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Evidence of political interference with the cdc. A source tells cnn that controversial cdc guidance put out last month was published by the Trump Administration without going through the normal scientific review process. That guidance said asymptomatic people do not need to get tested unless their part of a vulnerable population. Just to add to that, this afternoon that guidance was adjusted yet again, once again stressing that anyone who has been in contact with an infected person should be tested for covid. Lets start this hour at the white house. Lets go to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. Were waiting for the president. Hes a bit late. What do you expect him to address . Reporter well, weve been told by the White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany that the president is talking about Vaccine Development and the Administration Time lines to get a vaccine ready and to begin to distribute it out to the American People. Kayleigh mcenany said today theyre expecting to see distribution or starting to happen by the end of the year. But, of course, weve heard from people like dr. Fauci, dr. Robert redfield that full vaccination of the American People, broad distribution of this vaccine out to the public, will likely take manies. And that youre not going to have the entire country guarded against this virus through a vaccine until sometime in 2021. That is in conflict with what the president s political timeline. He wants the public to think that by election day hes going to wave a magic wand and have this disappear. And that is innot the case. An with the nation running up against this dreaded milestone of 200,000 deaths, it could debl that by early next year according to reject projections, the president is feeling pressure. My sense, brooke, that is the thrust of what he wanted to talk about this news conference. But he wants to respond to joe biden. Biden had that taown hall on cn last night and biden was saying, you know, get mad at President Trump for these lockdowns. It is because the president that you have these lockdowns forcing people not to live their lives as back to normal because of what his management of the coronavirus and his response to this pandemic. And so obviously the president is going to want to come out and respond to joe biden. And for whatever reason, were really delayed here, brooke. This was supposed to happen at 2 00 and then pushed to 2 30. It is 3 00 and were still waiting to see what the president has to say about his plans for a vaccine. He has been trying to paint this rosie scenario as you know, brooke, for weeks and weeks now that somehow well have a vaccine by election day and so on and hes just been at odds with the scientists over the reality of all of that. And add to that what you were just mentioning a few moments ago, that there appears to be meddling and interference every step of the way. The cdc just today, just updated the guidelines on the website for getting people tested who were asymptomatic. Hhs had interfered apparently with that and put guidelines on the cdc website that essentially said that if you were asymptomatic you didnt need to be tested and that had Public Health experts across the country tearing their hair out, including people inside of the task force because they know asymptomatic people could spread the virus. And the president will likely be asked about that, what is his answer to this, why has he and his team been meddling politically with something as important as cdc guidance for testing for the coronavirus. Very serious questions the president. Well see how he answers them. Thank you for teeing up everything well be listening for. I appreciate you at the white house. And as jim pointed out, as mixed messaging continue to take a toll on public confidence, and Science Behind covid, pressure is building on dr. Fauci to be the final voice when it comes to a vaccine. Want you to listen to what joe biden said last night at our cnn up to ha town hall when he was asked about vaccines. I dont trust the president on vaccines. I trust dr. Fauci. If fauci said a vaccine is safe, i take the vaccine. We should listen to the scientists, not to the president. Dr. Fauci for his part is promising to take responsibility for the safety of a vaccine. Here he is. Do you assure all of us that if the corners have been cut, if there is something sideways or wrong with the process, that you will tell us and take the heat for that . Yes. The answer yes, the answer is yes hes saying. Elizabeth cohen is standing by with more on this. So elizabeth, what is the task force saying now about the timeline for a vaccine . Reporter the timeline to the vaccine, i think has still been the same since what dr. Fauci said in january, which is a year to 18 months. So he said that back in january. So that is the very end of this year or the beginning of next year. That is what he has said repeatedly and hes really pretty much stuck to that. If we had a vaccine even a few million in november, it could make an enormous impact on the health of the country but it is also true that everyone who wants a vaccine may not be able to get it until mid next year. Reporter and so as were learning more about vaccines i think it is important to make the distinction that we just sort of heard that there is a difference between oh, a vaccine has authorization from the fda to go on the market, and the vaccine will be widely distributed. That is not an on off switch. It will be a process to vaccinate the entire country, brooke. On the subject of schools, a new study finds half of all School Employees are at risk of covid infection. Why . What is behind the increased risk . Reporter you could think of the folks who work at schools and in many ways are reflective of the entire population. When we hear at risk, people at high risk for having complications of covid, dont think it is just sort of the 90yearold grandma and grandpas. It is a lot of people. People you know. It verywell could be you. As i said, it may be reflective of the entire population. If you look at all School Employees, 