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The prosecution argued that tsarnaev quote, chose a day when the eyes of the world would be on boston. He chose a day there would be civilians on the sidewalks, men, women, children. Alex alexandra is there today. Reporter its emotional as its been over the course of this trial. Theres been testimony from compelling witnesses that testified over the course. This gives feeling of whats going on. A lot of people are wiping tears out of their eyes. There are so many survivors of the blast in that courtroom. They have to listen to headphones in order to hear much of whats going on in front of the courtroom. Youll remember during the blast so many suffered injuries to their hearing. A lot of people are with family members. There are family members victims that lost their lives. The the officer and three victims of the marathon bombing. This has been a painful emotional day in the courtroom. The prosecution is moving to retell the story they put together in over 15 days of testimony which they called 92 different witnesses. Theyre showing heartbreaking images graphic images of the deaths and and devastation that followed in the path of tsarnaev brothers the prosecution alleges. Theyre trueing to tell a narrative in which dzhokhar was an equal partner with his brother. In the closing statements the prosecution doing everything they can to tell the jury he participated in a number of crimes. Were talking 30 different charges. They want the jury to go back in the room to deliberate and consider the brothers as equal partners because just one is able to stand trial for these crimes. So key to their case. Well be watching with you in key moments. Alex thank you. The states closing arguments lasted one hour 20 minutes. Court has recessed for lunch. When it resumes, it will be the defenses turn. All eyes will be on the attorney judy clark in what she says about trying to save her clients life. We have legal analyst and defense attorney mark. Thanks for being with us. You look at charges, tsarnaev accused of aiding and abetting conspiracy. What are the key issues here for the jury to consider . Well i hate to kind of ruin the suspense of it but the defense is basically going to concede most of these counts. The defenses job and the reason judy clark is there is not to try to defend against the guilt phase of this case but to really and try to set this up. The argument is going to be to set is up or give a preview of the penalty phase. The the penalty phase will be that shes going to try to argue and forcefully argue for life without parole as opposed to death penalty. Everything shes doing from the beginning at the Opening Statement where she was talking about it was him to now when she says it was him but youve seen the description of him. Shes going to paint a portrait and show during the penalty phase someone manipulated, troubled and dominated by his older brother. I want to talk about a some of the logistics we saw. This was interesting to us. The judge gave the jury instructions first before the closing arguments. These instructions lasted more than an hour. Then hes going to give the jury written version of what he told them. Is that normal . What kind of impact does this have on the jury . Well its becoming increasing the trend, especially in federal court, for judges to this is called preinstruct. That means before the attorneys argued the judge gives them the law. Also tells them ill give them instructions to take back in the jury room. The reason or thinking behind that is if jurors know heres the law the lawyers can argue the law and then tell the jurors look youre the judges of the facts. The judge told you what the law is. You have to follow the law. Ultimately youre the ones that judge what the facts are and a apply them to the law. I think its a good trend. I like when judges preinstruct. It is helpful for lawyers because it gives the legal landscape. I want to bring in ashleigh bans field. Shes been tolling this case everyday. You heard mark talking about this phase for judy clark is laying out a preview of penalty phase and ultimately trying to prove that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was led around by his brother, wasnt an equal partner in this. Do you think the defense has a chance here to spare his life . The evidence is overwhelming. What do you think . Well, i always love listening to mark. Hes a lot smarter about this stuff than i am. The thing i paid attention to was wording of the count. Either one has the word conspiracy or aiding and a bedding. I dont see how you can get around that. Everybody if big brother tamerlan led him by the hand. Theres conspiracy and aid and abet down to gun charges. Gun charges are far less egregious. I dont know how judy clark, as smart as she is is ever going to convince this jury that aiding and a bedding can be avoided here even if his big brother told him what to do. What about mark and i go on. I was going to say spot on. She isnt. What shes doing there is no question here that the guilt phase is a foregone conclusion. What theyre looking for is penalty phase. Theyre look for mitigation evidence and looking to do that and preview for the jury at this point. They dont want the last thing you want to do with the jury is insult their intelligence when it comes to guilt phase. You have no credibility left at the penalty phase if you really dont think youve got a shot. Theres really no shot in the guilt phase. Theyve already pretty much concede had the are from the get go in the Opening Statements. Ashleigh, i wouldnt disagree with you at all. Thats exactly what shes going to do. I dont know how they get past that reading this extraordinary jury form thats probably going to go on up warpdwards of a few dozen pages and forget about that later when asked to check off. They know full well theyll check off ago gra have ava ago ra have agravateoraggravators. They just know it. Shes known for these kinds of defenses and for telegraphing to the jury yes, he did it but. He did it but is kind of what her specialty is. Yeah. Wish i could be a fly on the wall with her conversations with the man that likely wants to be a martyr and wants to die. Dont know how you work with someone like that. Very key day. Well be watching with you. Thank you so much. For the first time cnn is allowed on the College Campus where dozens were killed in a terror attack. See what we found. Hear from one student who hid two whole days. As Rolling Stone apologizing and retracts the story about a gang rape one of the accusers family joins us live. Breathtaking moments as passengers rush to save a woman from a train. