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Troops in there to stabilize the area that we wouldnt see what is happening in ramadi today. And the push as they have taken that country and i do believe thats their intent to take baghdad and eventually take all of iraq. And if that happens, that changes the middle east and is strategic for our National Security over there. And so i just dont understand why the administration doesnt want to have policies and strategies in place that would let our troops who are the best trained military in the world go in there and do what they do successfully and stabilize that area and take it back and get rid of the terrorists. I hear you you on your frustrations with policy and well have ill have an entire conversation about what the u. S. Is doing as it pertains to this fight over there. But we talk about ramadi and the fact that you yourself as a mother went twice and then you see the black isis flag and then you hear the words from the chairman of the joint chiefs general martin dempsey. Let me play that for those who have not seen this. The city itself is not symbolic in any way. Its not been declared you know, part of the caliphate on one hand or central to the future of iraq. But we want to get it back. The issue here is not brick and mortar. Its about defeating isil. So as i said id much rather that ramadi not fall, but it wont be the end of a campaign should it fall. We have to get it back. He said ramadi as a city is not symbolic. How did you take that . Again, i felt like ive been betrayed. I felt like i was sucker punched to my stomach. How they could say not symbolic not significant, when so much not just my sons blood, but so many other died over there. So many of our troops lost broedody parts over there and were wounded. And very significant. Very symbolic. Ramadi mattered enough to them to stay in the fight there and ramadi matters to those families and to all of our troops who sacrificed greatly there. He did apologize . Did he reach out to you . He did. I did receive a letter from him and then the next day i received a phone call, as well. And he did it apologize. Debbie lee, it is just so important as we continue to tell this story that is isis and how the u. S. This coalition fight, its so important to hear about our nations heros and those who have sacrificed and what has happened in recent years as we are mindful in going forward. Thank you so much for your son and i really appreciate it. You bet. Were coming up on memorial day, so please folks, do remember the sacrifices that have been made for our freeps sfreedoms and make sure that we remember its not a day that we celebrate, its a day that we remember the sacrifices. Yes, maam. Thank you. We start the next hour here watching cnn breaking news im Brooke Baldwin. We have news here that coast guard says an oil slick about nine miles long spreading off the coast of santa barbara, california. All of this after a pipeline ruptured spilling 21,000 gallons of oil into the sea. It sounds like a bit of a mess amidst absolute beauty. Paul youre there. Talk about it happening on thetit lapping on the shores behind you. Reporter well show to you, it is now a black gooey mess. And with each wave that comes in, more tar, more oil deposited on the shore. They were preparing for the big memorial day weekend here. It would be sold out. There would be more than 3,000 people coming to these state beaches all along this pristine coast. And now they have one colossal mess on their hands. The reason you dont see any workers addressing this right now is because theyre on some sort of a break. And the tide also came in. What they were doing earlier is they were grabbing rakes among other things wearing protective suits, and raking together all of these balls of tar. Also out at sea, no ships near me right now but several of them were taking booms and collecting oil that way and skimming it as best they could. Their concern is that it will move further south and east and another state beach el capitan. Right now this beach completely closed as they try to clean until mess. And youre talking about the environment. From here you will see some pelicans. You will see a we saw a dolphin. Im too far away to notice if any of them were coated in oil, but the wildlife, utmost concern. And also tourism a big business in this county. These fumes are rather noxious, the smell is horrific. Tourism is a big business and people come here because it is so unspoiled. So raw. So beautiful. And obviously they are very worried that people will be turning away this memorial weekend and not coming up here to take in all that splendor. Paul thank you. Well be watching what happens. And now to the latest as far as what we know secret treasure trove, this is what was found in ice bin ladens compound. What is coming out today is incredible. Because of the thousands and thousands of documents recovered from his computers and digital media. There was one letter in particular that stands out given the recent rise of isis across the middle east. Turns out bin laden wasnt exactly hot on the idea of establishing apIslamic State, instead he was obsessed with taking out americans. We also know that while planning the mass killing of americans, he was also a devoted family man spending hours writing letters to his wives and children. I have a former cia officer. Well get to you in a moment. But tom, lets begin with the letters he was writing to his family. What did he say . They dont sound anything like what you would expect frankly. We see