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Good morning. Happy friday and happy fourth of july. Im ana cabrera in for carol costello. Unfortunately fourth of july begins with one heck of a storm. Hurricane arthur is crashing the party for millions of americans. This morning, arrest thinker has weakened just a little bit. But still whipping up strong winds and dangerous waves. You can hear the powerful wind there adds arthur slammed ashore with 100 mile per hour winds slashing the central coastline of North Carolina. Power lines toppled, 20,000 homes and businesses left in the dark. Now a new threat in pockets along the coast, flooding. We are covering all the angles for you this morning. Indra petersons is in Kill Devil Hills, and were in the cnn Weather Center. Lets go first to joe johns. He is in nags head North Carolina. Joe . Reporter this picture sort of illustrates what were up against here on the outer banks. This is water that has come in off of Roanoke Sound and spilled onto a parking lot. It hasnt made it to the road. In fact, it started receding as weve been here. Nonetheless, there are big problems. Many buildings sitting out on the sound have septic tanks. Theres concerns about those tanks being compromised. So i dont want to walk around in this water too much, but i can tell you its about 8 to 9 feet deep at its deepest point. The biggest problems of course if you remember der down the road here in the Hatteras Island area. Hatteras island is still cut off from the rest of the outer banks. Thats because authorities are trying to assess whats happening on the roads. Theres a road and a bridge called the bonner bridge. That bridge has had structural concerns before and theyre trying to assess with engineers whether its safe for people to travel. If its not safe for people to travel, anybody who didnt evacuate from that part of this area wont be able to get up here. So a difficult situation. There are scattered reports still of Power Outages here. And the question of course is whats happening to the roads and when will things get back to normal. There is optimism from the state of North Carolina that they will be able to open that road by sometime tomorrow. But some people suggest that might be optimistic when you look at the fact that this was a category two storm. Other storms have caused bigger problems, not just because of water, but also baf sand on the bridges. So were monitoring the situation and get back to you. You can see how its still a dangerous situation there, especially when you mention 8 to 9 feet of water in some places. Next head to Kill Devil Hills now. Thats where we find indra petersons. It looks like the storm is past where you are. By are people still in danger here . Reporter this is the concern. Its like a sigh of relief. Gusts are still out here, but obviously about 30 miles per hour. Youre starting to see a break in the sunshine. With all of this comes a new danger. What were worried about now of course is the strong rip currents. All this water yesterday that came all the way up, that waters now making its way back out. Whats underneath the water has changed, right. So the way it came in, cant go back out the same way. The water looks for those passages where the sandbars are broken down and it rushes through very quickly. You can see easily here behind me, look at ail the beachgoers, theyre thinking the sun is up. This is going to be our new threat. Thats just one side of this. We keep talking about, this is the ocean. Thats the concern. When what you just saw joe johns dealing with, thats because the winds switched directions as it came in from the east. Thats where that storm surge came up and thats going to take hours to recede. Still more dangers out there, guys. Thanks for staying on top of it for us. Also is our Weather Center team joining us this morning. Karen, a lot of people are still wondering who might be in the storms path still. Yes, and weve seen this indra said it and ill repeat it, that is that this is a category one. But it made landfall as a category two. That means the wind speed has decreased. 90 mile per hour. When it came ashore, it had 100 miles per hour. Friday going into the afternoon histories, should be about 2 00, right off the coast of new york city. Because boston juts out here a little bit, youre going to be a little bit more vulnerable. So about 2 00 in the morning on saturday, were looking at a very heavy surf, beach erosion and wind damage. So theres still a lot of issues to be had here. And this will become a Tropical Storm and then exit tropical into the next 48 and then 72 hours affecting mostly the canadian marry times. This is an interesting picture. You can see drier air is trying to intrude across the western and south western edge. What does that mean . It means we could see if i remember ther weakening. It will happen fairly quickly. But the National Hurricane center will give an update coming up at 11 00. Right here along the coastal areas of North Carolina, still breezy. Its virginia and northward that have to be concerned. We cant emphasize enough the dangers of those rip currents. I know in 2009, six people died in Tropical Storms because of rip currents. Some jawdropping new details in the case against Justin Ross Harris, the georgia man charged with felony murder in the death of his son cooper. That toddler left in a hot car for hours last month in what harris claimed is a tragic mistake. Prosecutors say he led a double wife. Theyre saying he sent explicit photos to women. Friends and supporters were stunned to hear this new. More now from cnns Victor Blackwell. What was Justin Ross Harris allegedly doing while his 22 month old son cooper suffered in the back of this scorching suv. He was having up to six different conversations with different women. The most