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Decision, whether he lives or dies. Nick valencia joining me now from outside of the courthouse in charleston, south carolina. Nick, tell us what struck you most about what was said in court during these closing arguments. It was a very sad day inside the courtroom. I just got out from being in there listening to the closing arguments of the prosecution and the defense. Today started with an impassioned plea by federal prosecutor to hold dylann roof accountable for every action, every single bullet he fired that day inside mother emmanuel church. He highlighted the writings of the manifesto, the journal that outlined and was fueled by his White Supremacy and belief that he was better than black people simply because he was white. He talked about his meticulous planning leading up to the shooting and also his actions inside the church that day. I was just a couple of rows back from dylann roof sitting directly behind his grandmother who was flanked by a priest and i looked at dylann roof as he was listening to these closing arguments by the prosecution, painting him as a coldblooded calculated killer. Brianna, he was motionless, without emotion, much like he has been throughout the course of this trial. The only noticeable difference being that he wasnt dressed in his prison issued jump suit but in a blue sweater and gray pants. He wasnt showing much emotion but the family members of the victims were certainly. Especially when the bloody crime scene photos of what happened that day last summer were shown in court. There were audible gasps, sobs, family members tearing up. Also looking at the jury as that photo was being shown to the courtroom and there was at least one jury with tears in her eyes. Another one noticeably grimacing while looking at the bodies of those worshipers who laid after being shot and killed by dylann roof. It was just about 40 minutes ago that the defense started their closing arguments. We believe theyre starting to wrap up. One of the interesting things that was said by dylann roofs defense attorney is that his client might be delusional and this is something the jurors had to consider before going into deliberation. The defense attorney, david bruck, saying that what happened and who did it is not a question but what is the question is why. Why dylann roof did this. And thats something he thought the jury should consider before going into deliberations later today. Brianna. Nick, are we expecting a verdict today . We are, were anticipating a verdict, were anticipating this to be relatively quick deliberation by the jury. Especially when you consider that dylann roof has already confessed to this. He has said hes very proud of this. And that he chose those people because they were the most vulnerable. He wanted to choose good people to show how cruel and vicious his acts were and he wanted to start a race war. We wanted this verdict to happen relatively quickly. Goes without saying. We dont know whether or not this sentencing phase will be quick. That is expected some time in january. As we have mentioned, polly shepherd was one of three people who survived the attack. We want to play her 911 call for you. This will be difficult for many of you to hear but its important and there have been no cameras in court since this is a federal case but this 911 call speaks volumes about the suffering she and other Church Members have endured. I want to warn you, its extremely upsetting and inappropriate for children. Please help. 911, whats the address of the emergency . Please, emmanuel church. Theres many people shot down here. Please send somebody right away. Emmanuel church . Emmanuel ame. And theres people shot . Yeah, he shot the pastor, he shot all please come right away. Okay, my partners going to be getting some help on the way while i get a little more information from you, okay . Stay on the line with me hes still in here, im afraid hes still in here. Where are you . Im in emmanuel ame church yes, maam, but where are you inside the church . In the lower level. Youre in the lower level . Where is the shooter . Hes in the in the office. Please send somebody right away yes, maam, ive got officers en route. Dont hang up with me. You stay on the line with me. You stay as quiet as possible. What is your name, maam . Polly sheppard. Yes, polly. Hes come, hes coming, hes coming, please. Okay, did you see him at all . Yes, hes a young 21yearold white dude. Okay. Please. I mean, weve got some people very hurt, please. Yes, maam. You said were you able to see the gun . Do you know what kind of gun it was . No, i dont know. Dont know anything about guns. Okay, thats okay. And where are the weapons now . Hes got it in his hand. Hes reloading. How many shots has he fired . I dont know, there were so many. Three different rounds oh, god, please help me. Please help us, lord. Help us, lord, please, jesus, help us. Theres so many people dead i think. Oh, my god. You said theres so many people dead . I think theyre dead, yes. Nine people were killed that day on june 17th last year. You do know the name of the shooter. You may not know the names of the people who lost their lives, so we want to remember them. Cynthia heard, susie jackson, ethel lance, reverend depain middleton. Reverend pinckney. Reverend Daniel Simmons jr. Reverend taronda singleton and myra thomason. Cnn legal analyst laura coates, a former federal prosecutor, and cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney danny sevasos. You heard the tape, its a struggle to speak after this. As the jury hears this, theres no question dill ylann roof did this, what are his chances for avoiding after what we would expect almost to be a open and shut verdict here of guilty for avoiding a Death Penalty . I