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The other, that the world needs to do more to battle the roots of extremism, starting with addressing one huge issue in the countrys officer tile for extremism, poverty. When people especially young people feel entirely trapped in impoverished communities, where there is no order and no path for advancement, where there are no educational opportunities, where there are no ways to support families and no escape from injustice and the humiliations of corruption that feeds instability and disorder. And makes those communities ripe for extremist recruitment and we have seen that across the middle east and weve seen it across north africa. So if were serious about countering violent extremism we have to get serious about confronting these economic grievances and as we go forward lets commit to expanding education including for girls. Ex paneleding opportunity including for women. Nations will not truly succeed without the contributions of their women. Trapped in impoverished communities, this is just one reason you just heard the president give for why thousands of young people are flocking to violent extremism, but one former militant disagrees telling researchers, i did not join the taliban because i was poor. I joined because i was angry because they being the west wronged us. Let me bring in Andrea Koppel Vice President of Global Engagement and policy at mercy corps, the global aid agency that spoke to that militant and others as part of this new huge study that found it is injustice and not unemployment that leads to radicalization of young people. Andrea wonderful to have you on. Welcome. Thanks so much brooke. So we have followed you know militants like the british isis mast fighter jihadi john who came from a privileged background. So if its not poverty, andrea, what in this study did you find that really is the catalyst or the background for drawing these young people in . Its a great question. In our study mercy corps looked at three of the countries that were working in africa columbia and somalia, these are all conflict ridden countries, where there is tremendous poverty and high unemployment of youth and we started this study because we wanted to see was it in fact unemployment that was driving these young people to join join these groups and we found that it was not. It was corruption. It was abuse of power. It was the fact that they have no voice, the fact that theyre marge in a lysed, the fact that there are no services no social services. Theres poor governance. And so you know the question then is how do you address these grievances . And that answer is is a fairly complex one. I was going to get to that because if you study one part of it right, you have to have some sort of solution in coming up with the latter part. Let me get to that. But on the issue of saying its corruption and abuse of power, you know and as you mentioned your study specifically concentrating on people afghanistan, soem leah and columbia. Theyre offering education, theyre Offering Health clinics, theyre offering salaries and also a sense of you know almost worthiness a sense of importance for these young people. Absolutely. You hit the nail on the head. It is the fact that we in the Development Community have not been listening to these young people we havent been engaging them in program design. They are frustrated and angry about the fact that there is corruption and abuse and whatnot, but the solution is that we need to have a more holistic approach. We need to be looking at their psychosocial needs, we need to be targeting the youth better. Believe it or not, a lot of the kids that are brought into these Training Programs or Vocational Training are the ones who speak english, theyre not if he is i will the ones who are the most vulnerable. We need to be looking at getting more of Good Governance programming in so we help those governments where they live develop social services build up a better bureaucracy that isnt full of cronyism. So its having a much more thoughtful approach that puts youth at the center. But engaging young people it has to be part of it but i cant imagine how do you counter this young person who is inspired to join this fight that to them seems like so much bigger than them. So much bigger than their lives . You know one of the things that mercy corps found in our study is that there is a true dearth of research out there that gets at the root of some of those questions and so one of the things that we would appeal to the Obama Administration and other governments to do is to fund more research and to look at these issues but the fact of the matter is a lot of the recruitment happens in communities where whether its the taliban, whether its the far k or whether its al shabaab, they know she is young people. They are either a friend of the family or a friend of theirs one young taliban former taliban member said to us they just walk into the community and they take you by the hand and say, come with us. So these are super complex problems and we need to have really a 360 approach to the way that we do good development. It isnt just brooke about funding more military Counter Insurgency programs its about building programs around these youth that also involve their governments. Andrea koppel come back. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. This is so so important. Brooke thank you so much and i would just say if anybody wants to learn more about the report to go to mercy corps. Org mercycorps. Thank you very much. Sort of staying on this while the president was speaking the pentagon was said to be analyzing some shocking new claims from this front line in the war with isis allegations of horrifying mass murder like something out of the dark ages were hearing dozens of people as many as 40 people have been burned alive. This is said to have happened in a town the militants overran last friday although cnn cannot independently confirm this report according to an iraqi official the burning victims include Police Officers and tribes men. Ben weed amman is our cnn National Correspondent who is live in iraq. Beginning with the alleged burning of these 40 people this is said to have happened in a town they seized what just a couple miles from that ala sad air base we talked about at the end of last week where u. S. Personnel are based. At one point we thought isis may have made this attempt to overrun and seize this base. Where is isis now . Tell me about their movements. Reporter the incident occurred in back daddy which is about nine miles out jied the air base which is one of the biggest air bases in iraq where as we know several hundred u. S. Military personnel are located. The incident however, its not at all clear what happened exactly. Two iraqi officials, a Police Official and the head of the an bar Prevention Council have claimed this has happened but no video has come out and we know the mowed us operandi of isis is that we publicize this sort of thing. Weve seen no pictures weve seen no video and the iraqi authorities if you look in the iraqi media theyre not even making it particularly a large deal out of this as well. Its not clear what happened. Its important to keep in mind that an bar province is predominantly sunni, the baghdad government which is dominated by shia has been neglecting for years this situation in that province. So these reports, these claims by provincial officials may be simply an attempt as weve seen in the past to get the Central Government to provide more support to those who remain somewhat sympathetic to the government. Weve heard time and time again, for instance that isis already controls 80 of an bar province so this really may be an incident that didnt take place, but its a story that may be being used simply to draw attention to anbar. To your point perhaps the Story Tellers has begun propaganda and huge on recruitment. Cnn has some new pike tours that appear to show new isis recruits celebrating some sort of graduation. When you look at some of these faces they look ben, so young. We have this new training video. What have you learned about these new recruits and exactly what they do to train . Reporter well the problem with this sort of video is its propaganda. We dont know who these people are. We dont know whether there was actual training or simply acting for the people who shot it. Theres sort of a classroom scene where it appears some pimple faced bierded teacher is telling us that the students are being taught right from wrong, but at the end of the day this is propaganda and shut be created as such. It may have no semblance to reality whatsoever but this is what isis accels at. Putting this this sort of thing out and having it broadcast all over the world and everybody watching. Its in a sense, whatever it is it succeeds at getting a very big audience. Thank you in northern iraq. Just ahead, we are finally learning about some of these documents found at that covert operation, the mission at Osama Bin Ladens compound. Why some of his lut nents supposed at women. Plus is the pan who shot and killed the american sniper insane . His lawyers desperately trying to prove that just moments ago a combat stress expert took the stand. And did eddie murphy refuse to play bill cosby during the saturday night live Anniversary Show . What reportedly happened behind the scenes. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Photos are great for capturing your world. And now they can transform it. With the new angies list app, you can get projects done in a snap. 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When you have this md when you have a psychiatrist explaining talking about psychotic and going into the definition of insanity that has to be key. Its not just a layperson, this is someone who knows what theyre talking about. Very compelling. You get an Expert Witness there, you go through the credentials and that means you lay the foundation you can ask him how many articles youve written about the topic and what is your educational background and how long youve been involved and so from the getgo had he sound very credible and compelling and now you shift into the actual issues related to this case and this tick individual. Certainly when you have an expert thats suggesting what you just mentioned, psychotic, can abls and its not only the expert but you dove tail that with the other testimony, the defense we know began with the testimony and so you get the layman description of who routh was and who he turned into and now you have an expert corroborating that very compelling final point. Remember the standard more likely than not that he was insane. Not beyond a reasonable doubt insane defense has to establish is it more likely than not by by a preponderance of the evidence and if the jury believes that guess what not guilty by reason of insanity. He has to be insane at the time of the incident or under this psychotic event so much so that he didnt know the difference between right or wrong. This is going to be a battle of the experts because if the jury believes that he was psychotic and clearly he was psychotic, they also have to sort of get past the burden of well, was he really faking it at the time because we know weve got those Text Messages from the victim chris kyle saying this guy is nuts. Thats a layperson saying i think hes nuts but thats a layperson that said it at the time when they were together and i think thats going to be very compelling. As i hear all the testimony im very mindful if i were a juror how the jurors are taking all this in had. I think the other issue is that routh had been at va centers according to his family they wanted to keep them there but he had to leave and the whole issues surrounding ptsd and that is a very real invisible war that so many of our veterans suffer here at home and im wondering how sympathetic in texas lease jurors will be. Thats a great point. Weve been sort of joey and i have been can discussing this a