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Announcer the u. S. Pacific command has detected a miss el thre missile threat to hawaii. This is not a drill. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter indoors. Stay indoors well away from windows. Seek shelter in a building or lay on the floor. Students at the university of hawaii running in panic. In honolulu people packed parking garages and basements searching for cover and protection. Many of them called their loved ones and said their goodbyes. Terrifying parents pulling up Manhole Covers and dropping their kids into the sewer pipes. Everyone in hawaii believed Ballistic Missiles were coming their way. Why wouldnt they believe it . This came from the state emergency center. This is not a drill. Nearly 40 minutes later, it was a sigh of relief, no missile is coming. Hawaiis governor is, by his own words, not a happy man today. What happened today is totally unacceptable, and many in our community was deeply affected by this and im sorry and im, too, very angry and disappointed that this happened. Well be talking live with the governor in just a moment. But first our Global Affairs correspondent is joining us. Elise, we now know this false alarm was all because of one person who do one thing wrong. Thats right, ana. The governor and his top officials and the Emergency Management agency talking to reporters about this harrowing day for the people of hawaii. And yet the government of hawaii, the Emergency Management agency was doing a kind of test at a shift change, someone and pushed the wrong button and let everybody i hawaii think that there was this incoming Ballistic Missile. But the governor said thats not all that went wrong. Him and his top officials identified a few problems in addition to the fact that the alert went out. It took the government 38 minutes to be able to issue a correction letting everybody know that this was not this was a false alarm. There was no missile, you know. The Pacific Command which the military division that is responsible for the pacific, including hawaii had already let people know this was not a Ballistic Missile, it was a false alarm. In addition to the fact that it took 38 minutes, not all the phones on this emergency broadcast system actually did get the text. So if this was a real emergency, because of cell phone carriers, not everybody would have gotten this message. And then finally there were some sirens that after the alert went out, because of that alert certain sirens went out. So double panic for the people of hawaii, sirens went off and it turned out this was a false alarm, ana. A lot of lessons coming from this false alarm. Lets played that video again from the top of the show. Watch this. People taking action here next to an open manhole. You see the text there, families are putting their kids into storm drains, a stark picture of terrifying emotions. David, you wrote about the disconnect between state and federal responses today. How significant do you consider this lack of coordination . Well, its pretty bad. As you heard from elises report, this was an error completely within the Warning System. We have had times back in the cold war when there were errors made in the Warning Systems that detected incoming soviet missiles when there were no incoming soviet missiles and it was a similar kind of problem. It was 1979, there was a test tape put in a Computer System norad, the north American Defense Warning System and it made it look like there was an incoming soviet missile strike. Fortunately people figured it out right away and there was no public warning. Whats happened here i think is even more fascinating because the Digital Technology that allows you and the Cellular Technology that allows you to send these alerts out earlier on the one hand would give you more warning time than we would have had in a precell phone age. On the other hand, if someone made a mistake, youre going to cause much more widespread panic. They just didnt have enough protections on this system. If this was a real deal attack, every person in hawaii would have to know. That didnt happen here. Not every cell phone carrier got this alert. That is one of the questions that we are askingw, why is it that some of the people didnt get the other message on their phones. We want to understand which carriers delivered the message and whether all of their subscribers received the message. Same thing. So we want to be clear about who received the message and who didnt. Jeweluliette, how does hawai rectify this communication breakdown . One piece is the alert, which is the mistake. The second piece is the delay, which in my mind is unforgivable and, third, how do you build confidence in a system where you have to learn something from this, you have to have failsafe systems in place quickly to make sure someone cant do this with a single press of the button. You want redundancy in the system as well as a way to alert quickly if it is a mistake, but also learn, as the government and emergency manager are saying, what went wrong because some carriers did not receive it. It may not be a missile attack next time. It might be something much more common of a threat for hawaii like a tsunami. Thats why theyre going to look at all the pieces to move forward in the state and alert imagine m Emergency Management teams. What could the world have learned today about how the u. S. Respond to an alerted threat . You had all of washington and fe fema watching this closely and it unfortunately sends