Surveillance planes, fake phone towers, how is this legal . And thunder snow, a polar plunge sweeping into the south, recorded in the midwest, lets talk live in cnn newsroom. Good morning, im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. It may be setting up as a steel caged death match of washington politics. President obama may be just days away from announcing a Major Overhaul of the Immigration Law and he plans to bypass congress and use executive authority to sign it into law. Republicans in Congress Just weeks away from their most dominant majority in decades ready to rumble. Their take no prisoner options up to and including another Government Shutdown. In the middle, millions of undocumented immigrants and an American Public thats fed up with the paralysis of brinksmanship and gridlock. Cnns jim acosta is in myanmar traveling with the president. Reporter his escape from washington almost over, president obamas News Conference with myanmar Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi quickly turned to the battle brewing over Immigration Reform. Its way overdue. Weve been talking about it for ten years now. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] reporter the president could be just days away from an executive Order Granting relief to millions of undocumented immigrants. He already acted to defer deportations to children brought to the u. S. Illegally. Sources tell cnn the president is expected to extend that policy to the undocumented parents of those socalled dreamer children plus the undocumented parents of children who were born in the u. S. , and focus on deporting criminal Illegal Immigrants. Insisting republicans in congress have failed to act, the president said he will. Thats going to happen. Thats going to happen before the end of the year. Reporter leaderness in the soontobe Gopcontrolled Congress are warning mr. Obama to back down. Were going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. Wed like for the. The to recognize the reality that he has the government that he has, not the one that he wishes he had. Reporter other republicans are backing up that threat with talk of impeachment. Impeachment would be a consideration. Reporter white house Officials Say the president will gladly rip up his executive order if if Congress Passes a bill. The minute they pass a bill that i can sign that fixes our immigration system, then any executive actions i take are replaced. Reporter other fights are looming over the Keystone Oil Pipeline and the. Thes climate deal with china. Standing next to the president , myanmars democratic icon Aung San Suu Kyi equipped mr. Obama may want to stay on the road. Im sorry the president cant get away from all this. I know. Reporter a senior white house official cautions the president has not reviewed the administrations final recommendations on immigration and that they could change. That gives the president plenty to chew on on his long flight from this side of the world back to the reality of washington. Jim acosta, cnn, yangon, myanmar. Now to the egregious fence jumping incident at the white house in september that led to the resignation of the head of the secret service. Scathing report on how the armed intruder made it all the way into the east room of the white house, would read like a comedy of errors if if the possible consequences to the president and the first family were not so dire. Among the highlights of the Homeland Security investigation, a k9 officer in the driveway did not respond for 11 seconds because he was talking on his cellphone and not listening to his radio. Other key posts had their radios muted and did not hear the alarm. Two officers did not shoot the intruder because they thought he was unarmed and when the intruder dashed into the bushes, officers mistakenly thought he would not be able to get through the bushes, and when an officer confronted the intruder on the portico he mistakenly assumed the doors were locked. Michelle kosinski is at the white house with more shocking details in this report. So has anyone been suspended for this . Hey, carol, right, it was lapse after lapse after lapse, all kind of coming together for a perfect storm of problems, all in one night. It just doesnt seem possible. But to answer your question, no. I mean, this is just one report, one investigation that has come out so far. There are other investigations going on, too. I mean, that kind of sounds like how government works, right . All these investigations, but they do want to do a thorough job and really look at everything before they hold anyones feet to the fire. I mean you mentioned, too, that the director of the secret service did lose her job over this, but its unclear whether other people will be disciplined, because when you look at the problems that were there, a lot of them are more institutional problems. I mean, the fact that these officers did not know the layout of the interior of the white house, well, they werent trained on that. Is it really their fault . The guy who was on his cellphone, maybe thats a different case, but then again if youre working an eight or tenhour shift youre probably at some point going to make a personal call. His problem, too, was the radio system. There were deeper problems that went beyond people just goofing off on the job and thats clear even from this summary of just one of the investigations, carol. All right, Michelle Kosinski reporting live from the white