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The key point is that there werent discussions, there was nothing wrong or inappropriate about discussions, it purely came down to trust and thats it. Happen valentines day. Sean Spicer White House press secretary making it official, the president demanded the resignation of Michael Flynn as National Security adviser at the white house after he lost complete trust in his capability to perform his responsibilities. It was not a legal issue as much as it was a political issue, an ethical issue if you will. The president simply could no longer trust his National Security adviser. Once again we want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Glor Gloria Borger and your panel of experts standing by, gloria, he was very tough. Kellyanne conway said general flynn decided he should we sign last night and the president accepted that resignation, it was the president who demanded the resignation after he lost complete trust in his ability to carry on those National Security responsibilities. Very, very stark words from sean spicer. Right. If you were to do a word cloud today i think the word trust would be the biggest on the page because what sean was emphasizing here was that he did not, and the white house does not consider this a matter of National Security or even a legal infraction. What they said is it came down to an issue of trust what we called an evolving and eroding process. And sean did tell us a lot more about the timeline of all this was and what we learned is that it took the president 18 days from when he first heard about this to when in fact he did tell the National Security adviser to resign and that they were informed by the department of justice and that they waited and that the department of justice he says waited to tell them until january 26th. That is when they were told and you will recall that mike pence went out on face the nation i believe on january are 15th and that they decided and that the white House Counsel done mcgahn briefed a small group of people at the white house on this and they decided it was not a matter they were concerned about either legally as a violation of the logan act or obviously substantively that he spoke and sanctions to the Russian Ambassador, but that in in fact it became intolerable to the president it seems after he learned that in fact flynn had misinformed mike pence and others, but it did take the president 18 days, he called him unbelievably decisive but did take him quite a while to decide flynn had to go. Jim acosta, youre there. The White House Press secretary made it clear that the president had reached the critical amass and he asked for his resignation and he got it. Thats right, wolf. By the way what you just said there that the president asked for Michael Flynns resignation, that is contrary to what we have been told by top officials here at the white house over the last 24 hours, what reporters were told was that the president was hanging in there, was the characterization given to me and ultimately the National Security adviser Michael Flynn who decided on his own to resign. What you heard during this briefing was no, thats not the case, that there was an erosion of trust and in the end the president decided his National Security adviser could no longer serve in that capacity and had to step aside. I think the other thing that came out of the briefing was theres an acknowledgment that Michael Flynn was misleading the Vice President elect, advisors and was it intentionally misleading, sean spicer didnt really answer that question, i think the Important News was that there was a process according to sean spicer that developed here, when the white house informed the president and at that point the president launched an investigation and it is the view of this white house that during the course of that investigation it was concluded that Michael Flynn did not break any laws that this was just an issue of trust. Now, that is the view of the white house. I guess the question comes what happens moving forward . You heard up on the hill republicans and democrats are sounding eager to hold hearing and that presumes Michael Flynn would be called to testify if at some point those who control the relevant committees decide the hold the hearings that might be the next chance to get at Michael Flynn to decide whether he was intentionally misleading the president and president. I think it also raises questions about what were hearing in the Briefing Room when you hear the press secretary say the president has been tough on russia, that answer just does not hold water. It is conjecture overthetop statement. Thes the trumplike it is the trumplike rhetoric that you hear, but wolf, thats contrary, not with the record. You recall that super bowl interview with bill oreilly when he characterized puttin as putin as a killer. It infuriated those on capitol hill. I appreciate sean spicer calling on us and cnn latel. Despite that, i dont think that was a forthright comment. Including nicky haley have been very tough on russia, not the president. Sean spicer said they speak for the president but still you make an excellent point and it was a strong question. Jim sciutto is with us as well. One thing warned about was that the russians could blackmail and that was a specific word, blackmail Michael Flynn because of this information they had information that he was not providing to the president , the white house chief of staff, White House Press secretary. What else do we know about the notion that the russians could potentially blackmail the National Security adviser to the president of the United States . Blackmail sounds so strong, it does not appear in our own reporting talking about financial information, were talking about russians knew as well, that sanctions came up during that phone call. It appears that flynn had told other members they had not so russia could conceivably blackmail based on that information. But that appears to be what theyre referencing on blackmail. On another point i would echo what jim is saying there about trump suddenly saying im tough on russia, certainly the record du doesnt back that up, but