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Newsroom starts now. Good morning, im carol costello, thank you so much for joining me. We begin with new developments out of the middle east. Two men armed with knives and axes and machetes storm into a jerusalem synagogue and hack away at worshippers. Four israeli rabbis are killed, three of those victims were israeliamericans and because of that, the fbi will launch an investigation of its own. We also have new video of the aftermath of that attack and what you are about to see is graphic and disturbing. Well take you inside the synagogue where attackers carried out the bloody rampage. In addition to four rabbis killed, at least six other worshippers were wounded. Both palestinian men were killed. Here are those pictures. All right, you can see the carnage that went down here. I want to bring in Alan Dershowitz whos well known for his legal expertise. The harvard law professor is also the author of the, pook terror tunnels, the case for israels just war against hamas. Looking at those pictures, theyre disturbing. Theyre essentially beheadings. Theyre not different from what isis has done. These were people with access coming in and trying to essentially behead rabbis at prayer. People of peace, people who are not part of the Political Activities in israel. I knew one of them. I knew the family of one of them. He was a bostonian and a great peace lover. The fbi will launch its own investigation. How might that work . It wont be anything more than symbolic. Israeli intelligence is much better equipped to get to the causes of this. The fbi will come in because technically these were american citizens and the fbi has jurisdiction. It will help the israelis but Israeli Intelligence and police will do the vast majority of the work. Israeli authorities believe these two men were lone wolves, they were palestinian men but they believe they were lone wolves and they say these kinds of attack are happening more often within israel, especially jerusalem, and ththeyre very difficult to prevent. Theres no such thing as a lone wolf. Theyre inspired by hamas and Islamic Jihad and even by abu mazen who has talked about defending jerusalem and using all means to defend jerusalem. That sends a message to lone wolves and so although theyre the actual ax is wielded by these individuals, they are listening to voices from the leadership of the Palestinian Authority. Israel, on the other hand, always condemns attacks by individual radicals such as the ones who burned the Palestinian Young man after the three israelis were kidnapped. So you cant create a moral equivalence. You have individuals on both sides who are bad but the Israeli Government constantly condemns the bad israelis whereas the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, hamas particularly, praises them and makes martyrs of them, even the Palestinian Authority names parks after them and athletic fields after them. Theres a big difference. I understand. Lets go back to the attack itself because it happened in a synagogue and there are those who say this might spark a religious war. Somehow this kind of attack more dangerous than others . Because when you have religious warfare, you cannot resolve it rationally. Each side thinks that god has spoken to them and theyre throng gods voice. Israel is a Secular Society for the most part. Its actions are made based on secular military decisions. But hamas is a religious organization who believes that sit a it is acting in the interest of god. Thats why they wont recognize israel, thats why their charter calls for the killing of jews and the establishment of a caliphate. Hamas is isis but its on the border of israel rather than as far away as isis is from the United States. Alan dershowitz, thank you for your insight. I appreciate. Well talk much more about this horrible incident in jerusalem in the coming hours on cnn. Lets turn the terror group isis and its alarmingal tloent successfully recruit newcomers, including those from the west. Today a virginia woman is charged with lying about her ties to the terror group and her social media postings promoting isis. Cnns Deborah Feyerick is chasing down details. She joins me now with more. Good morning. Morning, carol. About half dozen Facebook Accounts suggest this woman was becoming more and more radicalized and supportive of isis, posting images of the virtues of mujahadeen and claiming i love isis. She was upset that her account kept getting deleted because of her views and postings. The woman is 29yearold heather kaufman, shes accused of working as an isis recruiter, someone who could help others get to syria, join the blood thirsty terror group. According to an fbi criminal complaint, she tried to recruit two people, including an undercover fbi agent. In the first case, a man she claimed to be her husband but whom it appears shed never met, she allegedly set him up with brothers who gave him contacts into turkey. The man ultimately was in macedonia, he changed his mind, he stayed there. But after fbi agents executed a search warrant on her facebook site, an undercover agent posing as a wannabe jihadi met with the woman saying he, too, was interested in isis jihad. She said second find a legitimate facilitator to get him to syria. At least one of the meetings was recorded with kaufman creating a code language effectively to avoid detection. She was confronted at her office by fbi agents. She denied her activities. Kaufman was charged with essentially lying to federal investigators, making false statements, promoting International Domestic terrorism. We have reached out to her lawyer. There are a few personal details right now but according to the fbi this is a woman who talked her own sister into believing in the benefits of isis and jihad, carol. Deborah feyerick reporting live for thus morning. Thank you. With more americans being abducted by terrorists overseas, president obama has ordered a review of hostage policy. That review was revealed the day after the execution the day after