Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20160908

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Minutes ago she pulled no punches at a Campaign Event if another battleground state, that being North Carolina. A new poll there now shows she is in a statistical dead heat. Look at those numbers. With donald trump. Now clinton today slammed trumps performance at that Commander In Chief Forum last evening, especially his praise of russian president Vladimir Putin. Its hard to forget what trump did last night. It was a test and he failed it. He trashtalked about americas generals, saying that theyve been reduced to rubble. Even i was shocked by this and i didnt know much could shock me coming out of his mouth anymore. He praised russia strong man, Vladimir Putin. Even taking the astonishing step of suggesting he prefers the russian president to our american president. That is not just unpatriotic, its not just insulting to the office and the man who holds the office. It is scary it is dangerous it actually suggests he will let putin do what putin wants, and even make excuses for him. What would Ronald Reagan say . This is a time to put country over party. I would be saying that even if i were not running against him. We have never been threatened as much by a single candidate running for president as we have been in this election. Let me turn now to our cnn senior washington correspondent, jeff zeleny, who was there and asked Secretary Clinton one of those key questions today. First to you, your reaction to her meeting reporter types such as yourself, not actually even in the middle of the plane, but there she was, podium, bona fide News Conference. It was, again, brooke, the third time this week. Clearly it is a different moment of the campaign. Hillary clinton wanting to really respond and rebut everything donald trump says, particularly this week on the moment of national security. The issue of national security. It is front and center in this race. It is a key question of judgment between the two candidates here. Hillary clinton went first in the Forum Last Night because they flipped a coin. So it is one of the reasons she held a News Conference in new york before flying here to North Carolina and really reemphasizing some of those things. But those words about Vladimir Putin, so strong, brooke, clearly giving a sense of patriotism over Political Party here, once again invoking a republican Ronald Reagan really trying to get at the hearts and minds of some republicans who may be skeptical or still questioning donald trump. Well revisit when he said about putin with my panel in a second. I want to hone in on your question, your excellent question to her, saying at the forum before a crowd of active duty veterans that she would not send Ground Forces in to syria or iraq. Here she was last night. You said unequivocally last night that you would not put troops into iraq ever again. Isnt, a, that ignoring some Ground Forces who are there, and, b, boxing yourself in should your military commanders, if elected, advise that you in fact need to do that . Well, jeff, first of all, ive said that before. Ive said it on numerous occasions. I believe it. I think putting a big contingent of american Ground Troops on the ground in iraq and syria would not be in the best interests of the fight against isis and other terrorist groups. In fact, i think it would fulfill one of their dearest wishes, which is to drag the United States back into a ground war in that region. There she was earlier today as you were asking her to respond to what she said last night. How did you perceive the answer . Do you think she was walking back on her position at all . Did she give herself wiggle room, jeff . I think she gave herself a bit of wiggle room. Im not sure walking back as much as expanding on what she said last night. I was struck by three words she said in her answer there. Not a big contingent of Ground Troops. Yes, there are Special Forces already on the ground there and she certainly did not rule those out but talked more about air power and other things there. So i think her answer last night was a bit of authority hand. I think today she was expounding on that a bit. Every time she talks about the iraq war and iraq policy right now, i still think that shes stung a bit by her what she views now as misguided decision all those years ago to vote for the invasion in iraq. That always hangs over every sort of iraq answer she makes. But it is also part of her experience. Thats what she is arguing donald trump simply does not have. She talks so much about how she was on the Armed Services committee in the Situation Room for the capture and killing of osama bin laden. All of that is to draw distinctions between what donald trump was doing at the time. She has asked about that as well, jeff zeleny. Thank you so much. Again, great question. Meantime, journalists, pundits, social media, lot of folks today ripping nbc today show host matt lauer over how he moderated that clinton trump Commander In Chief Forum. So now cnn is actually learning whats being said behind the scenes today at nbc. So lets go straight to brian stelter, our senior media correspondent, loe correspondent, host of reliable sources, who is in the know. What are they saying . Lot of frustration behind the scenes at nbc, just as there was on social media during this forum. Partly, it is the candidates faults. If they had been willing to sit there for hours and hours an hours, matt lauer could have asked more