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Today. The shutdown was a political miscalculation of gargantuan proportions, but it doesnt need to go on any longer. It could stop today. It was the republicans job to govern. I was their job to lead. It was their job to reach out to us and come up with a compromise. They have failed. President trump in the meantime largely playing spectator except for a tweet recommending republicans change the rules to bypass democrats. Manu, tell us how this meeting between schumer and mcconnell went . Reporter well, theres no deal yet. Thats the big headline coming out of this meeting. This came after a group of Bipartisan Group of senators tried to prod their leaders to cut a deal. A three week continuing resolution to keep the government open until february 8th as well as the commitments to move on some other pending issues, namely how to deal with that issue of daca for those undocumented immigrants who came to the country at a young age whos about to see their legal status expire march 5th. Democrats want this resolved before they agree to reopen the government. They want some commitment from senator mcconnell to move on a daca fix, to try to get it to the president s desk before the government reopens. The question is exactly how that commitment works itself out. Were getting some mixed signals from people in the senate all afternoon about exactly and evening, about exactly where things stand. Some tenors ive talked to about schumer and mcconnell, feel kind of optimistic theyre moving closer to a deal. But others are pessimistic including cornyn who thinks there could be a shutdown tomorrow. Both sides still assessing the political fall out including senator Lindsey Graham who warned this could hurt both parties significantly in the weeks ahead. Senator, do you think your democratic colleagues are feeling the pressure this weekend after the Government Shutdown . What have you been hearing from them . If they dont, theyre not good listeners. First prize in a Government Shutdown is you get to be dumb, not dumber. Were going to get there, and if we dont tonight i am really worried about where this thing goes. Because its going to gets nast yr in terms of returic. Now, if there is no deal tonight, expect a vote at 1 00 a. M. About whether or not to reopen the government for three weeks. Its going to have to overcome a filibuster in the senate who need 60 votes. Right now there are short of the 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. The question is can they get a deal before that. The president hasnt been in front of the cameras the past couple of days. What has he been up to . The president has been active on twitter. And according to the white house he has been making phone calls with legislators. However, youre getting a sense from some lawmakers on capitol hill that they arent feeling the president s influence. I want to read to you some comments we got just a few moments ago from arizona senator jeff flake, a vocal critic of President Trump. He said and i quote, the white house really hasnt been in involved from what ive seen. Going a step further and saying, quote, i just dont think it helps for him, for President Trump to be involved at all. Then he said its going to be very difficult to pass anything out of the house without the president s support. Hour hope is to pass something in the senate that then gets the president s support. Really this is contradictory to what we heard from the white house today. Press secretary Sarah Sanders putting out a statement saying for the second consecutive day the president had been on the phone not only with republican lawmakers but also other departments who had been negatively effected by this shutdown. Chief staff john kelly has been on the phone with Republican Leadership, and Mark Schwartz has been working the phones. He made the case there was a vacuum of leadership and ultimately this would have to be decided within the senate. I do want to read to you that tweet i mentioned from President Trump earlier today. Really the only time that weve heard directly from the president on the status of negotiations as of today. He writes, quote, great to see how hard republicans are fighting for our military and safety at the border. The democrats just want Illegal Immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked. If stalemate continues republicans should go to 51 , Nuclear Option, and vote on real, longterm budget no continuing resolutions. The president loading on the idea of changing senate rules, so not requiring that 60 vote majority but rather a 51 vote simple majority. Something that Mitch Mcconnell and other republican senators said likely will not be necessary. Almost chuckling that the idea that might be the case. But other surrogates for the president including Nick Mulvaney have argued that may need to happen in order to end this shutdown, ana. Of course there were republicans who voted with democrats to not support that shortterm spending bill. So even if there had been just the rule of republicans to get this passed, it still wouldnt have passed at least last friday night. Joining us now a democratic senator. Senator, we know there is a vote scheduled at 1 00 a. M. Do you expect a vote before then . Well, weve heard rumors that there might be. Because on whether some agreement gets reached, really the key here is that in addressing these various issues that havent been addressed and that includes our Community Health centers and funding the Opioid Epidemic thats killing more people than car crashes. It includes treating right our Illegal Immigrants, our d. R. E. A. M. Ers who have had the rug pulled out from under them. The goal is to have these things discussed and treated in a way that it actually gets to the oval office. So if theres a vote