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The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Needed for a long time. I think these are people who cant speak publicly and they depend on their leadership to speak out. Fbi director Christopher Wray pushed back a little while ago. A few months ago. I think that its great that this message has been sent and remember, ana, that every time the president talks about how much he hates the fact that Jeff Sessions recused himself, this is an angle that is being investigated by the Special Counsel in terms of the obstruction of Justice Charges for firing james comey. So each of these tweets is yet another piece of evidence that goes to this longstanding resentment and grudge that he has that as david kris said, he has not been protected and had an expectation that this investigation would go away. David, what does trump do now . Because sessions just made pretty clear loyalty isnt on the table. Yes, well, i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in their recent inperson meeting that was supposed to be about Prison Reform, but i imagine may have addressed other topics. He can rail and he can storm and he can thunder, but sessions has made clear, i think, that hes going to hold the line, and the recusal is going to stay in place which means Rod Rosenstein is going to supervise bob mueller and thats going to go forward unless and until the president takes really drastic action, saturday night massacre style, by Firing Rosenstein or Firing Mueller or revoking their Security Clearances and all of those actions by the president that would really disturb or potentially disturb the investigation have enormous political consequences that could come into play, so i think for now the president is essentially having a tantrum and yelling, but im not sure hes actually going to do anything and so sessions will hold the line and doj will continue to grind forward. I mean, the president s comments were apparently the president s hands to stop it, but he could potentially put different leadership in place. David, we had manafort this week, cohen, and now sessions. All in the same week. Do you see this as a potential Turning Point in the Trump Presidency . Well, as i have said, its a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for the president when cohen and manafort hit, and this business with Sessions Doesnt Help at all, i think. It seems to be building toward a potential crescendo, and any number of things could emerge from this tremendous pressure that i think is building. But. In the meantime, the Southern District of new york will carry on with its work and the Special Counsel will carry on with his work and the chips will fall where they may. Stand by, guys. More breaking news. The the Wall Street Journal reporting that federal prosecutors granted immunity to American Media chairman david pecker in the Michael Cohen investigation. Now, American Media is the parent company of the National Enquirer. Cohen claims pecker approved a scheme to buy and kill a story about the alleged affair between trump and a playboy model. An Offense Cohen says he committed at the direction and coordination of trump in order to influence the 2016 election. Remember that secret audio of cohen and trumps conversation . Well, david pecker is at the center of it, so, listen. I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend, david. Joining us now, cnns Sara Sidner Who did a cnn Special Report on these hush money payments. Sara, tell us more about the relationship between trump and david pecker. You know, whats interesting is if all you have to do is sort of look as youre going in the Grocery Store and look over at the enquirer, youll notice early on during the campaign it was all negative toward Hillary Clinton and it was all glowing toward donald trump. That should tell you something. Sara sidner, thank you. Much more on david peckers deal with the feds and the impact this could have on trump. Next, our legal analysts will weigh in. Also a juror in the Paul Manafort trial is now speaking out. Revealing what happened Behind The Scenes during those intense deliberations including how one holdout juror prevented guilty charges on all the counts. And President Trump now making the case against his own impeachment. Warning, quote, everybody would be poor, if he were forced out. Is this governing by fear . Well discuss. Pah that will never work. No, no, no, nah. A bulb of light . . Aha ha ha a Flying Machine . Impossible a personal computer . ha smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. A stadium powered with solar. A hospital that doesnt lose power. Amazing. I like it. Never gonna happen. Publishing company that owns the National Enquirer has been granted imprunety immunity in the case against Michael Cohen. Saying he worked with david peck tore kill a story about an alleged affair between trump and former playboy model. Asha, cnn also reporting that david pecker gave federal prosecutors the details about the payments and told prosecutors trump had knowledge of these payments. How big is all of this . This is pretty big. We know that Michael Cohen pointed the finger at President Trump in court and said that, you know, he did his actions at the direction of the president. So if, you know, if they are getting actual documentation