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Least ten suspicious packages and devices addressed to eight people who have all been targets of President Trump. Cnn has on it and images of six of the packages that are quite similar in the markings, you can see for yourself. Just today we are learning two packages were addressed to former Vice President joe biden and another was sent to actor Robert De Niro. The other targets include the clintons, the obamas, former attorney general eric holder, california congresswoman maxine waters, two packages were addressed to her and liberal billionaire george soros and excia director john brennan, which was the package that was sent to us here at cnn in new york. As investigators frantically search for the person and motive behind these pipe bombs, the president is blaming the media for stoking anger. Next hour authorities in new york will provide an update on their investigation. Well take that live as soon as we see the nypd. Let me bring in our crime and justice reporter who has been all over this. Shimon, talk to me about the two packages addressed to biden. Those packages overnight, the fbi and local police were able to get to the packages. They were safely removed. We have a photo of one of those packages, exactly similar in ways of the other packages, between the postage all the stamps. All the stamps, the return address, the type of envelope, the type on the label. So all of that very similar. The weight of the packages is similar. Im also told that the design of whats inside, these pipe bombs in some of these packages, like the one sent to Robert De Niro also similar. So everything here is adding up. The question really on everyones mound ind well, ts two things. Who is this and also is this a hoax . This is ludicrous. If you talk to people at the fbi, these are bombs. They could have exploded. Whether or not they were meant to explode or there was a design flaw, that is what they are investigating. Thats whats going on now. Theyre going back, trying to find out where the parts were purchased for these device, everything from the electrical, the black tape that weve seen on some of these to the wiring, the casing and the metal. And the other thing is its clear that they probably at least have some idea now of at least where some of these packages were shipped from, which Postal Centers or post offices perhaps from where these were shipped of. That will give them some dclues. Stay with me, i have anthony may, a retired explosives investigator and josh campbell, former fbi, has been all over this as well. Josh campbell, these packages got to these different places some by courier, some ended up in mail facilities through the u. S. Postal services. What do you make of that . We are learning the different methods and mediums of delivery of these packages. We talked about how broad this investigation is, essentially coast to coast now, new york to los angeles to florida. Each one will be looked at differently. The United States postal service, if you think about commercial shipping companies such as Federal Express and ups, they all have highly sophisticated ways of track being packages that transit their system. If you look at the unabomber and the anthrax attacks of 9 11, the postal inspector came to local authorities and said we need to beef up ways to track packages and you see a more sophisticated level. When it comes to delivery, the couriers but whats your read on that, that this was even sent via courier . In any investigation, you want to cast a net but investigators have to determine how wide to do so. The u. S. Postal services, if theyre shipping packages, it could be the whole country, the whole world. When you start getting into couriers, investigators hone in on that location. It shows a level of sophistication that the person want just relying on one method of shipping to deliver the devices. By the way, in new york we courier and messenger things all the time. The level of sophistication i think were underestimating here. Thats one thing Law Enforcement has stressed to me, we just dont know. Theres a lot of talk that the person wasnt very sophisticated but what if they were designed to appear to look sloppier. And thats a fact of terrorism. As you know, you dont have to kill someone to instill fear. Theyre achieving their goal regardless. Thats the thing that Law Enforcement is stressing, to me certainly, theyre concerned that maybe people arent going to take these as serious as they should. As far as theyre concerned, these are bombs and thats how theyre moving forward. There is concern this person may have been more sophisticated. Theres also misspellings. The person who sent it, didnt know how to spell florida or Debbie Wasserman schultz but on the other hand knew enough i would argue there is a level of sophistication. Yes, they looked rudimentary. I heard one expert saying sloppy but im conflicted between the two. So is Law Enforcement. There are different theories and theyre running through everything. These are great points. Let me get tony may in here. Tony, what do you think of what i just threw out . Well, brooke, let me try to unconflict you a bit here. Okay, please. Ive heard a lot of commentators today make different statements about these devices, are they functional, are they nonfunctional . Im requestigoing to walk you ty 40 years of experience as a bomb tech. When these packages are recovered like they have been, a bomb tech is going to respond. He has several tools in his tool box. One of those is an xray. Depending what that xray tells him, its going to provide a path of how to render that device safe or maybe i can move that device to another place. As a bomb technician, looking at the xrays, what im seeing is possible Hazardous Material inside of a pipe i should be concerned about. Lets make that perfectly clear. It could be explosives, it could be pyrotechnics. Theres something there. But what im not seeing is going to drive what do i with this thing. Ill tell you straight up what im not seeing is enough means to initiate this device, whether by