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Canaveral. That was allowed to expire at 2 15. So everything in the clear, right. Not exactly. Were still looking at a 50 50 chance. But breaking it down, if you look at the radar here and well show the entire state of florida you have a line of thunderstorms from tallahassee, jacksonville that extend down into the everglades. But if you get into closer and what were going to see here in a closer inspection, youll see a red dot, we put that on the place where we have the falcon x launch site and youll see where titusville there is there. You notice the line of thunderstorms with the lightning strikes moving from the southwest toward the northeast. There is a clearing line back behind that next batch that is moving in. So we say even though it is breaking down the number of thunderstorms toward Cape Canaveral, maybe starting to dwindle and there are still thunderstorms that could produce some wind gusts and of course the threshold right now and always has been you need these winds under 30 miles per hour. Now the thunderstorms moving in, even though some are breaking down others could flareup but that might give us a window once the line making its way toward Cape Canaveral passed through. So we give it another 25, 30 minutes and that is our window. Now all of this has been really pretty much compounded by the fact that for days and days the meteorologists at nasa and spacex have been watching an area of low pressure just drench miami. They have two day rain totals breaking records back to the early 1950s. This area of low pressure moved toward South Carolina and at 8 00 a. M. This morning became a named tropical storm, it is named bertha, one hour later made land fall in South Carolina. But it is affecting the environment for hundreds of miles including all the way down to our launch site. So you could see the line as it moves through. There will be more tonight. Obviously there is going to be more thunderstorms forecast even up to 7 00 p. M. And 8 00 p. M. For the launch site. But we need our window when we need our window. Berthas wide view here, of course, when you talk about it making landfall, it does give us a chance to see the southern flank slowly dwindle with energy and that is why this line of thunderstorms moving through this region could give us that break we need. But, again, they had moderate drought in miami at the beginning of the month and ending miami with the wettest may on record. But of course this is all part of scheduling. We do have thunderstorms in the forecast for saturday and sunday. After 2 00 p. M. , saturday thunderstorms just 60 chance, sunday they have another chance. And that is a 50 chance. But there is still this 50 50 window that the meteorologists have been talking about and it may be after this line of thunderstorms clear that area in the next 20 to 35 minutes or so. Fingers crossed. Right to rachel crane, our favorite space geek. So excited to be there. Im so excited for you. And for this mission. What is the good word . Reporter well, brook, i would verify that weather here at Kennedy Space center is touch and go. One second it is Tornado Warning and the next it is pouring rain and sunshine. And i know you know how jazzed i am for this launch. As are many people. Not only in the u. S. But across the world. I have been following the commercial crew Program Since infancy and sort of potentially to be here on this historic launch day is truly a real dream and we know that bob behnken and doug hurley, the tro astronauts, feel the same way. And doug hurley, he actually piloted the last shuttle in 2011 so there is something quite poetic about him being in the cockpit for the end of one era of space flight and also for the dawn of a new one. So a lot to look forward to if this spacecraft does take off today. Were still were an hour and a little over an hour and 30 minutes away from liftoff here. 45 minutes prior to 4 33 Eastern Standard Time when the critical go, nogo flight will weigh in and if they should fuel up the rocket with the liquid oxygen and kerosene and we pray that well be a good for launch for this historic launch. Because weve been relying on russians since 20 is he to ferry astronauts back and forth to the International Space station, over the years we paid them 4 billion to do so so this program was signed so we have a home gruen way of getting u. S. Astronauts from u. S. Soil on rockets to the 150 billion investment that we have in the International Space station. Brooke. And to underscore this rocket has never flown before with humans. Rachel crane, thank you. Stand by. And i didnt want to interrupt her flow but we saw the president and the first lady there in florida as theyre im sure hoping to take part in having a front row seat too this historic launch. Joining me now is someone who knows what it is like to travel in space. Former nasa astronaut Dotty Metcalf lindenberger and i have questions for you and well get into the weather in a minute. But first hammer this home for me. The u. S. Has not launched its own astronauts into space since 2011. I was there. How big of a deal is this today . It is a really big deal. Its important that we get to see our u. S. Astronauts taking off from florida. This is a test flight. And we were all sad to see the shuttle retire but also understanding because were looking forward to a future, too, of a different way of doing space flight. And if you are doug and bob and you know that there have been Tornado Warnings, you know the weather has not been ideal, where are you right now and are you sitting there looking at the doppler like the rest of us . What are you feeling and thinking . Well, i could think back to my launch on sts 131 when fog and it was april time fraim and weather was touch and go. And youre thinking about just the mission itself and also listening to folks. But you want to go but you also know what the safety rules are and so you also understand and