lot. Im sort of conflicted because i think by and large most juries reject the insanity defense because they want someone to be held accountable and were talking about the deaths of the American Hero weve all seen the movie. So i wonder if theyre really going to have this sympathy and empathy for another soldier because, remember routh is an eczema recent. I just wonder if theyre going to go that far or are had he going so say, do you know what i want him to be held accountable, i want had him in prison. Thats the wild card because what youre doing youre looking at a jury theyre in stephenville remember the connection of kyle to stephenville now you have a local jury and who are their sympathies going to be to. Yes, people are very skeptical of the insanity defense. Why . Brooke if youre sick and i look at you, you have a cold, i can see it i can visually determine sunny and i could examine and say, shes not feeling well but we cant get into your mind so we have to rely upon something else. And then of course right, 1 of the time in 1 of the cases insanity is used and only one in four of those does it actually work. This may very well be such a case. If it were ever a case i think this is the case that does qualify for the insanity defense. It has all the hallmarks of it but i think we may be up against a perception against Mental Illness and also the perception if i find him guilty by reason of insanity he will not be held accountable when we all know in the Legal Profession that being in a Mental Institution for the rest of your life like hingly is certainly Holding Someone thats sick accountable. But not to the same degree that youre guilty is accountability. At least in a jurys mind. Thats the wild car. Well see. Thank you so much. Thanks. We will obviously keep discuss that go one in texas. Also this new information from documents seized by navy seals during the bin laden raid in pakistan showing al qaeda members at the time posing as women. Why . We have that story next. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Rma. Checking your credit score is for chumps. I have great credit. How do you know . Duh. You know those change, right . Tattoos dont change. Try credit karma. Its free and you can see what your score is right now. Arent you a little bit curious . I just got my free credit score credit karma. Really free credit scores. Really free. I have got to update my ink. It has been three and a half years now since seal team 6 took out Osama Bin Laden in that covert raid in pakistan and now for the very first time documents seized by the Al Qaeda Leaders compound are set to be revealed. Thats what prosecutors in the trial of this terror suspect just promised this jury in new york nasir is accused of being bin ladens mignon even according to my next guest. Disguiseing himself as a woman to get the job done. He says he was just trying to pick up women. Just a few of the juice yer tidbits expected to come out of this trial. Michael daily is on here onset with me. Lets begin with it wasnt just nasir it was others, right, to posed as women online. It was their standard according to the government the standard way al qaeda would communicate in had this conspiracy was had a they would pose as women online. Why . Well the government says that they did it because they thought that they would get less attention if they were women, that the nsa wouldnt be looking for them i guess. Female email handles and what else . And thats basically what they were doing. On line they were acting like they were women. The defendant in this case says it is posing as a woman because nice muslim girls wouldnt talk to him if he was a boy so he was kind of trying to meet girls by being a girl if you want to okay. Looking at your face and okay. They also used when they would be talking about bombs in conversation they would testimony niez bombs. They were allowed their choice of bomb depending on what materials were available where they were going to mount the attack according to the government. Okay. And, you know if you lived in a place where you could get acetone in a beauty parlor you might pick one bomb, if you had another one where peroxide was available you might pim another and they communicated which type of bomb by using a womans name. Give me an example. Nadia in this case. Anybody that remembers 9 11 a weddings the code word for an attack. So they apparently got very fond of this wedding and i think out of the wedding code word came the idea of well have women and i think they have a problem with women anyway. This guy when he came into court the first thing he did is he complained to the judge that a female correction officer had searched him. He went right from saying i dont want a female officer to search me to saying i did kind of pose as a woman online. How about that. And then these pi 5 witnesses for the government who will be testifying according to your piece, they are being allowed by this judge to what wear makeup and disguise light makeup. Light makeup and wigs. I think the idea is that they were the guys who made the case in Manchester England where this guy was operating and their government and our government i guess, is concerned that they might be identifiable. So theyre allowed to come into court wearing wigs and makeup as long as the jury can still see their facial expressions and try to judge from that you know whether to believe them or not. Have you ever covered a trial quite like this michael daily . No. And then in the middle of all of it it starts seeming, you know you can almost forget what was at stake here in the middle of all of it you it they come and they say, well were going to introduce documents that were the seals grabbed when they killed bin laden. Ive knocked the fbi sometimes, but this you really have got to give them credit. They had the foresight to fly an agent to afghanistan just before the raid he was there at the airport when they came back with bin ladens body and the documents they seized and he then