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Suspect. They managed to track him down to this beach in texas last week. He is expected to make his First Court Appearance on thursday. Heres the thing. Police say matthews arrest has provided them with what theyre calling a forensic link to the abduction and death of Morgan Harrington from 2009. Its a link they are now purs pursuing. Lets talk about this with correspondent jean casarez who is in charlottesville for many days working this one and cnn analyst sunny hostin. We have to tackle two things. Forensic link, what does that mean and refresh everyones memory about what happened with Morgan Harrington. Forensic link. That could mean a number of things. People sometimes jump to conclusions. They think that must be definitive and that must be dna evidence because thats the csi effect we suffer from because of the shows and movies. So the bottom line is i think we have to be careful when we talk about forensic link because we dont really know what that means. That could certainly mean dna. It could mean a lot of other things as well. Morgan harrington. I remember the story five years ago. Virginia tech student in charlottesville going to a metallica show at the John Paul Jones arena. Now the command center for search for hannah graham. She was at the concert that night october 2009. She left the arena at a break or intermission and they wouldnt let her back in so she begins to talk trying to get home or get a ride and she was never seen again. Now, a couple months later the top she was wearing, the clothes, were found in charlottesville and then in january of 2010, her remains were found on a farm outside of charlottesville. They were able to get dna from those remains on a perpetrator allegedly. Let me give you one other thing. In 2005, there was a Sexual Assault of a woman in fairfax city, virginia. She survived. She gave a sketch of exactly what the person looked like she believed that sexually assaulted her and they got dna from her and according to the fbi in 2012, the dna from the Sexual Assault victim matched the dna on Morgan Harrington. So if theres a link with hannah graham, three people now allegedly associated with a person in custody Jesse Matthew. Let me add this. This is one of the reporters in the roanoke area where harringtons live and just sat down with the parents and mother. According to her twitter account. The mother says shes relieved after five years to possibly have her daughters killer. I know they are hesitant. For five years she has no idea what happened to her child. I cant imagine parents hearing this possible link. I will say i dont want to minimize this because i think what the Police Department indicated was that this was a significant break. Those are strong words. And if this is all true and if this suspect Jesse Matthew thats in custody is linked to these three women which is significant, were talking about a serial rapist, serial killer on the loose, its due to good police work. We were all shocked at the emotion and frustration that the chief of Police Showed in virginia when he was talking about Jesse Matthew. Now we realize that perhaps that is why he felt so strongly about it. This is just Good Old Fashioned Police Work and if this case goes to trial, my goodness. The prosecutors will have a lot to work with. Let me add one thing. Theres more women that went missing than just these three. There are more. Its the route 29 corridor. Other women recently in the last decade have all gone missing. Were working on getting a reporter out of charlottesville, virginia. This reporter talked to the harringtons and will give us more information. This could be huge. Ladies, thank you very much. I appreciate that. We move along to this. U. S. Led air strikes still pounding key isis positions. In the past 24 hours, antiaircraft vehicles have been hit and an isis training camp. As more countries commit to this bombing campaign, People Living in this border town where cnn captured these dramatic pictures of a firefight you see for yourself, they say fear of massacre. Fighters are now fewer than two miles away and nearby air strikes are not keeping them back. The question remains, how much damage are air strikes like this really doing . If you ask isis, theyll tell you not very much. In a cnn exclusive, one of the terror groups fighters says the hits are trivial at best. Translator we the Islamic State have revenue other than oil. We have other avenues and our finances are not going to stop because of oil losses. They hit us in some areas and we advance in others. If we are pushed back in iraq, we advance in northern syria. These strikes cannot stop us, our support, or our fighters. Back here the United Nations israeli Prime Minister called the group a cancer and compared them to his number one enemy, hamas. Many countries represented here rightly applauded president obama for leading the effort to confront isis and yet weeks before some of these same countries, same countries that now support confronting isis, oppose israel for confronting hamas. They evidently dont understand that isis and hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. Isis and hamas share a creed which they seek to impose well beyond the territory under their control. An admission from the president that the u. S. Was caught by surprise on isis in a cbs 60 minutes interview. President obama naming names calling out intelligence officials for misjudging the abilities of these islamic militants overrunning syria and iraq. Take a listen. Well, i think our head of the Intelligence Community acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. But after many, many Intelligence Briefings over the course of this past year, many are crying foul saying the president got their warning. The syria has become a huge magnet for extremists. First those groups who are engaged in syria itself some 1,600 different groups. We estimate somewhere in the neighborhood between 75,000 and 110,000 of which about 26,000 we grade as extremists. This leads to the major concern of the establishment of a safe haven and the