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Populism. The politics in all of our countries is going to require us to manage technology and global integration and all these dem graphic shifts in a way that makes people feel more control, in a way that gives them more confidence in our future, but does not resort to simplistic answers of divisions of race or tribe or a crude nationalism. No doubt those final words were meant for president obamas successor donald trump. Who has been huddled in trump tower. White house staff is descending upon what has become transition central. Among those visiting president elect trump today, henry kissinger, the mayor of cincinnati and the governor of florida. But the one individual getting the biggest amount of buzz today is South Carolina governor nikki haley who, according to a source, is up for secretary of state. We could mention we are also waiting on Vice President elect mike pence who is meeting with Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi so well swing by capitol hill. Sunlen serfaty, lets go to you outside trump tower. Well get to Governor Haley in just a minute but lets talk about the news that crossed about mitt romney of all people who has never minced his words on the president elect. They are meeting this weekend. Reporter thats right, brooke. Great reporting from my colleague mark preston who according to his source, a senior republican source says they are meeting this weekend. Mitt romney and donald trump in one room together. We know they will discuss governing moving forward and heres the headline that they will be discussing the possibility of romney potentially serving in Donald Trumps cap in the. No specifics about what role they are potentially discussing but certainly notable as you said given the fact that mitt romney throughout the duration of the campaign was one of the chief critics of donald trump but i think its one more sign that the Trump Transition Team and donald trump himself is at least open to hearing voices of opposition, at least within the transition period and potentially broader throughout his administration. As you said here at trump tower its been a hotbed of activity. We saw Rudy Giuliani, notably, go in. Hes been about an hour inside. He has been here a lot this week. We know according to transition advisor kellyanne conway, she said he is the leading contender for a number of positions. Brooke . Sunlen, thank you. From trump tower to the Vice President elect mike pence just having met with the leader of the democrats there on capitol hill, nancy pelosi, lets eavesdrop. We had a straightforward consideration about how we can Work Together on infrastructure, issues that relate to child care and the rest, following up on a conversation i had with the president elect last week. I was honored to show the Vice President elect a picture of the bush family that we treasure, president George Herbert walker bush participating in his points of light conference in houston. I did that to make you feel at home in the office of tip oneill tunnel surrounded by Franklin Roosevelt and john f. Kennedy and George Herbert walker bush. We had a respectful conversation as you all know, those of us who respect the service that we have in congress, respect the positions that our colleagues have and respect the people who have sent them here and that applies, of course, to the Vice President and the president elect so thank you mr. Vice president for the opportunity to thoughts of my caucus, not just my own thought bus my caucus with the Vice President elect. Mike. Even better. Leader pelosi, thank you for your hospitality. Thank you for what i trust will be the first of many conversations. Im grateful for the time you and i worked together when i served in this building and as i said before ive always found you to be a a worthy opponent and leader of the loyal opposition but i have Great Respect for you and your service to the country and i was pleased today to be able to convey the respect of president elect donald trump to you personally. We are working briskly in the transition but part of the transition is also making plans for the first 100 days and at the direction of the president elect im meeting today not only with leader pelosi but leader schumer and with speaker ryan and senator mcconnell and were beginning to discuss areas that we might move forward on together and thats what the American People want us to do is find ways to revive our economy, improve american lives, enhance the security of this nation and im grateful to begin those discussions on behalf of the president elect with you today. Thank you. Let me just say that as you can flare and as you know, the Vice President elects leadership, i said to him when i spoke to him last week you are going to be a very valuable player in all of this because you know the territory and i know with no disrespect for the sensitivity and knowledge of the president elect, you know, the territory. So in that territory we will try to find our Common Ground where we can and, of course, stand our ground when we cant. Thank you all very much. Reporter mr. Pence is running the transition, did you talk thank you all. So its important to see these pictures, right . So we see that the Incoming Administration are reaching across the aisle, the fact that Vice President elect pence is meeting with not only Democratic Leaders on capitol hill, by the way, we dont know if leader pelosi will hold on to her job, we should find out about that later this month, in these messages, the show of unity. I think the word he used the brisk. Theyre hoping to work and move briskly and all they have stacked up in terms of an agenda from the Trump Administration but its important to see that the reaching