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House intel. But tomorrow is the big day. It is this time tomorrow before the House Oversight committee that will be in full public view. That is when the convicted felon is expected to talk about how the president was involved in hush money payments during the 2016 campaign, two women alle alleging affairs with him and perhaps so much more. Cohen has already pleaded guilty to crimes related to those payments. And the chairman of House Oversight says that he has gotten the signoff from federal prosecutors in new york to discuss eight or nine different areas with the man once known as the president s fixer. So we start on capitol hill with our senior Congressional Correspondent manu raju. And manu, we just heard there are limits to tomorrows testimony. But what are you hearing about whats happening today behind closed doors . Well, a lot is happening, focusing on the misstatements that Michael Cohen made in 2017 when he testified before this same committee along with the house intelligence committee, but when he told this Committee Lies that he admitted to later, pleading guilty to those lies about conversations that he had with the president and others about that trump tower moscow project that they were pursuing in the Trump Organization back in 2015. He had said at the time that he relate downplayed it when he met with the committee initially surksd that it ended in january 2016, but he later admitted that he lied to the committee and said those conversations were much more extensive, they occurred up until june of 2016. But what we were told by people who are in attendance, that theres been a lot of focus about those past misstatements in this closeddoor session thats been going on since 9 30 this morning. Now, roy blunt, whos a member of the committee, wouldnt talk about details. He said this is a closed hearing. But he did spend quite a bit of time explaining what he had told us before that wasnt truthful. Susan collins, another member of the committee, said hes been enduring extensive grilling over the past several hours here. And members want to know exactly why he lied and whether the president was involved in any way. We dont have a sense of what he has said about that just quite yet. But the white house is already pushing back, brooke, saying that theres nothing that can be trusted about what Michael Cohen is saying privately or publicly. Sarah sanders putting out a statement saying its laughable that anyone would take a convict liar like chooeohen at his word pathetic to see him given another opportunity to spread his lies. Tomorrow will be a bit different scope. Were going to hear about those hush money payments, the president s involvement in those. The silence on those alleged affairs that occurred in 2016, the payments that occurred in the 2016 campaign. Other crimes that cohen is going to allege the president was involved in. Perhaps new details. Some corroborating new evidence. Thats what the members want to hear. Both sides, republicans in particular, are going to question his credibility, can he sustain that scrutiny . All Big Questions heading into tomorrow. But today hes facing those questions about why he lied initially and the members are reacting saying they want to hear more from Michael Cohen. Brooke . Okay. So the grilling continues behind those closed doors. Manu raju all over it. Thank you so much. Lets get some analysis on wa to expect also for this key day tomorrow. Elie hoenig, jennifer rogers, who are both cnn legal analysts and former federal prosecutors, are here. Just jumping off of manus point on the hush money payments, that can be sort of the opening moment for these members of congress to start questioning Michael Cohen and obviously their thinking if he would cover up in that regard what else perhaps did he cover up with president s help . What are your key questions . The hush money payments are a perfectly logical place to start. We know Michael Cohen was involved. Michael cohen himself directly implicated the president. And doj signed on to that very importantly. So i would want to get chapter and verse on those payments. Id want to talk about the inaugural fund. Trump was excuse me, cohen was involved in that. He made a recording of somebody involved in that. I want to know about cohens false statements to the senate, his false testimony about the timing of the trump tower moscow project. Its clear that someone else or other people were involved in crafting that false testimony. Who was involved . Who saw your testimony . What was the conversation . I want to know whether anyone ever promised him or brought up the possibility of a pardon, which could be obstruction of justice. Weve seen the president potentially dang dangling pardons from manafort and stone. Were there similar conversations with Michael Cohen . The last thing id want to k. Him is what questions did you decline to answer from the answer from the Southern District of new york . Our old office turned down cohen originally as a cooperator because he would not answer everything. I would say what were you protecting, who were you protecting . Sounds like the members of congress right now behind closed doors are asking those questions. They can use that. They can. But he lies. And hes lied all the time. And so you eared theard the whie response. The republicans are going to be poking holes, why should we be listening to this guy, convicted felon. The democrats are the ones who could be sympathetic to Michael Cohen in their questioning tomorrow. So why should congress, why should america even listen to him and believe him . When you listen to Sarah Sanders its almost as if she doesnt know how criminal cases are brought, right . How big criminal organizations and schemes are taken down. And its by taking cooperating witnesses who can tell you about the inside of the scheme. And