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Its actions are called institutional failure. Rolling stone magazine is facing a lawsuit over the article, rape on campus. The fraternity plans to pursue all available legal action against the magazine coming a day after the Columbia Journalism School published a review of the story. Rolling stone retracted the story of a woman it called jackie. The review found if jackie was attacked the article doesnt include enough evidence to support her claim. It says all of this may have been avoided if the writer, sabrina, had made more phone calls to the victim in the days following the alleged rape. One of the friends is alex. Shes joining me from Charlotte Charlottesville charlottesville. Youre a friend of jackie also a Sexual Assault survivor. You were mentioned in the article. The author said i hope my mistakes and reporting do hot sigh do not silence victims voices that need to be heard. Do you accept her apology . Do you think its enough . I think her apology could have been better for sure. What she pointed to were her mistakes she put so much trust in this one source. I dont think that should have been part of what she called a mistake. Its not a mistake to believe someone that says theyre Sexual Assaulted or mistake to want to protect them. The mistake is shes a journalist and didnt verify the story. Thats where she went wrong. Yourself as a victim yourself where do you want to see this conversation go . Are you worried that because of the fact this the article in Rolling Stone has really been come into question are you worried that this changes the conversation in a way thats bad for sex assault victims . I think it has the potential to be detrimental to Sexual Assault victims. I think theres opportunity to say now that the story is past us what does Sexual Assault on College Campuses really look like . I think youd see a range of experiences on the spectrum with nuances such as alcohol involved and like if they know the perpetrator which statistics show the majority of people do. When you have nuances and factor in that a lot of experiences are not that violent in terms of the bloody image that was portrayed in the article. I think if we reevaluate what were actually dealing with on College Campuses and then from there talk about prevention efforts and how to refocus ourselves. Jackie confided in you. You were mentioned in this art can car length. If the author had contacted you and asked you about this recounting what would you have told her that would have been different . So she did contact me. I was in contact with her throughout the process of the article, however, when she first initially approached me was talking about my own assault and wasnt referencing jackies. Later on it turned into an article focussing on jackies. I became the supportive figure. The portrayal of you as a supportive figure is that something that was conceived by jackie not as much by you, right . Your descriptions. So i did talk to her as a friend of jackies to tell her what i had done to support her. I also the majority of time talked about my advocacy efforts. She left that out. She said it was without a strong feminist base or survivor support which is completely untrue. Ive been supporting her for a long time and other people as well. We do have people when they come to you and say ive been sexually assaulted. The majority dont react how sabrina portrayed the Three Friends in the article that said dont go to police dont go to the hospital. I think that thats really detrimental detrimental. I dont want survivors to read that and go maybe i shouldnt disclose my story because what if my friends tell me that . Thats really unfortunate and a strong fear i have resulting from the article. Sure. You see that as a fabrication that she completely omitted what you shared with her being an advocate and even letting perhaps other victims know there are resources out there. There are support systems that they can tap into. Do you think that sabrina, through that article, did something that was hurtful to other potential victims . Should she be fired . I definitely think she did do a lot of harm to potential victims who havent disclosed to friends or to administration who she painted as covering up Sexual Assault and being heinous people that when you tell them about assault theyre protecting the university more than safety of students. In my own experience i relaid the information i had spoken to the person i talked about in the article. She was extremely supportive throughout the process when i went through a formal trial. She was there every step of the way, very encouraging, would give you resources. Its harmful now for people to talk about the administration that maybe they dont support student asks are covering up Sexual Assaults which is completely untrue. I think sabrina deserves some sort of ram iffyifications. Im sure shes getting those other than being fired. Im not sure who would trust her at this point with a story. I know from personal experience i would not recommend it so yeah. Give us your advice as andvocate. What would you say to a woman going through Sexual Assault in an environment like this as its going on that