the execution of peter kassig. Kassigs mother spoke of his aid work in syria. Peters life is evidence that he has been right all along one person makes a difference. Our hearts are battered, but they will mend. The world is broken but it will be healed in the end. Reporter the hostage policy review could lead to changes in how the government responds to families. Previously, families have criticized the Obama Administration saying it didnt follow leads or threaten criminal prosecution if ransoms were paid. Cnns joe johns is at the white house with more. Good morning. Good morning. Your heart really goes out to these families, especially on that issue of ransom. The United States doesnt pay it, although some European Countries do. So theres the rub. This review is expected to look at how the government deals with the families as well as what the Intelligence Community is doing, what the Diplomatic Community is doing. The president ordered this review over the summer and it was badly needed because these families do feel sort of caught in the middle between their concerns about their loved ones and what the government is telling them. And sometimes those messages are very much conflicting. Information about this review was first disclosed after an exchange of letters between congressman Duncan Hunter of california and the government. The National Security council went ahead and confirmed the review is going on, although it did say they can not disclose all the details about what the government does to try to free these hostages once they are taken captive. Carol . All right, joe johns reporting live from white house this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, harsh words from another woman who says bill cosby sexually assaulted her. Hes a serial rapist, actually. I mean, when you rain at least 16 women, thats serial, thats a serial rapist, in my opinion. Her name is joan tarshis, shes speaking out about what happened 45 years ago. t think have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. Now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. 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A serial rapist, thats what another accuser is calling bill cosby as she describes a series of sexual assaults she says happened at the hands of cosby. Joan tarshis, s her name, she says the attacks took place 45 years ago when she was a 19yearold comedy writer. She says one assault happened at cosbys home and another in a hotel room. The only evidence siff where he stayed in the hotel, the drinks, the fact that i told this to people 20 years afterwards before anybody else had come out. Nobody else knew that he was doing this and i told friends of mine final ly. I didnt go to the press, i didnt go anywhere, i told friends. So i dont see how thats really getting me anything. Tarshis also told cnnsd don lemon why its taken her so long to come forward. Its the guilt and the shame of the victim. You know intellectually that its not your fault but your emotions have no intelligence and your intelligence has no emotions, sometimes they dont connect with each other and my emotions won at this point. I felt a lot of shame, i felt a lot of guilt, i felt a lot of shoulds, i should have known there was something wrong with this man. I should have felt something was off with him and i was angry at myself that i didnt and blamed myself. Tarshis joins a growing list of women accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. More than a dozen in the last ten years. All of these claims bill cosby denies. So lets talk a little bit more about this. Mikaila angela davis is a culture critic, mel robbins is a cnn commentator and legal analyst. Good morning to both of you. Mikaila, i know we had too talk you into talking about this because its so difficult. Its difficult, its complicated, were not just looking at americas dad, were also, you know, as a black American Woman what he has put out into the culture and creating the culture is really profound. He focused on black achievement when so many people were focusing on black plight. He created narratives. He created an imagination for the obamas through the cosbys and even when you look at the cosby family, so many of those major characters are women. So we also gave Claire Huxtable this iconic space. I still have a girl crush on lisa bonets character. So this is layered in why its so hard to talk about. And then were also seeing a rise of womens voices who are talking about rain culture who are building the courage, who are having sisterhood and coalitions around these really difficult things. So you have to manage this almost incest wall pain of this icon that you feel as family but also as women what it takes to do this. So its a it is interesting, mel, that these accusations, they came in waves over the decades, but this time people are really listen g listening. Why is that do you think . I want to address something michaela said which i think points to a much bigger issue around Sexual Violence and victims feeling powerless and that is the fact that so many people feel this deep wound and feel completely conflicted over the fact that this is bill cosby because of what he did from a cultural standpoint. This is the guy that won the president ial medal of freedom. He won the Kennedy Center award. He won the bob hope humanitarian award. So on the outside he is untouchable and that is exactly what victims tell themselves and why they can just phi all the shame and the selfdoubt and not coming forward. And what i think is different, carol, very different, because were not talking about one person, were not talking about two people, were talking about at least five women that have spoken publicly about this and an alleged 13 total women that are claiming that he drugged and rained them when they were young women 20 and 30 years ago. So this is a chorus of women not just one accuser and so one of the reasons why i think its different is because of social media. Because if somebody goes on the today show in 2005, which a woman named beth