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Top of the hour, youre live in the cnn news room. Im Boras Sanchez in new york, in today for anna cabrera, thank you so much for sharing your sunday with us. President trump learning tonight that when you push people connected to the fbi, those people push back. Earlier today, the president sent out this slam of his own federal Investigative Agency writing, quote, after years of combing with the phony and dishonest clinton investigation and more, running the fbi, its reputation is in tatters. Worst in history. But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness. That is not sitting well with the agencies past leaders and some current ones. The former attorney general who oversaw the fbi, eric holder, sent out this response on twitter, nope, not letting this go. The fbis reputation is not in tatters. Its composed of the same dedicated men and women who have always worked there and who do a great apolitical job. Youll find integrity and honesty at fbi headquarters, and not at 1600 pennsylvania avenue right now. James comey, the fbi director until he was fired by President Trump earlier this year sent this message online, quoting himself from Senate Testimony that he gave earlier this summer. Quote, i want the American People to know this truth, the fbi is honest, the fbi is strong, and the fbi is and always will be independent. Then just a short time ago, we got this statement from the president of the Fbi Agents Association. He writes quote, every day fbi special agents put their lives on the line to protect the American Public from National Security and criminal threats. Agents perform these duties with unwavering integrity and professionalism and a focus on complying with the law and the institution. This is why the fbi continues to be the premier Law Enforcement agency in the world. Fbi agents are dedicated to their mission, suggesting otherwise is simply false. Cnns crime and justice reporter is here to chat about this with us. The fbi community not standing idly by while the president slams them. Yeah, it really is, you know, rare for the Fbi Agents Association to release a Statement Like this. I dont remember a time when theyve ever done this before, certainly they always stand by their agents and the men and women who work there, but this is a rare time for them and its rare to see them speak out like this. You know, who are we not hearing from is the current fbi director, or his boss, so its the attorney general, jeff sessions. So we have not heard from either one of them. Look, this comes at a time when the fbi has been hit hard and they have been trying to move forward in many ways from the comey days, from the Hillary Clinton investigation, and to have Something Like this, again, where the president attacks them in the way he is, he claimed that, you know, theyre in tatters and the other things that he said and quite simply, if it you talk to people who work there who work at the fbi from the analysts to the agents no one feels that way. These people go about doing their jobs on a daily basis and they are here to protect us. And so certainly this, again brings back a lot of those memories, and its going to be interesting to see, i think, if the president tweets something tomorrow or later tonight defending them, kind of, something of a more positive. Because right now, i think, what hes done today is just again, resurfaces a lot of what has happened in the past. You obviously have close sources, close ties to the Intelligence Community, have you heard from them specifically on what the president said on twitter . So, yeah, i mean, ive spoken to a couple of people today. A lot of it is noise and a lot of them want to move forward from it. There are some people who understand why the president is doing what hes doing. They do feel that in some ways, during the comey time and during the hillary investigation the fbi became a little more political than it should be, than it normally is, so they while are not appreciating these kinds of tweets, you know, they are sort of just moving on and some dont want to really say anything. The fbi itself, officially, is not saying anything about it. But it does affect people. And you know, as ive said before, i think one of the things that worries a lot of senior level people in the Intelligence Community, in the fbi, is that this affects recruitment, that it takes a lot to get good quality people to join the fbi to join the Intelligence Community and that when you have the president attacking the Intelligence Community, the fbi, it makes it much harder for them to recruit people because simply put, people dont want to subject themselves to that kind of an environment. Itll be interesting, i think, to see how the president responds to all of this come tomorrow. We will certainly keep our eyes open for any kind of shift from his statement earlier today. Thank you so much for that. I want to introduce our panel to discuss. Retired fbi supervisory special agent steve moore, we also have cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney page pate. We have the Senior Editor for the daily beast, ben collins. Steve, to you first, this is not the first time that the president has gone after an intelligence agency, when it comes to the subject of russian meddling in the election, he seemed to go back and forth on whether or not he believes his own intelligence agency. You now have responses from former fbi directors, from former head of the doj, what do you make of the president s relationship with the people that run his own intelligence agencies . Well, i would caution him that will theres really no money in picking a fight with the fbi. I was in the fbi 25 years, i went through five president