Conversation between the president and his loyal confidant, Michael Cohen. This is a conversation where they discussed a payment to a former playboy model who says she had a ten month affair with then private citizen donald trump. The president s new attorney, Rudy Guiliani, tells cnn President Trump had no idea he was being recorded, and to add to it, the source says when he was told about the tape, this is what the president said. I cant believe michael would do this to me. The white house has denied, denied macdougals claims of this affair, and while the tape was seized in the fbi raids on cohens property, they say theres a trove of other recordings as well. Start with cnn justice correspondent evan perez in aspen. What do we know about this particular recording . Reporter well, brooke, this is a recording that Michael Cohen did apparently talking to the president about a payment to Karen Macdougal, former playboy playmate that claims she had an affair with then donald trump as a private citizen obviously. This was a discussion that happened before the 2016 election and so of course now this raises a lot of questions. One of the things it raises, why was this a story kept out of the public in the 2016 election during the time, the run up to the 2016 election. If you remember, this was a payment that ended up not being made allegedly by Michael Cohen or by the president , it was a payment that was made by the publisher of the national enquirer. They bought Karen Macdougals story, ended up not using, publishing the story. She was under an agreement where she was not allowed to talk about the alleged affair with the now president. The big question this raises from Michael Cohen is the fact is that the prosecutors in the Southern District of new york, one of the things theyre investigating is whether or not there was any laws broken as part of these payments that Michael Cohen was allegedly involved in brokering with women who allegedly had these claims against the president. So thats now part of this investigation. The fbi has this recording that Rudy Guiliani is referring to. It is important to note the president s legal team has reviewed a transcript of this recorded call or this recorded conversation between michae cohen and the president and were told they think theres no legal issue for the president , they dont believe this is a conversation that causes any legal problems for the president , but obviously this is something that well have to see because this is still as you know an Ongoing Investigation there in new york. Let me pick up with your last point. Evan stay with me. I want you part of the situation. Also bringing in Gloria Borger and alley koenig. Gloria, let me pick up on that point. Gloria, hearing from guiliani, saying no legal issue with the tape. They looked at the transcript, essentially saying not damning. It sounds like you have a source who says otherwise. Who says that it is. Rudy guiliani is making the case that this is exculpatory. I have spoken to one source with knowledge of the tape who says that the conversation between trump and Michael Cohen is not as Rudy Guiliani described and the source went on to say that in fact the tape is not going to be good for donald trump but the source refused to elaborate. So brooke, here wave te have the of the tape. You have Rudy Guiliani saying this clears my client, and another source with knowledge of the tape saying not so fast, it doesnt clear your client. There is a tape somewhere, there is a transcript somewhere, somebody is going to have to make that judgment. You and i were just chatting, you were saying you worked mob cases and in this case, talking about the parallels, you always wanted access to the mob boss, and if you even had a recording of the mob boss, even better fon that persons case. What are the parallels . So the main parallel is youre trying to penetrate a closed, secretive organization, whether talking about the Trump Organization or the mafia. In mob investigations really the best piece of evidence you can get is a tape by someone whos in a position of trust, a confidant. And thats because the person at the top has the luxury of ruling by giving orders, that the boss doesnt get his hands dirty, he is not out committing crimes but telling people. If you have tapes, theres no running away from that. Good defense lawyers, first thing you do on arrest, come up to the prosecutor and say is this a tapes case or not. If it is a tapes case, theyll go we have a problem. If it is not, maybe they can fight it. Guiliani is doing what every defense lawyer does, this is no problem, this is going to clear my guy. I credit the president s initial reaction, which is why would he do this to me. What does it say . Tells me the president is scared. He trusted Michael Cohen for a long time and Michael Cohen knows his inside business, knows all of the secrets, knows where the bodies are buried, figuratively. So he is nervous and i think he should be. Evan perez, heres my question to you. So far from the trump team, from the campaign when it was the wall street journal in the fall of 16 they broke this story and denied trump knew anything about this payment when clearly based upon this reporting he did. Right, exactly. They denied. Look, they denied everything related to any of these claims that have been made, and