did, a woman named tamara did, when newsweek writes about in the 2005, it only lives far one segment. When somebody goes out there and talks now, it lives on social media and people can comment about it and more people see it and talk about it. And i also think that because of the high profile cases that weve had from Jerry Sandusky at penn state to we could go on and on and on theres becoming more education out there, thank god, that is empowering victims to come forward and finally talk. And im sure its frustrating as a victim to see him. And to those who might say, you know, these women have something to gain by coming forward. Im struggling, what would they have to gain at this point . Especially this latest woman. Theres nothing obvious to gain. She was very clear about she doesnt have a book, shes not looking for money. And to orchestrate across decades these 13 women, disparate women with similar stories is a really far stretch to think theres some grand conspiracy to take down bill cosby to what end . And heres the thing, heres what they have to gain. Maybe, just maybe, somebody will finally believe them. Thats what she said. Thats it. Because the truth is the fact that were still backpedaling and being like oh, well. I know on the view i was so angry when i saw those four women, not one of them came out and said 13 . Obviously the guys had his hand in the cookie jar and hes got b away with this for a very long time because hes a man of power. But when all is said and done, nothing legal can happen to business cosby if these allegations are true anymore. Something legal already did. He was already accused in civil court and settled out of court. Right. But for me, look, hes not going to get charged with a crime. Hes not going to be convicted in a court of law but hes been convicted in the court of common sense, as far as im concerned. What i think is interesting is theres the man and theres the work. And what were going to watch in the culture 1 can we separate that . The man who may have done really vicious, awful things. But then theres this work. There is the cosby show, there is fat albert there is i spy. There is all this work and weve seen it happen before. Miles davis was, pearl cleats wrote an essay called mad at miles about him beating his women. We still look at him as a genius. We still look at bill clinton as a great man i look at him as a rapist, honestly. I do now. Youre looking at the man. Bill cosby, yes. The challenge is how do we look at the work and how do we look at the individual and are we able to really negotiate that someone can be brilliant and broken at the same time . I think theres example after example of that. But its very important for me personally to validate these women stories and say theyve come forward and thats the most important. We believe you. Unfortunately i have to leave it here. Its been a fascinating conversation. Michaela and mel, thank you so much. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know genies can be really literal . No. What is your wish . No. Ok. A million bucks oh no. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. To build something smarter. Some come here to build something stronger. Others come to build something faster. Something safer. Something greener. Something the whole world can share. People come to boeing to do many different things. But its always about the very thing we do best. But its always about the very thing we do best. coffee being poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. The nfl has dealt a huge blow to Adrian Petersons bid to return to the field. The league announced this morning it is suspending peterson without pay for the rest of the season. The move comes after peterson took a plea deal, no contest for disciplining his fouryearold son with a switch. Cnns Sports Correspondent Laura Rutledge has the latest developments. She has more for you. Good morning. Yes, Roger Goodell is making a statement here with the focus, of course, on the safety of Adrian Petersons child. And we all know the nfl has been under fire for not handing down punishment considered harsh enough. This started with ray rices two game suspension after the altercation with his thenfiance. And now goodell says he will consider petersons reinstatement around april 15, 2015, but not before. In the meantime, he want to see peterson commit to counseling and properly caring for his children. He felt like he didnt see enough of that from peterson before now. In a letter to peterson, goodell told him why hes suspending him. This is a summary. This is what he said. First, the injury was afflicted on a child that was only four years old. Second, the repetitive use of a switch is considered a weapon in this instance. And, third, this is what i found most important out of what goodell said, youve shown no meaningful remorse for your conduct. When indicted, you acknowledged what you did but said you would not eliminated whooping my kids and defended your conduct in numerous published Text Messages to the childs mother. Now, the nfl p. A. Says they will immediately appeal this suspension. They have three days to do so. This would put peterson back on the exempt list, meaning he would get paid until the appeal is decided upon. The nfl p. A. Is also demanding a neutral arbitrator to hear the case similar to what we saw with the ray rice case. But something to keep in mind, were entering into uncharted territory here with the nfls new code of conduct policy. So the Adrian Peterson and ray rice cases are the first two were seeing play out. Another thing i think we need to focus on, this is a situation that the nfl really knows its imperative that they get right. Lets not get unfocused on whats important here in all the back and forth. This is a child who was hurt. And we also have in the ray rice case a woman who was abused. I think its really important that there become more Common Ground between the nfl and the nfl p. A. Laura rutledge reporting for us live. Thanks so much. Im back in a minute. This season, celebrate whats new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster with more of what you love try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon so hurry in and sea food differently. But when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on what matters today. At axa, we offer advice and help you break down your retirement goals into small, manageable steps. Because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. Can we help you take a small step . For advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. With a Favorite Book is nice. For advice, retirement, and life insurance, but i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. But heres the thing about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. And remember, you only take it when you need it. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. President obama is one senate vote away from a confrontation with congress over the keystone oil pipeline. Just ahead of a runoff election, democratic senator Mary Landrieu of louisiana says she now has the 60 votes needed to push the controversial pipeline forward. A vote could come as early as tonight. The bill, which passed the house last week, would take construction out of the hands of the Obama Administration. Completion of the pipeline from canada to the gulf coast is waiting for a review that has lasted six years. Chief Congressional Correspondent dana bash joins us now with more. Good morning. Good morning, carol. This is really high drama because it is political but its also personal. As you mentioned, Perry Landrieu is in a runoff still to keep her seat. Shes behind in the polls and she is trying to get this passed after it has been stuck for years because most of her democratic colleagues oppose it, not to mention the president has so far. So she has been appealing to her fellow democrats who might look at her and say, you know what . I could easily be you, to say please come over and vote and be the 60th vote because or 59 senators who are publicly saying that they support it. Who is that 60th vote . We dont know, but she told me and others in the hallway yesterday that she has 60 votes so that is going to be the drama today trying to figure out who it is. She told us she could from more than 60. Interesting. Still, if that bill passes the senate and its already passed the house and goes to the president s desk, he could veto it, right . Absolutely. And he has not said what hes going to do because the whole reason this has been stuck . The senate is because the democratic leadership has been in agreement with the president that its not time yet for the Keystone Pipeline to be approved certainly not to be done in a way that goes around the white house. So the president has not said said but the House Speaker made his sentiment very clear just this morning. Listen to what he said. A Keystone Pipeline veto would send the signal that this president has no interest in listening to the American People. Vetoing an overwhelmingly popular bill would be a clear indication he doesnt care about the American Peoples priorities. It would be equivalent of calling the American People stupid. A not so subtle illusion, carol, to the controversy over the academic Jonathan Gruber who was one of the intellectual fathers of obamacare now in multiple videos that have surfaced saying that the American People are stupid. Dana bash reporting live from for thus morning. Thank you. From an attack on air force one to claims members of the saudi royal family financed the september 11 attacks, the man considered the 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, is speaking out from behind bars and hes getting the attention of the secret service. Deborah feyerick has more for you. From his cell in a maximum security prison in colorado, terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui is making new allegations and reviving old accusations against a handful of saudi royals. Accusations that over the last decade have been discredited. The 46yearold frenchman claims Saudi Embassy officials were involved in a plot to shoot down air force one to assassinate bill clinton and Hillary Clinton during a trip to the united kingdom. He says he discussed the plot several months ago with a secret service agent. Cnn has reached out to the agency for confirmation. This is a new plot that i think moussaoui is making headlines with and hes certainly got everyones attention. Its unclear how serious this plot was. And theres the lingering question of saudi arabia. Moussaoui is reviving old claim he is made a dozen years ago that a specific saudi prince and princess and others were involved in financing 9 11. I think there was a significant effort in the immediate aftermath of 9 11 to curb the saudis terror finance problem and i think it was widely recognized it was a problem. In his letter, moussaoui claims the same time he was taking flying lessons in norman, oklahoma, he met both the prince and princess we who gave me money with other funds directed to the 9 11 hijackers. The saudi government is being sued by some 9 11 families recent court papers filed on their behalf stress the 9 11 commission in 2004 found no evidence that the saudi government as an institution or senior saudi officials individually funded either al qaeda or the hijackers. Moussaoui is often depicted as the missing 20th hijacker, but shortly after a jury sentenced him to life in prison in 2006, 9 11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden denied moussaoui was part of the hijacking plot and moussaouis courtappointed trial lawyers at the time portrayed him as a paranoid schizophrenic casting doubt on the credibility of his claims. Deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. The terror attack in israel hits home. Two palestinian men charge into a jerusalem synagogue and swing knives and accesses on helpless worshippers. Four rabbis killed, three of them holding dual u. S. Citizenship. The fbi is launching an investigation into the attack. The israeli Prime Minister