house this morning, thanks so much. The speaker on a newly posted audio message claims to be isis leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, coming just days after reports al baghdadi was injured in a u. S. Air strike. Cnn. Has not been able to confirm the authenticity of the mettage or when it was recorded. Arwa damon is following the story from southern turkey. Hi, arwa. Reporter good morning, carol, and in releasing this statement, isis most certainly is trying to make a point that its leader is alive and well and that the organization is not really feeling the impact of those Coalition Air strikes. Is the leader of isis out of hiding . Days after he was reportedly wounded, perhaps even killed in an air strike, an audio message purported by of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi released by the group on social media. In the message, he calls the u. S. Led coalition terrified, weak and powerless, and calls upon his followers to erupt volcanos of jihad everywhere. U. S. Air strikes in syria have killed dozens of isis militants and are taking aim at the khorasan group. The latest round thursday targeting one top operative. Al baghdadi deems the Coalition Air power a failure saying they will be forced to send Ground Forces to their deaths. The terrorist leader pointed to president obamas plan to send more troops under the claim their advisers, urging fighters to battle the tyrant and their soldiers and this, u. S. Officials believe isis and the Al Qaedalinked group al nusra are cooperating in an ad hoc limited basis on the battlefield in syria. So far no indication the two groups have any formal partnership but it could be a dangerous sign of alliances to come. Only for the last several months have they not been working together. We are focused mostly on isil but well be tracking this closely. Reporter as the United States prepares to send 1,500 additional military personnel to iraq, the nations top defense officials reiterated u. S. Military personnel will not be engaged in a ground combat. But Officials Say iraq will need 80,000 of its own troops to recapture territory it has lost to isis, leaving the door open for greater u. S. Involvement. Im not predicting at this point that i would recommend that those forces in mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by u. S. Forces but were certainly considering it. Reporter not surprising that Martin Dempsey at this stage does want to leave that option on the table. He and others know only too well just how volatile this situation is and how quickly realities can change, but when it comes to a strategy for defeating isis as much as washington may wish, it could have one solution for iraq and not have to necessarily find a solution for searia, those two conflicts are inextricably intertwined. Arwa damon reporting live from turkey. Still to come in the newsroom, republicans are preparing for a showdown after the president vows to take action on Immigration Reform without them. Up next, what it means for millions of undocumented immigrants and what it might mean for you. Well talk about that next. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. A woman who loves to share her passions. Grandma mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts her at a greater risk of stroke. Rome . Sure before xarelto®, mary took warfarin, which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. But thats history. Back to the museum . 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Thats the real walmart. Right now a ferocious battle is brewing between the president and republican lawmakers over Immigration Reform, and in just a matter days, president obama could sign an executive order to grant legal stat to us millions of Illegal Immigrants undocumented here in the United States. And i indicated to Speaker Boehner several months ago if, in fact, congress failed to act i would use all the lawful to are the that i possess to try to make the system work better. And thats going to happen. The executive order would, one, grant legal status to undocumented parents of u. S. Citizens, allow Illegal Immigrants who came to the United States as children to stay, but also makes clear Illegal Immigrants with criminal backgrounds would be deported. Needless to say the president s plan to bypass a newly elected Republicanled Congress has the gop fuming. Wed like the president to recognize the reality that he has the government he has, not the one he wishes he had and work with us. Were going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. This is the wrong way to govern. This is exactly on election day what the americans said they didnt want. All the options are on the table. Hmm, those options do include another Government Shutdown. Keep in mind democrats are not so happy with the president either. Joining me now cnn. Com contributor ruben navarete and commentator and republican strategist ana navarro. Welcome to both of you. Good morning. Good to be go ywith you. Ana, why is the president doing this now . Hes run out of hope. s amade promises to the Latino Community and the immigrant Leadership Community now for over seven years since he was candidate barack obama in 2007 when he promised to do Immigration Reform in his first year and for one reason or another hes been delaying it for many years. I heard him say he didnt have the Constitutional Authority to do executive action on immigration, that this wasnt a