to corroborate that, that is going to be a big problem for the president in terms of, you know, being complicit in a conspiracy or agreement to commit a crime. There are a couple other ways he could be liable. If any of these people who gave away their stories do what mcdougal did, decide to sue, there was no meeting of the minds, the people knew they were never going to publish my story and if the lawsuits proceed, the president is many danger of potentially being deposed and cant get out of that. Finally, we dont know the contents of these stories. There could be, you know, there have been allegations that some people, some women, did not consent, for example. They made allegations against the president. If those are the kind of stories that are buried and pecker can corroborate those, those can be big problems for the president. David, the fact that prosecutors gave him immunity, david pecker, again, according to the the Wall Street Journal, what does that tell you . That he got immunity. Does it tell you that he has some kind of smoking gun . Doesnt necessarily tell you hes got a smoking gun, but it does tell you that he has potential liability. Which is motnot surprising givi the scope of the offenses and the way Michael Cohen and the government described hem in the documents and in macourt proceedings. The scope of liability here especially when you add in Aiding And Abetting and conspiracy is pretty broad and he was pretty clearly involved in important aspects of it. And i totally agree with asha that this is quite significant because its going to add a second witness who can corroborate the documents and cohens statements in any subsequent investigation or prosecution. Cohens got tremendous access, but a lot of baggage. Pecker, i think, may have not quite the same level of access although he appears to have a good deal of it and much less baggage. Asha, are we going to see more investigations here in new york . I think so. I mean, you know, they wouldnt have proceeded this far with Michael Cohen, you know, if they werent really serious about it. Whether it stops at michael cohen, you know, i find that i would be surprised if it did and if this didnt lead to more. Whether it leads to the president , i think, you know, the department of justice isnt going to indict a sitting president. And i believe that if it got to if it actually reached the doorstep of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, it would probably go to main justice as a special case to be handled. David, is this another case in which trumps words are coming back to haunt him . His everchanging stories regarding these Hush Payments . Yeah, theres no question that all of the conflicting and evolving web of statements that he and his closest proxies have been making could have both legal significance and more importantly, i think, political significance. At some point, some people are going to become sort of fed up or disenchanted with the constantly shifting positions. And the more that he says, you know, the more that can be used against him. Asha is absolutely right, theyre probably not going to indict the president in keeping with doj policy, but i think it could be the case that he becomes an unindicted coconspirator in some future charges. Its very interesting in the documents, themselves, the information to which cohen pleaded guilty, the president is not singled out. Its only in cohens own statemen statements orally in court that the president was identified but i can imagine a new round of Charging Documents coming out which do name the president once they have pecker lined up and locked in. We do know that new York State Tax Department is taking a look at cohen following this federal indictment, plea deal. David kris, asha rangappa, thank you, both. We appreciate your expertise ep helping us understand and digest these latest developments. Up next, President Trump trying to distance himself from Michael Cohen claims that crimes arent really crimes and he says hes done an aplus job so far as president. Well break down the wildest lines from this mornings interview in just moments. Know what . No, what . I just switched to geico and got more. More . Got a company i can trust. Thats a heck of a lot more. Over 75 years of great savings and service. You cant argue with more. Why would ya . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller transitions™ light under control™ lojust use priceline. Ls on travel . You can save up to 60 on hotels. Thats like 120 a night back in your pocket. Go to priceline to get deals you wont find anywhere else. This is not a screensaver. Game. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. The first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. 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Nope for a limited time, when you get fast, reliable internet, you can add voice for just 24. 