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Sean, you talked about how the manufacturing too complicated. Does he still feel that way, and whether he feels this is complicated or not, is there something within the Administration One way or another about whether the president , the administration, wants to see this in or out of the tax package . Theres several pieces to that. Ill try to impact. That counts as, like, eight questions. No, no. First of all, im meeting on thursday. This is going to be a really historic opportunity for ceos to come in and talk to members of the white house staff and others through various agencies about how we can create jobs, how regulations are stifling, economic growth, and i think well have further details on that, but this is going to be a real interesting opportunity to really create a dialogue. I think in a manner that hasnt been done before, but im not going to get ahead of myself on this. Where we can really discuss some of the inhibitors to job creation, job retraining, what do we need for American Workers to get them ahead of the curve . With respect to specific policy positions, i think the president has been very clear that the next couple of weeks we expect to have a tax plan that gets out there. That is being worked on continuously. So im not going to get in front of that. While the ceos are here, im sure beyond some of the things, thats an opportunity for them to express what some of those policies are that are both helping them create jobs and grow as an economy and also inhibiting them. Lets let that conversation play out. Yes. Thank you, sean. My name is raquel from tv global news, brazil. I have a question from brazil right now about whats going to happen with the relationship between the two countries with the new administration. Especially as it relates to immigration and also to trade deals. Does President Trump also plan to review policies bilateral policies with trade deals, and also my second question, how does the administration see the current struggle economic and political turmoil in brazil . One more question. Of course. President trump is and look at the various services whether its Financial Services or manufacturing and that they reflect the current state of play. This isnt any one country i think the press made clear throughout the campaign and subsequent that he wants to review every trade deal that make sure america and American Workers are maintaining the best trade deal possible. I think thats a question for the department of state. Is that the first meeting is that a routine briefing but because of the nature of it it is happening in the situation room. Is that with staff . Staff. I think general mcmasters going to be here at noon today. We move fast, but i think that we need to give him a few days probably to get his team together. The president was obviously very pleased with the selection. I think when you saw the bipartisan support that general mcmaster received from the variety of the political spectrum, people who have served in republicans and democrats, academics, pundits, columnists, you know that he made an outstanding choice. We want to get him show him around the office a little bit, then get him going. When we have a date to announce the next meeting well let you know. Whats the president s goal for the joint address next week . I think ill have a further update as the week goes on. The president will lay out i think two main things weve come and where were going. I think that he is very pleased with the progress that he has made so far in the first month in office and i think it is an opportunity to remind members of congress and the American People what he promised them on the campaign trail, what hes done already in a very significant way to achieve and fulfill those promises that he made, but also talk about the challenges that we have as a nation and where were going. Thats everything from our relationship with other countries in this world to some of the various domestic problems that we face. The challenges that we face in cities, health care, education. But the president wants to make sure that the American People have a very clear indication as to where he is taking this country and as to why he will enact the policies he will enact. George. Thanks a lot, sean. Let me ask you a question about the Vice President s european trip. Im curious whether he received any commitments from our european allies to commit more in terms of their financial contribution to nato. I think several of them. I saw chancellor merkels comments previous to that noting that they understand that the u. S. Is asking for that commitment. Look, were one of the only countries theres a handful that are doing what nato requires, which is 2 of gdp. Some are 1. 2 , 1. 3 , 1. 5 , but some are below that. We need to ask them to do what they agreed to do. Weve had a mostly positive reaction from most of these nato countries that understand the financial commitment that they agreed to is something that they need to live up to. I think the Vice President continued to receive assurances much as the president has through his foreign leader calls where people understand it and are willing to follow through on it. Is it an ongoing process . Of course it is. We need to follow up to make sure the commitments theyre making in person or to the Vice President are being followed up on. Dhs memos today. Obviously these immigration enforcementments cost money. Hiring more agents. Right. Do you envision that the current budget is sufficient . I think right now ice and dhs are looking at what this is going to cost and how much in putting a request together, then figuring out how much can be handled through reallocation of resources and how much we can save in maybe another area. On a different matter, there was an election record report out today that the president raised more Small Campaign donations in 2016 than either Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders combined. Did he have a reaction to that . I dont know. I would actually probably go through the rnc for that. Thats a political matter that we generally dont discuss. The