might be worried about coming forward. What would you say to her . I would say if you reach out to a trusted trend, that afriend that would typically work out well. If theyre not comfortable with that or reaching out to administration there are other third party resources. In charlotsville, we have multiple ones of those. More generally speaking, im sure a lot of universities can work on gaining better ways to show survivors how to access resources. There are a lot of third party resources. Thats very good to know. Finally before i let you know we learned the fraternity is going to pursue legal action against Rolling Stone. What do you think of that . I think they definitely should. They deserve everything that they get to be honest because i think this was definitely an unfair portrayal of them. It should not have been published, the article itself. As a Sexual Assault advocate we are never advocating for accused to be vilified in the media. I dont advocate for knowing who the perpetrator is. If i do i dont pass judgment towards them. My job is solely to validate their story, validate their pain and then give them the proper resources. Let the authorities ask the questions. Do you think ultimately looking back on this that something happened to jackie that night . Im not really sure. I dont think well ever know. I do know she had a lot of pain. I saw that. Her friends that night saw that. We do know this story is not true. Its very unfortunate thing that happened. I think shes at least, if nothing else definitely a victim of this story being published because Rolling Stone did not do their job verifying it. Alex thanks so much for coming coming forward and sharing your message. Thank you. Thank you. Next blood stains and bullet holes. Getting our first look at the aftermath of the terror attack on the College Campus in kenya. Cnn taking you to the campus next. Trapped by a train. Rescuers come to her rescue in the extraordinary moment. Well show you what happens next. Stay with us. I have great credit. How do you know . Duh. Try credit karma. Its free and you can see what your score is right now. I just got my free credit score credit karma. Really free. Im Brianna Keilar. Days after a terror attack at a university in kenya killed 147 people planes bombed hideouts in neighboring somalia. Cnn is told air strikes are not direct retaliation for the massacre at the university but rather part of the ongoing operation against the somali based terror group. Cnn is there. The university has now been opened to the media. Were not allowed into the dormitories where the al shabaab militants came in 5 00 a. M. In the morning and began to kill 147 people. The silence is deceptive. Its extremely difficult to imagine the absolute horror that must have gone on in these grounds a few days ago. We managed to get inside one of the dorm storyitoryiesdormitories. We have though the been allowed to film. Theres evidence of attack. Bullet holes and grenade holes and a shrapnel across the corridor. This is where they slept. This is destruction and signs of cleanup. Tape at the crime scene saying do not cross. Theres been a tank trying to break the siege of protection. You can see bullet holes across the wall broken glass from the windows. Were told the terrorists set up sniper positions inside to try to keep the military out. You can see down here this walkway the blood stains. The big question today, could more lives been saved in this attack . A source says it took hours for the antiterror team to arrange transport though officials had intelligence about the planned attack. Journalists beat the squad to the scene. The government is saying the team saved a lot of students. One of those saved, a 19yearold woman, that hid in a cupboard two days drinking lotion for two days because she was too afraid to come out. Were you scared . I was scare sod much. You were hiding . Yeah i was hiding. You know i covered myself with the clothes. While you were hiding what did you hear . Shooting. They were shooting everywhere. I had closed my eyes. I was just closing my eyes. How did you feel when you were rescued . At first i didnt believe it. I was thinking maybe this was the al shabaab. I said how do i know youre Kenyan Police . Then they brought our professor, the principal. They showed us this is. Kenyan Officials Say this man was the master mind behind the attack. Theyre offering a 215,000 reward for his capture. The director for Africa Center at the Atlanta Council is joining us now. Peter, its baffling in a way when you learn kenyan authorities had this intel that a university in the area could be attacked and yet you had the Rapid Response team antiterror squad, 230 miles away in nairobi. Is this a gigantic mess up . Well its a symptom of several things n. Recent years, United States european union, International Community have assisted Building Military capacity to beat shaal shabaab on the battlefield. We havent built up police capabilities to beat them as a terrorist organization. This attack is a wakeup call. We may have won battle against insurgents. The group is morphing into a transnational regional terrorist organization. We need to up the game. Its shifted tactics but not completely done yet. Okay. So were seeing obviously this is an outlying for them. The sheer terror of this. This makes you wonder what competition are they having for attention or to just be the scariest terrorist group out there. Two things brianne aabrianna. One of them is in the world of jihadist terrorism, violent extremist ideology one has to up or out. They have to constantly get attention or else theyre second or third string. Resources and recruits dont go to them. In recent weeks and months islamic a state, al qaeda and Arabian Peninsula and boko haram have been front page and al shabaab has been forgotten. This has been attempt to reassert relevance. This is not an isolated incident. Shabab have been turning to