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Being rolled back. And whats the word from the governor . Reporter we are going to hear from him within the hour. We are expecting big news. We are expecting bad news if you call rolling back reopening bad news. California is right now hurdling towards a quarter million cases. More bad news from arizona, the highest death toll, the highest case count. In miami a Hospital System in southern florida said theyre going to stop elective surgeries to free up spaces, just in case. This is not the fourth of july that weve been looking forward to. Bars and beaches closing for the 4th of july, fireworks cancelled some places. Sounds wrong. But heres why. Los angeles county now has more covid19 cases than 43 entire states. The virus is just its waiting for us to letdown our guard. And what weve seen in california, i think its been surprising how quickly things have gotten out of hand. Reporter Record Numbers hospitalized in texas and arizona and 10,000 new cases logged in miamidade in just the past week. So, what now . The dimmer switch approach works when you have case numbers under control. You have to come in with more of a hammer, than a switch, to control this now. 37 states are seeing their case counts climb. 19 pausing or rolling back. Reopening. Reporter we moved out too fast before we had testing, tracing fully in place. The second thing is while we opened in phases, we went from one phase at the next phase to the next phase too quickly. So, we werent able to see the data. Reporter and not enough people wore masks. We could go back to the economy being reopened if people wore masks. Reporter and we knew cases would rise a little. But in 28 states all that deep red, theyve jumped more than 50 . Theres not a dark enough color on the map to accommodate whats to come. Were in a steep acceleration with no end in site. With officials gradually figuring out what does and does not work, more than 1,000 cases tied to one michigan bar. Indoor dining and bars are not a safe activity. Reporter new york city was due to open Indoor Dining monday, not anymore. We start Outdoor Dining on a vast scale. It is going great. It is much safer. So, were going to double down in that direction. A vaccine would be the game changer. And the fda says it will approve one just 50 effective. If we have an effective vaccine on january 1st, its still could be a year before we get it distributed in enough shoulders to make a meaningful difference. Last week, when we listened to the White House Coronavirus task force, there was no plan articulated. And that led me to believe maybe there really isnt a plan. Reporter and listening to Governor Cuomo in new york this morning, he was scathing of the white house response. He said the buck stops on the president s desk. Fact, he says the president has denied the reality of the situation from day one, and that denying reality does not defeat reality. Brooke. Nick watt, thank you for all of that. A former cdc disease detective. Also a cnn medical analyst. And the author of medical myths and why we fall for them. So, you are in california. Nick was just talking about the new restrictions expected to be unveiled today. 19 states, including california, pausing or rolling back their reopening. Will that be enough to reverse the sky rocketing trend . It certainly can help. What were trying to do is lower the r number by starting to close down telling people at home, continue to physically distance. We make it all that much harder for the virus to spread from one person to another. The big question is why are individual states being left to run a Global Health crisis alone . It feels very much like states like oklahoma, california, texas, florida, arizona, theyre dealing with these massive surges and they keep breaking daily case records in their states. And a lot of this comes back to the lack of leadership. And its why, from the outside, america is very much viewed as an infectious threat right now with talks of banning americans from entering certain parts of the world, the e urksz, for example, because theres been such a failure of getting this epidemic in hand. I know we talk a lot about dr. Tony fouchy. The number two official at the cdc, shes a real truth teller, a very credible scientist. She said the american situation right now, this is just the beginning. Wow. Just the beginning. Im letting that still sit with me as it feels like weve been in this for several months and months and months to go. The assistant secretary says the u. S. , quote, cannot test our way out of the current outbreak. That americans need to be more disciplined about their behavior. We talk about wearing masks, avoiding crowds. But President Trump refuses to wear masks and he continues to hold these rallies. How can the u. S. Turn the corner with all this mixed messaging . We need clear guidance. And i come back this point officials sidelining the science. So, Lieutenant Governor dan patrick in texas said just yesterday, i think, i dont need his advice anymore. Referring to dr. Fauci. The Top Public Health expert in the u. S. And just yesterday senator rand paul said why should we presume experts know how to protect the rest of us . Why do we need listen to you, along those lines . The messaging has been so delusional and in denial. Vice president pence in texas, over the weekend, said anyone who needs a test can get a test. Not true. Two weeks ago Vice President pence published an opedthat said the american approach is a cause for celebration. Its gaslighting at the highest level. Tell the American Public what they need to do to save lives because thats whats at stake here. I know. Its dangerous. Finally a new study that says the official u. S. Count for deaths linked to covid19 now at 127,000 people. Theyre saying that could be 28 higher. First, does that seem possible to you and second, why the discrepancy . It absolutely seems believable to me. Cdc director, dr. Redfield, said for every one american who tests positive, there are ten more infected