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Were waiting to see if the president takes questions. If he does, ill bring that to you. The president s visit comes as tens of thousands of firefighters are working all around the clock to get these flames under control. In addition to the nearly three dozen deaths, dozens more are missing. Millions of acres are burned and the weather could make it all worse. That is not the only Severe Weather threat facing the country right now. You have hurricane sally, which is rapidly gaining strength, it is slowly creeping toward the gulf coast. Evacuation orders are underway in parts of louisiana and mississippi with hurricane warnings extending all the way to that alabama florida border. Lets start there, ed lavendera is live in new orleans to see how people there are preparing for the storm. But jennifer gray, im starting with you, our cnn meteorologist tracking this hurricane. Just bring us up to speed as far as where sally is headed and how strong it is when she makes landfall. The storm is strengthening rapidly as you said. Already a category 1 and could be a category 2 within a matter of hours. So were looking at a potential highend category 2 at landfall just a couple of Miles Per Hour away from becoming a category 3. So this could be a strong cat 2 at land fall. Gusts of 115 moving to the west northwest at 7 Miles Per Hour. Now this storm is already reaching the coast as far as the outer bands go, the Florida Panhandle through the big bend down to the south florida coast, already feeling the rain. But this storm is going to move so slowly, that is going to be the big takeaway from this storm. It is not going to just get in and get out. This is going to basically meander still be here wednesday morning, just on shore and it could be thursday afternoon here. E the storm gets out of so this is going to sit. This is going to produce a lot of rain. And it is also going to produce a lot of storm surge with a storm just sitting in one spot. Youre going to get that push of water for a long duration. Were talking about a foot to two feet of water across the mississippi, alabama course. Of course, new orleans, you are on the fringe. If this tracks to the west, the levees and pumping systems are going to be tested. So it matter wheres the storm makes landfall when were talking about new orleans. All along this coastline, though, were going to get inundated with rainfall as well as that storm surge. We could see 7 to 11 feet of storm surge along portions of mississippi and other areas five to eight feet. So this is not going away quickly and there is a lot of rain and storm surge to deal with. So lets go then straight to you mentioned new orleans where ed lavendera is standing by and months into the pandemic and on top of that folks in the beautiful city dealing with preparing for a hurricane. How are they handling it . . Well theyre watching very closely as are the outlying areas here in Southeast Louisiana where over the course of the last day the warnings have gone out, the evacuation orders and many of the lowlying places have also gone out. But as jennifer mentioned, the concern isnt just Southeast Louisiana, it is the mississippi coastline as well. And people and local officials are urging residents to get three days worth of emergency supplies ready and to not wait too long to make that happen. Because once the rain bands starting it gos to be very difficult to get out and about and get what you need in these situations. So that is a area of great concern here, is to get people prepared for what could be a long weather event here along the gulf coastline. And here in new orleans, there are about 12,000 people who evacuated from southwest louisiana. On the other side from the storm damage from just several weeks ago from hurricane laura. Many homes desired in that region. Many people evacuated and holed up in hoets here in the city of new orleans. No plan to evacuate from the city of new orleans. Those evacuation orders exist for the areas outside of the levee Protection System here, brooke. And that is the smeystem put in place after Hurricane Katrina and to help the city and it is exactly 15 years ago that this part of the gulf coast was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. Cant believe it is been so long since and just hearing about the hurricane and how it would churn, excruciatingly slow and people know what that means all too well. Ed, thank you. Well keep an eye on new orleans and that part of the southeast u. S. Back to the devastating wildfires ripping through california and oregon and washington. California has been absolutely hammered with more than 3. 3 million acres already scorched so far this year. In the last month alone at least two dozen people have been killed and more than 4,000 buildings destroyed. Kyung lah is live in los angeles. The stories with just devastating but youre covering the battle in the foothills. Explain how theyre bringing the water in just to fight these fires. Reporter it is timing just a tad bit off but basically this is a reservoir behind me and weve seen cal fire bring in to this reservoir and going into the foothills. If my photographer could pan over this way, you look at houses and then the battle is happening in the foothills. You see how hazy that is. That is smoke. 36,000 acres have burned. 6 containment. This is a very large fire. 300 homes are under mandatory evacuation. And a thousand more are under an evacuation watch. If the winds do not help today, the prognosis according to cal fire, they are very worried about what will happen to this slowburning fire. But expand this out to the entire Western Region and some 4. 