Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20150224

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Hes currently being questioned by police. Both the ntsb and federal Railroad Officials are en route to the scene. Paul what have you learned . Reporter well im here on the scene. As we look over this way, as you pointed out, some of these cars are lying on their side. And what happened here was this train hit a truck that was on the tracks carrying a trailer. The trailer and that truck charred and over here. Immediately, fire responded. You had four people with critical injuries. From what ventura fire tells me the worst of them went to the intensive care unit. You had nine people treated on scene with minor injuries. Thats fractures, broken bones, severe cuts, head trauma. Then you had 15 people with moderate injuries. In all, 20 transported to the hospital. As you pointed out, so far no fatalities in this crash. They say these are the modified metro link cars and that they did have the collision Absorption Technology that kept this from being worse and these cars from disintegrateing. As for the speed, they say it was about a mile and a half or two miles away from a stop. Ive ridden these trains. There are frequent stops in this particular area. That may have kept them from going at a top speed and making this a much worse of an accident. The driver of the truck fled the scene, according to officials, and he was basically detained by police and fire. Hes now being questioned and they say that he is cooperating. Hes a 54yearold man from yuma arizona. Theyre trying to determine why he was in this intersection on the train track. As you come back over this way, you can clearly see this is a Railroad Crossing with the cross guards. Its got the signs that tell you, do not stop on tracks. And they dont understand, you know, how he wound up here. This is not the first collision, of course involving metro link. But as they look back on what happened here they feel very fortunate that there was not more severe injuries. One of the things they did is they had to simultaneously fight a diesel fire that broke out here involving the truck and the train. They say theres a lot of diesel out here. They think perhaps the truck was carrying diesel as well. Then begin all of this emergency triage. They had this trailer that they set up. That had everything from back boards and collars for neck injuries and the rest of the bandages. If we catch a break here on live tv, i do see a metro link spokesman. If you can see me that gentleman in the orange jacket if you can pull him over here that would be great. He can give us a lot more clarification on how this train was able to survive this collision and basically avoid much more serious injury. We should also note that there were 23 other people who were brought off the train who were uninjured. All of them of course will be interviewed to try to determine why this happened in the Early Morning hours here in oxnard california. All right, paul. Well let you gather more details for us. Thanks for that update. Again, 51 people total on the train. 20plus injured but only four people with critical injuries and no deaths. Lets bring in a county supervisor in that district where this train crash happened. You were on scene there. Tell us what you saw, john. Yes, ana. Thank you. This morning myself and the fire chief and our ceo mike powers went over and got a text this morning from our chief. He said we have an incident. He text us immediately. We went over to the scene. Of course we found out that 51 people were injured, 28 transported to the vcmc which is Ventura County medical center. As i mentioned before when we were there, nine individuals were sent to the Trauma Center in Ventura County. Three or four were critically injured. Six had minor injuries. Again, i definitely want to thank our county and city First Responders our police Ventura County the oxnard a lot of people involved responding for sure. Thats great that they were able to get there and there werent more serious injuries. And that itself, as we look at these pictures is pretty amazing. Do you know if the passengers were preparing for an impact . Did they have a warning of sorts . Well apparently not because that train was pulling out of oxnard heading toward camarillo and los angeles. That happens every single morning. Theres numerous trains of course. But im not sure if the people were even expecting Something Like that. When i first saw the flames in the morning, i just could not believe the horrific accident and the derailed cars off the railroad. It was just absolutely horrible. Just very lucky. We mentioned earlier there were no fatalities. And one reason perhaps that the cars didnt crumple was because of this collision management technology. We know metro link invested in this technology after the 2008 crash that killed 25 people. That technology is meant to absorb the shock of the crash. Did it work like it was supposed to . Yes, absolutely right. The metro link we did that retro fit. I belong to vctc Ventura County transportation commission. Also we were part of funding that mechanism that really helped. That probably saved a lot of people lots of lives. Very very glad we had that and the metro link railroad. All right. And we are getting a little bit more information from the Fire Department saying the driver made a mistake and turned on to the tracks they believe, instead of going on to the highway and then got stuck on the tracks. Well continue to follow this story throughout the next couple of hours and bring new information as we get it. John again, our thanks to you. Thank you so much. The Justice Department has Just Announced there will not be federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is the former neighborhood watchman in florida who was acquitted in the shooting death three years ago this week of 17yearold trayvon martin. This case setting off massive protests across