have watched many other flights scrubbed and you know that drill as well. So youre hopeful but youre listening and keeping in touch with what is going on. I know these guys are professionals but, dotty, you have to tell me is their heart pounding right now or are they cool as can be . Well, i cant speak to doug and bob exactly. I mean both are very experienced as test pilots and multiple missions between them. But myself, i remember the heart is going faster than normal rate. But not quite as fast as my running rate. So, yeah, youre just really focused, is what i remember. And here is the what if scenario. If they end up needing to scrub the Mission Today out of safety because of the weather, is this one of the scenarios where they could try it again tomorrow or does it have to be precise when they would be able to intersect with the International Space station at a later date, how does that work. It has to be precise for the rendezvous with the space station so i havent had a chance to look at the time lines for this particular mission of when they get to try again. I think it is saturday. So it definitely has to be precise. A small window. It is very unlike just a solo mission where youre all youre doing. When youre rendezvousing it is a very precise time frame. And tell us more about the astronauts, rob and doug. I love that doug had steak and eggs for breakfast and as you have alluded to and you outlined how experienced they are. Tell us about the two guys and about the preparation they have gone through to get to launch day. Right. Well, both doug and bob were in the class ahead of mine. And so they had been in the office since 2000. So this is really special, right. They have been working as nasa astronauts for 20 years. Both of them have flown twice. Both of them have been to the International Space station. Helped build it. Bob has multiple space walks under his belt. Just really talented focused crew members. And as you stated earlier, doug hurley was the pilot of the final flight of the Space Shuttle back in 2011. And bob flew right before our mission on sts 130. And so many years have gone by. They knew they were part of this assigned group to become Spacex Astronauts but they were waiting and then training for the vehicle and have been following it dig gently. Let me interrupt you. I just got word in my ear from my producer, nasa just tweeted the launch is on. Wow so exciting. This is really exciting. Well know ive been watching off and on today as weve been following the coverage. So that is exciting news. It is exciting. I think i just got goosebumps. So the fact that doug and bob who you were just speaking of and all of their experience and the poetry of just that final launch in 2011 and now hes headed up there today, there are also reported that these two gentlemen have been in really severe isolation, right, because of this lockdown, because of covid, dating back to march. Obviously they dont want to bring it to the iss presumably. How could that have affected their training . Well. Cant speak to all of those details because i havent been at nasa for a long time and been able to follow that. But it is all of us going into a brief quarantine before we fly in space and before we were going to the International Space station because we know that viruss are more vir illent on space. Our bodies are not at the most optimum. Space is stressful on our bodies. So we dont want to carry any disease. So i could imagine that covid has put them into a place where theyve had to be in quarentine much longer and really avoiding themselves getting sick and of course any exposure to the International Space station. What do you make of this marriage between u. S. Government, nasa and private space flieght all happening today. Weve been looking forward to it for a long time. Because it is the wave of the future. As we look at the art imus program, it is also going to be with commercial entities and so it is the way forward. And i think it is exciting because in watching the preparation this morning, for both doug and bob to fly, there are traditions that you see from the past of nasa but there is a new way of doing things that spacex has. And then we will hopefully also see this from boeing as well. And so it is just really exciting. There is more opportunities. It looks like it does pave the way forward tort art imus. And why is important to rachels point, relying on russia to get into space, why is it important that we be selfreliant in space flight. Well, one, it saves us money and keeps our crew members to do so much travel around the world and do more training back here in the United States. But also it brings engineering and science to our soil as well. So the talent pools that we see behind these companies, young engineers and aerospace enthusiasts, it is really important to keep that talent here in america as well. And for our university or them vfrlz is dreams of flying in space or working for aerospace, it is very exciting. And last quick question since we know this launch is a go, what would you say to dug and bob . Well, i just wish them the very best. They are both so talented like i said and so were all just cheering you on and wishing you the best. We are. Dotty metcalf lindenberger, thank you and thank you for everything that you have done and given to this country. We appreciate it. Were going to continue watching this in the big preparation leading up to next hour. Also, here on cnn, on this wednesday afternoon, were now covering this. Were dangerously close to hitting another grim milestone, approaching 100,000 deaths in the United States related to covid and this does not have to happen so well talk about that. And President Trump is threatening to shut down social media platforms after twitter put a fact check on two misleading tweets and the company is still looking the other way on one of his more disturbing conspiracy theories and outrage growing after a police death turns deadly, protesters calling for justice and family of this victim, george floyd, said the fired officers should face murder charges. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Well be right back. [announcer] at custom ink we believe community is about having a common bond wherever you are. Now when we need to stay apart to stand together, weve built new tools to make and individually ship custom gear to Group Members and soon well stand together together again. Visit customink. Com today. And technologists, i see all the Amazing Things you have been doing. You are transforming business models, and virtualizing workforces overnight. Because so much of that relies on financing, we have committed two billion dollars to relieve the pressure on your business. As you adapt and transform, were here with the people, financing, and technology, ready to help. Were back. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Were keeping a close eye on Cape Canaveral, florida and the space launch nearly threatened by bad weather but nasa tweeting it is ago. To stand by for that. As majority of states show decline in new cases the number of deaths is on the brink of crossing 100,000. Dr. Fauci, the toppin feck shus disease expert and a member of the Coronavirus Task force made a break from President Trump while making it clear to the rest of us wearing a mask is an important weapon in the fight against the spread of the virus. Here is what dr. Fauci told cnn earlier today. I do it when im in the public for the reasons that, a. , i wab to protect myself, and protect others, and also because i wan to make it be a symbol for people to see that is the kind of thing you should be doing. Lets go straight to natasha chen. And you have news, more big sports are planning to reopen. What is the deal with disney world and sea world. Weve learned from the orange county, florida, mayor, hes approved sea world and disney world plans that they presented this morning and now it is in the hands of the state of florida. Universal got theirs approved and theyre reopening next week. Sea world would like to reopen on june 11th and while disney world is trying to open in midjuly. But lets talk about what you might expect as a guest when you reenter these plays. Walt disney said they will have a n a new advanced system to reduce capacity, temperature screenings will be required for both guests and employees and everyone, including guests, will have to wear face coverings. And disney is temporarily pausing any ticket sales to focus on people who have existing reservations and people who are annual pass holders. Things are really starting to roll out for them. Disney stores are reopening in the u. S. , europe and japan. On june 15th, the disney Vacation Clubs will open in vero beach, florida, and hilton head, South Carolina, and at wall disney world will reopen and the fort wilderness resort and campground. And then lets talk to july. Magic kingdom and animal kingdom, they wan to have those open on july 11th, followed by ep cot and hollywood studios. A lot is going to be different. No parades, no fireworks. Nothing that would draw a big crowd. Theyre going to have social distance squads to help guests stay apart from each other. No strangers will be in your ride vehicle. And there wont be any character meet and greet. There is still minnie and mickey up close. So a lot will be different for the guests returning to the park. Not quite the fuel experience but understandably for Public Health, natasha chen, thank you for the updates there. And whether it is disney world or a local restaurant, crowd size and how to contain it is a key factor. And with so many videos of people cramming into beaches or pool parties, dr. Fauci offered this warning. When you have situations in which you see that type of crowding, with no masks and people interacting, that is not prudent and that is inviting a situation that could get out of control. So i keep when i get an opportunity to plead with people, understanding you do want to gradually do this, but dont start leap frogging over the recommendations and the guidelines because that is really tempting fate and asking for trouble. And when it comes to the democratic and Republican Conventions this summer, dr. Fauci said we should reserve judgment and he would voter fraud significant reservations with Going Forward if there is no decrease or new hospitalizations. Andrew man is from ucla school of Public Health and nice to see you. And dr. Fauci is basically saying not to leap frog the recommendations. But that is exactly what the president is doing by asking for this immediate guarantee on the convention in charlotte. What do you make of the mixed messages . I think it is really unfortunate that when we have mixed messages, politics fills the void and we need to base decisions on scientific evidence. We know that the virus is out there, that it is spreading, that we still have a death toll that is climbing and the number of cases that are climbing everywhere in the United States. We know that we dont have the Testing Capacity to even really have a good handle on how many cases there are out there. We also know that we havent met all of the gating criteria to be able to reopen yet we are reopening right now. So the thing that we can do right now is use these blunt social Public Health measures that will make a difference. That is social distancing, masks, hand hygiene and doing the best we can to reduce the number of people in given areas so that the virus doesnt have a place to go. If people are in close contact with each other, there will be new cases of virus and that is exactly what were trying to avoid. Let me ask you about another point that dr. Fauci made. He was asked about hydroxychloroquine after france banned it as a Covid Treatment and you know hydroxychloroquine as the drug that the president of the United States touted and took himself. Dr. Fauci is not sure the drug should be banned but said the data clearly