it does appear that information then comes forward that shows the denials are not quite accurate. Look, well have to see whether or not this is something that prosecutors end up using in this investigation and they made clear that they are looking into charging Michael Cohen. We dont know exactly what necessarily the charges will look like, whether they have anything to do with perhaps an election Law Violation because obviously if someone made a payment to benefit the president before the election and that is not recorded or thats not reported as a contribution to the campaign, that could be a problem for the president. We dont know yet whether this is where the prosecutors are going, but you have to start thinking that the Trump Legal Team is very much aware of that, and thats something that im sure theyre gaming out as to how this develops, brooke. Gloria, you talked about how it was cohens m. O. To have a record, whatever his reasoning was. It is apparently a surprise that the was ruling on this decision with donald trump. We dont know how many tapes are out there. We have reporting there are additional tapes with other what, powerful people . Right, and thats dana bashs reporting which is that there are other powerful people, people of consequence i believe, on these tapes and i was told by another source there are definitely all kinds of tapes out there. This is something that Michael Cohen apparently did routinely. It is kind of strange that he would tape the president , then his boss whom he has always said he would take a bullet for, but we dont know why, and of course im not a lawyer, so lets have the attorney answer this, but are these conversation privileged, right . So Michael Cohen cant really talk about them or i dont know how that would come up in a trial. I just dont have any idea. They may be privileged but not necessarily. There is an Attorney Client privilege, but there are two important qualifications. One, has to be an attorney furnishing advice to his client, theyre going through a review and a tiny percentage of Michael Cohens documents are actually deemed Attorney Client communications. The other thing is theres exception to Attorney Client privilege, crime fraud exception. So yes, Attorney Client conversations are usually privileged, but not if theyre talking about a crime. What about in your experience, going back to your metaphor, not even a metaphor, real Case Scenario with the mob, why would you have someone tape a mob boss in those examples . So if the person is already cooperating and cohen was not cooperating at the time, youre trying to build evidence. Why would cohen do it on his own . Thats what im getting at. I propose he knew the kind of people he was dealing with, he spent years immersed in the trump world. He is thinking i have to protect myself. Never know how things will go. Dealing with people that will deny, deny, deny. So im going to make these tapes. Where do you see it going . Koenlz hMichael Cohen has to if he is cooperating with the Southern District. There are all kinds of indications that he is. If he does, theyre going to sit with him, reserve a Conference Room or safe house, sit with him, play every one of these tapes, go through every financial document and email and say explain this, whats this, why did this happen. That could open uhuh uhp all f doors. Gloria, we talked for years that cohen was this loyal guy, take a bullet, everything we talked about. Yet here he is under the criminal investigation. This is how trump characterized the relationship. A percentage of my overall legal work, a tiny, tiny fraction. He represents me like with this craze Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. And from what i see, he did absolutely nothing wrong. Now with this reporting, gloria, isnt it a tad more difficult for the white house to distance themselves from Michael Cohen . Yes, but they can do whatever they want. The president says he is no longer my attorney. Michael cohen made it clear to us at cnn and lanny davis, his spokesman awhile ago, saying that Michael Cohen is now independent. And Michael Cohen is going his own way. And in an odd way, in an odd way now Michael Cohen and his once arch enemy, michael avenatti, are together on this against trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And you know, wouldnt surprise me if at some point, you know, theyre on the same page here. So the world takes very strange turns in this story, and i think were just seeing another one. By the way, so you have two conflicting stories here, but you do have a document, you do have an audio tape and a transcript, so somebody the truth lies therein and we ourselves of course have not been able to see that transcript or listen to that tape. Truth is in the transcripts. Administrator i can gloria, elly, thank you so much. And evan perez as well. You have new reporting on the plan to have russian president Vladimir Putin come to the white house this fall, an announcement that took the terror of National Intelligence by surprise. Say that again . Vladimir putin. Did i hear you . Yeah, yeah. Okay. Thats going to be special. Yeah. That was a real time response when that news came out that the president would have putin to washington. Also, new details that the white house is none too thrilled about director coats comments at the