over the aisle even before inauguration and what he just said, finding areas where both parties can move forward together. So let me bring in my panel with me. A a. B. Stott dard, bakari sellers, joshua green, Senior National correspondent for Bloomberg Business week and Barry Bennett who used to be the Campaign Manager for republican ben carson. So thank you all so much for being with me and, a. B. , i want to jog back to this news about mitt romney. Reminding everyone the speech he made in utah. He called mr. Trump a phony, a fraud, his promises as worthless as a degree from Trump University and we have learned he is meeting with mr. Trump this weekend. Are theres kuala lumpur icicles in hell . Its a positive step. The Trump Campaign said they were only looking at loyalists, banning people criticized them during the campaign and focusing on how much people have supported the candidate than their credentials for the job. Its great for donald trump the president elect to reach out to mitt romney and ask for his help and its great for mitt romney to give it and i think every republican no matter what side of the aisle they were on in terms of supporting mr. Trump or not needs to come together now. The transition is at the time we are most vulnerable and its an all hands on deck effort and its heartening to see them not only reaching out to the democratic leader in the house and senate but to every republican of every stripe as well. And also reaching out to the first indianamerican woman to become governor of South Carolina and nikki haley. Josh do you think similar question, are they giving her a good look or is that a total pump fake . Well, look if youre trump and youve been thrown into the presidency somewhat unexpectedly, i think youre giving everything a good look and it speaks well of trump hes bringing in people like nikki haley, who is not a supporter, like mitt romney, and hes broadening his administration beyond that tightknit circle of steve bannon and Reince Priebus in the regular cast of characters that have been around trump for quite a while. But it speaks to the patriotism of people like mitt romney and nikki haley, the fact that theyre willing to serve his administration and serve the country because trump, as we sometimes forget, is not someone who has any experiences governing so it would be relief to my readers at businessweek and republicans generally to have someone as capable as mitt romney is in a position of power in a administration. Barry, since you know folks at the trump in the top team, is this president elect trump whos saying, hey, i want to reach out to the governor haileys and the governor romneys in the world or is this Reince Priebus whispering in his ear this might not be a good idea. This is Donald Trumps mo through the campaign. He likes to reach out to a lot of people. He loves to get input from a bunch of people and he makes the decision. Now the decision will be his but hes been open through the campaign i know 15 or 20 people that get a daily call about what they think and they theyre seeing so hes open to advise and even advice that comes from different angles. I applaud mitt romney for going. Im not a mitt romney fan and havent been one for a long time but i applaud him putting his Country First and going to talk to president elect trump. Bakari, you from South Carolina i wanted to talk to you, you know Governor Haley personally, you witnessed how tremendous she was in the wake of the Church Shooting in charleston but in the bipartisan effort to remove the Confederate Flag from the state capital. But as far as Foreign Policy experience, were talking secretary of state, tell me what you think of her and if you think she would be up for the job. Well, i can say that eight years ago i was sitting at a desk that was side by side with nikki haley in the South Carolina General Assembly and we were working on issues that were very near and dear to our heart, although they werent the magnitude of issues youll be dealing with as secretary of state. So i think experience is a legitimate concern that people would have. But what weve seen from trumps Transition Team is that he has a cast of characters outside of mitt romney coming in that have very little experience for the jobs theyre trying out for. Thats first. Second to get back to nikki haley, shes very competent. Shes not trying to start world war iii, shes knowledgeable, she learns quickly, keeps good people around her, has a very young but competent staff and by comparison to people like senate or Jeffrey Beauregard sessions or Rudy Giuliani or anybody else being vetted for this position, she stacks up agains any of them. I disagree with nikki haley on policy and i will disagree with her on policy until we both leave this earth but i will tell you shes a statesman so if, in fact how about that, coming from a democrat. Yeah, if we have to choose, i think nameky haley stacks up way better than Rudy Giuliani or senator Jeffrey Beauregard sessions. Nice middle name. Lets move on to also just watching the visuals today. Halfway around the world in berlin we saw on the dais president obama with his closest ally Angela Merkel and back over here on fifth avenue at trump tower you have the first foreign Leader Meeting with president elect trump being the Prime Minister of japan, Prime Minister shinzo abe. Hes on the phone with trump one day, hops on a plane one day later. Is this a signal that abe is willing to work with the Trump Administration or a signal of worry . I think its both. Donald trump assured president obama enough in their one on one meeting that president obama has run to our allies on the phone and in person around the world to assure them that he heard from him that he is committed to our nato