s, or four president s, seven directors or deputy directors, the agents who were in the offices now doing the investigations will long outlast this president. And the fbi is greatest when they are apolitical and they are at their worst when they allow themselves to be made political. And so i, i love the fact that i am on the same side with director comey, and a former attorney general who i didnt quite like all that much because it shows that we are for the fbi being apolitical, not just for a political agenda. Ben, to you, the president denies that he ever had that conversation with james comey where he told him, hey, you know, Michael Flynns a good guy. Lets drop the investigation into him. He actually tweeted about that. He writes, i never asked comey to stop investigating flynn. Just more fake news covering another comey lie. Comey is kind of trolling donald trump online with the timing of some of his tweets and if you read between the lines, for example, this picture that he posted of a sunset on instagram with a quote from the buddha, quote, three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. This was shortly after it was announced that Michael Flynn would be cooperating with the special counsel. What do you make of these subtweets from james comey . You know, he said he wrote down all of these things in that meeting that he, you know, that Michael Flynn was, you know lets back up here. So, you know, i think trump specifically in this case is trying to put flynn in a place where hes separate of the white house. Separate of all of these things. Rogue actor. Rogue actor, right. And the campaign is trying to do this. Lewandowski, Cory Lewandowski tried to say it was just paul manafort, it was just mike flynn. It was just rip gates. Eventually this is a long list of people involved in the campaign that were, you know, actively now coming up in this russia investigation. And thats what james comey is trying to point out, you know, the truth will come out over time. And thats what we learned this weekend too is that, you know, mike flynn was in this position where he actively talked about russian sanctions over christmas of last year. An he said he briefed them about his conversations before and after with him. Does it then surprise you that over the course of these investigations over the course of the investigation, weve seen the story shift so many times, at one point, Vice President mike pence said there was no contact at all between russian officials and the transition team. Yeah, exactly. And now mike pence is in a weird position as well. Because if donald trump did in fact know that mike flynn lied to the fbi and thats why hes in trouble now, then what was that conversation about . Why was, why was mike flynn in some sort of conversation with mike pence where he lied to mike pence . So mike pence didnt know but donald trump knew . This is why the obstruction case got a little bit juicier yesterday. Yeah. Speaking of that obstruction case, a lot of people pointing to this tweet that was sent out by the president in which he indicates that he fired Michael Flynn because he knew that hed lied to the fbi. Page, to you, you wrote a piece for cnn. Com where you argue that no one in the trump family will go to jail. Weve heard from several people today argue that this tweet from President Trump is an example of obstruction of justice, including representative ted lou of california. Do you think that the tweet changes anything or do you still think that no one in the trump family is being carted off . Boras, thats a great question, and i appreciate having the opportunity to address it because ive had a number of comments to that piece suggesting that well, wait a minute, its clear what trump is doing right now and what he did back then with his conversation with james comey, was obstruction. It was conduct intended to hinder that investigation. What im arguing, and i still firmly believe this, even if the president is doing illegal acts or did illegal acts while in office or even during the transition, i dont think hes going to be indicted and prosecuted. There are several hurdles, obstacles that the constitution puts in place thats going to make it very difficult to prosecute a sitting president. Many people who focus on the constitution who are scholars in this area think that you cannot even indict a sitting president. And then theres also the issue of the president s ability to pardon someone, including perhaps himself. So while there may be a lot of illegal conduct going on, and im not saying he should not be charged, im saying its going to be very difficult to do so and thats why i dont see any of the trump family going to jail. Page, i want to continue with you on that threat. Im not sure if we have the full screen, but our colleague on cnn, jeffrey tuben had an insightful piece in the new yorker where he talks about his trump attorney and jay, he is denying that there was any collusion between the Trump Campaign. That even if speculatively, there was collusion, collusion itself is not a crime. Do you agree . I agree, boras. Collusion is not a crime. What is a crime is conspiracy. But then the question becomes, conspiracy to do what . There has to be an illegal agreement, some sort of understanding that people want to get together and violate the law in some way. In this situation with the russians during the campaign, it could only be one of two things. They could either be allowing the russians to participate in our election by not giving money, but providing services. This negative research, the email hacking, all of that that went on could possibly be conspiracy and if people within the Trump Campaign participated in that or helped that happen, that could be an illegal act. The