questions. But it did seem like a lack of questions and lack of followups from the producers. The biggest chr eges eges egest the lack of followup and the lack of fact checking. Specifically when trump said he was opposed to the iraq war at the start of the invasion in 2003. As others and clinton pointed out correctly, trump never publicly said he was opposed to the war before it began. He started sayings that after the invasion what happened when it became increasingly popular to say you were against the war. So thats one example of the criticism. Well have a bigger chat about that later but we wanted to hear directly from you as you have heard directly from nbc. A tough job but he is definitely under fire today. Brian, thank you. Definitely. One politician got a lot of praise from donald trump at that forum. That being, as we just mentioned, russian president Vladimir Putin. Trump said putin was a stronger leader than the president of the United States. Then hours later on a visit to laos, President Obama, he hit back. If he says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. Ive already said he is really very much of a leader. I mean you can say, oeshths, isnoh, isnt he is terrible thing. The man has very strong control over our country. Now it is a very different system and i dont hap happen to li like that system. I dont think the guys qualified to be president of the United States. And every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed. And i think the most important thing for the public and the press is to just listen to what he says and follow up and ask questions about what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or outright wacky ideas. Let me bring in cnn political commentator van jones who supports Hillary Clinton. Navy s. E. A. L. , former navy s. E. A. L. And trump supporter carl higby is with us. Chris kohenis and betty mccoy. Lieutenant governor, beginning with russia, just pointing a few things out, facts about russia. Russias not an ally of the United States. They lock up reporters. They dont treat the Gay Community very well. Did you think that is a smart idea of trump to say what he did . Well, trump actually made it very clear that he disagreed with the russian system of government. It does not share our values. We believe in an open, free society. He was simply paying tribute to putins strength of leadership. Let me point out what i thought was the most shocking moment last night which is when mrs. Clinton addressed a member of the audience and said that she took quite seriously thats her quote betsy, the question was on trump. I promise well get to Hillary Clinton fair and square in just a moment. But on putin, on trump, was there anything wrong with what mr. Trump said . Not about putin. After all, remember that it was mrs. Clinton who coyly, fawningly tried to present Vladimir Putin with a Red Reset Button forgive me, betsy. Forgive me. Somebodys cued in to my ear so i cant actually hear you. Control room, can Somebody Hop Out . Sorry, betsy. Continue. Mr. Is clinton is the one that coyly, who tried to reset Vladimir Putin with a Red Reset Button and failed. Trump just very cleverly avoided insulting Vladimir Putin because whether he becomes president , donald trump will have to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. He insults every other person on earth. He insults his fellow republicans. He insults paul ryan. He insults Hillary Clinton. He insults every american. He insults the president of his own country, but then he praises this other dictator who is a horrible man . He made it clear he did not agree with the russian system. Why is it smart for him to insult americans, to insult our generals, our political leaders, and praise putin . It is completely ridiculous. It is unacceptable. This man is showing him accept to are completely too many Heads Of State are throwing around reckless insults. Head of the philippines. The president of mexico. I think it is good to avoid that. Tell donald trump that. You are a leader in new york. Why are you creating an exception . The only human on earth there are 7 billion people donald trump insults and youve excepted this one human being. Carl, i want to hear from you as a former navy s. E. A. L. , as the veteran on the panel, on the point about the generals. At the Forum Last Night, trump essentially said we would consult with our military generals on a plan to ultimately defeat and destroy isis. But then he said this. I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country. You have a force of 30,000, or so, people. Nobody really knows. But probably 30,000 people. And i can just see the great, as an example, general George Patton spinning in his grave. All right, carl. Reduced to rubble. I know Hillary Clinton says he was trash talking the generals. As a veteran, how do you interpret that . I interpret it very clearly. Our general corps has been reduced to rubble. Barack obama and Hillary Clinton have gotten rid of or pushed aside every general that tells them the way it is. What donald trump said after his new intelligence briefing had he said barack obama is not listening to the generals. We cant allow this. We have to listen to our generals just like he said he would in his first 30 days. Let me just point out chris, you agree sx it. Do i agree . Yeah. I mean, please. Between listening to the Trump Surrogates and listening to trump last night, it is like living in an alternative universe. I mean the notion that somehow the greatest military thats ever