ive got to tell you as we know, they all lie at the beginning. So what you have to do as a prosecutor is yes, youre skeptical. You talk to them. Do you believe them right after that . No. But you listen to what they have to say and you look at the other evidence. You corroborate them with other witnesses and what theyre telling you. Documents, recordings, basically anything you can find that either supports them or doesnt support them. And then you decide whether theyre worthy of belief and theth youre going to sign them up and put them in front of a jury. No one is going to take this at face value. Theyre going to take what they already know from other sources, put it against what Michael Cohen is saying and thats when you decide whether hes believable. But jut because he lied at the giing, that is so, so common. Doesnt mean hes lying now. You mentioned recordings. His penchant for recording all of the things, right . Is it possible he shows up tomorrow with more evidence . It is possible. Thats why this is going to be such a dynamic situation. In any criminal trial the most dramatic, most explosive moment is when the cooperator takes the stand. Testifies against his former partner, his former boss. Were going to have that here. Only no rules of procedure, no rules of evidence. You cant object right. Normally if you have a piece of evidence at a criminal trial the prosecutor would offer it up the defense lawyer would object the judge would evaluate it and say its in or its out. Yeah. Here theres no rules for that. Nothings to stop cohen from pulling a document out of his pocket and say here we go, and im passing this up to the committee. So it will be wild west. Wild west on wednesday in washington. You like that . So this will also focus on the areas where trump cares the most. Trump organization, business, finances, family. So is it possible that we could learn about new alleged misconduct . We could. And thats one of the areas that im really interested in for a couple of reason. The Trump Organization and possible kind of corporate wrongdoing there. Because you could be talking about a bunch of different things. Weve heard reporting about Insurance Fraud possibly that cohen might be talking about. You have things like tax fraud. You have potential accounting first of all. And that implicates not just trump but the trump children. The three eldest children who are executives of the Trump Organization. Which means that just because you cant indict trump doesnt mean you cant indict anybody. There are people to charge there. Secondly, you could backstop charges like that with state charges. There are lots of laws on the books in new york state about how you keep your books and records. You cant commit accounting fraud. New york state tax fraud, et cetera. That means that if the president were to pardon, say, his children for some sort of federal crimes related to Trump Organization activity cant do it on the state level. You cant do it on the state level. Thats why its interesting going forward. See you two in washington. Thank you guys very much. Halfway around the world, President Trump arrives in vietnam for a second summit with kim jong un. New details on the relationship and what the president told kim in private. Plus, as the surreal headlines keep it coming, one conservative says america has been finally normalized trumpism. He joins me on why theres no turning back now. And a cnn exclusive. 36 hours with the taliban. Clarissa ward goes to the front lines as the u. S. Prepares to pull its troops after 17 years of war in afghanistan. Do not miss this. It is extraordinary reporting. You are watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Tmobile is always happy to see you. When you join tmobile you get two lines of unlimited with two of the latest phones included for just one hundred bucks a month. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. About the Colonial Penn program. Here to tell you if youre age 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. 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Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. We are back. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. As the president s former fixer testifies to congress, President Trump will be halfway around the world readying for his second face to face with north korean dictator kim jong un. And i think wed all agree that the two men have come quite a long way from the early days the Trump White House and comments like these. North korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself and for his regime. But little by little the ice began to thaw. Fastforward to 2018 and to this scene in singapore last june during the first trumpkim summit. Lots of handshakes. Long walks. Smiles. Even a thumbs up from the president. Things went so well apparently that he boldly declared without a shred of evidence that north korea was no longer a threat. Shortly after arriving back home in washington. So what, you may ask, was the turning point . According to the president , it was the power of the written word. When i did it, and i was really being tough, and so was he, and we were going back and forth. And then we fell in love. Okay . No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters. That was in september. But trump reportedly has six of these letters which call him your excellency while touting his intelligence and energy. Letters he is fond of showing off in private and as he did just a couple weeks ago at a Cabinet Meeting in public. I just got a great letter from kim jong un. And those few people that ive shown this letter to, theyve never written letters like that. This letter is a great letter. Weve made a lot of progress with north korea and kim jong un. Tom countryman was a Senior State Department official for National Arms security in the trump administration. Hes also an