agree, brianna. The fact you could hear that womans fear being so palpable with miss Polly Sheppard was heartbreaking. You had jurors who were tearing up and grimacing when they saw pictures of the damage that was done of the massacre. And while that is one thing were talking about, its also very, very key to the Death Penalty phase. Because it only takes one jury in a federal trial to say they do not want the person to get the Death Penalty. It must be unanimous. When you have people on a jury who although theyve already been screened, theyre willing to consider both life without parole and also the Death Penalty, you will find a Huge Population of people who have such a visceral reaction to death that they will may not actually find Death Penalty appropriate even in this case. We dont of course, dan yny sevellos want to say this is a foregone conclusion, it is in a way, because we no wknow who di this, its not about whether or not he did this, its about whether hes going to get the Death Penalty and dylann roof wants to represent himself during the sentencing phase. How does that play out . What impact does that have . What impact its going to be really, really bad for this defendant, and while i wouldnt normally make a prediction, i think we can safely, least slav comes to jury selection, this is the same jury in the liability phase that will be sentencing him, so they have to look ahead to that sentencing phase and choose jurors who they hope will be likely to be that one holdout, and the reason dylann roof representing himself in the sentencing phase may be even more damaging to him than having counsel, than switching if he had done it during the liability phase is because sentencing mitigation, these things are so critical during the sentencing phase. The rules of evidence dont apply. Its so critical to get in as much information and investigation about this defendants life to convince one juror that his life is worth saving. This is not the phase to go without counsel. He doesnt want to die though. That is what is at least not now, right. When he was going through this process, he and his attorneys took steps to try to get the Death Penalty off the table. Right, and how ironic that dylann roof, a man who went and executed these nine people at a bible study, as he talked about in his confession, was prepared to kill himself in a shootout with police, after he left the church and was in awe that no one was outside to kill him or try to kill him, has repeatedly asked for a plea offer that did not include the Death Penalty because he himself does not want to die. But in this case as dannys right about this, the verdict is kind of a foregone conclusion of actual guilt. But the one holdout were all talking about is youve got to bankin the fact there is one person who had that visceral reaction to seeing death in front of their eyes or in the trial. Will not want to inpose that on somebody else. The attorneys already planted a seed. Already said, ask yourselves why he did this, not whether, but why. They want to plant a seed theres something wrong obviously with dylann roof that will be mitigating enough to say he, even though he did this horrible act, does not meet the standard for a Death Penalty in this case. How is he convincing in that way, though, danny . Someone who doesnt have remorse, how will he convince jurors that they should spare his life . Mitigation at the capital sentencing phase is very complex. Often just as complex as the liability phase. You have to hire experts. You have to have investigators dig into your life as a defendant and find all of the horrible things that happened to you to garner any kind of sympathy. This person had a bad family life. He had an awful experience. And thats what may have contributed to this person you see today. And you should have sympathy for him and spare him this ultimate punishment. Its such an important phase that it usually requires the assistance of not only attorneys but investigators and specialists in mitigation. So thats the case he would have to make, hell be representing himself. And the jury in this case is Death Penalty qualified. What does that mean . It means at the onset of the case when they chose jurors to find theyre impartial and can be fair, they look ahead to figure out are you somebody who can consider the Death Penalty as a possibility, not a foregone conclusion . And both the prosecution and defense had interest in making sure people are very centrist in their view points and say they will not always impose Death Penalty or they will never impose. They want somebody in the middle ground. Studies have shown what often happens in any death qualified jury panel is theyre often pro prosecution and content to be very much less like the impartial jury you will see of a community your peers and much more somebody who would think seriously about imposing the Death Penalty. I think you do have that expectation. Remember, people on Death Penalty death row, for years, decades. It goes through appeals. Its not an automatic sentence that gets imposed instantly. This will be heartbreaking even if he gets the Death Penalty. Theyll have to relive this through appeals. How long this will continue. All right, laura coates, danny, thank you. Up next, donald trump trading barbs with the white house over lets see what, when in this escalating hacking scandal. Well talk about that. Getting older shouldnt mean giving up all the things she loves to do. It should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. Oh, that smells so good. Aw, and it tastes good, too. We can provide the right care, right at home. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet. Kicked off a lot of high school games. Built a life for my family. And liked to help others in need. 