existed has been reduced to rubble is just comical. But the part that i would say is the most frustrating, there is no more important job for the president of the United States than commander in chief. To listen to donald trump who has literally no knowledge or Policy Background or specifics on any issue. Nothing there is no details there ab and the part that i would say has pbeen frustrating to watch those interviews when he says, well keep the oil. Well, how are you going to keep the oil . Let me go to you, chris. We were talking how Hillary Clinton said about Ground Troops in both iraq and syria and that she would never do that if she were elected. P. S. , we do have ground toops in e troops in iraq. The question was wouldnt she then be boxing herself in by saying never if there are ultimately generals who advise her otherwise. Well, listen. I think shes made it very clear that the conditions under which she would put Ground Troops there are probably so high it is not realistic. Listen, the American People arent going to support it. I cannot imagine a situation where were going to go back in. I think it is fine for her to make that argument. Were going to have Special Forces in that region. Thats not going to change. Were going to have a certain contingent there, thats not going to change. But the idea that were going to reengage and pour in another 10,000, 20,000, 40,000, 50,000 troops is not a strategy. No one with a Policy Background are support that position. Sts very foolish and both barack obama and Hillary Clinton have done it in telling the world what they would do in a military situation. Macarthur didnt see when he was going to reenter the philippines. This is the second world war. This is not the second world war. We are in a war. Betsy, betsy, hang on. Trump has said for 16 months that he has had the secret plan to defeat and destroy isis. Does he have that . Its a secret. Trump has had a goal. Its a secret. No, hes had a goal and hell rely on the generals. He learned in the first intelligence briefing it is time to go out there. Hillary clintons been on the wrong side of any foreign conflict shes engaged in. When you say youre going to keep Special Forces there, you know what it takes to keep Special Forces there . We deploy 1 Special Force for 10 guys. Van, i want you to respond. Carl saying that Hillary Clinton has been on the wrong side of every conflict. Its just not true. I want to go back to Something Else that they are talking about. This idea that donald trump has some secret plan that hes going to somehow be able to fight isis and defeat isis and the problem that you have with that, first of all, is that it does not take seriously what our military is doing right now. It disrespects the fact that the military has rolled isis back by almost 50 , has liquidated the top onethird of leadership and it is still ongoing. There is no respect for the campaign thats led by our president. You praise putin and insult our president. You do have Special Forces on the ground right now sir who are risking their lives and being disrespected by this campaign. I wish we could just say has not. When has he said one kind word about the forces over there . I havent talked to one s. E. A. L. Thats over there fighting isis and is offended by donald trump. Hang on, betsy. I want to hear more from you. Let me ask you all to stick around. There is so much more to get through. Again we are waiting to hear from donald trump. Well take him live. But also trump revealing what shock him from the classified briefings hes been getting. Hillary clinton has responded to that. Well discuss. Also, did you hear what gary johnson said this morning . Gary johnson, as in the president ial nominee here, libertarian nominee, may get the award for the biggest gaffe of the election thus far. What he said when asked what he would do about the crisis in aleppo. As in, in syria. Well be right back. You know your heart loves megared omega3s. But did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too . Introducing megared advanced 4in1. Just one softgel delivers mega support. Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. Were back. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Former Secretary Of State colin powell is trying to explain why he gave Hillary Clinton a little advice on private email use. Just days after clinton was sworn in as Secretary Of State, powell said in a statement, i was not trying to influence her, but just to explain what i had done eight years earlier to begin the transformation of the State Departments information system. It goes on. I was not aware at the time of any requirement for private unclassified exchanges to be treated as official records. So theres that. Then you also now have Secretary Clinton trying to explain her use of the private email server. This is what she said at that Forum Last Night. I have said repeatedly, it was a mistake to have a personal account. I would certainly not do it again. I make no excuses for it. Classified material has a header which says top secret, secret, confidential. None of the emails sent or received by me had such a header. Lets go to our justice correspondent, evan perez. The emails between Secretary Clinton and secretary powell. What do they show . Well, first of all, this is an email that goes, as you mentioned, back in 2009 after Secretary Clinton just took office and shes asking for advice from colin powell as to how he dealt with officials records and how he was able to hang on to she was looking to