him as a terror leader. He sounds like a guy who is away from his family who wants to reach out and say i miss you so very much, its been so long since ive been with you you. I truly wish you could be here. Its a very different picture than what weve seen before. Nothing in those letters would even suggest that he was involved in a big conflict that he was simply a guy who was away from his family. So thats the tone of those letters. But the rest of it very very different. You mentioned the idea of establishing an Islamic State. Hes not against the idea. What hes mainly saying is its not time. Its way too early. You dont tryer to set up Something Like that until youre sure the existing state is so disabled that it cannot resist you, that you can make it happen. If you think about afghanistan, how the taliban rose, the taliban rose because existing government was in chaos abznd not working well. That was the pattern he was looking for in other places. Tom, thank you. Mike well talk about the personal side of bin laden in a minute, but the notion here we talk so much about isis and about wanting this Islamic State. Was he just a, obsessed with killing americans . He was also telling his henchmen dont go after i cant memyemeni police which they didnt take. Its important to understand the timing. Some of the material that hes writing hes writing leading up to the tenth anniversary of 9 11. So that is sort of his mindset. And he was all about the big events. He was always looking how do i top 9 11 from his perspective. There have been people who jumped on this right away since the release of this paperwork and said bin laden disagrees with what the Islamic State is doing. Thats not the case. They have all been jonesing for a callie faceiphate for generations. The difference is at that time as tom correctly pointed out, yeah id love a caliphate, but its not necessarily time right now. There has been almost four years now since his death. So the changes he could never have foreseen those. But it is fascinating. Its also fascinating in the sense of when you sweep up this information out of a raid like this, the first thing you do is you scrub it for any actionable leaks. So it becomes perishable immediately. And so you go after all those actionable leading and theps youn you prioritize the rest. So its interesting to see that were just now starting to see some of this material come out and my question i suppose would be the timing of it all. The release documents on its own. I would have loved to have seen it sooner. What about as far as some of his reading material. Talking to experts last hour they were saying hes so not sophisticated, talking about the fact that he was reading 9 11 conspiracy theories when we all know what he did. And reading about terrorism. Why do you think he was so fascinated with that . Im definitely not a psychologist. Hes not lex luthor. We send to build him up like that. So its a little bit at odds when you see this lonely dude sitting with a blanket over his shoulders reading all this material. But at the same time, he was efficient enough and he killed thousands and thousands of people and was responsible for you though in part the mess that we see now and the horror and brutality of isis. Though, in part the mess that we see now and the horror and brutality of isis. So he got the job done from the jihadist perspective. But i think people will look at this and try to parse to say i really dont care, im not a touchyfeely guy, i dont care his mindset. I was going to say, i dont think we care about the letters to his sons or wives. And i think most people will feel the same way. If i may just say one thing about your previous guest, not tom, but debbie lee, she made such a wonderful point. Were coming up on memorial day and i go to are Arlington National cemetery. And you go there, you remind yourself what this is all about. Of course you love your barbecues and of course all that. But at the same time if i could say anything to everybody it would be take the time also do the barbecues have the fun and enjoy it, but sit towndown and talk to your kids or shake a vets hand or take some flowers to a cemetery and add that to your normal traditions. We cant forget what this is all about. Walking around arlington, goosebumps. The most important pressing Peaceful Place on earth. Well said. Thank you so much. Next here on cnn a Family Member of one of the bikers killed in that mass gruesome shootout sunday in waco joining me next and she reveals what she says he was really doing there. Shopping online. Is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners. Were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online. From a list of top rated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Dear stranger, when i booked your place, my friends thought i was crazy. But this morning a city id never been to felt like home. Thank you for sharing the world with me. Airbnb. Belong anywhere. It is not just police in waco bracing for more biker violence. The sheriff 150 miles away taking precautions after the shootout that left nine bikers dead. Sheriff told ft. Worth star telegram that the Cossacks Club has agreed to cancel its big biker event this weekend whereas many as 300 were expected to gather. The sheriff is planning to shut down roads to make sure no bikers gather whatsoever. We are also learning more about some of the bikers who lost their lives. Some were fathers, all were shot to death. And on the phone with me now is the exwife of jake on rine. He deed sunday from gunshot