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President trump on twitter and in person declined to label those responsible as hate filled extremists. The governor of virginia today had no such hesitation. We had folks come to our beautiful state. Lets call it what it is. They were white supremists. Yes. They were nazis. Call their names. They dont stand for us. They call themselves patriots. Ladies and gentlemen, they are not patriots, they get out of bed every day to hate people and divide our country. As i said yesterday. Go home. Lets bring in brian todd in charlottesville right now. What are the priorities of city officials right now. You heard it in the governors voice just now, we heard it all day today. Theres a lot of anger in this city over whats transpired here over the last 48 hours. People are very angry the White Supremacists descended on this city and they stuck around today. The governor said we dont want you here, get out, theres no place for you here. You heard what he said today about how angry they are that this happened. One of the White Supremacy leaders Jason Kessler decided to stick around today he started to speak, there were protesters here countering him, shouting him down, people playing instruments trying to drown him out. The police came in and swooped him away, really protected him from the crowd, an angry crowd that was swarming around him and got him into the Police Station here. That was an you cannily scene. And one man was awrested for misdemeanor assault and battery for spitting on Jason Kessler. He tweeted this, i tried my best, but once again violence rules over speech and ideas, in charlottesville, the First Amendment is finished, it seems. The crowds are still very angry. Still boiling with tension here. I spoke to a counter protester, named Katrina Turner a short time ago. Heres what she had to say. We need for them to leave and dont come back. Thats what we need. Whenever they come, were going to be here, and they will not come to town without a fight. Big question tonight is how many of these people are sticking around. How many White Supremacists are still here. I talked to a Police Official a short time ago, asked if Jason Kessler was still being held here. No, hes long gone. We got him out of here, i asked if theyre still protecting him. I asked where he was, he said, were not responsible for his whereabo whereabouts. The question is, is Jason Kessler going to stick around this area, come back here and try to hold any more events. What we can talk about is new information we got tonight about the suspect, james alex fields. Killing one woman. And injuring several others. We found out today from some records that he obtained he served in the u. S. Army for four months from august of 2015 to december of 2015. Hes charged with one count of Second Degree murder. Three counts of malicious wounding, and one count of failure to stop an accident that resulted in death. Brian todd in charlottesville, virginia. I want to bring in cnn senior political analyst david gergen. Terry mcauliffe made a pointed statement while speaking at a vigil last hour, lets listen. I call upon every elected official from the white house to the state house to all the local offices, we got to call it out for what it is. Yeah. It is hatred, it is bigotry, and our leaders have to be very frank, unequivocal, we will not tolerate that in our country. It seemed pretty clear who he was talking to. It does, indeed, and im afraid the president still hasnt stepped up to what would be expected of a president in a situation like this, that is to make forthright statements with the same kind of emotional intensity and clarity that hes condemned islamic terrorism. I must say, i do think there are people around the white house, ivanka trump among them, who have strengthened the white houses position. Another one is very importantly, h. R. Mcmaster today, who said on television, this was an act of domestic terrorism. The president has to be equally frank, he has not been. Its clear in his heart he doesnt want to be, and its clear that the White Supremacists have taken heart from his vagueness, from the fact that he has not condemned them, and the kind of way we know donald trump can through his tweets and other personal statements. So i think the country is still on boil today or tonight. I think we the president talks about bringing us together. If anything, the emotions have become more poisonous, the divisions are deeper, and were a long long way from being a country that we want to be. Were not united, were tearing ourselves apart at the moment. You mentioned ivanka trump, the president s daughter. There should be no place in society for racism, White Supremacy and neonazi. We must all come together as americans and be one country united charlottesville. Hes had no problem in the past retweeting people, he could have retweeted his daughter too, right . He could have indeed. I mean, is he making a statement by not doing that . I think his lack of speaking with clarity and emotional punch sends a clear message that he just does not feel that these people ought to be singled out. He continues to see this as a law and order problem, not a terrorism problem, and he continues to see it as theres violence on both sides. And to be lets be fair to the president , there is some violence there is some hatred on the part of the people who came as a counter protesters, we saw in a just in that clip. But the primary responsibility here rests upon those who preached hatred and held this rally. You do not have a First Amendment protection if you use language that insights violence, invites hatred. That does not protect the First Amendment. The courts have been clear on that point. The primary responsibility for this violence rests with those who came to charlottesville, the neonazis, the antisellites, the kkk and all these other forms of hate groups descended upon charlottesville. And they bare primary responsibility for what happened. Would it help if the president went to charlottesville and visited with the victims and talked to officials there . Well, thats a very good question. I think thats exactly the line of thinking that ought to be exported by the white house, for example, for starters, he should call the family of the woman who was killed. You know, he needs to offer a sincere condolences on behalf of the nation to a grieving family. A woman who should still be alive thriving today, and was a totally innocent victim. He should call the families of those who were the state troopers who were out there and died in this as well. I think thats for starters. Its worth remembering how important the call was, way back when, when john kennedy and Richard Nixon were running for the presidency in 1960 and Martin Luther king was thrown into jail. And the nixon people remained quiet and john kennedy placed a phone call to mrs. King, Coretta Scott king to express his great concern and support for her. And it made a differece. It sent a clear signal. I think the president s team ought to be devising a series of steps that would be healing. And show a recognition and acceptance on his part that were dealing with terrorists. He has been you know, hes gone way over board to condemn islamic terrorism, but there are studies that have shown in the last decade or so, the number of domestic cases of terrorism have been double that of islamic related terrorism in this country. So and this administration is proposing to cut the funding for the programs that deal with domestic terrorism. That fight domestic terrorists and some of these hate groups. Exactly. This morning on state of the union. The mayor of charlottesville accused the president of emboldening some of these hate groups. Look at the campaign he ran, look at the intentional courting both on the one hand of all these White Supremacists, White Nationalists, antisemitic groups and look on the other hand the repeated failure to step up, condemn, denounce, silence, put to bed all those different efforts just like we saw yesterday. This is not hard. You know, theres two words that need to be said over and over again, domestic terrorism and White Supremacy. We are not seeing leadership from the white house. Do you think thats fair criticism . I think it is basically fair criticism from a mayor who is deeply distraught and emotional, he put it right on the line. As he sees it. I know there are people around the president who dont believe thats what the president thinks, thats not who he is. But, you know, whats more important is, that these White Supremacists, some of them were quoted today, there was a quote in the press today by a white supremacist saying, we were emboldened by Donald Trumps electi election, we have taken our signals from that. He has to denounce this, i think, to restore the order to build up the moral authority of this presidency, i cannot emphasize enough, the overall context of this is, as Frankling Roosevelt once famously said. The presidency is a place of moral leadership. Preeminently a place of moral leadership. What he was talking about was, that repeatedly in american history, questions come up about right versus wrong, its been up for the president whoevers in that office to identify what is morally right, and in this case, President Trump needs to provide moral clarity on what were facing. David gergen, thank you for joining us this weekend. Thank you so much. Still ahead in the newsroom, mixed messages. The white house issuing a new Statement Today on the violence in virginia, but it didnt come from the president. Plus the images from charlottesville, terrifying, disturbing all speak to a former neonazi skinhead about what life is like inside a hate group. The crest of a wave, its like magic rollin and ridin and slippin and slidin its magic introducing the all new volkswagen tiguan. Higher and higher, baby the new king of the concrete jungle. But with odor free blueemu continuous pain relief spray, pain used to shut me down during pickup games. I can box out any muscle or joint pain immediately. Blueemu continuous pain relief spray. It works fast and you wont stink. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. How to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. President trump has yet to specifically condemn White Supremacists following the deadly clashes between protesters and counter protesters at a White Nationalist rally. The president condemned violence on all sides. On many sides he said. His Homeland Security adviser spoke to condition krng earlier today and like the president , he pointed to violence on both sides. Thats when jake tapper asked this. How many people did the counter protesters kill yesterday mr. Boss ert . Well, ill tell you, one death is too many. That wasnt the victim was a counter protester. Hold on, one moment. The victim was a counter protester. I dont for one moment and i wont allow you for one second to put me in a position of being an apologist for somebody who is now a charged murderer. This individual should face twist justice, the president of the United States shares that view, i know he does. I wont allow you to put me in a position of not finding that justice. You just decried both sides. We have a situation where neonazis, the clan, altright. No, i dont went to charlottesville, virginia, chanting antisemitic slogans, provoking the people of charlottesville, virginia, making them feel intimidated. Yes, violence did break out. One person was killed by one of these altright clan nazi protesters and you just decried both sides of this no, i didnt. And this is the issue. No, i didnt. And youre making this issue a little bit distorted. What i would decry is the individual who committed murder yesterday, what i would do is quibble with this notion that any of this is acceptable. These groups showed up looking for hate. What groups. I think its more than for people to understand. What groups are you referring to . I refer to the groups that clashed yesterday, i think it was graphically evident. With me to discuss, andre power, and New York Times contributor, its clear this suspect was demonstrating alongside the white supremacist. Does the president need to come out