a message to adversary that hawaii did not have a Quick Response to be able to walk it back. I think there is concern that the u. S. Is not always on the same page, that there was disconnect between federal and local and state officials. I think if they got any message today, it was one of confusio and,juliette, you said there were also some positive takeaways from today . Yes. You have to learn from these things. The best we can say from such a tremendous error that terrified people in hawaii, that we need to move forward in this age in which there are considerable risks, what can we learn from it . One thing is in the gap of time between when the alert went on and people got the message is an agency stepped in and one thing to learn is how do we make sure the military has the ability to be able to step in and either correct the mistake or god forbid sort of complement whatever message is coming out. So i do think there are some interesting aspects to what happened in which the military really did step up and i know people want to turn this into politics. And i wont do so. I actually think theres much to commend of what the military did in this regard and it almost has nothing to do with d. C. , actually everything to do with the state and local entities. The military really did help out today. David, clearly hawaii is gearing up for the possibility of a real attack. What more can you tell us about those preparations . Well, there are some interesting lessons in the timing here. After this happened, i went back to some of the missile experts who we trust the most on the question of what if this had been real . What if the North Koreans really had launched a missile, maybe a test without a warhead but in hawaiis direction . How much time would you have . The flight time would be on the o on the outside 32 to 37 minutes. And then whatever time it took to pass through the state system and get you through the cell phone alerts, that would give you under half an hour. It took more time, 38 minutes to go correct this, thats more time than it would have taken for a missile to actually make it from pyongyang to hawaii. Thats scary to thkabout. Thank you very much, all, for being with us. Were staying on top of this breaking news. Panic after hawaii gets a fake alert about an inbound missile and it doesnt get corrected for 38 minutes. Back in a moment. Keep it comin love. Keep it comin love. Dont stop it now, dont stop it no. Dont stop it now, dont stop it. 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A group that represents every country in africa is demanding an apology from President Trump, after he said they come from shole countries. And he also asked why they needed more immigrants from haiti . The president denies making these remarks specifically but other senators have said that they did. Ryan willians, does the president need to apologize . I think he should. The remarks were unfortunate, they were not productive. They damaged our standing i think across the world. I dont think he can deny this. There were other people present in the room so denying it is not a good strategy. Im sure with this president , there will be some other controversy in a few days or a few hours that will supersede this and well move on. It was a bad remark and i would hope the president would retract on it and move back from it. Yesterday the president signed a proclamation to have a Martin Luther king jr. Day. Mr. President , will you give an apology for the remarks yesterday . Mr. President , are you a racist . Mr. President , will you respond to these serious yeses aboquestt your statement . Theres been such a leadup into the questions that i asked, about an apology or possibly for a statement. And then are you ara racist and then will you answer the question . Then i went back to are you a racist . And he never answered. The president has been saying things that have caused many people in america to raise their eyebrows and not just in america, globally. Weve heard pocahontas, weve heard this travel ban against muslims and about hiv in the haitian population and country, weve heard nigerians living in huts. There are so many other things. And it also goes back to the housing issue he had had he was working for his fathers firm, the trump corporation. This federal lawsuit or this federal issue where there was supposedly alleged housing discriminati e ctral park five. It just keeps building and building. And i posed the question to the naacp about the definition about racist, and, you know, so many people kept saying that word. I said what is the definition . They said when racial prejudice and power meet. If you really look at that equation and they are now calling this president racist. So the question is, mr. President , do you believe youre a racist . His silence was deafening. And as you mentioned, the global reaction, the bottom line is people around the world have been offended by these comments. Look at some of the response from el salvador for example, they demand respect for dignity for its noble and courageous people. Its about peoples value. Haiti saying theyre deeply shocked and strongly condemn these abhorrent and obnoxious remarks. Theyve proven to be entirely unacceptable because they reflect a totally erroneous view of the haitian communities. Van, the New York Times came out with a really stark edit editorial today in which they say, quote, where to begin . How about a simple observation the president of the unid stat is a racist. And another, the United States has