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Climb before it crashed possibly pushing it beyond the planes limits. New years day was a frustrated one for search crews in the java sea. The weather over the search zone was once again terrible grounding planes sending helicopters home and keeping divers on board their ships. But another body was pulled from the ocean bringing the total to nine and thats out of 162 passengers and crew. The other eight victims recovered are now on shore and we can now confirm the identity of one of them. Local media said shes a teacher. Her i. D. Still attached to her body along with an initialled necklace. Andrew stevens is at the new Crisis Center set up for family members at surabaya indonesia. What do we know about the identification process for these other victims . Reporter well they are going to follow a very similar process which is going to be a very pain staking and thorough process, ana. As you say there are now eight bodies here at the Police Hospital which are currently undergoing identification its 2 00 in the morning and not working at the moment but they start obviously with photos which have been supplied by families. Families supply information about unusual marks on bodies or anyone usual features on the bodies. They also looking for anything certificates or whatever that could tie them to something that might be in a wallet or purse and genetic material which could be used in the dna testing. All these steps are available. Even with this victim we understand dna sampling was used even though her name was, her i. D. Was still attached to her on the body when she was pulled from the water. So they are being that pain staking. Of course they have been. You cant have a mix up like that. It all adds to the time the relatives have to wait to get the remains of their loved ones. Amazing she still had her i. D. On her person. Thanks for that update. I know the search is about to resume again in just a few hours. We got word that some debris had been pulled from the plane. A couple of purse, a gray suitcase all recovered back on thursday. What do we know about the plan for the search attack today . Reporter well it really all depends on the weather and the Weather Forecast at least not looking good. If you look at what happened today out there the weather was sweeping through in bands. So there was intense rain high winds and high seas and there were clearer patches in between that during which the rescue crews or the search crews could actually go out and do their job. Obviously very frustrated by the amount of work they could do not much at all. There are 90 vessels, 90 surface vessels in the search site. Key to this of course anarcotics is finding the main fuselage which they do think theres a large section of the fuselage which does contain a large number of bodies as well. Thats the working assumption. It will also likely contain the black boxes at the tail of the plane, maybe the cockpit voice recorders as well. Thats what they are looking for. They saw a shadow a few days ago but havent been able to send divers down. They havent gotten any pinging from black boggses. So theres that frustration as well. The sea conditions make it very difficult for people to get down there. Interestingly, just reading reports in local papers here ana, fishermen on the island of borneo and borneo is the closest landfall to where the search field swhere the debris has been found officials asking local fishermen to look in these remote coastal areas where they usually go fishing to be on the look out for bodies basically because they think bodies may have floated on shore by now or if they were going to they would have by now. All right. Andrew stevens, thanks for the update. Before it fell 30,000 some fleet flight 8501 was climbing. Thats what a source tells reuters saying the jet made an unbelievably steep climb. The source came to this conclusion after seeing radar data from the plane. Heres more of what the source told reuters. Quote, so far the number taken by the radar are unbelievably high. This rate of climb very high too high. It appears to be beyond the performance envelope of the aircraft. Cnn has not been able to independently verify this report but lets discuss this with our experts. With me now is the author of this book extreme fear the science of your mind and danger and les abend. Gentlemen thanks so much. Stressing, again, that this is somewhat speculation, we dont know that this report is true but what do you make les, of this idea of a steep climb pushing the plane beyond its envelope . Once again, if this is verifiable and credible information, it would indicate to me not the performance of the airplane but a thunderstorm with a serious updraft. 