national citing reliable sources that the Administration Today will rescind obama era guidance al w allowing transgender kids to use right now thats an issue that the department of justice and department of education are addressing. I would tell you that i think there will be further guidance coming from doj in particular with respect to not just the executive order but also the case thats in front of the Supreme Court. The president has maintained for a long time that this is a states rights issue and not one for the federal government. So while there will be further guidance coming out on this, all you need to do is look at the president s view for a long time that this is not something that the federal government should be involved in. This is a states rights issue. In the wake of the Vice President s trip a europe there is questions as to the administrations position on the future of the European Union with regard to a number of political movements across the continent advocating for the disbandment of eventually the European Union. Want to see if you can clarify the administrations position on the future of the European Union . I think the Vice President had great meetings with several European Union leaders and made it very clear to them that we will continue to work with them and reaffirmed or nimt commitment to working with these nations. On immigration, two parts. Is one of the goals here mass deportation . No. Not at all . Look. I think what we have to get back to is understanding a couple things. Theres a law in place that says if youre in this country illegally, that we have an obligation to make sure that the people that are in our country are here legally. What the order sets out today is ensures that the million or so people that have been adjudicated already, that i. C. E. Prioritizes, creates a system of prioritization and makes sure that we walk through that system in a way that protects this country. This is consistent with everything the president has talked about which is prioritizing the people who are here who represent a threat to Public Safety or have a criminal record. All this does is lay out the exact procedures to make sure that that subgroup of people who pose a threat to our nation because of a conviction or violation of Public Safety or have a criminal record are adjudicated first and foremost. Thats it, plain and simple. Is then a followup to that, is the white houses message to date do undocumented people in this country whose only crime is being here illegally dont worry . No. The message from this white house and the dms is that those people who are in this country and pose a threat to our Public Safety or have committed a crime will be the first to go and we will be aggressively making sure that that occurs. That is what the priority is. Look, cecelia, the president has said multiple times that weve got to look at this issue on a very, very holistic way. Number one priority when you look the a the scope of how many people are in the country illegally, the number one priority is making sure that people who pose a threat to this country are immediately dealt with. This is not a small group of people. We are talking close to 1 Million People who have already been adjudicated and had their status processed through a formal due process system. So what we need to do now is to make sure that we focus the resources and efforts on those people going first and foremost. The fact sheet and information we put out lays that out very, very clearly what happened is being done. But for so long the people at i. C. E. And cbp had their hands cuffed behind them. Last administration had so many carveouts for who could be and couldnt be adjudicated it made it very difficult for customs and enforcement people to enforce the laws of this country. Right now weve made sure that they have the ability and guidance and resources to do what their mission is. And thats it, plain and simple. The president is consistent with his priority of making sure that those people who pose a threat to this country are the first ones to go. On immigration just to follow up, the president has a carveout himself for daca. Can you explain the process expand on what he was saying. The process that the administrations taking i think this is yeah. This is what i was basically talking to cecelia about, which is the president s made clear, when you have 12, 14, 15 Million People in the country illegally, there has to be a system of priority. Right now i. C. E. s priority is going to make sure that we focus first and foremost on that. He specifically in the guidance it talks about that daca and dapa, unless someone who fits under that program fits into the subcategory is not subject to what is being dealt with now. Remember, everybody who is here illegally is subject to removal at any time. That is consistent with every country. Not just ours. If youre in this country in an illegal manner, obviously there is a provision that could ensure that you be removed. But the priority that the president has laid forward and the priority that i. C. E. Is putting forward through dhs guidance is to make sure that the people who have committed a crime or posed a threat to our Public Safety are the priority of their efforts, first and foremost. Let me follow up. The president has also in and his team has also had reservations about undocumented people in the United States who are beneficiaries of public assistance or access to benefits, either at the state or federal level. What is the president going to be doing to either issue guidance or executive action of some sort to indicate that he would like to preclude that from continuing . I think we have talked in the past about the respect that the president has for taxpayer monies with respect to sanctuary cities and the enforcement measures that hes putting forward on immigration. Right now obviously the actions today are focused on people who are in this country and what we need to do on our southern border to facilitate the building of the wall that hes right now the focus is to make sure that ice and dhs has the authority to care out the mission and continue to see that