at 1 00 a. M. Or before then, how do you plan to vote . Well, listen, we should not be voting on a threeweek. We should be voting on a threeday. In fact democrats proposed that last friday and Mitch Mcconnell rejected it. The president rejected it. In other words, the trump shutdown was a result of the president and Mitch Mcconnell deciding they wanted to shutdown the government. Today again we presented the threeday proposal. Lets have the government open. Lets negotiate intensely. And again Mitch Mcconnell and the president rejected it. They like the shutdown. We dont. We think its the wrong thing to do. We should be open while were negotiating. You still have power, though, to help make that happen. If democrats voted for a shortterm spending bill the government would reopen. Is it worth digging in on the issue you just outlined . Well, certainly we voted in support of keeping the government open. We tried to put that before the body. Republicans rejected it, and heres why. If you go three weeks or two months, we will see what weve seen before. Which is Mitch Mcconnell will not engage on any deliberation on these important issues, issues that were supposed to be resolved last september until the last two days. So why have a threeweek continuing resolution when that means were only going to have 19 days in which absolutely nothing happens. I think the American People want this resolved. The Defense Department is lobbying to have this resolved. They cant sign the contracts they need to sign. So this mismanagement of issues that should have been addressed back in september, back in august, it has to stop. These are poor american issues that need to be addressed. Accusing your party of being compplicit. Lets listen. President trump is right. Build the wall, deport the criminals, stop illegal immigration now. Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit. Whats your response to that . Its a completely shameful attack. Weve been so supportive of Border Security, smart Border Security. The president knows this. In fact Chuck Schumer really went a long ways, saying that Border Security is part of a package we would put together. Trump doesnt know how to take yes for an answer. So thats just thats unfortunate. And this type of really ugly, ugly divisiveness, i really want the president to recite the pledge of allegiance that under god, indivisible. We are all from different backgrounds. Our strengths make the fabric of america, great nation, and trump continue tuesday be the divider filling the nation with hate. Its really not president ial. Its not leadership, and its just wrong. As you say that, though, you keep on blaming the president over and over again, blaming Mitch Mcconnell over and over again. How is that uniting anybody or leading to a bipartisan compromise here . Well, when we put forward keeping the government open and the republicans rejected it, and Chuck Schumer works out the outlines of a deal and the president bails on it hours later, thats a very difficult place to be. We need the leadership to come together. We have bipartisan support for the d. R. E. A. M. Act, bipartisan support for clinics, bipartisan support for taking on the Opioid Epidemic. So this should be the easiest possible deal to bring together. Its only because trump has saverered the shutdown, wanted the shutdown, celebrated the shutdown were in right now. Ask you said earlier you believe americans will blame republicans for the shutdown. But the latest polling Shows Americans arent just putting the blame for the shutdown. Well, there is certainly whenever were in shutdown, its incompetence for sure. But i think most of america understands that the president is a republican, the senate led by republicans, the house led by republicans. The Republican Leadership that rejected the efforts to keep our government open. So i think its pretty clear that all roads lead back to Republican Leadership. Senator, thank you. Good luck. Thank you. Coming up, a republican congressmen weighs in on this stalemate on capitol hill right now. What will happen if a deal doesnt get done tonight . The blame game just getting started. Stay tuned. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. A heart transplant. Thats a whole different ballgame. I was in shock. 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The president is urging Senate Republicans to invoke the socalled Nuclear Option and change the rules of the chamber to override a democratic filibuster and end this stalemate over funding the government. We havent seen the president all weekend. We know he has been working the phones. Had white house released these pictures of him making calls from the oval office. But one person he did not reach out, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer. Lets discuss with a member of the president s party, republican congressman greg walden of oregon is joining us now. And also the chairmanthe Republican National congressional committee. Republican Susan Collins of maine was asked whether she thought the president should be doing more. And heres what she said. What about President Trump . Do you need President Trump to be more involved with this process . You know, the senate is an institution of its own. And i think we should proceed on what we believe is the best route forward. So congressman, she sounds like shed rather have the president stay out of it. Is that how republicans in the house feel, or would you want to see him do more . The president will sign whatever we send him when it comes to that. This isnt a problem with President Trump. This is problem with Chuck Schumer blocking the funding bill to keep the government open. I dont understand what the fight is over here. Do you want to open the government or close the government . Fund Childrens Health insurance for 9 million