design, whether by accident, im not seeing that. So what does that tell you about motivation . Well, if im going by design, it was designed that way, then the individuals motivation was simply to spread fear instill fear. Instill fear. Now, does that make it not a device . Lets clarify that. As a destructive device, which is a functioning destructive device, there are federal statute the individual can be charged with. If it is a hoax device, there are federal statutes the individual can still be charged with. It doesnt matter whether its real or not real. What does matter is how the general public reacts to this. Let me take you back to the bach te bomb tech. Hes looked at this, decided i dont need to disrupt it on site, i can move this to a location via my robot and explore it further. I guarantee you the one that came out of your building yesterday has already been exploited, the information is out there. Thats why the other nine devices is being rapidly cleared because theyre doing the xray, seeing the same thing. They already know this device. Josh, go ahead. Hang on, tony. Tony is spot on. I was just talking with a Law Enforcement official who explained they are prepared to do just what he described. Hes bomb technicians can show up and use their equipment to xray a device on site. If they think they can move it, theyll extract it. Devices are being moved to the fbi lab at quantico. Whats going to happen there is exactly what tony was saying. Theres actually a bombproof room at that setup where investigators can stand and view with cameras and glass and they actually manipulate the device using robots in order to go in and take that apart. An xray will tell you one thing. Its like xraying your bone. This is going to be a lot more sophistication in the analysis goi going and that will tell you much more. Close us out. What are you listening for . Im going to be listening to see if they have clues. I want to hear more about how the bomb was made. Were hearing about clock, a battery. I think we need to hear more about the construction of the devices and if investigators have been able to learn any more about the person because of their knowledge of how it was constructed and if they have any idea of where these were being sent from. I think what the nypd will do at 3 30 is tell people we have this under control, were monitoring everything, were working, but people should feel safe in the city. There is some i was going to get to this. There is some good news in all of this today in that we have not seen any new packages. Everything so far as weve seen was sent yesterday or received yesterday or days before. Nothing so far that has come forward to indicate that anything has been received today. So maybe this is over. Obviously Law Enforcement is not going to act like that and theyre going to keep looking. But so far nothing new today. Go ahead, tony, quickly. Quickly, okay, the question in everybodys mind is weve got ten device, why no explosion . What does that mean . That means that the 11th device could explode. The bomber could be changing his design. Hes lured us into a false sense of security. Let not go there. Lets treat every device individually and exploit it. I think shimon hit it on the money, that no one should act like this whole thing is over. Gentlemen, i appreciate every single one of you. Well talk live, by the way, with one of the main investigators in the anthrax attacks, hear what he says. What stand out in this investigation for him. Also ahead, the president is blaming the media for anger in america, as this manhunt intensifies. Now were hearing what hes saying behind the scenes. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Smile dad. I take medication for high Blood Pressure and cholesterol. But they might not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Its not what champions do. Its what champions dont do. They dont back down. They dont settle. And they dont quit. Except for cable. Cable . Oh you can quit cable. Because we are cougars and we dont quit unless what . . . [team in unison] unless its cable quit cable and switch to directv and get the most live sports in4k more for your thing. Thats our thing. 1800directv ignition sequence starts. 10. 9. Guidance is internal. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. At afor the financialts time world to stop acting the same old way. You need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. We are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. Were back. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. While in new york, investigators were just discovering another suspicious package this morning, President Trump tweeted. Let me read it for you. A very big part of the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that i call fake news. Its gotten so bad its beyond description. Mainstream media must clean up its act fast. But john brennan, one of the bombers targets is giving it right back to the president telling him stop blaming others, look in the mirror. Your inflammatory rhetoric, insults lies and encouragement of physical violence are disgraceful. Clean up your act, try to act president ial. The American People deserve much better. By the way, your critics will not be intimidated into silence. Apparently behind the scenes trump is digging in and has no clai plans to claim any personal responsibility. Right. He doesnt feel he should take responsibility for this. The reason were seeing the president make comment about the media since the pipe bombs have been discovered, he and his allies feel he is being unfairly tied and played for this. Hes saying even though weve seen him make these comments about the media, they do not think the president should be in any way linked to this. They think hes being unfairly linked to this. So aides are not trying to stop the president from mickiaking t comment about the media. We saw a different president when he came at the stage. It wasnt the typical rally, there were no lock her up chants, nobody about fake news, nothing about elizabeth warren, none of the staples of his