and just dont know it. Ten more americans who are infected but were not testing them. Were not registering them in our daily case counts. So, when we talk about 44,000 new americans infoekted in the last day, were looking at 440,000. Epidemics in general, theres usually a degree of underreporting. But this is undeniably a failure of federal leadership and of testing. I cant believe, brooke, that almost seven monthinize to the Global Health crisis, were still having a conversation about the lack of Testing Capacity in america. And just ramp up the testing. Its such a basic first step. Good to have you back on. Thank you. President trump spent a considerable amoint of time tweeting, just not about the pandemic, not about the more than 127,000 americans dead from the virus. Not about a plan to protect american lives. Hes instead been busy firing off more than 20 angry tweets about the russian bounty plot, calling it a hoax. And repeating a nickname for senator elizabeth warren, and painting a symbol on fifth avenue a symbol of hate. And so, let me bring in cnn white house correspondent, kaitlan collins. Its demonstrably false. But what does this tell us about whats happening right now . Reporter tells you a lot about what in the press conference. Not going after him for what joe biden said, which was a scathing indictment of the president s response. Basically making him saying hes a wartime president saying hes surrendered, in retreat, as joe biden put it, and the president didnt respond to any of that on twitter today, instead talking about a teleprompter and answers and what not. And it comes as were seeing a larger picture of the president dismissive of the pandemic and not responding to or matching the same public message from people like dr. Fauci who said the United States is headed in the wrong direction and a troubling direction and theyre trying to figure out where its going from here. And the Vice President is the one in charge of Coronavirus Task force. Thats what the white house has said as weve asked questions like why hasnt he attendsed a Task Force Meeting since april . Butted hes going to arizona. Urging people to wear a mask. As the president is digging in on race and focusing on cultural battles he feels more comfortable with and refuse toads wear a mask in public because he doesnt believe its president ial. Does the president change his tacting here . Will he . Some aids say they wish he would because theyre worried how hes responding to this is going to hurt him come november. We know four years ago he loved bringing in the crowds from the rallies and you have a new information on the poorly attend attended tulsa rally. Michael glasner is the oprateding officer at the campaign. You see him beforehand. And weve learned hes being reassigned. Instead of being in the coo position, hes designated to be in charge of Legal Affairs with another aid and were told thats a direct result of what happened in tulsa. Hes fumed about the fact that he spoke to a crowd only partially filled. So, they made changes. There were concerns it was the campaign manager, who was the one talking about how many tickets had been reserved for the rally, and theres a dispute over how many thousands showed up. Certainly not capacity. We know Michael Glasner has been moved to a different position and no longer overseeing the rallies in the way he had before. Thank you very much. At the white house with all of that. Dozens of bar owners and employees marched on the State Capitol in texas as the coronavirus cases surge. And some are going as far as suing him. Well talk to a bar owner coming up next. And secretary of state mike pompeo is defending the president as theyre set to be briefed tomorrow on intelligence about just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces. For 45 days. Mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz a pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis when methotrexate has not helped enough. Xeljanz can reduce pain, swelling, and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Dozens of bar owners are suing for shutting down their bars, claiming theyre unconstitutional. Health experts say bars are perfect breeding grounds for the virus. So, Gabrielle Elson is one of those bar owners and she owns big daddy zanes in odessa, texas. And welcome to both of you and gabrielle, i wanted to hear from you first, briefly, tell me why you wanted to defy the governor and warnings from Health Officials and keep your bar open. Well, if i dont, im going to lose my bar. If i dont, my employees are not going to be able to eat. And i believe we have rights being trampled on right now. This is my savings, my daddys life savings. I cant afford to lose it. I cant do it. I want to come back to that with counterpoints in a second. But jared, i want to hear from you because gabrielle is one of many bar owners. What is it that youre arguing . Why should these bars remain open . Theres a host of problems with governor abbotts orders. First and foremost its unconstitutional in that only aerolegislature can suspend laws. What hes done through ga28 is hes picking and choosing winners and losers. Bar owners are sentenced to bankruptcy but if youre a salon, tattoo studio, barber, youre not just going to survive, youre going to thrive let me stop you right there because its not same. You go to a nail salon and youre wearing a mask, social distancing. If youre in a bar, we all know this, you have to move the mask around to drink. Some people get impaired doing so. Its not the same thing. I would argue in fact its more dangerous to be in a hair salon. You have that barber, who is on top of you, right next to you for 30 minutes. Wearing a mask. And the question with respect to bars, our plaintiffs were acting in a very responsible manner, applying social distancing, using hand sanitizers. The bar tender would rarely come in contact with who he or she was serving the drink to. But the tattoo parlor, theyre right nexed to you for an extended period of time. And i think her