shows the drug is not effective for coronavirus patients. You agree with fauci . I think that dr. Fauci is saying we dont make decisions, im going back to what i said just now, this is my mantra, we make decisions based on science, on evidence, we cant base it on intuition or hunches here. That is not how we are able to protect the health of the public and to be able to make decisions that make sense. If we hava that suggests that hydroxychloroquine is useful, that is when we would consider changing policy to have it be used in the public. But we always there is no good deed that goes unpunished here. And there is a drawback to every solution. So that is the case with drugs. Well find these drugs may have side effects which we found with hydroxychloroquine that could far outstrip any benefit or potential benefit that we see here. So the deal is we need science to inform decision and without trials that show us that they work, we should not be using them. Speaking of science. I really wanted to talk to you, just last question about antibody tests because a lot of people are getting them and want to know if theyre healthy to fly or go on a Summer Vacation and we learned the tests could be wrong up to half the time. Should people even bother with them and if so is there a particular test that is most reliable . The only thing that is worse than no test is a bad test. And because this is giving people false information that they will inevitably act upon. Yes. And that is why the cdc is saying right now the antibody tests are not Accurate Enough to be able to base any kind of personal decision on them. These antibody tests are in general out there to be able to give us a general idea of how the virus is spreading over time. Theyre really great for ep dealologist data and we assume between x percentage and x percentage potentially are infected. But the problem is when peel are trying to use them for individual Decision Making and the test is wrong 50 of the time then people will go out there assuming that they have had the virus and are not at risk when that is not necessarily the case. We dont even know if you have antibodies if that means you are protected, for how long and if you have full or partial immunity. So there is so much that we dont know and the tag line for the cdc is that we dont have enough information on these tests to be able to inform policy and that is the truth. I went to go because i have covid and i went to give my plasma and we hope to get you in in the next few months because you might not have immunity. There is so much we dont know. But knowing what we dont know is as important as we do. Ann rem oin, thank you. President trump threatening to shut down social media in a post on social media after social media sites flags some of his tweets for misleading information. Plus as cases fall in some countries, a new coronavirus hot spots that emerged and it is a place where basic medical facilities are seriously lacking. And florida. All eyes on Kennedy Space center as we wait for this historic launch. 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Way more than furniture. Did you know that 70 is located in your gut . So, by keeping your gut healthy, you keep your immune system healthy. Try align daily immune support to help naturally support your gut health and boost your immune system, formulated with a quality probiotic strain, align helps power your health from the inside. It adds more good bacteria to your gut, which works naturally with your body to help strengthen your immunity. For a daily boost for your health, take align every day, with a money back guarantee. Also try align gummies to help support gut health and a strong immune system. As the United States approaches the grim milestone of 100,000 coronavirus deaths, it is important to put that number into context. 100,000 there is a small city in america. Wiped out. And we should point out this did not have to happen. A columbia fuf study shows had the u. S. Taken action and encouraged people to stay home and just by one week, one week, more than half of the number of deaths and infections could have been prevented. Take a look at the covid deaths in other countries across the globe. This graphic shows six countries with the highest death tolls around the world. The United States, guessing we dont have it so lets just pass on by and say that this did not have to happen. Here is another perspective. If you compare the United States death toll to other developed nations like these three, south korea, australia and new zealand, the u. S. Death toll is so high compared to other countries, you could barely see all of the lines. To be fair, the population in each of the countries is smaller than the u. S. But at nearly 100,000 deaths the u. S. Has nearly 30 of the worlds fatal cases even though we account for 4 of the worlds population. This doesnt have to happen. And now south america has become the new epicenter. And pralz could see 125,000 deaths by the beginning of august. Nick paton walsh is live in rio de janeiro. And why the vulnerability and so many deaths there . Reporter i think the short answer is that on the federal president ial level in brazil, there simply hasnt been a serious enough message to stay at home. And we have seen the Common Threads where it is high and in proportion wise the deaths here you have to bear in mind what youre talking about in terms of the size of the country. But the message from brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro is saying just a flu and a soldier would blush it off like a cold and now even hes accepted the virus as a war recently, the focus is still on the economy. That doesnt change what is happened on a local levels like here in rio de janeiro, the beach of copacabana behind me and people wears masks and sometimes not as well. But issue is of course that people are beginning to tire of this lockdown. It has been in place for about two months now, a little more. And so it is beginning to slip, some polling suggesting the people are less inclined to go along with all rules as businesses are still shut here too. But the numbers in brazil are very bad. And they arent the whole picture. 