6,000, 9,000 feet was the number i heard mention. That still seems incredible even for a very strong thunderstorm. Theres downdrafts in it also. What i think we were discussing on the break was that if a pilot experienced this type of a situation his immediate instinctive reaction would be to disconnect that auto pilot, and its a switch you click on the control stick in this particular 8501 this airplane and he would attempt to control his airplane. If he couldnt do it in a severe turbulence type situation he wouldnt worry about altitude he would worry about attitude how stable is his airplane in terms of his horizon. What do you make jeff . Well airbuses are built with something called envelope protection. When youre flying them around normally the plane will not let you put it into a situation beyond its flight envelope or to stall, for instance. You can get into situations this happened with air france 447 where if the sensors get clogged for instance and the computer isnt able to make sense of what its doing it will turn itself off and hand itself over to the pilot. In a normal situation the flight computer will not let you do something thats outside of the envelope. Bear in mind however, first of all i dont know if this is true that this would put you beyond the envelope. We dont know if the source of the data is reliable. And im reminded of mh370. We had these reports that the plane ascended steeply to an altitude beyond its envelope as well. Its Service Ceiling and then later dove at a rate that was apparently physically impossible. So again, i said this a whole bunch of times today, but this is early. Were getting reports you dont want to speculate too far ahead. Exactly. Remember this protection that youre talking about was primarily designed to protect the airplane or the whole flight from a landing or a takeoff situation if its a stall, you know with flaps out and so on. Primarily the thinking behind the engineers on that as opposed to crews. When you spauk about specificeak about the technology on these planes sensors going off but what if the sensors are wrong such as the air france 447 flight and so the plane is sending the wrong information out. Can this data if this radar data is true could that be inaccurate . Absolutely. I mean the pitot tubes that were referring to that send air speed information to the air Data Computers and send to the Instrument Panel if you have erroneous information youll get erroneous warnings. Things that wont make sense. Thats why that air france 447 was an interesting accident in that regard. They were getting such conflicting information and the computers were too. So the plane has multiple sensor multiple pitot tubes, et cetera. What happens this pitot tube says this this pitot tube says something else, the computer says i dont know who to believe. Ill take myself off and throw it over to a human being. They were both blocked if my understanding is correct. Only temporarily interesting. With all that being said in this particular case and again we dont know what happened but would a pilot be able to get out of a situation in which, like you said maybe it is climbing steeply because of weather pushing it up . In that particular circumstance the best way would be to turn away from this as long as you recognize the situation that youre in. Most likely you know there would be an attempt. My reaction would be lets get the airplane back to the altitude we were assigned. Once you realize that wont happen make sure the airplane stable and i would turn away from the storm and i would look at it on the airborne weather radar. Do you agree . Absolutely. Having collecting information on similar incidents that have happened historically in the last 20 years and theres a number of cases for a variety of reasons where airplanes found themselves upside down and descending. Most of the cases pilots are able to recover. Most dangerous situations is one in which the pilot becomes confused disoriented, paying too much attention to trouble shoot an issue or its close to the ground. Not time to recover. We had some upset incidents back in the early 90s that began a new training process just to reacquaint ourselves with unusual late ti attitude. Something we got in primary flight training. One last question in here about the new information given that they i. D. d a woman who still had her i. D. On her body and was wearing jewelry. Does that give us any more clues . Its hard to draw too many conclusions. Different parts of the airplane could experience different conditions in terms of the break up. If youre right where the hull ruptures and you get sucked out youll experience Something Different than the tail. I would like to know where that passenger seated. You bet you i bet the investigation process is being looked into. Le search abend and jeff wise thanks. Just ahead well take you inside a crash lab where we see pieces of wreckage that can tell investigators what happened in a planes final moments. Up next cnn will speak with the family of the pilot, his daughter his wife his son and his parents. They talk about his relationship with his copilots and why they are glued to their tvs in these agonizing days. This is cnn special live coverage. Can you help me up . [ snow intensifies ] [ sleighbells ring in the distance ] aleve. All day pain relief with just 2 pills. Get back to being you. While investigators zero in on what may have caused the crash of air asia flight 8501 were learning more about some of the 162 people on board. One of them the captain a former fighter jet pilot who recently celebrated his 53rd birthday and this was the second recent tragedy for the family. The pilots younger brother died just days ago from diabetes. Family and friends shared their thoughts and their grief with cnn gary tuckman who is there in indonesia. Reporter this is what it looks like today in the home of the captain of air asia flight 8501. This is the