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Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. If youre wondering whether the president elect has come around to the views of the u. S. Intelligence community that russian attackers interfered in this years election, the answer is a big no, he has not. Donald trump also seems to be done playing nice with team obama. If russia or some other entity was hacking, trump says, why did the white house wait so long to act . Why did they only complain after hillary lost . In his press briefing yesterday, white house spokesman josh earnest suggested trump, quote, obviously knew what was happening, and that he as a candidate was benefiting. Then later, republican senator Lindsey Graham told cnn his Campaign Email account was also hacked. Graham says the u. S. Should hit back with sanctions and that brings me to Cnn National Security correspondent jim sciutto. And senior political reporter manu raju. Manu, i want to talk to you about this actually were listening to josh earnest in the White House Briefing talk about this. In conclusion of all 17 intelligence agencies and they reported publicly that russia was engaged in malicious cyber activity to corrode Public Confidence in our democracy. They included another sentence i believe is worth repeating. That statement included, in part, we believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only russias senior most officials could have authorized these activities. That is a statement from the Intelligence Community that was made public on october 7th. At the risk of editorializing, when i read that statement for the first time in early october, i didnt think it was particularly so. It was particularly subtle. Are you confirming ive seen those reports, im not in a position to confirm them. I defer to the Intelligence Community for their assessment. Their assessment they reported publicly on october 7 may give you insight into what theyre thinking. You mentioned willing to talk to media, are you worried about leaks on this issue . Listen, one of the challenges of any White House Press secretary regardless of which administration theyre serving in, they have a responsibility of coming out here in public and answering questions from all of you on camera and on the record. Others are allowed to offer their opinion anonymously. Its a free country. Thats certainly what people are to some extent allowed to do. In the past youve heard me express some concern about that habit. Its particularly concerning in those circumstances when people are sharing information thats classified or sensitive. This is not a phenomenon. Its one Previous Press secretaries have had to deal with. Certainly something thats come up in the context of my tenure here. I suspect future press secretaries will. We hear a little about how donald trump and his daughter ivanka different erarrangeme in the white house, east wing, take on a first lady role all right, we are listening to the White House Press briefing. A very interesting answer there from White House Press secretary josh earnest who was asked about this report that what we saw over the last more than a year we now know was going on. Hacking by a russian entity tied to russian intelligence and there had been a report this went all the way up to the senior most levels of the russian government. Josh earnest there quoting from a report by the Intelligence Community, all of the intelligence agencies in the u. S. , they concluded october 7th that only the senior most officials in the russian government could have authorized such an attack. He was asked if he was saying that was Vladimir Putin, he wouldnt go that far. So josh earnest clearly communicating what he thinks, that this did perhaps go all the way to the top of the russian government. I want to go now to manu raju. He is on the hill for us. And i want to know, manu, how are lawmakers reacting to these russian hack revelations. We heard Lindsey Graham talk about how his Campaign Email attack was hacked. Were going to expect several inquiries early next year by committees in both the senate and the house to dig in further about what exactly happened. But Republican Leaders dont want to create a separate investigatory body to dig into this. They want to do it through congress. I had a chance to ask harry reid at a press conference earlier today about those allegations Vladimir Putin was directly involved in meddling in the elections. Heres what he said. I understand the answer is clearly yes. And as having been former head of the kgb, does that surprise you, surprise anybody today when he denied it. Now, harry reid of course is a member of the socalled gang of eight. Thats members of congress, leadership who get this top secret intelligence briefing from senior most officials in the Intelligence Community. So its unclear if hes basing that assessment today or Statement Today on what he heard privately behind closed doors or if hes simply asserting what is being publicly reported as well as his interpretation of that october 7 assessment, that josh earnest just referenced at the white house, that this went up to the senior most level in the russian government who authorized this hacking during the u. S. Elections. But a lot of questions that those investigations could answer early next year on capitol hill. Well be looking at that. Jim sciutto also with us. You heard what josh earnest said there. What do you make of this point that he is he said it wasnt subtle when he read the report. This is not a subtle point he was making. This has been the view of White House Administration officials ive talk to. Even without the Intelligence Community saying we know with high confidence putin ordered this attack, its been their view for weeks. That this would have to be approved