other way that it could be a crime and again, its not collusion, its conspiracy, is if somehow the Trump Campaign was aware of the hacking. The computer crimes that must have taken place for the russians to get access to clintons emails or dnc emails. If somebody in the Trump Campaign was aware of that and helped it happen, that could be conspiracy to commit that crime. So, collusion itself, youre not going to find it in the federal criminal code, but you will find conspiracy and thats what i think the special counsel is focussing on. Ben collins, page pate, and steve moore, steve, i owe you a question, unfortunately were out of time. Thank you all so much for joining us. Thank you. Next with flynns guilty plea, the nixon era parallels are growing, but are watergate comparisons fair at this point . A former member of congress who served on the House Judiciary Committee during watergate joins us live. 75 million of us suffer from the gritty and frustrating symptoms of dry eye. We need theratears®. Theratears® is more than just eye drops. Its eye therapy. Dry eye symptoms are caused by a salt imbalance. Theratears® unique electrolyte formula, quickly restores the natural balance. So your eyes will thank you. 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To discuss with us, we have a woman well known for her work joining us now, former new york congresswoman elizabeth holdsman. She was on the committee during watergate. Elizabeth, we have to ask you, knowing that Michael Flynn has admitted to lying to the fbi, to deceiving investigators, that hes now cooperating with Robert Mueller and the special counsel, how does all of this compare to your experience being so close to watergate . Are the comparisons fair . Well, they are fair, and in some respect how they will work out, we dont know yet, but in watergate, lets just go to the basics. Watergate involved an attempt to break in to the Democratic National Committee Headquarters to affect the outcome of a president ial election. President was deeply involved and you have a special prosecutor which was key to the outcome. Lets fast forward to 2017, 16, you have a question as to whether this president and his campaign colluded with the russians to influence the outcome of a president ial election. So were back in president ial election mode, interference with it, and then the question of coverup. Now we have, and the coverup involves lies, perjury, hush money, all kinds of other things we havent seen hush money yet, but, so were starting out with kind of basic similarity and kind of issue of coverup, we dont have the same evidence right now of the president s personal involvement, although the tweet that he gave out yesterday right. Suggests that he had serious knowledge and suggests personal involvement of an obstruction nature, possibly a federal crime. So, we have a lot of similarities. Some of the other similarities well, one similarity, one could joke about, now we have someone saying, well, the president didnt actually its not clear, did he tweet it out that there was an 18 and a half minute gap in the white house tapes in the president ial tapes. Right. Under nixon. Yeah. And Alexander Hague said there was a Sinister Force that erased those tapes. Well, i want to know is it Sinister Force that tweeted that tweet or was it donald trump . Well, during the watergate scandal, part of the reason that Richard Nixon had to resign was not necessarily because of his involvement with the plumbers and getting them into the watergate building, but because of things that he said after in trying to coverup for people within his own administration. Do you think that this white house, this legal team at the white house is doing enough to try to prevent mistakes like that tweet that we just saw . We dont know if its a mistake, we have somebody saying that the lawyer for, or a lawyer for donald trump now says that he wrote it. Of course he said then he dictated it wasnt actually written, how you would dictate it, raises serious questions, how you would prepare a tweet that goes to 40 Million People plus the special prosecutor and all of the congress and United States, you wouldnt write it down, kind of defying credulity, but okay, thats what he says, but that doesnt mean that what was in that statement wasnt true. We dont know that donald trump saw the statement we dont know that he didnt approve the statement. It could be true. Yeah. And it may be true whether or not that tweet took place, whether or not donald trump issued it because thats one of the things special prosecutors are going to try to find out. What did the president know and when did he know it . I want to play for you some sound from two key figures during the watergate scandal. Lets listen to them. Bob woodward and i, were talking today and we asked each other, is general flynn going to be john dean . Does he have enough knowledge and was he part of a conspiracy that he admitted, admits to he was a criminal con spiriter. Is that what were seeing, john, what do you think . Well carl, i think he has enough knowledge, he has more knowledge than i did, he was much closer to trump than i was to nixon. I had like 20 meetings with nixon, 39 total where other people were there, but some 21 on one where flynn was meeting with trump throughout the campaign and throughout the early 24 days of his job as National Security advisor daily and frequently. So i think he is much more knowledgeable than i am, and if there is collusion, if there was a conspiracy, nobody is more likely to know it than he is. It might be hard to make the case that Michael Flynn as john dean famously told Richard Nixon, theres a cancer growing on the white house. We have no indication that Michael Flynn may have said anything