chances of exposure in a bar verses barber shop or tattoo studio is much, much worse in the former. And im sure bar tenders are doing the right thing and certainly the owners of the bars. If youre having a couple shots of tequila, are you going to keep the mask on . Let me offer a different perspective. The nations leading expert on Infectious Diseases and a member of the Coronavirus Task force says dont do it. Here he is. Congregation at a bar inside is bad news. We really got to stop that right now when you have areas that are surging like we see right now. But an answer to your question. Outdoor is always better than indoor. Outdoor distance, wear a mask, if you can, but you can have some social interaction. But he says specifically bars really not good. Again, this is the leading expert on Infectious Diseases in the country. Why is he wrong . In fact, some of our bar owners are having or serving outside. They were doing it outdoors. You compare a bar to a restaurant. Why is it okay for a restaurant to be able to be open at 50 capacity in the state of texas, where if you cross that 51 mark, youre automatically shut down. It means that bar owner, their employees and families are relegated to bankruptcy, the individuals who perform there, are relegated to bankruptcy. To that point, and let me put this to gabrielle because i understand this is about proteching your employees. I was reading the notes. Youve been paying them out of your own savings account. But you were arrested a month ago for defying the order. So, maybe youre not worried yourself about getting coronavirus. But if you care as much, as it sounds like you do about your own employees, why would you want them in harms way . Sure i care about them a lot. And id like to invite abbott and invite them all to my bar. I care about them. This is not going to go away. We have got to learn how to live with this. And what i care about is children eat. I care theyre able to pay their house payments and not on the street but gabrielle, people are dying. We have all these numbers on the side of the screen of all cases and deaths. Youre putting them at harms risk. Theyre going to die because of the economy. Whether youre right, it takes our rights away. You dont have that right. We are going to starve. You might be able to eat steak and everybody else, and i dont mean you in particular. But you cant tell me its not essential that i feed my family. You cant tell me its essential that dj feeds their family. I respect that. Im just you talk about infringing the rights, what about everyone else . Its like secondhand smoke. What about the lives and health of everyone else in the bar . If you want to stay home, stay home. If youre sick, stay home, dont come out. Do not put this on the bars. This is not right. We can sanitize, do our job just as well as anybody else can. You are not going to put me out ofz b. And we are going to have to learn how to live with this. And from day to day we get told this is what it they dont know what it is. They have no idea. We have got to eat. What about the suicides that are going to come out of that . What about the veterans that come into my bar that are so messed up for fighting for our rights . Of course, the veterans. Hang on. Theyre a vulnerable population. They are older. They are the last people who should be exposed. Dont you want to protect them, even if they want a beer and a good time . It is yes, i want to protect everybody that comes into my bar. I have that obligation. But they also have their rights. Im not going to take theirs away from them like mine are being taken away right now. The government has noz btelli b telling us how to deal with our health. Thats what were here for. They fought to give us this right. Youre taking my rights away. We cant even go to a funeral unless youre a big name. You cant go to a funeral to tell your loved ones i think this conversation is so important and people watching, you either fall on one side or the other but its indicative of how so many people in this country feel. Even if it were just one person i was reading your bar is holding a 4th of july event this weekend, kid friendly. I imagine, and you tell me youll take all the precautions. Are you making people wear masks and social distance . I am not going to make people do anything. I am not going to take their rights away. Children . Absolutely. Theyre more than welcome to come. Everybodys shutting everything down. What about them poor children . Their education gabrielle, we all have been shut in. I have had this virus. It is not fun. I would never wish this on my worst enemy. You do not want to expose people, especially young children, this weekend. Why wouldnt you make people wear masks . Explain that to me . Because it is a choice. It is choice for people to come out. It is not the governments right to take that choice away from us. Why are we sitting down and letting this happen . What is wrong . Ive talked to doctors saying these people dont know what theyre talking about. Listen to we, the people and why are you giving your rights up . Sures theres the virus. Leading expert says social distance. We respect the rules and we can gather down the road. Gabrielle and jared, i appreciate both of you coming on. I think this is important to be heard by everyone nationwide and i wish you good health. What do we want for dinner . Burger. I want a sugar cookie. Wait. I want a bucket of chicken. I want. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Vented now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. 