began a chain of custody which you need to have in order to introduce something in a criminal trial. I think the letters are going to be very important in this trial. They might not have been able to introduce it if the facebook hadnt thought to have a guy in afghanistan and that guy who saw bin ladens body and voechd for all these documents is going to testify guy at trial. Huge kudos to the fbi. We will keeping reading in this trial in which he is defending himself. Not doing a bad job. Thank you so much. Next new information about the leader of Isis Baghdadi for starters did you know he has a wife and children. But we are also hearing how he bucked the commands of Al Qaeda Leaders. Plus former snl star Norm Mcdonald giving quite a bit of inside information via twitter. He said eddie murphy backed out of a sketch about bill cosby. Were now hearing from cosby on the situation. What he said coming up. This is jim. A man who doesnt stand still. But jim has afib, Atrial Fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. For years, jims medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But now, with onceaday xarelto®, jims on the move. Jims doctor recommended xarelto®. Like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afibrelated stroke risk. But xarelto® is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesnt require regular blood monitoring. So jims not tied to that monitoring routine. Gps proceed to the designated route. Not today. 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Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Onceaday xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring, no known dietary restrictions. For information and savings options, download the xarelto® Patient Center app call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. Were just past the hour hour im Brooke Baldwin youre watching cnn and we are finally learning more about baghdadi the worlds most wanted man, little has been known about this reclusive leader of isis until now. Of course you know hes the force behind the ruthless band of terrorists known for beheadings burning innocent people alive and now this new information about al baghdadi comes to us from a u. S. Intelligence official. Brian todd let me go straight to you. How about owe if ishls describing him . Reporter brooke baghdadi may well be a psychopath. This official says bad daddy operates like a mafia don using techniques of kweshs to intimidate people. But hes also very savvy in his leadership style. Hes willing to delegate to a set of trusted lieutenants and he was not personally close to al kau would he. Czar could youy he smars his vision of establishing an islamic caliphate in iraq and syria and that whole region, book as we know al czar carry was killed by u. S. Forces in 2006 but now with he mow what makes baghdadi pick. A psychopath. But then there is a totally different picture of a man who i had no idea has children . Thats right. This intelligence official. And a wife. He is probably in his early 40s he has been hair yeed to possibly two wives, has at least a couple children. Now, weve reported before that baghdadi was educated in islamic history at the university of baghdad. But this personal information about him is very interesting. Weve also reported before brooke that he is obsessive about his security. Hes obsessive about secrecy. The video that you showed there was from a sermon that he gave in mosul several months ago, that was the one of the only times he has been seen in public. That picture that we obtained of him at camp buca in 2004. Often shielding his face according to analysts when he meets with his own people. So that just gives you another picture of kind of this guys personal and intellectual and emotional makeup. Secretive with his own inner circle. Brian todd thank you so much. Well look for more of you on the situation room with wolf next. Im so excited about this two former saturday night live cast members who will be sitting with me who attended this weekend anniversary special. And what happened behind the scenes. Dont you want to know what hasnt been said and also reports that eddie murphy refuse refused to play cosby during the show. Plus Brian Williams daughter is speaking out about her father and what he has been going through over the past couple weeks. 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In our house, we do just about everything online. And our old internet just wasnt cutting it. So i switched us from uverse to xfinity. They have the fastest, most reliable internet. Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. She may be Brian Williams biggest fan and most famous fan and now the nbc angers daughter is speaking publicly. Brian williams was suspended for six months without pay after he misstated facts about his coverage of the iraq war back had in 2003. You know many actually though questioned whether williams will actually return to anchor the nbc nightly news. His daughter now, has no doubts. She spoke with seth meyers at an event at the 92nd street y in manhattan. Its been tough, though. Obviously toughest on my dad who has been sort of bearing the full burden of the responsibility for it but my mom has been so strong and my brother has been amazing and, you know my dad has always been there for us 100 approximate of the time time. So to be there for him is the least we can do right now. And one thing this experience has not done is shake my trust and belief in him as a man. Hes a really good man. Hes an honest man. Hes a truthful man. Hes he has so much integrity, he cares so much about journalism and, yes, hes a really good dad, but i know you can trust him because as any Good Daughter does i have tested him on that so many times and i cant wait until hes back on tv and i know that many of you guys feel that way and thank you for all of your outreach. And we have a poll a new cnn orc poll found most of america agrees with allison williams. 