51 of them are at an at risk or increased risk rather for having a complication of covid for getting very sick or dying. When you look at low skilled support staff, it is more than 58 . Again, reflective of the population. Folks who have less education, tend to have factors that put them at a higher risk for a complication. Teachers and assistants are lower, that is 38 and Skilled Staff and administrators, 39 . And we mean being or older, being obese and having diabetes or high blood pressure, all of those things put together or even by themselves put you at a high risk for having a complication of covid19. I want to start on this point with my next guest. Thank you so much. With me now, cnn medical analyst dr. Amy compton phillips and from Providence Health systems. So welcome. And just on liz wedges reporting on this increase health risk for School Employees, what should schools be doing to number one protect employees and number two how should that impact inperson teaching plans. So, it is really important for schools to do everything they can to protect not only the students but people that work there. So the cdc did put out guidance this year on what to do. If the community is safe to open in person schooling, in order to do that you need to do certain things. Ensure that groups are cohorted so that the staff is well as students are not exposed to a large number of others but keeping the numbers small. Making sure there is social distancing, being able to eight lunch together in the classroom rather than in the cafeteria, where you get again much broader exposure. So following the guidelines that allow us too both keep kids in school, as well as to keep the staff themselves safe is really critical. And by the way, wearing a mask is essential. I hear you. On the point, we saw the map on the top of the show, a red and orange and green signifying new cases across the country and new numbers show that the nation has a 7 day average of just under 40,000 new cases up 13 from a previous week. I want to know is this just the post labor day spike and it will drop back down or do you think it will continue to climb . Oh, hang on one second. Here is the president. So a lot of work has been going on with respect to the vaccines. Very successful work, i might add. We have three great, Great Companies doing somewhat different variations, but theyre all looking very good, from the beginning of the china virus all nations have understood that our top priority must be to develop a vaccine as quickly as possible. To end the pandemic and get life back to normal. The successful vaccine will not only save millions of lives, it will put an end to the restrictions and some of the things that go on and have to go on in the meantime. Today i want to discuss the historic progress were making to deliver a safe and effective vaccine in record time. And there has never been anything like this ever. In the history, there has never been in history, period, world history. Since jarn americans brilliant doctors have been working around the clock and the best medical minds and the vaccines are going through the Gold Standard of Clinical Trials and very heavy emphasis placed on safety. Three vaccines are already in the final stage. Joe bidens antivaccine theories are putting a lot of lives at risk. And theyre only doing it for political reasons. It is very foolish. It is part of their war to try and discredit the vaccine now that they know that we essentially have it. Well be announcing it fairly soon. As part of operation warp speed, my administrations manufacturing all of the most promising vaccines in advance and actually it will be fairly long in advance. As soon as a vaccine is approved, the administration will deliver it to the American People immediately. Distribution will begin within 24 hours after notice. And the general, i think those are the words specifically you wanted us to use. Yes, mr. President. And massive amounts will be delivered through the great military. The general is one of our best and hes ready to go. Well have manufactured at least 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year. And likely much more than that. Hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to have enough vaccines for every american by april. And, again, ill say that even at that later stage, the delivery will go as fast as it comes as they can deliver. Theyre very good. Best, i think probably the best in the world. The estimates im providing today are based on manufacturing in process and that is in process immediately right now. Weve already exceeded our Ambitious Goals under the defense production act, contracts that weve secured. We may even get far above these numbers, the numbers that im telling you today. I think well exceed them very, very substantially. And i think that also includes distribution. I think distribution will go even quicker than most people think. And relying on our military. Everything our done with our military has worked out very well. In a short time well have safe and effective vaccine and defeat the virus. Interestingly as i was saying that it will go very well, just like what we did with our military with respect to isis, went very well. Long ahead of schedule. They have been incredible in working with me. Lets go to puerto rico. Because puerto ricos been hit very, very hard by a lot of different storms and theyre great people. It is a great place. I know it well. Great place. Today my administration is making the largest emergency relief award in history to rebuild puerto ricos electrical grid and educational system. Were awarding 13 billion to permanently repair and replace thousands of miles of transmission and distribution lines that should have been done many years ago. This was beyond even the storm, it was just age and a lot of the salt the salt from that ocean is a killer for electrical stations and Power Generation systems. But on top of the salt, you have the massive storms or hurricanes come in. And maria in particular was a disaster. But for many years theyve been trying to get there done and they have been had the political will power in washington to get it