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He refused, threatened to resign and thats when President Trump backed down ultimately deciding not to fire the Special Counsel. But again, were seeing this new point of frustration from President Trump with these new attacks. Again, the most direct at robert mueller. The backdrop is important to point out. A few days ago, the president s former Attorney Michael Cohen spoke to a number of sources who then told cnn that he was ready to testify to the Special Counsel that President Trump approved that june 2016 meeting between russian nationals and his son donald trump jr. And other members of his campaign. So the president responding to that coverage. He also tweeted angrily at the media today we should point out. Yes, he did. He tweeted all over the place. Boris sanchez in new jersey where the president just head back to the white house. Thank you. A lot to discuss on this sunday evening. Joining us now is cnns senior political analyst and Senior Editor for The Laatlantic and Washington Post columnist josh rogan. Clearly something set the president off. What do you think it is . I think the reporting that he noted is the logical precipitating cause here. Look, this is part of a continuing effort to influence in effect the jury pool which will be congressional republicans. If bob mueller comes back with any recommendation that the president that the house needs to consider impeachment on the various areas he is vugting this is about creating more pressure on republicans to avoid that. I would point out this these attacks are a perfect microcosm for the trump presidency. They are having an influence among republican voters. But among the general public more broadly, it is consolidating uncertainty and moving people away. I mean there is polling last week, 63 of the country say they didnt trust the Intelligence Services over donald trump about the impact of russian interference and the election by 20 points, a 20 point margin. They say the fbi is not biassed against him and another poll, 60 said he usually does not tell the truth. Its not like this behavior is cost free. For him or for the republicans in congress who have chosen to defend it. Josh mueller said to be scrutinizing trumps tweets as part of the Obstruction Of Justice investigation. So why launch the tweets when you know hes watching . I think its an effort to distract from what the news media and a lot of other people are focusing on, namely, the fact that Michael Cohens personal lawyer is releasing all sorts of new information, new tapes, new recordings, new accusations and all of these not only feed into the muller investigation but are super damaging politically and publicly for the president. For the president s personal lawyer to accuse him of knowing about the meeting at trump tower before and approving it before his son and Campaign Manager and soninlaw met with russians connected to the russian government that, is a shocking accusation. Although Michael Cohen has little credibility and Rudy Giuliani has little credibility and the president has little credibility, the fastball this is the topic of discussion along with Michael Cohens playing of the tape shows that President Trump probably knew about pay yofrz to his alleged mistress, playboy model. This is all exactly what the president doesnt want to focus on. So by putting out all of the tweets, he is trying to shift the conversation. He succeeding in that. Ahead of the brand new news cycle, he is sending out Marching Orders to the allies in congress and in the media, dont look over here, look over here. Dont talk about Michael Cohen and karen mcdougal, talk about angry democrats and the witchunt and all of this stuff. You know, again, its pretty Standard Practice for the president. I dont think its going to work in terms of saving him from the actual consequences of these revelations. But it certainly works in changing the conversation. Thats him using his bully pulpit which he uses effectively. We were used to this president going after socalled enemies, going after competitors. Hes not afraid to call people out by name, sloppy steve, right . I mean theres crooked hillary. And, yet, he hasnt been attacking Michael Cohen by name today. Instead, hes going after mueller. Why do you think that is . Well, Michael Cohen can do a lot of damage to donald trump. You know, he has been he has been right in the middle of everything for many years. Theres a lot that he knows. Im sure it is a very unnerving situation for the president to have Michael Cohen, you know, signalling that he wants to cooperate with investigators, bringing on lanny davis late of the clinton defense to be, you know, his lawyer and kind of Public Relations consultant. All of that are kind of ominous, you know, directions for the president. I would point out that there is kind of a broader pattern here which is, you know, twofold. One, the president needs conflict. That is what he believes is the essence of his political strength. There is always a fight. You know, whether a couple days ago it was revoking Security Clearances for former officials. It could be nfl players. It could be pop culture figures. He believers he needs to show his base that he is fighting all of the time, that he is breaking the glass on their behalf. As i said, there is a cost to that. A cost in exhaustion among many swing voters, particularly white collar voters and that is where the republican risk is the greatest. We have the Special Election coming up in ohio in a couple weeks. Another district that should be safely republican but because of the revolt in the suburbs that they are facing, it is now a nail biter for the gop and that is where the vulnerability is concentrated in november and, again, this kind of behavior by the republican about it president and the