wound to his neck. Rocky, im so sorry to your loss. Thank you so much for taking a moment with me this afternoon. Thank you. Let me begin with i know that you were married to him for ten years. You have two children together. How did you find out he was killed . I was at the house and i received a phone call from a friend. And she had been told that there this had been four shot in waco and one was dead. And the one that she had been told was dead was jake. And so my daughter had stayed the Night Saturday with me, she lives with her father but she had stayed saturday night with me. We were going to go get some shoes for her, so i called her and asked her if her dad was home and she said no andwaco and she said no he said something about going to Mineral Wells or something. And i had her call around and there was his girlfriend emily, had received a message from him at 10 00 that morning saying that he had made to waco. So we got on the phone and started to call around to hospitals and the wayco tv trying to find information, which we couldnt. So we drove to waco to try to get more information, but we wasnt able to. We didnt find out and it wasnt confirmed until my kids had already been sent pictures of their dad dad on theted on the dead on the tailgate of the truck. Who sent you the photos . It was all over the internet and stuff. We werent wanting to believe. I kept telling my son hed stayed at home while me and my daughter went to waco. And so i kept getting back with him because he kept getting phone calls saying that people were sorry for the loss of his father. And i just kept on telling him its not confirmed yet, dont believe it ill find out. As soon as i find out something for certain, then ill let you know. And he calls me back 3w99 00 that night and said mom its true. Ive seen the photo. So i had him send me and sky the photo and you could tell that it was jake. Jake had the name of our daughter on one forearm and on his other forearm, name of our son, dylan. And you could you seesee the tattoo. So we knew it was really him. You knew. Rocky, help me understand what happened. Jake was a member of the cossacks yes . Yes. He got with the cossacks no more than six months ago he got with them. And i was called by one of the wives yesterday, her husband from jail was given his phone call and he called his wife and then the wife calls me. Told me it was the guy that was with jake while he died, he was trying to give houtmouth to mouth and stayed with him until he did die and they covered him with the sheet and they pulled the guy off. And there was an impression that they were making peace with the bandidos. They had been having problems and her goingthey were going to make peace. He said that they were sitting in the back outside the restaurant and just sitting on their bikes drinking beer waiting for the bandidos to show up. And they heard a commotion cossacks i mean the ban dedecember hadde bandidos had showed up and rab over one of the cossacks. So there was a commotion and jake jumped up to see what the commotion was about and me it about 40 foot and rounded a corner and shot in the neck and killed. So he wasnt armed . No. He didnt believe in guns. He got in many fights throughout his years, but he never needed a gun to protect himself. He always carried a pocketknife, but he used it you know, daily on things like cleaning his nails or you know. But if he didnt believe in guns and were hearing today from waco police that they recovered 1,000 weapons and youre telling me that you thought that they were all going to make peace. Why come youdo you need 1,000 theyre calling a weapon a lot of guys had chain from their billboard for their belt loop. If thats being called a weapon or you though pocketknives, i mean, but you take off those and then tell me how many guns were there, you know . And tell me how many of the cossacks out of those guns how many of the cossacks were carrying the guns. Because the cossacks went to make peace. You know thats all they were doing. The bandidos had been stabbing some of their guys but the cossacks were going to make peace. Were hearing there were weapons hidden in the stools and in the kitchen. Again, im having a hard time understanding what about that says making peace. Im having a hard time when the news says eight of the nine killed are cossacks. And i also read on there that four out of the nine were killed by the police. And another thing that was said to this wife that called me yesterday was it was like cross fire between the bandidos, they were on one side, cossacks went to see what the commotion was about and cops came up behind the hecossacks and cossacks were just caught in the middle. And another thing, they call it an organized crime. Theyre saying it was organized crime, but then you read on there, too, where theyre saying that the fight started over a parking spot. How is it organized crime is this they this . They didnt though somebodyknow somebody was going to park in that spot. A lot of it doesnt add up. I know not everybody has to be incarcerated as part of a right of passpassage, but can you explain, because what fr what i understand, a lot of i am not the saying this was your exhusband but a lot of this has to do with making money and criminality. So why would jake my exhusband, they can do a hair followeylicle test on him. He wasnt involved in drugs. He worked for the same company for 19 years. He started that job when we first had our son. And if you check his banking account, he has no big time money in his bank account. So j y. Why join