adviser on Foreign Policy for america. Tom countryman, a pleasure to have you back. Welcome. Welcome, sir. Thank you, brooke. All right. So letters aside, the first summit between these two may have been more of style over substance but now the pressures really on, right . To walk away with something tangible both for trump and for kim. Yeah. Pressure is on. And i think it is not just optimistic but possible, conceivable that there will be a significant step forward, that both the United States and north korea will do something significant that advances the process and at the same time they agree to an intensified negotiation process below the level of the national leaders. Progress, tom hang on. Can you be specific . What kind of page progress are you counting on . According to press reports, there is at least hope that from the north korean side there will be a commitment to decommission the facility at yongbyon where north korea has produced all the material for its nuclear weapons. And if that comes with a inspection, verification process by international inspectors, that would be a significant step. From the u. S. Side it appears the president is prepared to make some kind of declaration about the korean war finally being over 65 years after the shooting stopped. Those two steps dont gets all the way to the finish line of denuclearization and normali normalization of relations, but its those kind of steps, whether large or small, that are taken in coordination with each other, action for action, that has the potential to make some significant progress here. I hear words like potential and hope and it would be so significant, and we will cover it if both sides, you know, walk away from something. So many previous president ial, you know, predecessors have been working toward something concrete. But let me throw this curveball in. Because could trump be, you know, so desperate for a win and to change the headlines from what will be playing out in washington with this public hearing with his former fixer Michael Cohen that he potentially goes off script or makes concessions instead of Standing Firm . Well, you already know that regardless of what happens in hanoi the president will tweet afterwards that it was the greatest diplomatic achievement in human history. Its a man who has a record of both making bad deals and of violating good deals and bad deals. So i am reluctant to predict that he will be disciplined in this setting. But whats different from singapore is that theres been a more intensive preparation by the Foreign Policy practitioners in both countries for some kind of common agreement. And if the president is able to stick to that and not do the kind of gratuitous freelancing that he did in singapore it could be a significant step forward. Tom countryman, thank you very much. Well be covering it as he meets with kim in vietnam. Coming up necxt dramatic moment during an oversight hearing moments ago. Hearings on the trump family separations at the border. What were hearing about allegations of sexual abuse against migrant children. Plus, we are a few hours away from a house vote to terminate trumps Emergency Declaration on the border wall. And yet another republican senator is standing up to the president. Why some say they are ready to just say no. I switched to miralax for my constipation. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. Miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. And it doesnt cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. Miralax. Look for the pink cap. Means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. 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Heres how a top health and Human Services official responded to that. The vast majority of allegations prove to be unfounded when theyre investigated by state Law Enforcement and federal Law Enforcement and the state licensure authorities to whom we refer them. It is important to note im not aware of a single instance anywhere of an allegation against a member of the o. R. R. Federal staff for abuse of a child. And congressman deutsch is with me now from capitol hill. Congressman deutsch, thank you so much for being with me. Pleasure. You are the one who obtained these documents from hhs. So tell me why you released these, how you got them, why you released them. Sure. Well, the House Judiciary Committee made a request in connection with the zero tolerance policy of this administration. Its a policy that the American People found such problems with to begin with because it tore kids away from their families. But in response to our request we received thousands and thousands of documents in big stacks, and buried in the stack of documents was a response to one of our questions about cases of Sexual Assault. And its incredibly alarming that over the course of the past number of years, year after year, theres more than there have been more than 1,000 cases of alleged Sexual Assault per year. And whats especially troubling is that in the past three years more than 150 of those alleged cases are adults on child. Its the adults who work under the care and direction of hhs who have been preying upon the children under the care of hhs. And its horrific. The details are horrific. And yet this is the first weve heard of it. It only raises 1,000 other questions about what happened to the people who were investigated. Some we were told were reassigned. Some were terminated. Who conducted the investigations . When did they conduct the investigation . And most importantly, when the administration decided to pursue this policy did they stop for even a minute to acknowledge the data that showed that these kids aside from being torn away from their parents and the trauma that would cause would be put into situations where they were at risk of sexual abuse. I want to get into some of these allegations. I imagine theyre