and specifically corn dem this attack . Yes, but why would he go against his base, and this has been a recurring theme for the past two years, there are two groups that President Trump seems utterly impotent in if front of, slatd mere putin and White Supremacists. Its a very easy meat ball down the middle, he could crush this, he could say, i condemn White Supremacy, the ideology of hatred of nazis, the racism of the altright, i call it out for what it is, domestic terrorism, White Supremacy terrorism, just like i call out radical islamic terrorism. And criticize president obama for being weak on terror and not calling it out. Here i am President Trump who will shoots off the cuff and say whatever i want whenever i want. And go against cnn and the cia and intelligence agencies, and republicans and basically anyone i want to, but i am unable to go against White Supremacists, the question should be, why. Why is President Trump unable to muster 140 characters to call it what it is. White supremacist terrorism and condemn it, this is a question with you should be asking, anna, why . Youve been defending the president , do you have an answer to that question . Well, i hope i agree with him, i hope the president will specifically say it, i thought he covered it pretty well, i see a lot of folks are going to criticize the president no matter what he does. Im not saying the guests on this show will, a lot of the people i continue to be on with, no matter what the president does or says, if he had had said this, there would be criticism, it would be better if he cleared this up so we can move forward, i feel like the president did a pretty good job yesterday, some folks on the show dont. Theres no room for this, the republican party. When people say this is trump supporters, i went to a lot of trump rallies, not one time did i see one of these individuals carrying a swastika or nazi flag. To brand President Trump with this is wrong. Guys, we have brand new video of the suspect i want to get in here quick. This is the individual who rammed his car, this is video of james fields at the White Nationalist rally, hes in the white shirt were told, holding a shield. His former high schoolteacher had told cnn fields had a fondness for nazis and adolf hitler. Whats your reaction to this . Its sad, because we see young white men radicalized online, an Online Community that is finding itself feeling dislocated from associate. United by racial hatred, feelings of superiority. We would call some of these people isis, but in america, theyre White Supremacists. You see a 20yearold who rammed his car deliberately and killed i mean her name is hell Heather Heyer. A 32yearold woman, antiracist activist, and apparently there are many sides according to donald trump, Heather Heyer who died, and james alex fields a nazi sympathizer, hitler sympathizer who rammed his car and killed her. I dont see the moral equivalents here, and i dont see why its so difficult for people to come out and condemn it for what it is. Hatred, White Supremacy and domestic terrorism. Lets not forget, just last week there is another act of terrorism, an ied was thrown in a minnesota mosque, no one has been hurt. Its been a weak and donald trump is silent. And his aide thinks it may have been a false operation. He said on wednesday that were paying too much attention to White Supremacists. We played that on our show. Why cant he call out white supremacist terrorism . We played that on our show earlier, let me read you the reaction from the White Supremacists. This is a neonazi website. Trump comments were good, he didnt attack us, he just said the nation should come together. He said that we need to study why people are so angry and implied there was hate on both sides. So he implied there was virtually no counter signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all, also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. When asked to congress dem, he walked out of the room, really really good, god bless him. Andrei, if neonazis are celebrating what the president said, did he say the right thing . Look, anybody can take what the president says and make it what they ought to. There are dangerous people, as we saw yesterday, but just because they took extrapolated certain words the president said and tried to push it for their cause, theyre probably trying to gain more people to get active in the cause, maybe people that support trump that would think this person otherwise wouldnt read his message, but because he tied it in with something the president said, they tried to bring that in. Donald trump doesnt associate with these people, i didnt see any of them at the rallies. This is a time as a country where we ought to find ways to come together. Ways to address this. I will say this. More and more moderate people that may have attended these rallies in the past will look back and say, i dont want to be affiliated with this type of individual, and youll see less people turn out in the future, when anyone who says they are in anyway neonazis or any of these other groups, youll see less and less participation from moderate folks that may have just been against removing a statue. Thank you both for being here, we appreciate your time. Coming up, the president under fire for his statements on the events in charlottesville. Did the president fail a key leadership test . Well discuss live. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Announcer no one loves a road trip like your furry sidekick so when your side glass gets damaged. [dog barks] trust Safelite Autoglass to fix it fast, and well get you back on the road [dog barks] safelite repair, safelite replace. 