immigration is one of those issues that he was very, very clear and consistent on the campaign and were going to continue to implement the policies that he talked about to keep the country safe. John mccain has been a very critical opponent of donald trump, saying that the elections were rigged and said they were silly and did not vote for him, what are they hoping to accomplish at the white house on friday . So governor kasich has agreed to meet with the president and has shown through the transition and since time in office that he wants to meet with anybody that can help move this country forward and share in his vision. I think that includes people who are with him, who are not with him, who are on the soer iother of the aisle. Frankly i would date it back to the transition, he understands hes the president of every american, and you do that by bringing people together whether or not they agree with you on one issue or two or three issues but if theres Common Ground to move the country forward great, i think so many of the issues are issues that are ohio are dealing with and he wants to make sure he can continue to work with governor kasich so that every american benefits. April. Did governor kasich ask for the meeting . Ayes. What did the president gain from his tour today. You talked about the exhibits he visited. Did he also visit slavery, when he was he said things like we made this country, meaning white america, not necessarily black. I dont know why you would say that. No, no, no, i heard him say that. Look, the answer to your question is one of the exhibits he visited was the slavery exhibit and the director walked him through some very Amazing Stories where slavery was prevailant, throughout the country, so they did have a very robust discussion about slavery early on in the tour and i think its a very eyeopening powerful tour for him and frankly for every american and i would encourage any american that can find time an get in because its so popular, but it is very enlightening, that people may not know the sacrifices that so Many Americans have made thare critical piece to our history that dont get mentioned, he mentioned he wanted to come back because you cant do it justice. Its much like the Holocaust Museum where you go through once and you start thinking of all the things you saw and think i would like to go back and more fully explore what i saw because it peeked some degree of interest, but he was taken back, its a very powerful institution and tour and covers a lot of ground. I think he was very proud to share with dr. Carson, when you walk up to this one glass exhibit dr. Carsons scrubs, pictures of him and to experience that with he and his wife for the first time an you realize how amazing that is for any american to be part of the Smi Smithsonian and standing with dr. Carson and his wife for the first time and how powerful that must have been i think was a real interesting opportunity for him to sit there hand to hand with another american and watch them be part of American History and you also appreciate some of the real contributions that dr. Carson has made to medicine and the depth an breadth of his accomplishments. Is there any enhancement on the cbc meeting with the president , also the head of the cbc said he was wondering if the president saw anything from current and past members of the cbc while he was in the museum to give them a Little Information before the meeting. Ill have further updates, i know the president looks forward to that meeting and i think were in the process to begin setting that up so i will have further updates on that once we get closer and i know we have got some additional work before the month concludes on historically black colleges and what did he think about the members he saw in the museum . Well, when you walk through one of them theres a big jumbotron and john lewis was there giving a very powerful speech and we paused and watched that a little while, so again with respectfully when you walk through a museum like this there are a lot of moments when youre just stopping and taking it in and if you havent been there you walk up this one ramp and you stop and one is a video screen a massive jumbotron and we watched the video of john lewis talking there and describing his efforts in championing voting civil rights, so i dont i know the president paused and watched it and listened to it again i would go back to how he described his overall we didnt dissect the Different Things but i watched him and it was very powerful for him. You just made very clear that the president s prior to is to deport those who pose a threat to Public Safety. I know youre very familiar with the mother. We dont get involved in those, im going to leave that up to i. C. E. I. C. E. Determined that she had violated the law in way that was in accordance with this. Gep again, we have to get back to our job isnt to call balls and strikes and say well, they only violated part of the law, if this was on any other subject and say this was tax evasion and say they only cheated on their taxes a little you wouldnt be saying should they be going to prison or fined . If they have a problem we should petition our lawmakers, it shouldnt be should this individual get a pass, if we want to change the law we have a very amazing process in this country to both create and change laws, so i dont want to comment on the specifics of any one case because i think that then puts the white house in a position of deciding what who is following the law and who isnt and who should get a pass what you just said a prioritization of cases theyre different. I think prioritize people who pose a threat to Public Safety and go after this individual, theres no question you have to have priorities in anything, what do you do first, second, third an when youre talking about 13, 14, 15, potentially more, the president needed to give guidance, especially in the last administration that so many had to figure out each individual whether or not they fit in a particular category and could adjudicate that case, the president wanted to take the shackles off and say you have a mission there are laws that need