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You are such a big boy and that was a good one. I am so proud of you. Wow. You still dont keep your guard up when you punch. Oh, my goodness im such a softie for this kind of thing. He says he knew it was his dad when he heard his nickname because thats what his dad always called him when he was a little boy. So we continue, you are watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Thank you for being here. Moments ago a consistent trump supporter in an out of congress delivered on his promise to unleash a quote unquote, whipping against the president. Im talking about senator Johnny Isakson of georgia. Hes outraged at the president s criticism of john mccain. The president said he will never be a fan of the war hero and senator isakson just rebuked the president on public radio. Its deplorable what he said. Thats what i called it from the floor of the senate seven months ago. It will be deplorable seven months from now if he says it again. And i will continue to speak out because theres one thing that weve got to do, you may not like immigration, you may not like this or you may not like that, you may be a republican or democrat, were all americans. There arent democratic casualties and republican casualties on the battlefield, there are american casualties on the battlefield and we should never reduce the Service People give to this country for any political fodder. I want to start here, Gloria Borgers with me and Michael Smerconish is here and host of cnn smerconish on saturday mornings and so, gloria first to you and good on senator isakson for speaking up, using his powerful voice for Something Like this. I think of the mitt romney tweet today and Mitch Mcconnell who mentioned mccain, no mention of President Trump. So many republicans specifically have been so silent. Well, not only silent on mccain but silent on a lot of things that they privately dont like about donald trump. A bunch of them about a dozen of them voted against National Emergency declaration in the senate and that, you know that was a large number for senate republicans, but on Something Like this, which is so simple, i think the only explanation is that people are afraid of getting primaried on the right and that donald trump has an over80 popularity with the Republican Party. He is the Republican Party right now and senators dont want to get cross wise, even on an issue like this where you have an American Hero who has passed away and a family who is still mourning his death, its kind of astonishing to me. As part of the fallout, michael, we were showing cindy mccain tweeted just disgusting, nasty disparaging comments that shes been on the receiving end of just showing how low this country has gone over over mccain. We could make lists, right, of the ugliness that we cover each and every day and you, you know, hosting your show, youre on the receiving end of so many callers. Im just wondering why you think the nastiness has always been there, right . The hate is not new but its the sense that people feel so free to speak this way. Im just wondering why you think that is. I think because largely it works. Im not saying that it works in this instance from the president , but i think that it works politically. We all talk about how we hate negative advertising and yet it never ceases in a campaign. I agree with gloria in terms of why the republicans are gutless to stand up to the president. Take a look at that Mitch Mcconnell tweet. How weak could it have been . And not only are they afraid to confront him in this circumstance but the only reason they did so relative to the border and the socalled National Emergency is because they get to defend their conservative bon fieds by saying we didnt want to set a bad press dent. That was a give me. Does this come back to bite me . I asked myself this, whats the upside for the president . I dont see it. In many prior instances where weve spoken of his politically incorrect speech, when he has said something offensive in the back of my mind i say, for better or worse, theres a constituency that responds to that. For the life of me, maybe gloria knows, where is the constituency that applauds him taking on a deceased war hero . I dont get it. You know, this is donald trump who says hes been great for the veterans and has disparaged john mccains role in helping veterans in the past and there are veterans out there who feel completely demoralized by what the president is saying and if he thinks thats a key constituency of his and it might be, i dont think this does anything to help them. I think help him. This is all about Donald Trumps inability to let anything go and every story, even john mccains p. O. W. Story, even john mccains death is about him and why somebody from the senate hasnt said, mr. President , you didnt go to war because you falsely claimed you had bone spurs and john mccain spent five years as a p. O. W. And refused release when they offered it to him. Why arent they saying that . To michaels point, where was that in mcconnells tweet. The president is also on the attack against another republican, the husband of white House Counsel Kellyanne Conway, George Conway has questioned the president s mental stability after trumps 40 plus tweet bink over the weekend. The president not about to let this feud go. This is what he said just a short time ago. Well, i dont know him. Yeah, i dont know him. Hes a whack job, theres no question about it, but i really dont know him. I think hes doing a tremendous disservice to a wonderful wife, kellyanne is a