real prospect that syria could become a launching point or weigh station for terrorists seeking to attack the United States or other nations. We are concerned about the use of syrian territory by the Al Qaeda Organization to recruit individuals and develop the capability to be able not just to carry out attacks inside syria but also to use syria as a launching pad so its those elements, al qaeda and isil, that im concerned about. Josh rogan, let me bring you in. Cnn political analyst and Senior Correspondent for the daily beast. Welcome, sir. So you heard the president. You heard the mash up. How can the white house say that when multiple officials as we just heard testified about this concern. We have reporting from jim sciutto here at cnn that the cia issued multiple reports about isis in the months before the advance through iraq. Youre absolutely right. The president is technically telling the true. The Intelligence Community did underestimate isis but hes not telling the whole truth because he didnt mention there were multiple warnings not just by the Intelligence Community but also members of congress, the state department, cia, groups on the ground including Free Syrian Army fighting isis on the ground for over a year. The president is trying to explain why he didnt go over isis then but he goes after isis now. He says we couldnt have p predicted that. Thats disputed. Sources tell us there were warnings but the president decided he didnt want to go into syria at that time so he chose intelligence that fit his policy. One of your sources about which were speaking told him or one of your colleagues either the president doesnt read the intelligence hes getting or hes bsing. Which is it . I dont know. Lets hope its the latter. Thats better. I dont know. Bottom line is there was a dispute in the Intelligence Community. Some thought the problem was worse than it was. Many were sounding the alarm. They werent listen to. They say we were right. We should have done more. The president is trying to argue we did the best we could with the information we had. There was a pronoun you used. It was we. He pinned in this interview with 60 minutes on a he. He being jim clapper. I wonder if you think he should have said collective we as in buck should have stopped with us, with me, president obama. Right. The president knows that hes got a policy to defend here and he wants as many allies to back up that policy and it seems that jim clapper and him were roughly on the same page but a lot of people werent. In the end, the president s vote is the only one that matters. He decided not to arm rebels and let iraq and syria get worse before u. S. Intervened so hes responsible. He knows that. He just is presenting a history that doesnt match with what a lot of people on the ground said happened at the time and thats where people are getting upset because they want the president to own up to the fact that u. S. Policy neglected syria for years and now even though he may be doing the right thing, according to some, its not enough and its not going to fix the problem because of how bad its gotten over so long a time. Thats something that history books will have to sort out. For now, the president is being defensive. He wants to make sure that the American People dont think hes to blame for whats happened in iraq and syria. Theres an argument for that. A lot of people in the system say we warned you, president obama. You should have done more. Now its worse than it had to be. Thank you. Appreciate it very much. Coming up, listen. Were talking about isis and these terrorists overseas. Have you heard this . This woman is beheaded in oklahoma allegedly by this coworker trying to convert people to islam. We now know more about the suspects alleged motive including how he felt at work. Plus, there are new accusations another man threatens to behead his coworker. And protests. Look at these pictures erupting in hong kong as crowds demand democracy. This is an historic moment and cnn is right there. I have a cold. I took nyquil but im still stuffed up. Nyquil cold and flu liquid gels dont unstuff your nose. Really . 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Back on september 13th, this man approached her because she was wearing a star of david. Jacob told the victim he was muslim and represented isis and isis kills christians. She asked jacob why they kill christians and jacob said thats just what we do. The coworker thought he was joking and later asked him in jest if he was going to kill her. Affidavit goes on. He told the victim, yes, he was going to cut her head off and after he did it he was going to post it on facebook. Muriithi told the fbi he was joking and he was charged with a misdemeanor. However, Oklahoma City police say the alleged victim became concerned about hearing the beheading a woman and went back to investigators. His bond set at 1 million. The man accused of thursdays beheading is expected to be formally charged. He apologized to families of those killed. My son was raised up in a loving home. My son was raised up believing in god. Thats what he believed in. My son was a good kid. I know what they are saying that he done but im going to tell you this. Thats not my son. There are two sides to every story. Were only hearing one. Cnns pamela brown joins me now in washington with more on what do you know as far as why nolan allegedly beheaded this woman. Were learning from Law Enforcement officials that he spent time watching beheading videos online sometime before he allegedly severed the head of one of his coworkers in moore, oklahoma. He stopped only with his boss shot him. According to Law Enforcement source, they say that nolan was told he was in trouble at work at bond foods for disruptive behavior trying to convert his coworkers to islam. He allegedly returned to thursday with a knife and targeted coworkers at random. Were learning from Law Enforcement officials that nolan told investigators during the interview after he was shot that he felt oppressed at work and that he was particularly upset about not getting a pay raise. He apparently said he