95 more per month. Call or go online today. Call or go on line today. Following the stunning news that former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty on multiple tax and bank fraud charges, and that President Trumps former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to Campaign Finance violations, the president sat down for his first interview about these developments with fox news. Now, some of his comments were kind of all over the place about what happened to each of these men and about his own performance in the white house. Listen. What grade do you give yourself so far . So, i give myself an aplus. I dont think any president has ever done what ive done in this short we havent even been two years. Biggest tax cuts in history. Soon to be two unbelievable Supreme Court justices. Cnn politics reporter Chris Cillizza is here with us now. With more of the wild comments from the president s interview. Chris, take it away. Let me say this segment i give myself an aplus and it hasnt even started yet. Okay, ana, im going to run through, i post aed a thing on cnn. Com that goes through a lot of lines donald trump said in the fox interview that are worth noting. I want to highlight three because we dont have unlimited time. I want to highlight three. First i want to start, well play the sound of donald trump talking, broadly speaking, about i believe Michael Cohen. Lets play that. Did you direct him to make he made the deal. He made the deals. And, by the way, he pled to two counts that arent a crime. Which nobody understands. I watched a number of shows, sometimes you get some pretty good information by watching shows. Those two counts arent even a crime. It they werent Campaign Finance. Right. Well, someone doesnt understand something, ana, and its donald trump and Campaign Finance law. Hes trying to draw this distinction somehow between the fact the money wasnt given from the campaign to cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels and karen mcdougal, it was given personally. Doesnt matter. Thats an illegal loan. And remember when he is asked directly in that clip, did you direct Michael Cohen to do this . He says, he made the deals. Thats not exactly the same thing. So thats cohen part one. Lets play cohen part two. Donald trump taking about his personal relationship with his former attorney. Michael cohen, tell me about your relationship with him. Well, he was a lawyer for me for one of many, you know, they always say the lawyer, then they like to add, the fixer. Well, i dont know if he was a fixer. I dont know where that term came from, but hes been a lawyer for me. Didnt do big deals. Did small deals. Not somebody that was with me that much. You know, they make it sound like i didnt live without him. I understood Michael Cohen very well. He turned out he wasnt a very good lawyer, frankly, but he was somebody that was probably with me for about ten years and i would see him sometimes. If he wasnt a very good lawyer, why was he Donald Trumps personal attorney for almost a decade . Look, donald trump has done this before, ana, we saw this with Paul Manafort who was convicted earlier this week, who was Donald Trumps campaign chairman, i barely know him. Saw it with george papadopoulos, former adviser to donald trump, who already pled guilty in the mueller probe, just a coffee boy. This is the kind of thing he does. Make no mistake, we saw Michael Cohen, he set up a show company to make two payments to women making allegations that drup dru donald trump had affairs with them in the 2000s. To silence them, influence the runup to the 20 16 election. How do i know that . Michael cohen testified under oath to that in the Southern District of new york. Okay. I want to play one last clip. Cant have a donald trump interview without him talking about winning. Lets play that. Well, its part of my life, i guess my whole life has been this way. Somebody said, oh, gee, this is always such controversy. And i dont know, ive always had controversy in my life. Ive always succeeded. Ive always won. Well, hes 100 right, ana, he always has had controversy. Donald trump the private citizen, donald trump the politician, controversy surrounds him. And i do think its important, i won, i always win, remember, in Donald Trumps world theres not really a right and wrong. Theres a winning and not winning. A prodonald trump and notprodonald trump. Thats how he views the world. I urge people if you want more, go to cnn. Com. Theres a lot more that he said there. That gives you a taste of what i would say is an aplus interview. Well done, my friend. I give you an aplus for effort. Aplusplus. Yes, thank you. Were just getting new sound, by the way, from the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, as the president argues against his own impeachment. Giuliani says the people will revolt if it gets to that point and he doesnt stop there. Thats next. vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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But surely it was still seemingly an awkward meeting since the two of them are in this very public feud right now over the president voicing his complaints about Jeff Sessions and Jeff Sessions pushing back and pushing back pretty forcibly in a pretty stunning statement that you dont often see from a very quiet Attorney General there today. That was certainly something stunning, but another stunning thing that the president said during that interview with fox news was that he picked Jeff Sessions to be the Attorney General, the leading law enforcement individual in the country, because of his loyalty to him. Because as youll recall, back during the campaign, Jeff Sessions was one of the first and highestprofile people to endorse the president. The first sitting senator to endorse