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Saturday july fourth, eight seven central. Only on pbs. Senate democrats say they were given inficient answers and this is all coming down as President Trump dismisses the allegations as a hoax. And secretary of state defends the administrations handling of said intelligence. When the threat is sufficiently serious, the scale is of such importance, theres an action the president needs to be aware of and the information ive seen as sufficiently credible, then we make sure the the president is aware of that. The president has been consistently aware nootsz why weve spent so much time to reduce risk, in a way no Previous Administration has done. A pentagon report shows theyve been working to expedite the withdrawal. And the Trump Administration is close to finalizing the plan by the fall and serveden the National Counsel for the obama administration. Youvrl handled unverified threat information. How did the president not know . Hes knowingly negligence. You dont wait for fully verified threat reporting to brief the president. If you wait too long, that really hamstrings the ability of the government to respond. It might be too late. And they agree articles have caveats about intelligence, and they have caveats about whether there is a disconnect in the Intelligence Community about who actually believes the intelligence and hes aware of of a the caveats so, if hes on the phone with vladimir putin, he doesnt inflame the threat by talking about afghanistan. We have a president saying he wasnt briefed, even though the article was in the president ial Daily Briefing. And my big question is if hes only being briefed on fully verified threats, what else is he unaware of. . What other balls is he allowing to drop . Initially went from the president wasnt briefed and now weve landed on the president calling it a hoax. When it comes to the gang of eight briefing, it doesnt get the president ial Daily Briefing because i have questions about what specific content with respect to the reporting. Is the current state of the threat . Because if the threat is actually live and relatively reliable, the gang of 8 may want to take action with respect to that threat. So, question number one is whats going to there gang of 8. The gang of 8 should be conducting oversight of the administration and working with relevant committees. If in fact there was a serious threat and the president , a, didnt do his homework and read his briefings and if they were drafting on a response. The republicans are engaged in doing a pr stint. While democrats are trying to conduct oversight and insure if the threat is live, theyre going to hold russia accountable. Well see what reporting we can get out of it tomorrow. Good to see you, thank you. Breaking news. Californias single day new coronavirus case count just smashed its own record. Again todays count reaching over 9700, plus you have United Airlines set to triple flights come august, as another Airlines Says it may ban people who refuse to wear a mask. Details as we head to the fourth of july holiday weekend. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Gimme two minutes. Eligible for medicare. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 percent. Medicare will pay for. Whats left. This slice here. Well. Thats on you. And thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. 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Tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. A Medicare Supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. You know, the pizza slice. It allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients. And these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Whew call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. New today, the new record, reporting more than 9700 new cases. By far the highest reported since the pandemic started and it tops the previous high of more than 7,000 a week ago today se, lets check in for our latest headlines. In tempy, arizona. The situation is becoming increasingly dire with a Record Number reported just today. Thats thread governor to close down things that had been open, like gyms. But members of the gym chain behind me, about a dozen locations across the area. And people here at this location came in and out like its a normal day. One of them told me today Major Airlines are making major changes, essentially trying to make it what it was before the pandemic. United says its adding 25,000 flights since august. Its selling every seat on board the aircraft. They say not selling middle seats was for public relations, rather than health. They say theyll fill every seat as well and that drew ire, saying it will review decisions by airlines. All this means you have a higher chance of being on a completely full flight. And when you do, airlines are requiring that passengers wear masks. And yellow card to passengers who dont wear a mask, threatening to ban them from flying again. Thank you to our correspondents working across the country. Coming up, a deputy dies from coronavirus. And now hes still working to get the claim approved. That deputys brother joins me live. Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. With nutrients to help support immune health. A family in south florida is facing the unthinkable right now, after losing shannon bennet, the first florida Law Enforcement officer to die from coronavirus. The family filed a claim with aig Insurance Company for an accidental death in the line of duty. That claim, denied, twice. The family says the insurance giant told them that covid19 does not fall under the category of injury or accident and daren bennet is with me now. Im so sorry for your loss and appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Thank you for having us on. On behalf of myself, my family and means a great deal to us that you would bring us on. This is what aig said. Shannons death was caused, quote, in whole or part by sickness or disease, specifically excluded under this policy. Where do things stand of right now for you guys . Still at a stalemate, still at an impasse. I will say the Sheriffs Office has been amazing. They let us know they will fight for us. Theres attorneys deliberating on our behalf, even now. But at this juncture, its very much at a standstill. I know you have said this isnt about the money. So, what is this about for you and your family . Essentially about awareness. Heres the big premise, the upshot of our heart. You hear the word exclusion. Decade