a long and uy history of excluding immigrants based on race or national origin. Mr. Trump seemed determined to undo efforts taken by president s of both parties to overcome that history. Senat paul ryan has called the comments unhelpful. Why dont you think were hearing more republicans forcefully denounce this . I think theres a cancer on the soul of the republican party. Like with any serious disease, the longer you ignore it, the worse it gets. This is supposed to be the party of lincoln. It has become the party of steve bannon. Even though he is out of favor right now. I remember the moral courage that paul ryan had during the campaign when, frankly, trump said something less offensive than this and he said this is paul ryan, this is a textbook example of racism. And he called a press conference, and he showed moral leadership. So basically the republican party, a big part of it now, theyve adapted to the absurdity that any comment from this president , no matter how raci racially inflammatory is not racist. They have traded in their dignity for the tax cuts. As long as they get their tax cuts, its perfectly fine for the commander in chief they said barack obama wasnt president ial because he wore a tan suit. Barack obama wore a tan suit and fox news talked three days about him not being president ial. That same section now from our country is willing to accept anything from this president as long as they get their tax cut. That is the deal that they have made and thats where we are. Meanwhile we have hundreds and thousands of lives hanging in the balance as far as what is the future for these d. R. E. A. M. Ers, ryan. Look at what the president tweeted earlier today about immigration. I dont believe the democrats really want to see a deal on daca. They are all talk but no action. This is the time but day by day they are blowing the one great opportunity they have. Too bad the president we know had a bipartisan deal presented to him on thursday and he rejected it. If theres no deal, ryan, how is that the democrats fault . I assume hes putting out these tweets as part of a negotiating tactic to get something down. Hopefully we will get something done on daca. Its pretty much everyone agrees on, even the president in theory. I hope this is him just trying to get a better deal. Its something that the congress has to work on and present him with something to sign. Hopefully hell move forward with that. Thats not true. Ana, he is a person who ended daca. If he wants daca, he can just reinstate it. This whole thing is just kabuki theater at the circus. He created the crisis so that he can get his wall, which he now says he doesnt even need his wall and now hes mad because the democrats arent doing what he listen, there is no daca crisis. Donald trump could reinstate daca tomorrow and we could move on. Again, theres such a danger that we actually just adapt to absurdity. This is a complete farce from the beginning, the end and the middle of it. There is no daca crisis except what he created. Okay, guys, i got to get to hawaii real fast. Stay with me. Kabuki theater, by the way, ill have to look that one up. All breaking news now, the people from hawaii still reeling from today, an emergency missile alert issued saying a missile was inbound and could hit any minute. It turned out this was a mistake. Governor, you are the leader of a state with more than a million people. You hear a mle is headed toward hawaii. What is the fir thought that went through your head this morning . Certainly it was to get to the Emergency Response center. Thats our standard protocol is to get to the area that we collect all of the leaders to respond to in an emergency. How long did it take before you personally knew there wasnt a missile coming . Certainly i had made several phone calls after getting the initial alert to find out what was actually happening. It took me a couple of minutes, maybe five minutes or so before i had determined that it was a false alarm. Meantime everybody else was waiting for 38 minutes before that correction was issued. I know in your Previous Press questionandanswer sessions youve talked about what you have learned being that somebody pushed the wrong button and thats what triggered this calamity. What more have you learned about what went wrong . Well, ana, i just wanted to let you know that we did after around 8 13 we did discover that it was a false alarm and we had initiated communications out to inform the people that it was a false alarm. The 38 minutes was really the lapse time before we could get a message correcting the error out on the phone platform. Can you explain that to us . Because we were hearing from a lot of different people, a lot of lawmakers from your state like senator gabbert to the people at the command to pretty quickly say this is a false alarm, this is a false alarm. But the system that sent out that initial message that this is not a drill is what took so long to eventually correct itself. Help us understand why that was a complicated process to get the correction on that platform. Well, certainly we did not plan for and we did not have a process in place to announce that the alarm was false. We did initiate action and they did inform the media through their normal channels. The slowest process to provide the information was to the cell phones. What can you tell us about the individual that committed this error . Is this person new . Is there a training issue . Will the person be disciplined . Well, this was part of a routine process that