alliances. Now if youre running japan and youre the Prime Minister and you heard a candidate say that theyre going to have go it alone, well have to pull troops out of the region and theyre probably going to have to get nukes to protect themselves from north korea, youd be nervous, too. So when you hear him saying im coming to build trust with the president elect hes coming to find out what if h is going on. Then he wants to build trust. We know one of the aides of the japanese Prime Minister was talking to the trump team because they were saying japan should arm itself with nukes and this trump aide said, hey, dont take everything mr. Trump said on the campaign trail literally, barry. So if he were to take that thought and apply it to many other things he said on the trail, do you think that applies . Are we being too literal with mr. Trump . I think you have to give him a chance. In the campaign you say all kinds of things. Doesnt mean he didnt mean what he said but he was talking in generalities. Now theyll formulate policy. But theres a big difference between Campaign Rhetoric at a rally and a policy. We shouldnt jump to conclusions. Hes talked to now, what, 34 world leaders, people are anxious to talk to him, hes anxious to talk to them and soon hell have a Foreign Policy team around him and will start implementing and seeing policies for the first time. But its a mistake to interpret Campaign Rally speak into policy. Final question, josh, ill throw this one to you, rick perry. We know he wanted to be president , we also remember the infamous moment at a debate some years ago. Roll it. The epa needs to be rebuilt. No doubt about that. You cant name the third one . The third agency of government i would do away with education, the um commerce and, lets see i cant, the third one i cant. Sorry. Oops. You know where im going with this, this is the oops that will be replayed all through the day because this is a job apparently that a trump team has been in conversations with him and the very, you know, agency he couldnt think of is the agency apparently they are considering him the energy department. And, boy that clip still makes you wince all these years later. But it does make a certain sort of sense. Texas is a big, big energy state, not just for oil as we think of traditionally but it is now ground zero for wind power and solar power. Perry is a wellnobody experienced politician. It would make a lot of sense to have somebody like that in a Trump Administration. Sure, after that everyday hes been like energy, energy, energy, i know what the answer is. Thank you so much. Maybe hed have to write it on his palm or something. But i bet he could learn it if he had to. Thank you so much. Coming up on cnn, we saw Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on the hill meeting with the Vice President elect. Also preparing, though, to put up a fight for her own job, her own leadership position in the house. What she just told manu raju on capitol hill as fellow democrats are considering whether its time for a new face. Also moments ago, senator Bernie Sanders rallying in washington, d. C. His message today for trump. Well be right back. Gs of veggi . V8 or a fancy juice store . Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. 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Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Welcome back, youre wat watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. We saw president elect mike pence on capitol hill meeting with leader nancy pelosi. He is there meeting with congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle. Soon pence will meet with newly elected Senate Minority leader Democrat Chuck schumer. Just wrapped up that joint appearance with House Minority leader nancy pelosi, both talked about their Mutual Respect for one another, formidable opponents, want to Work Together, their meeting comes as jones herself faces a possible challenge to her leadership post from within her own party ranks, manu raju has been chasing this down on capitol hill, he joins me now. Lets underscore that picture we just saw with the Vice President elect and leader pelosi. What more do you know about the meeting and this message of we want to Work Together. Well, thats the message they wanted to send wolf wolf . Sorry, brooke. That they wanted to both of them want to Work Together and find if there are areas of commonality. Its a real kumbaya moment postelection, brooke, that we see from members of congress and a new Incoming Administration. The real test will be when we get into the nuts and bolts of ledge ting in january. Thats when the rubber hits the road and well see if the two sides can Work Together. But this comes at a critical time for the Democratic Party as it figures out a way forward whether or not to work for the Trump Administration or fight the Trump Administration and whether or not they need new leaders atop their caucus that could present a compelling vase to voters about why they deserve to be in power. Thats a debate happening now among the House Democratic caucus whether or not to replace nancy pelosi. One man who is considering a challenge is congressman tim ryan of ohio who believes his message could present well with rust belt voters who went to donald trump in this bars election cycle and hes told me today that reelecting nancy pelosi could be the wrong way to go. Ive been in this caucus 14 years and i think people have been talking about this since 2010 and, you know, i think weve had this conversation in 10, 12, 14, 16. Were at the lowest number of state and federal officials since reconstruction. We have the lowest number in our caucus since 1929 and weve lost over 60 seats since 2010. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and you keep getting the same results. So time to move on, i think. The question for mr. Ryan is whether or not hell pull the trigger. He said today is the day hell make the decision. One name to look out for, brooke, is joe crowley of new york. Hes a member of the house number five leadership. Hes weighing a challenge also to nancy pelosi and if he runs i dont think tim ryan will run as well. This comes as House Democrats delayed having their leadership vote. One reason is to determine whether or not there should be a new leader for their caucus. Nancy pelosi believes she has the support but a lot of the members want to hear more about why she should be reelected leader of her caucus, brooke. Okay. Manu, first time ive been mistaken as wolf blitzer. I thought shaving the beard would give me away. Manu, got love for you. Up next, Hillary Clinton in her first postloelection appearance who said there have been times when all she wanted to do is curl up on her sofa with her dogs and never leave her house again. Well play this emotional moment from her speech last night. It was stunning. Also ahead, senator Bernie Sanders, hes not curling up, hes speaking out working hard saying he is ready to work with the president elect. But is there a catch . Stay with me. Im only in my 60s. 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His promises are as worthlss as a degree from Trump University. [ cheers and applause ] hes playing the members of the public for suckers. He inherited his business, he didnt create it. A business genius he is not. What a difference a couple of months makes. That was mitt romney in utah. Flash forward to the news now just broken by mark preston. Mark preston jump in, because you have broken this news that that same person who called him a fake and phony will be meeting with him this weekend. He will, brooke, and mitt romney and donald trump will meet face to face, theyve spoken over the phone, they had a cordial conversation after the election. Mitt romney called to congratulate him. It is stunning when you have somebody whos been so critical of donald trump being brought in and potentially being discussed as a cabinet secretary. We expect that will be on the table. In the very least, we think trump and romney will talk about potentially being an outside advisor if he chooses not to accept an offer if one is a lot of people will be surprised by this. But it says the two men are putting aside their differences and that donald trump is opening up the circumstance that wills been very closed. Weve seen nikki haley with mitt romney. These were enemies of donald trump and for mitt romney to go in and have this discussion with donald trump, it says something about him as well. Agree. Credit to both. And Hillary Clinton, we saw her last night speaking out for the first time publicly since she conceded defeat. She was at a gala. How appropriate. Talk about a full circle moment with the Childrens Defense Fund who she started with back in the 70s. It was tough to appear, her speech was emotional, it was personal. Here she was. Now i will admit coming here tonight wasnt the easiest thing for me. There have been a few times this past week when all i wanted to do is just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again. I know this isnt easy, i know that over the past week a lot of people have asked themselves whether america is the country we thought it was. The divisions laid bare by this election run deep. But please listen to me when i say this. America is worth it. Our children are worth it. Believe in our country, fight for our values, and never ever give up. Mark preston, i cannot imagine that was easy for her but what grace. No doubt. Hillary clinton has failed not once but twice on the worlds biggest stage so its got to be humbling to have to stand there and acknowledge defeat. So raw, so soon, but the fact is Hillary Clinton goes on to say that this is how were going to get through this, she finished her thought by saying stay engaged, continue to fight, thats how well get through this. So i dont think weve heard the last of Hillary Clinton going forward. Quickly since i have you. We have pictures. We just saw leader pelosi sitting with the Vice President elect. Now we have pictures, he is now meeting with Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority leader there on capitol hill. Why are meetings like this so so important . Theyre critical. Look, one thing donald trump has done hes done many things but one thing that is critical is that when he picked mike pence, he picked somebody that understands washington, d. C. , that understands personalities, that understands congressional leadership because he has served in congressional leadership in the house. He does not see eye to eye legislatively with Chuck Schumer or nancy pelosi but he has to have a dialogue. One criticism of the Obama Administration is that there was not a Strong Enough dialogue between his white house and capitol hill, whether that be with democrats or certainly republicans as well so if mike pence is able to keep this up, it will probably serve our nation a lot better to have a twoway conversation. Mark preston, thank you. And thanks for breaking the news on mitt romney. Well look for more on that meeting this weekend. Coming up next, though, here on cnn, president obama on his overseas swing. He is in berlin today meeting with his closest ally, german chancellor Angela Merkel. What she thinks of this Trump Presidency and president obamas warning to donald trump about russia. Now well see what happens. These are my great grandparents. And ten thousand relatives i didnt know existed. Ive never gotten really this far. Myheritage. Com sign up for free today. Im good. . I just took new mucinex clear and cool. What is this sudden cooooling thing happening . 