hang on to her blackberry. If you remember at this time President Obama had to get a special one made by the nsa so he could use a blackberry in office. Thats what she was trying to get out. So she asked colin powell for his advice. We have a piece of his response there. Basically he says if you use blackberry there is a real danger that it becomes a Public Record. He goes on to say that he took measures to try to make sure that any emails he had, any conversations he had with people outside the State Department, that that didnt become Public Record or at the bottom of the email it says, i got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data. He basically set up, brooke, a private computer that was set up with a phone line so that he could communicate with people outside the State Department. The issue here obviously is that 2005 when colin powell leaves office and 2009 when Hillary Clinton takes office, the State Department, there is a gulf of difference about practices, about the email systems at the State Department and about the safety of using a private server which is what Hillary Clinton set up once she got around to it. Evan perez, thank you. I want to stay on emails, bring my panel back. Van jones, you, sir. Let me ask you. She has had 16 months to deal with how to answer the constant questions as new information, notes, you know, have been revealed. You talk about critics and they say, shes still struggling with it. She is. Heres the deal. I dont think democrats have to get out here and try to play defense on this. This was a selfinflicted wound on her part. It showed bad judgment on her part according to the fbi. She has apologized for it and i dont think you can say much more about it. I worked in the white house. I know the stuff that she did. Youre not supposed to do. So democrats i dont think have to get out here and defend all of that stuff. I think we do have to put it in some context. Donald trump just started speaking. Speaking of people who have just done an incredible job. Deborah. Thank you. Thank you for hosting us at this beautiful school. Today we are going to discuss one of the most important issues in this Campaign School choice. But before we do, i want to briefly discuss new revelations about Hillary Clintons very famous emails. According to the fbi report, the fbi did not find that hostile foreign actors think of this, it is so important. When they went around, they went around and were so vigilant at least as far as this. But they found that hostile foreign actors gained access to the personal email accounts of individuals with whom clinton was in regular contact, and in doing so obtained e mails sent to or received by clinton on her personal account. And every time she talks about the subject, its different. Shes got to get her act together. Remember, Hillary Clinton was emailing about the Drone Program among many other extremely sensitive matters. This is yet more evidence that clinton is unfit to be your commander in chief. By the way, the whole country saw how unfit she was at the Town Hall Last Night where she refused to take accountability for her failed policies in The Middle East that have produced millions of refugees, Unleashed Horror of radical islamic terrorism all over and made us less safe than ever before. Throughout it all she put the country and i mean the entire country at risk in order to cover up her payforplay scandals as Secretary Of State. These include scandals giving up uranium to russia, doing favors for ubs bank, and selling contracts to friends and family in haiti. Its all about hiding criminal enterprise and thats what it is about. As part of her criminal coverup, hillarys and you know her staff. You know it well. You read about it all the time. You just read about it and it is getting worse and worse. Hillary clintons staff deleted and digitally bleached which is acid cleaned her emails after receiving a congressional subpoena. Thats after receiving. Not before. Thats after receiving. She gets a subpoena from the United States congress and she deletes and bleaches. She also, and her staff, destroyed some of her 13 different phones but this time with a hammer. Ive never done that. Then when she was interviewed by the fbi, she claimed she couldnt remember important events 39 times. She couldnt even remember when she was trained in handling classified information. Didnt remember anything about it. So she really didnt remember. Thats a problem. And if she did remember, thats a problem. She even said she didnt know what the letter c stood for, whether it was confidential, classified information, or something. All the while as hillary and bill raked in millions of dollars from special interests, the world was falling apart. Hillary clintons policies produced ruin in libya, iraq and syria. Absolute ruin. And death. She failed in russia. She failed in china. She failed miserably in north korea. Her policies unleashed isis, Spread Terrorism and put iran on a path to nuclear weapons, not to mention the ransom payments. Oh, those ransom payments. Remember two weeks ago it was 400 million in cash. Well, yesterday we found out that in cash, it was 1. 7 billion. These are unheard of. This is cash. This is in wire transfer. This is in check. This is cash. 1 . 