National Security forum in colorado. Also all of this as President Trump is expected to leave the white house in moments on his way to bedminster, new jersey for the weekend. Will he stop and chat with the president about the week that was . We will stand by with cameras rolling. Stay with me, this is cnn. Im brooke baldwin. For your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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Condemned for not immediately supporting his intelligence agencies against putin, the president is now at adds with top intelligence officials in this country, dan coats for the way he responded after learning about putins latest invitation from trump, so lets begin there with cnn chief political analyst Gloria Borger. Shes back. Not letting her go just yet. Michael allen is with us, once held high level position on the National Security staff, and mike baker, former cia operative. Gloria, let me start with you here, we have to get straight to the dan coats on stage in aspen, you know, where hes reacting in real time. This is the director of National Intelligence, reacting to learning basically in a tweet that the president invited putin to washington. The white house has announced on twitter that Vladimir Putin is coming to the white house in the fall. Say that again. Vladimir putin coming to yeah. Yeah yeah. Okay. Thats going to be special. I just want you to react to that moment. Again, this is a man that talked about the red light is flashing with regard to russia, this is someone who had gone out, responded to this summit between putin and trump on his own, and now you hear him in real time responding to this notion that putin is coming to the white house. What did you think . Well, you know how they say no man is an island, i think hes an island. I think hes alone here. I think dan coats did not know, it was clear his surprise was real, and maybe the white house had been trying to get in touch with him and he is in aspen, we toe dont know the whole sisttory. The body language and making a joke because he was clearly so stunned means it is not something he would do or recommend. I mean, dont forget, this is a president , he also said in that same interview by the way he would not have recommended the president meet with putin with just a translater there, but he said thats not my job. And i think in terms of, mike allen can talk about this, i think in terms of the Intelligence Community i think their heads are spinning because theres never been anything like this. They havent been debriefed completely according to reporting at cnn and elsewhere, and then to set up another summit immediately after is head scratching. Makes you wonder if the president is just angry that everybody is angry at him. How fast are those heads spinning . They were pretty fast. My impression yesterday was that the president and his Communications Operation were under tremendous pressure and they rushed out the door an idea to get everybody to look towards the future, ie, another putin summit, rather than dwelling on the disasters of the past week. But listen, i dont think this is the way to do business. Theres a reason we have process. It is kind of boring, but theres a reason why we prepare, a reason why we have many people in the room, theres a reason why we summarize meetings and make sure theyre carefully handled so they dont leak, but also so the top echelon of the National Security leadership knows what happened in the top interactions that the president has around the world. This is 101. I dont think that the way they run it sort of free wheelingly serves us well on National Security. There was a thought going into helsinki, why would the president do this one on one, maybe it is hubris, ego. The other was what might russia truly have on this president. Mike baker, i was talking to steve hall, former cia last hour, saying it may be kompromat. Are you willing to go that far . No, because it is all speculation. None of us know, a, what was discussed, none of us know frankly how many people now within the administration have been briefed on those discussions. And hopefully nobody at this stage of the game is surprised by the lack of process that mike allen just referred to. There should be that process. What i mean is dysfunction alternate route, lack of information flow in a normal sense shouldnt shock anybody at this point. You want it to be that way. But no, im not willing to go as far as what steve hall, and i have a lot of respect for him, great experience, but again, it is speculation. They did talk about, there was reporting and talk about a white house meeting between putin and trump back in march, in april of this year. I will say objectively setting aside all of the noise and politics and the rest of it, objectively dan coats reaction was unusual from an individual with that much experience, credibility, seniority in the sense that it almost seems stepping aside, looking at it, he was playing for comedic relief. How should he have played it . Just say yes, there had been talk. He could have simply said there was talk about having this meeting. Theres much to discuss. Lets move on. You could also argue that President Trump would give him the opportunity, i have full faith and confidence in the u. S. Intel community, we believe they continue to engage in