monarchy, he wasnt king and he couldnt do it. Now hes been an aboutface. He promised hed do it before the sum ir, them because of the elections and so many red state senators being on the line, he delayed it til after the election, so theres a frustrated community, Democratic Base and immigration leadership base that is demanding action. Funny you should mention that, president obama mentioned an executive order saying all aspect might be illegal. He said that on telemundo last year, talking specifically about deferring the deportation of immigrants brought to the United States illegally by their parents. Listen to what he said. What we can do is then carve out the dream act folks saying young people who have basically grown up here are americans that we should welcome. Were not going to have them operate under a cloud, under a shadow. If we broaden that essentially i would be ignoring the law in a way that i think would be difficult to defend legally so thats not an option. Why is it an option now, ruben . Yes, carol, thats a great question. Its great to be pack with you with my friend ana navarro. The whole policy the president has is a mess because he contradicts himself yeartoyear, weektoweek, in terms of whether he has the authority to do this. He promised hed take on immigration his first 100 days and do a bushlike reform where he works with congress to pass a permanent solution, so instead weve gotten what might be considered legal status light where they get temporary work permits that can be revoked at any time. It becomes an issue 2016 because the next president can maintain this program or do away with it. Its a watered down version of what the president originally proposed and ana is right, theres been a contradiction all along. He went to great pains to argue he didnt have the power 20 do this when it was inconvenient for him to do so and now suddenly he was cleaning out the coins in the white house couch and executive authority popped out, he didnt know it was there so now he has the power to do something about it. Ana, this may have consequen consequences. Lot of republicans and democrats say hes poisoning the well. We want gridlock to stop. Thats what the voters wanted with the sweep of republicans into congress, right, yet now we have the House Speaker john boehner threatening a Government Shutdown over the president s executive order about immigration, why go there . Ive heard Republican Leadership and Mitch Mcconnell say specifically he does not want a shutdown and fiscal cliff drama coming up and interestinginteresting ly enough, harry reid asking the white house publicly now to delay any executive action until they get a continuing resolution, until they get the budget issue addressed because he is concerned about a poisoned well during the lame duck while hes still majority leader. Why do it . Number one, hes got promises he finally has got to fulfill to the immigration advocates to the latino leadership and Latino Community. Maybe hes trying to force the republican hand. I think that if the two leaders, the speaker of the house and the Senate Majority leader went in there and asked him for an opportunity, asked him for time, you know, my hope was that they would come to some sort of middle ground where they could skin the cat, he could somehow by myself time but at the same time put pressure on republicans and give them a deadline to act. I think one of the things he could do is write this executive action down. Right now, none of us know for sure whats on it. So that we all know whats at stake, put it in a box and say its not going to be implemented and im not going to sign it until july, august, so republicans go get it done if you want that time. I think the president did say he would rescind it if he got a bill on his desk, ruben, right, outlining Immigration Reform from republicans. Right. Yes, i give the credit to the president on this. He basically said listen, guys, you can pass whatever you want. Im not stopping you from doing that. Nobody has, you know, in fact republicans are cowardly and mediocre and ineffective on immigration, having nothing at all to do with the president. Theyre that way naturally so even if he didnt do this, this notion somehow that mcconnell and boehner are advancing that leave us alone so we can work, its nonsense. They dont want to work on immigration. Theyve slacked off on immigration t divides their base. They dont have appetite to referee a public fight between the business interests and nativist interests that dough and the we. Barack obama if you take him out of the equation republicans screwed up this issue just as badly as the president has and Neither Party has risen to the occasion of providing leadership in this, and this is really not an issue they can blame on each other. Theyre both responsible. Ruben navarrette and ana navarro, i appreciate it. Youre seeing it already at the pump and the good news keeps on pumping out, oil prices dipping to their lowest point in four years. Christine romans is here with the good news. It amounts to about a 400 raise for you over the next year, if these oil prices and gas prices stay low. Ill tell you how long it can last and why theyre falling. receptionist gunderman group. Gunderman group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. 