children across america and pregnant women or let it expire . A few joined to fund the government, but the big issue before us yesterday, tonight, tomorrow is lets reopen the government, fund it and make sure that these seven states that are about to run out of money on their Childrens Health insurance, where 2 million notices will go out to families saying your policies are going to end, lets prevent that from happening. We actually have a fully funded bill that i dont think anybody rejects to wait a minute you said its the democrats doing this, but you had four members of your own party voting against the measure. In the house, but we passed in the majority no, that was in the senate. Yeah, so as you know it takes 60 votes in the senate to pass anything. But there wouldnt have been enough votes for republicans to pass it if they were relying on republicans alone anyway. We in the house voted for it. We sent it to the senate. But theyre all wrapped up on the axle on a bill nobody has seen that hasnt been written. They havent even negotiated Immigration Reform even in a back room somewhere. How are we supposed to vote on something thats never been seen . Why do you shutdown the government that nobody has access to that hasnt been agreed to . We need to reopen the government, and why put Childrens Health insurance in the risk here . Youre right. Why not vote on a clean bill on the chip issue . Well, we did that. We sent that over to the senate. We have actually voted to extend emergency funding for chip on several other occasions. On every occasion a majority of democrats voted against. Fully funded Childrens Health for five years. Now were saying six years. This is clean vote. Why are we fighting whether you keep the government open or not . We shouldnt be. Why put our men and women in uniform and their families, theyre not trying to figure out what they do for paychecks. I told the government today hold mine back just like theyre doing for the military. But paying for the military, im sure youre aware now two democratic members of the senate have made motions to vote on making sure the military gets paid while this Government Shutdown continues, and those were rejected. I witnessed this in 2013, and this is what happened when the government was shutdown for two weeks. And then everybody has their deal they want to fund. When youre done with the military which should be funded, then what do you do with cdc workers, one thing after another here. What needs to happen was very simple. The vote we had, keep the government open for another couple of weeks while we negotiate these other issue. And the reason we put the Childrens Health Insurance Program in here, we didnt think anybody opposed it. I still dont think they do. I havent heard from anybody who opposes it. Youre right. So correct, why would they vote against it. Remember you voted against a deal to end a Government Shutdown then. And you said at the time this temporary plan does nothing to address the problem, spending borrowed money. It kicks the can down the road. Enough is enough. Can you understand where democrats and some members of your own party are coming from this time . We were having a big debate over a comprehensive spending issue at that time. We have those issues before us. Today what are they fighting over . It is about daca. It is about Immigration Reform. Thats not been litigated. There is no proposal ready to be voted on thats achieved any kind of agreement between the house and the senate or with the white house. We dont have that. But people like rand paul and people who voted against it, said its because its kicking the can down the road, which this shortterm resolution doesnt make sense. Which is what exactly you said before then. The issue before us we were negotiating with president obama at the time, i was actually in one of those meetings have we were trying to find Common Ground and move forward. Now, the issue before us today they want to shutdown the government over and have the schumer shutdown is shut it down over daca or immigration. Or at least thats what they say, but we dont have to do that. Theres no bill ready to be voted on before us. What they did, again, was to vote to shutdown the government and deny funding for chip. Ive brought several bills to the floor to help fund special programs and Childrens Health insurance. And all 15 democrats voted against that package when it was a straight up and down vote in the house. This is very confusing to me. Its frustrating to the American People. Its completely unnecessary. We got to fund the government, continue good faith negotiations that frankly were going on over immigration. Im not in the middle of the back room negotiations. Thats in a different committee, but i would tell you that from everybody ive talked to, they were making progress. And there is a lot of inertia here to solve this immigration problem. Its just not ready to be voted on. So how long is it we keep the government shut until you get a deal . I dont think thats fair to our military, our work force and certainly not fair to children who need to know they can count on their health insurance. Good to have you. Coming up as this blame game continues on capitol hill, what role should the art of the deal president play . Well discuss with our panel next. Join tmobile, and when you buy one of the latest samsung phones get a Samsung Galaxy s8 free. Plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. Theres so much goodness it makes us feel alive. It illuminates our world and connects us to each other. With transitions® adaptive lenses® youll live the good light. They block uv rays. Plus they help protect from harmful blue light. Both indoors. And out. Enjoy life more comfortably. Enjoy life more richly. Live the good light. Find an eyecare professional at transitions. Com you can feel safe for only 49. 