this activity. If they continue, we will take actions commensurate with the seriousness of it and then moved on. Gloria, to mikes point, i was talking to shane harris last hour from new york times, a senior white house official says it is coats that has gone rogue, case in point how he reacted on stage and other examples through the week. Do you think his job is in jeopardy . Everyones job is in jeopardy with donald trump at some point or another, i assume coats is as well. You talk about playing it for comedic relief, i dont think the president likes being laughed at. You have to think that it wasnt received well by the president , and the reporting was it wasnt received well by his top aides. Whether that would endanger his job at this particular point is sort of another question because coats is so key to all of this, the president the other day said he had faith in coats, came out finally and said he had faith in the Intelligence Community, so to fire dan coats now i think could be a real political problem for him, but trump doesnt seem to worry about that. So you would have to say that you cant dismiss that as a possibility. Mike allen, how close do you think Robert Mueller was paying to the summit this week . I think he was paying some attention. Sounds like he was otherwise busy. But jim clapper said something on your air yesterday that was fascinating. He said here on cnn that he believes the trump, putin conversation was likely recorded, if not by the russians, then maybe even the fins who hosted the meeting or other Foreign Intelligence Services. I dont know if our ci copanelist from the cia would endorse that, but wow. Listening to dan coats yesterday, there was a joke would the soccer ball be bugged. And dan coats was saying no, no, obviously they would be checking everything, and no. Mike baker, would you agree . Yeah, i wouldnt trust putin or the fsb or Foreign Intelligence Service as far as i could throw them out a window frankly, and soviets in years past, one time had a famous operation, they gave a gift to our ambassador down in mexico who hung it in his office and it was bugged, it was designed to pick up transmissions. They have been doing this for years is my point. Are you saying it could have been bugged . Well no, im saying, well, we have learned our lesson. I have tremendous confidence in my whole outfit and other members of the intel committee, we know better. That soccer ball is not sitting anywhere privy to sensitive conversation, i can guarantee you that. There you go. Take dan coats word for that. Thank you so much. Minutes from now, the president is leaving the white house to head to his new Jersey Golf Club for the weekend. Well be watching to see if he stops and speaks with reporters about all of the above we have been discussing the last hour and a half. Also we take you live to branson, missouri, learning awful details about 17 people now killed after that duck boat capsized in a storm. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Does your Business Internet provider promise a lot . Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business gives you gigspeed in more places. The others dont. We offer up to 6 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. Everyone else, no way. We let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go on line today. Sharper vision, without limits. Days that go from sun up to sun down. 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That storm came out of nowhere, they were doing their best to get back, get on land. One of them did, the other didnt quite make it. It is tragic. We watched them pull a guy out, just a private citizen. That gentleman drove his boat up onto the concrete boat ramp, there were some rescue guys just getting there, and they reached on, and this guy was clearly gone. Picked him up by his hands and his feet and put him up on the dock, and they went to work on him right then, cpr for about two or three or four minutes. Everybody was doing something. Then they shocked him twice. Had to put an iv in him and we could see him breathing, he wasnt breathing well. His chest was moving and he was breathing, they put oxygen on him, then an ambulance arrived and took him away. They were saying hopefully he is okay. Miguel marquez is there for us now. Simple question, why was the boat out during a storm warning . Reporter well, i mean, they go out all day long. There was a storm warning for much of the day, and more serious watches came in a half hour before the boat went out. You look at the lake right now, were expecting thunderstorms again. This is summer in missouri. It is extraordinarily hot and humid and thunderstorms happen throughout the area. This was part of a very long number of thunderstorms, some turned into tornadoes in iowa as well, so it came up very quickly, but should it have been expected. About a half hour, 45 minutes before that storm hit, the storm watches and warnings went out. They certainly had some indication but it will all be part of the investigation. What did the captain and driver of the boat know before the first emergency calls went out at 7 09. What do you know about the captain of the boat, did he make it . Reporter the captain of the boat made it, the driver did not. The driver was taken to the hospital and expired at the hospital a short time