done. So were going to get it done for them. Were also going to be bringing back very, very major amounts of medical work. We see that pharmaceutical manufacturing at levels that few places had and a lot of it left puerto rico and were going to bring that back. Especially now since our emphasis is going to be making our product, so were going to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to puerto rico. A lot of it left over the years, over a long period of time. It has been leaving and going to china and other places. So were bringing all of that back. This is done in previous administrations. Id like to just point out, weve done more for puerto rico than anybody. And this is just an example of it. But weve done more for puerto rico by far than anybody. Well also be launching a major effort to repair and renovate the schools across the island, following hurricane maria, my administration immediately deployed the full power of the federal government to bring the electric grid back online so they could at least temporarily and it certainly wasnt a perm net fix. It was ripped to shredded before the storm came in for many, many years theyve been trying to do it. But wei wanted to make emergenc repairs to Critical Infrastructure which we took pair of and saved countless lives which we did. Feels response in puerto rico included the longest sustained air mission supplying food and water in american history. We supplied it for long after the hurricane was gone. The largest disaster commodity Distribution Mission in u. S. History and the largest sea Bridge Administration in federal disaster aid u. S. History. My administration is also prepositioned vast quantity of relief of the future disasters unfortunately puerto rico is in in the way of a lot of different storms. A lot of hurricanes. And the island is now stocked with nearly eight times as much Drinking Water and 13 times as much food as it had before i took office so theyre ready to go if something should happen. They got brushed by a storm recently, but theyre in a good position. So were going to bring back medical distribution and manufacturing to puerto rico. And at a level far greater than it was before. All right. Were going to pull out of this and im going to bring in Gloria Borger who is our chief political analyst, because the president just threw out a lot. So let me look and this is what the president said. This is what i jotted down. On the vaccine. I heard the word immediately will distribute to the public immediately within 24 hours and got the yet from the military member sitting next to him. He said there will be 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year and then hundreds of millions a month. We will have enough for everyone by april. By april. Thats pretty declarative. It is. If you ask me. It is. And we heard from dr. Redfield, the head of the cdc this week, saying to congress that the vaccine would not be available until the middle of 2021. 2021. So here we have what is the American Public supposed to believe at this point. That is exactly what im sitting here wondering. Why should they believe him . Well, you know, the hope is that you can believe him, of course. The hope is that hes telling you the truth, that the vaccine has arrived, the calvary is there and there will be doses for every american. Every american. Every american. Not just people with preexisting conditions, not just the elderly. Every american. By april. Now, we dont know from listening to the president and maybe well get it later, what kind of vaccines these are. How they will be stored. What the Distribution System will be. Where they will be available. Nothing. Just this huge promise that its here. Ive done it. Operation warp speed is a success, Mission Accomplished to a certain degree. But i think, you listen to this and you go, oh, fabulous and then listen to the scientists and we havent heard it from pharma. Right. We havent heard it from moderna, from all of the producers of the vaccines about what their timetable is and how this would be distributed and are they safe. We dont know. Hang with me. Because neither of us are vaccine experts but i have dr. Peter hotez is waying in the wings hes from baylor. So dr. Hotez, you just heard all of the definitive statements from the president and again if true this is wonderful news. Could this be . Well, it was a bit confusing. Because it was vaguely worded enough that you could interpret it a lot of different ways. Look, here is the situation, we have three vaccines from operation warp speed that are in phase three Clinical Trials. The two mrna vaccines, one from pfizer and one from moderna and one from astra zeneca, oxford, that is on a pause right now because of a potential concern around the two pauses that theyve had in the fda is now reevaluating that one. So we could take that one off the table for a little bit. So lets look at the two vaccines. We have no idea if they work and no idea if they are safe. All we have is data from the initial phase one trials that didnt show any major problem but now theyre going phase three trials and by the end of the year, the many people think and including myself that there may be enough data accumulated through those large phase three trials which are run through operation warp speed, that well know if these vaccines and maybe three if the astra zeneca one gets back up are either safe or effective. That is all we really know. The part about the manufacturing, these are being scaled up in manufacturing with the hope that if one of the three actually works then well have it ready to go. And then there will be hang on one second. Lets listen back into the president. And the most exciting part of the package isnt necessarily the billions of dollars, it is going to be what we do with the pharmaceutical industry. Were going to get them back into puerto rico. They like being there. But they changed the tax situation. They ripped it out. So they ripped apart the island and were going to bring it back. It may be simply coincidental but it does coincide for the big push for puerto rican voters that the Biden Harris Campaign well they cant do