like that before, but when it comes to trying to pin the blame on someone, back in the watergate days, john dean was ultimately someone that the white house tried to push everything on, do you think that mike flynn might wind up playing that role now . They might try to blame him. Scapegoating him. Yeah. John dean was also able to help navigate the situation for the special prosecutor. And Michael Flynn here can be doing the same thing, putting all the pieces together. That could be happening. But there are so many other similarities, do we president said in the tweet, we think, maybe, he knew that Michael Flynn lied to the fbi. Well, hes the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States. What did he do about it . What did he do about it . Did he ever go to the fbi . Did he ever go to the department of justice and said Michael Flynn lied to the fbi . No, in fact what he tried to do was obstruct any inquiry into Michael Flynn, whatever he said to comey, which he disputes, we know he said to the public, this is a witch hunt. Well, so hes trying to obstruct the investigation itself. So we see a lot of comparisons. The other thing i wanted to point out thats very interesting is that we know from the white house tapes, thats a Sinister Force, we know that Richard Nixon, the president of the United States orchestrated the coverup from the get go. Almost from the very minute that the burglars were apprehended, he was orchestrating the coverup. It wasnt his aids, it wasnt his lawyers, it wasnt some low level person it was he himself. Okay. Lets go fast forward to donald trump and Michael Flynn. Michael flynns job is to call the Russian Ambassador and say, dont escalate a response, retaliation and response to what president obamas going to do. And putin said, okay, im not going to escalate. Immediately, within a matter of a few hours, there is an email, a twit, tweeter tweeter. Sorry. Tweet from President Trump saying, putin is doing a great thing. Very smart guy. I always knew he was a smart guy. So he was following this like a hawk. Lets also go back to the time that donald trump jr. Was meeting with the russian lawyer, and there was the Campaign Staff to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. There was a press release that was issued about that meeting. Who edited that press release . The president of the United States, donald trump, he had no time for little rocketman, he had no time for worrying about jerusalem, but he had time to edit a press release which turned out to be false. What it shows is a level of involvement by donald trump in the details of the coverup and the details of false statements that suggests a big similarity to president nixon and what happened in watergate. I think the question of what the president knew and why he didnt go to the department of justice after he apparently found out that flynn lied to the fbi is made more grave by the fact that you had acting attorney general sally yates previously going to the white house saying hey, mike flynn might be blackmailed. Congresswoman, unfortunately we have to end the conversation there, but it was a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Coming up, as republicans look to pass a major tax overhaul, one state cut taxes in 2012, hoping for similar economic growth. Well look at their mixed results, next. Youre live in the cnn news room. With the candy canes. The wrapping paper the holidays. That counts. Its a phone for mom. Okay, well, its also that counts, too. No, the network. Is inside the phone . Around the phone. Awarded network ever. Count on it. Here you go. As the network its on. So give the best unlimited for four lines. 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At least one republican senator admits that he didnt read every single word of the final version. Listen to this. I didnt read all the pages, but have i read every aspect of that bill before it was fused together . The answer is yes. We have had the chance over the last three years since ive been on the committee to work on every aspect of the bill. It is a framework that one state put into effect years ago, it was an experiment that simply didnt work in kansas. Heres jason carroll. Reporter they know a few things about their barbecue. Hows the barbecue . Good, im full now. And plenty about tax reform. It hurt the qualify of life in kansas. Reporter it was supposed to be a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the kansas economy, thats how the states republican Governor Sam Brownback sold it in 2012. Now for those who come to our state because of lower taxes opportunities abound. Reporter income taxes cut and eliminated entirely, predicted result, less taxes more jobs, middle class families will win. How would you describe what it was like . Delusional. Reporter Kansas High School teachers saw deep cuts in education funding. Very dissolutioned. I dont understand how our government has let this get to this point. I dont understand how our citizens let this get to this point. Reporter now janes class projects like it one out of her own pocket, still, there are short falls she cannot make up for. We have three counselors for 1400 students. Reporter how many . Three for 1400 students. Reporter kansas city, kansas, along with other School Districts sued the state and the state had not met its constitutional obligation to fund the schools, but it wasnt just schools that took a hit. Medicaid, infrastructure, and other services saw cuts. Critics say the winners here, those who were already well off, like architect jim. I have 20,000 a year wind fall, i can understand the theory, but weve seen it doesnt work. It didnt work with me. I took the 20 grand and put it in my pocket. Reporter but some feel the experiment