captains 24yearold daughter and his wife. His 7yearold son. This is his father. This his mother. In a household of family and friends. A house so full that more people are outside in front of the home as well as out in the street. Angela still talks in the present tense about a father she adores. He is kind, wise and humorous. Easy going. Intelligent. He never raises his voice. Hes never angry. Im very proud of him. Reporter family and friends occasionally glance at the tv that stays on with nonstop coverage of the air asia crash. Pictures of the captain is all over the home. Wed fog to. Picture when he was an air force pilot. He went from the air force to one of indonesias airlines for 13 years and then moved on the air asia six years ago. One of his friends paying his respects is a pilot for another airline. What kind of a pilot was your friend . Translator hes a very responsible pilot. We used to be in the air force together. Hes very loyal. Hes very kind. In his work innovate hes very kind to his copilot ground crew and all the people who fly with them. Reporter model planes of jets he flew are part of decorations of the house. His wife said the out pouring of support at the home is invaluable. Translator im happy so many people are here. It gives support to me and my family. Reporter like so many families of air asia victims there was significant hope of survival among members of this family when the wreckage was still missing. But the captains daughter doesnt want to abandon all hope at least until her fathers body is found. Translator i expect him to be still alive but i have to accept reality. Reporter thats why many family and friends will be back here tomorrow and days after offering their support and their love. Gary tuckman, cnn, indonesia. Our thanks to gary tuckman. What strength that family is exhibiting. In just a few hours the sun will rise over the crash site but more turbulent weather is coming. Are crews losing valuable time. Up next well show you whats heading that way. Plus a storm in this convergence zone also impacting the air France Flight that crashed at sea which we mentioned earlier. One expert said these instances are very similar. Well be right back. Ing ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein. With 30 less sugars than before. Ensure, your 1 dr. Recommended brand now introduces ensure active. Muscle health. Clear protein drink and high protein. Targeted nutrition to feed your active life. Ensure. Take life in. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. When we talk about the bad weather hampering the search for air asia flight 8501 important to note its monsoon season in the java sea. Gale force winds making it nearly impossible for those search helicopters to fly. Theres driving rain that cuts visibility and the high waves in the java sea are making it difficult for ships. Joining me now cnn meteorologist tom sadder. Todays search which has come and gone had to be called off because of the weather. Any reprieve in sight . Theres so many elements. You got low visibility even if its not raining. After a heavy rainfall theres a sea fog. Probably worse for the vessels that are on the surface of the java sea. But we had nine aircraft yesterday, four helicopter five fixed wing. They are able to get some work done but, again, a second day in a row where they had to cut it short. Let me give you a little climateology of indonesia. Theres a big difference between surabaya and borneo. The equator is pretty much right over phere. Overall across dez december is the worst. Lets break it down. You can see how bad it is. January, february and march. We got three more months of worst rainfall for surabaya and the dry season doesnt begin until july. We go the north a little bit. Closer to the equator. More rain here almost every month. When you split the difference it doesnt look good for the searchandrescue teams. Most of their work has to to be done at night thats when the seas are calm. If you are going to go back and look since the day we lost contact and rate the weather from one to terngs tenning the best the day we lost this aircraft was a one. Two days ago it was a two. Yesterday about a four and still had some cancellations and suspension of activity. This is what its like now. 2 20 in the morning and things are look good. Just to the south more thunderstorms, blinding rainfall that wants to lift from the south this time of the morning in towards our search area. Its been erratic. Some moving up from the south. Some moving in from the west. Again i think well find another day for the next couple of days where the weather will not be good. Were looking at nine to 12foot seas for the next 48 hours. Not good to hear. Thank you. Up next as crews find debris and wreckage well show you how investigators study each piece inside a crash lab. Plus there are a number of sim similarities between this crash and the air france crash. But it could be easier to find the black boxes. Details ahead. ;n;n;n a gray suitcase scraps of metal and two black bags some of the latest items recovered from air asia flight 8501. Debris with another body on a ship being brought in for identification a process that begun with the positive identification of a woman, a teacher. Now searchers have recovered nine bodies total, but rough seas and waves has high as 10 