later. The driver or the captain who has been a captain for 16 years did make it. He is said to be cooperating with authorities. The National Transportation safety board is on the ground here now, they will take over the investigation. There may be an update from them as early as tonight, so we are watching for that. The other big thing theyre trying to do is bring up that boat. It sank 20, maybe 30 feet from the dock that would have taken it to safety. It went into about 40 feet of water and divers said it slid down to 80 feet of water. So it is very dark. There is a lot of salt there, and theyre trying to figure out how to get it up. Looks like monday before they can get it up. Thank you so much in branson for us. Show you some live pictures here. Air force one, joint base andrews, waiting to see the president take off to his golf club in new jersey for the weekend. Well be watching to see if he stops, talks to reporters about the news of a conversation he had with his former personal attorney was seek relevantcretl. Well be right back. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Ask your doctor about victoza®. Live pictures of air force one, baiting to see the president head on the plane and head to the golf resort in new jersey for the weekend. First time we will see the president since the news broke that he was secretly recorded by his former attorney, Michael Cohen. His new attorney, Rudy Guiliani, says the fbi now has the tape along with other recordings cohen made of the president. Guiliani said he recorded a discussion about a payment to former playboy model Karen Macdougal that said she had this affair with trump. Michael avenatti who claims had this to say about the tapes. The problem for the president is he has multiple problems relating to his relationship with cohen, but a very big problem is that Michael Cohen will go down as one of the worlds great evidence hoarders. This is a guy never threw away an old cell phone, did not delete Text Messages and emails, kept recordings and documents. And thats a very bad thing for this president. Kaitlin collins at the white house this afternoon. What is the white house saying. We know trump is surprised to learn this even exists. What is the white house response. Reporter so far the white house hasnt said anything about this, and President Trump walked on the south lawn of the produces. You can hear the helicopter marine one behind me. President trump walked past reporters who shouted questions at him presumably about the stunning news and development that Michael Cohen did record a conversation between the two of them, but brook, he didnt answer any questions. Instead, he boarded marine one, he is on the way to joint base andrews where he is going to spend the weekend at his golf club in new jersey. Brooke, we know the white house doesnt have the best track record on these things. In the past, they said the president had no knowledge about anything to relate to Karen Macdougal, the playboy model that alleges she had an affair with the president. They also said the same thing about Stormy Daniels, the porn actress that said she was paid to keep quiet about her relationship with President Trump. Now that of course came to light when the president s own lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, said on a cable news show, that the president knew about that payment and he did pay him back. So the white house doesnt have the best history when it comes to the stories about women that say they slept with the president in the past and have been paid to essentially be quiet ahead of the election. This is stunning news, brook. Remember this is something that will agitate the president. Remember in april after the fbi raided cohens house, hotel and office, the president was incredibly angry, he was seething, and sources inside the white house told me they had never seen the president so angry before in their entire time in the white house, despite all of the developments of the special counsel investigation and Paul Manafort and michael flynn, it was the fbi raiding Michael Cohen that sent him over the edge. You saw that Cabinet Meeting where the president was flanked by senior military officials, they were supposed to discuss syria. Instead he went off about the raid, saying it was a disgrace and really feeding into that. Likely the president is not going to be happy. Thats likely why he was unhappy about that raid in the first place. Right now, were waiting to see if the white house says anything. But Rudy Guiliani, the president s own lawyer, says that this recording of him and Michael Cohen is going to vindicate him possibly, but sources are telling me colleagues at cnn that thats just not the case, and that this reporting is not good for the president , and that there are multiple other recordings of him and Michael Cohen that are now in the hands of the fbi. Well done. Speaking over the rotors of marine one. Well see the president at joint base andrews in a moment. Off to new jersey he goes. Up next, new details how the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh feels about investigations and indictments of the sitting president. Hear him in his own words in moments. First, a sneak peek of tomorrows episode of the axe files. He sits down with mitch landrieu, hear about his take on the trump putin