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Add wearable wellness to your wardrobe. Call now or go to tommiecopper. Com. Order 2 or more items and get free shipping. [ boomer ] work, performance, or whatever your day brings, experience the difference of comfortable compression. Tommie copper. Life hurts, feel better. President obama on his final overseas swing in berlin, he is saying goodbye and thank you to Angela Merkel. The two held a joint News Conference that reassured leaders a Trump Presidency will not disrupt the global economy. When he was asked by a reporter about russia, president obama said he is hopeful mr. Trump wont violate international norms. I dont expect that the president elect will follow exactly our blueprint or our approach but my hope is that he does not simply take a real pom tick approach and suggest that if we just cut some deals with russia even if it hurts people or violates international norms. Or leaves smaller countries vulnerable. Lets go to White House Correspondent Michelle Kozinski who is traveling with the president did chance or will merkel or the Foreign Press express concern that trump wont stand up to russia . Well, absolutely the press does and thats embedded within their questions. But of course president obama and chancellor merkel want to be extremely diplomatic here. Angela merkel says she keeps an open mind about a trump president. From president obama what weve been hearing is less optimism and more warnings he talked about that americans cant be complacent or take our way of life for granted. That americans have to vote. Hes reinforced that several times after the election now. I mean, we all know what he means by this. He also talked about politicians offering simplistic slogans, attacks, Simplistic Solutions and populism. And hes warning against that, he said America Needs to keep being the voice of the vulnerable and against war around the world. Otherwise its going to be a much meaner, harsher, more troubled world. Listen. There are going to be forces that argue for cynicism, for looking the other way with somebody elses problems that are not going to champion people who are vulnerable because sometimes thats politically convenient and if we dont have a strong Transatlantic Alliance thats standing up for those things we will be giving to our children a worse world. We will go backwards instead of forwards. Reporter i think its telling when the president was asked about his optimism he said hes always optimistic. But asked specifically about a Trump Presidency he expressed it as cautious optimism and the only reason he said he was was not because of any element of Donald Trumps personality but because of the job. He said the job forces you to focus and the job of president demands seriousness. Brooke . Michelle, thank you, Michelle Kosinski in berlin. Coming up, im a word nerd so when i found out one of the new words being added to the oxford dictionary, i thought wow, well tell you what that word is and what it signifies after our past year here in the United States. Also, the Ted Cruz Marco rubio headline from the 2016 president ial race we never knew about until now. American voters know how historic this season has been from the shocking unscripted moments, the president , debates. Cnn was there to document every last bit of it. Now were publishing a book detailing what you did not see and hear about the 2016 race. Its called unprecedented, the election that changed everything. It comes out december 6. David chalian who was there all along the way, our political director, joins me with a preview. We cover everything and the last bit wasnt written until a week ago but i wanted to ask you about surprise ending. Right. If senator mike lee this is the question for you succeeded in united cruz and rubio, would we be in a different place today . I dont know. But this fascinating chapter of the book, my colleagues thomas lake and jodi edna who had this great assignment for the last year and a half, being able to work behindthescenes details, nuggets that would be embargoed until it was over. So it takes you behind the scenes in a way the daily headlines dont, we learned that jake tapper was moderating the Republican Debate in miami. A couple days before, mike lee had spoken senator from utah, big ted cruz emissary supporter, spoke to marco rubio, set up an appointment, was getting on a plane going to florida a couple days before the debate to say, hey, were a week out before the primary, lets join forces, make a cruz rubio ticket and see if we can stop donald trump. All systems were go until the last moment marco rubio called off the meeting and said i cant do it, i am a florida senator, i have to go throug this florida primary, i cant avoid that c. T and that was a decision that could have altered the course of the race. Could have, we dont know. Donald trump had a movement going, it got him all the way to becoming president elect but at that moment in the campaign it was not yet 100 clear that donald trump was going to be the nominee and if cruz and rubio had teamed up as a final firewall that donald trump would have to go through it would have been a different dynamic certainly and how donald trump responded to that, whether or not his supporters were able to overcome the establishment colessing it would have been a totally different race to watch. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. We need to get the not guilties for the year after. Let me ask you about the news we broke about how mitt romney will be meeting with donald trump this weekend, South Carolina governor nikki haley is at trump tower right now. What does this signal to you . I think this is a different side of donald trump than we saw during the campaign. I think during the Campaign Donald trump didnt seem i cant think think of many examples where he made friends with people who were opposed to him. He always said he was against you, he was a counterpuncher. Thats not the case here. Here were two ardent critic, nikki haley, mitt romney, coming to meet with him, coming to talk with him. The fact he wants to embrace that conversation, listen, this serves donald trump well. It makes him seem more open, more accepting of view points that were not always his view points. Thats a good signal to tell you that hes doing something different. Well have to see what this do any people have influence . Is this just a transition meeting and accomplishing a political goal. But i think the question is open and you have to give him credit for having these meetings. What an awesome stocking stuffer. This cnn book is on sale december 6. You can preorder your copy, go to cnn. Com book and dont miss tonight, a special report on Anderson Cooper 360. Mr. Chalian, kudos and thank you. Thank you, brooke. Up next, in a world of tumultuous politics, a new word of the year the people in charge of the oxford dictionary hasay that there is a posttruth. Well talk about that after the break. Oh no, that looks gross whoa, twhat is that . Try it. You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. Asmy family tree,ing i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard. It was her french name. Then she came to louisiana as a slave. I became curious where in africa she was from. So i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. The ancestry dna results were really specific. They told me all of these places in west africa. I feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at ancestry. Com that brings us to tonights word. Truthiness. [ laughter ] now, im sure some of the word police, the wordinistas at websters are going say, hey, thats not a word. Well, anyone who knows me knows that im no fan of dictionaries or reference books, they are elitist, constantly telling us what is or isnt true or what did or didnt happen. Love me stephen colbert. I think ive used the word true thinkness. A year later, Merriam Webster made it their word of the year. Fast forward to now, oxford dictionary has nominated posttruth. As or relating to denoting circumstances in which object i have facts are less influential in shaping Public Opinion than appeals to emotional or personal belief. The word has been around for a while and thanks to the brexit referendum and the visceral u. S. Election, its seen a spike in use. So Catherine Connor martin is the head of u. S. Dictionaries at Oxford University press and its your job to add words to the dictionary. Posttruth, was this an easy decision . What does it signify for this country . Well, thats a question that is beyond what i can answer but what we noticed this year is that posttruth, a word thats existed with more or less its meaning since 1992 suddenly was spiking in usage and not only here in the United States but also in the uk around the brexit referendum and internationally as people talk about filter bubbles and whether how were absorbing media. As we looked at the words weve been tracking over the past year, this one really struck us as resonating with the kind of themes and spirit of 2016. Is it resonating because it infers the truth is occasionally dead . Well, its based on a critique that says that it that the truth has become less important or less difficult to identify. You know, post usually means after, like postwar, but in posttruth its more like postracial or postnational, it means something more like no longer relevant, no longer as important as it used to be. Does it make you sad as a lover of lexicon . Its not brightest word weve ever chosen to youre being very diplomatic catherine, appreciate it. Lets look at other words on the short list, altright, brexiteer, glass cliff, woke. They all semi have a theme. Theres a lot of politics there. This is a really heavy list of potential words of the year. Sometimes its light but 2016 wasnt a lightyear. It was a year in which we were grappling as a society of englishspeaking people with heavy issues so thats reflected in our list. We are noeking at commercial break, we were looking at the emoji it wasnt a word it was a feeling from last year, the smiley face with tears and your point was quickly such a simpler time last year. Last year we anoint it had face with tears of joy emoji and that was a fun story at a fun time but this is a different time. Flash forward to 2016 and posttruth. Katherine connor, thanks for swinging by. My pleasure. Now this. We continue along. Thank you so much for being with me on cnn, im brooke baldwin. A couple hours from now president elect donald trump will sit with the first time face to face speaking with foreign leader japans Prime Minister shinzo abe on a very busy day over at trump tower where this well call it a parade of potential picks for his cabinet and white house staff descending upon what has become transition central. Lets throw up faces here. Among visitors you have henry kissinger, former secretary of state, mayor of cincinnati, governor in florida and South Carolinas governor nikki haley who, according to a source is being considered for secretary of state. The visit now getting the biggest buzz, cnn has learned that mitt romney is on trumps agenda for the weekend so lets go to Phil Mattingly with the scoop and, again, this is a man, Phil Mattingly, who in that utah speech called mr. Trump a phony and fraud and fake but kudos to both of them for also con man repeatedly. And a very lengthy speech and somebody who

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