the country. Pamela brown is joining us from washington. What have we learned . The Justice Department just released this statement, ana, saying its declining to bring civil rights charges against George Zimmerman for the killing of trayvon martin. So essentially, one year and a half after the jury acquitted George Zimmerman of seconddegree murder federal prosecutors have found theres not sufficient evidence to prove zimmerman intentionally violated martins civil rights. In other words, that he targeted him because of his race. Attorney general eric holder just said in a statement, through a comprehensive investigation, it found the High Standard for a federal hate crime prosecution cannot be met under the circumstances here. This young mans prepremature death necessitates that we continue the dialogue and be unafraid of confronting the issues and tensions his passing brought to the surface. This is really the culmination of a lengthy civil rights investigation thats taken place over the last three years since zimmerman shot and killed martin after that confrontation in 2012. As you pointed out, this was a case that sparked a lot of controversy and National Debate about race here in america. Sort of the first case. After that we had ferguson. Then we have eric garner. And we know the department of justice is also conducting civil rights investigations in both of those. We also know that the department of justices eric holder is saying he wants to wrap up these investigations before he leaves office. Any more details or updates on the status of the other ones . As we reported with ferguson its unlikely the department of justice will bring civil rights charges against Darren Wilson the officer who shot and killed brown. Theres also that other Ongoing Investigation into the Ferguson Police department. We reported last week that the Justice Department could sue the Police Department unless they make certain changes. So we are awaiting to find out the results of those cases, of course. As you point out, eric holder will be leaving soon sometime this spring. We expect to find out those findings once he leaves office or before then. All right. Pamela brown, our thanks to you. We are also following a developing story overseas. An American Woman working as a missionary in nigeria is now the victim of a brazen kidnapping. Her attackers demanding a ransom. Well have a live report from that region. Also ahead, under pressure. We are expecting the secretary of Veterans Affairs to soon address the media and the nation after admitting he embellished his military service. Well bring that to you live here on cnn. Plus a mystery in the sky over paris. What was spotted late at night over some of the citys most iconic landmarks . Stay with us. Your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. And you could make it happen. Right . Wrong. Because youre not you youre a Cancer Hospital and your daughter. Shes a team of leading researchers. And that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. Which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. From Research Data analytics all the way to transformation of clinical care. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. 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Last night the terror group isis stormed their homes in northern syria. This is according to a human rights group. While hundreds were able to run for their lives, dozens were captured. Among them women, children and the elderly. Lets talk more about this with Brigadier General anthony tata. He was the Deputy Commanding general of all Coalition Forces in afghanistan from 2006 to 2007. Hes also the author of foreign and domestic, a book that releases today, in fact about a Delta Force Team in afghanistan. Also with us the Senior International correspondent who is in erbil, iraq. Ben, i want to start with you. This terror group is referring to these christians as enemy crusaders of islam. This is the standard reference by isis to any christians. And what we understand is what happened is around 4 00 a. M. Local time isis fighters entered several syrian villages. They entered the homes and abducted according to the Syrian Human Rights Network, somewhere 2w50e7b 70 and 100 people. As you mentioned, women, children the elderly. According to the syrian observatory for human rights another organization that monitors the situation in syria, 90 syrian christians have been abducted by isis. Now, there are reports, for instance that isis in fact isis fighters were overheard on their radios talking about capturing what they called crusaders. Now, we understand from the Syrian Human Rights Network that around 700 families have fled that area. Theyve taken refuge in churches in the capital of that province. Its important to keep in mind that the kurdish fighters the group in syria, the ypg, have been pushing isis back since they retook the town of kobani right on the turkish border. And this appears to be some sort of counter move by isis to open a new front. Many of the syrian men who werent in that village have actually joined with the kurdish fighters to fight isis. What we may be seeing is a form of revenge. Ana . General, what do you make of this . It doesnt seem like that long ago we were talking about the yazidis, another Minority Religious Group that was threatened in iraq. Now it had kind of quieted down. Suddenly these innocent christians are under attack and not long after the egyptian christians were beheaded. Well, you know ana, theres about 800,000 syrian christians throughout iraq and turkey and syria. Theyre being persecuted by isis. Theres no doubt about it. They consider it a religious war, isis does. Theyre waging war on the west and as we tipped our hand that were coming to mosul, i can see that isis is strategically now trying to open up a Northern Front to diffuse the effort of the coalition. So isis is a very Strategic Thinking enemy. Theyre trying to do some things here