common term would be se sexting. Stunning claims of raun chi Text Messages and a plan to kill his son. Evidence is showing us he has this whole second life hes living. Harris shackled and sullen has the detective detailed xrated messages allegedly exchanged the day cooper died including with a then 16yearold girl. Were photos being sent back and forth between the defendant and these women on that day . Yes. There were photos of his erect penis being sent and womens breasts being sent back to him. He was a loving father. He loved his son very much. We went on Family Vacations together and he was a good dad. But just five days before coopers death, the detective says internet searches revealed that harris watched videos online about the dangers of being trapped in a hot car. And that harris visited a web forum devoted to the childfree lifestyle. So you have evidence that he typed in a Google Search for childfree. True. Were getting so far afield from the events of june 18th. This has nothing to do with those events whatsoever. The status of his marriage and fantasy life has nothing to do with the events of june 18th. This isnt relevant to anything. Judge, this goes to his state of mind in the two weeks leading up to the death of this child. So this occurred within two weeks. Yes. Overrule the objection. The detective also testified the couple had financial problems and took out Life Insurance policies on cooper. The first policy was a 2,000 policy. The second one, was this Something Back in 2013. Yes, november 2012 is when he signed up for it. Was it something he still had at the time of the childs death . Thats correct. And how much was it . It was a 25,000 policy. He laid out the strange way harris reacted. He started off trying to work himself up. Hes walking around, rubbing his eyes. Looked like he was trying to hyper ventilate himself. No real emotion coming out of him except for the huffing. And through the time youre talking with him about his son and his sons death, did you ever see any tears coming from him . No. Even more bizarre how witnesses say the mother reacted at the day care. In front of several witnesses, all of a sudden she states, oh, ross must have left him in the car. They were like, what. Theres no other reason explanation excuse me. They try to console her. Theyre like no. Theres a thousand reasons. Shes like, no. Then another shocker. Were there any injuries to the childs face . There were. What were those . The way its explained, there were several marks on the childs face that would have come from the child or a skrash being made while the child was alive. And then not healing, not scabbing over or anything like that and just soon after he passed away. Were there any injury to the back of the childs head . Yes. After three hours of stunning testimony, judge franks cox denied layer is bond the defense maintaining. Its not criminal negligence. Its horrible. Tragedy and an accident. You heard the detective. They mentioned the two Life Insurance policies. We just received eight new search warrants for the Harris Computers and cell phones and ipads. What were learning through the narrative is not only were those Life Insurance policies taken out, by according to police, after coopers death, ross harris started to ask relatives about how to file to get that money as part of those policies. Wow. What else can we say. Victor, stay with me. Still to come, Justin Ross Harris breaks down in court. But police say he shed no tears the day his son died. What do we make of this . Were talking about this with joey jackson along with Victor Blackwell next. The cadillac summer collection is here. During the cadillac summers best event, lease this 2014 ats for around 299 a month and make this the summer of style. This is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. You fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance. Uld save Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know words really can hurt you . What. . Jesse dont go jesse. No im sorry daisy, but im a loner. And a loner gotta be alone. Heee yawww geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Jesse . Welcome back. We want to dig deeper now in the case against Justin Ross Harris, the man charged with killing his toddler son in a hot car. Harris now will stand trial now that a judge found there was evidence enough to move forward. Thanks for being with us this morning. Jane, lets start with you. What did you find most incriminating in the probable cause hearing . I think it was the total portrait. Prosecutors were brilliant. They laid out a devastating portrait of a man sexually obsessed, self centered and what want add childfree life. He was pretending to be this Devout Church going family man. Behind closed doors, prosecutors are saying, hes a cheater and a sexual pervert. We got a portrait just painted a richer picture of a man who frankly is a man with if all this is true no conscience. The evidence is overwhelming. If its true, this is actually one of the most vile sadistic crimes ive ever encountered in all my years. The capacity to allow your own flesh and blood toddler son to bake to death in a hot car while youre having sexually charged fun sex ling with six different women, it defies the plimagine. How does somebody get to that point . Whats that i thought was brilliant about what they laid out. They told a story that this guy was unhappily married. His wife admitted they had intimacy problems. He was unhappy at work. He was passed over for a promotion. They were arguing about money. And then his secret world. The world that nobody knew about. Visiting this site that talks about a childfree lifestyle, the obsession with death, looking at videos of people dying. Its just it was brilliant in the way that it really told a story from beginning to end. And