to 13 feet are once again hampering the effort to recover more victims and those black boxes. When searchers finally do find and recover air asia flight 8501 what secrets will the wreckage will hold. Reporter what you see around here is a Safety System that has failed. Reporter instructors took me through part of the training. What strikes you what strikes me is that there was a big fire here and doesnt look like anyone could have survived. Reporter you look over there what do you see . I see twisted metal. Looks like some sort of significant trauma happened to that wing. Crashed into something. Hit something. I dont know. Pole. Reporter we teach the discipline of accident investigation, namely to observe the fact, to document the fact and then let the facts take you by the hand and lead to you the next fact. And the discipline not to conclude, not to summarize and not to think too far ahead. Stick with facts. Minutes later i jumped to a faulty conclusion looking at different wreckage. It almost looks like a crumpled beer can. What we see here is the power of a thunderstorm. If we can teach one thing it is never one thing. Its always a chain of interrelated causes. The reason its safe is this is that the lessons that we have learned through accident investigation and through investigating the procedures they are the ones that have changed this and made it such a safe form of transportation. Clues to what cause air asia flight 8501 to go down in the sea may be found in a previous air disaster. The crash of air fans 447. The airbus a330 went down in the atlantic somethings in 2009 during a flight to paris from rio de janeiro. 228 people were on board all of them perished. Like the air asia flight the first debris and bodies were recovered within days of the crash but almost two years before the bulk of the air france wreckage and the planes black boxes were found on the ocean floor. Clive irving has written about the air france disaster for the daily beast and the author of jumbo boeing 747. What do you see as the most important similarities . . The first thing is how quickly these things can happen. We must be very careful not to make too much of the fragmented information we have at the moment. There are certain similarities. This thing happened very quickly. We know because of the gap, short gap between when crew asked for permission to climb and when the controllers got back to them. Some two minutes or so. By that time the crew was unable to communicate. In the case of flight 447, it was a larger aircraft and it was 4 1 2 minutes when they had that first technical problem and when the plane hit the water. 4 1 2 minutes would seem like hours to the people involved in it. In realtime its a very short time. What were looking at is the sim later the fight deck of the a320 and a330 is very much the same. Their flight decks are the same. Pilots have flown a 320 you can convert to a 330 or the other way around within a few days because servicing so familiar to him. We know weather was a factor in both flights. There were thunderstorms at the time and both of these flights were that in inter tropical convergence zone. I one that means something significant too because thunderstorms are somewhat unique in this zone of sorts, is that right . You got to be this is happening in the same zone but in very different seasons. This is happening in the monsoon season in asia. And in june over the south atlantic it was not the same weather conditions but what was the same was the nature of these very high thunder heads that form very rapidly form in the case of the air france 447 they were forming at night. In the case of the air asia flight they formed in the morning. Had much of the same effect. The danger lurking within these storms, pilots are very alert to are these extreme down and up currents so they can fly through each of those conditions successively and that cause very violent turbulence. As i said i think the difference here is that theres a lot of rain involved in this scenario which there wasnt in the south atlantic at the time. Okay. We do know that air France Flight though had some problems with icing and, in fact the air speed sensing probes became very clogged. Pilots lost their Speed Readings. Could that have happened here or was the a320 designed differently than the a330. The Speed Reading instruments called pitot tubes are different or unimpacted those on the 330 have been changed. Thats thenot the same. What were looking at here if we can cautiously look at this there are two categories of accident which have remain suborn and persistent with all other reasons for accidents that have been successfully dealt with. One is the loss of control as sort of a euphemism. It implies for some reason or another a flight crew the pilot and copilot lost control of the plane. If they lost control of the plane you have to ask what were the factors involved how much was a human factor problem. How much was a computer factor problem. These are highly automated flight decks. On that note i would think since the air france disaster that pilot preparation and training may have changed in some way. What can you tell us about that aspect . Well it hasnted change. I was talking to a pilot about it last night about fact that the problem we seem to be facing is whats called a highspeed or low speed