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Moving comet. One called 67p. The photo was taken by philae. The comet that touched down on 67p today. The biggest problem of success is that it looks easy. You know that this type of success is not coming from the sky. It comes from hard work. So philae is the size of a stove carried to the comet by the orbiter which is about the size of an suv just so you know about what were talking about here. It took ten years just to reach 67p. A mission by the European Space agency. The agency was joyous that the landing happened, there was a bit of a glitch. Not so good news is that the anchoring harpoon did not fire so its the anchored to the surface. With me to talk about this, dave brody. He says its not anchored to the surface. We heard theres a possibility that there are redundant systems and some screws that helped secure this little stovelike device. Is that enough . It could be. Good news is we got two landings for the price of one. You have to be happy about that. The real good news is they have power. Radio is working. They are taking data. Theyre doing science on this comet right now. Its possible that the lander could move around a little bit on the surface and they will look at the data over time and decide if they need to send a command to refire the harpoons or would that make the situation worse . Its a size of a stove and about the same weight of a stove on earth but the comets gravity is only about 1 50,000th of that gravity on earth so it weighs to the comet about the same as this po postit. It can be moved around. The comet is beginning to wake up. Its going to be in for an exciting ride. My bet is they get it together but we can wake up tomorrow morning and find that thats the last we heard of philae. Science is exciting. Lets talk about the big picture. So much more could have gone wrong when you talk about something this size traveling so far for so long and really the difficult elements that space provides. And so fast. Our friend bill tweeted today that its like catching a bullet from another bullet. Its moving at 34 miles an hour through the sky. Ro rosetta had to catch it. It spins every 1. 7 hours and dispatch the lander down a corridor seven miles long to make a pinpoint landing exactly where they wanted it on a place on the comet thats not exciting because they want it to be nice and flat like the decision that Neil Armstrong made when he was landing on the moon. I dont want to land on the boulders. I want to land on the flat space. Lets talk about whats ahead here. Whats next for philae . Philae is going to sniff the gas around it and it will thump on the comet a little bit. How does it thump . It has an instrument that dispatches a vibration. We do this to probe for oil and Natural Resources and see whats under the ground. Same stuff is going on on the comet. They want to know whats inside the comet. They want to sample the surface, which is mostly ice. Melt that ice which is mostly water and then figure out is that water the same as water on earth because one theory suggests that most of the water that we have in earths oceans, most of that water came from comets. We want to know is that true or did earth make its own water. What else came on comets . Could it have been the Building Block of life . All of this well discover over the next year or so. Expected life span of philae and rosetta. If we wake up and discover that it wants to talk to us. Lets hope it does want to talk to us when it wakes up tomorrow morning. Amazing stuff. Thank you for chatting with us about it. Now to a happy ending to a very dangerous situation outside of the 69th floor of new yorks 1 world trade center. Two winter washers trapped on a scaffolding have been rescued after a harrowing ordeal and cnns Miguel Marquez is there live with more. This was unbelievable to watch, miguel. It sort of made your heart stop. Reporter unbelievably so. One of the guys was 20 years old, other was 40 years old. They were in good shape throughout the entire thing. Were at the base of it. Well show you what it looks like. Its the bizarre angle at which that is hanging. It makes your heart sink to your feet to watch that. The guys in there were laughing the entire time with paramedics. One when they cut through the glass, they were up there for 90 minutes, when he came through that glass, he said all of this for us . Really. Window washers are very tough guys. Amazing how this thing has concluded in such great fashion. The big question now is how firefighters and the building is going to get that scaffold down because it is now stuck and banging against the building. You can see it in the wind. You can also see the window now thats been cut through there. Brand new building. They just got people moving into it last week. This is going to be highly studied in the days ahead. Especially because in a place like new york city, cleaning these windows of these skyscrapers is daily business for window washers up there. There was representatives from the scaffolding company on site once this happened. Theyve actually had a prior incident, this scaffolding company. What can you tell us about that . Reporter its a company that does a lot of this stuff designing this apparatus and one in june of 2013 where it was a similar incident. They were taken off and okay as well. Its not clear whether or not they designed the entire system both here and at the tower but both incidents will now be studied very carefully. The window your heart has to go out. Ive seen them go into other