raises this question why sean spicer felt the need to do that, there seems to be in the white house that listen theres a will the going on with russia, the Election Hacking losing your National Security adviser in less than a month. Thats a change for this administration. We have yet though to hear that kind of commentary from the president s mouth himself. Maybe from nikki haley, sean spicer making a thin case, what is left is the president coming out saying russia is a major threat, they interfered with the election, im going tough on them and you certainly havent heard the president say that himself. Excellent point. Dana bash, coming out over the last 24 hour statements, kellyanne yesterday said the president has full confidence in Michael Flynn, then evaluating the situation, then Kellyanne Conway was on the today show saying that flynn, he himself offered his resignation, around the president accepted it. That fact is what became unsustainable, the Vice President really was the key here, i spoke with the president this morning, he asked me to speak on his behalf and to reiterate that mike flynn had resigned, he decided that the situation had become unsustainable for him. Not exactly what sean spicer just said now that the president asked for and received his resignation after losing confidence and trust in his National Security adviser. Thats right. And look, that is a key difference and one of many sort of contradictions we are hearing out of the white house, but i think one of the most important things we learned in this briefing and what we did not know going in is when did the president or did he even at all get information at all from the white House Counsel that he received now we know january 26th from the Justice Department that Michael Flynn did talk about sanctions and so forth . So we know the answer to that is immediately. So that was january 26th. So, couple things. If thats the case, and if trust is the issue, we heard trust trust trust so many times from the podium today. What is the difference between yesterday and the president not trusting Michael Flynn and january 26th when he was first told about what the Justice Department reported was that Michael Flynn didnt tell the truth to the Vice President and the president himself about the phone call he had with the Russian Ambassador . What happened in the interim there . We can go out on a limb, i dont think its that much of a limb to say what happened is it became public. The Washington Post broke the story on friday that this whole notion happened. Or the notion that Michael Flynn kmul actually did talk about sanctions and seems to me thats the difference and the question is whether or not if this didnt become public starting on friday with the Washington Post report if Michael Flynn would still have his job if it didnt get out that he misled the president and Vice President and so forth. Thats a big open question and others as well. David chalian it looks like the investigations are not being promoted by democrats, of course thats understandable, but even some Top Republicans are now raise upping serious questions they want answers, more answers, when you have someone like missouri senator roy blunt for example saying he wants more answers from flynn for example. Thats a big deal. Yeah, and some are going to want answers inside the regular committee process. Some you hear like john mccain calling for an independent investigation, we need the under score what dana just said, thats the most Important News that has come out of the entire News Conference today. The president of the United States learned on january 26th that mike flynn had lied to his Vice President of the United States. The Vice President was out shows out on 15th of january, 11 days later the president of the United States learned that the information pence put out to public that the information he got from flynn was false because flynn lied about it. 18 days later that flynn gets his resignation accepted. This is critical because theres no new data point other than a public report from the Washington Post. I know sean spicer says theres an exhaustive investigation, i would urge them to put them into the Public Record but there is no public data point since learned that flynn lied on the 26th that changed anything other than the Washington Post went public with it. So i understand that the white house wants to separate out a Legal Process about whether or not he violated the logan act from the trust issue, but they just are put so much weight into the trust issue and who had lost the president s trust, but why hadnt he lost the trust on the 26th . Thats whats pressing in between. Right. Ivan watson is getting reaction from the kremlin and the breaking news involving the now exNational Security adviser micha Michael Flynn. What are you learning in moscow . Reporter i think seeing a number of top russian lawmakers come out and basically interpret the resignation of mike flynn or the firing as we have now heard of mike flynn as being kind of a blow against russia so you have a bunch of senior political figures here seeing this interpreting this as a threatening move and essentially defending mike flynn. The kremlin itself last week when asked about reports of sanctions being discussed between mike flynn and the Russian Ambassador to russia, this week when asked, he refused to answer on this and started calling this a domestic u. S. Matter. But then top lawmakers heads of Foreign Relations committees and upper and lower house of parliament calling this an example of paranoia and a witch hunt. Perhaps one of the reasons that many of these officials think that mike flynn is somebody they can do business with is because he came here in 2015, attended a celebration for the kremlin funded Network Russia today and sat at the right hand of the russian president himself Vladimir Putin perhaps thats why people here thought mike flynn would be a prorussian figure. They have been work routinely denied any allegations that any russian intelligence agencies hacked or divide to intervene back in november, but again starting to see the kremlin having to deny allegations not coming from the u. S. But from france