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Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Ask your doctor about invokana®. A secure retirement. A new home. Earning your diploma. Providing for your family. Real associates, using walmarts benefits to build better lives for their families. Opportunity. Thats the real walmart. they said christmas is six weeks away, an early christmas present. The price of oil dropped below 75 for the first time in four years. Thats down 31 since june and you know what that means. We bring in christine romans, wow. Aaa actually just told us they think this will be the cheapest gas for thanksgiving since 2009 so its going to continue. Lets talk about why first of all. You have u. S. Production of fossil fuels of oil is just going gangbusters. Were producing 9 Million Barrels of oil a day, thats the most since 1986. Go back to the Reagan Administration the last time we were producing that much oil and the rest of the world is consuming a little bit less than usual so the u. S. Is producing a lot and that means prices are going down. Saudi arabia actually giving some discounts on its oil because american crude is so, was producing so much of it. Its an interesting shift. Were saudiamerican now. Its a real shift. You look at gas prices how they plummeted i have this chart down to 2. 90, its crazy and the American Government has been saying next year you can expect gas prices to stay below three bucks all year. Thats doing a lot of good things for the economy, people have more money to spend especially on cars. I know and so were seeing suvs and big truck sales are starting to spike up. We have a short memory. When gas is cheaper. Looks like this is going to be 400 extra in your pocket over the next year, thats real money. The retailers are excited for christmas, the Holiday Season youll be spending that extra money on gifts and in their stores, but think if you have a delivery service, if you are a trucker, if you are doing anything, any of your business requires gasoline, this is good for you, less to heat your home. Will it last . The assumption is its going to last into next year, quite frankly. Its going to hurt some people. It will hurt maybe the oil producers, for example, one of the rare moments whats good for consumers is bad for the oil companies, maybe youre going to see some more consolidation, theyll probably start to buy each other so they can make more money on the oil theyre extr t extracting for now its an amazing shift. Thanks, christine. We appreciate it. Still to come in the newsroom this is the face of homegrown terror . This man killed a cop in the hopes of triggering much greater bloodshed and a change to our government. 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Reporter accused cop killer eric frein is facing two counts of terrorism for the ambush at the State Police Barracks two months ago that left one trooper dead and another seriously wounded. The pike County District attorney filed the new charges during a hearing at this Magistrates Office near holly where frein appeared by video conference. This is the first time that im aware of that that charge has been used in the xhoon commonwealth of pennsylvania. Reporter the charges were filed based on a letter frein reportedly wrote to his parents, according to the criminal complaint that letter was found on a thumb drive taken from the hangar where frein stashed his supplies. That letter was created in december and last accessed october 6th. In the letter, frein reportedly wrote our nation is far from what it was and what it should be, only passing through the cruiseble of another revolution can get us back the lib liberties we once had. I do not pretend to know what that revolution would look like or even if it would be successful. He goes on writing tension is high at the moment and at time seems right to spark a fire in the hearts of men. What i have done has not been done before and it felt like it was worth a try. He ends with i am sorry, you guys are great parents. I am just not a good son. I squandered so much opportunity and support, maybe this is just the final squander. The criminal complaint also states on the night of freins arrest, frein told police he shot the troopers because he wanted a changing government and that the murder of a trooper was an assassination and taking that action would wake people up. We believe as detailed in the criminal complaint and the affidavit that the evidence that we have uncovered supports that charge and thats why we have filed the criminal complaint with those two additional charges. Lets talk about this with our legal panel, joey jackson, criminal defense attorney and legal analyst for hln, and ann bremer also a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor. Welcome to both of you. Thanks. Thank you, carol. Joey, when a suspect writes this our nation is far from what it was and should be only passing through the kusible of another revolution can get us back the liberties we once had should be a nobrainer, terrorism charges but its not that simple . Its never simple, carol. What you always do in criminal cases is you examine the state of mind, right . You evaluate what someones thinking, whats their intention and what exactly do they want to do, and when you look at this instance and you see his writings and his musings and what he was doing, survivalist, packing to be out in the woods, taking pot shots at police officers, killing one, leaving two children without a father, its problematic and why was he doing it, carol, because voting wasnt good enough. He didnt feel