buildings here. Its harrowing work. They are way up there. To look up at this building and realize that they are just over halfway up of the freedom tower, a brand new building, and to have that gig as a window washer, there is probably no better gig in the world for a new york window washer than to get up on a brand new system like this and wash this. So for this to go wrong so early in this buildings life is going to be questioned heavily. The views are amazing and the risks should be very small but not today. Miguel marquez, thanks so much for us there down in lower manhattan. Three young u. S. Navy sailors were attacked in turkey. Angry men shoved bags over their heads. They pelted them with rocks and they yelled yankee go home. The sailors were not dressed in navy uniforms. They were on shore leave. Check out the video. You declare that you are a member of the u. S. Army and now because we define you as murderers, as killers, we want you to get out of our land. Thats very scary as that ends there. Jim sciutto, our chief national correspondent, you saw americans with bags put over their heads. What was your reaction to this . The video is shocking and the setting is shocking. Its turkey. A frequent port of call for u. S. Sailors but not just sailors but for american tourists and to see this level of emotion and anger against the u. S. Is shocking and tactics of putting bags over their head and throwing red dye on them to indicate blood. This group is a leftist group. They accuse in their chants there but in this demonstration of the u. S. Being imperialist with the use of military force in the region and keep in mind you have u. S. Led military campaign taking place just across the border from turkey and syria now and this is a measure of the kind of emotions that military action there can stoke and its shocking. One thing the military is saying is these guys behaved very well. They didnt fight back. They kind of kept under control. They didnt make a very bad incident even worse. They didnt escalate. They tried to escape and were seeing that in the video. How did this ultimately resolve itself and how there in turkey is the u. S. Navy responding to this . Theres a number of other American Service members who are there. No question. The u. S. Embassy there has posted on twitter very strong statements against this. They also say that the turkish authorities are cooperating with u. S. Embassy authorities there in terms of investigating this. You have a record of this posted by the group. You see faces of the men involved in carrying out this attack so they can be tracked down and dealt with so that will be a test. How much do turkish authorities track these guys down and punish them assuming they can do that because as you know, we have talked about this, there are questions so far about turkeys status as a gnnato ally. There are complicated politics in turkey. The u. S. Wants more from turkey. Thank you so much for explaining that to us. You may recall the story of the three teenage girls from denver who tried to join isis last month. Were learning fascinating and alarming new details about their lives on social media including who they talked to inside of the terrorist organization as they plotted their trip to syria. Thats next. There is no car because there was no accident. Volvos most advanced accident avoidance systems ever. The future of safety, from the company that has always brought you the future of safety. Give the gift of volvo this season and well give you your first months payment on us. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. Is this a onesizefitsall kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Some pretty shocking revelations from the online social media profiles of three denver girls stopped on their way to join isis. The two sisters and their friend, ages 15 and 17, back with their families in colorado after authorities intercepted them in germany last month. They had stolen money, skipped out on school and intended to cut all ties with their families and the west. The director of trace the social media footprints of those girls and i want to talk about the fascinating things you found. Tell us how you did this. A lot of work, internet searches, trying to identify the girls, going through their accounts and what is very useful here is our jihadi data base because in this report i actually described and analyzed the communication that they had with some isis recruiters to other cases of americans that were also radicalized showing that they were actually following the same isis accounts or isis handlers. So you are sort of cross referencing them with other people who may have been recruited or are being recruited and your report focuses on one of the girls who went by the online handle grape and you watched her attitudes change. You quote this exchange on the social media site askfm in april 2014, a user asked how did you turn so religious . You werent like this before and she answered that she just realized her purpose in life and that islam makes things a lot easier. What struck you about the radicalization that you saw . The interesting information is that you could see how the girls were transformed from a loving, caring, totally typical american teenagers who jihadists who were willing to leave everything behind separate from their family forever to the degree that they lied and stole money. Were talking about a girl that a year before that was asked what is the thing that you care about most in your life. She said my parents and my family. Its the