night. On this broadcast last week in an effort to honor and thank a veteran who protected me and so many others after a ground fire incident in the desert during the iraq war invasion i made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago t. Did not take long to hear from some brave men and women in the air crews who were also in that desert. I want to apologize. I said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. I was instead in a following aircraft. That must have been so incredibly painful. Brian stelter joins me now. Good morning. Good morning. The initial story, i watched it. It aired 12 years ago. He didnt say it was shot down. As the years went on its like the proverbial fish tale. The fish got bigger. It took on more substance and more drama. You might even say more heroics as the years went on. I just got off the phone of the pilot of the helicopter that Brian Williams was traveling in. He tells quite a story. Ill work on this and get it online in a little bit. He essentially says we were flying. We did not take on an rpg. It was a dangerous situation but there was definitely no rpg attack in the helicopter that Brian Williams was on. Was the helicopter in front of him, right . It was the helicopter in front of him, right. The pilot doesnt think that williams was able to see it. It wasnt as if it was personally witnessed. It did happen nearby. There were a couple of days in the desert that were rather harrowing according to the accounts. I dont want to take away from the fact that Brian Williams was doing important work but the pilot said to me. He messed up said some things he shouldnt have. I started hearing it a few years ago. This is not something that just happened last week on nbc. That may be the most important point. Lets play if we can, a little bit of examples of pastimes when this came up on air. Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire including the one i was in. No kids . Rpg and ak47. The story started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an rpg. Our traveling nbc news team was rescued, surrounded and kept alive by an armored mechanized platoon. You can hear carol, some of the shifting stories over the years. This is troubling for Brian Williams. There was that apology last night. I dont think anyone ive talked to at nbc was satisfied with it. They dont feel it went far enough. People at the network are openly wondering if theres going to be some disciplinary action to be taken against him. Little bit hard to imagine. Ive been told there are no plans. But this is a story growing as we went along. Right now his name is trending for horrible reasons. There are some terrible hashtags. If nbcs ratings continue to dip, there will probably be some sort of action taken against Brian Williams f. Theres no change if viewers still trust him. If viewers still trust him and dont believe he was maliciously trying to mislead him. If they believe he made an innocent series of mistakes, people will come in and watch him and love his program. Hes the most watched nightly news anchor. 10 Million People were watching. He has a fan base. But he dissed one of the most admired groups of people in the United States and that would be the u. S. Military. All of this started on facebook from soldiers who spoke up saying weve heard him telling these stories and we know theyre not true. That is a tough place to be in. Brian stelter, i will let you get back to it. Hackers hit one of the biggest companies. Database with 80 Million People and your information could be among them. Hacked in a sophisticated external assault. 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More than 80 Million People could be affected. Anthems ceo apologizing, the fbi is investigating. Weve been down this road before christine romans. Weve been down this road too many times. The company pointed out this is a sophisticated external attack leading many cyber experts asking why didnt you have systems in place to protect this. Here is what was compromised, a database with 80 million records, names, dates of birth, medical ids, Social Security numbers, address, emails, employment information. It doesnt look like credit card and med ka info was hacked. Here is what anthem is doing about it. Theyre going to notify you if you are a current or former client theyll notify you. Do Free Credit Monitoring Services use it. You can go to anthemfacts. Com. The ceo said even his information he knows how you feel, even his information was hacked. It doesnt make anybody feel better. But this was a widespread they got Peoples Security numbers. This is the long con, right. It looks as though theyre not seeing this in the dark web, for sale on these marketplaces where your good valuable name is for sale for 20 bucks or something. The long con is it could pop up eventually in batches on the web. Monitor your credit card statements every week you can do it online. Make sure you know every single thing being purchase ntd your name. Has anyone ever been caught . Not really no. You get a lot of prosecutions of petty criminals, two or three people who steal somebodys information because theyre working behind the counter. Some of the stuff, these are happening on servers all around the world. Its very difficult. What must happen here, these Companies Need to spend more money on the front end making sure this doesnt happen. Hospitals, insurance companies, retailers. Jpmorgan chase is spending 250 million a year. Just last night a job opening went up for a senior encryption analyst went up. You have to laugh before you cry. This has got to be the number one concern for any company thats dealing with our information, look theyve got to get control of this. Its a big concern with Government Agencies business banks and obviously the health insurers. Christine romans thanks as always. The next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites, so people can get the best hotel prices. To plan, compare book the perfect trip. Visit tripadvisor. Com today. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. 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