through voting he could influence the policies of government and so what the government did is say okay, youre trying to influence and affect the conduct and policy of government, thats terrorism, because youre doing it through threat, fear and intimidation. So it wouldnt be terrorism if he just terrorizing a community for example, he would have to have the government component and have to have some sort of evidence pointing to that. One is joey, that was excellent as usual. Thank you, ann. Three things you try to terrorize civilians or the population or government conduct or government itself by an act, usually murder in terrorist cases. Just the community itself its terrorizing what he did, the fact he was trying to influence the government is what joey said gives him the terrorism charge. Here is what is confusing for people. Last year a man targeted tsa agents at the los angeles airport. According to the Huffington Post he was carrying a handwritten note describing himself as a pissed off patriot. Youre not trying to have me justify government conduct and the inconsistencies applied here. Its tough. Its always a casebycase assessment. They look and evaluate, does it make sentence certain instances . Are they always uniform in the application of the terrorism rule, theyre not but in this case certainly they got it right, carol. So thats good, so will we see more of these kinds of charges, because we havent been seeing much of them. John ashcroft said fighting terrorism domestic and otherwise is the most important thing we can do. Terrorism is terrorism. The tsa agent was upset about what happened to him but it was more global. It should have been a terrorism charge and we have to have equal treatment under the law. Why dont we charge that case, charge this case as a deterrent to other people, when people come in with domestic terrorists acts, killing police officers, you know, with this, what he did was so reprehensible, it should have the Death Penalty and terrorism charge against him, if not more. Annes point on that issue, absolutely, you want to deter the conduct, right, so that it doesnt apply again and of course you want to punish it, and you know in terms of rehabilitation, when youre that far off the reservation its really difficult to rehabilitate. I would say yes. Joey jackson, anne bremner, thanks so much. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Still to come in the newsroom, americas top general tells congress hes leaving the door open for u. S. Ground forces to battle isis. Well talk to i arepublican lawmaker, a member of the House Armed Services committee, to get her take. 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The 77yearold comedic genius who never swears on stage and played the wholesome dr. Huxtable for years on the cosby show is causing years old sexual allegations. He wrote go ahead, mean me which people did. My two favorite things, jello pudding and rape, look at this whacky shirt im wearing, also im a serial rapist tweeted other person. The rapist label stems from it allegations made years ago when several women came forward claiming theyd been sexually assaulted by cosby. He was never charged with a crime but the allegations have lingered for years and the subject was brought up last month in a standup act by a comedian during a show in philadelphia where cosbys wholesome image was mocked. I dont curse on stage but, yeah, youre a rape i, so reporter the most detailed allegations against bill cosby appeared in a lawsuit filed in 2005 by a Temple University employee who claimed she was drugged and assaulted by cosby. Police investigated but did not charge cosby due to lack of evidence. The civil suit was settled confidentially. The same type of story was alleged by ta mara green who wet public with her story nine years ago the today show. Hed gone from helping me to groping me, kissing me, touching me, handling me and taking off my clothes. Reporter cosbys representatives say they dont want to respond to old resurfacing allegations. Over the years cosby through to his years has repeatedly denied sexually assaulting anyone. Cosby has a new series with nbc thats supposed to debut next year, its unclear how, if it at all, this new look at old allegations will affect not only that show, but also the lasting image of a comedy icon. Ted rowlands, cnn. One of cosbys accusers is Barbara Bowman who has gone public with her allegation. She told her story to our Michaela Pereira this morning on cnns new day. Bowman says she was a 17yearold aspiring actress when cosby took her under his wing. He zeroed right in on my vulnerabilities which was i had no father figure, so there was no man to come knocking on his door to find out whats going down, and when these things started happening, i wasnt silent. I told my agent what was going down. What was the reaction . She did nothing. I believe shes as culpable as he is, because in my inside, i believe she did know what was going on, so her doing nothing was a protective measure on her part. Did you tell other people . I didnt tell her, i told her, but i didnt really talk about it much because nobody was believing it, and it was just, i was in a situation, i was in new york, my job was to work hard, go to classes, dont skae questions, just be grateful for this amazing opportunity. Dont mess it up. So when things would come up and he would start making me uncomfortable and i knew something was going on, i would start