at the top levels of the russian government. That means Vladimir Putin. And the white house view for some time perhaps going a step beyond the Intelligence Community for an assessment has been, listen, we know how russia operates and as josh earnest was saying there he would have gone further to say its pretty obvious putin would have had to approve this. I really got to true your attention, brianna, to what donald trump just tweeted again about russian hacking. He said if russia or some other entity was being thatting, why did the white house wait so long to act, why did they only complain after Hillary Clinton lost. So again you have the president elect of the United States who has been briefed i know ive been told on the intelligence, showing the u. S. That russia was behind this hacking. Hes been briefed on it now. Hes the president elect of the United States. Continuing to raise doubts about whether russia did the hacking. To be clear there no dispute in the u. S. Intelligence or Law Enforcement community about who did the hacking. They all say russia. There is some difference of opinion as to what the goal was. Was it to help trump. Was it to undermine the process. On that, there is difference of opinion. There is no difference of opinion on whos behind the hacking. And yet, you have the president of the United States, president in just over 30 days, in effect throwing the entire u. S. Intelligence community under the bus, dismissing their assessment. Intelligence that hes seen, which is really remarkable. I just dont think we can underestimate that. I know, and i know my colleagues as well have talked to people in the Intelligence Community who are alarmed by this, you know, career spies and intelligence analysts who are watching their future commander in chief saying that the work theyre doing, and many are risking their lives to do the work, lets be honest, assets in the field, telling them and saying to the American People thats all b. S. Its remarkable. Ive never seen anything like it. I havent either. Its extraordinary. This is the very Intel Community that he will, im sure, at some point, be relying on to make a case for something, undercutting himself before he even gets to the white house. Jim sciutto, manu raju, thank you to both of you. We have a lot to talk about. For my Blue Ribbon Panel here Gloria Borger is cnns chief political analyst, edward isaac dovar from politico and knnoah book binder, head of ethics in washington. I want to pose a question to you, gloria, its actually Donald Trumps question. He said, why did they only complain after hillary lost . I think theyre asking themselves that question now. Brianna. And there were clearly because just to be clear, the federal government knew this was going on for months and months and months. Well, at least the date that was mentioned by josh earnest is in october. That he saw this intelligence assessment. So i think theres a few things going on here. First of all, the white house was worried, and there were discussions about this, the white house was worried that publicly outing russia at that point would appear to be putting their thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton. They believed at that point that Hillary Clinton was going to win. They didnt want to put their thumb on the scale because then they felt that if donald trump were to lose, they would be giving him ammunition to use to question her. So these were the ongoing complicated discussions that were going on in the white house. And they made the decision to hang back. There are people ive spoken with who worked for Hillary Clinton who think now of course that was a really wrong and bad decision to make, but it is what it is. And so now we have, as jim sciutto was talking about, this extraordinary problem between the president elect and his own Intelligence Community. And if there is a war that breaks out between these two things while hes in office, it is not going to be pretty. It really isnt. They will undermine him every step of the way. Sure, because they can leak, right. Yeah. I want to talk now a little bit about Something Else that donald trump tweeted. He said his move to the white house isnt complex at all. He said the medias sort of making this up. And of course he was supposed to have a press Conference Today to explain how he was going to reconfigure his businesses, get things in line so he could come to the white house. Whats your read on this tweet and if its correct . Well, if were going to take it at face value, i guess the media would have to include his former Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway who said it was very complex and thats why it was to be done this way. Wed also have to include other people on the trump transition staff who had also said these are complex questions and thats why its taking so long to sort out. Done mcgann, who is the white House Counsel incoming is working on this as a major project of his, if it were a simple matter, it would seem that it would not take up so much of his time. But it is taking up a lot of his time. This is a complicated thing. We dont know of course the extent of the financial situation that Trump Organization might be in in all of its Different Properties because we dont have those tax returns. Thats one of those things the tax returns would tell us. We dont know what role his children actually have in terms of ownership within the organization. We also dont know where the lines are between what theyre doing for the company and what theyre doing for the transition. What role theyre going to play in the administration. To that point, noah, yesterday you had all three of his eldest children, don jr. , eric and ivanka and they were at the tech summit the president elect had. Don jr. And eric this is