anything. What they did, they hurt ive gone through it and whether it was president obama or Vice President biden, they were a disaster for puerto rico. A disaster. And what were doing and what weve done. But what were doing is something that will be fantastic for many years in the future. Bringing back the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing in puerto rico is what theyve wanted for years and were doing that. In addition to the 13 billion. Yes, please. Mr. President i think i heard you say that you expect to have enough vaccines for every american by april. So as we sit here in midseptember, and there have been questions about the timeline, could you walk us through now and the beginning of april to which every american can have a vaccine and we may exceed those numbers. Scott, do you want to discuss that, quickly . Sure. As has been said many times. From the podium, please. Okay. We have all of the people that are involved in the actual Vaccine Distribution here. But we were just going through this, as of the end of the year well have over 100 million doses manufactured. The people would are on the prioritized list including high risk and First Responders will have the ability to take the vaccine, no one is being mandated to be vaccinated. At the latest in january. And as we said yesterday and or i think yesterday, there will be hundreds of millions of doses delivered for people to take it during the First Quarter and so that by april every single american who wants to be vaccinated will have the ability to be vaccinated. It is not a force vaccination, of course. And dr. Fauci said today basically echoed dr. Redfields comments that q2, q3, the summer of next year, the entire country potentially or as Many Americans that need to be vaccinated will be vaccinated. Is that the time line. That is on the we think we could beat that number very substantially. And on tiktok, if you dont mind. The Congress Department gave you a runway today to strike a deal after the election. Do you expect the tiktok deal before or after the election. I think it could go quickly. We have Great Companies talking to us about it. You know about oracle and microsoft, has been involved and well see whether or not theyre continuing to be involved. Is a Great Company and very much involved. They want to do something. So we have some great options and maybe we could keep a lot of people happy but have the security we need. We have to have the total security from china. Were not going to do anything to jeopardize security. At the same time, its an amazing company, very, very popular. So if we could do a combination of both, i would be happy. It could go very quickly. It could go very, very fast. Yeah, please. Mr. President thank you, mr. President. On kuwait, to the ambassador to kuwait to austria this week told the iaea that they are concerned over the constant breaching of the jcpoa and today have you discussed where they stand this week as we go into u. N. , as the United States tries to extend sanctions on iran. They just left my office, as you know, the oval office and we have a very good meeting with the appemir. Theyre very excited about a lot of things happening in the middle east. Theyre so excited that we signed the first two countries and i think theyll end up fairly quickly being a part of it. I would have seven or eight countries that want to be a part of it without even working very easily very quickly. Nobody thought this would happen and not only is it happening, it is happening rather easily. We discuss that very briefly because that is an easy one, believe it or not, that whole thing is now a beautiful puzzle coming together very nicely. But we are talking to them and others about various aspects of the middle east. The middle east is straightening out with all of this happening. Weve brought a lot of troops back, and a lot are coming back in the near future. Were out of syria, but i kept the oil. I kept the oil. And we have troops guarding the oil and other than that weve out of syria. We took them out of the border between syria and turkey. We had a lot of troops on the border. We got it down to 50 and i think it they were in great danger. If youre the u. S. , 50 people are in great danger, we took them out. But had a lot of troopsond border and we took them out. Theyve been fighting on the border for 200 years. And a lot longer than that under different names. And they could continue to do that. That is not for us. Were guarding our own borders. Were doing very well on our southern borders for example. So were out of syria except we kept the oil and well make a determination and deal with the kurds and the oil and see what it all ends up. But well be out. And very importantly, were down to very few soldiers in iraq. And were down, well be down very shortly africa the next couple of weeks to 4,000, less than 4,000 in afghanistan. And then well make that final determination a little bit later on. Well dealing very well with the taliban. Theyre very tough and smart and sharp. But it is been 19 years and even theyre tired of fighting in all fairness and we served as a police force because if we wanted to do what we had to do, we would have fought a lot differently than they have over the 19 years, didnt fight it properly, they were police, okay, theyre not police. Theyre soldiers. So there is a difference. The police, nobody has more respect for police than i do but they have to do their own policing. So that is a very good discussions with the taliban as you probably heard. It has been public. And but well be down to very shortly, well be down to less than 4,000 soldiers. And so well be out of there, knowing that certain things have to happen, certain things have to be fulfilled. But 19 years is a long time. 8,000 miles away. 19 years is a long time. And the middle east equation, if you look at what has happened if you looked at the stupidity of decisions that were made including the deal that was made, take a look at what happened with iran, had that deal stayed, had i not broken that deal you could never do the deal where i am now where the countries are pouring in. I had two calls