7 million acres across the western United States, there have been at least 35 people who have died in these fires. From oregon, to washington, to here in california. And brooke, you were talking about heartbreaking stories, were hearing stories about a 13yearold who died as hes tried to drive his grandmother out of the fire. Young parents who lost their 1yearold trying to find some way to save their lives. So the stories are heartbreaking and also this entire area, the air quality is simply atrocious. It is dangerous to be outside in most parts of the western United States. In fact, in oregon the air there is among the worst in the world. Brooke. Were talking to a volunteer fire chief in oregon who has lost her home as have several of her volunteers. Fire station gone. So well talk oregon in just a second. Thank you so much for that. Now, President Trump. He refuses to acknowledge the role Climate Change plays in the extreme weather were seeing across the country. The former Vice President joe biden is making Climate Change a Central Point of his campaign. Biden slammed the president during a speech just this afternoon about the wildfires and the need to tackle the current Climate Crisis and m. J. Lee was at that event. Shes live for us in wilmington, delaware. So m. J. , biden went after President Trump during that speech. Tell us what he said. Reporter he did, brooke. And keep in mind, we are 7 weeks out from election day and this is joe biden clearly wanting to make sure that he is staying in the news and offer some counter programming to donald trump. And in large part recently he has been doing that a lot by talking about covid 19. But today he used the issue of the devastating wildfires in california that we just heard talking about there and tieing that more broadly to the issue of Climate Change and what he said today is that there is an undeniable acceleration of Climate Change that were seeing across the country and there are extraordinary weather conditions and phenomenon, whether it is drought or hurricane or rising temperatures that should be rare but are becoming more and more frequent and when it comes to donald trump, he straight up called him a Climate Change denier and said if we have four more years of Donald Trumps presidency, the hellish events will become more common and more deadly. Here is more of what he had to say. This is a crises of our time. It requires action, not denial. It requires leadership, not scapegoating. And it requires the president to meet the threshold duty of the office, to care. To care for everyone. To defend us from every attack, seen and unseen, always and without exception. Reporter and, brooke, it is also worth pointing out that overall joe biden painted a pretty dark picture of everything that is going on in the United States right now. He said all at once we are seeing four national crises, the pandemic, the economic crisis, the Climate Change issue that he talked about and also the prevalence of white supremacy. This is clearly joe biden trying to reach out to voters who feel like they might be affected right now by any of those four things, brooke. M. J. , thank you so much for that. Coming up next here on cnn, a new warning from the Worlds Largest vaccine manufacturer saying if two doses are needed, it could take four or five years for everyone to get this thing. Plus bob woodward released a new recording where he claims, quote, nothing could have been done to fight the pandemic. Well discuss. And she was protecting others from the wildfires and the flames destroyed her own home. A fire chief in the middle of the fight there in oregon joins me live. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. When its hot outside your car is like a sauna steaming up lingering odors. Febreze car vent clips stop hot car stench with up to 30 days of freshness. Get relief with febreze. combative yelling he used to have bad breath. Now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. combative yelling therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. Therabreath, its a better mouthwash. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. 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The three for example that are in phase three Clinical Trials in the u. S. , those are all two dose vaccines. You get one dose and three or four weeks later you get a second dose. So it is a good guess that the vaccines that end up working will be two doses. And what this manufacturer is saying is, look, we cant snap our fingers and make those. It is going to take time. This is an unprecedented act to produce vaccine for the entire world on very short notice. And weve talked about it before, that two doses is a big deal. It is double everything. Not just the vaccine, set that aside, it is two sets of syringes, two sets of vials and everything that sounds so small. And needles, they are ever where. Look at what happened with testing. That got delayed. Look at what happened with ppe and that got delayed. And now we have more of a lead time but Still Producing these things, manufacturing them and getting them into gear is not instantaneous. It does take a while to get that supply chain going. Brooke. Which would make sense that everyone couldnt get this if it is a twofer until years from now. Thank you. Lets get medical perspective. Dr. Lena wynn. When you hear it could take four or five years to vaccinate everybody on the planet for this Covid Vaccine, what do you make of that . Im not surprised. Because were talking about 15 billion doses that have to be distributed. And in the u. S. Alone, hundreds of millions of doses distributed twice. And that is not taking into account that maybe this is a vaccine that we have to be giving every year. Like the flu vaccine. So we should look at the vaccine and the approval