stall. When loss of control occurs it occurs because the wings lose their grip on the airspace. Now the Simulator Training for all Airline Pilots does not at the moment is not universal, and doesnt include a program for this particular circumstance. When the orientation of the pilot is a critical point in the dark at great height and if the plane starts losing its air speed and manual flying has to happen very quickly, they were slow at implementing the Training Program. After air france 447 the Training Program was deficient. Before you can train pilots the trainers themselves have to be trained. Theres a whole supply line of skills and it takes time for it get through. Its very scary. People who fly these planes have not expensed in training or actuality a highspeed storm. Seems like thats a gap in the bigger picture. Clive irving well talk to you in our next hour too. Look what happens with the black boxes if and when they are found. Up next divers reach the wreckage of a world war ii plane and this one is at the bottom of Lake Michigan. Well go along with them as they take us on the task of bringing to it the surface. We want to flare you. Send us your questions you still might have about the crash of air asia and use the 8501qs. Our experts are on hand. Introducing danceallyou want bladder leak protection. New always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in feminine protection. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet underwear. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because, hey, pee happens. Welcome back. Once the weather does clear crews will be able to go below the surface of the java sea to start wrooking for the wreckage. Cnn got some interesting insight what this might look like at a much smaller search. This is from chicago and a story we brought to you in the spring. Here is george howell. Reporter from up here the waters look vast and the horizon seems endless but for this team of salvagers and divers. Airplanes look like airplanes. So were looking for an image of an airplane. Reporter in no way is the proverbial search for a needle in the haystack. Like the search for air asia flight 8501 the crew here know wheres look and after years of searching charts and records they find themselves on the verge of a big find. The worst the crash is the more historians like it. Reporter the depth of Lake Michigan not more than several hundred feet. The team uses sonar to find the exact location and within a matter of minutes. Right there. Boom. Right there. See it. Oh yeah. Reporter they find what they are looking for. Divers drop in. And take us down below. They capture these stunning images of a world war ii bomber that crashed into Lake Michigan nearly half a century ago. The engine sank first. The other part floated. The pieces are there. But about 100 feet apart. Reporter back then the great lakes served as a Training Ground for aircraft careers and pilots. This dive bomber crashed although the pilot survived. Salvage expert hopes to raise money to raise the plane and put it on display in chicago. You show one of these things to a 6yearold the first time they see it their eyes light up. Reporter a Successful Mission finding the submerged plane. He still hopes to recover the plane before locating more sitting at the bottom of the great lakes. The one thing this team knows for certain, persistence and patience do eventually pay of. George howell is joining me now. George good to see you. How similar was this operation in Lake Michigan to what were learning in the java sea . Reporter thank you. Happy new year to you. You know what were seeing here and in the java sea its really similar when it comes to the depths. What we saw here in Lake Michigan a relatively shallow search. We can see these divers go down and swim to see the debris. Very different than what we saw with mh370 the search for that plane much deeper down towards the bottom of the sea, crews would have to use very special equipment an technology to get down to that. In this case were seeing them go down to it and sim lartilar similarity. Your story that you just profiled whats the status . Reporter we understand the naval history and heritage command they decided to temporarily suspend. A lot of the raising of these planes that are down at the bottom of Lake Michigan mainly because of the cost to recoup and maintain these planes and to say they have several that have already been raised that represent very well that world war ii era plane here in chicago area. Interesting. George howell thank you. Up next is it possible that the flight of 8501 successfully pulled off a water landing but then the storm could have sunk the plane . Thats just one question from you and my panel of answers will be back next. Dont even think about it. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . He has that dry, scratchy thing going on. Guess what . cough it works on his cough too. What . Stop, dont pull me spoiler alert she doesnt make it only mucinex dm packs 2 medicines in one pill to relieve wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Curling up in bed with a Favorite Book is nice. 