typical rally. He kept pointing out how he felt he was being so muted and behaving well. He did have criticism of the media to say it was the medias responsibility to set a civil tone in this country. Thats because behind the scenes the president has been watching the coverage of these pipe bombs and he feels hes being unfairly linked to all of this. Whether the president s critics agree with that or not, they say he should take responsibility for his own rhetoric and what it has done for the country, but instead he is focusing, saying it is the media that is responsible for how divided this country has become, even more so as we are just two weeks away from those midterm elections, brooke. One other thing i do think we should point out is here we are 36 hours later or whatever time were at and the president still has not called president barack obama, Hillary Clinton, any of these people that these pipe bombs were sent to, to check in on them, to update them as to how the investigation was going. That is something the president hasnt done yet and its unclear he has any plans to do so. Weve asked and well let you know if he plans on doing that. That to me is one of the things that are whole stunning and ive got a whole segment dedicated to precisely that point. Look at me, independent m behal since last night. The president s twitter fingers are working as bomb squads are called in to investigate another suspicious package in downtown new york and trump is blaming the media. You know, donald trump has to be one of the most malignant narcissists ive ever seen in public office. Hes incapable of ever taking responsibility for anything. Hes constantly the victim. Constantly. Points the finger at everybody but himself. No ones saying that donald trump is responsible for this person putting a bomb and sending it into packages across the country, but to be so unaware of what he says and does every single day, to think that this doesnt contribute to the division in this country is pretty astonishing. And that hes surrounded by a bunch of enablers who seem to not think theres anything wrong with that, that theyre pushing forward this narrative that its okay for the president to turn around to try to blame the media. Its our fault . Were not out there saying were the enemy of the people. The president of the United States is. The enemy of the people . The free press in this country . That is not what we do in america. When you dissent and have a dissenting opinion in political discussions or opponents, we dont vilify them to the point where we glorify violence against them. This has been a purposeful tactic bit president of the United States since the election to constantly play the victim so that his followers never know when hes being held accountable. And look at what we see. We saw signs, for goodness sakes, at that rally last night of People Holding up signs of fake news, fake bombs. Tell that to the Law Enforcement officers who are there to investigate those bombs. And the president cant rise to the occasion, to the bully pulpit to say enough is enough. God forbid he stand up and rises to the occasion. I have news for the American People he never will. I just come back to a simple question, which is where is his humanity. When you watch him, it appeared that much of his speech was written for him, it was rolling on teleprompter. But this is the part that really stood out to me, presumably unscripted. Roll it. And, by the way, do you see how nice im behaving tonight . This is like have you ever seen this . Were all behaving very well. And hopefully we can keep it that way, right . Were going to keep it that way. Do you see how nice im behaving . That is something hang on. That is something that you hear from a 6yearold when the 6yearold wants dessert. That is not what you hear from the president of the United States. Again, i just go back to he lacks humanity. And he pointed it out multiple times throughout the night. When he would say something, even when he was talking about those races there in wisconsin and he was talking about one of the democratic opponents, he was saying a comment and he said if it had been a week ago, he would have said it in a much different tone, much more forceful but he said look how nicely im saying it now and how much more muted i am tonight. It was a much more muted tone than weve seen but that likely came at the direction of aides who talked to the president about the gravity of the situation, what was unfolding, the conversation that was unfolding yesterday after these pipe bombs were discovered and the conversation as well about rhetoric in the country. But aides did point out he didnt have an option to make those remarks, especially after paul ryan and scott walker got up and denounced the attacks as well. Its not just the president s rhetoric that should be on focus here. It should be the rhetoric of Hillary Clinton, all these people who have not only been targets of the president but have also been critics of the president. Several people that work in the white house pointing out that comment by Hillary Clinton you cant be civil when someone is trying to destroy your party, your ideals. Thee had a much different tone yesterday. And critics pointed out that Hillary Clinton was someone who got one of these pipe bombs sent to her, addressed to her, and so the focus is really just on what the conversation is. Of course its President Trump thats president and the question is whether or not hes making president ial remarks by not only calling for unity but by going after the media a few minutes after saying that. And not mentioning nor calling two former president s on the receiving end of assassination attempts in one single day in this country. Weve got to leave it there, tara and kaitlan. I appreciate both of you. Were going to come back to that, i promise you. But coming up nice, ten devices, eight targets. What investigators are revealing are similarities and who who they were intended. And the lou dobbs tweet that has now been deleted. Big corporations are making and just got a huge tax break. But the