to be followed, you should do your mission and follow the law, and for particular cases i would refer you to i. C. E. In particular. Hold on hally is number two. Glen its hallys would you please not interrupt her. Im not going to allow you to be interrupted. The second question is antisemitism comments, you said he has taken opportunities in the past, just last week he had an opportunity to deliver a message to the American People and made very clear he was an antismetic and was suinsulted that, is the president ready to deliver a forceful message and why didnt he do it sooner . I think he has, and i think there was a point where he talked literally on Election Night and making sure that every american its interesting i get a question is he going to denounce this one, is he going to denounce this one, at some point the asked and answered. Im asking is he comfortable in his role as the person who needs to be delivering a broader message. He understands as the leader of the free world the president of this country, the commander in chief that he has an awesome responsibility to make it very clear where we are going with our country and what his values are and he has spoken forcefully that we dont stand for this kind of behavior, words and tolerance and we should bring people together and shouldnt be hating on people because of their gender, religion or color of their skin or variety of other things but theres a point where its asked and answered and the president has been clear over and over again going back through the campaign the transition now thats the kind of president he wants to be thats the kind of country he wants to lead. The aclu said the courts wont allow these orders to become a reality. How is the administration preparing to another potential legal battle and whats the response to the aclu. Is i think we have done a very good job of working with dhs and doj and white house staff to make sure we are well within any concerns the court might have and i think its important to continue to emphasize we feel the first one did that as well and we were vindicated several times in the rt co. We have an issue with the ninth circuit and i think will ultimately overcome that on the merits but a duel track is something we wanted to pursue to do everything we can as mentioned before to keep the country safe. Sean. Yeah. The foreign administrator im sorry. The Australian Foreign Prime Minister is meeting with the president today and tomorrow, i guess we can assume the refugee deal will come up. The last time we spoke the president was still considering and reviewing the deal, can you just are update us on well have a readout on that. If you could just on the current position on the deal, and also given that recent exposure on the president s distaste for it will australia be expected to return the favor . Look, again, i would wait, we will have a readout, but i dont want to get ahead of the Vice President s meeting or the secretary of state. One on the immigration refugee order expected in the coming days, so that it with stan withstands legal challenges can you tell us what the language might look like . I appreciate the effort but when we have it ready well get it out again, i appreciate the second try, but were not ready to announce it and part of it is is we are making sure that it is completely ready to go. And so when we have that we will get it out to. The reason that we havent understand no noupsnoup noups announced it is its not ready to be announced. Are ivanka who counciled on that tweet, is it important to the president was visiting the africanamerican museum he wanted to make it very clear, i think it was very powerful that while there and understanding the struggles of so many and we talk about one of the beauties of history that you dont repeat itself and when youre at a museum like that and see all the struggles that so Many Americans faced an overcame you realize theres still issues that the country is grappling with and theres no place for that hate and language and i think it was a very powerful opportunity for him to say that and make clear what his opinions were. Sara . Do does he regret as mentioned with hally, he has discussed this over an over again, his attempts and desire and rhetoric to unite the country has been expressed over and over again. The New York Times is saying that the import export bank that in the private meetings he expressed support for the export, so which is it does he support the xmr. Is i cant confirm that the omb is working on a budgetary im not going to get ahead of the omb, they are talking to interested parties about funding levels but were not at a position since the dhs guidance did not eliminate daca, does that mean its a civil matter and not going away . No, jordan what it means is that this particular enforcement is tailored to what ive been referencing over an over again the implementation of those two executive orders one specifically thats tasking the agencies under dhs to address a very specific problem of the million or so plus or minus people they have identified, that they have been adjudicated with already gone through the process to be adjudicated and take b out taken out of the country. What it means more than anything is that this order does not address that and its very clear in the q a and refer you back to the dhss website that has all that. Its within one month on the job for you and the president and are already talk around the globe. I have two questions. One my wife would disagree with you. Its not always positive too. It looks like that president is working around the globe bus mo because more than 60,000 pakistanans, were arrested for terrorists inside the country, any president ial message . No, look, theres nothing i have, theres an update of whats going on with pakistan, ill refer you to the department of the state for specific policies, but the point is that each country needs to look at what they need to do to control the people entering their country and keep their people safe. When you look at our laws and compare them to so many other countries around the globe we fall this the lower end of how tough our immigration