00. That includes security panel, keypad, key fob, entry and motion sensors and for a limited time, get a camera included and installed at no additional cost. Im going to make the great deals. I will make lots of great deals for the American People. I make great deals. I negotiate. I am going to make great deals for our country. We dont make great deals anymore, but we will once i become president. Candidate trump bragged he would fix a broken washington, that it would be easy. But a Government Shutdown at the oneyear mark is glaring proof washington isnt fixed and that the president who professed the art of the deal is part of the chaos now. Senator Lindsey Graham blames on the president s staff. Ive talked with the president. His heart is right on this issue. I think hes got a good understanding of what will sell. And every time we have a proposal that is only yanked back by staff members. As long as steven millers in charge of negotiating immigration, were going nowhere. Hes been an outlier for years. Theres a deal to be had. And in response the white house issued this statement. As long as senator graham chooses tosupport legislation that sides with people in this country illegally and unlawfully instead of our own american citizen where citizens, were going nowhere. Hes been an out lilier for yea. So your take on that . Well, look, this tends to happen when tensions get high and both sides are dug in. I think theres a couple of things here, ana. One, the president has had trouble transitioning from business to entertainment to politics when it comes to negotiating. He has for years been a bit of a cipher and a shifter when it comes to deals. Changing parameters in the middle of the game. And that may work outside of politics. But in politics to be successful its not so much where the parameters are, but they are set and the players can trust why you hold that position. So i think in that sense the president has fallen short. I do think, however, in the situation were in now with the Government Shutdown, theres nothing wrong with the president setting a marker down and essentially saying reopen the government and ill talk daca. Its a perfectly reasonable position to take. Its similar to president obama in 2013 when the republicans shutdown the government to try to defund obamacare, the president at the time said im not talking about anything until you guys reopen the government. And voters actually found that reasonable even though they did not like obamacare. So they were unhappy with the law, but they did not like the way republicans were going about trying to end the law. And i think here despite the president s unpopularity, taking this position is not necessarily going to ill serve him. We just heard from the president on twitter, his last tweet before the latest one he put out was 13 hours ago. And what hes tweeting about right now, what hes seeing on fox news, theyre giving him on a for the first year of his presidency. Hes saying thank you to specific commentators. What do you think of that . He cant even seem to get much mileage on getting the government reopened. The reality is as david was saying, president obama made very clear several years ago were not going to talk about obamacare until we get the government reopened. And he was sort of consistent and focused on that. President trump this morning, if you recall, went on twitter and instead decided to talk about the Nuclear Option in the senate, the sort of socalled rules that require a 60vote majority and going back to 51. This wasnt seen as productive. I mean in terms of what hes doing right now in terms of reopen the government, there hasnt been anything that has really been productive on his end. The reality is so much of this shutdown has been over his shifting positions and rhetoric on immigration for the last two weeks. Now, what Lindsey Graham was talking about there was very interesting. When President Trump seems to get into a room with particular with democrats, he seems to go to a fairly, lets call it moderate or at least sort of bipartisan, pragmatic point of view, and the democrats leave the room feeling like theyve been heard. Feeling like theyve been heard and there was some understanding. And then things get sort of yanked back to the far right and nothing gets done. Enterms in terms of what is happening, there is some political posturing happening. The white house updated its voice messaging to blame democrats on this shutdown. Lets listen. Thank you for calling the white house comment line. Thank you for calling the white house. Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today because Congressional Democrats are Holding Government funding including funding for our troops and other National Security priorities hostage to an unrelated immigration debate. Due to this obstruction the government is shutdown. David, why would they do that when they need democratic support to reopen the government . Well, because theyre playing hardball and republicans run congress, they run the white house. And i think if republicans bent to the will of a minority in the senate, theyd have their own voters to answer to. So i think there a couple of things here. I think above the fray and for the public both sides are playing hardball. Theyre talking tough, and theyre talking some trash. And some of it is a bit unseemly, but some of is to be expected in this. We have some indication this evening that there are some conversations ongoing. Are they going to get anywhere . Are they going to reach a deal where both sides can exit this, both declare victory, both declare that the other side lost even when nobody lost and nobody won. The longer this shutdown goes on, the harder it is for that to happen. Even though disagreements on policy can often get the