wonderful woman and i call him mr. Kellyanne, the fact is that hes doing a tremendous disservice to a wife and family. Shes a wonderful woman. In addition to the president s tweet this morning, trump called George Conway a quote unquote, stone cold loser and husband from hell. George conway has taken to the cameras but he sent this counter tweet speaking directly to the president saying you period are period nuts period and before this whole back and forth between these two, dana bash actually spoke with Kellyanne Conway for her series, bad ass women of washington and you can watch that on cnn. Com. Heres part of what she said about her husbands criticism of the president. Now we have a president whos actually criticized his own attorney general watch tv and twitter lately and won of trumps most vicious critics her own husband george striking hard and deep with his latest attack on the president s mental state calling it nar cystic personality disorder. I dont share those concerns and i have four kids and i was getting out of the house this morning before i got here and talked to the president about substance so. Reporter we spoke before the latest drama but well after her husband started going after her boss which she says she didnt see coming. George was so excited, literally crying with joy in his maga hat, black not red on his maga hat on Election Night so in that way, hes changed. Hes changed his opinion on, i guess, matters on the presidency. I havent and donald trump hasnt. You mean mr. Kellyanne conway . The day that he was out on the south lawn and he called george, mr. Kellyanne conway, struck me. Sounded like he was sending a message. I thought it was him being donald j. Trump. It was clever. Its an unusual situation, especially in politics or washington and certainly in republican politics for a husband to get his notoriety and power through his wife. Its usually the other way around. People say, you should come to harvard and speak side by side and you should do this or that and i think, you know, okay, but then id have to give him my power. Reporter the president and top allies restrained before are stepping up their response to George Conway on twitter and rallying around her personally as a mother of four children. These children, you know, theyre 14, 14, 10 and nine. Theyre old enough to Read Everything and theyre all old enough to have embraced d. C. As home which took a while especially for one of my children. It took a long time its a tough age to move. Lets face it, it is the rare occasion where a family is moving for moms job. Now theres this, this daryl layer today for this back and forth. Kellyanne conway is now responding moments ago politico posted its interview with her. She says of the president , quote, he left alone for months out of respect for me but you think he shouldnt respond when somebody and a nonmedical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder . He should just take that sitting down . Gloria and michael back with me. First of all, im so glad in danas piece she mentions the kids, there are four children who she says are old enough to understand and read all of whats going on. So number one, im mindful of them. Not my business whats going on behind closed doors in a marriage but whats all of our business is the president of the United States speaking disparagingly about this man and also George Conway showing the medical journey and questioning whether the president s nuts, gloria, what is going on . Well, look, its hard to know and this thing is obviously escalated and i believe that if i were kellyanne id be upset at my husband but if, you know, George Conway feels very, very strongly about this and hes giving trump a taste of his own medicine. Trump likes to call people names. George conway has done the same and feels strongly about this. I can only imagine the stress this causes in their marriage, but there was something so interesting to me about what donald trump said. First of all, he thinks that calling George Conway mr. Kellyanne conway is great, i think its a little sexist, dont you, brooke . Its like an insult out of the 1950ss. Exactly. The other thing was he called George Conway the husband from hell. Well, pot kettle issue here . I mean, would we say that donald trump has been the greatest husband to Melania Trump knowing what we know about the hush money payments to these women . I rest my case. Well played Gloria Borger times two, Michael Smerconish, what do you think . Theyre not the only couple in america that disagree relative to the president of the United States. Lets get that out of the way. Its true. What separates them is her working in such close proximity. Two reactions, one, where do i buy the conway book . Because among all the books that are going to come out about the trump presidency, the one im going to buy is theirs. And two, gloria mentions sexism and i keep wondering, what if the genders were reversed, what if you had a wife being so openly critical of the boss of a husband working for a president , i think there would be a cry against her which would be sexist and im kind of surprised that its been a tepid reaction to george stepping out with regard to loyalty to his wife. Tepid reaction from whom . Thats not tepid from the president . Well, not from the president , no everyone else . I could only imagine the phone calls i would be taking if, in fact, the gender were reversed and it was the wife being critical. I think people would be saying, whats with her, et cetera, et cetera . I think thats a good point. I think thats a good point, and i think, you