middle class is struggling. Prop c is a commonsense plan. The top 1 of businesses pay their fair share to tackle homelessness for all of us. Companies with revenue greater than 50 million pay, not Small Businesses or homeowners. The prop c plan is supported by the democratic party, teachers, and mentalhealth professionals. Vote yes on c. Big corporations pay for it, not you. Got a little bit of news here on one of these devices, this is according to josh campbell, former fbi who just got seated. Were learning this device that was sent to us here at cnn in new york is actually now en route to the fbi lab on quantico, virginia, for further testing. Which is what you were saying, josh campbell, that thats where they would be taken to be taken apart to determine how they were made and presumably figure out who made them. Tell me what you know about this powder. Were told from Law Enforcement sources in between hits here that the initial testing was done on that suspicious powder. Authorities dont believe its anthrax or any kind of known biological agent but were told testing will continue over the coming days to determine what exactly that is. As we speak right now, this device is en route in an fbi bomb truck moving down the eastern seaboard from new york, down to the fbis laboratory at quantico virginia. We know that the cnn device is currently being transported. One other interesting tidbit were learning is weve seen reporting about what was on at least one of these devices. We dont know how widespread it is this reported isis flag. Were told from officials familiar with the investigation that theyre not giving credence to this. Theyre not saying this is international terrorism. They actually believe that this ice is sis image is some type o spoofed image parroting isis. Were trying to get into the mindset of a depraved person sending pipe bombs. At least at this point they dont give credence to the fact that because the isis symbol is here, that its international terrorism. Go try to get your lunch. Lets bring in charles marino, a former secret Service Agent and Homeland Security official. Charles, good to see you, sir. I want to begin with the fact that we know two of these packages were sent to both the obamas and the clintons at their homes, right, so no official offices but their homes. Im wondering what kind of security is in place at a former president s home to intercept Something Like this . Former president s and their spouses are entitled to Lifetime Secret Service protection. They have fulltime protection details with them at all hours of the day. Also in this example you see some of the other safeguards that come with that protection in the form of offsite mail screening, which identified these packages, which were addressed to the former president s. So the men and women of the secret service did what they do best and they keep all their protectees safe. In this case it was the men and the women assigned to the mail screening facility that identified these suspicious objects and took the appropriate measures. What do you make of the fact that whoever sent these things didnt try to send to offices but to their personal homes . Yeah, you know, theres a lot of different ways you can look at this, brooke. First of all, nothing is going to get directly to any of these former president s. Nowhere near them . Nowhere near them. So these devices were nowhere near them. They were never in any danger. These packages were oug automatically routed to an offsite location where they were screened. Even if somebody attempted to hand deliver something, that would never happen. And would never happen. Obviously they have the outer rings of security, it was intercepted, story closed in a sense. But obviously i imagine officials are even more on high alert, not only for those former president s but also other potential targets, other, you know, folks who have been critical of this president seems to be one of the themes pervasive among these various targets. Do you think security would be increased not just around the former president s but other officials as well . I think in this situation, brooke, you already have federal agencies that are responsible for protecting people, be it the secret service, the fbi, the capitol police. These men and women operate at a very high level each and every day. Its not like they say we need to come in tomorrow and ramp this up. The security is excellent. The Threat Intelligence is something thats reviewed and evaluated on a daily basis. If changes need to be made, they are. However, the security ring around these former president s and other highlevel officials is already at such a high level. Thats good to hear. You would know, charles marino. Thank you. Thank you, brooke. Coming up next, an Early Morning jab from the president blaming the media for some of the anger in our society. Well talk about the media in all of this. This as fox news host lou dobbs refers to the devices found at ten locations as, quote unquote, fake bombs. Well go there next. Cal we saved our money and now, we get to spend it our way. Valerie but we worry if we have enough to last. Cal ellen, our certified financial planner™ professional, helps us manage our cash flow and plan for the unexpected. Valerie her experience and training gave us the courage to go for it. Its our confident forever plan. Cal . And its all possible with a cfp® professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. Daddy, mommys on the phone hi how are you guys . And then, more jobs robegan to appear. What started with one job spread all around. Because each job in energy creates many more in this town. 