24,000 deaths even though there is modeling from the u. S. That sugged by early august it could get to 125,000. The number of confirmed cases is a little more than new york at 374,000 or so. I think it might have gone higher in the last 24 hours. But this is the amount of people theyve managed to actually test. And that is key, brooke. Because if you arent able to saturate the population with testing, then it is very hard to know where it is not and who has had it and not had it and so doctors ask that you dont give tests to people unless they have three symptoms, that means that number is significantly probably smaller than the true picture, too. So brazil going now, it seems, into a fortnight probably in which the peak will occur in rio, sao paulo and a town called minnous that weve visited and it is moving at a different pace around the country. But certainly here in the major cities, a very dark fortnight ahead as we see how devastating this virus will be. Eerie juxtaposition looking at you over the beach and just to think of the deaths to come. Nick paton walsh in rio, thank you so much. And join Anderson Cooper and dr. Sanjay gupta with the author of the book spillover and where he said viruses like coronavirus will keep happening. That is coronavirus facts and fears tomorrow night at 8 00 eastern. These were the streets of minneapolis last night. Hundreds of protesters clashes with police and demanding justice for the death of george floyd who died in minneapolis on monday shortly after an encounter with police and just to warn you, it is graphic and you could see floyd pleading for his life. You hear him saying he cant breathe. As this Police Officer pins him with his knee to the ground. The officers knee pressed down on his neck for several minutes. Four officers have been fired and this is under investigation but floyds family is asking for them to be charged with murder. There is definitely not enough justice for me or my family. I feel like those guys need to be put in jail. They murdered my brother. They killed him. They dont need to walk the streets and mess around and this happen to another family. Joining me now, john blake, a senior writers at cnn digital. And john, you wrote this piece on cnn. Com. Let me share the headline. There is within epidemic we might not find a cure for, fear of black men in public spaces. And again this is not happen North Carolina a bubble. This is after ahmadar berry was killed and that white woman who called police on the black men saying he was threatening her life after he asked her to put her dog on a leash in central park. I dont even have words other than im sorry. Well, thank you. Yeah, it is not only happening in the past couple of weeks but as i try to point out in the article, its been happening for years. Throughout this nations history. And there is something about black men that brings the worst in some of white america. And as a black man i was trying to express some of the frustration that i think a lot of us feel like when is this ever going to end. We had a Holiday Weekend but this fear never takes a holiday. It is always around and present when we go outside and working, no matter what we do. I want to ask you just obviously as a White American, as a white woman, i feel that much of the onus is on me, is on us. You wrote about how folks like me need to know what it feels like to be the only white person in a room, on a team, what then do you think will change . Well, i think of change in kind of two ways. I think there is a kind of systemic change when you talk about issues of justice. I think the law should change. I think Police Officers should be held accountable. I think that things like that, on a personal level that there are things we can do. You talk about being the only white person in a room. For me there is a expression you have to do the work before the work. You cant it is not enough to be in the moment when you see a black man walking down the street and you decide in that moment that im going to see him as a human being not as a threat and you have to live your life a certain way so when that moment comes youre not thinking that way and what i tried to convey if youre a White American you should have people of color who are friends. You should have them in your house. You should have them in places of worship. There was a poll two years ago that said 75 of White Americans do not have a single friend that a person of color. So in that situation, you dont see black people in particular black men as human beings so there are things that you could do in your personal life and it should not be segregated. Yes. And then you write about this age old question how do we fight the fearful gaze, your words, of the black man. And john, just personally for you, how has this affected your life as a black man, what are some of your unconscious behaviors that you have to do as a result of this . Well, ive been ive been racially profiled and pulled off of a plane by Police Officers, people with guns, but the way i try to adjust, there is one way i act in public. I dont walk up too quickly to someone who is white from behind. I try not to if i get on the elevator and there is a white person and im the only black person there i feel sorry for them because i see the fear. So i try to do things like that. But i think for people of color, men would are large, and dark, i think it is even more difficult. I even see it in the corporate setting where i see men who are dark and people that where physically imposing they almost shrink down when they get around white people and they raise the pitch in their voice so they dont come off as too intimidating. I think theyre not aware theyre doing it. So i think there are all things that we do that were conscience of but things that we do that were unconscious of. But it binds together what is so menally exhausting to live that way daytoday. I sit here as a privileged white woman. I cannot imagine but i appreciate you educating us and i want to be an ally and i know many people do as well. John blake, thank you very much. You could read johns piece just go to cnn. Com. Still ahead here on cnn, all eyes this afternoon on Kennedy Space center in florida as we wait for this historic launch. The first launch of astronauts on u. S. Soil in almost a decade. In a rocket that has never carried humans, period. This is a tempurpedic mattress. 