at the end of it, you were like, oh my god. You were kind of sick to your stomach, i know. I know. It was painful to hear some of those details that the detective had to say on the stand. Victor, you were in the courtroom. Yeah. I know his church was really close, all of the supporters from church to friends were in that courtroom. Did you feel a shift in any of their demeanor . We certainly heard some gasps and say a few of the supporters kind of look at each other when they started to talk about the sexting and the details they had not heard about it when they called the Church Member up to the stand in part of the bond hearing and the state asked, well, did you know about these Text Messages. She said no. And then he asked, is it possible that you really dont know a lot about ross harris. And she admitted, i only know him in a church setting. That will be the limit, as we hear from a lot of the witnesses theyll call, about how much they know about this man. Im sure a lot of those people who lined the walls here did not expect the details we heard yesterday. The defense certainly made a point of calling a lot of witnesses who had good things to say about Justin Ross Harris. Joey, i know as a defense attorney yourself, you must have been listening carefully to how the defense was going about its case. Do you think they made any really strong points and what mistakes might have been made . The answer in terms of strong points in no. This is a probable cause hearing. What does that mean . It means that you just have to show enough to the judge to establish that hes not being unlawfully detained and theres a basis and a reason to hold him over for a trial. Two things stick out at me. One is motive. The second is malice. If they can establish the motivation that they did. Why would a father do this to a child . Why . It doesnt make sense to any of us. After yesterday, it does. And then you go to the issue of malice, which is they didnt have to establish that of course because they just have to show criminal negligence for the seconddegree child abuse charge. To lay that out and put it in context of a probable cause hearing, no injury, youre not trying to establish guilt. It makes me wonder what else do they have that they didnt reveal yesterday. And then as the investigation unfolds, what else is going to be revealed. That would concern me as a defense attorney. Now im thinking this could es late to a cap traditional murder case in which they elevate the charges. The other thing from a defense perspective is the mother being embroiled in this by vir chie of some conspiracy. So will we see charges elevate as to him and will we see charges against the wife, the mother of the child. So id be very concerned from a defense perspective based upon what i heard yesterday. Thanks so much. We know bond was denied and moves onto the trial phase. Well see what happens and the timing on all on that. Breaking niez out of jerusalem this morning where violent clashes have broken out at the funeral of the palestinian teenager that was killed. Rocks, bottles all hurled at the funeral of mohammed abu kadir. Ben wedeman is live in jerusalem now. Ben . Reporter yes. These clashes are on going. Theyve been continuing now for three and a half to four hours. What we have behind me is a group of israeli policemen theres rocks coming in. Im going to step aside. But ill continue to talk with you. This is the aftermath of the funeral of the boy. There were well over a thousand people attending that funeral. As soon as the funeral was over as shiure as the rainfalls in december, the clashes began. And this is the third day of intense clashes in jerusalem since the discovery of the body. And it doesnt look like these clashes are going to be subsiding on a daily basis. Now the end of the fast is about two and a half hours away. So we can expect a lull then. Often times what happens when the sun goes down and everybodys had their evening meal, the clashes begin again. Not just in this part, but the nine other neighborhoods in jerusalem as well. You mentioned days of clashes now. Are these clashes growing day to day . Reporter well, theyre basically this is the most these are the most intense clashes weve seen in the last three days. By its been a daily occurrence, all day, almost all night occurrence. The only real lulls are when the fast breaks in the evening and then the Early Morning when people are sort of resting from their exertions of the day before. So the question is, is it going to continue. That is on the minds of many people. In are some people saying is this the beginning of a third palestinian its impossible to say. There are frustrations. Theres anger among many palestinians with the situation here in jerusalem, in particular throughout the west bank. And then theres the situation in gaza. So you have many potential flash points. As you can see here in jerusalem, this flash point is getting quite hot. Ben wedeman, we appreciate your reporting and certainly please be careful while youre here. Its a delicate and complex situation. Lets bring in an expert joining us on the phone right now from maine. Aaron, how concerned about you about what were seeing there in jerusalem this morning . Weve been lucky over the last 18 months that the Israeli Palestinian region has been quiet. These killings of the israeli teens and then what appears to be a revenge killing of the teen has demonstrated this conflict has a perversion neighbor nae. They are literally yards, meters and kilometers apart and this is also occurring during the holy month. As ben pointed out, offers a lull during periods when fasting begins, but it guarantees a certainly intensity is going to continue. So and if that werent bad enough, you have the intersecting problems of confrontations in gaza and the prospects again