of all places where you have top candidate, his campaign accusing the russians of also trying to hack their Party Accounts and once again, you have the kremlin denying those accusations as well, clearly not enjoying being at the sent cent a u. S. Fire storm and now being implicated perhaps in a french fire storm as well, wolf. Its amazing, ivan watson, thank you. Heerp with me brian stelter. Brian, were now hearing, this is Pretty Amazing also, the office of government ethics is asking for potential disciplinary action against Kellyanne Conway the counselor to the president presumably for releasing misleading or completely wrong information to the american public. Thats right, we saw her sitting there listening to spicer, but while the briefing was going on the office of government ethics sent a letter, saying i recommend the white house investigate miss conways actions and consider taking disciplinary action against her, the within why . Because last week on fox, when she told viewers go buy ivankas stuff, that behavior on fox news which was said at the time to be just a joke, that it was a serious ethical issue and now has a recommendation being done by the white house. But they want to investigate her comments about the ivanka trump brand not necessarily misleading the american public, 4 00 yesterday afternoon she said the president had full confidence in mike flynn. Just less than a week ago she mentioned go buy ivankas stuff. The only reaction we have from the president is when he tweeted the real story is why there are so many illegal leeks coming out of washington . Will these leeks be dealt with hes very angry about that, and you heard that from sean spicer as well. This is the difference between campaigning and governing. When donald trump was campaigning he praised wikileaks and said nothing is secret anymore. Of course then he was benefitting, now in office he is against the leeks, saying trump is very, very concerned about the leeks, spicer did not go as far as to say there will be formal leak investigations but there are some on capitol hill calling for an investigation, many of these leeks from government officials, nongovernment officials, cries for help, they may be against this president , but in many cases they are trying to call to concerns inside this government in some cases a form of dissent and curious to see how agr es z aggressive spicer was talking about. Conway said i serve at the pleasure of potus. His goals are my goals, uninformed chatter doesnt mat p er. Ill be back at 5 00 in the situation room. Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin starts right after a quick break. Lets continue on the breaking news im Brooke Baldwin. Thank you for being with me. A fast moving controversy thats left a hole in the Administration Just 25 days in. Sean spicer just facing tough questions, necessary questions focused on what the president knew, when he knew it regarding his now former National Security adviser Michael Flynn, the retired general resigned late monday evening after it came out according to a white house official the Trump Administration warned at least two weeks ago that flynn could be potentially blackmailed by the russian where flynn officially denied talking at all about u. S. Sanctions against russia, later on reported that sanctions were indeed discusses and flynn apologized for giving quote unquote incomplete information to the Vice President along with several others, so in that White House Daily briefing we heard from spicer saying flynns quitting was a trust issue. We kept hearing the word trust over and over and over, wasnt a legal issue, a trust issue. We got to a point not based on a legal issue, but based on a trust issue where the level of trust between the president and general flynn had eroded to the point he felt he had to make a change. He was concerned he had misled the Vice President and the president and others. The president must have complete and unwavering trust for the person in that position. The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation in a series of other questionable instances is what led the president to ask for general flynns resignation. Immediately after the department of justice notified the white House Counsel of the situation the white House Counsel briefed the president in a small group of Senior Advisors. The white house also reviewed and determined that there is not a legal issue but rather a trust issue. The acting attorney general informed the white House Counsel that they wanted to give quote a heads up to us on some comments that may have seemed in conflict with what he had sent the Vice President out in particular. The white House Counsel informed the president immediately. The president asked him to conduct a review whether there was a legal situation there. That was immediately determined there wasnt. Thats what the president believed at the time from what he had been told and proved to be correct. The issue pure and simple came down to a matter of trust and the president concluded he no longer had the trust of his National Security adviser. First i have pamela brown in washington. Lets be Crystal Clear on the timeline. We know doj alerted the white house a month ago. Tell us specifically what was said and when the president knew. Let me walk you through the timeline. Bottom line sean spicer said President Trump knew several weeks ago that Michael Flynn, his National Security adviser, was misleading him about that phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. That was late december when there were phone calls between flynn and the Russian Ambassador and this was around the time that the u. S. Was announcing sanctions for russias interference in the election. There were a lot of questions raised did they talk about sanctions, Michael Flynn denied it. Sean spicer denied it. Said they were exchanging holiday greetings and other topics but not sanctions. Then the Vice President went on morning shows midjanuary and said it was coincidental but they did not discuss sanctions. Fast forward january 26th we have learned that the department of justice acting attorney general sally yates alerted white House Counsel that