wasnt motivated by any terrorist groups and at this point the beheading was not an act of terrorism but an isolated act of workplace violence. Police maintain this was but theres a trail of disturbing red flags indicating hes radicalized muslim. On his Facebook Page he posted a picture of a beheading. You may be asking why are Police Ruling out terrorism . Plain and simple. One reason could be prosecutors want to get a conviction and its much easier to prove murder than a terrorism conspiracy. Okay. Do you have any idea if theres any connection between these two men . At this point officials ive been speaking with say theres no indication that theres connection between these two men. Theyre going to want to know if they contact one another or attended the same mosque. It could be a bizarre coincidence you have a threat of a beheading, an actual beheading in close proximity at the workplace. It could be just a coincidence. Pamela brown, thank you so much. This case left muslims defensive about their region. Certainly in oklahoma they have an ally of churches rallying for islam insisting this is a religion of peace. Well talk with members of both religions in oklahoma coming up next. Their reaction and what they to tell communities in the wake of this. And protests paralyze hong kong as demonstrators fight for the right to choose their own leaders. Well talk to Christiane Amanpour ahead. She inspires you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Is your Network Ready . The beheading case in oklahoma put the Muslim Community on guard in that particular state. Theres a call for peace and its not just coming from mosques. Its also coming from churches. Joining me now from Oklahoma City, the reverend executive director of the oklahoma conference of churches. Gentlemen, welcome to both of you. Thank you. Just first, reacting to now the news of this second case in just several days. Your reaction . What are you telling your community . Is this something youre even talking about in your communitys mosques . Absolutely. First of all, this is shocking and saddening for us as a faith community. You know, we believe our faith stands for peace and love and compassion and we try to spread that throughout our state and country. We condemn this from the beginning and well continue condemning such actions because we dont believe they are representative of our faith and we warned Community Centers to be on alert because weve received hate phone calls over the last few days so were concerned about backlash or hate crimes or the sort. The saddest part is there are 40,000 muslims in the state. Been here about 30 years contributing members of society and these two men with extreme ideologies do not reflect our faith at all and its sad that people are taking it as a reflection of our faith when its not that. Im sorry to hear about the hate mail which goes to the broader question. Your Community Members and some people im not saying they are your colleagues, but they associate these beheadings with islam. Whats your message to that . The sadness is people are making that leap and as far as were concerned, we dont know what motivated mr. Nolen in particular to take the action that horrific action that hes taken. We do know that its not an officially sanctioned religiously sanctioned act. Our sadness is whatever justification is being linked religiously, then reflects upon the Islamic Community as a whole. We have a very, very Good Relationship with the Islamic Community here in oklahoma and from all of the experiences weve had, we understand that in essence it is a religion of peace. Reverend, im not as familiar with the makeup of the religious community in the greater Oklahoma City, moore area. What is it like . We have very many various christian denominations, local churches, but we also have a very strong Interfaith Community. For instance, the oklahoma conference of churches has partner members. We have a religions United Community that includes buddhists, sheikhs, islamic society, the jewish community, et cetera. And we together do a lot of work. We try to build bridges of understanding and friendship and tolerance. You might be interested to know that just last week, not this sunday but the sunday before, we had almost 300 youth participate in an Interfaith Youth tour and we visited the hindu temple and the Christian Church and visited a mosque. I remember being in moore last year covering the aftermath of that horrible tornado and my biggest takeaway from being in moore was the faith of these families, all these different families, i had the fortune to meet but let me just end with you. Hearing about young people, what are you doing in your community to discourage this kind of behavior among young people . Well, you know, we focus on teaching the faith and our Community Leaders focus on teaching the essence of the faith which is peace, dialogue, love, compassion, understanding and going beyond that were heavily involved. Our organization make it a point to be heavily involved with the local Interfaith Community here in Oklahoma City as well as in other metropolitan areas throughout the state because we believe the only way we can combat these type of extreme ideologies is to Work Together as people of faith and not just muslims but all faiths together. I truly appreciate both of you gentlemen sitting there side by side in Oklahoma City talking about whats important in your community and communities across the country right now. Thank you so much. And just days after september 11th, 2001, there was an fbi agent in yemen sitting face to face with this al qaeda leader interrogating him and in the process of doing so he heard this chilling warning about an islamic army with black banners marching into jerusalem. So now were hearing that threat. And now this well be enveloped in tear gas. Protesters in hong kong are not backing down. They are facing off as you can see here with police. Clouds of tear gas. Dozens injured. Is this the end of hong kongs fragile democracy inside china . Stay with me. Youre watching cnn. This is charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs red lobsters endless shrimp is now the years largest variety of shrimp flavors like new woodgrilled sriracha shrimp or parmesan crusted shrimp scampi. As much as you like, any way you like hurry in and sea food differently. Just stunning pictures here. This is police in hong kong firing tear gas at these prodemocracy protesters. We know at this point dozens were hurt including 12 Police Officers but thousands of people began pouring into the heart of the city on sunday angry over what they say is the growing influence of the Chinese Communist party on the way hong kong is run. What ignited these demonstrations is only candidates cleared from the government can run for hong kongs top office. The crowds are massive. Police have pulled back. Thousands of people are now camped out on this multilane highway and in front of several government offenses. Ivan watson was in the thick of things in the now peaceful protest. There are a lot of people here occupying downtown hong kong blocking off for more than 24 hours the main highway that runs through this financial hub. A virtual sea of humanity thats been chanting sloganses like resign. Thats directed at the chief executive and top official in hong kong. The other demand that people make again and again and again is what they call universal suffrage. They want true, free and fair elections. All right. That was ivan watson in the sea of people and here she is chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour. First of all, i would love to have your two cents on the pictures and numbers of people and also tell me about this interview you just had. Certainly its the biggest demonstration in hong kong ever since it was handed back by the british but its also a major challenge obviously to beigi be. The biggest Student Movement since Tiananmen Square in 1989. Whats happening here as you heard although there was violen violence, police came in with pepper spray over the weekend, they pulled back now. The chinese authorities in beijing look like they are trying to get the hong kong authorities deal with it. We dont want blood on their hands at the moment. I spoke to one of the leaders of the occupy movement, which is the heart of the protest movement there. And he said they are only going to stay out for another two days. Thats october 1st. National day. And then put forth further demands. Heres what he said to me. We hope people can clear the streets on october 1 and well announce action. It way not be occupy but it will be a way for people to really express their idea about democracy in hong kong. The police it seems have not been so evident today after tear gas and pepper spray over the weekend. Have they been called back . They use tear gas to disperse the demonstrators. The demonstration was in a very peaceful and orderly manner. Its acceptable for the police to use force. So that is his idea of whats actually just been going on there but saying that they will continue to press for their demands and they want the chief executive of hong kong to resign and they want to start a dialogue and to talk to beijing about these constitutional issues that they want changed. Nobody believes beijing is going to give way. This is going to be interesting to keep watching. At the heart of it is the fact that beijing said youll be able to directly elect your chief executive in your next round of elections but from a list of preapproved candidates by us here in beijing and its that that has the people in hong kong incredibly upset. From their perspective that doesnt seem fair. Do you think there is any chance whatsoever if these demonstrations continue that beijing would fold and say okay . People dont think so because this is about politics and its about beijing holding the line against any kind of political upheaval or political demands. Beijing already faces demands and upheavals in various parts of china and has a situation with taiwan and it wants definitely to keep hong kong within the own orbit. Its one country, two systems. Thats why people are worried that beijing wont actually fold in this case. But they dont know whether theres any face saving or wiggle room and the protesters will have to march a fine line in order to try to push the democratic ball forward without incurring a violent crackdown. Well be watching again. Incredibly compelling images. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. The terror group is comprised of these operatives. Are they worst of the worst . Well hear from a man, former fbi agent, one of the first to hear the word khorasan after 9 11. And Police Body Cameras sound like an excellent idea but when theyre turned off, what good does that do their communities . Police near ferguson, missouri, have to explain why an officers camera was switched off during a shooting. I have the worst cold with this runny nose. I better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Its the al qaeda cell targeted by american air strikes in syria. The u. S. Says they were plotting to attack america and htheir plans were in the execution phase. For Many Americans the first time they heard of this group was last week. My next guest says the threat could have been alive for more than a decade. He worked on complex global terror cases at the fbi where he was a supervisor special agent joining me here in new york. Thank you for joining us. Good to be with you. Six days after 9 11 you were inside this yemen prison. You were interrogating this al qaeda operative. What did he say to you then . Well, you know, first of all, our main goal at the time was to know who did 9 11 and to identify the people involved and to get any intelligence we can in order to prepare for the response the United States was planning to do in afghanistan against al qaeda and taliban. However, all of these things we hear about today, khorasan and significance of that came up during that interrogation. Its an historic term of a vast region that includes parts of iran, pakistan and afghanistan. This is where leadership of al qaeda is based. Osama bin laden in 1996, he signed the declaration of jihad against