know, maybe there is more outrage now to be had . Its just hard to say. She is a very visible role and the president is out their defending her, so maybe supporters of the president , you know, will defend her, but there are lots of people who may privately agree with what George Conway is saying, you know . Its hard to know. Again, four kids, 14, 14, 10 and 9. Let me leave it there. Gloria and michael, thank you so much and of course we watch you Michael Smerconish every saturday morning 9 00 a. M. On cnn. Coming up next, President Trump simultaneously attacking the Mueller Report and saying, he doesnt mind if its made public. Details on the clues we have about what the special counsels team has been up to. Live pictures there. Hes about to speak in ohio. Plus the Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas asking a rare question today involving a case involving racial bias. Here what happened. And later, chilling details about what was happening in the final moments before that first crash last fall of a boeing max 8. Pilots scrambling to search the manuals as the lion air flight careened out of the sky. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In Clinical Trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Youwhen you barely the clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. 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If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. We have no idea what is going to be in this Mueller Report or when it will be released, let me just point that out. We dont know if theres more indictments in the works but heres what we do know. Today, President Trump wants you to see it. Listen to what he said just a little bit ago. Does the public have a right to see the Mueller Report . I dont mind. Frankly, i told the house if you want let them see it. Let it come out. Let people see it. Thats up to the attorney general. We have a very good attorney general. Hes a very highly respected man and well see what happens, but its sort of interesting that a man out of the blue just writes a report. Jennifer rogers is a former prosecutor and thats significant to hear that from the president today and im wondering if this is a little bit of good cop, bad cop, see, i want the people to see it but oh, by the way, what weve been reporting the last couple of days is that these white house lawyers want to be able to cite executive privilege, they want to get that report from bill barr before it goes out to congress, how do you square that . I put this in the bucket of he really wanted to sit down with mueller but the bad lawyers were not letting him do so. Its easy for him to come out and say, i would like the public to see it but white House Counsel will have executive privilege issues so thats what were seeing here. Which they likely will and thats legal, correct . Thats right. Theres the president and his own personal interests which are being protected by his personal lawyers like Rudy Giuliani and theres the white House Counsel and their job is not to protect the president per se, its to protect the presidency, the institution. So when they do things like assert executive privilege because they dont want to set a precedent for later president s having to turn things over so thats what theyre looking at which is why their might be little bit of tension between what the president wants for his own personal purposes and what the white House Counsel wants. Got you. Lets talk now about the president s good friend, the new England Patriots owner bob kraft. He has been charged as weve been covering that whole story out of florida, two counts of soliciting prostitution. Cnn plans has learned he plans to reject the plea deal. Its a misdemeanor hes been charged with. It doesnt have anything to do with the sex trafficking going on there. I think hes negotiating really. He has some collateral consequences here that the other men who were swept up in this do not because he has to deal with the nfl. So theyre going to be looking at whether he violated their morality clause essentially and they could punish him as an owner of the football team, right . So if he takes this plea deal which doesnt result in a conviction and certainly wouldnt result in any time or anything, but requires him to agree that if he had gone to trial he would have been convicted, the nfl is done. They know what they need to know. They can go ahead and punish them. Hes holding out a little bit, hoping for maybe a resolution that doesnt require him to admit anything and that requires the nfl basically to do their own investigation and maybe allow some wiggle room in those negotiations. Got it. Responsibly more about the nfl as this is a misdemeanor than whats actually happening in florida. I think so. Okay. Jennifer rogers, thank you for that. Next, new details about the warning signs that came before two boeing max 8 jets crashed in the case of lion air. Were learning an offduty pilot saved that very same plane from crashing one day before it plunk plunged into the ocean killing 189 people on board. Omar, look. [ thunder rumbles ] omar, check this out. Uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. For men. Notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ] and then, im gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. A bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Tell me about that dental procedure again i can still taste it in my mouth progressive helps keep you out there. Just a week after the faa grounded all boeing 737 Max Airplanes following two deadly crashes in five