policies are visa vis someone else. Next question, illegal immigration is concerned in the u. S. , millions of waiting for the last eight or ten years that they might see a light in the dark tunnel and now theyre hoping that President Trump will have a light for them, so what is the president ial message for them . Who in this country five, ten, 15, 20 years, they dont have any criminal records . The president said before he has a big heart an i think as he continue to develop policy on immigration its going to be as we talked about in the past prioritize what we go after first, second third. The president has made clear he understands the plite of those individuals but we will continue to develop policies that will address that and again todays focus is specifically on those two executive orders and im going limit it to that. Sean, at the beginning of the month senator john mccain sent a letter to the president requesting that the administration provide arms to ukranians fighting when will the president respond to senator mccains letter and what is the administrations position on lethal aid to fighting russian separatists. Ill get back to you, im proud to say we were pleased to see so much support for him. Scott. Critics of the president said at times he doesnt talk tough enough on the subject. General mcmaster has been labelled as being pretty hawkish, what if any difference in tone or strategy should we expect now that theyre working together . I think theres general widespread praise for his to National Security matters, hes going to be an asset to the team but ultimately the president has always been the decider whether its russia or any other issue, and if he is going to deal with russia, something that the last several administrations have tried to do, if he can do it he can but i think his success as a business negotiator should be a positive sign, but he understands combatting terrorism, growing the economic interest, were going to do it but thats where were going to continue to work with russia, he can get a deal, he will try and will do everything that if its in the interest of the United States he will get a deal. Another question on general mcmaster how much is he going to bring on his own people. There were some reports that general hayward was not allowed to. He will have 100 . He will have whatever he needs to implement a Successful Team but you know with respect to admiral hayward made it very, very clear he wanted this job he would love to take it, he was impressed with the team but during the course of discussions he said before i continue with this discussion i need to address some financial and family concerns. He went back, came back to us and said i am unable to continue the discussions because of financial concerns and family issues we have. I spent 40 years serving the United States and the United States navy, he said if there was another opening in another year or two i would be excited to be considered for the position. Hes been very clear, he wrote a letter to the president prior to first thing Tuesday Morning was in the uae and sent the letter over and said because of family concerns financial constraints having served this nation 40 years i cant take this job, but im unbelievably impressed. All the rumors about the discretion he would have over staff were 100 false. He made it clear that he would love to serve in the future, he was impressed with the team he wanted to do this, but there were constraints financial and family wise that come after served 40 years in the military, there were sacrifices he would have to make, but i have talked to him several times, the team has talked to him, but ultimately the president was very, very impressed with general mcmaster, he was one he thought stood above so many other folks. John bolton and others, but he so many people had spoken to him, general mattis, tom cotton, other senators really praised mcmasters command af t of the issues, i think thats why you saw such amazing widespread bipartisan praise. I think thats going to benefit not just this administration but our entire nation. Any senior people im sorry . Can we expect he will replace i cant be certain, the president has as with other candidates told them he would lead to team and he would have the discretion jeff. To followup on that, does that extend to the Principals Committee as well after he comes in and takes a look at the whole apparatus and advices the president he would not like to have the chief strategist the president has made clear to him, hes got full authority to structure the National Security team the way he wants, obviously Something Like that he would come to the president and make that recommendation but the president would take that under serious consideration. I dont want to go ahead with this person or that person but he made it clear that they had 100 control and authority other the National Security committee. Thank you, guys. Ill see you tomorrow. He will stay on active duty. Will that require senate conf confirmation . No, that was the case with powell and other folks. When the new comes up you wont rescind the one thats in place . Thats correct. Trying to get every last question in they possibly can to sean spicer there the White House Press secretary. Let me start with the last bit. That was our correspondent jeff zeleny just as this time yesterday on a threestar general h. R. Mcmaster the fact that hes the president s now National Security adviser and following up spicer said he will have 100 power on selecting who is sitting around the table and the question is will that include kicking steve bannon essentially out of that and thats sort of i think what jeff was getting at well followup with that in a second. The dhs memo enforcing immigration policies, also the news made this morning the president swinging by the africanamerican Slavery Museum and this antismetic bottom threats at some 24 states across the country, so let me chew at that, gloria borger, let me again with you specifically on what the president said this morning at the museum and the fact that this was his third he has any opportunity as a president to speak about