could have worked if given more time. The patience of the state wasnt there to enable the plan to work as it was as it was expected to work. Reporter but this june, after five years of the plan, the legislature overruled a veto by the governor and ended the kansas tax experiment. A failure. A disaster. Reporter republican lawmakers like Melissa Rucker joined a bipartisan effort to increase taxes, thats right, republicans voted to increase taxes to make up for short falls created by the plan. Look at the definition of conservative. It means measured, careful, what has happened in kansas was radical and whats happening elsewhere, to me, feels radical. Reporter kansas yans say lawmakers in washington looking at tax reform could learn from their mistakes. Collaboration and compromise matter. Being able to talk to people you dont agree with matters. Reporter perhaps over a plate of barbecued ribs. Jason carroll, cnn, overland park, kansas. Some implosions go as planned, others dont. The story of the football stadium that refuses to die. Next. Just look at those two. Happy. In love. And saving so much money on their Car Insurance by switching to geico. Well, just look at this setting. Do you have the ring . Oh, helzberg diamonds. Another beautiful setting. Im not crying. Ive just got a bit of sand in my eyes, thats all. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. At tmobile, when you holiday together, great things come in twos. Right now when you buy any of this seasons hot new Samsung Galaxy phones, you get a second one free to gift. Thats one samsung for you. One to give. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. Only fleet enemas feature the lubricated gentle glide tip for comfortable relief in minutes. Not hours. 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Next, on a week when donald trump is casting doubt on so thecalled access hollywood tape, billy bush is firing back with a message, yes, donald trump, you say that you said that. We break down the scathing oped next. For adults with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer, previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, heres a question who wouldnt want a chance for another. . Whod say no to a. . Who wouldnt want. A chance to live longer. Opdivo nivolumab . Opdivo demonstrated longer life versus chemotherapy. Over 40,000 of these patients have been prescribed opdivo. Opdivo works with your immune system. Opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. This may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. 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Billy bush writing in an oped, yes, donald trump, you said that. Just in case i start kissing her. Im automatically attracted to beautiful women. I just start kissing them. Its just like a magnet. Former access hollywood host billy bush who lost his job after this tape surfaced is now reacting to a New York Times report that says donald trump is telling people in his inner circle that it was not his voice on the tape, even though it clearly was. And he apologized for it. Billy bush penned an oped in which he writes, wrote, oesk he said it. And we laughed along without a single doubt that this was hypothetical hot air from americas highest rate d bloviator. There are seven other guys present and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass stand up act. He was performing. Surely we thought none of this was real. We know better. We now know better. President trump is currently indulging in revisionist history. Reportedly telling allies, at least one United States senator that the voice on the tape is not his. This is hit a raw nerve in me. I can only imagine how it is reopened the wounds of the women who came forward with their stories about him and did not receive enough attention. This country is currently trying to reconcile itself to years of power abuse and Sexual Misconduct. Its leader is poking the bear. Joining us now is senior media correspondent, brian stelter. Brian, what was your initial reaction to this oped from billy bush . Well sunday night surprise, and it is because of Donald Trumps claims to his friends, according to to the New York Times and the Washington Post he might not believe the tape. That the voice in the tape might not really be his. I think because of that claim, which has surfaced through anonymous sources, billy bush was inspired to write this oped and appear on Stephen Colberts talk show. This time tomorrow, hes going to be over taping with colbert. It looks like billy bush is ready for a comeback, but hes trying to do it by making a statement to President Trump that hey, yeah, obviously this is you on the tape, this is us on the tape. Im embarrassed by my talk, mr. President , are you . Its telling that billy bush says regarding two of the women who specifically made Sexual Misconduct allegations against the president , i believe her. Hes going out of his way to say, i believe the women who have charged the president with Sexual Harassment and in one case, sexual assault. So its very notable, bush decided to reenter the public eye in this way. Yeah, the timing certainly interesting. You filed a piece for cnn. Com in which you note that he really is trying to stage a comeback from your estimation, having watched all of this unfolded, and then watching so many other men in media basically get taken down because of their own accusations of Sexual Misconduct, billy bush wasnt accused of any kind of misconduct, but he was accused of kind of aiding and abetting the president in this garish act. Does billy bush stand a chance at coming back and saying he is different and putting distance between himself, these other men, and whats on the tape. Im not sure what network, but i think