7 billion. And then you say, is that going to terror or is that going to peoples Bank Accounts . I actually think its going to both. On top of it all, Hillary Clinton is trigger happy. Totally trigger happy. Shes raced to invade, intervene and topple regimes. She believes in globalism, not americanism. Everybody understands that. Last night she even falsely said no american died in libya. Heard that. And i said, could she have forgotten so quickly . Then she also falsely said theres no Ground Troops in iraq even though we have 5,000 Military Personnel there right now. Iraq is one of the biggest differences in this race. I opposed going in and i did oppose it. Despite the media saying, no, yes, no. I opposed going in. And i opposed the reckless way Hillary Clinton took us out. Along with President Obama. Letting isis fill that big, terrible void. But i was opposed to the war from the beginning, long after my interview with howard stern. But three months before the iraq war started, i said in an interview with neil cavuto that perhaps we shouldnt be doing it yet and that the economy these are quotes that the economy this was on live television. The economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned. This was before the war started by a very short distance. Then on march 25th of 2003, just after the war had started, just days after, just a little while after, i was quoted as saying the war is a mess. And yet more evidence that i had opposed the war from the start. I said the war is a mess. On television. Somewhere. In july of 2003, i said i would love to see new york city and some of our cities and some of the states of our nation get some of the money thats going toward iraq and other places. Because you know, they really need it and they need it badly. Well, i said that. We have numerous other quotes, too, by the way, both before and shortly after. Then in august of 2004, very early in the conflict extremely early in the conflict. Right at the beginning. I made a detailed statement in an interview to the esquire magazi magazine. Right at the beginning. Numerous honest reporters said trump may have said it at the beginning, because they had other clips, some said, doesnt matter, because right at the beginning he made very strong statements. This is many years ago. And heres what esquire magazine said. This is a quote. An absolute quote. Look at the war in iraq and the mess that were in. This is right after the war started. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up and to lead the country . So innocently. I go, come on. Two minutes after we leave there going to be a revolution. Pretty good. And the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. Well, thats going to be combinations of isis and iran. Irans taken over. Theyre taking over among the richest and Largest Oil Reserves in the world. We let them do it. We let them do it. Should have never been in the war. But we should have never, ever gotten out of the war the way barack obama got us out, along with Hillary Clinton. Because we opened it up for isis. So continued, what was the purpose . This was me right at the he about beginning of the war in an article. What was the purpose of this whole thing . What was the purpose . Hundreds and hundreds of young people are being killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and with no legs . Not to mention the other side. All of those iraqi kids who have been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war are just blatantly wrong. All this for nothing. All this for nothing. This was right at the beginning of the war. Then they see i see the lies last night. Donald trump was always in favor of the war in iraq. Thats why i had to do this. Because the media is so dishonest. So terribly dishonest. And you understand it. You understand it. And you understand it. The media is so terribly dishonest so i had to do this. I ended with, i would have been tougher on terrorism. Bin laden would have been caught a long time ago before he was ultimately caught, prior to the downing of the world trade center. So this was right at the beginning, and those other statements were before the war even started. And the howard statement was long before and it was the first time anybody ever asked me about iraq. I said, i dont know. I was very but, that was superseded because before the war, much closer to the war, i gave statements that we shouldnt go in and shortly thereafter, immediately thereafter honestly, a lot of reporters said, hey, right at the beginning he made this statement, and that statement was a very major story in esquire magazine. So i just wanted to set the record straight. There is so much lying going on. And Hillary Clinton lied last night about numerous things, including her email. But she also lied about there. Had i been in congress at the time of the invasion, i would have cast a vote in opposition. For years ive been a critic of this kind of reckless foreign invasions and, look, lets face it. Interventions. Thats what they are. That have been a hallmark of triggerhappy hillary and her failed career. Shes been a disaster. Heres the bottom line. I was a private citizen. I had no access to briefings or great intelligence surveys that she did. I had no access to anything as a private citizen. Frankly, nobody really cared too much about what i said. Im doing business. I dont even know why i was asked the question. I guess because i was asked the question. Thats who knows. But i didnt have access to all of the intelligence information that she did and Everybody Else did. But in iraq, my judgment was right and hers, with all of this information, and all of this great intelligence information, was wrong. Along with a lot of other people, in all fairness. It was a big mistake. Totally