atrocious, some of what youre looking at. But just to be clear, were talk three years. And if my fath serves, three years, that would be under both the obama and trump administrations. I hear you talking about the separation buzz this has been going on for three years, just so were all on the same page. Right. When you say these are Staff Members under hhs, who specifically and in what capacity were they sevenin iser . What kind of interactions did they have with the young people . Thats what were just now trying to figure out. We know from the charts that were delivered to us, we know that there were cases and cases over 150 just identified as staff abuse of the children. We dont know all of the details about who they were. We dont know exactly what their relationship was. We dont know whether they all had appropriate background checks. All that weve been told thus far, this morning both in the hearing and the statement you that just played, is that hhss response shockingly is, well, these werent our employees. Its not a question of whether or not these were employees who worked for hhs. The issue is the fact that these kids, so many of whom traveled thousands of miles, so many of whom were ripped away from their parents when they got to america trying to seek safety, were put into these situations where they were at risk of Sexual Assault. We dont i wish i could give you answers to all these questions. These are the kinds of questions well be asking going forward. We have an absolute right to know. And the one thing that was repeated over and over this morning in our hearing is we always look out for the best interests of these kids, and in this case there was a total failure to do so. Im going to stay in contact. Were going to stay in contact with your office as you demand these answers to these questions and get to the bottom of this and demand change. Congressman ted deutch, good to see you and thank you very much for this. Thank you. Michael cohen, the president s former fixer, is at this moment testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill. Hear what senators are telling us about the quote unquote extensive grilling hes getting and why his testimony today thus far has been surprising. Plus, Clarissa Ward goes to the front lines in afghanistan for 36 hours with the taliban. Well talk to clarissa about this reporting. Do not miss this. 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After more than 17 years of war the United States is now trying to negotiate an elusive peace deal with the taliban. Clarissa and her camera crew spent 36 hours with the taliban giving us this remacable glimpse into that countrys shadow government and how the extremists are trying to present a friendly face to afghans and to the world. We should warn you that some parts of her reporting may be disturbing. Reporter this is what the taliban wants you to know. Their moment is coming and they are ready for victory. This is a world you have probably never seen up close. We are some of the only western journalists to enter. Americas enemy in afghanistan is best known for harboring Osama Bin Laden as he planned the 9 11 attacks. For its brutal repression of women and for meting out harsh justice under a draconian interpretation of islamic sharia law. We want to find out who the taliban is today and if after 17 years of war with the u. S. Their Islamic Emirate has changed. Our journey begins in the Northern City of mazar e sharif. The taliban was forced to withdraw from here after a bitter battle in 2001. Now they are just a few miles away. Were heading out now to meet up with our taliban escorts. And as you can see, im wearing the full facial veil known as the niqab. I am wearing it to keep as low profile as possible because there are no western journalists in the areas were headed to. Reporter the government controls the highway out of the city. But once you turn off the main road you are quickly in taliban territo territory. To reach our hosts we have to cross a small river on a ferry. Billions of u. S. Dollars have been poured into building up afghanistans infrastructure. But little of that has trickled down here. Thats our escort just there on the other side of the river. Reporter after months of negotiations the taliban leadership has agreed to give afghan filmmaker naja qureishi, myself and producer abdul as as ill exclusive access into the groups territory. As women we are ignored, seemingly invisible beneath the full veil that is mandatory in public. The taliban has allowed us to visit these areas because it wants to show that it is in control. But in our first moments oh, thats a lot of helicopters. One, two, three, four, five. Reporter our escorts tell us to stop. We are now on the other side of americas war. In recent months the u. S. Has dramatically stepped up the number of air strikes on the taliban. The militants flag makes us a conspicuous target. But we have no choice but to push on. Our first stop is a clinic that has been run by the taliban since they took control of this area almost two years ago. A plaque at the door reveals it was a gift from the americans in 2006. Suddenly a young girl outside is hit by a motorcycle. A boy rushes over to help her. The driver is a taliban fighter. He slings his gun over his shoulder and wanders over, apparently unconcerned. Life here is brutal. The girl is rushed inside. Her frantic mother following behind. Is she okay . Is she okay . Reporter but no one seems as shocked as we are. The doctor gives her mother some painkillers and sends her away. After years of fighting here he has seen much worse. Whos in charge of the hospital . Whos managing it . He explained that the taliban manages the clinic but the government pays salaries and provides medicine. This sort of ad hoc cooperation is becoming more and more common. And there have been other changes. So this is something you wouldnt expect to see in a clinic under the control of the taliban. Some kind of Sexual Health education talking about condoms, other forms of birth control. 