asking questions and hed say, you know what . You dont trust me. Youve got to trust me. And by the way, you were drunk. And i didnt drink and i certainly wasnt doing anything but exactly what i was supposed to do. So we have a couple of things at play here, we have americas favorite dad and a lot of people will say this does not square up with mr. Cosby that we know from tv. Thats exactly right. So what happened was i just gave up, because it was very clear to me, he said it right to my face, point blank id better never, ever see your face or hear your name again. Why, if this is happening repeatedly, why is there no action . I think so many of us are struggling to understand. Yes, its a great question and i get asked that all the time and i this i that one of the issues is that, in 2005, when this case was going to court, and we were testifying, she settled out of court so that meant all 13 women were not going to testify. So that just shut it down. Its a subject that people dont want to talk about. The Mainstream Media does not want to deal with it. Its just now becoming important enough for worldwide attention. Once again, cnn has asked cosbys representatives for reaction to these disturbing allegations but so far, weve not gotten anything back. Im back in a minute. [announcer ]startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 41 companies are investing almost 80 million dollars, and creating 1750 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes, no corporate taxes, and no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place that is is right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. Breaking news to pass along to you now. The suspect in the disappearance of a university of virginia student has just appeared before a judge, Jesse Matthew is facing charges in an unrelated 2005 Sexual Assault case. We understand he has pleaded not gulty. Cnns brian todd was in the courtroom, hes in fairfax, virginia, with more for us. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. Just moments ago Jesse Matthew did, in fact, plead not guilty to all three counts he faces here in fairfax county, virginia. Judge dennis smith confronted Jesse Matthew in the courtroom a short time ago, Jesse Matthew came in, in a dark prison green jump suit. The judge had to ask him to repeat himself, his voice was so low. The judge read the first charge attempted capital murder and asked him how he pleaded and when Jesse Matthew said not guilty the judge asked him to repeat himself, and before he could plead to the other two counts his Defense Attorneys said judge, we dont need to you read the other two counts well plead not guilty to all three. A trial date was set for march 9th when Jesse Matthew will go to trial in fairfax county. The charges against him Sexual Assault, abduction with the intent to defile and attempted capital murder. Those three counts against him here in fairfax county. He also of course faces charges in albamoro, virginia, with abduction of Hannah Graham whos see if he pleads in that case. Jesse matthew pleads not guilty to all three counts. A trial date is set for march 9 and a judge was assigned to this case, judge david shell. Carol . Thank you. President obama has repeatedly said he would not order u. S. Ground forces to fight isis in syria or iraq but once again the message from the president s military top advisors is not so definitive. Already nearly 3,000 american troops are to be deployed in an advisory role in iraq. Heres what joint chiefs chairman general Martin Dempsey told a House Committee yesterday about the possibility of inserting u. S. Combat troops into the conflict. Im not predicting at this point that i would recommend that those forces in mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by u. S. Forces, but were certainly considering it. Perhaps that possibility becomes a little more likely now that it appears isis leader Abu Bakr Albaghdadi was not killed in a u. S. Air strike after all. An audio recording believed to be that of baghdadi taunts the United States. He urges his followers to erupt kohl va volcanos of jihad everywhere. So are u. S. Ground forces inevidentable . With me, congresswoman vicki hartzler, a republican member of the House Arms Services committee. Welcome. Thank you, carol. Is it your sense after yesterdays hearing that boots on the ground are a foregone conclusion in . Especially if isis and al qaeda join forces . I dont think its foregone conclusion but its certainly thats a possibility. And this president sadly has taken things off the table and keeps projecting to our enemy what we will and will not do and i dont think that is a very sound strategy on his part. It became clear yesterday in the hearing that the president has mishandled this have from the very beginning including an early withdrawal from iraq. General dempsey testified we left things undone including we didnt set up an apparatus for intelligence or Close Air Support and i think thats contributing to the problem were having today finding adequate targets for our air strikes. Weve done over 5,000 sorties into the area, but only about 58 0 air strikes and that translates to about eight a day and when the first 75 days of the afghanistan conflict we were averaging 86 targets hit a day. And because we dont have that intelligence, because we left too soon and the president continues to mishandle this. So what needs to be done now . Because were there. Were