game girl that a year later was willing to go away, marry an isis individual, isis fighter. She never met before and settle in a war zone and bring a new family to the islamic caliphate that was announced. We have to understand the Recruitment Campaign online is very aggressive from isis. They were able to import the war from the Password Protected Message Boards to Mainstream Media to twitter and expose everybody in the west and all over the world to their work. But what specific interactions did this girl have with recruiters online . In the study i describe in her specific case her online changes through one of the social media websites. Through that site you can see transformation from an innocent American Girl that for instance one of her questions was what do you want to be when you grow up . She said were talking about only a year ago. I want to be in the fashion business and suddenly ask the same question a year later saying all i think about is paradise and i hope to get married soon and were talking again about a 16yearold girl. When we viewed the social media accounts of the three girls, three of them had between 7,000 to 12,000 tweets. This is a huge number for individuals that are so young. That means that they had to be online for hours. One of the interesting points is they actually admitted online on their interviews on their questions that they live on social media and im always tweeting and always on youtube. Thats really it. Spending so much time online you can see they just had such a great level of exposure to these recruiters and they were there to have that time with them. Amazing report. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. A decision from the grand jury in the Michael Brown shooting could be imminent and that has many people in ferguson, missouri on edge. Fears of violent protests have the governor taking action. Plus the key expert who will testify tomorrow. Could he sway the grand jury . You know that spot involving taylor swift. You know its not going away. What the streaming company is saying to the pop star. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. 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Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Set a new goal today. Ask your dermatologist about humira. Because with humira clearer skin is possible. Just moments ago a st. Louis official addressed rumors about violence breaking out in nearby ferguson should Darren Wilson not be indicted in Michael Browns death. Take a deep breath. Stand back. And calm down. The images and reports that our region is preparing for war are unfortunate. What you dont see are the many images of people from all walks of life working together to ensure peaceful protests and work on a longterm solution. Those make up the majority of the people in the st. Louis region. As the town waits, a lawyer for Michael Browns family says the pathologist hired by the family will testify before the grand jury tomorrow. Our sara sidner is in ferguson. Reporter with word from one of the brown family attorneys that the pathologist is going to testify in front of the grand jury, it just gives people the indication that the grand jury is still listening to testimony and so were not going to have a decision as soon as people keep thinking we will. The rumors have been rampant about when that grand jury decision is going to come down and it certainly ratcheted up tensions. That may be why we heard from governor jay nixon about the plan thats being put in place by police. As the grand Jury Announcement on whether to indict officer Darren Wilson grows nearer, the missouri governor sent a message out to everyone. Law enforcement is ready. Anyone that comes here knows they are going to be safe while free to exercise those rights of speech. If folks cross that safety line on property or person, well use the full power of the law to keep peace. Reporter the governor says hell send in the National Guard if necessary. Im prepared to issue that order. Reporter we talked to dozens of people from pastors to residents to protesters to police and they all say the city is on pins and needles waiting for the grand jurys decision and everyone is planning. Not just here in ferguson but in the entire st. Louis metropolitan area. The st. Louis Police Department is already gearing up purchasing 100,000 in riot gear. Protesters blame police for escalating tensions after the killing of Michael Brown and they are planning their reaction. There will probably be a little anger and tension. There will be a few bad apples that do some looting. You can always replace a window and things. You cant replace human life. As long as no lives get lost and if lives are lost, its going to be at the hands of the Police Officers and that will cause more problems. Police said they have been diligent meeting with the community to make safety for all a priority. Weve had instances where officers have been injured and hit with rocks in the face and Different Things like that. Well do what we can to protect them. At the same time, we try to always portray a posture of appropriateness to the situation that were faced with. Reporter while the Community Plans Michael Browns family was in geneva speaking to the u. N. On police brutality. They say if theres no indictment, they told cnn theyll join protesters in the streets once again. Just to give you some idea what this town is like right now. Most of the town looks like it always does but a couple streets where you can see a stark difference. Where the unrest happened early in august, nearly every single building has been completely boarded up with the exception of just one or two businesses. And here near the Police Department, a few of the buildings boarded up with the businesses worried that unrest is going to come crashing through their business. Protesters have been saying they have been peaceful for the past 90 days and they plan on trying to keep it that way. Sara sidner, cnn, ferguson, missouri. Its being called a game changer. The u. S. And china agreeing to a major deal on Greenhouse Gas emissions. How realistic is president obamas end of the bargain and will we have to go alone without republicans . And Michael Bloomberg has advice for kids. Skip college and become a plumber. Hear why coming up. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. 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The two most powerful men in the world agreed on a deal to tackle Climate Change. This is the agreement that president obama obama and xi jingping agreed on. Republicans are threatening to tear the deal apart. Lawmakers return to capitol hill today riding high from Midterm Election victories. Republicans at least. Lets bring in chief Congressional Correspondent dana bash and reporter gloria borger. I we are five years ago when a Democratic House and Democratic Senate failed to get Climate Change legislation through both chambers. I dont know. What are chances of this happening . I think this white house believes that it can get it through on its own because it can do a lot through executive action. If we take a step back, this is just one week after the election. Weve seen a president who made it clear that hes going to do executive action on immigration and Climate Change deal and the question of regulating the internet. He says hes going to regulate it. Hes saying to republicans in congress, you know what . Ive got 26 months left. Im still president of the united states. And im going to try to do it my way because my agenda is unfinished and so you already have kind of a partisan meltdown in washington a week after the election. I was in kentucky and one of the Campaign Stickers from Mitch Mcconnells Campaign Said guns, coal, freedom and looks toward the part of kentucky for giving a big victory and that energy was a big issue in this election. He feels locally it is. You look at that. You look at what republicans are feeling from this election and theyre not onboard. So much criticism of this. Absolutely. Broadly when you look at what divides the parties on this government, the concept of Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas emissions and energy policy, environmental policy, its one of the deepest divides and as you say, for Mitch Mcconnell its personal and local because he won reelection by waging what he called a war against the war on coal to try to push back against the regulations that gloria is talking about, the one that the president has done in the past on his own and will continue to do. Listen to what Mitch Mcconnell said today when meeting with the newly elected republican senators. The problem is the president continues to send signals that he has no intention of moving toward the middle. I was particularly distressed about a deal he reached with the chinese on his current trip which as i read the agreement requires the chinese to do nothing at all for 16 years while these carbon emission regulations are creating havoc in my state and other states around the country. Reporter you look at that, the president doesnt have a friend in Mitch Mcconnell when it comes to this issue for sure. What can he do on his own . The president can continue to do what he says hes going to do which is issue executive orders. He understands that the Republican Congress is not going to agree with him on much of anything. I talked to one Senate Republican leadership aide who said we can figure out how to do some trade deals or Corporate Tax reform but he said that the leadership considered this provocative. Were going to respond that way. Theres a new poll that said 66 of people who lean republican say stand up to the president even if it means you dont get anything done. Politically theres nothing to lose for them in that. I wonder. They say that. Even if they dont get anything done. At the same time, you talk to republicans and they feel like they need to get something done. They have to prove they can govern and in early days and months of formally taking office in the new congress in january and pick low hanging fruit and pass things they know they can pass. With regard to issues like were talking about, the big divide, thats one of the major differences well see in the next conference. The Lame Duck Congress is starting. One of their chief priorities is to make sure that the government is running. Theres no shutdown again because the government funding runs out in december. Come next year when republicans are in charge of the senate, Mitch Mcconnell has already said hes going to use the appropriations process, the spending arm of congress responsibilities which is the main responsibility, to try to peel back those regulations especially the epa regulations that the president has done. What that means is youll have another war between capitol hill and administration on spending, which could bring us right back to the brink of a Government Shutdown even though he says there wont be anymore Government Shutdowns if hes going to keep going on using the power of the purse that congress has to push back on the president and his executive authority. It