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The president tweeting in part, a very big part of the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that i refer to as fake news. That is from our president. With me now, former cnn Washington Bureau chief frank cessna. Frank, when you saw that tweet, what did you think . I thought its really a shame. Its really a shame that the president in the middle of what is essentially not essentially, what is a National Crisis an investigation. And investigation, and still something that is a developing story. We dont know if there are other bombs out there, if any of them are going to go off. This is a time when we really need to hold our breath and also catch our own anger and instead hes fanning it, hes blaming others. Ive been in this town for a long time and weve watched this kind of thing very closely. There are times when president s must be uniters and not dividers when they need to rally public support and not further aggravate the debates and the divisions that always exist. And now is one of them. So im sorry to see him point fingers like this. Im also sorry to see him get it wrong. The Mainstream Media does not deliberately make it up. The disinformation campaigns, they deliberately make it up. Hes commingling all these things and its wrong, its dangerous and its a shame. All of these people who have been on the receiving end, been the targets of these bombs, they are the constant focus of foxs primetime coverage. When you look at fox right now, one of their hosts, lou dobbs, has been tweeting and initially tweeted about these fake bombs, which is a tweet he dloo dlooel. He then tweeted about fake news to illegal immigration and the caravan and suspicious package, which he later deleted. The investigators say the bombs are rudimentary but very much fu functional and now his latest tweet, whether hoax or bombs, they were clearly designed to influence the election. He has 8 million twitter followers and he has no evidence of this, any of this. This is the issue. Everybodys the media, right . How does lou know they were clearly designed to influence the election . He doesnt. We have no idea yet. How does anyone know where they came from . We dont know if they came from the right or left or anyone in between. We dont know if they were prompted by donald trump. That conversation needs to be tempered as well. We know this is a dangerous business. Were in a time where very divisive, demonizing rhetoric can make this worse. Thats where the role of the president needs to be as a uniter and not a divider. The president , you and i have been covering him since the getgo. He seems to think any News Coverage of him that is not favorable is, quote unquote, fake news. Give the man credit at being pretty brilliant at branding and his own p. R. When we watched him on 60 minutes, he admitted to making fun and mocking Christine Blasey ford, for him it was a way that worked, he won. Kavanaugh got the votes he needed to be on the sporupreme court. When you look at his tweet this morning, his messaging, isnt it more of the same . The president of the United States bears a disproportionate amount of responsibility when you look at the messaging. When you look at george bush after 9 11, think of Ronald Reagan after the challenger exploded. These are times when the commander in chief stood up and said we are one nation, we grieve together, we search together, we fight together. I think thats something that has been really missing. Right now, where we are right now and, yes, were two weeks before the election so its a very dicey time but the president is being called on his rhetoric. He will be held accountable, i think this is what this is going to be, this conversation is going to be on an ongoing basis, accountable for the word and actions that hes taken. Yes, you get pummelled when youre president of the United States. Every president has by late night comedians and columnists you dont like. It goes way back. But its in the Job Description of the president to find a way to navigate that, to rise above that, to outsmart that. Certainly to criticize that but to be very careful that you dont inflame the passions of the people in dangerous ways that can then not be controlled. And weve not experienced Something Like this. This is a presidency that is unprecedented and, therefore, for people on all sides of all issues now something to really think about in terms of where were going and what is the potential cost of this and how do we pull it back . Well, to say the media should pull it back, the media is the most plural word out there, but theres only one president and only one president that sets a tone for the country. Ive watched that as a White House Reporter and in other ways and its incredible how influential that one person can be on any side of a particular issue. Teddy roosevelt and the bully pulpit, mr. Trump has that. Frank sesno, a pleasure. Thank you very much. Pleasures mine. We have Governor Andrew Cuomo as he gets new information on this investigation. He also spoke with the president. Stand by. Rices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. About medicare and 65, ysupplemental insurance. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medicare costs, which means you may have to pay for the rest. 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Trumps efforts to kill the Affordable Care act. California news papers endorse Dianne Feinstein for us senate. California values senator Dianne Feinstein we are back. The manhunt is intensifying here into determining who sent these bombs to these various offices, including our own here at Time Warner Center in new york city. We do know a bomb truck left to go to quantico, virginia to learn more about one of these devices that did not go off. Governor cuomo is here. My goodness, first of all, incredible with nypd and everything they did for us here at cnn and of course what theyre doing currently. The question on everyones mind is the investigations, are they closer to knowing who did this . Well, first, good to be with you, brooke. And also cukudos to the personn at cnn who handled it very well. Your cnn people were very heads up and jeff zucker and the entire team were very cooperative so we thank you. The more these packages that are sent actually, the better for the investigation in a cruel irony. We have more information, more possibility for dna, more possibility for fingerprints, et cetera. So we have a fully coordinated effort thats working on the investigation, and