decision by House Republicans not only to defend it but to abet it in many cases by, you know, working against the investigation, that is the core that magnifies their risk in the places their most vulnerable. Were looking at images of Air Force One as the president gets on the plane and comes back from his weekend at his golf resort in new jersey. So well just keep this up. If he comes in and addresses the immediate yashgs of course, well be listening in. In the meantime, josh, one of the tweets today, he is threatening to shut down the government unless democrats dont agree to build a border wall. He said all along, mefrm he could is going to pay for that wall. This is one 00 days out from the mid terms. Does this do more to help or hurt republicans in november . Hes putting his republican allies in congress in an impossible position because, of course, they dont have the leverage to get democrats to agree to a border wall funding. If they dshgs they would have used it already in these past 18 months. And also they know something that he may or may not acknowledge which is that if he shuts down the government, thats bad for them. Hes not up for election. But they are. And so they really cant afford to take the risk of having a Big Government shutdown even over the border wall, even if its popular before this midterm. So, you know, again, sort of like, you know, lets throw out a bunch of empty threats. Lets put everybody thats on our side into a terrible political bind. And then, you know, ranlt at an rave until something shakes out. It doesnt seem to be working. We dont have the border wall funding. Hes not making progress on it. Its not clear to me why this threat is different from that any of the other 100 times that he made it. But again, its he thinks its a good issue politically for him. There is no cost to him personally for making the threats. So he thinks why not just do it . And see what happens. Who knows, it may work. Ron, i want to get your take we dont know what the reason was for the end of that tape. Joining us now to discuss what may have happened there, ed primo, one of the nations audio Forensic Experts with 30 plus years of experience. Ed, great to have you with us. Earlier this week you confirmed to my colleague that the tape was in fact edited. And i want to dig into that issue specifically. Since that seems to be a point of contention right now. What does your analysis tell you about what was modified and when it happened . Well, the recording was created using the Voice Memo App on an iphone 5. I can see the Operating System in the data. And in the Voice Memo Application, there is a feature or a function called trim. So i believe the recording was edited in the Voice Memo App. But the biggest problem that we have here, its a misrepresentation of the events as they occurred. When i testified in court previously, and ive testified dozens of times, the recordings that are presented, if theyre edited, then the trier of fact, judge and jury, need to be made aware of the fact that it was shortened. In this particular case, we have a recording that ends with a butt edit. It is very visible and in any program that you can view the sounds spectrum and you can notice that the ending has some a couple different words on it. Why that is like that, i dont know. But it is not an authentic recording and it certainly is not the original. Lets listen to that audio again this time sloweded down. Slowed down. When it comes time for the financing which will be listen, what financing . Ill have to pay. No. No. No. I got no. No. A check. So you have said that the data tells you this recording was modified four seconds after it was created. Just four seconds later. Im trying to make sense of that. Can you specify what kind of modification . Well, there was an edit, obviously. I recreated the edit today by making a recording on an iphone 5 that had an Operating System more recent. It was actually 10. 2. The original recording that i could see in the data was created on an iphone five with the Operating System 9. 3. So i didnt do any research to learn how many updates away that was from where this recording was created. But what is important here is that it was created in a Voice Memo App that is capable of editing. It has a trim feature in it. So could an incoming call or running out of battery have been the reason for that abrupt ending . Or did somebody have to physically do it themselves . I believe it was actually edited. Somebody actually ended the recording there using the Trim Function and Voice Memo App. That is my theory at this point. And thats the science that ive observed up to this point. Is there evidence that something was actually deleted . No. Not anything that i could see. Other than knowing that it was edited and the conversation appears to continue. Because it was edited right after the ch in check or if that is the word check. And let me just confirm with you, too. There is not evidence that anything before that moment had been edited . Not that ive seen, no. Okay. Ed primo, thank you for giving us your expertise, helping us better understand what were dealing with when it come to this piece of potential evident. We appreciate it. Youre welcome. Coming up, lets head out west. There is a deadly inferno right now. A wind driven Blaze Leveling neighborhoods, amid triple digit temperatures. Well take you live to california. Plus, unraveling the mystery of Amelia Earhart. Hear from the researcher who says the famed aviators final pleas for help were broadcast around the world. And later, meet the top target for a dangerous cartel. A 6yearold german shepard who sniffs out their drugs. And now has a big bounty on her head. What will you discover with a lens made by essilor . To get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com i have new numbers on the