in the homeland. Theyre recruiting in the homeland. Theyve now captured syrian christians in syria and the surrounding regions, and its really more fresh meat for their terror campaign. And they know that theyve got to defend against mosul. So theyre really trying to diffuse our military efforts and our strategic efforts to defeat them and push them out of mosul by fracturing the coalition and diffusing our efforts so we cannot concentrate in one area. When you talk about that timing it comes really just hours after isis released more propaganda videos. They showed more captives in cages, video of what appeared to be dozens of children being trained to become isis fighters. Is this just strategy or are they trying to really put out a bigger message through this onslaught of horror . Yeah isis is totally focused on the propaganda war, the information war. Ana, there are several elements of power that we can use that they can use as a burgeoning nation state. Theres information power. Theres economic power. Theres diplomatic power. And of course theres military power. What isis is doing is really leveraging the information domain to great effect. Theyre having recruits from great britain. Theyre having recruits come from america. Theyre training children. Images of nazi germany come to mind on that. So isis has taken the playbook from everybody whos been evil in history and trying to do it in one act here in the middle east and wage war on the west. The goals are to destroy our economy, to make us spend blood and treasure. So what we need to do is have a concerted effort, use our elements of power to leverage those in the middle east so that we can wage an Effective Campaign against isis. You know qatar plays into this. Theyre playing both ends against the middle here. Its been revealed that we have inside contacts with the qatar leadership. Frankly, weve got to leverage them to cowboy up and make sure that they are doing the right thing for our coalition. Weve got new zealand coming in and joining coalition. Thats a good thing. So this is a war against the west. This is not just an isolated thing happening in the middle east. This is serious business. And we need to take it very seriously. Im glad to see the administration finally coming to the table and general james terry out there in iraq is a great leader. We should all have good trust, faith, and confidence hes going to do the right thing for American Forces and Coalition Forces. Lets talk about whats happening on the ground there, ben. You are there. You can feel it. You can see whats going on. We know we have the peshmerga, the kurdish fighters in the north that have had somewhat of an impact on isis. We have the Iraqi Military thats sort of regrouping in baghdad under the guidance and training of this coalition. The u. S. Has talked about retaking mosul as early as this spring. Does this latest development, this mass kidnapping impact strategy in terms of the fight against isis . Really there are several fronts. I think what youre seeing with this instance the attack the abduction on the syrian christians is really the weak underbelly. Thats a weak front when it comes to the fight against isis. Those are isolated rural villages easily approached easily captured by isis. We were out on the front lines. We saw an isis flag about a kilometer away from where we were. We were with Kurdish Peshmerga forces. For most of the day, most of the fire was coming from the kurds, going in the direction of isis. So that front is fairly firm. Isis fired back a few mortars in the direction of the kurds, but really the front lines are pretty firm as far as the kurds are concerned, as far as the iraqis are concerned. Yes, the pentagon did put out that statement, or one official there, talking about the possibility of an offensive to retake mosul in late march or rather late april, early may. But most people in the know dont seem to think thats going to happen. Its much more likely given that the iraqi army simply isnt ready for the task thatll happen sometime in the fall rather than in the spring. Ana . All right. Thanks to both of you for the insight and information. Up next closing arguments expected any time now in the trial of Eddie Ray Routh. Hes the man on trial for allegedly killing american sniper chris kyle. Why the suspects marijuana use could play a crucial role in the prosecutions case. Also ahead, Officials Say five drones were spotted hovering over paris near sensitive sites like the eiffel tower, even the u. S. Embassy, all in the middle of the night. What were they doing there . Thats ahead. Stay with us. The lightest or nothing. The smartest or nothing. The quietest or nothing. The sleekest. Sexiest. Baddest. Safest,. Tightest,. Quickest. Harshest. Or nothing. At mercedesbenz, we do things one way or we dont do them at all. The 2015 cclass. See your authorized Mercedes Benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. You just got a big bump in miles. So this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. 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They also agree Eddie Ray Routh has a mental illness, but the defense says that rouths mental issues from ptsd were so severe he was not sane when he pulled the trigger and therefore is not guilty. However, prosecutors countered that. Routh knew right from wrong when he committed the killing and therefore cannot claim legal insanity. Lets get some analysis from joey jackson. An interesting angle today as the psychiatrist testified for the prosecution. He found the defendant was intoxicated from smoking pot at the time of this shooting. Because of that alone, he could not claim insanity under texas guidelines. Danny, well start with you. Explain what he means. It sounds counterintuitive but intoxication in this case is good for the prosecution, not the defense. Heres why. At the close of the case the prosecution will request and they will get an instruction under texas law, which