what he says, theyre going to be running his empire. Why is that is up a concern from your perspective . Sure. We dont seem to have any meaningful separation between the businesses and the presidency. That those Donald Trumps children including the ones who are apparently going to be running the businesses, are still pardon me for interrupting you. This is i guess what i really want to get at. Yes, we dont have separation but i wonder sometimes if people care. Sure. And so my question is why should they care. Because we keep saying theres a conflict, theres a conflict, its so clear, and yet what does that lead to down the road that should actually alarm americans . Sure, and that really is the key question, because people need to care about this, and the reason why it matters is because the president of the United States needs to be making decision based on whats in the best interest of the country, whats in the strategic interest, economic interest, not in the interest of whats going to help his companies. And so if you have the same people who are trying to make the Trump Organization as profitable as possible also making decisions about what the president does, theres a real danger that theyre going to be motivated by whats in their own financial interest, not whats in the best interest of the country. Maybe its hard to separate the things. Edward, your colleagues at politico, they write that while the president is exempted, obviously, from the conflict, cnn did some pretty incredible reporting on this, how vulnerable is trumps family when you look at this new law . We dont know what the financial entanglements are within the company and what how that will end up playing into these things. These are stocks, right . Right. There are ideas there could be other businesses encapsulated under this . And if we had a full picture of the familys finances, we would be able to understand it. We looked at what happened last week when trump after taking the shot at boeing for the contract at air force one was so expensive, his transition staff announced he had sold all his stock in june, which they never said before, and we dont know if its true. Its not verified. We dont know if he was, in fact, influencing his own wealth by the decision that he made to tweet about boeing or Lockheed Martin earlier this week or any of the other things that hell be getting involved in in businesses. You know, the idea generally is that you cant use Insider Information to make money. It is a rule that applies to congress now. The question is whether this rule ought to apply to the president of the United States. And the question i have for you is really the sort of how do you ensure that even, say, donald trump, you know, comes out with a statement that says my boys are going to run the company, ivankas going to come work in washington for no salary. How do you ensure that there is a wall that his sons have no idea whats going on inside the government, and dont get the inside information that might help them make Business Decisions internationally . How do you even do that . There certainly are steps you can take. You can have, you know, formal agreements that theyre never going to talk to any white house employees, that theyre only going to talk to their father about personal matters. But truly given the kinds of roles that Donald Trumps children have had, we just dont have any confidence that that would happen. Really the answer to your question is you sell the business, you put the money in an account thats controlled by somebody outside of the family and then all of this goes away. We have no expectation thats going to happen. Now the announcement on how theyre doing this is delayed. Noah bookbinder, edward isaac dovore, Gloria Borger, thank you for chatting with me today. Up next, a pause in the shelling in the bombing to allow people to escape from aleppo but where will they go. The situation in syria growing more desperate every day. In war ravaged syria today, finally some much needed relief for tens of thousands of families and children in the city of aleppo. A safe way out. These green buses and ambulance vans today were allowed to carry people out of aleppo where shooting and shelling and air strikes make it simply too dangerous for people who are not fighting the civil war. Take a look at some these pictures. We have some aerials that were taken just this morning. They show not only long lines of evacuation buses but the near complete destruction of aleppo. This is one of the worlds oldest cities and the most populous in syria. Cnns Frederik Pleitgen who was in aleppo just a few days ago is watching these developments from beirut. We were expecting this largescale evacuation yesterday, what happened . What happened is the ceasefire fell apart in the last minute and shelling actually resumed. There was some heavy fighting yesterday where people who were locked up in that last enclave inside aleppo recorded as many as 100 artillery shells falling on that neighborhood. They also said there were air strikes by warplanes as well. So today they tried to get all of it back on track to make sure those people are able to evacuate. The first convoy of those vehicles actually got shot at when it came to the checkpoint between the rebel held area and the government held area. And then had to turn back. One person was actually killed and several wounded in all of that. But then the people who were organizing this came together and said, look, were not going to allow this to fall apart. Were going to suspend it and try to get it back on track. A few hours later, those conveys did indeed start moving. If you look at those convoys, youll see many of them have a lot ambulances in them. Thats because the first people who were being evacuated from that rebel enclave