as a beginning. It is certainly not a silver bullet. We should be looking at how could we live with this virus. Including with all of the hygiene measures, the hand washing, mask wearing, social distancing, that will continue for the foreseeable future even if we have a vaccine that is approved. Question, if it is two doses and im no doctor but you are, would it be like a onetwo, bang your done with your two doses or come once and then come six weeks later and get the second . It is the latter. There is going to be a separation probably for a few weeks or a month. And so this is another reason why we have to get all of our coordination up to par. All of the issues that elizabeth mentioned with the syringes, the vials, all of the supplies and also we need to make sure that people could go to places. Whether it is the pharmacy or the Doctors Office to get all of the shots. I got it. Let me ask you about this new bob woodward audio. This is the 19th and final phone call that cnn obtained between President Trump and bob woodward. This is from a month ago. Everyone listen to this. It is going to be a contest between you and biden, it is going to be a contest between both of you and the virus. The virus is because it is in real peoples lives, you know, all of those tens of millions people who dont have jobs, who dont have i know. Listen, i mean, you know nothing more could have been done. Nothing more could have been done. I acted early. I acted early. Well this will be the history that we start the first draft of. And it will continue. So you think the virus totally supercedes the economy . Oh, sure. But their related as you know. No, but, yeah a little bit. A little bit. Well more than a little bit. But the economy is doing look were close to a new stock market record. Dr. Nguyen. You just heard the president say twice nothing more could have been done on covid and he acted early and we know neither that those are true and more than 168,000 americans have died at the time of the call. And there were fears about a labor day surge and how to safely reopen the schools, something the president pushed very hard for. And you heard him. The focus was on the stock market. What goes through your mind when you hear that . So many things. One of them is that Public Health is not the enemy of the economy. Public health is the road map to safe reopening of our economy. The other thing, too, it is just not true that nothing more could have been done. Imagine what a difference it would have made if from the very beginning we had mobilized a National Response and if we have testing to start with, we may have been able to avoid the draconian shut downs that had an impact on the economy. We certainly could have saves tens of thousands if not more lives if we have mobilized a stronger response without the mixed messaging early on. And what is the most tragic of it all is that were facing 200,000 more deaths by the end of the year. And by now we certainly know what its in order to rein in this virus. The most tragic thing is that were still not doing what it takes to save lives. Well you look at the president as an example setter, a leader of this nation and flouting his own Task Force Guidelines with rallies. Ill show you pictures. These are the scenes inside of that henderson, nevada, rally yesterday. The governor called the event when violated Public Health rules, shameful and irresponsible. Trump said he doesnt feel nevada rules apply to him. But what if the president decided today, dr. Nguyen, to start enforcing the guidelines at rallies and make people wear the masks, do you think it would have an impact or is this just too far gone . It would absolutely make an impact. Because the future is not preordained. The trajectory depends on our behavior now and for better or worse, for maniles of americans, President Trump is their role model. Right now we have events in nevada and other places that are custom made for a superspreader event. It would be something indoors with tens of thousands of people gathered for long periods of time, shoulder to shoulder flaunting mask mandates. I wish the president would talk about how Wearing Masks is our patriotic duty. It is a way for us to protect one another, to show each other that we care and in that we dont get to talk about individual liberty when we are committing others to a sacrifice that they did not make. Dr. Nguyen, thank you so much as always. Coming up, she was battling the wildfires raging on the west coast when the flames destroyed her own home. A fire chief in the middle of this massive fight will join me live, next. Joseph rose mond, kip gotting, irvin hernandez, brady laybine, gee jong, and sergeants george escobal and cameron powell, thank you very much. And i will say that it is such an honor to be in your presence. Youll hear a story shortly that was very inspiring to me and to everybody else. And that is why these are very important medals. And it is great to be with you. Joining us are also warriors but warriors of a different type. Theyre called great congressman. And theyre from your area. Dog la mafla, thank you very much, appreciate it. Tom mcclintock, doing a great job and greg waldon and well miss you, greg, i cant believe youre not going to be there. Hes retiring, undefeated. Nobody would defeat him. And but it is a great honor. And it is really been fantastic working with greg. We worked on something in particular, right to try and we got it done after 44 years, we got it done. So thank you very much. Just over one week ago these brave pilots and crew members of the California Army National Guard embarked on a harrowing mission. As the sun set on september 5th, they boarded two helicopters that are behind me, then they flew into blazing