that is going on literally around the clock. In the meantime, were adding more protection in new york state, more just to give people comfort. This is about people trying to inflict terror. Terror only works if you let it work. And we have more of a Police Presence just for people to understand that everything is safe and new york is going about business as usual. Joe biden is coming to buffalo tonight, and we have more state Police Presence with him. We have more state Police Presence for george soros, which is a private residence. The clintons obviously have secret service protection, as do the obamas and other parties. But the investigation is Going Forward full speed ahead, and new york is up and were running and new yorkers are resilient and were tough and were not going to allow this act of terror, political terror, which is a new dimension in this terror war, but weve been through worse and were not going to let it slow us down. On the investigation, i know were waiting for the new york police to brief everyone next hour but on how they were made, there were reports that there was this digital clock connected to a small battery as a possible trigger device. What can you share with us . Id rather not share the details of the investigation. Id rather leave that to the j. T. T. F. And the fbi, the state police, the nypd, who have been handling it. It is wrong to say, in my opinion, that these are fake bombs. There is a question as to whether or not the bombs were designed to detonate or to intimidate. The question is the motivation, right . Do they have a sense . Well, i think its a question of motivation, and you dont have the motivation until you find the sender. You can now download from the internet designs on how to build a bomb. Weve gone through that. Weve had terrorist attacks where a bomb has gone off, but it hasnt been highly effective because it was built by an amateur. So it could be that or it could be that the design was designed not to go off but only to intimidate. But you dont know that until you have the person or people who actually designed and sent the bombs. But its way too early. And i think misleading and dangerous to say these were fake bombs. These were dangerous instruments that were sent. Cnn has just learned that investigators believe some of the packages may have originated from florida. Can you tell me anything about that . You know, brooke, id rather not get into any details on the investigation itself. Okay. The i spoke to the president called earlier today, and i had a conversation with the president about the investigation. He pledged full support from all federal authorities, jttf, fbi, et cetera, atf. He inquired as to whether or not we felt the state of new york was receiving the cooperation from the federal sources, and i said that we were working well together. And we are. The jttf, joint Terrorism Task force is the main force entity that has local police, fbi, et cetera, and all Law Enforcement is working well together, which is good news because this is inherently a political situation, right . So we want to make sure that stays con it atained and Law Enforcement is doing their job. And it is and theyre working very well. Also, brooke, when we start to analyze what happened, why did it happen, and a lot of the conversation is about the elected leaders and how they have to rein their rhetoric and how theyve been fueling rancor anger, which is true. Rather th lets start appealing to the American People and saying to the American People that this has gotten to a point thats so ugly and destructive, that we are now tearing at ourselves, were ripping at the fabric that is america. At the end of the day were not democrats or republicans, were americans. You look at the president s tweet first thing this morning and how critical he was about the media. You have called out his rhetoric very recently. Did that come up in your conversation with the president today . The conversation with president was only on a Law Enforcement and the investigation. But look, i think we go down two tracks simultaneously. Yes, leaders have to be more responsible. Yes, the president s rhetoric is inflammatory, its hot. He uses really vulgar expressions at times and that has an effect. He is now the president of the United States. Hes not on a talk show somewhere. Hes president of the United States and he has thousands of people listening to him and that position of power i think he has to appreciate. And when that position of power is spewing hateful rhetoric, that has an effect. Second track, lets start saying to the American People turn it off. Turn it off. The movie is negative. Turn it off. And dont listen to it and dont accept it and if you want to see how quickly they take the movie off the air, dont buy tickets to the movie because the movie is antiamerican. The movie is divisive and ugly and were not red versus blue, were red, white and blue and thats america and thats what it means to be an american citizen. So turn off the movie. Its so real for so many americans, so many new yorkers. Its frightening, people are on gaej eng. Is there over . Are all these packages intercepted and does this appear to be the end . Look, you dont know. I would assume its not the end, which is the safe assumption. I also have a fear that we are now accomplishing for the sender or senders what they wanted to accomplish. All this attention is actually achieving their goal. When the first package arrived at the soros residence, i held my breath because the question to me was is this a oneoff or is this going to be a pattern . I had the answer the question answered when at 1 00 the next day, 1 00 in the morning i found out that the clintons had received a package. But it is accomplishing the purpose, apparently, of the sender, wreaking havoc. What im saying as the governor of the state of new york is you havent wreaked any havoc. New yorkers are doing exactly what new yorkers always have done. Were tough, were resilient, weve had a number of terrorist attacks. We get it

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