of a kind of ethical toir cycle. We saw this, you have confrontations. If they lead to deaths, then you have funerals. And the funerals as weve seen produces additional confrontation. I dont believe, though, as bad as it appears that were on the verge of a sustained explosion that its going to end up in what they describe as a third thats an optimistic thought. Aaron, were having a little bit of a hard time hearing you. What would it take do you think given the escalation of what were seeing there to make sure that we dont go past a breaking point of some sort . Do different governments need to get involved at this point do you think . I think this now as a certain momentum of its own which is going to have to play itself out. They have tried to broker a cease fire between hamas and israel. Even hamas do not have a stake in the kind of escalation that would lead to a massive and sustained confrontation. I dont think the bulk of the palestinian public focused on other issues want as well. By the blood is up now and individuals acts unanchored from government and we just have to hope that rationality and the balancing force that often do regulate conflict in the israelipalestinian arena come into play. Thank you for your time. Still to come, more undocument immigrants are expected to arrive in california today and tensions are very high. We are live there. Good morning. Reporter and theyre already gathered here. You can see that protestors on both sides of the immigration debate parked outside this Border Patrol station. Well have all the details coming up. Norfolk southern whats your function . Hooking up the country helping business run build were investing big to keep our country in the lead. Load we keep moving to deliver what you need. And that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. Cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey thats nice Norfolk Southern whats your function . Helping this big country move ahead as one Norfolk Southern hows that function . The fight over american citizenship reaching a fever pitch this fourth of july. Ground zero, california where the government may be bringing in more buses of undocument immigrants for processing. Protests are expected, and some people fear it could be uglier than what we saw earlier this week. Dozens of angry protestors were shouting go home as they met the buses that were transferred from texas. We are follow thg all. Attention u. S. Border patrol reporter a lone Internet Radio host and a side kick continue to protest. Theyre bringing this in. Reporter he and others promise theyll be out in force for an anticipated fourth of july arrival of more undocument immigrants to this facility. A move dividing this once Quiet Community in southern california. After this, the blockade by protestors forcing three buses of 140 undocumented migrants from central america, many of them women and child, to leave. Then a heated town hall pitting resident against resident along cultural lines. Marietta is this weeks ground zero for u. S. Immigration policy. I dont think the city is prepared for this. Reporter whats driving these two sides . Marietta resident steve who never took a political stand before has gone from the bus protest to verbal sparring at the town hall and promises to keep the heat on. These people are so probably excited to be here. Then they look out the windows and whats happening. Reporter you were blocking their way in. Not because of them. Because of Standing Firm letting the officials know this is not the right way to handle this. Reporter on the other side, marietta resident better known for his partying mexican music has become a new hero. After this protestor spit in his face and others shrunk visual and verbal slurs at him. It was completely uncalled for. We are here on a protest. We act like adults. Were not here to fight. Reporter mirroring the national fight. Both sides digging in and refusing to back down on this independence day. Live here now in california youre looking at the Border Patrol. Theyve blocked off the entrance to the Border Patrol station. Standing just to the left of the entranceway you can see these are pro Migrant Group protestors. On the other side of the street, this is the antiimmigration group. So both of the side are here already. We dont know if any of these groups, these the 140 that arrived on tuesday, if theyre even going to be coming here because immigrations and Customs Enforcement now says they will not be telling anyone citing safety concerns. Interesting. Theyre keeping hush to calm the tension thats there. Stay with us. I want to bring in an immigration attorney. This all started in texas. Yesterday, governor rick perry asserted that letting undocumented immigrants stay here in the u. S. Is actually worse for them. Whether its whether its the right decision from my perspective to immediately deport them or the short sided and tragic decision to turn them loose in the United States, some may think allowing them to stay here its more humane option. I assure you its not. So david, what do you think about that . Well, look, i think that we need to take some sure footed approaches and we need to protect these children. Lets look at this in context. These kids are coming through mexico. Theyre coming because of criminal smugglers, drug cartel corridors. These kids arrive hungry. They arrive tired. Theyve been abused. Many of the young girls have been raped. Our prior mare purpose is primary purpose as a country should be to correct these children. We stop that awful flow. Somebodys making a lot of money off that flow. I think the president this week announced some surefooted tough measures to take care of it. We have to protect those kids. Listen, if we continue to standby and do nothing while these children are persuaded to come up