months, new revelations today about that first crash. Bloomberg is reporting that one day before the lion air crash in indonesia, a flight crew experienced the exact same safety issue on the exact same plane but an offduty pilot was able to disable the malfunctioning system and save the flight. Cnns melissa bell is analyzing new reporting and what the pilots were doing in the moments before their death. Reporter this was all that was left of lion air flight 610 which crashed into the java sea last october. Debris picked through by the families of some of the 189 people who died on board. At fault according to a preliminary report, an automated Safety System on the boeing 737 max 8 triggered by a you faulty reading from a single sensor. Reuters reporting that a chalg recording of the cockpit in the last few minutes before the crash shows pilots desperately looking through a handbook to try and figure out how to disable the system that was reportedly forcing the nose of the plane downwards. That same plane, according to fresh reporting from bloomberg also encountering the very same problem the day before on a flight from bali to jakarta but saved by an extra pilot who happened to be hitching a lift in the cockpit. News made all the more important by the crash on march 10th, of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 that killed 156 people, a flight of the same type of boeing and, according to preliminary data from the black boxes, one that followed a similar trajectory to the doomed lion air flight. Those black boxes now being looked in to here at the bea on the outskirts of paris. Its former head spoke to cnn about the questions now facing boeing. Its a measure taken by boeing after the first accident were not enough to avoid the second accident. Reporter but the questions are not only for boeing with the Transportation Department now probing why the u. S. Federal Aviation Administration authorized certified a system that was based on the reading of a single sensor with many questions now being asked about how much of that certification process was handed directly to boeing. Melissa bell, cnn, paris. Thank you. Lets get analysis now. With me aviation analyst justin green. Hes the former president of safety bar association. Hes an aviation attorney that represents disaster victims and has sued boeing in the past. So, just listening to melissas report, your reaction . I think what is interesting when we talked about it on the break is that an airplane crash is generally not caused by just one factor and here we talked about the boeing design, the fact that this can be triggered by the failure of a single point failure, a failure of an angle attacked sensor. We talked about the faas oversight but we also have to look and see what the airline did and specifically lion air after the first incident, so the first incident you were lucky enough to have a third pilot who apparently identified the problem. They were able to turn off the system. Who just happened to be ott plane sitting in the jump seat, sort of saves the day. Right. Your point is, what did that person or the captain of that plane do to communicate that to the crew the next day . Thats right. They cant rely on the happenstance that there happens to be a qualified third pilot who has no duties who can actually look over on a holistic way and identify the problem. The key is, lion air after Something Like that, an airline with a robust Safety Culture on the maintenance side should have fixed the problem, made sure that the angle of attack sensor was operating correctly and wouldnt fail in the next flight and also from the piloting point and this is more important, the pilots who got on the next day should have been briefed exactly what happened on the day before and how they fixed it. From what were hearing from the cockpit voice recorder, those pilots dont seem to have that information and its going to be important to see what lion air did after the first incident. I got it. It would be presumed that some sort of report would have been filed and information should have been passed along to the crew for the next day. What about just also the detail coming out about these pilots as a pilot hearing that theyre feverishly trying to look through these man walz in those final moments, that thats whats overheard on the black box. Its chilling. Anyone that knows anything about aviation knows we operate on checklists. There are certain things that the pilots have to memorize. Their quick action items. You memorize them. I learned to juggle so i could memorize them while im juggling. No kidding. The other couples you are supposed to pull out a quick reference guide and go through the checklists, even if youve done the quick action items, you still pull out the checklist to go through. What im hearing, what would be unusual and would be wrong if is these pilot haves no idea about what might be happening are kind of studying through the guide to find out a clue of how to fix the problem. So that the big issue is going to be what boeing gave pilots what information boeing gave pilots about the system, what information or training the pilots had, if any, and i dont think they had any about how to react to this problem and i think that if we find from the cockpit voice recorders of three different flights that will be examined that pilots really didnt know how to respond and we it would have been so out of left field that this isnt something they have in their memory banks. If theyre pulling if engine failure you do the quick action items, you pull out the checklist, thats fine but if you have no idea thats going on, thats a problem. Justin green, you are excellent. Thank you very much. Thank you. Coming up next, iowa congressman steve king already under fire for his racist comments. Hes tried to explain how a meme depicting a modern day civil war ended up on his facebook page. See what happened when one voter asked him if he believed in white supremacy. 