weve initiated since november. At the shift change they will run through a drill and a checklist for the protocol for initiating an alert can be followed by the personnel taking the next shift. And in this instance in stestea clicking on the button th oon td test, they instead clicked on the live button that indicated a launch. We are investigating and going through the procedures. I directed the agency to suspend all of these tests until we can do a better review. Weve already taken action to institute a change in the process so that there will be two people involved so that a single individual will not be able to send an alert out and we will be undertaking a more comprehensive review of the process and make the changes as necessary. Are you worried at all, governor, about just the reputation of this Emergency Management agency taking a hit should there be a real drill and people taking it seriously . We certainly as an agency are concerned. You know, many of the employees were disappointed in their performance during this time. We are committed to making the changes in the processes to assure that this never happens again. Governor, thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate it. We will continue to stay on top of this breaking news. Panic after hawaii gets a fake alert about an inbound missile. Frightened people running for cover for 38 minutes until they realized it was all a horrible mistake. Back in a moment. En mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. I no wondering, what if . Uncertainties of hep c. I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. 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As President Trump spaces global outrage for vulgar remarks about immigrants, this is hardly the first time he has said something outlandish, especially about people who look and talk differently from him. Heres a sampling of some of his other offensive comments. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdowns of muslims entering the United States. If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say. Maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. Plenty of people have written that. A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. How can you say that . His mother was not in the hospital. There were many other things that came out. Haiti sent 15,000 people. They all have aids, the president grumbled. 40,000 have come from nigeria. The president added once they had seen the United States, they would never, quote, go back to their huts in africa. You look at both sides. I think theres blame on both sides and i dont have any doubt about it and you dont have any doubt about it either. I dont know anything youre talking about with White Supremacy or white supremacists. Congressman john lewis should spend more time fixing his horrible district which is in horrible shape and falling apart. Youre falling apart, you have no jobs, 58 of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do we have to lose . This was the same man removed from the department of justice and used to put a little c on peoples applications for people of color. And the president says the men accused of raping a man in central park are still guilty, even though they have been found not guilty. Ay getha son of a bitch off the field right now. Hes fired. He fired in negotiating with japan, negotiating with china, when these people walk in the room, they dont say, oh, hello, hows the weather . They say we want deal were building a wall between here and mexico. Theyre bringing the drugs, theyre bringing the crime and some i assume are good people. Why do you think this particular remark is generating such outrage throughout the world given the history . Theres something called the straw that broke the camels back. Just that one thing may or may not have brought this level of outrage. I think it probably would have but this has been building for a very long time. This is happening in a particular context where were trying to figure out immigration policy for the country. And there is a debate to be had, an honest debate to be had, how much skills based, how much family. Can you have a logical conversation. You can argue and disagree passionately but you dont have to insult whole countries. I mean, if you want only engineers, say we want only engineers, whether theyre from nigeria or norway, whatever, you can have have only engineers. Thats not what hes saying. Hes saying the entire country is nothing but unwelcome and unwanted people. That is the definition of racism. You cant get around that. So that even if he had left the curse word out, the idea that he is saying entire countries are not welcome would have shocked people. You add in the vulgarity and you get a big boom. April, earlier in the week they were talking about this on tuesday and the president allowed cameras in for about 55 minutes for these negotiations on daca. Heres what he said about it later. Welcome back to the studio. Yesterday we had a bipartisan meeting with house members and senators on immigration reform, something theyve been talking about for many, many years, but we brought them together in this room and it was a tremendous meeting. Actually, it was reported as incredibly good and my performance, some of them called it a performance, i consider it wo work, but got great reviews. Great reviews, calling it welcome to the theater, talking about his performance. So he treats this like a reality show, april. When you consider that, could there have been a grand