the president for sure. And now the president saying he only offered him that job because of loyalty and clearly expressing his displeasure that, of course, we know goes back to that decision last march to recuse himself from overseeing the russia investigation. Something that the president just has not been able to forgive Jeff Sessions for doing. But with that statement today, someone i talked to whos close to Jeff Sessions said essentially that sessions was daring the president to fire him by issuing such a statement, completely contradicting what the president said saying, yes, he has taken control of the Justice Department and hes going to continue to do his job there until if the president does decide to fire him, something the president did not answer when he was asked directly during that interview will you fire Jeff Sessions . He instead choosing to leave him twisting in the winded for now as he has been for essentially the past year and a half. The big question, is anything different this time . Been so many times weve been talking about the president s attack on his Attorney General and, yet, it goes on and on. Kaitlan, were also hearing now from the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, on talk of impeachment. What did he say . Reporter thats right, ana. We just heard from the president s lead attorney representing him in the russia probe on impeachment and to give you a little background, this Impeachment Talk has accelerated since Michael Cohen, the president s former attorney, implicated him in a crime earlier this week saying that he directed him to make those payments to those two women who alleged that they had affairs with President Trump. And now Rudy Giuliani, himself, is weighing in and heres what he had to say about all of this. Hardly. I think its inevitable that he wont. President is completely cleared. You have this cohen guy, he doesnt know anything about russian collusion. Doesnt know anything about obstruction. Hes a massive liar. If anything, its turned very much in the president s favor. I think impeachmentme would be totally horrible. Theres no reason. He didnt collude with the russians. He didnt obstruct justice. Everything cohen says has been disproved. Youd only impeach him for political reasons and the American People would revolt against that. Reporter Rudy Giuliani there on a golf course in scotland wearing his trump hat. Rudy giulianis been out of the country this week when the Paul Manafort verdict came down and Michael Cohen made his appearance in a new york courtroom. Something that frustrated President Trump with his lead attorney being so far away. You hear there Rudy Giuliani predicting dire circumstances if President Trump would be impeached. And thats something that his client, his number one client, also said during an interview saying that he believed if he would be impeached that the Stock Markets would crash and everyone would be poor. Ana . Kaitlan collins at the white house, thank you. And i want to play what the president said about the prospect of his own impeachment this morning on fox. Listen. You know, i guess its Something Like high crimes and all, i dont know how you can impeach somebody whos done a great job. Ill tell you what, if i ever got impeached i think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking, you would see you would see numbers that you wouldnt believe. In reverse. Let me bring in s. E. Cupp, host of s. E. Cupp unfiltered, new home on cnn, saturday at 6 00. Welcome to weekends. Welcome to the show in the cnn newsroom. Thank you for having with us. I want to get your take about giuliani and President Trump talking about impeachment. The president forced to address his own impeachment. Sounds like theyre playing politics of fear right out of that playbook. They are. A couple things, trumps description of impeachment is almost comically inane. He seems to believe that the health of the markets, alone, would guarantee his job security. And just ask bill clinton if having a robust economy and record growth and unemployment kept him in office. It didnt. But youre right, this is political jargon and frankly, its a good strategy. Rudy giuliani, remember, is not playing legal counsel, per se, to the president. Hes playing political adviser. And in sort of stoking these fears among the electorate that if democrats win the house theyll try to impeach the president , thats for turnout. Thats a good message. Thats a good fear for Rudy Giuliani and trump to convey to republicans you better come out and vote to keep republicans in the house or this whole thing is going to end in revolt as giuliani said. The question is, will it be effective in turning out the base and voters . Yeah. I also want to ask about the president s comments today with Jeff Sessions and Jeff Sessions hitting back. I mean, its really stunning to see this play out. An Attorney General of the United States going after the president of the United States and vice versa. Yeah. And largely republicans are sort of just sitting on their hands. Why . Well, look, when it comes to Jeff Sessions, donald trump just isnt that into this thing that we have in our modern democracy, separation of powers. Hes just not into it. He doesnt understand. He doesnt appreciate it. If he were starting his own country, he would definitely leave that part out