the cossacks . To be a part of something i guess. Thats a question im still asking. Thats something i dont understand. Like i said he was only in that for six months. He never had been anything like that before. And thats something that i still question. Its not worth losing my kids dad over. Our kids are broken up. He was an awesome father. And just as good of a friend. And i dont understand it either. Rocky hughes im so sorry, but i really do appreciate you calling in and expressing your frustration and my condolences to you and your family. Thank you. Thank you. Next more breaking news. This time out of the nations capital. The mansion murder mystery that left those four people dead. Mother father, child, housekeeper. What investigators are now saying about a motive. Also still happening right now on the senate floor, rand paul still talking in what he describes as a filibuster against the patriot act. Weve been watching the clock. Hes been going two hours and counting. Well take you to capitol hill. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, oh yes i know. Color is the i ching ching for sure ding dang. Color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know. If you feel it, you can find it. All new color by behr. Exclusively at the home depot. You total your brand new car. 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Were hearing possible news as far as the motive is concerned in a brutal murders at this mansion in washington, d. C. Investigators say it was about money. Our justice correspondent joins me with more. Pam, youre talking to your sources. What are they saying . Heres what were learning. This has been a disturbing really perplexing murder mystery that happened in this rich d. C. Neighborhood not far from where the Vice President lives and now were learning that investigators believe money was a prime motivation whoever perpetrated this quadruple homicide. One source says whoever was in that house was looking for money and were learning from a separate Law Enforcement source that the assailants actually got away or assailant, because we dont know if it was monday orone or more people they got away with 40,000. So we believe the perpetrator was holding up the savopoulos family, pashltsand they got away with 40,000. Wrc, a local nbc station, reporting that while the hostages were bound inside the home that someone dropped off a package with 40,000 inside. So investigators believe as well that the four victims who died in that mansion last week were killed prior to the house being set ablaze. So while all of this was unfolding, apparently someone dropped off 40,000 and then the assailant or assailants took off with that. Another source says they were bound with duct tape and held captive, signs of torture to at least one of the victims. Really horrific stuff. But we know that the autopsy report is also complete. So we hope to have a better picture of what happened here soon. I can tell you it has really shaken up not only that neighborhood but the entire nations capital. Quickly, pamela i know so far we heard, what no suspect, maybe a person of interest . Where does that stand. We know there is one person of interest right now that d. C. Police are sort of publicly talking about. That is someone who we see in this grainy Surveillance Video walking away. And hes holding something, we cant tell what it is. Of course you would wonder if that is the 40,000 that we were just talking about. And then we also know that there was a porsche they believe driven by this person of interest to maryland which is about 15 miles away and then set ablaze in broad daylight. So whoever did this of course was very brazen. So i can tell that you police rpts just focusing on the home theyre also focusing on that area where the car was set on fire, brooke. Pamela brown, thank you so much. Not too far from d. C. Want to go tobaltimore because protesters are marching to the headquarters of the citys police union. This is all part of the hold the Police Accountable rally today due to sort of indepth right in front of the fraternal order of police this all comes one month and a day after 25yearold freddie gray died in police custody. Six officers have been criminally charged. Miguel marquez is live in baltimore. And miguel tell me, youre walking with the folks, what are they saying . Reporter well, this is a very busy road here. Just turn around here it if you would, and this is what were marching down right now. They are trying to gather more protesters as they walk through the streets here of baltimore. We look at the rest of the protesters as they try to gain more strength before they go to the fraternal order of police the police union. The police union has been very very active in supporting the Police Officers and the people here say they want to be just as active in knowing that letting the police know that they will hold them to account through this entire process. This is one of the organizers of this. Why are you guys out here . Were out here to make sure that Marilyn Mosby stays on the case. We believe she is done a great job at bringing up the indictment indictments. Were also out here to bring attention to the attacks and violence that have happened on communities of color by police. And why take to the fraternal order of police . Why target that particular organization . Its important to target fop because they havent been culpable in their actions. We want to make sure that folks are held accountable. We congratulate those Police Officers who have done great work in the