is this. Jurors voluntary intoxication is not a defense to a crime. So every shred of evidence youve heard about drug use will not be a defense to a crime. Ultimately your decision is as injuries whether or not this defendant news the difference between right and wrong. Right and wrong simply means, did he know it was illegal . If im the prosecutor this is my closing, my finger. I use it to push a button on the vcr and it plays two pieces. Number one, where he admits on camera that he knew what he was doing was wrong. And number two is the highspeed car chase where he knew he was fleeing because he knew what he did was wrong because you flee from the police because theyre the people who arrest you. You want the however point . I was going to say, how do you defend against that argument . Heres the however. Number one, the prosecutions expert that says he was intoxicated, he was drunk, and all the other stuff contradicts directly the defense expert who says, number one, he wasnt, and with number two, the event he s it would have had no effect upon this. His intoxication state had no effect upon his psychosis. Number two, i dont recall any testimony in terms of his toxicology. I dont recall the police doing a breathalyzer or anything else upon him, if im wrong, please let me know. I additionally dont recall any Police Testimony where they showed intoxication. For them to suggest he was intoxicated because of what he was doing that morning was having marijuana and Drinking Alcohol has nothing to do with at the time that this occurred which was hours later. Moving forward, the reality is this. You can make the argument that in the event that he did use alcohol or did smoke pot or anything else he was using it to selfmedicate. That is he was doing it and he engaged in this act not because he was intoxicated but he was mentally ill. As a result of that mental state, he was using it as a crutch to pull him up. So thats what the defense will focus in on. They will say, this is not about intoxication this is about it simply ties into his mental case, his mental state. He didnt know right from wrong. Sult so today, before these closing arguments take place, there had been one more analyst on the stand who said both the victims were shot quickly and at close range. Also testified that chris kyle quote, never saw it coming. Why is it important, danny, to present those details of the deaths when the question isnt about who did it . Im speculating as to the prosecutions tactics, but i think we can reasonable bli assume its this. Number one, theyre showing how deliberate these actions were and these twore people these victims never posed a threat to anybody. But part two, its really sort of a picture for the jury that this was a summery execution and nothing more and that leaves them going into the jury room realizing realizing these two poor victims never had a chance to defend themselves and never, ever posed a threat to the defendant. Defense will say he was hallucinating, he was paranoid he had to do this and get them before they got him. These are the two competing arguments that are going to play out in that courtroom. What the jury ultimately decides is the big question. Remember whats the burden of proof . Is it more likely than not he was insane than he was sane . The burden is on the defense. Ultimately it goes back to motive. Why . Why did this all happen . Yes. Joey danny, thank you. Up next, lawmakers working on a solution to fund the department of Homeland Security. What compromises could be in the works . Plus were expecting an update to our top story, that Train Derailment in southern california. A News Conference should happen any moment now. Well bring it to you. Stay with us. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. 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After four failed votes to pass this bill to move it forward to debate in the Senate Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell says hes going to try a new tactic splitting dhs funding and the immigration rollback into separate bills. So the senators can vote on each one separately. But its still not clear if that strategy will work either. Meantime the clock ticks toward fridays deadline. If our headquarter staff is cut back to a skeleton that inhibits our ability to stay on top of a lot of the existing situations and challenges to Homeland Security right now. Gloria borger cnns chief political analyst, is joining me now. Gloria you discussed all this with jeh johnson on sunday here on cnn. Mitch mcconnell cant seem to get anything moving in the senate. Hes sort of in a tight spot. His own party isnt even completely united on this one. Will his new plan to separate the dhs funds and the immigration legislation work . Lets just say hes trying as hard as he can, and the problem might not be in the senate as much as it would be in the house. Today mcconnell, as you said said look lets just separate these two things. This is an apple, this is an orange. Lets talk about funding Homeland Security separately. He even indicated there might be a possibility that he would fund Homeland Security through, say, the end of the fiscal year through the end of september. Then we could look at the issue again, and hes telling republicans, you know what, the courts are on our side because, as you know a federal judge ruled against the president s dpek executive order. He said look the courts are on our side. Lets vote on immigration separately but it wont look good for the Republican Party if we mess up the dhs over immigration. We should not do that because now we run the congress and our job is to lead. Whats the argument against separating those two out . Why wouldnt that be where they started . Well the argument against it is first of all, a lot of republicans are saying, look, the court are on our side. The courts are going to do what we ought to do which is legislate this. And we need to have our vote on this and this