plan behind him using a vulgar remark in a meeting full of lawmakers . There could have been but i think the bigger piece of this was the fact that the theater was being played because of fire and fury, the book. They wanted the winning picture to show the picture was not what Michael Wolff had been saying. The first day was great. Transparency. The thing about the white house, people dont get to see inside the white house beyond the few moments when the press is allowed in. We got a chance to see the back and forth with the president and congressional leaders about immigration. So the transparency, the veil was taken down. We could see inside. The problem was the president was not able to sustain this winning picture. He may or may not have done this strategically, but nonetheless hes done it. His base may be fine with this, but you have to remember the base is not the vast majority of the nation who are disapproving of this. And there are communities that are disapproving of this. And, ana, one community in particular, i keep talking about this, the hvcu community, and i have a statement from one of the hvcu president s, dr. David wilson of morgan state university, in the last paragraph he said at morgan we relish the knowledge that students from around the world bring to our community, a number of whom hail from those same countries that were denigrated. They chose our universities to pursue their dreams and we welcome them. We will never be silent with diversity has been challenged, everybody is valued regardless of where they come from and its high time our elected officials understood this. So this may play to his base, but there are other people out here who are very upset. Hvcus and other universities, colleges and universities around this country, take in a large portion of international students, african, caribbean and maybe even el salvadoran. You have to be really careful because now this is going into the financial piece. If students from around the world do not feel comfortable coming here because the president is saying the institutions of Higher Education lose out financially, there is an impact. We saw the impact of the president s comments on the nfl. The nfl took a financial hit. Now these ins sutitutions are trying to safeguard. Hes talking about appealing to the base for Collateral Damage hes maxed out when its just the base. April brought up the book fire and fury. Do you think what the president has done this week hasroven fire and fury as inaccurate . No, i think its further the perception in the book. The meeting he did with the bipartisan leaders of congress pushed back on the perception that he wasnt in charge was good. It was a good photoop. He didnt sustained it and nothing came out of that meeting and his erratic behavior and the use of his word and private meeting just further the perception that the book puts forward that he is out of control, hes not taking the job seriously and thats troubling. This is a time when he needs to buckle down. Hes less than a year away from an election that could swing the control back to the democrats. Hes going to make it difficult to hold seats in my party. If he gets a Democratic Congress next year, hes going to have a lot more problems than hes had to date. Ill leave it there, everybody. Thank you all for being with us tonight. Coming up, all the money in the world, just not for women. A hollywood movie comes for fire for a massive pay gap. Stay right there. Get ready for centrum microworkouts. The bottle curl. The twist n turn. The stretch n grab. The gummy squish. Centrum micronutrients fuel your body from the inside out. Grab a centrum and join in. Repeat daily. Discover new fructis treats 1 minute hair masks. Its the new way to nourish hair, fast. Fructis 1 minute masks incredibly creamy texture melts into hair to intensely nourish and strengthen, in just one minute. 98 naturally derived ingredients. Bursting with super fruit. No weigh down. Just super silky, soft, shiny hair. Super fast. New fructis treats 1 minute hair masks. Super fruit. Super hair. Garnier. Find your treat at walmart. From a sex abuse scandal to a gender pay gap, the highly acclaimed film all the money in the world is getting a lot of attention for what happened behind scenes. Mark wahlberg announced he plans to donate all the money he made doing reshoots on the film to the times up defense. He made 1. 5 million while his coactor Michelle Williams made only 5,000. Michelle, please tell me this pay difference was just a big mistake. I wish i could and we could call it a night. It wasnt a mistake. When you put that graphic up on its face, it just looks terrible for mark to make 1 mlion for the reshoots and Michelle Williams to be making a paltry 1,000. In this situation, you know as well as i do when youre under a personal Services Agreement and when youre supposed to negotiate a contract, its really up to your representatives to get you the best deal that you can. So while Mark Wahlberg has been getting a lot of heat for this because of his salary compared to hers, its not really his fault because his reps negotiated a great deal for him. But because it looks so bad on its face and on the surface and its a p. R. Nightmare, what Mark Wahlberg has done has said im going to clean this up the best way i know how and today he announced hes dough nonating t 1. 