could head that way. He says no Government Shutdown. There was no hell to pay for the Government Shutdown last time. The way i count, republicans gained more than a dozen new seats after the government shut down last time. There may be some republicans clamoring for it. There may not be a lesson from that. Well see. Gloria borger, dana bash, two of my very favorite ladies, great to have you on together. We miss you. Come back to washington. Miss you too. Thanks, guys. Have a good one. Singer taylor swift says that streaming Music Services spotify doesnt pay up to her or other artists. Spotify is hitting back. What theyre saying next. A mess . I dont think whats that . Snapshot from progressive. Plug it in, and you can save on Car Insurance based on your good driving. You sell to me . No, its free. You want to try . I try this if you try. Not this. Okay. Da i have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. I admit it. Im a taylor swift now. She says spotify is an experiment that doesnt compensate its artists. A new blog post argues that the Music Streaming Service is getting fans to pay for music again and in fact paying out 2 billion in overall royalties. He writes were working day and night to recover money for artists and the music business that piracy was stealing away. Here to talk about this is a cnn correspondent. You interviewed the head of spotify. How did he defend the company . It was interesting. What he was saying is she could have made more money had her music been on spotify to the tune of 6 million, a year by the way, which if you put it against the grand scheme of things shes making 12 million a week so its not enough for her and when it comes down to, this is a negotiation over compensation. This is back and forth between spotify and taylor swift over how much shes going to get paid. She asked for special treatment. She didnt get it so shes using her platform to point out that spotify pays artist less than a penny per stream. Spotify has its response. Take a listen. The whole point is that shes on youtube. Its the fact. She was number one last week. If people dont want to pay for her music, there are tons of outlets for it. What we want to do is take those people who would listen to music through youtube or piracy and bring them into our system so they convert to paid users and we bring money back into the system. His point is people would ordinarily go and steal music and maybe they would spotify being out there and a Great Service they would come to spotify instead and eventually spotify would convert them into a premium customer and get them to pay that 120 a year. Thats their argument. Its very hard to see those numbers and evidence that they are converting people who would steal music into spotify users. They have disappointed users. I had shake it off and now i dont. I wish i did. I wish i did have it. I dont have it. Theres a lot of people like me and spotify knows that and they want people who want that song on there. Who has more to lose . A big artist like taylor swift or spotify . I think you get it. I think its taylor swift because shes the established entity here. Shes known throughout the world already. Spotify is a startup. Its still not generating a profit. It needs to have the biggest catalog out there especially because it has competitors. Beets was acquired by apple. A huge push into this space. And they have muscle that apple brings in terms of shear marketing and dollars. You have that. Then you have google that also may be launching a service. You pick a fight with a big artist at a time when new competitors are getting aggressive. Spotify is a big player but things are really changing. They could change not in their favor. Thanks so much. Of course. Is College Worth the cost anymore . Former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg hints maybe its not. Why hes telling High School Seniors skip it. We have that story next. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. Call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare. And which aarp Medicare Supplement plan might be best for you. Theres a wide range to choose from. We love to travel and theres so much more to see. So we found a plan that can travel with us. Anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request yo free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. York city mayor Michael Bloomberg has some advice for High School Seniors. Think about skipping college and becoming a plumber, instead. He made the comments during a speech to a wall street trade group and his point is College Worth the cost if you can be a successful business person without a degree. Cnn digital correspondent Kelly Wallace is joining me now on this. We sort of heard this before from other people. Yes. But its the way he said it and it just gets people talking about this. Should you spend all of this money on college . Maybe it will not do you much good. You could spend 50,000 or 60,000 going to an elite school Like Harvard University or you can become an apprentice and eventually make that same money as a plumber. I think he is touching on something that a lot of people are talking about, the escalating cost of college and kids coming out with enormous debt and also a lack of focus for some kids on the trades. When i was in high school a cajillion years ago, a lot of people did focus on trades and you dont see that today. You can make a considerable amount of money as a plumber or carpenter. Your job is not likely to go away by the use of computers, and as we were