this. Of course he was asked about this at the News Conference last week and did not directly condemn them, he was asked about this when he was standing next the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and now this morning he has, how did he do . Look, he finally said something, so you have to give him credit for that. But i think it was a moment when he was sort of backed into a corner. He spoke first of all from a speech and he could say it in a speech. It needs to be said. It needs to be said multiple times. And i think when youre at the africanAmerican History museum its really an opportune moment to talk about things such as racism and antisemitism of course. I know there are some who are asking the president to ask the Justice Department or asking Jeff Sessions to appoint a special task force to investigate these this rash of antisemitism and i dont think the president has said anything on that nor was sean spicer asked about it but he said no matter how many times hes asked about it, it isnt enough. Well, he really hasnt answered it until today. Also as part of the conversation, the Anne Frank Center, the statement from the Anne Frank Center which said the president s sudden acknowledge is a band aid of antisent michl reflecting antisemitism, yet day after day have refused to apologize and correct the record. Make no mistake it is the worst we have ever seen from any administration. David, is that a tad harsh sean spicer said he talked about unifying the country. I think that statement is harsh, i think the prior statement on the holocaust where they didnt single out the jew very, very upset about. There are also allegations about steve bannon that continue to swirl that people are basically labelling him, but i think ivanka trump has as a lot of influence on this as well. She converted to judism. I think she might have some influence on President Trump, but i also think if youre President Trump to be in his circumstances, do you want to send your time responding to every critique every day . I think it came to a boil that he finally had to respond to it but its an important part of a president s job what to ignore and what to respond to too. Jeff zeleny is now available. Jeff, you asked a great question. Im not totally sure whether we got the full answer whether general mcmaster wants to do away with steve bannon can he, what was the sense you got from sean . That was the question, if this new National Security adviser will be able to have his own team in place and sean spicer said several times he will have the full authority to create his own set of advisors here within the National Security council but i was asking specifically about the Principals Committee we talked about that several weeks ago and that includes Stephen Bannon the chief strategist essentially a political advisor and policy advisor, and i heard sean spicer leave the door open to that, he said i dont want to get ahead of that, or say thats something that will happen but wouldnt close to door to that possibility. He said that would be a decision that general mcmaster would have with the president. I think thats a essential question of the National Security council. It certainly is one of the things that was weighing this whole matter down for the last few weeks or so, so he is just getting himself in place and will put his own team in place, well see in the Principals Committee actually changes or stays the same though, brooke. Stand by. A couple questions we were asked about the department of Homeland Security memos released today. This is guidance on enforcement of immigration laws by the Trump Administration and in essence according to this call with reporters, theyre reaffirming there will be no mass deportation, in accordance with policies in place that redates the Trump Administration and one is the daca or dreamer will stay in place or intact. Reporter and brooke, were not getting much reaction from government officials when it comes from the office of the foreign minister, but i did talk to one mexican senator he says hes hardening his stance and hes doing this because of some of the legal challenges, legal hurdles hes faced with these executive orderers and one of the interesting things is some people see this as a crack down on immigration. We were on the border a few days ago. I spoke to people who had plans to cross the border illegally and i want you to hear even after these executive orderers have been signed, i want you to hear what they told me. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] hes saying that a border wall would not stop him from going back. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] he said donald trump can put four or five walls and that wont keep him from migrating up to the u. S. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] because he wants to find a way to be with his family. And his name was he was tiuana, he says his bond with his family is stronger, hes been deported three times, once under the Obama Administration twice under the Trump Administration and he was one of several we talked about that very same issue, so while the Trump Administration may be i think a stricter policy or certainly taking a stance on immigration, im not sure that its reaching everyone wanting to cross that border illegally. Im so glad you talked to him. We should be hearing from these voices, thank you. Youre familiar with this memo that went out today. Again, sean spicer saying this is about criminals, about priorities essentially that the president has a big heart when it comes to these specific issues. What did you hear . What jumps out at you from this dhs memo . Aone is trying to get state and local Law Enforcement officials to become immigration officials, thats been tried well over a decade. Theres 17,000 local Police Departments only a handful that engage in this, and one reason is of course theyre pretty busy already enforcing state and local laws. Number two, they want to make sure they dont put their department they have a fiduciary responsibility as chief and sheriff not to put their departments in the middle of a lot of protracted civil litigation