this morning with countries that want to know when can we go into the deal. They want to go. It is not that were giving anything. They want security. They want peace. And theyre tired of fighting. It is incredible. Theyre tired of fighting. Theyve been fighting for so many years. Theyre tired of fighting. Thank you very much. Mr. President. A question on the vaccine but first on the puerto rico. I heard you many times over the past couple of years saying that p puerto rico got too much money. Last year he said it is one of the most corrupt places on earth. That is true but you said never again. You said Congress Gave much money to puerto rico. Because were building it up as a great pharmaceutical manufacturing area where were going to be taking back a lot of the bhiz business that we let go for years and were going to bring it back. They were very good at it. They did a fantastic job. But they destroyed it with their tax policy. They made it impossible for people to stay so they went to china mostly and other countries. Puerto rico has been very corrupt in terms of the politicians. You see that. There one after another. It is been unbelievably corrupt. And were studying that and working on that and we think we have a good group of people, were working well with the politicians right now but i think more exciting than the dollars and you have to do something with respect to their grid. Their grid is a disaster. Their generators are wiped out and theyve been wiped out for years. Long before maria came. Theyve been wiped out for years. So if we could build puerto rico back into a pharmaceutical manufacturing area, were going to designate it as search. I think it will be unbelievable for puerto rico. Unbelievable for the people of puerto rico. And we could make it very successful. And a larger question on the vaccine and on other issues regarding the experts in your government. Last night you criticized what Christopher Wray told congress, your fbi director and you obviously said that the cdc director was flat wrong on a couple of things this week. How is it that you dont trust your own experts . Do you think you no, i think i have yeah, in many cases i do. I think we have a bigger problem with china than we have with russia. I think china is a far bigger problem and i said, well, that is okay if you want to think about russia. But what about china. I think that is appropriate. I thought that the definition of antifa was an absolutely incorrect definition. So i speak up. I like to speak up. I have fantastic people. That is why were able to make these great trade deals and why were able to do things like were doing today. That is why the country has done so well. The country has done numbers like nobody had we not had the china plague come out and if that virus didnt come in, the call it the plague from china, didnt come in, the numbers we had were not only recordsetting, but beyond anything anyone has ever seen in any country, frankly. Now, we closed it up and now were opening it up. And by the way, the democrats are opening up their states and open them up, fast. The faster the better. Because theyre hurting their people. A lot of damage done with these extended shutdowns but we saved millions of lives by doing it the way we do it and now were opening it up and you see the manufacturing numbers, you see the retail numbers. You look at the employment numbers. Theyre setting records. It is an incredible thing that is happening. Had the plague not in we would have been at a level that nobody has ever seen before. Nobody has ever seen. But even before it was at the highest stock market best unemployment numbers and employment numbers. Were up to 160 Million People, just short of 160 Million People employed. We were never close to a number like that. And now were doing it again. And next year well have a great economic year. I think one of our best. Yeah. The Postal Service planned on sending 650 million face masks to americans back in april. That never happened. Why not and was it i dont know. I dont run it to be honest. That is run by a commission. And they run it, i think, frankly, if they would raise the price of packaging, you would end up making a lot of money or breaking even or doing something. The post office has been a mess for many, many generations. But for certainly decades. And it loses a lot of money. It is always lost a lot of money. And one of the reasons it loses a lot of money now is that it is delivering all of these packages and every time they deliver a package they lose 3 a package or whatever the number may be. So i would suggest that they raise the price of packages. And you might get something where it loses very little or maybe broke even or maybe even made some money. Could you imagine a thing like that . And whether it is amazon or any of the other internet delivery services, if you did that, youd have a whole different post office. So hopefully theyll be doing that. In the meantime, i know so many people in the postal system and over the years theyre incredible people. And theyre very secure. Theyre going to be very secure. You know the problem with the ballots, it is not the post office, the problem with the ballots is the people sending the ballots and the people counting the ballots. And who are they sending them to. Where are they being sent . Are they being sent to the wrong areas or not being sent at all . There will be tremendous corruption if they dont do something about it. Now one big hope is that were in front of numerous federal judges in nevada, were in front in pennsylvania, as you know, were in front in michigan, we have Numerous Court cases out there that are very well advanced and youll start seeing decisions just like we won the case on opening up pennsylvania. That was a great decision by a judge. That came down two days ago. And that was a very important decision. So, but we have a lot of very important decisions coming down on this scam of unsolicited ballots, where theyre sending out tens of millions of ballots to everybody, people who didnt expect them, people are gettingigetting inundated and showered with ballots. Everybody in this room