talking before we went on here there are some people who that may be a better fit. They might not be a good student. It may not be the right thing for them to spend four years in college if they like to tinker with things, they want to work with cars and want to build it might be better to have those opportunities promoted to them in high school and beyond. On the flipside, have you heard any backlash or just sort of discussion about whether its really a good idea to dissuade people from going to college . I think that is. That was my initial response to it, i think we want to keep encouraging our kids to reach the greatest heights we can and so we probably want to sort of say, hey, college is a great opportunity. It could be an investment that you can end up making more money than if you were probably a plumber potentially. So i think thats the thing. We want to encourage our kids to do what they want to do. Maybe what we ought to do is increase the level of trades at the same time encouraging kids to go to college. Because overall, when you look at level of education and you look at, i guess, economic mobility or how much people are making, theres an indicator there if you go to college youll be making more money overall. Overall. Thats where you sort of look at the investment side. Overall if you go to a fouryear college, maybe you dont have to be 50,000 or 60 so youre saddled with debt and overall youre likely to make more money with the College Education and its a good investment and something we dont want to lose sight of. This is an issue that president obama sort of highlighted. It wasnt too long ago that he paid off his own student loans. That was something that reminded people. Hey, youre paying these things for years. How big of an issue is that for people . This is a huge issue. What weve got to do is bring the cost of college down, brianna. I think well see more online courses and more ways for kids who cant afford the tens of thousands of dollars to go to a school to have online education. We have to do something to bring the cost down and make it more affordable and it cant be a place for only the elite to go to. It is so expensive and so difficult for families to figure out ways. They have to get scrappy and creative to figure out how to make it happen. Kelly, we appreciate it. On november 20th at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, cnn will debut ivory tower. This is a great film about the troubles of Higher Education and something that touches of lives of so many people. Well be tuning in for that. Well be right back. In this accident. Because there was no accident. Volvos most advanced accident avoidance systems ever. The future of safety, from the company that has always brought you the future of safety. Give the gift of volvo this season and well give you your first months payment on us. A wakeup call. 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How bad do we think this will get . Tell me people in denver dont think its winter. Right now the airport is 4 degrees. It is snowing. Theres more snow in the mountains and theres more to come for sure tonight. Five will be the high today. So were four and we have one more to go. Look at the northeast, 59, new york. 60 in d. C. , 64 in atlanta, but it all goes away rather quickly. Here are your low temperatures to come. New york city down to the freezing mark and back out to the west, this is where the bulk of the cold air is. We go to denver and tonight 9 below zero. We sent mr. Tuchman to montana yesterday and it will be about 20 degrees below zero where he is tonight, rapid city you get down to 11 below zero. Heres what denver looks like. A lot of snow in the forecast there and i think that will continue and not go away because the temperatures arent going to warm up. Well see highs tomorrow right around 15 and when that happens you cant even melt some of that snow. After a while, brianna, even when you put down salt, if it gets so cold that salt wont melt the road, so if it was nice and a little bit sunnet and roads were wet as youre driving up in the midwest today, as soon as that sun sets, all of those roads will refreeze and turn into ice. There you go. Not new york at 32. You can handle it. This is the first cold front of another one to come by the weekend and that will affect the northeast much more, brianna. That is one big, blue blob that youre looking at there, but the nice spots appear to be florida, appear to be california and i guess we are realizing why some people pick those areas to live, right, chad myers . Thats exactly why they call them snow birds because they go to florida and they like it. My parents were down there for quite some time and i was in detroit and they would laugh at me all of the time. I would, too. Chad, thanks so much. Thank you so much for watching with us. Im Brianna Keilar in new york. The lead with jake tapper s. T. A. R. T. S right now. Vladimir putin as he was putting that shawl around chinas first lady, was he also pulling the wool over the eyes of the world . Im jake tapper. This is the lead. The world lead, puttin may have tried to be gallant in beijing, but hes up to flow good. Russian tafrjs potentially rolling past the brink of war, but does putin have the most powerful weapons of mass destruction inside crimea . Plus, they wanted to be exactly like these women jihad is and now cnn is learning the three colorado teen girls who tried to join isis allegedly were being given a road map to syria by one of the

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