is too important. The judge has stayed this processing. Now weve got to let our votes be known on this. They also believe, some of them will tell you, that look, people arent going to be completely laid off. Youll have about 30,000 people furloughed but the rest will have to work without pay. Eventually this will get worked out. I mean the argument on the other side marly by the Republican Leadership is look we have to show the people if we want to win a president ial election that we can run the congress before we can convince them we can actually run the country and this is a very important point to them. They believe theyve made a lot of progress. They passed the Keystone Pipeline bill which is important to republicans. The president is going to veto it. So Mitch Mcconnells argument to recall trant republicans is hold your fire were making progress dont make it look like we cant run the congress. You talked about vetoing the Keystone Pipeline bill. This is another one. Even if it got through the Senate President obama has said he will veto this because of the rollback on his executive action. So what is the end game . Hes going to veto it any moment. Look this is one of these issues that republicans took up early. They took it up early because they got some support from democrats on the Keystone Pipeline as well as republicans. There are lots of democrats from red states who are for building the pipeline so they could get a bipartisan vote. They passed it. They sent it up to the president. Hes going to veto it. And its just itll be on the docket for the next election. What republicans want to do is show that what their agenda is. Passing keystone, part of their agenda. Defunding the department of Homeland Security that issecurity. You all heard about the potential Terror Threat at the mall of america in minneapolis over the weekend. Jeh johnson, the head of Homeland Security said to me and i quote, its absurd that were even having this conversation at all at this particular period in our nations history. Republicans are worried about that as well. All right. Lots of threats, no doubt about it. Gloria borger thank you. We know youll be watching closely for us. Five drones flying close to paris landmarks overnight, including over the u. S. Embassy there. French investigators are still searching for the pilots of those small unmanned planes that were spotted above the eiffel tower, the interior ministry, and a couple other places. The still is still reeling from last months terror attacks. Lets bring in cnns isa suarez. Do we know why they were there . Good to see you. Yes, the very short answer is they dont unfortunately. These five drones were spotted between 1 00 a. M. Paris time to about 6 00 a. M. By the time the police got there, the people manning these drones had already left. But these were drones flying over very sensitive areas of paris. Many saying as well the eiffel tower. Also the Military Museum as well as the louvre. These are concerns of course. Paris is still at maximum alert security given the fact of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Still a city on edge. What authorities are telling us is they got there, didnt find anyone. Theyve started an inquiry with ten Aviation Police officers. Theyll be in charge responsible for looking into these drones. Who exactly they were. Were these militias or simply drone enthusiasts. Thats the crucial question. Certainly seems suspicious given the timing of everything isa, thank you. Up next a bizarre story out of connecticut. A Home Invasion turned forced robbery, and Police Responding to a man with an explosive device strapped to his body outside a credit union. New information about the suspects in this case, next. In our house, we do just about everything online. And our old internet just wasnt cutting it. So i switched us from uverse to xfinity. They have the fastest, most reliable internet. Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. Now to a bizarre story out of connecticut. Police are searching for two suspects they say, involved in an apparent Home Invasion. That turned out to be the first step in the attempt to rob a credit union. This all started before daylight on monday. Two suspects allegedly broke into the home of the Credit Unions cfo. They attach what had they claimed was an explosive device to him and his mother. He was then ordered to go to work and clean out the vault, but he managed to alert someone who then called police. This device turned out to be fake. No one was hurt but police are still wondering who done it. Now, alexandra fields joining me now. An amazing twisted tale sounds like out of a movie. That kind of plot and how did this man end up in this device . He had told police two people broke into his home while he and his mother were there. Today police are releasing information about the suspects theyre looking for. They say theyre after two men wearing dark clothing and also ski masks and goggles. That might not give the public all that much to go on, so police are looking for a car, which could be related to the suspects. Thats a white fourdoor older model mazda. Theyre asking people in the farmington area of connecticut to get in touch with police if they saw a car fitting that description in their area yesterday morning. In fact they want people to take a look and see if they have surveillance cameras or cameras outside their house that could have picked up images of this car moving through the streets because theyre still after these suspects. At the same time theyre investigating what went on in this home. This story from this credit union worker who shows up outside wearing this device. He apparently believes this is a bomb. Authorities do meet him outside of the credit union. He has to actually sit in his car without the heat on while they remove it and test the device. They say the only injuries that the man had was some exposure from sitting in the cold car. They checked out the