the United States. This is part of an islamic version of armageddon that at the end of time an army with black flags come out to take over the world and establish their form of justice. That person that i was talking to at that time mentioned that term and al qaeda which you were familiar with . I was familiar with it because i did a lot of reading about radical extremism and about their views and their version of how they see the world. So i was very familiar with the saying of the prophet and we had a long discussion about it, him and i. You know, we continued. I personally continued to hear the name a lot. Every time al qaeda operatives wanted to refer to who leadership is, they say the leadership in khorasan like us saying the guys in washington, d. C. Or headquarters. So when americans then first heard about this as intelligence was calling the Khorasan Group inside of syria in its execution phase near aleppo in which the u. S. Struck some days ago, is that the same thing that you were referring to in this prophecy or is that just a name that the u. S. Is giving this particular Splinter Group . Its the same group as al qaeda. After the split that took place between isis they sent many veteran pretoperatives to advisd train and set up the organization. So they were the brothers who were sent. They were from al qaeda central. Their views and their agenda is not only to help in the fight against their enemies and against the syrian regime, but also to ensue global agenda in al qaeda. Attack the west. Find recruits. Find explosives. Find materials. Syria has 12,000 foreign fighters from 81 different countries. Thats treasuretrove for al qaeda to find individuals who can travel to the west and travel to the United States in order to conduct and carry out attacks. When we hear this, were not hearing about a new branding of al qaeda. Were not hearing about the new Splinter Group that splintered from al qaeda. Were not hearing about the new affiliated group with al qaeda. Were hearing about al qaeda as we always knew it. This is headquarters as it were of al qaeda in this part of syria. Then if you knew about this, and im sure many others in the Intelligence Community but i read other quotes not familiar with this skeptical of the notion of khorasan wondering why americans a week ago just came into this term. Why is it relevant for the rest of us . Thats an interesting question. I talked about it in my book two years ago. My book came out tenth anniversary of 9 11 and the first chapter is about khorasan and the significance. This tells you how little we know about the enemy and why were fighting a war for more than 14 years. Thats the frightening part. Thats my point. We have been fighting a war for about 13 years. We have been very successful. Dont get me wrong. Weve been successful in targeting the shortterm physical threat of al qaeda. We have been disrupting attacks. Apprehending leaders. Even killing Osama Bin Laden himself. However, we have not focused on the ideology. We have not focused on bin ladenism. We have not focused about the factors that make these groups, recruits and continue to reinvent themselves. As long as we dont target the ideology, we dont target bin ladenism, this war is going to go for a long period of time. Isis, al qaeda, they are all the same. They are the followers of Osama Bin Laden. Isis and al qaeda differs in two things. The leadership. Its an ego thing and tactics. Isis believes they need to hold land and establish their state. Al qaeda believe its better to hit and run. Isis believe its good to do beheading and scare the minute. And why do this if a bullet can do the job . These are the differences between two different entities that both claim they are the righteous followers and inheritance of Osama Bin Laden. You will of your years working in this, writing the book, please come back. Lets continue these conversations. I really appreciate it. As we talk about the threat from terrorists in iraq and syria forcing people out of their own homes, you can help. If you would like to learn more, go to cnn. Com impact. Well have links for organizations that cnn vetted to help families. Thats at cnn. Com impact. Just ahead, its the border city at the center of this battle between these isis terrorists and syrian kurds aired live here on cnn but now were getting word here. Isis is now advancing and theyre getting close to that city. Well take you there live here on cnn. Youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. 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Sheriffs officials confirm the camera was on the body but flicked off. Cnns Stephanie Elam is in ferguson for us right now. The obvious question why wasnt the camera on, stephanie . Reporter according to police they say that they only have eight hours of recording time on these cameras so they dont have them on all the time. This was a routine check which turned into a pursuit because of this person they saw running out of the building allegedly. So he didnt turn it on. The other thing i would like to point out about this, this was a big issue that came out during the mike brown shooting there werent body cameras on Police Officers in ferguson. They havent had them that long. It shows another time when people are saying that if cameras were rolling we might know who this assailant was. Stephanie, thank you. Back in a moment. For retirement. But when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on what matters today. 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Im brooke baldwin. Thank you for being with me here. President obama makes a stunning admission. Isis caught him off guard and hes pointing the finger of blame at the Intelligence Community telling cbs news that u. S. Intelligence underestimated isis rise to power. I think our head of the Intelligence Community acknowledged that they underestimated what this been taking place in syria. He didnt just say we underestimated isil. He said we overestimated the ability and will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight

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