knows its a scam, okay. Everybody in this room. Even john. Dont say it, john. Because its a scam sending ballots sending ballots, they are never going to be able to count them. People in the white house vote by mail. That is called solicited. When you solicit, when you go out, it is called absentee or solicit. When you go out and you request a ballot, you want to say, i want to vote because i cant be in florida or i cant be someplace, you request. So youre sending something in. It is handled professionally. They send it back. It is a whole thing. That is much different than unsolicited. When you get millions of ballots, i heard numbers like 80 million ballots. Now just this week they had another one, another one of the disasters that took place. And election. But look at what happened in new jersey and another one in new jersey, a very bad, different than patterson, look at what happened in new york, with caroline the congressman, murphy. Carol maloney. Look at that. I mean look at that race. Carolyn maloney had a race, it was a disaster. Ballots are missing and fraught. These are small races. Look at what happened in virginia. Look at what happened in various other parts of the country. And these arent 80 million or 50 million or 20 million votes, these are small Congressional Elections where in theory it is easy. So what will happen on november 3rd when somebody is leading and they said, well, we havent counted the ballots, we have millions of ballots to count. It is a disaster. Everyone knows it is a disaster and i dont expect people here to say, although some people will say it, everyone knows you dont have to know politics to know, and that has nothing to do with post office by the way, where are these ballots going, who is sending them, who is signing them. You have in nevada, you have a governor that signed something where he doesnt even want verification of the signature. So he doesnt want verification of the signature. So i think it is going to be a terrible time for this country and were counting on federal judges to do a great constitutional job when they theyre right now analyzing it. Many, many federal judges, i think five or six, but many federal judges, i could tell you in pennsylvania, big in nevada, very big. I believe it is in front of a judge in michigan. We have a lot of judges that have not yet ruled on this. But if its ruled in a different manner or rules where these millions an millions of unsolicited people that arent even asking. It is such a different. You write in and ask and they send it to you and you sign it and send it back. That is perfect. That is absentee. There is nothing like going toer booth, by the way, nothing. Where they check you as you go in. There is nothing like that. That is absentee, that is okay. But the scam of sending millions and millions of ballots. You know who knows this better than i do. The democrats. They know it is going to be amess. Tremendous numbers of missing ballots. You could be talking about large percentages of the ballots are go f going to be missing. There is going to be fraud. Let me follow up. And it is easier for me not to bring it up and Everybody Knows im right and you dont have know a lot about elections or politics, this is going to be the scam of all time. And hopefully the federal judges, all respected, all highly respected, hopefully theyll be able to see this clearly and stop it. Okay. Thank you very much, everybody. I want to congratulate puerto rico and i think youll have a great period of time. Think youll see a rebuilding of puerto rico. Thank you very much. Is it still a scam if you win, sir. We hit on a bunch of things. Hes continuing the false claim that there is mailin voter fraud and that there is some huge difference between mailin absentee voting. There is not. And he and his family continue to absentee vote. So well come back to that in a second. I wanted to make sure we fact check that. On the vaccines, dr. Hotez, for people just tuning in, the president said theyll have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year and then have hundreds of millions per month and that they said definitively that everyone, if they want one, everyone will be able to be vaccinated by april and then scott atlas jumped up there and said the high priority folks, front line workers will get the vaccines in january. And again, this is in stark contrast to what weve heard both from the director of the cdc, dr. Redfield and also dr. Fauci saying it will no, it will be closer to mid 2021. You were saying earlier that youll believe the manufacturers. So when people are watching this, who to believe, dr. Hotez, the president or the scientists . Well you always want to go to the scientists. There are just too many unknowns right now for either the president or dr. Atlas to make those statements. First of all, we dont even know if the three operation warp speed vaccines actually work or if theyre safe. We have to know that, of course. And we are manufacturing at risk so i believe the manufacturing numbers are possible. But then depending on when vaccine of the three works, or if all three works, well, we dont really have the details on the distribution. Let me give you an example, brooke. The Pfizer Vaccine needs to be stored at minus 94 degrees farenheit. That is a deep, deep freeze. Believe it or not, your local pharmacy or supermarket does not have that capacity for that level of freezing capacity and certainly at scale. So it is not a matter of just going to the pharmacist to get vaccinated, we have to implement a specialty system just for that participate. If that is the vaccine that emerges as the one that is working and safe, could we vaccinate all of the country by april . I dont see how that is possible. So there is a lot of unknown questions. We have to really take it in stages. We have to see witch of these vaccines is working and then conservatively start making certain that all of the information is available to the Scientific Community to review, if the vaccine is released under an emergency use authorization rather than full licensure and then we have a priority list for this population should be vaccinated. But i think it is not helpful to give wildly optimistic projections saying were going to have the whole nation vaccinated by april. Dr. Redfield gave a much more conservative estimate which is still really fast. I mean, to have the nation vaccinated by the end of 2021 will still be a world wind speed record. That is what ive been saying. 