summit in helsinki. Especially given this week, the way the president handled himself on the world stage, where he humiliated theist of america and as i said before. With putin. With putin, collusion in motion is what we witnessed this week, that its got to be clear even to President Trumps most ardent supporters, those who supported him because of trade or the economy that this week was a bridge too far, that you cant have a coach playing for the other team. We just witnessed something no president in the history of the United States has ever done. Why was it . I am not interesting in figuring it out. President trump has us all spinning in circles trying to figure out why he does what he does. We need to focus on what his behavior is and decisions are, ask whether it makes america stronger or weaker. I think he weakened us in a way we have never been weakened, he should be ashamed of himself for the way he handled it. More importantly, putting that issue aside, we need to figure out how to work around him as a country. Hard to work around a president. Actually it is not impossible, it is possible for speaker of the house to grow some courage and to start checking the president s power and there are lots of different ways we can do that. He also explained why he thinks the former Vice President joe biden would be a good choice to run for president in 2020. You can watch it all tomorrow night on cnn at 7 00 eastern, the axe files. The day after chemo shouldnt mean going back to the doctor just for a shot. With Neulasta Onpro patients get their day back to be with family, or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Pay no more than 25 per dose with copay card. A decades old video raising new questions of President Trumps nominee for the Supreme Court. Brett kavanaugh. And the views of indicting a sitting president. This is from 1998 implying kavanaugh believes only one institution to investigate the president , the United States congress. Not a special counsel. So lets go straight to manu ra y ju up on the hill. Reporter hes also expressed skepticism about whether a sitting president can be indicted and this new video we have found he say that is theres one institution to be investigating the conduct of a president and that is the United States congress. Now, its important to note a difference of independent counsel and criticizing an the special counsel like Robert Mueller and trying to understand his views of Robert Mueller but in this video he implies that only congress is the institution to look into the president. Take a listen. The implication is that congress has to take responsibility for overseeing the conduct of the president in the first instance. Thats the role i believe the framers envisioned and makes sense if you look at the last 20 years. It makes no sense at all to have an independent counsel looking at the conduct of the president. To be sure, most criminal investigations are going to involve multiple subjects so we still need a criminal investigation ongoing but coming to looking at the conduct of the president it has to be the congress. Reporter now, this came in the context of his work with ken starr who was the independent counsel in the mid90s investigating the Clinton White house. He worked for starr for four years and what does it mean for how he views the constitutionality of the Mueller Investigation and if hes a Supreme Court justice possibly some matters of the Mueller Probe to arise to the Supreme Court level, maybe even if a fight over a subpoena trying to compel the president to testify. Those are all questions that members of the congress and the Senate Judiciary Committee Plan to ask him and pin him down on because we do not know his views about that but we know he does not view the independent counsels of any constitutionality and concerns of indicting a president. How does he view Something Like the Mueller Probe . A big question for the confirmation going forward, brooke. Well talk to you throughout. Manu, thank you. Live pictures, marine one there where the president presumably just landed and about to head off to new jersey for the weekend. He didnt stop and chat with reporters leaving the white house but you have to know a lot of people want to ask about this secretly recorded conversation of the president and the former personal attorney Michael Cohen. That news coming out just this afternoon. Well be right back. And if you dont have the right coverage, you could be paying for that pricey love band yourself. So get an allstate agent, and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. [beep] [beep] [beep] our members shop a little differently. So we reward every purchase. Lets see what kate sent. For you. For all of us. Thats for me. Navy federal credit union open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans, and their families. 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Breaking news, President Trumps longtime lawyer and fixer recorded him talking about making a payment to silence a playmate and were told there are other regardings in Michael Cohens stash. Out of the loop . Out of a job . The white house is now at odds with the president s top Intelligence Officer after his shocked reaction to the putin invite. Plus, duck boat horror. The death tol

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