community. We know some of those exist. But there is a system that is broken that hasnt been serving our communities. Baltimore has a lot of rebuilding to do from youth Jobs Education and police brutality. So we want to stand in solidarity around that. And blocking traffic one of those things to prove to the city . People are in control of the city and we dont want freddy grays legacy to be in vein. We want to capitalize this is a movement. And the honking you hear there is honks of support for these protesters. This is a very big avenue that we are on right now. So it is a little concerning. But they are trying to gather as much strength before they head down to fop and protesters that i was talking to this group and other, they say that they will continue the pressure. There is already another protest planned for saturday. They say they will try to do these every day at least several times a week. Okay. Miguel, please as your friend, watch where youre walking. I dont like how close are you to some of those cars. But let me stay with you because we noeknow as far as the six officers who are charged, what is next for them . Do we know what is next in the Legal Process . Well, we know on the 27th they will have their first hearing. At that point i think well have a better sense of what will happen with each of those individual charges. The other thing that were waiting for is the report from the medical examiner, the full report which we have not seen. They keep promising. So that is the next big thing ahead. All right. Thank you Miguel Marquez walking along with those demonstrators next to capitol hill we have rand paul who is still talking here on the senate floor, debating, discussing the patriot agent. He says hes filibustering perhaps technically hes not. Athena jones is watching this go down on capitol hill. Athena we check in again. Hes still speaking. Can you tell me what hes talking about, why hes doing this . Well, hes been speaking now for more than two hours. He took to the floor at 1 18 p. M. His office says he will speak until he can no longer speak. If he speaks all night he will still have to give up the floor tomorrow by 1 00 p. M. Because of senate rules. Thats when the next day convenes at 12 00. But the bottom line is whether or not you call it a filibuster, he does a lot of people saying it isnt technically a filibuster because and he is not actually blocking a vote on the nsa bill that he opposes. Right now the senate is debating trade. But hes taken to the floor to make clear his opposition to any extension of this session of the patriot act that allows National Security agency to have access to americans phone record bulk collections of phone records. He wants to see big reforms to that law. So he is on the floor now. His office says he will speak until he can no longer stand. Hes also of course trying to get even more attention for it by sending out emails to Supporters Fund raising emails asking for donations and saying i will not rest i will not back down i wont yield one inch this this fight. He said, you know fellow conservative liberty cannot long last without privacy from go. Intrusion. Yet it seems many of my colleagues in the senate care more about getting out of town for memorial day break than protecting the constitution so Many American patriots have fought and died for. I have news for them they are going nowhere. So that is the message hes sending to his supporters in this fund raising email asking for donations of 10, 25 and more trying to draw attention to this issue. But he does have to stop by 1 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Thats still a little ways away. Athena jones, weve seen him do this before 13 hours. So there you go. Thank you so much. Next crowds are gathering right now outside ed sullivan theater for David Lettermans final show tonight. Say it aint so. It is. Well talk with one of his long time guests right after this quick break. We got the new tempurflex and its got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. You sink into it, but you can still move it around. Now that i have a tempurflex, i can finally get a good nights sleep. When i flop down on the bed, and its just like, ah, this is perfect. Wherever you put your body it just supports you. Like little support elfs are just holding you. I can sleep now through the night vo change your sleep. Change your life. Change to tempurpedic. There is an ancient rhythm. [ ] that flows through all things. Through rocky spires. [ ] and oceans swell. [ ] the endless. Stillness of green. [ ] and in the restless depths of human hearts. [ ] the voice of the wild within. It is leather mans final encore the late night talk show host his last late show. It is hours away. Producers promise, quote, all kinds of stuff planned. Joining me now jay thomas. I see you aa midst the flutter. To be honest, there is a lot of sadness that i see people talking about. Midst the flutter. To be honest, there is a lot of sadness that i see people talking about. But this is a happy occasion. He looks tired. He needs to quit. Its over. No one is saying that. Time to go. You can tell me about your first appearance on the show and what that was like for you and how dave was . I was on a show called love and war on cbs. And i guess he probably had me on because to promote the show. I dont know if he knew much maybe he did. He knew me from radio or something. And then there he is and hes really tall. And you dont meet him before. And you sit down and you had heard all these things about him, you know and