52 say Brian Williams should come back to anchor. Saturday night live the 40th Anniversary Show had had viewers laughing until tears, but it also had some asking why snl legend eddie murphy played such a small role murphy on stage for all of 73 seconds, yes, we counted because we were so excited to see him expressing love and gratitude for the show but not performing not delivering any of the comedic genius hes known and loved for. Today an explanation for if you are fees muted appearance. Fellow snl veteran Norm Mcdonald said murphy was slated to play bill cosby in that jeopardy skit instead it was key nan thompson who played the role. Murphys decision came down to the last minute. He said its my job to talk him into doing jeopardy we talked in a dressing room a good hour when its over im convinced hell to it he doesnt. Eddie decides the laughs are not worth it. He will not kick a man when hes down. Mcdonald referring to the litany of rape allegations facing bill cosby. Two more in fact just this last week. Cosby denies or declines to comment on the more than 20 claims. Nbc reports that cosby allowed murphys decision not to do the skit. So i have gilbert god free he worked on the show in the early 90s, the two comedians seen here in a selfie forgive me the 80s. And he is with me now also now coast. And los angeles horatio sanz. So gentlemen, welcome. Thank you very much. Yes. Hi. Horatio horatio, how are you . Im very good. I cant hear a thing. Okay. They never gave me a mic. Could you just hold up signs of what youre saying . Just have a little chalkboard when youre talking. Well have horatio spike up if there are any issues. Let me begin with you. I want to know who you were sitting next to when you were tripping over all these a listers in the audience. But first on the notion of eddie murphy and the whole idea of declining a sketch feeling like he wanted to be the bigger person didnt want to knock bill cosby while hes down. Is that something noble or is that weak . I dont know. I mean personally i think i would have definitely gone for it. You would have. But for him yeah i think hes just a classy dude i dont think hes interested in any kind of performing now that way, i thinks he i think he doesnt want to tarnish his legacy legacy. If he thought what he said he didnt want to kick a man when i was down that sounds totally legit. I probably would have gone for it. I wish he had. I think a lot of people wished he had performed and said a little for. Do you wish if you would have been eddie murphy would you have done the bit . Yeah or even as me. If they would have just said hey, can you be bill cosby, i would have gone up and said so you know and you know and it goes and and hes walking down the thing and that would have been great. I wouldnt take too long, the ma i canup and everything. You would have done the thing, horatio would have done the thing. Who were you seated next to horatio . Well i was seated next to Penny Marshall but then some son or a nephew or something so i got pushed back and then i was sitting next to whoopee and that was awesome, but i kept my bone between my legs i kept getting up and dropping the phone and having to go underneath whoopee to get it. It was too awkward so i hung out back stage most of the time and hung out in darryls dressing room and hung out with the crew. I was back there the whole time. Twlas anything as you were watching it was there any one thing you wished you had seen anything that was really missing, horatio . Well because we had all been we all were waiting for eddie murphy i think it would have been nice to see him doing do anything or even play some clips of his, you know best moments on the show. But other than that i mean it was really great to have him there because he hadnt been i think, in the building for so many years that it was just great to have him there. Other than that more me probably would have been good. Gilbert probably would want more of himself, too. I hear were being told that we have video from you of gilbert so lets roll that and well all watch it or the two of us will watch it for the first time together. As we watch this video gilbert here we go. Wow. So what was that like for you . Yeah. That was weird. Jimmy fallon lucy lui and jimmy fallon doing his gilbert god free im durations. He does it much better than i do it at this point. It was a weird atmosphere because, i mean at one point in the room would be leonardo dee cap pre owe talking to Bradley Cooper james franco is coming out of the elevator Paul Mccartney and taylor swift are on stage. It was a strange night. The after party. Yes. First of all, gentlemen, do you remember the after party before i even ask you about that . Sufrl, yes. I wasnt horatio, do you remember the after party . I do. You know i cant say on television what i was doing with Keith Richards but it rhimes with my i go want in a. We were smoking my ig uchlt ana on stage. Its a little faint the pem ri but it was a great memory. Okay. Bill murray and emma stone i covered them iguama they didnt want any but i it felt i had to. Just seeing chris rock it was like we won the super bowl and we didnt play anything. All right. Lets talk about what we can talk about on tv other than this sort of refreshment that you dabbled in. And i walked past miley cyrus listen to you name dropping. Miley cyrus asked if i wanted to do any gel owe spots with her. And you said. It sounded like an incredible idea. You turned her down. Bud i thought knowing me ill start throwing up after one and then ill start it will be in the news that i was crying for god to kill me. Okay. So note to self dont offer gilbert jello shots. So there was a whole moment. I was watching the jimmy fallon on his show where he was explaining all these different people Paul Mccartney singing shake it off with taylor swifter. And then prince parts the waters and sings. Do you all were you watching all of this happening is this. Yeah i was on a couch with lucy l uchlt ichlt and jane and i was just like i couldnt believe like what was going on and