terrorism. We had attacks last year. They accept brated bus passengers christians and non christians and killed the christians. They had been building up to this. This was coming. Unfortunately we might expect. You say as they are shifting tactics, the country has to shift to build more Law Enforcement and change its response to al shabaab. What is the role of washington in trying to stop this Terror Network . Twofold brianna. First the United States and other allies have to help kenya and other states on the front lines facing shabaab. Weve helped them effectively on the Counter Insurgency part. Now we need to help on Terrorists Police part. Secondly unlike other groups, al shabaab has demonstrated an ability to reach into the american homeland. Weve had recruits come from the United States to join shabaab. Weve had people prosecuted for supporting them materially. Even though sympathizers represent a small minority in the United States, the fact is they do exist. Unlike other a terror groups with lone wolves theres a support group that we need to be watchful for in our own homeland. Certainly do. This story continues. We hope youre wrong there could be more. This is definitely a wakeup call. Thanks to much. Appreciate the insight. Next president obama calls it a once in a lifetime opportunity. Would the nuclear deal implode at the hand ss . Well discuss the american who proved to be a key player behind the scenes. Thats him to the left. Plus off the rails. The incredible effort subway commuters went through to rescue the fellow passenger who was trapped. We have that next. I hate cleaning the gutters. Have you touched the stuff . Its evil. And ladders. Awwwwwww they have all those warnings on them. Might as well say, youre going to die, jeff. You hired someone to clean the gutters . Not just someone. Someone from angies list. But were not members. We dont have to be to use their new snapfix feature. Angies list helped me find a highly rated Service Provider to do the work at a fair price. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. This is judy. Judy is 65 years old. Her mortgage payment is 728 a month thats almost 9,000 a year. Now judy doesnt think that shell be to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. This is mike. Mike is also 65 years old. 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Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. President obama is facing an uphill battle this week Convincing Congress not to block last weeks deal. Hes trying to convince israelis address their concerns in an interview with New York Times thomas freedman. I say to israeli people however, that there is no formula. No option to prevent iran there getting a Nuclear Weapon that will be more effective than the diplomatic frame work weve put forward. While obama tries to sell the deal to u. S. Lawmakers, netanyahu is trying to get them to reject it saying he has spoke ton twothirds of congress. These are pathways to a bomb. There are multiple pathways. What we have agreed to we are very confident will lead us to see violation quickly, give us plenty of time to respond and effectively close off pathways. We are much better off with the deal than we would be without it. Josh rogan joining me to talk about this. Good to have you with us. Last week president obama and secretary kerry got the attention. How critical was his role . He gives credibility to the idea that this deal will prevent iran from getting a bomb or increase the breakout time for the duration of the bill ten years at least. Hes a new voice. To add his expertise to this debate will help the administration sell this to congress. Ive been talking to lawmakers all week especially republican lawmakers, and theyre still not convinced. They have a lot of questions about the deal. They want to know whats going to happen with stockpiles of enriched uranium iran has. They want to know the schedule for sanctions relief. They want to know what role the Obama Administration will allow them to have this over seeing this deal. In the New York Times interview, he said hes willing to work with congress on this but would veto the bill by bob corker. The Administration Still has a lot of work to do to sell this to lawmakers. What about the future of this agreement if it is to go through . For instance you have rick perry whos staff says if hes elected president he would kill the iran deal immediately. You have so many candidates saying jeb bush for instance saying this is a flawed agreement riddled with concessions is what perry said. Rubio calls this a colossal mistake. The next president , if republican would be uncertain. We see 2016 politics are factoring in. All president ial perspective candidates have come out against the deal except rand paul who has not commented at all. We see effort by these candidates along with republicans in the senate to try to do what they can to stop the deal before it gets finalized at the end of june. One of the ways they try is by saying this deal wont last. Perry was endorsing the idea put forward by cotton last month that congress would reverse the deal. Thats dekbatbateabledebatable. You have two types. Some that want to kill the deal and some like corker that a want to influence the deal make it better and work with administration. You have tension not just between republicans and administration but within the Republican Party itself. Corker wants to say senate gets a say on this. Well see where that goes. Thanks so much. Any time. This is incredible new video. A true testament to power in numbers. Take a look at complete strangers save an elderly woman during a subway commute. Security campera captures a moment of kindness. A fellow passenger immediately a alerts the conductor. This group of strangers bans together. In just 15 seconds the woman is free. An ambulance took her to the hospital. The russian passengers used the same rescue strategy we saw many this viral video