for some reason because maybe im really sarcastic and kind of a caustic guy what you are . Get out of here. Yeah. We got along right away. And that was, what, 21 years ago or something. And then a few years passed. I was on two or three times a year. Ed a then alland then all of a sudden the football thing and then the lone ranger story started. I dont know a thing about the guy. Nobody goes to dinner with him. And i figure tomorrow hell be miserable miserable. Hell be home with his family ms. Er be ms. Errorable hizmiserable. I want to challenge you you on that but hearing about how many times like Howard Sterns been on the show, he loves Julia Roberts, but this piece in the paper, Julia Roberts saying ive been on the show 20 some time ive never hung out with the guy outside the studio. Why is that . Hes probably boring. Even want to be with him. I dont know why comedians or actors are like that, but they are. How do you get in the business and not be a big mouth like me. But apparently its worked a lot better for some other people. But maybe he would be boring. Maybe hed just sit there and youd be going, you know this is boring. I dont know. I keep positioning ingthinking youre messing with me. No im not. Why would you think hes exciting . He doesnt like to go out at night. You know me i like to go out, have a cocktail and talk to people and stuff. He probably would hate being in that situation. There are a lot of these entertainers, there are a lot of people in this business that are not like they are on television or in themovies. And that is the enigma of the thing. What is all that. I dont understand it. I dont know. I know youre all in line i know he tapes in just a little bit and i know its very hard to get anything confirmed tonight. I know the foo fighters will be performing. What do you expect when you step foot inside that theater what do you expect to see, to hear to feel . Well, first of all, just normal people. They went online they had to answer some crazy questions about who is the costumer and stuff. There is no executives. No movie stars. So hes held to that. Its just regular folk who had to win a lottery online to get in there. Which is kind of cool. Youre not going to see any movie stars sitting in the crowd. Ive got to think jay leno is in there. I really do. Do you think . Maybe angelina jolie. Yeah i would imagine jay leno. I mean that would be cool, wouldnt it . Bury the hatchet or whatever the nonsense is which probably isnt even true. But, yeah, i would think jay leno would be the big guest. At least they must have tried to get him. Had to. Thats my call. The job that he wanted. That would be interesting if he is. Jay thomas enjoy it. Im jealous. Can i be honest with you . Hes not the happy im here. Hes not happy im here. Because im saying youll be miserable at home and you shouldnt have retired. And you should go off and do producing and you should you make another announcement you know be something or other. Interview other people or whatever. But dont look so sad about leaving. And i mean that. I mean hes had a great career. A ton of money. His family is waiting for him. It should be a more joyous time. People are making it kind of sad. Listen to those drugs. Nk drunks. Ill let you hang with them. Thank youso much. Enjoy it. I have a feeling this is not the last of david letterman. Right now lets go to baltimore to Miguel Marquez who is in the midst of what is happening. We were just talking to you, miguel and they wanted me on come back to you. What is happening where you are . Reporter just stressful moments here. They were on a major intersection you saw the traffic. And now they have hooked up to 28th street to stop them. A very heavy Police Presence tried to stop them from getting on the freeway. Afriday they would get on the freeway and disrupt things. Ahead of us you can see there are some police up ahead of us as well. The Police Presence has started to tick up here. We havent seen any police in this protest so far until very recently. They have now been sort of moving out ahead of the protesters trying to keep them in certain lanes. But the protesters became very upset when police tried to stop them back at the head of this onramp to 28th street here because the police didnt want them to come down this way. They thought they were going to try to get on to 83. Very, very tense moments. No arrests, but very tense moments. Miguel, well get back to you. A quick break. Well be right back. Im brian vickers, nascar® driver. Im kevin nealon comedian. And im arnold palmer, professional golfer. Know what we have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. 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With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. You may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. When you hear about this with Aaron Hernandez, and i talked with someone about his ability to charm and compartmentalize and he saw prison time as Training Camp what do you make of the fact that he was apparently the lookout guy for this prison fight . Everybody suspects hes in some kind of gang. And all the gangs have shotcallers on the inside. So its highly possible that the shotcaller ordered him to act as a lookout. He may not have had a choice. And these lookouts are common. And the assault it could have been related possibly to a gambling debt a drug payment, simple disrespect, or maybe homosexual sex. You never know what happens in one of these places. And its best for a fight to take place inside of a cell because that way, the