conducting air strikes right now. Were intimating that, oh, maybe Ground Forces will be needed at some point. We dont want to do it but were not ruling anything out. What needs to be done right now to take care of isis . I think first of all we need to encourage more of the people who live in that area to get involved. We have turkey that has the secondlargest number of Ground Troops in nato. Over two million military soldiers. And yet theyve failed to help. And so thats where we need to have secretary kerry being very strong and advocating that others in that area who live with the very real threat of isis put their troops on the ground. I think syria is the real problem here. We have allies willing to help us out with iraq, right, but not so much with syria. So what should be done . Because every expert you talk to say syria and iraq are linked and if you want to defeat isis youve got to do something about syria as well. You really do. I mean, isis has taken over a territory the size of maryland. And theyre so brutal. We have got to address them. So thats where we need to put pressure on the nations who live nearby, give them get them involved in this and we have to be deicive in our stre ive iivi strategy. Our Coalition Partners have to realize we have we want to win. How do we get it are of Bashar Al Assad . A lot of people say hes muddying the waters and until hes out of office isis will not be defeated. So how does the United States do that . Well, we should have acted a lot sooner in that case and not let it fester to this point where its a huge mess. We do need to reach out and try to help the moderate Syrian Forces there who are just trying to protect their families and villages who arent aligned already with al qaeda. But the strategy that the president put forth is inadequate. Well, what strategy should we have . Well, theyre going to have 5,000 people trained and isis has over 30,000 people, troops, in their brigades. So we need to ramp it up. And we need to first of all show a commitment that we are going to do everything possible, we should not telegraph what we very r and are not going to do like our president has and we need the president needs to listen to the people at the pentagon and work with our military. We have two very glaring examples of when that has not occurred. When he allowed the National Security advisor susan rice in july to send a letter to the speaker asking to rescind and repeal the authorization of use of military force which he didnt even talk to the pentagon about it and now i hear what youre saying. But youre saying we should ramp it up. What do you mean by that . How should the United States ramp things up to defeat isis . Well, we need to be diplomatic, to firsthand like i said reaching out to those countries like turkey and others and encouraging them to put the boots on the ground and we need to commit the resources that are needed to get this done. And we may need to have more american troop there is in adviseandassist role to target or provide Close Air Support, but the president needs to come out with that strategy, make it clear to the American People about why thats needed. Make it clear to congress and ask us for that help. And he has been leading from behind. He needs to start leading from the front. Congresswoman vicky hartzler, thank you so much for joining us this morning. I appreciate it. Im back in a minute. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. I dont have to tell you, but its a big weekend 234 College Football with rivalry games in do or die battles for teams in the playoff hunt. Brian mcfay den is at the university of georgia in athens. I envy you. Can you see this what i have right here, carol . This is the cheer team and the georgia paint line. These guys are braving the elements because its super cold here in atlanta, georgia. Just like you said, tomorrow is a huge day in College Football. Im here in athens, georgia, home of the 15th ranked bulldogs playing long time rival ninth ranked auburn. Theyve been playing since 18. Georgia and auburn still with the chance to make this years College Football playoff. But they need to win tomorrows big game here in athens to stay in the hunt. And georgias chances of winning drastically improved recently when they learned their star running backed ed ted to girly eligible to play tomorrow. He was suspended for four games after he admitted to signing autographs for money. The former heisman frontrunner hasnt played since october 4. Hell be a big boost to the bulldogs in this game. Gurlly. The marquee matchup of the weekend has to be Mississippi State at alabama. Mississippi state is the numberone ranked team in the nation but theyre going into tuscaloosa to face the crimson tide. Both teams have r vying for a playoff state. Mississippi state might be the Top Ranked Team but alabama is favored to win by odds makers. Carol, this is why the regular season in College Football is so exciting. Huge weekend for a lot of teams around the country and im going to be with these guys for next two days. Start cheering, its cold. It will warm you up. Do go dogs thats what i wanted to hear. Thanks so much, brian. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Happening now the newsroom, breaking overnight, immigration battle. President obama promising to take executive action. Will the move spark a Government Shutdown . Then two window washers

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