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Gentlemen, first question is a real thoughtprovoking one, i think. Ill start with you, les. Is it possible that the pilot of 8501 successfully executed a water landing and that the storm sank the plane . Yes. Its absolute possibility. If there was heavy precipitation, there have been accounts where engines have flamed out, in other words gone totally inoperative and the pilots have been able to start a glide and restart the engines. It doesnt seem likely in this situation that the airplane was done successfully since we dont have survivors, obviously but there are some indications with passengers that the nine or ten passengers that have been found that that could have. So i wouldnt rule it out. Just based on some of the clues they have pulled out of the water. What bothers me is that in that time if it was a controlled descent situation there was no may day call put out or any communication to any aircraft or tropical air Traffic Control . My problem is we have indication they were on secondary radar they were in the air Traffic Control system. There was ascent apparently and then possibly even a descent and then nothing. And if you had a gradual enough glide to the sea surface that you could put it down like Sully Sullenberger did on the hudson you would expect under these conditions there to have been secondary radar signals received by air Traffic Control. You should have watched it do that. Now were there other confounding factors . Would you lose power and that system might turn off. I wouldnt dispute what jeff is saying because everything is up in the air at this point in time. But, if they were in a thunderstorm or convective situation with updrafts downdrafts it wouldnt have bean normal glide. It couldnt physically do that. It also wouldnt be boom smack on the deck. It would have taken some time. This is a mystery anyway. Im confounded as to why there wasnt more continuous system of there werent more signals as the plane descended. Lets move on to our next question. This tweet asks when will the black box be found . Jeff well start with you on that. Im pretty optimistic. Im not known as an optimistic person. This is significant. They dont need to keep looking for surface wreckage to locate the black box. What you do is when a plane goes missing scan the surface from the air and ship. Then develop your drift model and work backwards to find out where the point of impact is. Then you start listening for ping pingers attached to the black boxes. Then you sent out an rov and physically retrieve the black box. We dont need to keep looking for wreckage on the surface. As time goes by that will get more dispersed. The best surface wreckage data we have we already have. We wont get more. They should start, im sure they already are some of it has drifted into the coastline somewhere. Wherever it is the position location because the currents took it. Did i hear im quoting, did i hear the air Traffic Controller took a couple of minutes after a request was made by the pilot to then deny the pilots request . If that was the case thats not unusual, because the air Traffic Control is not talking to just one airplane you are talking to many airplanes going in opposite directions. So there is that possibility that they got to coordinate a climb situation so two minutes really is not an unusual amount of time. In the states it happens all the time. At that lot said there were a lot of other aircraft in this area flying crisscrossing at different levels. I guess that comes into play when you say it took a minute or two. If there was not a sense of urgency which i do not get in that transmission that would be the case. If there was urgency and the pilot expressed that then it would seem a little unusual to me. The clear the frequency. If you declare an emergency and ive done it myself when i was a private pilot i had a bit of a burp in my engine and i gave an indication i had some trouble. Okay. So this is our last question. This tweet is asking assuming that they find the cockpit voice recorder how long will it take for them to release audio or details of the transcript to the public . A long time. A long time. Well you know, it depends on how much information that they want to convey to the public. You know if this is definitive information they know the news media would like something and they will attempt to release it a little bit at a time. The first thing sue have to have respect for the families. And thats the bottom line. Thanks to both of you as always. Switching gears, roger ebert one of americas most famous movie critics his life his final months all profiled in a new cnn film. Thats next and ill talk to someone who knew him will. Ill discuss his relationship with gene siskel and how he would rate this movie about his life. Dont miss this interview. Thats next. Major ok fitness class heres our new trainer ensure active heart health. Heart im going to focus on the heart. I minimize my sodium and fat. Gotta keep it lean and mean. Pear uhoh. Heart i maximize good stuff like my potassium. And phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. Major im feeling energized already. Avo new delicious ensure active heart Health Supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. Ensure. Take life in. The Holiday Season is here, which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Hurry in to the sign then drive event and get a fivehundred dollar new years bonus on select new volkswagen models. Offer ends january 