are the ones who need it most, the ones who are sick, the ones who are wounded, the ones who need immediate medical attention and are only going to be able to get it if they get out of those areas. Thats whats been happening so far. The latest numbers were getting is more than 1,000 people have already been evacuated. Apparently several thousand are supposed to get evacuated today. Thats only part of the people still in there. The next phase, theyre going to have more civilians come out. And then also those rebel fighters who are still in there. And thats going to be key. Once the rebel fighters are out, thats when Syrian Government forces are going to move in and thats when the Syrian Government is going to once again have full control over aleppo. There wont be a rebel presence there anymore. Which is of course a bitter moment for the opposition fighting against president bashar al assad. Brianna. Frederik pleitgen, thank you. We continue to follow the story changing each day there in syria. Up next, Donald Trumps newest feud actually goes way back with a guy hes called a loser and a dummy for years. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. President elect donald trump let loose a barrage of tweets this morning, half of them aimed at one of hfavorite targets, th media. He even called out one editor by name. This one, has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of vanity fair magazine, way down, big trouble, dead. Graydon carter, no talent, will be out. This is who hes talking about, the longtime editor of vanity fair, graydon carter. He and donald trump have been trading insults for decades. Trump calls carter a dummy and a loser on twitter. I believe this all began after in the 80s carter called him a shortfingered bulgarian and that is something that has always stuck with donald trump and certainly stuck in his craw. Yesterdays edition of vanity fair featured an unfavorable review of a restaurant located in trump tower. Cnns Brian Stelter is here. Our senior media correspondent. Also lisa layer, politics reporter for the ap. This has been going on for some time. Oh, yeah. We know that. Broadening this out to the struggle between donald trump and the media, your expectations as we, you know, are just days, a few weeks out now from inauguration. Trump has continued to belittle and battle private individuals on twitter. Cart carter, being, a more public one than the local union leader recently. Trump has written for years that vanity fair would fail. Maybe some day it would be true but hes been saying this for years. It is remarkable what random things trump chooses to pick on from time to time. Theres little question this is a difficult time for the media. Its not only donald trump picking off individual publications as you point out. Its also that the Publics Trust in the media is basically at the lowest point its been in decades and youre dealing with the president , you know, the presumption has been the president is telling the truth and you factcheck it, you make sure, but youre making, working from a place of truth. As someone whos covering this white house, people who are covering this white house, you just cant work from that place anymore. Even today he tweeted something that was just factually inaccurate. So that does change how you approach this presidency, you know, from reporting it out. Even those assumptions have to be tested right now. Bottom line, be fair, but do not be intimidated. A lot of what were seeing, whether its tweeting or rallying up this crowd, is intimidating so do not be intimidated. Yesterday we heard Reince Priebus, incoming chief of staff for the president elect. He was talking about changing up the seating in the White House Briefing room, which is odd because its the White House Correspondents Association that deals with that, not the white house. He talked about not giving a daily press briefing. What are your expectations, lisa, as someone who covered this, about access . First, clarifying what he said. The assigned seating which you and i have both benefited from being in the first row with our organizations, was started in 1982. And it was something that the administration asked the media to do because they didnt want to be seen as playing favorites. They didnt want to be rewarding or being seen as rewarding certain public blaati with better seats and therefore better access. You want to make sure theres a level playing field. Now we argue amongst ourselves about it. The duties switched to the White House Correspondents Association. You know, i think the issue here is you can debate the value of the Daily Briefing. But its not as if it doesnt seem as if theyre going to replace the Daily Briefing with Something Else. What weve seen from this transition is this is an operation thats very hard to get even basic information out of. So i think the problem with access is always that you never get more. Once you dial back the measuring stick, you dont gain afterwards. I know that many administrations, democratic and republicans, sometimes bemoan the utility of the briefing. Of course, we do not. But you spoke to josh earn et, the sitting press secretary, about this. I asked him about this yesterday, interviewing him kind of coincidentally on a day when Reince Priebus is questioning the value of the briefings. Suggesting maybe things will change. I asked earnest, is there a real chance the briefing could go away. He says he has no idea. But heres what he said about his concern about that as an american. As an american, im concerned about that. I do think this the interaction that takes place on a daily basis is one thats good for our democracy. It is instrumental to Holding People in power accountable for their actions, accountable for their statements and accountable