destabilized The Middle East. It was a big mistake. Death. Death to so many people. Hillary clinton is always complaining about whats wrong. I just watched her on the tarmac. She tried to make up for her horrible performance last night. It was a horrible performance. So she went on the tarmac and told more lies. But shes been there remember this. Shes always talking about things that shes going to do. But shes been there for more than 30 years and shes never done anything about it. Never done anything. And all you have to do is look at New York State when she ran for senator. She said she will bring jobs back to New York State. Its a disaster. No jobs have come back. Jobs have left New York State. Upstate new york and the areas that she was talking about. They are disasters. All you have to do is look at New York State. She said she was going to bring tremendous jobs back. It will be wonderful. Just like she is saying now. She wouldnt know how to bring a job back. She wouldnt have a clue. So its all talk but nothing happens and thats whats going to happen with our country on jobs. And nobody is going to bring jobs back like donald trump. I will be the greatest jobs producing president that god ever created. And i say that with my pastors in the front row. My pastors. Believe me. So were on track now to spend listen to this 6 trilli trillion. 6 trillion. Could have rebuilt our country twice. All together on wars in iraq and afghanistan and The Middle East. Meanwhile, massive portions of our country are in a state of total disrepair. Its time to rebuild america. And when i say that, we will also, before we get totally started, we will take out isis. Remember that. We have no choice. We have no choice. Too Many Americans living in our inner cities have not been included in the american dream. We are nation, and were one nation, when any part of our country hurts, our whole country hurts. My goal as president will be to ensure that every child in this nation africanamerican, hispanicamerican, all americans will be placed on the ladder to success. And he define that as great education and a great job. Theladder rests on a fundamental foundation. We need safety. Theres such danger in our inner cities. Theres such danger in our communities. In order to help our children succeed, our first duty is to ensure that every kid in america can grow up in a safe community. You read whats happening. You see whats happening. You cant have prosperity without security. This is the new civil rights agenda of our time. The right to a safe community, a quality education, and a wonderful job. Including for those great students that i met just a little while ago. Theyre going to do great. Youve done such a great job with the education here. Our campaign represents the long awaited chance to break with the bitter failures of the past and to embrace a new and strong american future. Theres no failed policy more in need of urgent change than our governmentrun education monopoly. And you know in the back thats exactly what it is. Theyre protecting a lot of people that have a lot of really highpaying jobs, and theyre not doing the jobs like deborah. That i can tell you. And deborah, theyre making a lot more money than you. But well have to talk about that later. The Democratic Party has strapped millions of africanamerican and hispanic youth in failing Government Schools that deny them opportunity to join the ladder of american success. Its time to break up that monopoly. Have to do it. I want every single inner city child in america, who is today trapped in a failing school, to have the freedom, the civil right, to attend the school of their choice. Their parents will choose the finest school. They will attend that school. This includes Private Schools, traditional public schools, magnma Magnet Schools and Charter Schools which must be included in any definition of School Choice. Our government spends more than enough money to easily pay for this initiative with billions and billions of dollars to be left over. It is simply a matter of putting students first, not the education bureaucracy. Thats whats happened. Lets run through the numbers. At the state and federal level, the United States spends more than 620 billion on k12 education each year. Thats an average of about 12,296 for every student enrolled in our elementary and secondary public school. The other 560 billion spent on k12 education comes from the states. We spend more per student than almost any other major country in the world and were doing very poorly in terms of a list. We spend more, by far, and were doing very poorly. So obviously common core does not work. Were going to come back just for a second. The satellite, obviously we are taking hits on the trump speech. We wanted to make sure we keep listening. Guys, im talking to the control jump, jump in my ear. Do we have it back . No audio. Okay. So im not quite sure who i have with me. Just let me know. Gloria borger, were going to tap dance for a hot second until we can hear more from donald trump. Whats interesting just to remind the viewer is that hes in philadelphia. There are i believe one, if not two rows of school kids in the room because this was billed as a sort of an address on education but he really took the first 20 minutes to slam Hillary Clinton on emails, on the Clinton Foundation before then going in on why he says hes been against the iraq war. Right. You know, this has been he has long said i was against the iraq war from the beginning and that is clearly up