just eight months go when a commuter slipped into the gap. Metro staff asked all passengers to exit the train and rock the car back and forth. This freed the passengers leg, and he walked away unharmed. He later told a tv station he had no idea how many helped him that day. Both incidents providing Video Evidence of kindness of strangers and reminding passengers everywhere to mind the gap. Both important lessons. Next the heated contest in the race to be mayor. A relatively known politician known as garcia. Hes giving Rahm Emmanuel a run for his money. Graffiti found this an underground tunnel. What it can tell us about that war. Stay with us. [car engine] [car engine] introducing the firstever 306horsepower lexus rc coupe with available allwheel drive. Once driven, theres no going back. I love making sunday dinners. But when my back hurt, cooking all day. Forget about it. Tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. But aleve is just 2 pills all day. And now, im back aleve. Hes a largely unknown politician whos now giving chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel a run for his money in a neck for neck runoff. Will the man topple the former white house chief of staff become mayor . Heres ryan young. Its a political fight chicago has never seen and it is testy. Ill represent myself. First term mayor Rahm Emmanuel is fighting to stay in office for a second term with connections to president obama and the white house. Many thought emmanuel would galvanize other chicago. Thank you for this victory. You sure know how to make a guy feel at home. Theres a big turn around how the former white house chief of staff is viewed now. Political watchers tell us the mayor has made enemies in his first term. Locally on the ground hes a guy without a real constituentcyonstituency, unlikable. The fact hes in the runoff with 30 million in his pocket tells you something. Early on his hard edge and colorful language rubbed Community Members the wrong way. Its something the mayor is aware of. They say greatest strength is greatest weakness. Im aware of that. I rub people the wrong way and talk when i should listen. I own that. Many Community Members and teachers have stood together in opposing emmanuel after a contentious teacher strike ask his push to close more than 50 of chicagos worst performing schools. Well register 250,000 people. We will not the tape now shows two contestants with the mayor and battle against a county commissioner known as chuy a man many had not heard of before this collection. Theres mood for change in chicago. People have gotten experience in the past four years i dont think people are happy with. Some believe his approach to politics had taken its toll and led to sharp attack ads like this. The government has a mayor that listens to them. Ill be be a mayor that listens to you. Chuy is banking on hispanic and black support. In the final days leading up to the election many are asking about garcias lack of planning. In the final hours before the election both candidates are working the streets trying to get the last minute votes. Next in the underground tunnel graffiti on the walls from world war i. What a that can tell us about the war and those that fought in it. Poisoned in paradise. Two boys are in a coma. Their dad cannot move or walk after a vacation in the resort in the caribbean. A hear what went wrong. Stay with us. You seem knowledgeable professional. Im actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] woman [laughs] no way that really is you . If theyre not a cfp pro you just dont know. Cfp work with the highest standard. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. An incredible discovery has been made in a dark tunnel 150 feet underneath a field in france. You are looking at graffiti left behind by a soldier in world war i. This is one of the thousands of inscriptions made. Joining me now, todd is here to tell us about this. How amazing are the inscriptions . These are really amazing. Even though these were known to villagers, no one had gone in and chronicled the artifacts dating from 1916 1917. An american doctor and photographer was allowed in. He has taken foephotos and put it on the web. What does this tell us about who soldiers were . Most of these soldiers he found 1800 names. 40 were australians. There were few americans. Basically these were men saying i was here. World war i was a meat grinder. The battle of the psalm took place 50 miles away one of the bloodiest in history. This was a way they were slightly sheltered. You never knew what the next day was going to bring. This was their refuge from being above ground obviously. It was for safety. Right, exactly. They turned it into practically. Residentials probably a bit much. It was protected. Its a bit of a time capsule. Thank you for that todd. Thank you. Top of the hour now. Im Brianna Keilar in for brooke baldwin. Closing arguments for the Boston Marathon bombings trial now underway. Weve heard from the prosecution which has charged Dzhokhar Tsarnaev with 30 counts including 17 a that could earn him the death penalty. Setting off weapons of mass destruction, acts of terrorism, conspiracy aiding and abetting attack and murder are the charges. Judy charge told the jury we have come face to face with tragedy, suffering and grief. There is no excuse. No one is trying to make one. We are in boston. Any surprises in clarks argument alex . Shes fully admitting tsarnaev did this. That came in the Opening Statements when she looked at her client and said it was him. The trajectory is to acknowledge the horror of the event that led to this trial, to acknowledge the defendants responsibility for those acts. Heres where the difference comes into play. In the Opening Statement, judy clark was tasked with revealing to the jury her theory the defenses strategy to prove dzhokhar was influenced by tamerlan. Fast

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