for their actions. Of course they find it annoying. It was interesting he said as an american. Of course its annoying if youre the white house. Theres days where he doesnt want to go out there. But there is value in the it also gives transparency for the public. They can see whats being asked and how theyre responding. Thats a very good point. Sean spicer, speaking of transparency, he is a contender to replace josh earnest basically. He said on cnn that the Trump Transition Team has been very transparent. What do you think, lisa . Thats not the word i would use. Certainly theres been very little, you know, insight into their process. They said it can be very hard to get routine inquiries answered. You know, inner er iterms of financials, he hasnt been transparent. We have no signs of getting those tax returns. I would disagree with that statement. Theres a lot of people who did its not organized at all but sometimes youre seeing how the sausage is made in the Trump Transition Team. Thats one way i think its a little did i refferent. Spicer also argued theres a camera in the lobby of trump tower so were seeing all this coming and going that is kind of extraordinary. What do you say to that . The press is traveling on a separate plane. Thats not usually how this is done. Theres a press pool but its not really tracking the movements of the president. And the pool is reporters who essentially adhere to whether its a candidate, the president elect, the president. This was born of course out of the assassination of jfk. Right. To always have eyes on the president. How important this is, right . When the president s whereaboutses are unknown for 90 minutes or three hours, thats a kind of situation that can tank markets, cause global unrest. I also think theres value for the administration in the pool. If the president has to get out a statement quickly, he can or she, but he in this case, can just go out in front of the pool and have cameras that will stream to all the Major Networks and all the major publications. All right, lisa lerer, Brian Stelter, thank you. Coming up, yahoo hacked. More than 1 billion accounts breached. So what should users do now . Were going to have a live report for you. 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Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at ancestry. Com jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. Yahoo has announced yet another huge Security Breach and this time its affecting 1 billion accounts. Thats about double the amount of users affected during the separate incident announced in september. Cnn tech correspondent samuel burke joining us now to explain this to us and tell us how it affects us. Tell us when this happened and for all those yahoo users who were wondering what do i do now, what do they do . Brianna, it is astonishing that this hack happened in 2013. And yahoo is just now finding out about this. This is clearly a company which has not invested enough in Cyber Security according to many experts and the proof is in the pudding quite frankly. Take a look at the information that these criminals made off with. Stolen information includes name, emails, phone numbers, passwords and dates of birth. The breach does not include credit card data or bank account information. But that should not give you a sigh of relief. Remember, you can change your credit card numbers but you cant change your date of birth and youre likely not going to change your name. Thats the information these hackers will use to get into your other account. So what can you do if youre one of the millions of people who are affected . A few simple steps. Yes, change your email. Youll want to delete old emails especially if you have sensitive documents like copies of your passport. If you only remember one thing from this report, brianna, use two factor authentification. That means receiving a unique code to your cell phone every time you log in. Annoying but if it means if a hacker gets your password, they cant get into your account because they dont have your phone. And sometimes thats just if youre at a new computer, right . They might recognize your computer. So maybe its only annoying some of the time. Exactly. What happens now to verizons offer for yahoo . Its a 4. 8 million offer. And remember that this is the second time that yahoo has redeveloped the hack since verizon announced this offer. Take a look at what verizons saying in a statement, looking like theyre Going Forward with this deal. Quote, as weve said all along, we will continue to evaluate the situation as yahoo continues its investigation. We will review the impact of this new development before reaching any final conclusions. But sometimes just paying out credit monitoring can cost billions for these tech companies. Certainty can. The takeaway, twofactor verification, were on it, samuel burke, thank you so much for your report. And thank you so much for watching newsroom, wolf starts after this quick break. Hello, im wolf blitzer. Its 1 00 p. M. In washington, 6 00 p. M. In london, 8 00 p. M. In aleppo, syria. Wherever youre watching around the world, thank you very much for joining us. President elect donald trump raises new doubts about russias Election Hacking here in the United States. While an operation to rescue civilians in syria rub run runs into trouble and the fight for mosul in iraq reaches a mile stone. Were following developments on those three major stories this hour. The incoming President Donald Trump takes direct aim at the white house. And once again disputes whether russia meddled in the 2016 president ial election. The president elect blames it all on politics. Were going to tell you what he said in his latest tweet. In syria, a convoy ferrying

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