violence it doesnt spill over into the general population. Then the whole institution can jump off. Heres the question on the general population notion we werent sure if he would be separated. And we find out he was spent to special management, particular area of the prison. What does that mean . Special Management Unit is the shu, the special housing unit where hes on a 23hour lockdown no visits limited use of the telephone. Hes isolated. Right now, the special investigative section, theyre doing an investigation. And theyre going to take him to a disciplinary hearing. Could take 24 to 72 hours. And theyre going to present the evidence that is against him. And hell have an opportunity to rebut it. And he may lose his visits for a long period of time. He may lose commissary. He may lose the ability to have a job, something. Theyre going to isolate him. He will be sanctioned in one way or another. But this is the kind of thing where word travels fast in a prison and other inmates find out it was Aaron Hernandez who was the lookout guy who helped with this fight and is that seen as is that looked on i dont know how to say this, with approving eyes . Well hes a standup guy standup guy as far as standup guy okay. A killer an inmate he probably nobody in the institution as far as inmates are talking. Even the person that got assaulted, theyre not going to give up the people that beat him up. Hes the lookout. Hes going to say he wasnt the lookout. Everybodys going to keep their mouth shut. But right now, theyve probably locked that entire institution down because word will travel out of the special Management Unit and out of his cell block that this took place. And we dont know if it was racially motivated between blacks, hispanics or whatever. And then they may actually turn the telephones off because they dont want inmates calling home telling their family what happened and then it spreads to other institutions like in california when they have a problem at pelican bay or san quentin, that gets out, it can jump across the entire system. And you have massive violence. Okay. That is crazy, one phone call could do that. Larry levine, thank you. Certainly. Now to this new report out today, shedding even more light on Sexual Violence on college campuses. In the new report 19 of freshmen women at a large unnamed private university in upstate new york say they were the victims of rain or attempted rain during their first year of school. That is 1 in 5 women. It outlines the prevalence of rain on campuses. Kelly wallace wrote this entire piece for cnn. Com. When you see the 1 in 5 and this is just this one particular unnamed campus is that reflective of other campuses nationwide . Absolutely. You could have regional and cultural differences. The lead author says what happens in new york might not be the same thing that happens in a school in arizona. But she said there is other research out there backing this number which is leading people to think obviously something serious is going on and that possibly nearly 1 in 5 women are saying theyve been a victim of either an attempted or completed rain. That is a disturbing number. Weve heard this from the president before. It says 1 in 4, 1 in 5. But that statistic has been called into question. It has. The criticism of the study was of two schools. But that study had a broader definition of sexual assault. It included unwanted kissing and touching. Some would say thats not sexual assault. Some women would beg to differ. But whats really surprising this studies a much narrow definition. This doesnt even include verbal pressure for sex. It includes use of force, attempted use of force or incapacitation due to drugs or alcohol. That is pretty alarming. In 60 seconds i have left weve talked a lot about this and i worry about what happened to uva with regard to that incredibly erroneous Rolling Stone report. But then you have the gal who was carrying the mattress around here at Columbia University in new york. And we talk about cultural changes that are so totally necessary. How do you change a culture thats been so in the fiber of these schools for so long . The milliondollar question. Research like this continues to add to the awareness and also raises the question of having these conversations with men and women men and women. Happening earlier and earlier. This study also found that 28 of the women said that they had been a victim of attempted or completed rain before they even got to college. That means we must be having a college about relationships, what is consent, it should be enthusiasm, dont just settle for consent. And also drinking excessive amounts of alcohol clearly not a good idea and puts yourself at risk. Kelly wallace, cnn. Com, you can go to find her article there. Thank you so much. Thats all the time i have for you. Im Brooke Baldwin here in new york. The lead with jake tapper starts now. How close is north korea today to hitting Northern California with a Nuclear Weapon . Im jake tapper, this is the lead. The world lead kim jongun says his war machine has figured out how to put mini a bombs on track for some u. S. Cities. The politics lead senator rand paul sounding the alarm, the republican president ial candidate marshaling a protest on the floor of the senate. Over three hours now. Hes taking a stand little rock and figuratively railing against something most every republican contender supports. And the National Lead four people held hostage possibly tortured before they were murdered in one

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