just it was so much was going on but, yeah i mean i guess prince just decided to come on so im outside of the plaza and i hear rinse music and im like oh cool, theyre playing prince and i was like no its prince. It is the real guy. Stuff like that just kept happening. I wish i had been there. And i talked to Christopher Walken i said hello and he went hello and so i feel like were best friends now. I feel like im best friends with the two of you all and if this happens again come the 50 year you know i live in new york now. Ill work lighting i will go ahead. Gilbert, i dont know about you, but im going to say right now gilbert will take you to the 50th anniversary and you can be our date. Yes. Yes. I will remember this ten years later. We are something sexy. Oh, more for the love. Cut mics were done. You do the same, gilbert. You do the same. Where do i go from here . Todays human factor on the show army wives wendy davis played a determined character who never gave up the same could be said about the actress herself who struggled and a disorder that effects millions of americans, dr. Sanjay gupta has her story. Defective. Thats how wandy davis labeled herself growing up. I had a tough time staying seated in class, always found the window next to my desk and the things that were happening outside of the classroom far more interesting. So i just knew that something was different. It wasnt until davis first grade daughter was dice knowinged with adhd decades later that she discovered she had it as well. My entire childhood was explained in that moment. Despite not knowing she had the disorder until she was an adult davis did find ways to manage her challenges. I became a person who studied twice as hard as anyone else it just became super diligent in the areas that i was interested in. For davis that was acting. She did find success on tv. We need to get something straight. With her award nominated role on lifetimes army wives and on parts like shows like scandal. I have a vivid imagination. Also am very emotional. This may not be such a great quality in a Corporate Office but it really just works in my profession. Now the actress is passing along her positivity. She volunteers for the Nonprofit Organization chad which provides education and support for people are adhd. Im really here for those kids who arent feeling good about themselves to say that you are different, not defective. You can create an amazing life for yourself. Dr. Sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. The human factor is brought to you by Cancer Treatment centers of america. Care that never quits. Eh, you dont want that one. Yea, actually i do. Its Mucinex Fastmax night time and its got a nasal decongestant. Is that really a thing . It sounds made up. I cant sleep when im all stuffy. I take offense to that. Im not going to argue with a talking ball of mucus. I think youre being a little hasty. Hes not with me. Mucinex fast max night time. Multisymptom relief plus nasal decongestant. Breathe easy. Sleep easy. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Eastern ukraine appears to be spiraling out of control, World Leaders were on the phone today trying to salvage this ceasefire if thats what you want to call this thus far to progress and russia is rejecting a call for u. N. Peacekeepers to be sent to the battle zone and the people of debaltseve are in line for food. Our senior nash edge correct bend went ent will to see the des trubs firsthand. Reporter remarkable to see barely a home there that doesnt have some mark of destruction upon it. Nearly every street had some mark of the battle thats been raging there for days now. At a fact when most World Leaders were pretending there is a ceasefire going on here in ukraine. We saw much Ukrainian Armor left behind by the troops who obviously fled there in the past few days many Armored Vehicles destroyed but some simply left in their tracks weapons being ordered together by the separatists as part of their loot if you like that particular phrase and still the sound of shelling on the outskirts, one Shell Landing not far from us small arms fire as well. Hardly a city in ceasefire, but one too ravaged by des rubs. Remarkable to see people emerging they say from after their first quiet night in possibly months if not weeks, remember that city was encircled about ten days ago and cut off from the outside world. We went back to see some elderly women who when i saw them two weeks ago were shelt ring in the town hall there with ukrainian troops now its separatists running that town hall but they hadnt come out. They simply stayed in that basement and were mourning how the houses had lost their doors and windows, where could they go and live if they did ee merge. Nick paton walsh you are providing invaluable reporting for this part of the world. Im sure a lot of people you talk to dont even think any kind of ceasefire exists whatsoever. Thank you so much in ukraine for us. Youre watching cnn im Brooke Baldwin thank you for being with us on thursday. Got some developments in this fight against isis right here on the home front. The fbi says a minnesota teenager was stopped at new yorks jfk airport, they say he was leaving the United States to try to go join the fight in syria with isis. Our justice correspondent evan perez is following these developments from washington. Evan what do you know about this young man . Reporter this ways chaos is exactly what the white house and fbi has been warning for some time and what this entire conference in washington that we have been talking about which is the threat of these young people who are being lured to go fight overseas with these groups including isis. In this case ahmed is the name of this young man hes 19 years old, he was detained with three others theyre all from minnesota and the allegation from the fbi is that they were on their way to turkey and eventually over to join these extremist groups. In the case of

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