flames, raging wind, and it was raging, and blinding smoke to rescue families who were trapped by the massive creek fire at the mammoth pool campground. While they were on the way to the campground, the crew received word from state and local officials and headquarters that it was far too dangerous to continue the mission, turned back. But they decided to continue anyway, knowing they might not return. They knew that people were in danger, great danger. As night set in, they could see almost nothing through the miles of dense smoke. Using night goggles and expert navigation skill they reached the camp. They found the stranded families. Many of whom were badly burned and injured and loaded as many as they could on to the two helicopters. Then they made the perilous flight back to the base and then they again risked their lives and flew back into the blazing fire to rescue more victims. Their superiors said you cannot do this. You cannot do it again. They did it. The smoke had become even more overpowering, yet they returned a third time. After ten grueling hours they completed their mission having saved the lives of an astounding 242 people. We are proud of them. [ applause ] that is an incredible story. And i spoke to some people that really didnt want you to do it. They didnt want to you go back on those flights. To each of you unyielding and undying determination lifts our nation. Youre what makes our nation great. And we thank you very much. Thank you very much. Incredible job. Over the last week these devoted soldiers have continued to rescue more stranded individuals from danger. In fact, less than 48 hours after their rescue at mammoth pool, they flew to another treacherous mission on the first two attempts they were forced to turn around and they were advised to abort the mission. You must abort the mission. But they chose to try a third time at great risk to their own lives through tremendous skill and incredible valor they saved 50 people from absolute imminent danger. Our nation is strong because of remarkable individuals like these Service Members in the midst of the greatest trials and Biggest Challenges america prevails because of the brave and selfless patriots who risk everything to save lives of people in many cases that they dont know. They have no idea who they are. It is like law enforcement. They save the lives of people that for the most part they have no idea who they are. But theyre so determined to do it. Today our country honored their courage and were inspired by their example and we thank god for the blessing and all of ourings that youre safe. Our nation has really benefited by your bravery and on behalf of our great nation, i thank you very much. As your president. I thank you very much. Great job. [ applause ] and now i ask the military aid to come forward and read the citation, please. Attention to orders. The president of the United States hereby awards the distinguished flying cross to chief warrant office five, joseph rose mond, kip godding, officer two brady levine, officer two irvin hernandez, warrant officer one gee young, sergeant georgia jr. And Sergeant Cameron powell of the Army National guard for acts of heroism on september 5th, 2020. The brave actions and superior airmanship resulted in the successful rescue of 242 adulls and children from the creek fire in central california. Their actions are keeping in the highest traditions of selfless honor and personal courage and reflects great credit upon themselves and the California Army National Guard, and the United States army. Want to take you to oregon here. I know a lot of focus, the president is there in sacramento. But oregon, they have really been hurting. They have been fighting the holiday farm fire since it broke out one week ago. Working around the clock, protecting homes and businesses and saving lives. These firefighters. But while this one chief battled to save her own community, her own home burned. And so did her fire station. Joining me now is fire chief christiania rainbow. Chief rainbow, how are you holding up . Im doing okay. Im tired. Were all tired. I cant even begin to imagine. Can you just take me back. How did you learn that your fire station and your own home had been destroyed . I didnt find out for quite sometime. We were actively engaged and we knew that the fire was spreading rapidly, it was bigger than anything that we had imagined. But i was holding out hope that my home, which is about 20 miles from the origin, was really hopeful that it wouldnt have burned. But it was a couple of days into the fight before i did find out. A little earlier on in the four volunteers that were on the line with me who did lose everything as well, they were pretty [ inaudible ] fire crews that were down chief, we dont have the best connection with you but let me just reiterate what you just said. That it is not only you, it is not just your fire station, but every firefighter who works with you is a volunteer and you were just saying that several of them also lost their homes. I hear you, youre exhausted. Im sure physically and emotionally i imagine your volunteer firefighters are as well. How do you carry on . There are a lot of things that still need to be done. Right now we have a lot of support and we are able to disengage and take care of personal issues that need to be taken care of immediately. But for that first week, it was really just our volunteers and the volunteers that came to help us. So not that there is more help and outside resources, weve been able to pull our people back to a more local focus and get them with family, put them in evacuation [ inaudible ]. I read about you and forgive me for jumping in, it is not the best connection. We should try again another day and i would tell you some get some sleep but i have a feeling youve been doing this for years and that is not in your future so much as you want to help so many people in your community and your own volunteers. Were thinking about you. Be well and healthy. Chief rainbow, thank you. Our best to you, truly. I want to move on. A pair of new York City School teachers are sounding the alarm saying the nations Largest School system is not prepared to safely reopen and they will join me live, next. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. 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If you know limu,g after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. In exactly one week students in new york city are slated to return to in classroom learning but some fear the city is not ready to safely reopen doors and the worries come as bill de blasio confirmed that 55 staff have now tested positive for covid. But teachers from the city schools allege that both the mayor and the department of education are not telling the whole story here when it comes to the state of their schools. They fear that the current plans leave more questions unanswered just days before students are supposed to head back and with me now two new york city teachers, rosie clark and annie tan, they teach in the same district just different schools. Welcome to both of you. Thank you. I dont fknow if your positions are at risk by coming on national tv and sounding the alarm but the message must be that porn. Rosie, ill start with you andainy chime in. What are the top three concerns for when students come back to actual class, even including the conditions where youll be teaching in. So, would you say the top concerns in new york city are building concerns, obviously the continuation over estimating the quality of the School Buildings. We have not gotten accurate ventilation reports, not gotten accurate and checking the buildings and make sure that ventilation is adequate. Right now theyre saying if you have one window that opens two inches, you have an adequately ventilated room which is obviously absurd. And i personally work in a building that does not have any windows that open. And we are really trusting that there are ventilation system that is keeping us safe and it is hard to know if that is accurate or not because no one is giving us any information. So windows, ventilation. What is your biggest concern . That this will spread. We know that Contact Tracing is in adequate in new york city. I have a number of friends that have positive covid 19 test rates and the schools havent had students in them yet. Some teachers are saying that they have gotten calls from con taft testing and tracing four days after getting exposed. So the city has so many holes in the system where people are going to be quarantined or not and possibly spreading the virus without even knowing it. We also dont have mandatory testing right now in new york city. So 55 Staff Members across the city have had covid19 on a week where we were all made to go into School Buildings so who knows how many people were exposed to coronavirus within this past week that we were in school. So let me follow up on that. So the 55 who tested positive, were you being tested youre in the teachers only work days. Were you tested before you went into school or are you saying some if not all of the 55 were in the schools with you all. It was totally optional to get tested. So the 55 tests are from people who have chosen to get tested. And so that means that i think only a fraction of our school work force has gotten tested at this point. I think the last count i heard was 15,000. It might be up from that by now. It was 17,000. But i hear you on the testing optional point. Let me take sure i do my due diligence. So the department of education and the mayor and i know youre saying theyre not being honest about all of this. So the threshold for opening a school, the percent of positive tests must be less than 3 using a sevenday rolling average and as for the 55 School Based Staff testing positive, the mayor points out that is now out of 17,000 who have been tested and this is what he said earlier today. Some people will test positive. And those folks will immediately get support. And after two weeks those professionals will come back to work and theyll complete the entire school year. The same will happen with some students. We have to remember that for the very small percentage of people who test positive for the coronavirus, it is a very temporary reality. Rosie, the mayor said it is temporary. Your response . I would like him to talk to the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people who experienced coronavirus and were sick for months, not weeks. Months. So this is not the same virus for everyone. Different people have different experiences. And i love that he thinks that after two weeks everyone is going to be able to come back and i love that he thinks hes actually going to take people out for two weeks and what happens to the students of the teachers who are going out for two weeks and what happens to the class while theyre not there so i feel like there are too many holes in this plan. I hear you. Because im out of time but i want to get this answer. Nod or shake your head. Do you feel like your school should open in a week . Are you ready . No. No. Okay. Okay. Lets stay in contact and in communication and well see what happens come next week and if things get better or not. And well talk again. You have my guarantee. Thank you both so much for coming on. I appreciate both of you. Still ahead here on cnn, several trump appointees face accusations that they tried to alter cdc reports on covid. Details on the allegations of political interference, next. At