22yearold midwife fazila has worked under the taliban and the afghan government. What has been your experience working under the taliban here . The taliban never interfere in our work as women, she says. They never blocks fr us from g to the clinic. In the waiting area these women say its war and poverty that makes their lives miserable. Has life under the taliban changed now from what it was before . No . We are trapped in the middle, the woman says, and we cant do anything. Its just so sad to see how desperate people are here, the women telling me they dont have enough food to eat, they dont have the proper medicines to treat their disabled children. All they want is peace and some improvement in their quality of life. Its getting late and we need to get to our accommodation. The taliban turn off Cell Phone Service after dark. This is when we are most vulnerable. Salam aleikhem. The next morning we are taken to a madrasa or religious school. Under taliban rule in the 90s girls were banned from going to school. But we find boys and girls studying. Raise your hand if you know how to read. Okay. One, two, three. You can read and write. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up . A doctor. Bravo. Whats your favorite subject in school . Math. Youre smart. Teacher Yara Mohammed splits his time between the front lines and the classroom. His ak47 never leaves his side. The emirate has instructed education departments to allow education for girls of religious studies, modern studies, science and math, he says. But theres a catch. Once they reach puberty girls cannot go to school with boys. And the sad reality is that few in rule areas like this see womens education as a priority. The talibans focus now is on showing it can govern effectively. Across the country the group has appointed shadow governors like mulavi haqsar. For his security haqsar is always on the move. When the villagers hear he is visiting, they quickly line up to air their issues. There are disputes over money and land ownership. Your petition will be dealt with tomorrow, haqsar says. Corruption is rampant in the afghan government. The taliban has a reputation for delivering quick if harsh justice. The Islamic Emirate has laws, this man says. It has an islamic sharia system in place. Haqsar agrees to sit down with us. His bodyguard listens for security updates on the radio. We start out by asking about the talibans brutal tactics and the u. S. Concern that they could once again offer safe haven to terrorists. Translator whether its the americans or isis, no Foreign Forces will be allowed in the country once we start ruling afghanistan. Reporter are there real efforts being made to stop killing civilians . Translator those responsible for civilian casualties are the ones who came with their aircrafts, artillery, b52, and heavy weaponry. Reporter in reality the taliban is responsible for thousands of civilian deaths in the last three years alone. And what about these suicide bombings at polling stations, for example . These kill many civilians. We deny this. This accusation is not acceptable to us. Reporter there are small signs that the taliban is moving with the times. Translator i listen to the radio. Also facebook and other media. Reporter youre on facebook . Translator yes. Reporter but its clear that the fundamental ideology has not changed. So if somebody is found guilty of stealing, you cut off their hand . Translator yes. We implement the shar xwrap we foll sharia. We follow sharia instruction. Reporter and if someone is found guilty of adultery you will stone them to death . Translator yes. The sharia allows stoning to death. Reporter as were leaving the interview the military commander for the district arrives and a dispute breaks out about us. They should have brought a man, one of them says. So the issue right now is they dont want us to walk outside because im a woman. They think its inappropriate. We agree to follow the men at a distance, something ive never had to do in my career. The commander mubarez mujahed takes us to a safehouse to be interviewed privately. We are warned that political questions are off the table. Do you want to see peace between the taliban and america . Translator it would be better if this question was put to the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate. Reporter do you feel like the taliban is winning the war . Translator god willing, we are hopeful. We are supported by god. Reporter he wants to show off his forces for our cameras. His men are gathering just outside the village. It is exceptionally rare and dangerous for dozens of fighters to congregate in one place. I have been coming to afghanistan for more than ten years. I never imagined that i would be reporting from here in the heart of taliban territory. But were not going to stay long here because gatherings like this can be a major target for air strikes. But the commander says americas military might cant keep them from victory. Translator we are ready for any sacrifice. We are not scared of being hit. This is our holy path. We continue our jihad. Reporter most of these men have been fighting u. S. Forces since they were old enough to carry a gun. The question now is are they ready to put those guns down . Our visit with the taliban is coming to a close. Its time to leave. For a large part of afghanistan the prospect of a taliban resurgence remains horrifying. But for many here it makes little difference who is in charge. After decades of war and hardship theyll turn to anyone who promises peace. Clarissa ward, cnn, northern afghanistan. How incredible. Clarissa is here in new york today. She will join me on set. I have a lot of questions for her. What was the experience like for her, especially someone who had been to afghanistan for ten years . More on the Extremist Group the taliban. What the future holds for them. And how she did this as a woman journalist. Well be right back. And 2 boxes of twizzlers. Yeah, uh. For the team. The team . Gooo team. Order online pickup in an hour. Get up to 200 off on pcs and your tech destination. At Office Depot Officemax get up to 200 off on pcs and your tech destination. cos i know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams here i go again on my you realize your vows are a whitesnake song . I do. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. The one with the designer dog collar. sashimi psst. Hey, you wondering how i upgraded to this sweet pad . A 1,200squarefoot bathroom, and my very own spa. All i had to do was give my human the look. With wells fargos 3 down payment on a fixedrate loan and a simpler online application, getting into my dream home was easier than ever. Get your human to visit wellsfargo. Com woof. What would she do without me . Welcome back. You just watched that extraordinary piece with Clarissa Ward in afghanistan, really embedded with the taliban for 72 hours . 36 hours. 36 hours. 36 hours. But still, as a new mother, if i may just say, just that whole experience for you. Youve been around the world in all kinds of crazy situations, but i know that added a dimension for you personally. Can you just as a woman, in the veil, you talked about feeling invisible and how perhaps that helped you. Yeah. Tell the story. Yeah. I mean, some people are like oh, gosh, how awful, you had to wear the full facial veil the whole time. And certainly its not fun. Its not something i would want to do if i was forced to do it on an everyday level. But for this project it was a huge help to us because it is like having a little bit of a cloak of invisibility. You put it on and suddenly its not just that people dont look at you, they ignore you. So my producer, salma abdul aziz, whos egyptian american, would say Salam Aleichem and they would not acknowledge. There would be no aleikhem salam no, reply at all. And it was a blessing and a curse. Because it allowed us to move around and it allowed us into the womens territory, which is a domain completely cut off for my male colleagues. And its fascinating always, and you know this, brooke, from your reporting and your travels. You get such a different story when you sit with women and children and you hear their perspective. And its not about the taliban and its not about power and politics. Its about listen, whos going to put bread on the table . How do i get enough medicine to treat my child, whos disabled . Like these are the things that interest them, not whos in charge. The question too, when you were sitting with those men with all those ak47s. Yeah, a lot of guns. Your line was something to the effect of theyve had guns since they were old enough to hold a gun and the question is will they put those guns down. What was your sense . My sense is they dont really know a culture where there isnt fighting. This predates the war even with the u. S. This goes the commander who we interviewed, he didnt know he said he was somewhere between 30 and 40 but hes not sure exactly how old he is. So that gives you a sense of what were dealing with here. And he fought he remembers the russians being around. He remembers the civil war. He knows obviously the americans. The afghan government. So he has never in his 30 to 40 years known anything other than war. What exactly do you expect that commander to do . Hes going to like reinvent himself and open, you know, a well care clinic . No. Thats not going to happen. This is who he is. And this is who a lot of people are in these areas. And if you dont have other jobs then its difficult to see what exactly fighters are expected to do in peace times. 36 hours with the taliban, you brave, brave woman and salma and your filmmaker, thank you so much for sharing. Well all jump on cnn. Com and share it because it needs to be seen. Thank you, brooke. Thank you. Michael cohen, meantime, the president s former fixer, right now testifying up on capitol hill. Hear what senators are telling us about the, quote unquote, extensive grilling hes getting and why his testimony is surprising. Plus, halfway around the world President Trump arrives in vietnam for his second summit with kim jong un. New details on their relationship and what the president told kim last goround in private. Tmobile is always happy to see you. When you join tmobile you get two lines of unlimited with two of the latest phones included for just one hundred bucks a month. Reach her health goals im in but first. Shelfie the greattasting nutrition of ensure. 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And then fastforward to thursday, he will do the same with house intel. But it is tomorrow. And his time before the House Oversight committee that will be in full public view. And it is there for the very first time according to a source that cohen is expected to publicly discuss President Trumps role in some of the crimes cohen pleaded guilty to last year. They involve hush money payments to two women alleging affairs with donald trump. 9 white house is pointing out cohen has also pleaded guilty to making false statements and Sarah Sanders, the White House Press secretary, says this. It is laughable that anyone would take a convicted liar like cohen at his word and pathetic to see him given yet another opportunity to spread his lies. Lets go straight to capitol hill, to our senior Congressional Correspondent manu raju. And manu, we mentioned cohen started about 9 00 this morning with senate intel getting this quote unquote extensive grilling is what youre hearing from your sources. Whats happening behind closed doors . Reporter yeah, a lot focusing on these

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