netanyahu is expected to make a statement about this attack at 12 30 eastern time. We also have some grisly video of the aftermath of that attack and i want to warn you, what youre about to see is graphic. Were about to take you inside that synagogue where the attack happened. As you can see, it is a grisly site. Tligs to four people killed, six other worshippers were wounded. Both palestinian men who carried out this attack were killed. Todays attack in jerusalem is the deadliest in six and a half years when a man with an automatic weapon killed eight seminary students in march of 2008. Joining me now is bob bare, cnns National Security analyst. Good morning, bob. Good morning, carol. I should mention youre also a former cia operative. How is that attack different from recent attacks within israel, within jerusalem . I think weve long anticipated a third intifada was coming along. Theres been attacks with cars and now knives and hatchets and what we have to look at, even though the organizations are not connected, its an isillike attack, a lashing out using common weapons, beheadings and the rest of it. So i think that theres this virus of sunni islam sweeping across the middle east has finally arrived in israel. I think the israelis are very worried this could spread. And its becoming perhaps no longer a conflict about land and who has a right to land but about religion. Fair . Absolutely. And, of course, in iraq its between the shia and the sunni and the christians. And here its about between jews and arabs and theyre just saying that, you know, in order to purify and take back jerusalem and israel you have to kill as many israelis as you can. Now, how widespread this virus has gone i cant tell you but the israelis have been very worried about it. Should what should the israelis do . Theyve built a wall separating the west bank from israel proper but its not its not completely safe, especially in jerusalem. You may see the israelis moving hard on the arabs in east jerusalem, more settlements. I dont think this government, benjamin netanyahu, is going to let this go and i think theyll react very quickly. Of course, the United States has come out and condemned these attacks. What could the United States do to help . I think the United States has done everything we can. John kerry has pushed for a peace treaty between arabs and the israelis. Theres been no headway on that. Were at loggerheads and i just dont see an easy solution to this. Netanyahu is going to say, look, weve got terrorism problems, we have to react very strongly. Its very difficult for the United States to say anything. Bob baer, thanks for your insight as always. I appreciate it. Im back in a minute. But ive managed. E Crohns Disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. 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I was just wondering what you thought of governor nixons ordering a state of emergency and the activation of the national guard. Is that the right move . I think that the governors really inciting an environment of fear and emotional abuse. Hes talking about the responsibility of citizens but never gave a word to Police Officers not to incite provocation or to even be excessive in their force. And i think that in order for the community to abide peaceably its got to be on both sides. I talked to a state senator earlier who says the federal government should take over security responsibilities in ferguson. Do you agree . I think that the Ferguson Police department has shown itself derelict in being judicious in handling it for the last 94 days plus. This community has been in terror of the lpolice departmen and they have dropped the ball numerous times. I think what has really not been cited for this community is how it is that they have given themselves over to due process, even waiting for a grand jury, that they believe in a system that has repeatedly let them down. The police are sort november a tight spot, though. The fbi released a bulletin today saying they expect outside protesters who are carrying knives and guns and who plan to commit acts of violence against polic police. I think its a demonstration of pentup rage and anger. I think the nfl set a good standard for us today by talking about mr. Adrian, had to, in fact, look at what he did to a child. What the africanamerican is saying, what have you been doing to our children . Its not just ferguson but ferguson for the hiphop generation is our selma. This is the birthing place of our new Civil Rights Movement and so there are a lot of emotions, theres a lot of anger and theres a lot of questions. Im right here on the main thoroughfare where most of the marching and protesting has been taking place and over the last couple of days its been somber and quiet, reflective as were thinking about will the american system actually step up this time . They didnt for trayvon martin. Were praying theyll do so this time for Michael Brown. Will do you think violence break out when this grand jury decision comes down . I think youre going to see a lot of emotions. Youre going to hear a lot of protests. It is my prayer a lot of people here in the community, churches, grassroots organizations have been working tirelessly doing seminars on nonviolent training. And so i think youre going to hear a lot of emotion. How it plays itself out we can only pray for the best. Reverend jamal bryant, thanks so much. I appreciate you being with me this morning. Thank you. Im back in a minute. I have the worst cold with this runny nose. I better take something. 