government into a stalemate like this, getting out is all about politics, and its all about holding the line and maintaining your negotiating leverage. I think thats what both sides are trying to figure outright now. So patrick, real quickly, what does a winwin look like . A win is going to be tough for the democrats here. If the government reopens and theres no real commitment, theres said to be sort of a promise of a vote at some point on immigration. But that immigration deal isnt attached to a bill that republicans have to get passed. Theyre taking a real flier on what Mitch Mcconnell and trump said. So in terms of a win, they seem to be moving towards some kind of, you know, moderate negotiated deal. But if theres not actually a vote on immigration that is known to be attached to something that can pass the house and get through the conservative and on the house, its going to be very tough. The democrats may be giving in there. All right, patching, thank you very much. We always appreciate it, guys. So is it the schumer shutdown or the trump shutdown . Democrats and republicans are blaming each other for grinding the government to a halt this weekend. Up next, how history will remember this failure to reach a deal and whos really responsible. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Im mark and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried, um, cold turkey. I tried the patches. I was tired and i was fed up. I wanted to try something different. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. 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Tim, youve heard both sides, democrats, republicans and the president himself on twitter in particular. When we look back and the history books are written, is this going to be the trump shutdown or the schumer shutdown . Its going to depend on whether the president gets to yes and also whether theres a bipartisan compromise. You see whats going on right now, and im saying this with regard to the president s rhetoric, is the president s drawn a line. The president started a shutdown by saying i will not negotiate, literally with a gun figuratively with a gun to my head. You pay for the government and then ill talk about daca. Meanwhile in congress there are people who dont like that position of the president , on both sides of the aisle who are trying to find a way to get the president to yes. If a realistic and persuasive bipartisan resolution appears and the president says no to it, this then becomes the president shutdown. If no bipartisan agreement can be brokered and it looks like the only reason that the members of our government are being paid is that the democrats wanted daca to be revolved with the budget, then it might be schumers shutdown. It all depends on whether that bipartisan compromise emerges and the public thinks its a plausible one. Is there a way for them to reach an agreement that makes both sides feel good . Well, you know when you study and ive studied a lot of international crises. This is domestic governmental crises. The way to get to yes is for both sides to save face. Right. And whats been really disappointing so far is that both Mitch Mcconnell and the president have sort of drawn these lines that make it very hard for them to step back from the brink. The democrats, the first night schumer himself came out and actually explained the compromise that he was trying to sell to the president and thought he had sold the president in the white house. That kind of language makes the democrats look a little bit more ready to compromise. Lindsey graham today made it clear that theres a group of republicans who want to compromise. How do you get the president and the hard line Republican Leadership to show that compromise . At the moment theyre not, and its very hard to understand how you get to yes with them not willing to compromise. When you talk about, again, past administrations we both know both democrats and republican administrations have dealt with shutdowns before. We also know that the current president doesnt seem to have a relationship at all with past president s. We know he and obama in fact had a very contentious relationship. Lets listen as a reminder. And we know that the longer this shutdown continues the worse the effects will be. If youre serving in harms way, were going to make sure you have what you need to succeed in your missions. Congress has pass said and im signing into law legislation to make sure you get your paychecks on time. And the longer this goes on, the worse it will be. And it makes no sense. So that wasnt exactly what i was expecting, but obviously that was how president obama dealt with the shutdown back in 2013. The fact this president doesnt have a relationship with past president s isnt able to lean on them for advice, is that a problem . Well, there are two things here that im watching. One is the blame game, and the other are the political consequence and the real world consequences. The blame game, you know in 2013 ted cruz and the hard liners in congress were blamed for the shutdown. But in 2014 the republicans won the senate. And im not sure what lessons the democrats learned from that. The real world consequences, though, are the things we all forget when we talk about whos up, whos down. Those who were furloughed got their back pay. There was some extra pay that 25,000 should have received that they won in the courts but they still havent been paid. So there are people that have economic consequences that linger today. Theres also effect on this countrys reputation on having the third shutdown. Those are hard to measure. And im hoping that people in the government now are thinking about the consequences and stop worrying about whos up or whos down and think about the real world consequences of toipicontg to have 700,000 people who are unsure about their future, im talking about the d. R. E. A. M. Ers and the armed forces and the civilians who dont know whether theyre going to get paid tomorrow. I hope that members of congress and the executive branch recognize that they are not doing their jobs, all of them arent. And that we stop worrying about democrats or republicans come out of this smelling like roses. I dont think anybody does or will. All right, that seems like a good place to end it. And coming up, commander in tweet . A look at how twitter has changed the worlds most powerful office one year into the Trump Presidency. Dont go away. 1, 2, 3, push easy easy easy horn honking alright alright weve all got places to go weve all got places to go Washington Crossing the delaware turnpike . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money sean saved by switching to geico. Big man with a horn. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. singing tenders, riblets singing 12. 99 singing all you can eat. singing at applebees heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. I no wondering, what if . Uncertainties of hep c. I let go of all those feelings. 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His soap box, his mouthpiece, his bully pulpit rolled into one. How has twitter transformed the Trump Presidency . Brian stelter takes a look back. If i didnt have social media, i wouldnt be able to get the word out. Reporter President Trump got the word out more than 2400 times during his first year in office. His tweets give talking point to his supporters and heartburn to his critics. Make sure you look up twitter. This just in. The tweeter in chief fired off a new one this morning. Reporter its a realtime sense of what the president cares about, what hes doing and what hes watching. He sort of live tweets the morning shows. Or what he wants all of us to focus on. Its a twitter storm again. Are his tweets distractions . Maybe sometimes, but his words carry power and shape policy. His use of social media has taken the presidency to a new, more divisive place. Trump reacts to perceived slights in realtime. Targeting other World Leaders like theresa may and his own cabinet members like Rex Tillerson and jeff sessions. Plus plenty of other politicians including the mayor of san juan. Nicknames abound. On the left theres sneaky dianne feinstein, crying Chuck Schumer and al franken steen. Jeff flakey and sloppy steve bannon. But his most famous nickname. Little rocket man, hes a sick puppy. Reporter hes used that in tweets about kim jongun. Nuclear taunts on twitter scared some americans. A reminder that most voters disapprove of all the tweeting. Now some lawmakers say they have warmd up to the tweets. When the president stays on message. The president tweeting habits, i havent been a fan until this week. Other times its caused chaos in washington. Like when the president seemed to reverse course on a surveillance bill vote. After lawmakers scrambled, trump tweeted a clarification even as the white house down played the turmoil. Im sorry if it was confusing. Heres the reality. It did create confusion. It just did. They are telling us that 2 plus 2 does not equal 4 and the squie is not blue. Blame the trump tv feed pac loop. The president watches fox news and then quotes the shows on twitter. Promoting fox and friends, and tucker carlson. He calls other news fake, labeling some outlets enemies of the American People. His most retweeted post as president wasnt about immigration or education, it was this video of himself at a wrestling match body slamming a cnn logo encouraging violence against the media. Trump has tweeted fake 200 times. Its fake, its made up stuff. Its mafake news. Phoney, fake news. Telling his followers not to trust real reporting. Even while spreading misinformation himself. Trump is spending his time picking fights with allies and pissing off the entire world. Sometimes you just have to laugh. If nothing else trumps first year gave us a new word. Cofefef. What exactly is covefe . What will year two bring. Brian stelter, cnn, new york. I use herpecin l. Re, it penetrates deep to treat. It soothes, moisturizes, and creates an spf 30 barrier, to protect against flareups caused by the sun. Herpecin l. Is have to wait to see if republicans and democrats can strike a deal to reopen the government. We want to tell you what this shutdown means. Hundreds of thousands of nonessential employees are furloughed. If this lasts long enough, they will be without a paycheck but likely be paid retroactively. The military is considered essential, but again, they could potentially not be paid during a shutdown as well. Guess who still does get their paychecks, congress. Its written into law. National zoos and museums are closed. Mail still get. S delivered. Essential Services Like Social Security still gets funded. That includes a tsa and air traffic control. The Nations Capital could be hit especially hard because the citys budget comes from congress. Services like garbage pickup may be delayed if a shutdown drags on. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Thank you for being with us. Day two of the Government Shutdown and no deal yet, but we expect Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to update the American People any moment now on the senate floor. That is the big headline from the u. S. Senate tonight as it holds a rare sunday session. Expected to culmination a critical vote in the wee hours of monday morning, possibly sooner than that. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer finally came face to face this afternoon after not speaking all day yesterday. They were even hurling attacks still at each other earlier. This shutdown was a political miscalculation of huge

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