california wildfires. The confirmed death toll to six. At least seven people are still missing. There is also a warning as night fall nears. Conditions are ripe for this inferno to become even more dangerous and more explosive than what firefighters have already seen. This is the car fire near reading. It is moving so fast it is so erratic that fire crews have barely managed to contain 5 of it that is after fighting it for a whole week. Cnns dan simon is joining us live from reading. Tell us what you are experience there, dan. Conditions remain challenging. For the first time, fire crews are expressing optimism about the overall effort. Ill talk to you about that in a second. First, were in the lake reading estates neighborhood. It is just amazing when you walk around and see some of the devastation. Check out this trash can which is just totally melted. And then look at this over here. On this driveway. You can see, you have what was a garden hose right here. I mean you can just fall apart. So in terms of the overall Fire Fighting effort, the Containment Number right now is at 5 . But just a moment ago crews were saying that the collective effort appears to be working. You have 3500 firefighters here on the line. You have a lot of aircraft dumping water. And this is what the Incident Commander said about that. Take a look. Were going to continue to work hard to get direct line on this thing. I think by tonight youll start seeing Containment Percentages increase. So that is the first time they have actually said that it looks like theyre turning a corner with this blaze. Not to put words in his mouth, but thats how i think you can interpret that which is great news. For the last several days this region really has been paralyzed with nearly 40,000 people under an evacuation order. All of the hotels are full. You have the shelters. A lot of them are full as well. So these people, as you can imagine, are so anxious to get back into their homes. Hopefully theyll have a home to come back to. Anna . Sadly, too many people dont. Thank you, sdan simon. The russian president shows off his Military Might as the american president sents an invitation to moscow. What could all this mean for u. S. Russians relations . Youre president ial brief is next. Why did i want a crest 3d white smile . Dinner date. Meeting his parents dinner date. So i used crest. Crest 3d white removes. 95 of Surface Stains in just 3 days. For a whiter smile. 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Child, voiceover and put them to bed. Hunger is a story we can end. End it at feedingamerica. Org. Call or go online today. Russia is flexing Military Might. Showcasing the power on land and sea today at the annual Navy Day Parade including a submarine nicknamed the carrier killer. This is designed to hunt usair craft carriers. This latest show of Russian Military power comes just two days after putin said he invited President Trump to moscow. But only under certain necessary conditions. Putin also says hes ready to go to washington to continue talks. Translator were ready for such meetings. Were ready to invite President Trump to moscow to be my guest. He has such an invitation, i told him that. Im ready to go to washington. Trump had originally invited putin to come to washington this fall. Shocking many in washington including the director of national intelligence. The white house has now pushed that invitation back to some time next year. And that brings us to your weekend president ial brief, a segment we bring you every sunday night highlighting the most pressing National Security information. The president will need when he wakes up tomorrow. Joining us now is cnn National Security analyst and former National Security Council Adviser sam vinegrad. She helped prep four president s daily briefs. So as we just saw putin there showing off this Military Might with the Navy Day Parade. Do you think well see more signs of force . Its interesting. Russias Military Budget decreased in 2017 for the first time in 20 years. Weve seen putin rely on some unconventional assets that are cheaper like Cyber Attacks and information warfare. And more recently, hes been directly messaging President Trump through the media. Its cheap and its easy. We have this whole second summit. It wasnt negotiated behind closed doors. Trump issued an invitation publicly. Putin responded publicly. It really looked like President Trump was responsive to Media Criticism and putins direction rather than u. S. National security interests. And on friday, putin complimented and threatened President Trump in the same press conference. He complimented his track record on keeping Campaign Promises to butter him up. And then threatened President Trump and u. S. Economic growth by linking sanctions against russia to the dollar. I think President Putin is very aware that the way to get President Trumps attention is through direct public messaging. Now you say that the way this all played out is not normal. Lets talk about north korea. We also had developments there this other weekend with the news buried that remains of what we believe to be u. S. War victims were given back to the u. S. Officials. Do you believe this is a sign that north korea is indeed following through on the promises . I dont think weve seen any signs that north korea actually denuclearizing. They testified publicly last week that they continue to produce material. Theyre continuing to make nuclear weapons. They may have kept two of the promises from singapore. Theyre dismantling a second test site not because theyre denuclearizing built because they dont have to test anymore. As you mentioned, they may have rurn returned 55 sets of remains, again keeping a promise. But none of this is related to actual denuclearization. The fear is theyre going to ask f for something in Rufrnlt