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The 28th at 3 . Done. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare advantage plans, its easier to get the care you need. Conventional wisdom says you cant make a 400 horsepower sedan, thats also environmentally conscious. We dont follow conventional wisdom. In a room full of factory workers who manufactured military tanks, the president just once again attacked the late senator john mccain. This time saying, mccain, a veteran quote didnt get the job done for his fellow veterans when he voted against repealing obamacare despite rebukes from some republican lawmakers. Mccains own family showing their disgust with the president s attack. The president quadrupling down in lima, ohio. A lot of people are asking because they love me and they ask me about a man named john mccain and if you want me to tell you about it, should i or not . Yes . So i have to be honest, ive never liked him much, hasnt been for me. Ive really probably never will but there are certain reasons for it and ill tell you and i do this to save a little time with the press later on, john mccain received the fake and phony dossier, did you hear about the dossier . It was paid for by crooked hillary clinton, right . And john mccain got it, he got it and what did he do . He didnt call me. He turned it over to the fbi hoping to put me in jeopardy, and thats not the nicest thing to do. When those people say because im a very loyal person. John mccain campaigned for years to repeal and replace obamacare, for years in arizona, great state. I love the people of arizona, but he campaigned for years for repeal and replace, so did rob, so did a lot of senators. When he finally had the chance to do it, he voted against repeal and replace. He voted against at 2 00 in the morning, remember thumbs down. We said what the hell happened. I endorsed him at his request and i gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president i had to approve. I dont care about this, i didnt get thank you, thats okay. We sent him on the way but i wasnt a fan of john mccain, so now what we could say is now, were all set. I dont think i have to answer that question, but the press keeps what do you think of mccain . Not my kind of guy, but some people like him and i think thats great. I gave him the funeral he wanted and i didnt get a thank you. This is coming from the president of the United States again disparaging the late senator john mccain. Its disgraceful. Barbara starr is at the pentagon and barbara, its sad at this point. Reporter brooke, i think theres actually a couple of things to sort out here. So its very clear that President Trump views the late senator as his political adversary, if not his political enemy. Set the politics aside, the president s entitled to have named anybody as his political enemy if thats what he thinks in his own head, but there is something much more deep going on here, the president saying that veterans are on his side, disparaging the late senator as a war hero. This is politicizing the u. S. Military and you might ask yourself today, why has the u. S. Military been so quiet . Why are they letting senator mccains war record, why are they unanswering the president s attacks on his war record, why are they letting the president in public say the veterans are with him and his decisions . There is no indication, no reasonable indication that americas veterans are anything but american citizens who vote their conscious across the political spectrum. Americas veterans are the same as america. They are politically diverse. They have opinions. They have views. They go to the ballot box and they vote as they privately see fit. There is no monolithic Veterans Community that i know of that supports any one candidate, but what i do know is that the military commanders are supposed to be apolitical and i find myself questioning the silence of the last couple of days as the record of senator mccain is nothing but politicized by the president , so why are they quiet . Are they afraid of the president . Are they afraid of upsetting him if they speak out . It is worth remembering the former secretary of defense chuck hagel, a combat veteran of vietnam, chuck hagel did hard time in vietnam. Former secretary of state john kerry, a political lightning rod, but as a vietnam veteran, the secretary kerry, he did hard time in vietnam. These are men who served when the president chose not to serve, so, you know, there is a real question here about the silence from the u. S. Military on how much President Trump is politicizing the ranks, how much hes using them to further his own political agenda and why commanders are being so silent about this. You got to rip the bandaid off sometime and ask the question, why the silence . I dont think theres a good answer to that today, brooke. Thank you for saying that, barbara starr. Thank you. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asking a rare question today in a case regarding racial bias. And as beto orourke announces new details on his first day of fundraising, one democrat is asking him to step back, why she says maybe they shouldnt run . [laughter] im okay. Hmm. Exactly. And doug. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Oh. Well, we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance, because no two people are alike, so. Limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. 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Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. These can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I choose onceweekly trulicity to activate my within. If you need help lowering your a1c, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Chicken thats right, chicken . candace new chicken creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my chicken creations chicken in all this talk about the 2020 race for the white house, new daily beast Opinion Column today caught my eye first thing this morning. To the right men running to the president ial candidate, can you not . Alexa degreenel penned this piece sending a message to Bernie Sanders, beto orourke and joe biden. Her message is its time to step back. I voted for Bernie Sanders and defended him against charges of sexism now i cant stand the sight of his name in my inbox proclaiming not me, us, if ill just chip in 3. Alexa is with me now. You were on fire on this piece and i said i need to talk to this girl today. Thank you so much. The way you start the whole thing talking about sanders announcing his campaign on the same day Elizabeth Warren released her plan for subsidized child care, thats when you were like, can you not . It epitomized the whole problem. Literally we have this woman who is a mother of two releasing the most expansive plan for subsidized child care in america with some personal experience to inform it and the same day this guy does a cannon ball into the news cycle and gets everybody else wet and its all we can talk about and think about when theres actually something substantive thats meaningful and important to Pay Attention to and thats the bigger problem with all these guys. In all she calls them the b boys. You also get into beto who, you know, there are all kinds of discussions. He did recently recognize and almost apologize for his privilege. He did when it was referenced totally. He did also say he would make sure it was full of isnt that a point . We have four women running for the presidency now. It is second banana to be offered in an administration or as Vice President when in fact we have really the most qualified field of candidates ever who happen to be women. Youre saying you roll your eyes at that. Already was the first female nominee 35 years ago. We have been there done that. Number two are you saying these white men shouldnt be running . Im all for a woman, right . Shouldnt it be the most qualified best candidate wins if. Absolutely. The problem is though these men have a clear rational. It is that a woman cant beat trump it is unspoken. Its unsaid. Already they have raised millions of dollars more than the female candidates. Had this uphill battle. We know this from just i mean reams of data and research. We already just went through it. The fact that these three guys think that by the way he hasnt even declared yet. It is like hamlin over here. Youre over it. Im over it. Im over it all. What they could be doing is putting their resources behind these women with bernie for instance. I think it made really important moves in 2016. I dont understand why he was running now could really benefit from support, his money, his movements. He is not getting behind her. It wasnt reminiscent which is why i was so proud to vote for him too. Can you not i have a feeling, we have to hit a commercial break. Thank you. Come back. Still ahead here, democrats demanding documents, the white house we fusing and we could be at the beginning of a subpoena showdown. We are back in a moment. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. 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It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Justice considers a racial bias and jury selection. He is arguing strike jors. It is justice clearance that is the moe. That is because he asked a question which is arguments. What did he ask . What he very rare ri asked questions. I think the last time was three years ago. This was a super compelling case. Flowers was tried six times for murder. He wants the Supreme Court to overturn the prosecutor. He said the aim prosecutor was illegally striking perspective jurors. The numbers were pretty alarming. At one point in the first two trials all ten perspective black jurors were struck and there were many more questions asked of the black jurors. Just a few years ago the entire court in a very similar case ruled in favor of a georgia inmate. He decented in that case and he said he didnt think the Supreme Court should question the judgment and these kind of issue of the trial court. It was an interesting moment today brook and a very compelling case. Hearing him speak up and ask that question about white jurors well see where the case goes. John hickenlooper moderating from cnn Center Tonight at 10 00 eastern. Thanks for being with me. The lead with jake tapper starts right now. President trump suggesting he didnt get enough credit for allowing john mccains funeral. The lead starts right now. President trump continuing to smear a dead war hero, the latest in the most heinous attack moments ago. The president also saying today he is not nervous about the special counsels report it is latest rants and raves and personal attacks. Do they tell us otherwise . Brand new numbers about

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