2nd. Legendary film critic roger he berth and gene siskel had a complicated relationship on screen and offscreen. For decades siskel and eberts clashes were televised weekly as they argued over movies hollywood directors and trashed each others reviews. You can find more in the debut on life itself on sunday where youll hear from former producers as they describe how siskel and eberts bond evolved. Roger is an only child. He was used to gets his way. Absolutely. And he could be a real big baby when he didnt get what he wanted. Gene on the other hand would just go in there and pummel you until you agreed with him until you said all right, gene okay youre right. Got it. It wasnt a game with him. He saw something he wanted it to happen. He made it happen. Gene was very good at reading rogers date book upside down. As soon as he saw l. A. And the date he knew what films were coming out, he knew what big star that roger would be going out to interview, and thats all it took for him to make sure that he got the interview before roger got it. Fumes you could see coming out of rogers head. Gene had done him in again that rascally rabbit. Joining me now, josh bolden the managing director of Ebert Digital and josh how might roger he berth do you think have rated this documentary, life itself. Thumbs up thumbs down. I think he would give it thumbs up. Roger got to be more of a softie in his reviews as he moved through his career and he would have found no problems giving his own movie thumbs up because its a fantastic movie and an amazing job by steve james and the rest of the people who made it. Does it leave anything important out . It was an incredibly deep and revealing i was around for some of the moments of crisis and intense uncertainty towards the end of rogers life and i was amazed at how candid the movie actually was made and it really provides an incredible deep behindthescenes view of their dynamic and the life and times of such a great guy. Did ebert ever worry that film reviews some day might become outdated or do you think his openness on social media was an example of kind of keeping the profession progressing . Yes. Roger was absolutely committed to making sure that didnt happen. He was an incredible lyy adopter of new technology of getting on compuserve back on the day when nobody was doing news on the interview. He wanted to make sure cinema review stayed relevant. Roger helped bring top tier movie criticism to the every day person and beyond that he wanted to make sure as technology changed, as you know, social media gave everybody a voice to speak their minds about things that the professional critics found their place within that universe and change so fast im still not sure the question has been definitively answered but roger was right there trying to help the next generation. Hollywood film critics did not exactly embrace siskel and ebert at first at least. I want to you listen to this and then well talk on the back side. The stuck of the show was undeniable except we were not on in two major markets. New york and los angeles. Here i am at the Little Popcorn shot half a block from the screen theater where i see the movies sfp their position was if theres a movie shown its not going be two guys from chicago. Were going to have new york critics or were hollywood. Who are these guys . Its not the kind of the wised up players who might be in los angeles. What do these people have to tell us about movies. So josh as you already mentioned ebert did embrace technology and it let everyone in on the review process. He used the internet which was not very commonplace in that time. D you think thats in part because he just wasnt part of hollywoods inner circle . I think his view on the matter was hes providing a service to his readers. He used to say that all the time. So as peoples preferences shifted he wanted to meet people where they wanted to be talking and wanted to talk to them what they wanted to talk about. If you go back to his blog it was incredible to see him respond in realtime and spurring conversation. Some people viciously disagreeing with his opinions about film or politics or other things like that and he would be right there in the fray and giving everybody the time of day and letting each argument no matter who formulate it become its own thing. This is a man who saw so many movies and you knew him later in life. Did he ever talk about his favorites . You know he certainly formalized one of his Favorite Movie collection which we made on a centerpiece on the website we built together. I think everybody knew that roger ebert was a huge fan of citizen kane. More obscure stuff that showed up and movies from recent years i remember him being a huge fan of tree of life and wrote a very revealing blog post about that film. But, he and i talked a lot more about technology than we did about movies because he was a big internet nerd and i could help him more with his passion on that side. Now you can watch movies on the internet. Josh gordon thanks so much for your time and you can catch the new film life itself sunday january 4th at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Top of the hour. Im ana cabrera. Today a first indonesian authorities confirming the identity of one of the bodies pulled from the java sea

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