for discussion and debate here because he wasnt against the iraq war. September 2002. Howard stern radio. Howard stern in an interview he asked him if he was for it, and he said, yeah, i guess so. What happened with him and he was referring to an esquire interview that he gave. After the war, he really opposed it. And he said, look at the war in iraq and the mess were in. I never would have handled it that way. Thats the interview he gave to esquire. So his views on the war in iraq seem to have evolved from before we got in when he said i guess so and I Support The Idea to after we got in when he said i never would have done that and that was a mess. Now he said today that he would have voted differently from Hillary Clinton had he been in the congress. Thats fine to say that, but his words are his words. When he talks about i had Trump Surrogates on yesterday when we were that you canning about what he said some years ago before the libya invasion, he was for it, then hes since said he is against it. You are hearing this line from trump and surrogates saying he was just a private citizen. He was a private citizen, he wasnt aware of the intel briefings and especially on iraq, it was wrong. St is that a fair point . He made it again today that he didnt have access to all intelligence. As it turns out, as you know, brooke, the intelligence was wrong about the question of weapons of mass destruction. So you could have access to all the intelligence, and i would argue that george w. Bush had a lot of access to intelligence as president of the United States. And you know, its not foolproof, as we learned. The hard way with represents of mass destruction in iraq. And so people who voted and Hillary Clinton has said she made a mistake, as have others, in voting for the war in iraq. Jeb bush said going in to iraq was a mistake. It took him a while to get there, but he did say that, remember, during the campaign. So a lot of people could make that argument but i would remind everyone that the intelligence was absolutely false. Wrong. Wrong. Gloria, stay with me, please. Dana bash is there in beautiful thousand oaks, simi valley area, the reagan library. Well say why are you there in just is a moment. I know you couldnt hear donald trump the last 20 minutes or so. But the crib notes are as follows that instead of really beginning with education, he again took Hillary Clinton to task on the private email server and also on the Clinton Foundation. Im curious, is this just what it is going to be like the next 60 days, the tit for tat, the back and forth . Reporter yes. It is. In a word. Reporter it is going to be, it has been, and it is going to continue, especially because republicans youve heard it all morning and you obviously heard it from the man himself, from donald trump himself, feel that they have been in after hearing Hillary Clinton last night trying to explain her sse once again on the e mail server. Which, if you kind of take the time and listen to it, shes certainly explaining the logic behind why she didnt think that she was emailing classified information. But if youre her political opponent and you are trying to boil it down to the fact that she is just business as usual, that she thinks shes above the law, all of the things weve heard from republicans throughout this entire campaign season, they have new fodder from last night and donald trump would be committing political malpractice by not trying to use that. We will talk to you again in a second and explain why you are at the reagan library. Lets led back to donald trump. Hopefully the signal is fixed. Public, private, or even Religious School of their choice. Competition. Competition. Competition. Always does it. The weak fall out and the strong get better. It is an amazing thing. Right . Had pastor says its right. Youre right. Right now, about 1. 9 billion is spent on 50 private School Choice programs nationwide. These are opportunity scholarships. Tax credits and education savings accounts. This covers about 400,000 students in our country, which is still a small number. All together, School Choice is serving more than 3. 4 Million Students nationwide. Getting there, Charter Schools in particular have demonstrated amazing gains in the results in providing education to disadvantaged children and the success of these schools will be a top priority in a trump administration. We have to fix education. We have to. Military, education, health care. But these things all go hand in hand. We have to fix them. My first budget will immediately add an additional federal investment of 20 billion toward School Choice. This will be done by reprioritizing existing federal dollars. We have to reprioritize. Specifically my plan will use 20 billion of existing federal dollars to establish a block grant for the Million School age kids living in absolute poverty. We will give states the option to allow these funds to follow the student to the public or Private School they attend. The parents will be so happy. Number one, well have safe streets. And number two, theyll walk their child to a school that they want to be at. How about that . How is that . What a difference. What a difference. Compare that to today where people say, how do you do it . How do you do did . The distribution of this grant will favor states that have private School Choice and charter laws encouraging them to participate. Theyre going to be encouraged to participate. This 20 billion will instantly extend choice to millions and millions more students. A state like ohio will benefit greatly from these new funds. Ohio is a leader in School Choice. Ohio has five private School Choice programs that serve over 30,000 students and 384 Charter Schools serving 123,844 students. Great job. But the 20 billion is only the beginning. As president , i will establish the National Goal of providing School Choice to every american child living in poverty. That means that we want every disadvantaged child to be able to choose the local public, private or charter school, a Magnet School, any of these schools, that is best for them and for their family, for mom and dad. Each state will develop its own formula, but we want the dollars to follow the student. So important. The dollars will follow the student. And the student will follow the right school. Theyre going to follow the right school. 