flynn was in fact was misleading them and that phone conversation, that in fact there were discussions about russian sanctions, we were told today that the white House Counsel immediately met with trump and a small number of Senior Advisors to discuss this and President Trump at the time asked if there was anything illegal done. Apparently there was a fast investigation and within several days done mcgahn said this wasnt illegal. You heard sean spicer today talk about doj role in this actually pointing a finger to the department of justice even though it one until nearly three weeks later that donald trump asked for Michael Flynns resignation last night because of eroding trust. Here is what sean spicer had to say. I think its important to understand something very, very important. This idea why did it take so long . I think the first question should be where was the department of justice in this . They were aware of this, we were making statements based on what general flynn was telling us january 13th, the Vice President went out january 15th, the president was then immediately informed and ask the white House Counsel to conduct a vethere ar thorough review. So its unclear what was going on in the conversations, but also interesting to know when time President Trump was told and last night nothing really changed about what flynn told them was misleading them other than the Washington Post breaking news this this happened. And theres still a lot to learn. Its incredible had there not been these leeks we would be having a very different conversation today. Pamela brown, thank you for setting it all up. Wendy sherman under secretary for the Obama Administration is with us, a critic with the Baltimore Sun and davidal cha c. And you hit the nail on the head when sean spicer talks about this being a trust issue, you raised the right question. If President Trump had made aware of this midjanuary, what about it being a trust issue then . Right. Again, sean spicer was clear when the president as pamela just took you through the timeline immediately learned from the white House Counsels office that doj was aware that sanctions was indeed a topic of discussion on the call, he knew immediately in that briefing that flynn had lied to pence and spicer and others, so sean spicer said hang on there needs to be due process, an exhaustive investigation, i dont know what you need more if the whole notion is the trust was eroded because he wasnt truthful to the Vice President , that fact was learned on the 26th and there was no new data today that suggested any other piece of information came in between the 26th and yesterday other than the Washington Post made it public that indeed mike flynns story was changing. Wendy, then knowing that general flynn had not been truthful, had lied. Lets just say i had. Had lied. The Vice President went out on sunday shows and said no, no, that was wrong, for a month this National Security adviser has been by trumps side all the way till yesterday until he tendered his resignation. Why . It was interesting that sean spicer was more about deflection more caring about leeks than the security of the United States. The Vice President is due to go to the Munich Council later this week as am i, can they trust not Michael Flynn but can they trust the word of the president of the United States, can they trust that we have the interest of our National Security and the worlds National Security behind us . It was very curious today that sean spicer did the first his first indictment of russia. Yes, there are places we have worked together, we certainly worked together on the iran deal. Forgive me, let me come back to this President Trump signing a bill from the white house. I want to thank speaker paul ryan, and really worked hard, and bill hiesinger, this is one of many we have signed and we have many left. Were bringing them back at the plant level, the mine level, and the energy jobs are coming back, and you can see whats going on with the stock market. We know that they know we know what we are doing. So i think if i might, can i ask you to say a few words. Mr. Hiesinger. This is the first cra signed by the president and very pleased to be the author of house joint resolution 41, over 20 years theres been 56,000 rules in place with very little legislative input or oversight and its time that changed and im very thankful to the president , the speaker for being able to make this happen and we think this is a very good first step. Thank you, mr. President. Ill sign it. We may have to give him the pen, what do you think . Somebody is going to have to fight me for it. Pence has gotten too many. Thank you. Congratulations. Youve done a fantastic job. Thank you. All right. A lot of people going back to work now. [ applause ] all right. So we needed to go to that. This is the very first bill that the president has signed there. So there you have that. Lets get back to this story. Jovial atmosphere there in the oval and the issue, dave, let me bring in you for this is that thus far President Trump has been 100 silent on this issue of you know his now former nsa advisor Michael Flynn though he did tweet this quote the real story is why are there so many illegal leeks coming out of washington . Will these leaks be happening on as i deal on north korea . Hes focussing on the leaks and by the way its the leaks and great journalism that led to what were talking about. Yeah, thats exactly it, brooke. From a media critics standpoint thats the part of this story thats really interesting. Sean spicer spent a lot of time talking about the leaks. I think this administration should have stuffed the history of the golfvernment and the pre little more closely especially water gate. There are people in the government who feel this information has to get out. Good journalists make contact with these people and help get this information out. This is not going to go away. This is going to continue to happen. And its a real makeup call i think to this administration to find out someone is always listening to their calls and some of the people in the government who have they have denounced as loosers during the campaign can get access to that