here and many of them, by the way, die along the way, are raped, are killed. That poor boy from guatemala found near texas, all of that will be on us. All of it will be on us as americans and we need to stop the flow. Everybody, i think, can agree that this is a situation that is just a tough one on both sides. How are authorities handling that there in california . Have you gotten any word of if today is the last day that theyre bringing people there, or is this something that you anticipate is going to continue . Reporter weve asked that directly to immigrations and kiss toms enforcement. What theyre telling us is because of what has been happening out here, they dont want to public size exactly where these migrants will be taking their movements because everywhere theyre going, theyre anticipating that this is what people are going to see. And they are concerned about this conflict, this clash between the pro immigration and pro Migrant Group pro migrant sgroups antiimmigration forces. Tla are concerned about what happens in these small towns. Because whats happening, in order for the federal government to cope with it, these are the communities theyre going to. The communities are saying they want to be involved in the conversation before they arrive here. Previously it was in arizona. These immigrants being bussed and flown into different states now because texas is so overwhelmed by the streams of immigrants coming in from countries in central america. David, what do you think are the obama administrations options . Ive heard the idea that maybe an ankle tracking bracelet would be one idea instead of detention centers. There are plenty of options. You know, americans, and especially today when we celebrate americas birthday and the welcoming nation that we are, the fabric of our culture which comes from immigrants from all other the world, that said, you know, whats inflaming these people in georgia, you know, when i see the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and a representative from california going down to the border yesterday for a photo op at the border rather than staying in washington and working with the president to solve this problem, theyre inflaming. The gop house of representatives by doing nothing on immigration. But what would be the solution . Yeah, we see the politics playing out. What do you thinks the solution because this has to stop. Its a humanitarian crisis at this point. Youre right. The solution number one is to stop that flow. Number one, you shut down those corridors in mexico. Number two, you make sure the information in places like guatemala and honduras is correct that there is no there is no easy stay in the United States when they get out there. Now, we do have to deal with the tens of thousands of children that are here. How do we do that . Well, we have to protect them. We have to make sure they are screened for asylum claims, screened to make sure theyre not subject to severe trafficking. We have people within the department of homeland security, thats what they do. One suggestion i think would be to send them down there to make sure these kids can be fairly and quickly screened. But the lions share are going to have to go back. David, we have to leave it at that. Ty so much for joining us. Continuing to stay on top of this reporting. Still to come, its been three years since the Death Penalty trial of the century. Well bring youny details about Casey Anthony today. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. 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America riveted, waiting for the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. Now we have exclusive new photos and details never revealed at the trial. July 2011, hundreds gather outside the courthouse in orlando, florida to wait for a verdict in what many say was the Death Penalty trial of the century. As to the charge of first degree murder, verdict as to count one, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. The case ended as dramatically as it started. Theres something wrong. We found my daughters car today and it smells like a dead body in the car. We had a missing child that was absolutely adorable. And a beautiful young woman mother, 22 years of age. And had the grandmother screaming on the phone. Suspicion fell on Casey Anthony. Police believed her stories werent adding up. Her little girl taken by the nanny no one could find. Pictures like these, suggesting that while her daughter was missing she was partying. An experienced Death Penalty lawyer was watching from the sidelines while anthonys attorney was coming under scrutiny for his lack of experience. He asked for help. Mason decided to meet with anthony. They brought her into the room. Im sitting there looking at this child herself. This cant be. But it was. The state gave notice they were seeking the Death Penalty against anthony for the premeditated murder of caylee whose skeletal remains were found close to the familys home about five months after she went missing. Could she look you in the eye . Oh, yes. What was her demeanor . She was afraid. Unsure about really anything, what was going to happen. Mason in his new book describes for the first time calling caseys parents to his office late on a friday afternoon shortly before jury selection began. Mason had just received word that caseys handwritten letters describing sexual abuse by her father were about to be released publicly. We had them one at a time come into my personal office and made the announcement and told them. Its going to be a bad day for you george. And i felt man to man that i would tell you in advance. What was his reaction . Basically none. He looked at me and kind of turned sideways a little bit and put his hands down and let out a big sigh and didnt say anything. George anthony