aetna, we believe in taking care of the whole you. Thats why we take a total, connected approach to your health and wellness. With medicare plans designed to help you age actively, and we simplify medicare by connecting you to the right coverage, resources and care. So you can keep pursuing the life you love. Aetna medicare solutions. Care, all around you. New evidence today that the Trump Administration is playing politics with the pandemic response. A federal Health Official tells cnn that trumpappointed Communications Officials at the department of health and Human Services pushed to change language to weekly scientific reports released by the cdc. That same source tells cnn that Paul Alexander not only reviewed the cdcs weekly scientific reviewing reports on the pandemic response, but regularly added his own input. The source says that some cdc officials believe the intent was to change communications by the cdc so as not to contradict President Trump. And it is yet another example of conflict within the Trump Administration between the president and his allies breaking down the limits on president ial power and those within the administration trying to push back. That is the subject of this brand new book. The United States and with me now the author michael schmidt. Michael, good to have you on. Thanks for having me. So, lets talk about this new report first. These arent press releases. These are weekly reports intended to provide the coldhard facts directly from cdc scientists. So with all that youve learned about this presidency, does this surprise you . No, it doesnt. Throughout the presidency, as i write about in the book, theres been a sort of mimicking of the president by the people that work for him. The people that are there have to decide are they going to do what the president wants . Are they going to bend to his will and go along with a narrative that he believes in and the facts that he wants to disregard. And, as i say in the book, the president essentially serves as a human mri machine to see into who the people are around him and what they are willing or not willing to do and what motivates them. Weve seen examples of these dating back to the first days in the administration and its not surprising that it continues to happen today. Well, heres another one from today the Trump Administration pushing a political agenda ahead of science. The Washington Post is reporting that a longtime Climate Crisis sceptic has been appointed the top post over at noaa, the National Oceanic and atmospheric administration. What does that signal to you . Well, in many ways, the president has been in search of these type of people from the beginning. And what hes done is hes rt so of gotten rid of folks along the way that were impediments to him. So hes at a point now where the john kellys of the world and the don mcgahns and the jim comeys of the world are gone. Hes gotten people to go along with these things. The early years of the Trump Administration should not be absolved. There were a lot of things thing that were different and abnormal. But it certainlies that the president is in search of the ultimate loyalists, that john kelly would not be one of those loyalists. The president now has those people, at least more of those people around him. What was it that came out with everything with bob woodward that john kelly would sit in the National Cathedral praying about just the state of the nation and the world because of this president . Weve obtained here at cnn even more tapes from the final conversation between woodward and the president. And, again, back to your book. You write that trump wanted to sit down with mueller but that his lawyers stopped him. What does that tell you about how and why he would give woodward these 18 interviews . I think that, in this you can sort of see in the broader aspects and what i write is that the president has never adjusted to or learned from washington in wanting to be different. Hes wanted it to bend it to his make and make it what he wants it to be. And he never has wanted to adjust to it. As i lay out, he wanted to use the Justice Department to prosecute his rivals. He wanted to do things that normally in washington would be looked at as like far beyond. But that doesnt seem to bother him. He has a willingness to push the limits in ways, whether its giving security clearances to his soninlaw and his daughter, despite the concerns of folks like john kelly. He has never given in to washington. And here we are two months from his reelection, potential reelection, and he has shown no interest in changing. Your new book, michael schmidt, thank you. Good to see you. Thanks for having me. Coming up, why the Worlds Largest vaccine manufacturer says it now could take until the year 2024 for everyone to get it. Look here, its your very own allinone Entertainment Experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. The lead with jake tapper up next on cnn. This is cnn breaking news. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. And we begin this hour with the politics lead. President trump is right now leaving california where he received a briefing on the deadly and devastating wildfires during a short stop on his campaign swing. More than 16,000 firefighters are currently battling 29 active fires in california right now. Western wildfires this year have burned millions of acres and killed at least 35 people. The policy differences on Environmental Issues between President Trump and democratic challenger joe biden could not be clearer. Biden echoing Scientific Consensus noted this afternoon that the increasing frequency and intensity of these Severe Weather events demonstrate a i

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