theres probably a future somewhere on tv for billy bush. You know, this was a 12yearold tape. He was a correspondent on access hollywood at the time. And he admits in this oped that joking around with donald trump, doing these appearances with the star of the apprentice helped his career. So he talks with some regret about feeling a little bit of complicity with regards to now President Trump. Its always been so strange that billy bush lost his job while donald trump became the president. Thats always been a strange part of what was a very Strange Campaign season. And now, one year later, we now hollywood is even more antitrump than it was during the campaign. Billy baush symbol of hollywood . Yeah, i could see him coming back. Normally president s come every year to celebrate artists and musicians. The President Trump chose to skip tonight. Now people like Gloria Estefan are getting big awards without the president here. Its just one example of that tension between the president and the entertainment world. And because billy bush is a symbol of the entertainment world, his story, his oped, his regrets about the tape are going to be very they are going to receive a lot of attention tonight and tomorrow. Also notable that many of those artists have decided to skip the traditional white house gala that takes place the the night before in congratulating them. Thank you for taking time out of your Kennedy Centers honor night to it tojoin us. Next, a powerful piece of cnn reporting. We have reported on war, famine and the deadly e bo la virus, but her latest assignment gave her nightmares. There was just something really fundamentally heartbreak ing about peoples dreams being exploited in that way. Coming up next, she and her cnn news crew recall how they u uncovered slave auctions in libya and the Lasting Impact it made on them. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. That correctly . Matter how you wrap it. Already wrapped most awarded network. It happened again. A gift is only as good as the network its on. Constipated . Only fleet enemas feature the lubricated gentle glide tip for comfortable relief in minutes. Not hours. And an ezsqueeze bottle for gentle, simple, fast relief. Fleet enemas. The start of fast relief. Which and is the only egge ill serve my family . Only egglands best. Better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. Last month cnn uncovered shocking slave auctions in l libya. This exclusive investigative report on slavery in the 21st century sparked global outrage prompting protests in paris, london and new york and condemnation for the security council. Senior International Correspondent recall the pain of seeing human beings caged like animals sold to the highest bidderer and their hopes and dreams exploited, their humanity diminished. It was essentially a waiting game. We knew that there were a number of these auctions going on in a variety of different locations. We knew they happened once or twice a month. It was probably the longest few days of my life waiting to hear whether this was actually happening. We needed to push to try to get access to those people. There are one to two of these auctions every month and theres one happening in the next few hours. I dont honestly know what i was expecting going in. I think i couldnt figure out how you could mentally process selling either human beings and then when i heard them, when we heard them speaking about these people that they were selling as merchandise t made sense because you need a certain degree of disinnocence. You have to dehumanize someone. Finally, we start to move. You still have a job to do. So it distracts you a bit from what you just witnessed, but when we were sitting there watching the auction, it felt like everything was going in very, very slow motion. There were all the things that we knew we needed to hit as journalists. Getting him to use the word auction on our audio to confirm its an auction. That they had sold 12 people that night. Having all of that as evidence. I aremember being outside. I went around the corner and there was this massive room and the front was open to the elements. And it was a cage. It was a wire cage and people were look iing at you from the other side. I remember thinking if it was a single gorilla in there, people would think how dsad. He hasnt got a lot of room. And then it turns out there were over a thousand people in there. Every day in an environment like that counts. Not being able to take a shower, sitting there and not having the food you need and being thirsty, so every hour counts. Leaving them behind in an enclosed space like that and not being able to help because you cant help one of them. Youd have to help all thousand plus because youen cant just go to a few people ask be like how can i help you. You need to help them all. There was a point where alex and i were interviewing the 21yearold who had been enslaved and i was overwhelmed because he was overwhelmed. His dream was to be a designer. He wanted to come to italy and work as a style skpis maybe one day work with dol chi and go baa na. I think this is the first story in a long time where i had nightmares. There was just something really fundamentally heartbreaking about peoples dreams being exploited in that way. And i think we were all thinking that we just hope we can do justice to this. This kind of reporting with these journalists risking their safety, the president of the United States calls fake. Well have to leave it at that. Anthony bourdain marathon starts right now. Thank you for joining us. Anthony you know what i like . I like sichuan. Man, i love the food here. You know what else i like . Torturing my friend eric ripert

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