house. His mother is doing fine. Theyve also taken away the car he was in because they wanted to test that for any explosive residue. So he indeed was in a car. In the car where he had to head off to the credit union. So the suspects werent with him when he got to the credit union. Ist seems the suspects would not have been with him because he had the opportunity to get in contact with police. So many layers to this. So many holes in the story to figure out. This is the sort of thing where you scratch your head and say it sounds like a movie plot. Just a very bizarre twist, but a very serious thing if this turns out to be the story that this man whos identified as the victim. Police want help certainly tracking down these suspects. Well see where this ends up. Alexandra, thank you. Were awaiting that News Conference on a couple big stories. The Train Derailment we brought you at the top of the hour. Also as the va secretary is getting ready to speak, well talk about the latest i dont know if its a scandal, but he did misspeak. Thats raising a lot of questions. At least raising a lot of eyebrows here today. Hes expected to address his comments in a News Conference any minute. Stay with us. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. My name is daniel i have diabetic nerve pain. The pain felt like my feet were on fire. I had these very burning. Needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. My doctor said lets try lyrica. Lyrica has helped relieve my pain. Its known that. Diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Having less pain. Its a great feeling. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. So. Youre sayin youll give me my credit score for free. Right now youre gonna ask for my credit card so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma are you talking to websites again . This website says free credit scores. Oh. Credit karma yeah, its really free. Look, you dont even have to put in your credit card information. What . credit karma. Really free credit scores. Really. Free. I could talk to you all day. Lets get straight out to oxnard california. Officials are giving us an update into the passenger Train Derailment this morning. Good afternoon. My name is tim flynn. Im the mayor of the city of oxnard. First and motherforemost our thoughts and prayers are with the victims in this accident and their families. If it wasnt for the Immediate Response of the oxnard Police Department, Fire Department and supporting agencies there could have been more casualties. We are especially focused on making sure that the families of those that were affected by this accident are also taken care of. And as mayor of the city of oxnard our thoughts again and prayers are to the victims and their speedy recovery. So we have a line of speakers. Please just hold your questions until after all the comments are made. Thank you. Next we will have oxnard Fire Departments chief, james williams. Ed. Good afternoon. This morning at 5 43 a. M. , the oxnard Fire Department was summoned to rice avenue and 5th street for a vehicle that was hit by a metro link train traveling towards los angeles. Our crews quickly arrived on the scene in about five minutes, started actions to exteng wish the fire and start ems operations on the individuals that required that particular need. One of the things about this incident was great collaboration today. We recently held some drills in collaboration with amr as well as metro link to prepare for these types of events. That coordination and preparation certainly made things go very well this afternoon. With that, we want to thank the assisting agencies as well and hope everything works out for those individuals that were victims as a result of this particular incident. Next from the Ventura County emergency medical service, steve carroll. Good afternoon. We had a total of 50 patients involved in this incident this morning. Of those, 28 patients were transported to five of our area hospitals. Various injuries include spinal injuries multiple fractures, head injuries pulmonary contusions neck and back injuries and various other injuries. Those patients were treated at five area hospitals, including two of our Trauma Centers by 13 ambulances from our gold coast and American Medical Response providers. So far, seven of those patients have been admitted to the local hospitals. 13 are still being treated in the emergency rooms. Eight of the patients have been treated and discharged from the emergency rooms. Thats all i have at this point. Thank you. Next would be the assistant police chief from the oxnard Police Department. Good morning, everyone. As you can see, we have a very complicated scene back here. I would first like to thank you for joining us here to get the correct information out to our community as well as thank the numerous agencies here to support us in this operation, which we can anticipate will be here for quite some time. What i can tell you to clarify a number of issues are some facts we do know. At 5 44 this morning we received a call that a vehicle had collided with a train at 5th street and rice avenue. Police units were the first units to respond. The first unit arrived three minutes later at 5 48 a. M. Upon their arrival, they found a truck, which was described as being fully engulfed in flames. In other words, it was completely burning. The officers that first arrived did not know whether or not the occupants of the vehicle were still inside. However, after fire arrived, they were able to do a primary and secondary search of the vehicle and determine that there was no driver nor was there a passenger in the vehicle. Amazingly, a short time later one of our patrol officers saw what he believed to be a disoriented male walking approximately one to two miles all right. Were going to break away from this press conference. We have another press conference were monitoring. This is t

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