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What theyve done is incredible. President trump speaking just moments ago at Kennedy Space center in florida. Were on standby for the first launch of astronauts from u. S. Soil in a decade. Cnns rachel crane is there. Rachel, the last time we spoke, we didnt know if it was a go, there were Tornado Warnings. Tell me what you know. Do we have here . Arghh okay. We lost her. But i can tell you that is the rocket there on the launch pad where within the hour well see these two astronauts, doug hurley and bob bebehnken, will taking off. Well be right back. For all of us. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. All right. Again, back to florida. Were on standby for the final go from Kennedy Space center for the first launch of astronauts from u. S. Soil in the last decade. The last shuttle launch was 2011, the atlantis. So were back, cnn correspondent rachel crane, rachel, the beauty of technology, here we go. The last time you and i spoke, there was a Tornado Warning, were in the middle of this coronavirus pandemic. This is a rocket that has never carried humans. This is a really big deal. Reporter this is a very, very dig beal, brooke. Its starting to feel very real. Were only 38 minutes out from a potential launch here. Theyve already retracted the crew access arm. Theyve armed the launch escape system. And they should begin fueling the rocket with over a Million Pounds of liquid oxygen and liquid kerosene any minute now. Were crossing our fingers, hoping the weather cooperates. Whats different today is theres no crowds here, obviously because were in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic. So nasa administrator Jim Bridenstine is urging everyone to watch from their home, watch from their backyard if theyre in the area. As exciting as this moment is, everybody from nasa and spacex have expressed sadness that they dont have the crowds here, the thousands and thousands that they expected to gather here at Kennedy Space center to witness this hopefully historic launch, brooke. Tell me, rachel, ill stay with you, we know these two astronau astronauts, doug and bob, have been in quarantine. They dont want to send any viruses up to space so they have been hyper safe and selfprotective. Beyond that, tell me what preparations these astronauts have undergone to get them to this member, to launch day. Reporter nasa and spacex have taken every precaution they can to ensure the crew is safe. Here at spacex, there are temperature checks before anybody goes into a building, everyone is wearing masks, they only have Mission Critical personnel around them. The ones who can are working remotely. Theyre still a part of the mission. Theyve done everything they can to continue forward with this mission and ensure the safety of the crew. But its certainly not business as usual here at the Kennedy Space center. It doesnt feel that way. And youre constantly reminded of it, obviously everyone around wearing their masks. But this was a Critical Mission for nasa. They decided to push forward and launch, regardless of the pandemic. It gives everybody something to root for, something to be hopeful for. So were hoping that that does happen, brooke. The significance of private space enterprise, elon musks spacex along with nasa. Why is this such a significant marriage . As you pointed out the last time we chatted, the u. S. Has been reliant on soyuz, on russia to ferry u. S. Astronauts to the International Space station. You talk about saving money, weve been paying the russians over 4 billion over the past several years to ferry these astronauts back and forth. Nasa has mastered low earth orbit, theyve paid spacex over 3 billion for this program. Theyre hoping that a robust space economy will develop in low earth orbit and nasa will be able to focus on the moon, mars and beyond. This is the larger goal of nasa, to continue to maintain the 150 billion investment we have in the International Space station, make sure theres a robust space economy to support it. But they dont have to have their hands so title enclosed around it, they can continue to dream big and think about those deeper space explorations. Thats what this program is all about, passing the torch of these iss ferries, taxis, rather, to the commercial sector, so nasa can once again dream big and go back to the moon and mars. Brooke, fueling has just started. Once again, a major milestone, to actually getting this rocket off the ground today, fingers crossed. Fueling has begun. It will shortly be go time. Rachel crane, thank you so much. Its been so fun to be able to just get everyone excited for this big launch in about a half an hour, thank you so much. Im brooke baldwin. A quick break and jake tapper will be up next. These are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com welcome back to the lead. I am jake tapper. This hour were counting down to a historic liftoff. Spacex will launch two nasa astronauts to the International Space station, the first time a commercial Aerospace Company will carry humans into earths orbit, ever. It has been almost a decade since the u. S. Launched its own astronauts into space. Were waiting for the final weather call to be made. Liftoff is currently scheduled for

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