9 and 10 spent on k12 education is spent at the state and local level. To achieve this longterm goal, we will have to make this a shared National Mission to bring hope to every child, in every city in this land, in our country, in our great country. I will use the pulpit of the presidency to campaign for this in all 50 states, and i will call upon the American People to elect officials at the city, state and federal level who support School Choice. So important. My administration will partner with the leadership of inner city and i mean any one of them. Any one of them. Any inner city in america. Chicago, baltimore, detroit, cleveland. We love cleveland. We love cleveland. Had a great experience in cleveland. Thats all i know. And by the way, your Police Department did a phenomenal job. Believe me. And thats any city that is willing to run a Pilot Program to provide School Choice to every child in that community. In baltimore, for instance, that would mean more than 15,0 15,00 Funds Available per student. Cant beat that. Im confident that the politicians will not be able to suppress the will of the people anymore. It is too much. Too strong. Eventually, they break. Theyre politicians. They always break. They certainly break on trade for our country. We dont make any good deals. Right . They break on an hourly basis. If we can put a man on the moon, dig out the panama canal, and win two world wars, then i have no doubt that we as a nation can provide School Choice to every digs advantagdisadvantaged chil america. If the states collectively contribute another 110 billion of their own Education Budgets toward School Choice, on top of the 20 billion in federal dollars, that could provide 12,000 in School Choice funds to every single k12 student who today is living in poverty. The money will follow the student. That means the student will be able to attend the public, private, charter or Magnet School of their choice and each state will develop its own system that works best for them. Theyre going to develop systems, the likes of which youve never seen. And some states will do better than others. And then you got to get those people to come to your state. And then other things will be happening. It will be so exciting. Its not really a question of the money. Because well be saving money and having a far better education. As your president , i will be the nations biggest cheerleader for School Choice. I understand many stale, old politicians will resist. Theyve got a lot of pressure. Theyve got a lot of pressure on them. But it is time for our country to start thinking big and correct once again. We spend too much time quibbling over the smallest words when we should spend our time dreaming about the Great Adventures that lie ahead. I will also support merit pay for teachers. Theyre great teachers. So that we reward our best teachers instead of the failed Tenure System that rewards bad teachers and punishes the good ones and the bad ones are making the same money and sometimes more than the good ones. Cant have that. At the same time we have to ensure that jobs are waiting for our young kids when they graduate high school and college. My policy will add millions of new jobs to our country, especially for africanamerican and hispanic communities. Going to do such a great job. My plan to lift restrictions on the production of American Energy will not only make Home Energy Bills a lot cheaper your electric bills will be a lot less but it will add an estimated half a million jobs per year. By reducing radical regulations and overtaxation were bringing your tacks way down we can bring thousands of new companies into our poorest communities. Crucially, My Trade Reforms will create a manufacturing revival in america. As you know, all of your Companies Cleveland is a great example. But your companies are being ripped out of your community and your people are being left jobless. And your governments being left with no taxes. We have a nearly 800 billion think of that. 800 billion annual Trade Deficit with the world. We trade with the world. We have a Trade Deficit of 800 billion. Who is negotiating these deals . Whos doing it . Hillary clinton. Thats actually very good. Hillary clinton is absolutely a very good answer. Hillary clinton and people like Hillary Clinton that havent got a clue and a clue they do have goes to their donors and the special interests. Believe me. Thats money coming straight out of the states like ohio and pennsylvania and michigan and maine and so many others. Ive seen so many. It is so bad. When i campaigned during the primaries, i saw everything. And it was so sad to see communities t

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