never admitted to mason any Inappropriate Conduct with casey. Then called mom in, cindy and told her and she immediately welled up with tears and emotion and cried and was very upset. Once a jury was selectsed, this Death Penalty trial began. And the attorney turned the case on its head by announcing this bombshell in his opening statement. And it all began when casey was 8 years old and her father came into her room and began to touch her inappropriately. I didnt know that he was going to say that. I was concerned about that because i knew that we didnt have the ability to prove that unless george got on the stand and confessed. Prosecutors made George Anthony their first witness. Have you ever sexually molested your daughter Casey Anthony . No, sir. Testimony in the case continued for weeks as witness after witness and Forensic Experts from around the country took the stand in this circumstan circumstantial case. Secret plea discussion that would spare anthonys life were beginning. Casey wouldnt have any part of it. She was very angry about it. She didnt want to talk about it or hear it. So the trial went on and then that verdict heard round the world. Juror number 12 were the these your verdicts. Yes. Anthony was free, but the hatred against her was stronger than ever. The publics opinion of Casey Anthony hasnt changed much. This couple has remained close to anthony. She does not have any blood family anymore. She has no contact with them. And Casey Anthony lives in an undisclosed location in florida. Her former lawyers do what they can to help her. And Casey Anthony declined a request for an interview. Its been three years already. What is a typical day like for her now . Well, she lives in a home with other people. She gets up, she does housework, clerical duties, so she makes her living inside this home. For whom, we dont know. But she does the House Keeping duties in this home. She does not veer outside. Sometimes in the middle of the night, shell go out to get exercise, but nothing during the daytime. Sounds like a lonely life. Thanks so much. Thank you. Still to come, president obama set to ring in the fourth of july next hour and a special honor for some of the Nations Service members. The cadillac summer collection is here. During the cadillac summers best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around 459 a month or purchase with 0 apr and make this the summer of style. It can help your business save money. 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Some of the Service Members coming this year are unique because they signed up to serve, to sacrifice, potentially to give their lives for the security of this country even though they werent yet americans. Thats how much they love this country. They were prepared to fight and die for an america they did not yet fully belong to. I think theyve earned their stripes in more ways than one. Reporter i believe right now you can see pictures of the east room. That event gegt under way very soon. We expect to hear about the contributions made by foreignborns to the military. Hell talk about the contributions they have made to ail walks of life. The president frustrated with republicans in congress who refused to hold a vote on a comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, said hes going to do everything he can within his executive power to make as much changes and improvements to the immigration system as he can. Todays event really speaks to the power of executive action. It was an executive order signed by president bush in 2002 that made it possible to expedite the naturalization of people who served honorably in the u. S. Force. The fourth of july is also a special day in the obama household for another reason. Its their oldest daughters birthday. And today she turns the big 16. Happy birthday. And well be right back. [ brian ] in a race, its about getting to the finish line. In life, its how you get there that matters most. Its important to know the difference. Like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. My doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. And that i had to take action. So he talked to me about xarelto®. [ male announcer ] xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesnt require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. [ brian ] for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. 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Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about xarelto® today. For more information including savings options, download the xarelto® Patient Center app, call 1888xarelto, or visit teamxarelto. Com. We want to share with you some great pictures coming out of the National Archives in d. C. On this fourth of july. Lets listen in as they recite the declaration of independence. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain rights and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. [ cheers and applause ] that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. And that the declaration of independence. Thanks so much for joining me today. Im ana cabrera. Enjoy your fourth of july. At this hour with berman and michaela starts after a quick break. Shes still the one for you. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Hurricane arthur is working its way up the east coast after hitting North Carolina with 100 mile per hour winds. Its heading out to sea now. But could still cause trouble for folks along the east coast. Were going to show you what to expect. We were all in shock because we all knew him. Its just still disbelief not knowing what to think. An emotional interview with the friend of the georgia father whose toddler died after he left him in a hot car for hours. Does she think hes

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