5 million reshoot feet to the times up fund in Michelle Williams name to try and rectify this situation. They have gotten a lot of blow back and publicity behind this. As you point out, its all about the bottom line. Well see where this leads. But actor liam neeson is another person coming under firing calling the Metoo Movement a witch hunt . Its interesting. There are a couple of schools of thought here as well. When you hear that, you just say come on, liam, come on. A witch hunt with all of the stories about abuse and harassment coming out . But there have been some conversations with people in hollywood saying are we swinging the pendulum too far and have some of these cases of alleged Sexual Harassment or abuse thrown people under the bus for maybe something that wasnt exactly that and that may be small instances of inappropriate behavior as opposed to big issues like whats going on with harvey weinstein. I think thats where hes coming from. Now, listen, when youre at a tipping for are going to be some cases that get lumped in with it bigger picture. But to try to weed out the minutia at this point is hard to do because theyre trying to troot all out and have a zeery tolerance policy. And it just seems i guess so ignorant to say its all a witch hunt. Maybe he hasnt been a victim but other people have which we know exist. Its just tone deaf and what folks nowadays are calling man slating. Dont say anything. Meanwhile, the Screen Actors Gild is doing something unprecedented. All supporters will be women in support of the me too movement. How is that being received . Very well in hollywood. This is going to be a very interesting sag award. Theyre having a host, kristen bell, and i think shes perfect for the landscape of whats going on right now in hollywood. And yes, every single presenter will be a woman. Theyve lined up the cream of the crop. Again youre going to hear about what we can do about gender in equality and wage gap in hollywood. Im sure youre dwreing to hear about what happened with them over the weektd. I know one of the things ysk rr been hearing a lot of women talking about, that they need more transparency. He said not too long ago im going to start telling the women on my movie what my salary is and maybe we can start to close this pay gap. I know ive heard we need men to be transparent and thats one of the steps we can take to close these wage gaps andally the ills that have been going on for so long. Always good to see you. Thank you so much for spending time with us. Coming up new details coming in about how President Trump was told about a fake missile alert that sent panic throughout kawhi, parents hiding their children in manholes. Brl vo i was born during the winter of 77. I first met james in 5th grade. We got married after college. And had twin boys. But then one night, a truck didnt stop. But thanks to our forester, neither did our story. And thats why well always drive a subaru. He gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using. Tripadvisor thats because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot. 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Leaving children dead. They report influenza activity is widespread and intense in every state across the central u. S. Here are more. Reporter the news is that flu is widespread and practically every corner of the country and the strain hdn 2, the predominant strain is particularly severe. People are getting especially sick, particularly older people. That doesnt mean young people are spared. About 20 children have died of the flu this year. Started particularly early d peeking hopefully right now. Ths wt the experts think which hopefully means certain areas of the ucountry says that will be over soon. The shot was only 30 effective. But the cdc says 30 is better than nothing. Back to you. Just to recap our breaking news. An absolutely terrifying 38 minutes today for everybody in hawaii, everybody, residents and tourists. Thats how long people believe the Ballistic Missile was in the air headed for hawaii. A state wide urgent alert went out, that it was not a drill and that impact could be minutes away. My friend woke me up. Lets go. We put the baby in the bathroom. Didnt know what to do in case we to run. It said seek shelter and we were 20 minutes off the beach. So we didnt know what to do but paddle in and do best we could. Some people put their children in storm drains hoping they would be safer there. And other people tried to find anywhere that was safe or safer from the missiles. Thankfully it was a false alarm. The governor says one person a staffer at the Emergency Management center simply pushed the wrong button. President trump in florida this weekend, fully briefed on the incident in hawaii. He spoke with the u. S. National security advisor and his white house chief of staff. The people of hawaii are breathing a sigh of relief. Telling us measures are being put into place immediately to make sure this mistake never happens again. Thats going to do it for us. Thank you so much for being with me here in the newsroom. Up next, we want you to see just how beautiful that continent can be, good ginning with parts unknown south africa. Anthony who are those ugly white men . They dont look friendly. Who are those assholes anyway . Its like some ugly dutch guys with, like, with guns. I guess they werent particularly friendly to the current power. They look like their either coming from or on their way to oppressing a black man. First order of business, man, when i take my country back, first order of business is take that shit down, am i right or what . Im kind of amazed. Tear that down

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