information an get it out. In honesty we should be fair, part of this is a dance with the intelligence community, you know, a lot of president s have learned because this is the kind of stuff they can put out there, so some of it is coming to the press, but the press is also going out, making those contacts working those long standing relationships, getting the message and the responsible journalistic out lets like the Washington Post, the new york sometimes and cnn are vetting that information before they put it out there. This is what journalism is and he should have looked maybe back to water gate and beyond to maybe understand how this works. Members of congress are seizing on this. Lets look at democratic minority leader chuck schumer. The white House Counsel cannot lead this investigation. And the new attorney general cannot be Jeff Sessions cannot be the person to lead that investigation. Department of justice regulations specifically prohibit individuals with political ties to the subjects of investigations from leading that investigation. I want to read you the regulations from doj website. Quote no department of justice employee may participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution or who would be directly affected by the outcome. The regulations Wendy Sherman so to you senator schumer saying it must be an independent investigation, in your opinion how should it play out . I think it should be a independent investigation. They have said there needs to be a series of investigations to this. This is becoming more bipartisan every day. You know, our future, the future of our country, the integrity of our country, the trust of our country and our National Security is at stake here, so im very glad to hear senator schumer join with Republican Leaders as well to ensure that there is a bipartisan investigation whether that is on the hill, whether that is a special council, a select committee whether thats a 9 11 commission i will leave for the leaders to leaf through, but its not going to be sufficient. And what happened during the election with the russian hacking of our democracy was really a fundamental assault on american democracy, that should be of concern to every american citizen and critical to find out what really went on. Youre absolutely right and im wondering does President Trump publicly address this . When and how for now . Thank you wendy, david and david all. Coming up so much more, of course this breaking news and plus as all this is happening the New York Times reports russia secretly deployed a missile which violates a treaty. And the push for investigation of Kellyanne Conway. Back with the breaking news here. White house contends an erosion of trust to quote the press secretary that led to the resignation of the National Security adviser. You have democrats on the hill saying theres a heck of a lot more to this story and doesnt just end with flynn. Chuck schumer calling for an d independent investigation. Many calling for a full investigation by the department of justice and the fbi many the next could. Do you hear the silence . This is the sound of House Republicans conducting no oversight of President Trump. Zero. We have no idea why flynn was doing all of this and why he was trying desperately to help russia. And i know hes now resigned, but hes not going to get off thats easy. We need some answers to a whole lot of questions. But the obvious questions are, what did the president know and when did he know it . Said republican senators are asking to come before the Intel Committee. The Intel Committee is looking at what the Obama Administration left on the table about russia an our elections, chairman burr and senatorsenato warren, i think its likely that general flynn will be asked to come before the committee to talk about activities. John mccain is saying it is a troubling indication of the dysfunction of the current National Security apparatus. Senator peters has called for a bipartisan investigation to russians involvement in our election and to Michael Flynn senator, welcome. Great to be with you, thank you. Where in the world to begin. The sound from senator blunt, the sound from senator schumer, i expect you stand behind this bipartisan investigation to figure out what the heck happened. Absolutely. This should not be a bipartisan issue, its a basic american issue, when you have a Foreign Government interfering with an american election, it certainly doesnt end with the resignation of general flynn. To me that poses more questions. This should be bipartisan or have an independent commission. The American People need to know. This is an incredibly serious issue potentially and we need to know the facts and have to take the politics out of it because it is much, much too serious. We just learned from the White House Briefing that President Trump found out about all this last month january 26th, so why do you think it took him 19 days to lose trust in Michael Flynn . I cant explain it. To think that you have a Senior Advisor who lied to the Vice President , put the Vice President on National Television to Say Something that turned out not to be true, of course we dont know exactly what he told the president. I think those are questions, did the president know more . Did he know it earlier . How much did he know . Thats why this independent investigation is so important. We are seeing a lot of smoke and my experience has been particularly on an issue like this when you start to see smoke and more and more smoke there tends to be a lot of flame behind that. Now you have three former trump advisors mike flynn being the third, theyre right now all under investigation with some sort of ties to russia. You have both sides calling for an independent investigation, a bipartisan investigation, theres a lot of smoke. There is. We havent seen flames, senator. Right. But are you suspicious of President Trump . I think we all are, especially when you start putting these actions together, we know during the Trump Campaign mr. Manafort was involved with russia, had strong russian ties and very clear they tried to manipulate and influence the election an then you dont see President Trump talking