China lifted sanctions on north korea. We could see them moving in that direction. North korea got a lot of its technology, Nuclear Technology from pakistan. Pakistan getting ready to swear in a new prime minister. What will he mean for u. S. National security . Well, khan is compared to President Trump in the past few weeks because of his celebrity past and nationalist and pop lift platforms. But i think the bilateral relationship when khan takes the premiership is going to be under pressure. Khan criticize the u. S. Drone strikes. He kricriticized our war in afghanistan. So we could see us moving further apart. But khan may move closer to our enemies and rivals. Hes been accused of being sympathetic to the taliban and wants a closer relationship with china who is pouring billions of dollars into pakistan. So chinas spending more. We decreased our security assistance. And so we may lose more leverage. All right. Thank you so much, sam. Always good to see you coming up, it is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in history. Now a clue on what may have happened to Amelia Earhart during that doomed flight around the world. Hear from the researcher who says he has the proof to close this case for good. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Still nervous about finding a new apartment . Yeah. But popping these things really helps me. Relax. Please dont, im saving those for later. At least you dont have to worry about renters insurance. Just go to geico. Com. 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In the last Radio Message she was heard to say while she was in flight, she said she was running on a line represented by the blue line. That line led her to another island. At that time it was gardener island. There is an abundance of evidence she did lant there. Artifacts that we found there. And Radio Signals that were sent from there and widely heard and believed. And bones that were found there in 1940, three years after she disappeared, that those bones now disappeared but the measurements taken were analyzed by World Famous Forensic Anthropologist earlier this year who concluded that there is a better than 99 chance that the cast away of Gardener Island was Amelia Earhart. Were confident that we know what happened to her. The latest information that i read about this week was that the distressed calls seem to be a key piece of evidence. How so . Thats right. Thats right. We just released a new study of the Radio Distress Calls that were heard for at least five nights. Widely believed at the time, you look at the headlines and its we hear her calls. There are official word is that theyre genuine. Thats why the u. S. Navy sent a battleship from hawaii 2,000 miles to this island to see if there was an airplane there sending the signals. Because the airplane could only send Radio Signals if it was not only on land but on its wheels and able to operate the right hand engine, the right hand engine with the generator to recharge the battery. So she didnt crash anywhere. She made a safe landing on the reef that surrounds this island. Dries at low tide. Smooth as a runway. But the tide comes in and the tide goes out. And by the time the navy got there, rising tides and surf washed the airplane into the ocean so when the u. S. Navy planes through over the island, they didnt see an airplane. Therefore all the signals you some have somehow been bogus and they spent the rest of the search looking in the open ocean for floating wreckage or life raft and found nothing an concluding she crashed at sea. We went back and studies all those Radio Distress Calls and find that there is no way they could have been hoaxes or misunderstandings. They came from that island. Directional bearings, cross at that island. It is rock solid. How long did it take you to analysis all of this . Well, lets see. First we had to assemble all the original Source Information from the original radio logs. Then when he to correct them for chronology, get all the time zones corrected and some of the time zones change over the years. And then you have to analyze the call themselves whether frequency and the probability that they could be heard. Its sophisticated computerized stuff. And then you say what story is this telling us . Which reported messages can be genuine and which are credible beyond a reasonable doubt . And of the 120 reported alleged signals that were heard, we find that 57 of them are credible and among them there are about two dozen that are credible beyond a reasonable doubt. They had to be coming from that island. Wow. Incredible the research that youve done and the time that you spent is just fascinating, rick. Thank you for sharing it with us. And it hasnt been me. Its the organization that i represent. Tiger, the International Group for Historic Aircraft recovery. Theyre the Twhaunz Dones that work. Youre very humble. They appreciate that shoutout, rick. You represent them well. Coming up, a Drug Sniffing Pooch so good at her job she is now in serious danger. Meet this german shepard with a 70,000 bounty on her head because a Colombian Cartel wants her gone. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast you ask. Police say the German Shepherd has participated in 300 antiDrug Trafficking operations around colombia and helped in capturing, listen to this, at least 245 suspects. She has been able to sniff out about nine metric tons of cocaine in multiple operations targeting one of colombias most powerful criminal groups. Police call her the torment recovering to the head of a drug cartel who is on the list of colombias most wanted. And listen to this. She also found about 100 kilos of cocaine that people carried inside their bodies or in secret Luggage Compartments at the airport. Quite a resume for this distinguished member of the canine unit. Shes been busy no doubt. How do police learn that a bounty had been placed on her head . Yes. We asked police that very question. And the colonel told us that during their routine intelligence work and surveillance operations they learned that a Two Million Peso bount bounty 75,000 bounty had been put hn other head. The handlers made the decision to transfer her to a less dangerous unit. But make no mistake about it, anna, she is still fighting Drug Trafficking and doing what she does best. So have police changed anything in order to protect her now that. Most definitely. She will be constantly relocated around colombia to make it, lets say, more difficult for criminals to find about her whereabouts. Shes already won two Canine Medals for bravery and her service to the colombian people. And one more thing, ana, shes due to retire in a couple of years. So shes going to be safer then. Back to you. Rafael romo and a dog lover. Thank you for sharing her story. Starting this week, anyone including criminals and convicted felons will be able to download plans and use a 3d printer to make a gun. A gun that will not be traceable by Law Enforcement and can slip past Metal Detectors. And President Trumps State Department is allowing this to happen. 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Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today beginning wednesday, anyone with access to the internet will be able to bypass Gun Background Checks and download a file that allow them to make a plastic gun like this one using a 3d printer. Gun control advocates call these new digital firearms a threat to Public Safety and National Security. Cnns athena jones has the details. Reporter it could be the dawn of a new era in gun manufacturing. Starting as soon as wednesday, people will be able to use 3d printers to make their own weapons and weapon parts. No background check required. This after the government settled a lawsuit last month with the Nonprofit Group defense distributed that would allow the posting of 3d printable gun plans online, a move thats triggering a debate about Public Safety and National Security. The groups founder cody wilson has built a website where people will be able to download plans for a handgun he dubs the liberator as well as digital files for a complete baretta m9 handgun and other firearms. Wilsons legal battle began after he posted Handgun Blueprints online in 2013, leading to a demand from the State Department to take them down because they could violate a law regulating the export of defense materials, services and technical data like blueprints. Wilson explained his goal in a 2013 interview. Im putting guns one is an exercise in, i dont know, experimentalism, can you print a gun. But really for me its important, its like a symbolic political statement. Reporter he described a future in which people could access unregulated guns. In this future people would be able to make guns for themselves. That was already true but now its been demonstrated in yet another technology. Reporter the June 29th Settlement will also allow wilsons site to post online plans for an ar15 lower receiver, a key component of the gun. Gun control advocates fear these firearms made almost entirely of plastic would be untraceable and impossible to regulate. The copresident of the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence says these hard to detect guns would be a National Security threat making it easier for terrorists and people who cant pass criminal background checks to get their hands on dangerous weapons, adding i think everybody in america ought to be terrified about that. But experts like lawrence keen, a Senior Vice President for the National Shooting sports foundation, the firearm industrys trade association, say 3d printed guns would have to include metal components to function and because federal law requires it. Federal law since the mid 1980s under the undetectible firearms act requires a certain amount of metal so they are not undetectible and cant go through Metal Detectors undetected or xray machines. Reporter even with those metal components the guns would not work well. The truth is they dont. Many times they fail after a single shot being fired, they break. Theyre not very durable and they really dont work. Reporter he said the sort of highend printer that would be needed to make a gun costs as much as a quarter of a Million Dollars and the resulting weapons unreliability means the country is unlikely to see a rush of people trying to print their own guns. New york senator Chuck Schumer expressed similar concerns back in 2013. A felon, a terrorist can make a gun in the comfort of their home, not even leaving their home, and do terrible damage with it. The question is what we do about it. Reporter last week he demanded the State Department and the Department Of Justice reverse the decision or postpone finalizing it and said that if they dont he would use emergency congressional actions to block those Gun Websites Sxwlp so were here to sound the alarm. Were here to plead with the administration not to allow these types of websites to go forward, which theyre planning to on august 1st, and were here to say well pass legislation if the special website is allowed. Reporter athena jones, cnn, new york. We have is this just in to cnn. Civil rights icon and georgia congressman john lewis has been given a clean bill 6 health after spending the night in a hospital. Lewis apparently became ill on a flight to atlanta yesterday. His spokeswoman telling cnn the congressman thanks everyone who shared their thoughts, their prayers and concerns during his hospital stay. Again now out of the hospital. Good to hear that. You are in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. So glad to have you with us

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