upon decade laws have been changed, modified because people have been excluded. And the laws have changed so the people groups could be included. And i dont think First Responders should be an exception. I think they also should be included, especially when it comes to the fact that theyre putting their lives on the line. If i could just be quite frank and say this if were looking for a law modification or amendment, there was 600 plus laws that were modified, and certainly the aig with the same bet there are other families in your similar shoes. More than 125,000 americans have died from coronavirus and many are First Responders. So what would you want to say to other First Responders families who may be going through a similar scenario . Please be vigilant, be wise, check your policies. I would say this to agencies that are colaboring with aig, if you love your First Responders, your essential workers make sure your dismantle your partnership with aig because if they submit to covid19 like my brother did, they did not be covered and their family will be stuck with looking for other avenues with which to have their loves one honored. And so again i would say simply look through your policy and be aware of what is going on out there. My final yes to you, i want to close the conversation honoring your brother. And tell me, why did he want to become a First Responders . It is a calling. My entire family, the bennett family, we come from a pedigree of First Responders. I served ten years with the Sheriffs Office, my brother joey in california served 25 years with the l. A. County Sheriffs Office and shannon did 12 years. It is what god made us to do. Im now a Public Servant. We are a Public Servant family. We shepherd and we love people and have a heart for people and that is shannons calling and he was willing to sacrifice his life to love people. Bless you and your family and again im so sorry, but keep fighting the good fight and well stay in close contact. Darren bennett, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. God bless. God bless. Up next, an Emotional Message you need to hear. One of my dear friends, one of the writers on the team is sharing with you two reasons why shes begging you to wear a mask. Have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Throughout our history any time something bad has happened to us. Weve recovered. We fall, we rise. We come together. We work together. We innovate and create. 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Before i go today, i want to share something with you that is personal. And it involves one of my long time writers on this cnn show team. A bright young woman who is near and dear to me. So this is chelsea mcginnis, pregnant with her twins, her first babies. She was supposed to them in june. The babies had other plans. Chelsea went into early labor in march just as the virus was sweeping her home town of atlanta. So you could just imagine, 32yearold chelsea and her husband walt blessed with two precious baby boys wyatt and cameron are on this strict four hour only visitation schedule at the Piedmont Hospital neonatal intensive care unit. So she cant take them home. She cant place them in her cribs that she and her husband walt have arranged and all start their lives together there. But because of covid, her situation is gut wrenchingly worse. She cant kiss her beautiful boys, she cant introduce them to their grandmothers who desperately want to help. She cant hug her other mother even after her emergency c section. I love you kmelsy, im sorry, im going to get through this for you. Chelsea and her husbands worlds have been rocked waning to love on the baby boys but consumed with keeping them from getting coronavirus and i asked can i share her story today and she said yes. And this is what she wants you to know so im going to read you chelseas words. Next time youre thinking about going out without a mosque and you think this one time wont matter or if i get it ill recover, please think of me, think of chelsea and my twin boys born premature at just 28 weeks. My husband and i have been through hell and back. We almost we almost lost of both one horrible night in april. The nurses called the chaplain and we already knew what it is like now to plead with god to let you keep your children. Please think of running into me in a hallway and an elevator or a grocery aisle. And if youre not wearing a mask, if youre not social distancing, you are unknowingly giving the virus to me and hopefully i dont get sick because i too am relatively young and healthy. But then i go visit my babies in the nicu for the four precious hours the restricted visitation rules allow. Please think of me scrubbing my hands raw at the surgical sink. Please think of our nicu nurses true angels on earth who sacrifice seeing their friends and babies to protect their friends and family, excuse me, to protect my babies. Please think of these two tiny boys, look at them, who have no idea about the world they will so soon be a part of it and the thousands families trying to protect immunocompromised children. If simply wearing a mask protects them, is it really so much to ask . So chelsea, thank you so much for those words. We cannot wait for the day that you get to bring those baby boys home. And thank you for such an important message. Im brooke baldwin. Thank you for being with me. Our special coverage continues now on the lead with jake tapper. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Welcome to the lead, im jake tapper. We begin with the health lead today. An alarming escalation in the coronavirus pandemic with a 75 increase in new cases in the United States compared to just two weeks ago, according to Johns Hopkins university. Totals more than 2. 6 Million People infected in this country. At least a dozen states are seeing homgs hospitalizations rise as well. Mostly in texas where there are curbly more than 6,000 coronavirus patients hospitalized. So far 19 states are either

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