involving racial profiling and also not a Chilling Effect for the oath they took to protect. Quite frankly they need the trust of the people. The trust of the people. And again, on this phone call with dhs with the white house, these reporters again, with sean spicer trying to reassure theres no imminent mass deportation, again, reaffirming that the dreamers are safe. On catch and release quickly gill, it says catch and release will end. Is that a change . No, its not really a change. You can only hold people that have come into the country illegally, crossed illegally for so long before either a federal judge is going to tell you they have to be released. When i left office on january 20th there were well over 40,000 people in detention, so you only have so much room at the inn so youre going to have to release people or the surge that sounded pretty positive in all this is to have significantly more Immigration Judges that will hold the hearings in a timely mans manner so whether the person is returned or granted some type of protection that can be made. What about bringing in a legal brain the constitutionality of detaining people . Reporter the biggest problem that you have with these new orders is the amount of discretion given to these i. C. E. Officers not only to decide who is prior to but who is suspected of a crime, this is who has a criminal background but that allows them whether or not they should be charged with a crime which moves them to the front of the line on priority, the Supreme Court is hearing a case people who are in the United States facing very similar issues of what kind of rights do we extend people who are over our border under our jurisdiction, when you give discretion to an agency to decide whether or not somebody is suspected of a crime making them equate to a criminal youre going to have constitutional issues and thats not going to go away by these two bans, unlike the two previous administrations who dealt with a backlog on the immigration courts being released back to their families now you will continue to have a backlog not only of those people but those who are even suspected of a crime. So i think we should be crystal clear, dhs memos but also the executive order. I know you mentioned the ban, i dont want to conflat the two, i think it was gorgeous voice. Reporter yeah, theyre moving along parallel tracks according to sean spicer, still defending the bannon i think whats most interesting here to me is that sean spicer said, everybody here legally is subject to removal, okay. So we know that. He said dreamers not for now. He just answered that in a way where that could be reopened but not for now. I think the question is and of course he said there has to be a system of prior to. Whats the system of priority . People convicted of a crime. My question is whats a crime . There are Different Levels of crime, is it getting stopped for a traffic ticket . Is it tax evasion . Is it a criminal act . And are the crimes put in different order, okay . We dont know the answer to that right now, so if youre here illegally and say youre the parent of a dreamer and you get stopped for a traffic ticket does that mean youre kicked out . I absolutely agree with you and if i said ban i said it inadvertent. If you have discretion given to the i. C. E. Officers to decide even what is a crime youre going to have a backlog of people who shouldnt be included in that, perhaps being in the country illegally is in and of itself, but it is giving them room to abuse that power, and thats one of the biggest issues of these orders and why youre not only going to have to have more i. C. E. Judges and officers, to determine whether they are being treated fairly, and if youre in the United States, you do have some rights and those have to be honored. I want to go to david, quick, final big picture question, he now has his new National Security adviser, c pack is in to town, final view. Once theyre dropped the biggest take away from spicers briefing is the huge amount of wiggle room hes leaving. It looks like trump wants to go against one of his campaign pledges which was to rescind daca, by the Obama Administration, one of those with children brought here illegally, looks like trump wants to move away from that but not completely because spicer is saying were going to prioritize this, a lot of wiggle room, well see if any c pack, conservatives getting upset that trump hasnt done what he promised on daca. Trump himself last week said were going to deal with daca with heart. Great point. Thank you all so much here, coming out of the big daily briefing. The day after president s day. An 11 year veteran from the cia announces his resignation from the intelligence agency, why he says hes quitting because of President Trump. Thats next. Were going to talk about this 11year cia veteran who says hes quitting because of multiple reasons under this new trump era. Jeff zeleny on the National Security committee the key question is with this new official National Security adviser general Mcmaster Sean Spicer saying quoting whatever he wants to have a team, might that include doing away with chief strategist steve bannon at the head of the table . Phil mud is with me, counterterrorism official, gentleman good to see both of you, phil, you know, what did you hear when you heard sean spicers answer when you here 100 whatever he needs to implement a team, is that wiggle room to say thanks but no thanks to steve bannon . No, thats bleep backward, steve bannon is not there because of his expertise, hes there to make sure the party peop the people tow the party line, what do you think brooke if they express an opinion thats different than what the president believes . Its not whether the new National Security adviser has the authority to ban somebody, they shouldnt put the onus on the new National Security adviser. Ass backyard. As s backward. His reason President Trump his name, he said he worked proudly for george w. Bush and barack obama but says he could not quote in good faith continue with this administration. As professionals we are touaugh to tune out

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