tough on putin, in fact he embraces mr. Putin, though they continue actions in the ukraine. Im hearing examples of suspicion so do you trust President Trump in getting Intelligence Briefings . I think thats a real concern and you might be seeing intelligence officials who are patriots care deeply about this country, arent afraid that some information they are collecting may not be used in an inappropriate way, thats a difficult position for a commander in chief to be in. Are you in fear of that directly, sir . I think you are seeing that by some of the information thats coming out that you have people certainly raising very serious questions within these agencies. What about Jason Chaffetz the House Oversight Committee Chairman . He just now announced this situation into the handling of classified information down at palm beach at the club maralago. You know the story and im sure you have seen all the pictures of Prime Minister japan shinzo abe and lights from eye phone reading classified documents at a dinner party. Yeah. Youre response to this call for this investigation . Its just outrageous, thats why we have to have these investigations. Were going to be facing some really very serious issues Going Forward in fact im heading to munich to talk about National Security in europe. We got a story that broke in the New York Times about interimmediate nuclear missiles, how is the president going to act . He needs to be tough and he needs to push back and there maybe a reason why and thats why we need to find out. Thank you much for your time. Is breaking news also here in cnn the office of government ethics just sent a letter to the white house calling to investigate Kellyanne Conway, it says the white house should consider disciplinary action against conway after she promoted kr promoted ivanka trumps clothing line from the Briefing Room at the white house last week. With me the Baltimore Sun, and the investigations are piling up, david. Yeah, they are. How are you going to govern you know, its amazing because look how long it took us to get in water gate before there were so many investigations that Richard Nixons presidency was paralyze. Here were 25 days in and their starting to pile up you almost cant keep track of them. I think partisans supportive of President Trump want to say oh, this was a minor thing, its partisan, attack, here is what i think is part of the problem, conway was an effective spokeswoman during the campaign, it is a sort of trench fighting and youre allowed a certain latitude. Now theyre governing and you dont joke about ethics and sort of go in your face with the ethics, say not only am i going to be questioned about this im going to use this time to say go buy her products. Thats an insult to anyone in government, anyone everywhere who takes ethics seriously. In washington there might be a lot of hip kpocratics, but i thk they should investigate her for it and i think this entire administration has to learn how to speak to the American People, not just in a Campaign Mode but in a governing mode. We shall see what happens now that theyre looking into this and perhaps more than being counseled. Thank you so much. We have more news just in new jersey governor Chris Cristie the man hired and then booted off the president s Transition Team met with President Trump add the white house today. We are being told President Trump may be eyeing him for a role within the white house, that he needs someone to keep him in line. So we know governor cristie an his wife were invited to lunch by the president. Here they are walking into the west wing about an hour before that meeting. Now a reporter with the star ledger. Nice to see you. Hi, brooke. We know governor cristie has been very critical of Michael Flynn. Why do you think hes really there. Is he there perhaps to give advice how to restore order at this white house . The governor said last night and been saying a little bit its just a social meeting, dont read too much into it. We know the meeting was scheduled the lunch between governor cristie and first lady was scheduled before the drama of last night, before Breitbart News started reporting stories that might be Reince Priebus is in trouble as well. We heard opioid drug was going to be something to talk about. Other points of business, sean spicer said they might talk about opioid addiction. Do you believe theres more to it . I think theyre probably talking about than just that one subject. Thats a yes. Jake tapper was on state of the union and reacted this way when asked about a job in the white house. Donald trump the president of the United States has been my friend and mary pats friend for years. Im always willing if he asks to give my opinion on things but i have absolutely no intention or any understanding that ill be asked to be in the administration in the years to come. My view is ive got a job to do as governor and my intention is to go off to private sector and help support my family. Thats what he told jake, but hes been dropping these recently, now this lunch today. If he had his what job do you think he wants . Is recently he said on a new jersey interview if he would have been offered an attorney generals spot that would have been hard to say no to. President trump offered him while not getting into specifics had offered him positions and that he didnt think of those were worth resigning early and going to washington because he would be separated from his family, because first Lady Mary Pat would be staying in new jersey, but his intentions are sort of clear, hes not criticizing the president and going on National Interviews about a week and a half just criticizing top advisors, we know maybe he has a bone to pick with one person or another, hes not throwing anybody under the bus publicly but certainly sending a clear message saying i agree with president when the president says hes been illserv illserved by some folks around him. Thank you. You have three investigations all breaking in the past few minutes involving president s white house. Stay right here. You are watching cnn im Brooke Baldwin. Breaking news here, now left a massive

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