of the charter. So that he is constantly grappling with Jeff Sessions and sort ofs isnt coming to his rescue is not surprising. Finally, though, it seems Jeff Sessions is very frustrated by this and can almost hear in his own statement back to trump, him trying to reason with the president , trying to say, look, weve been so effective at doj, at getting your agenda, you know, through. Sort of trying to remind the president you need me here. You want me here. But, you know, reasoning with trump is like reasoning with my 3yearold. I can say all i want, im doing this for you. He still wants what he wants when he wants it. I want to know, though, what republicans are thinking. Whats in their mind, as we look at what is yeah. What seems to be an upsidedown world, right . Where you have right now the republicans, the party of morals, sort of brushing off this idea of Hush Payments regarding women who may have had an affair with the president of the United States. I mean, that, alone, is one thing, but then on top of it, the issue with Jeff Sessions and the president s ongoing attacks at the department of justice. Again, the Republican Party used to be the party of law and order. Yeah. I mean, its worse how do you explain it . Its actually worse than that. Youre, believe me, speaking my language here as a republican and as a woman. To watch this party defend not just the president s infidelities but child separation policies. For example, as the party of family values. To defend these attacks on our Law Enforcement as the party of law and order. Deeply disappointing. Through this week, you know, august is usually a very slow time for politics and news. It hasnt through this week, i was struck by something one republican senator said to a reporter, and that was pat roberts, about all of this. Michael cohen, chris kcollins. He said, it is what it is. And i just wonder, is that the Bumper Sticker for 2018 . Is that the Bumper Sticker the new standard where all of a sudden it is what it is. Its okay . Thats a sad commentary about where the party is, not just relationsh leadership but rank and file. Disappointing. Well see where it goes from here. S. E. Cupp, thank you for giving us your thoughts. This weekend, her show premieres, unfiltered at k6 eastern on cnn. Up next, a trump voter on the jury for Paul Manaforts trial speaking out saying he wanted him to be innocent but the paper trail was too convi e convincing. Details on the lone holdout who kept them from reaching a guilty verdict on all the counts. To look at me now, you dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. 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The jury trump voter revealed a hold out on being convicted on all 18 counts. What were the deliberations like . Was it heated . It was. Crazily enough there were even tears. Two of the jurors, one of the females that did finally change her vote to guilty would come in one day and say guilty. There was a lot of back and forth with that. Finally we got all the documents and put them in front of her and she changed her vote to guilty again. The one hold out would not. Joining us now jury consultant, the director of litigation consulting. Mark, thank you for being with us. Take us Behind The Scenes. What happens when one person on the jury is the road block . It must be intense. It certainly is. You can just listen to the description of the entire panel putting all of the documents out in front of a particular juror. You are the last one standing and you have that kind of pressure and the entire group trying to persuade you. It is intense. There is no doubt about it, very intense. Is what she described typical of tempers flaring or tears falling as one juror is wavering . Is that usual . You know, i think each juror if you think about this each needs to go home and feel good about what they did. They will have to go home and lay their head on the pillow and live with the verdict. You are talking about a criminal verdict here. So you are not just talking about civil where it is two Companies Fighting potentially over money. You hold someones fate in your hands. Jurors go into that deliberation and each of them individually has an outcome in mind, how they would like the outcome to end and one that is good for them. And then they begin to barter and they have to work through the issues and eventually come to some common ground. For certain jurors they will give and take here. I think what you saw here is that they were able to convict on many counts. So for many of the jurors i think at the end of the day they want to go home and get out of there. So you will have one hold out that isnt going to budge. Sometimes thats where it ends up and the other jurors are satisfied enough that they did their job and they are getting a guilty verdict at least on a number of counts and they did their job and the other juror, give them credit, like it or not, standing your ground and say im not going to thank you for your insight. We appreciate you joining us. And this just in, republican congressman Duncan Hunter has stepped down from his Committee Assignment after he was arraigned in a california courtroom accused of misusing more than a quirt Million Dollars in campaign funds. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. 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