2021. Dr. Fauci more or less and now dr. Redfield. I think that is a much more realistic time frame. And im not even certain why this is coming up today in this type of press conference. There is no news today. Weve not learned anything in the last 24 hours or anything. But dr. Hotez, what is happening in seven weeks . Yeah, of course. I mean, that is the point. So there is nothing scientifically that happened that would prompt the president or dr. Atlas to make any comment. So clearly from my perspective, im not a political scientist, it looks to me that early voting is going to start soon so hes trying to put out any potential optimistic messaget he can. But there is no news today, i think that is the important point. You know all things vaccine. Im listening to you very, very carefully. Dr. Hotez, thank you. Stand by because daniel dale, let me bring you voice into this. Our goto fact checker. Because one of the things that the president said pretty much out of the gate is he was taking on joe biden saying that biden is against vaccines and weve heard, at least talked about it in our cnn drivein town hall about how he and Kamala Harris and in that dana bash interview, where they wont trust the president s word, they would trust the scientists. That is the difference, right . That is right. Biden has not made any general comments in opposition to vaccines in general or specifically a coronavirus vaccine. Hes promoted any antivaccine conspiracy theories all he said is that he doesnt trust trump in general or on the issue of vaccines and that we need to hear from respected scientists. If scientists approved a vaccine, i would take it and people should take it and he said if dr. Fauci approves it, then woe take it and people should take it. And i should add that wasnt the only false claim here. Literally almost everything the president said on the issue of mail voting was inaccurate. Mail voting is safe, reliable and flot fought with fraud. There are not 80 million unsolicited ballots going out. There are close to 45 million sent out to all registered to voters. It is not true that nevada is not verifying voter signatures. That is made up. It is not true that there were fraud and missing ballots in the new york Carol Maloney and disregard constant misinformation or disinformation xs it is just garbage. Thank you so much. And Gloria Borger, David Chalian just shot me an email on the vaccine and i want to read this. To make the point about vaccines and how americans are feeling in terms of trust, with whatever that first vaccine may be. This is just out today. Among all adults just 49 say they would choose to be vaccinated if a vaccine for the coronavirus is made available to them. 44 say that they would not and that is a shark shift since august when 60 said that they would choose to be vaccinated. And that said the shift comes across party lines and demographic lines. Just given what we just heard, from what you heard from dr. Hotez, saying trust the scientists and how americans are feeling, what do you think . Well i think those numbers make an awful lot of sense and ill tell you why. If you look at numbers on whether the people trust the president of the United States and how he has dealt with covid, the answer is upwards more than 60 of them dont trust the way hes dealt with covid. So consequently it makes sense that they would be very nervous about a vaccine. And i think that that is that is what were seeing. And the reason were seeing it is precisely this press conference today. This is the cart before the horse. So as far as i could tell, and the doctor was saying this, nothing has been approved by the fda. Nada. Correct. Not one vaccine. We dont know what kind of vaccine it is. We dont know whether you have to be vaccinated twice. We dont know where it is available. And on and on and on. And the public hears this. And the first reaction is naturally, wait a minute, i dont know anything about this vaccine. Would you take a vaccine you didnt know anything about . No. You would have to go to your doctor or say well this is for these people and this is i mean you have to figure this out. This is your health and your familys health. So some Election Year promise and that is exactly what it is, ive got to get it done. Just like im going to give puerto rico that aid which i have not given them for their natural disaster. Can we talk about that for a second. Hang on. Yes. So hes giving 13 billion to puerto rico for aid. Like wonderful news for puerto rico. But, lets remember, a. , this hurricane happened in september of 2017, john call pointed it out, he was checking the president and saying, you sir, have referred to puerto rico as corrupt, you have said congress has given them enough, theyre not getting any more money. What gives . Wasnt there also a trade in the works or a thinking about greenland for puerto rico or we seem to forget all of these things. Look, this is electioneering and it involves people in puerto rico who need this money. The president said well i want to bring back pharmaceutical industries and blames obama and biden for something. That he could have done something about it a long time ago of course. And on a vaccine, this is the same thing. This is, okay, whether you go to the polls, just think about that im getting this done. And dont forget, the president also tweeted about virginia, virginia has started early voting today. You see the lines at the polling places. And what was on his mind . He was tweeting about how terrible the democratic governor is in virginia. So, everything is about the election. So, you know, were already skeptical of politicians in our country and with good reason. But not whether it comes to our health. I think we need a lot of information. Yes, agree, transparency and all of us, eyes wide open. Gloria borger, youre so good. Thank you so much. Thanks. Were also waiting, let me show you more live pictures, to see the former Vice President joe biden. He is set to speak from minnesota this hour and this comes as he launches a new effort to win over working class voters. Im brooke baldwin, youre watching cnn. Well be right back. No coverup spray here. Its the irresistibly fresh scent of febreze air effects. [harsh aerosol spray] cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, buryiodors in a flowery fog. Switch to febreze air effects febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air. And it uses a 100 natural propellant to leave behind a pleasant scent youll love. Use anywhere odors can spread. Freshen up, dont cover up. Febreze air effects. Omnipod delivers insulin through a discreet waterproof pod. To help simplify life. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging. Take your insulin anywhere with a small tubeless pod. And the wireless controller helps deliver the right amount of insulin. Covered by Medicare Part d. Get started with a benefits check today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information and instructions for use. 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Reporter gone is the red carpet and the audience of stars. Things are going to be quite different. Reporter this years emmys are virtual with stars accepting awards from home. Yeah, i mean, i get to bring my dogs to the emmys. How often is that going to happen . Reporter jimmy kimmel will host from Staples Center, a larger venue than normal. This is what makes me feel comfortable. Reporter social distancing is planned for the crew and star presenters like Morgan Freeman and open ray winfrey. I think this is going to be a moment where people are going to address black lives matter movement, climate change, politics, we have an election just week as way. From 113 locations across ten countries. Reporter to boost the fun factor, live cameras were sent to stars homes. Were hearing that the tv academy is trying to feel out with the mainly nominees would they be comfortable having somebody essentially in a hazmat suit deliver an emmy statuet to their door as they win . Reporter come as you are but make an effort. For some people that means theyre going to wear tuxedo pajamas. Other people i spoke to Tracee Ellis Ross and she said she doesnt care what is going on, she is dressing up. Reporter hbos work, the watchman is among the giving t pandemic boost. People who are looking for things to watch have been bingeing past seasons. And now producers say that only about a dozen stars are going to be in Staples Center on sunday. So keeping everybody very far apart. But with all of that pandemic bingeing that people have been doing, folks might be the most prepared for this one than they have in the past. Tuxedo pajamas for me, please. [ laughter ] stephanie, thank you. We mentioned a moment ago Vice President joe biden is on the campaign trail today in hermantown, minnesota. Here he is at last nights cnn town hall. I really do think this campaign is a Campaign Train scranton and park avenue. All trump could see from park avenue is wall street. All he thinks about is the stock market. Cnns jessica dean is there. If there is any doubt that minnesota is a key battleground state, just know that trump will be there today later as well. Tell us about his strategy. Reporter were going to have President Trump about 150 miles from here later tonight. Joe biden is just behind me. Hes been touring a Carpenters Union hall here just outside of duluth, minnesota near the iron range here in the state. You ask what are his travels telling us . If you look at where joe biden has been in the last several weeks since september 1st, hes been to pennsylvania quite a bit, hes been to michigan, hes been here to minnesota. Hes talking to people in skrapton, talk to Union Workers in michigan. And you heard thatbit that you just played from last nights cnn town hall when biden really started to frame this race as scranton his hometown versus park avenue. And he kind of talked a little bit about how he views donald trump as someone whos protecting wall street, that he as someone whos from scranton really, you know, leaning into this middleclass joe persona that hes had all these years is a person that understands White Working Class voters. Those are places, scranton, michigan, here we are in minnesota, thats where those voters are. Those are voters that the Biden Campaign wants to bring back that perhaps voted for donald trump in 2016. They think that this message will resonate and that that will matter when it comes to election day. Brooke . Speaking of messages resonating, we know that the Biden Campaign has spent a record amount of money on tv ads in battleground states as they are avoiding the doortodoor campaigning because of covid. Whats the messaging there . 30 seconds. Yeah. So youre hearing a lot of the same thing. Were hearing about his workingclass roots. They just released a new one aimed at veterans and military families. Specific ads for latino voters, black voters. Theyre doing a lot of targeted ads across television. And they are using these record fundraising halls to their full potential in the Television Ad world really buying record numbers of Television Ads as we head into election day. Seven weeks away, here we go. Jessica dean, good to see you. Thank you so much. Thank you all for being with me. Im brooke baldwin. Lets go to washington. The lead with jake tapper starts now. This is cnn breaking news. Welcome to the the lead. Im jake tapper. We begin today with breaking news and new comments from President Trump based seemingly more on hope if not desperation rather than scientific fact as of now. Now, to be clear before we bring you this news, we want to let you know there is no covid19 vaccine that is available right now that is proven to work and is proven to be safe. There is none. But President Trump just promised that every american will be able to receive a vaccine by april and that the distribution of millions of

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