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Theyre searching for clues in that tape and others that could reveal more than isis intended. Cnns brian todd joins us live in washington with more. Good morning. Good morning, carol. This morning, western intelligence officials are looking closely at this video, sharing some information with us. There is a lot to go over because of all the differences between this and the previous beheading videos. A u. S. Intelligence official tells me one similarity, they believe the masked isis militant in the latest release is the same person shown in previous execution videos. Now, we have to warn you, some viewers might find some images in this story disturbing. The video, like the others before it, is grotesque and disturbing, the beheading by isis of american peter kassig is presided over by a militant weve come to know as jihadi john. This is peter edward kassig, a u. S. Citizen of your country. Reporter but there are strong differences between this video and those depicting the killings of americans james foley and steven sotloff, british citizens alan henning and davis hanes. This time no orange jump suit, no buildup to the killing. They show the head of the victim but they dont have him give a speech, they dont show his execution and they dont let you know that theres another hostage to be murdered. Reporter but a u. S. Intelligence official tells cnn they believe isis does have additional hostages. So why is this video different . One person who analyzed ever beheading video says the depi s depictions of kassig suggests this video was hastily put together. Maybe the victim couldnt give a good speech therefore they couldnt use it. Maybe they accidentally killed him during the production process and they didnt want to show it. The victim could have resisted prior to shooting this and they might have murdered him then. The video has a horrific feature not seen before isis shows the man intelligence sources believe is jihadi john and others in detail too graphic to show here beheading more than a dozen men. The militants claim theyre seeian pilots. Its the first time jihadi john is seen apparently killing someone. It was also a sign of desperation because isil are suffering a bit like an animal caged into a corner. They have no response to the air strikes. The air strikes and the Coalition Led effort is really hurting them. Reporter after the beheadings, the faces of the killers are brazenly shown. Analysts say theres a message there, too. They were trying to show that this was almost a United Nations of jihadis. This was jihadis carrying out these beheadings from different places around the world. In the portion of the video depicting kassigs death, another point of difference. Unlike if previous beheading videos, the militants dont seem to try to hide where they are. They show distinct buildings, roads and fields and they label the place dabiq, thats a town in syria, very symbolic where the Ottoman Empire won a historic battle, opening the region up to muslim conquest. Carol . Brian todd reporting live from washington. Thanks so much. Were back in a minute. Where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road . A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. Redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac with no limits. So every time you use it, youre not just shopping for goods. Youre shopping for something great. Learn more at buypowercard. Com you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance. Uld save Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know words really can hurt you . What. . Jesse dont go jesse. No im sorry daisy, but im a loner. And a loner gotta be alone. Heee yawww geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Jesse . An australian tv anchor made a fashion statement. The popular morning show cohost wore this very same suit for an entire year. No one noticed. Cnns jeanne moos has more. Reporter why would a cohost best known for being the opposite of a grumpy cat that cat reporter why would he wear the same suit for a year while hosting australias today show . The web site gertnation made a montage of his wardrobe dysfunction. Though he did change his shirts and ties, his coworkers made a minor stink. You have been stinking. It has been dry cleaned a couple times. But the stink he wanted to raise was to show that female anchors are judged more harshly than men. After wearing the same suit for a year, he told Fairfax Media no one has noticed, no one gives a [ bleep ]. He started the experiment around the same time his cohost, lisa Wilk Wilkinson gave a speech quoting a mean email from someone named angela todays outfit is particularly jarring and awful. Get some style. To which lisa responded. Dear angela [ laughter ] did i mention im not a model . Finally, i must nerve clash with carls suits, ties, or the couch. Reporter another australian morning show host got this letter dare i say did you obtain your clothes from Charity Shops . Maybe men are nondistribute in their suits while we jump out at you and then you jump all over us. I personally live mortal fear of leaving one of these things exposed so youd be hung up on my hangar ribbon rather than listening to what i say. You talk about gossip. Erin discusses the middle east, she discusses the economy. But shes fashion road kill to the viewer whos seeing red over that tight red dress not appropriate for the news. Most women in media recall a memorable insult. They couldnt hear me because my bangs in the way. I think when youre just off of pregnancy and someone calls you a heifer on the air it kind of stinks. But men arent immune. Take larry kings contribution to kimmels mean tweets. Did you know that if you skinned larry king and ironed out his leather, you could make enough coats to give one to every poor child in america . Reporter this is one business that requires thick but not wrinkled skin. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Thank you for joining me today. Im carol costello. this hour with berman and michaela starts now. Men armed with knives and axes storm a jerusalem synagogue killing pour people, including three americans. The fbi is now involved. Israel promises to respond with a heavy hand. Missouri under a state of emergency and the grand jury hasnt even announced its decision . The Michael Brown shooting. Did the governor go too far or is this the only way to prepare for possible violence . Well discuss. And a serial rapist, thats wh

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