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A white house official trying to collar phi by saying the president condemns all forms of violence, bigotry and hatred, and that includes White Supremacists, kkk, neonazi and all streamist groups, he called for National Immunity and bringing all sides together. Is this clarification going to be enough . Its not from the president , and its not the president on camera saying this. As we head into the new workweek, the answer is no, theres going to be continued calls to hear more from the president about this. A couple unusual things about this statement, it was from an Unnamed White House official, some of the reporters came back and said, can we at least identify whos saying this . No. Its weird to see an anonymous statement from a white house official, trying to do cleanup. Its odd it was an anonymous stateme statement. You would think the press secretary or anyone who wrote it would want to put their name on it. The point is, the main message from the white house this weekend has been from the president , thats the one thats getting close to universally criticized for not going far enough, as this heads into monday. Theyre going to hin to hear calls from the president to say and do more. Not just from democrats, but republicans. It was an omission to leave out the words white supremacist, nazi. The president s daughter did use those words and issued this strong condemnation on twitter. There should be no place in society for racism. We must all come together as americans and be one country united. Charlottesville. We know now just how close the president and his daughter are, and how much weight does her influence provide when it comes to social Media Statement like this . Its one of the mysteries of the white house, how much influence does ivanka have and when does she choose to wield it. The president of the United States could have retweeted his daughter, shared her message far and wide today, hes chosen not to. He hasnt hesitated to retweet other people in the past. Exactly. He could have tried to amplify what she said more loudly, thats why i think this is going to be an issue. The Financial Times came out with a scathing editorial. I was struck by this part of the editorial. In the days to come, the president and his advisers will work to reinterpret what was said over the weekend, none of this will obscure the challenge facing the u. S. It is the role of the president to provide moral leadership, the white house is unoccupied. And it evokes an interesting image of an empty white house because theyre doing renovations. More importantly, a lack of leadership. Its how the whole world is viewing a situation like this. I think even growing up reading history books, americans are used to hearing certain sorts of moral statements from their president , what this weekend is all about is the confusion about why thats lacking. The president we learned on the issue of north korea answered 50 questions in two days, had multiple press conferences in which he took questions. What we learned from a white house official is that he wanted his voice to carry the message when it came to the issue of north korea, it was that important, it does stand in stark contrast to how hes responded to this incident and walking away when people were lobbing questions about whether he condemned White Nationalists and neonats ziz specifically. Im also wanting to ask when you talk about the vacancies in the empty white house. We dont have a Communications Director. And how much of an issue is that . I think right now in the short term, the president can get around for a couple weeks without one, he did in june. Long term, if he wants to try to turn things around, try to improve his Approval Ratings and get some policy, some legislation 24r50u the house and senate, he needs someone thinking long term, he needs a Communications Director opinion its a hard job to fill and a lot of people dont want that job right now. He was answering a lot of questions on thursday and friday. He seemed to enjoy his banter with the press. I had a white house aid say to me, this is vintage trump. Hes enjoying himself in bedminster. On friday he said he would have a Big Press Conference monday. Im wondering, in the wake of charlottesville, will he follow through, answer questions from the press core or will he try to somehow avoid it . Well see tomorrow. Thanks for the conversation. Coming up, new reports suggest the knives are out for trumps chief strategist. Why steve bannon may be the next one to be shown the door. Ply. And wake up ready to perform. Only exclusive retailers carry tempurpedic. 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If the president really wants to execute the legislative agenda that i think is so promising for the american people. The lower middle class people and the middle class people, he has to move away from that bannon bart none sense. You mean bannon and breitbart. Yes, its nonsensical. Now listen to how h. R. Mcmaster responded when he was asked three times if he can work with bannon. Can you and steve bannon still working together in this white house or not . I get to Work Together with a broad range of talented people, and it is it a privilege every day to enable the National Security team. You didnt answer, can you and steve bannon work in the same white house . Im ready to work with anybody who will help advance the president s agenda and advance the security, prosperity of the american people. Do you believe steve bannon does that . I believe everyone who works in the white house, who has the great privilege of serving their nation should be motivated by that goal. Joining us now is ryan williams, hes the former spokesman for mitt romney. Scaramucci and others, they made the argument that bannon and his ties to breitbart are to blame for the president s widely criticized response to the violence in virginia, when he didnt directly condemn White Supremacists, are they right to make that argument . I dont know who advised the president to make that statement. I will say steve bannon has been lying low and is not in bedminster with the president. Hes managed to survive in the past, however, this time were seeing some of his allies he installed on the National Security council being fired and laid off since general kelly took over as chief of staff. Prance his power base is eroding now that his allies are being pushed out. We dont know. Well see at this time if it has any long term consequences for him. Do you think there is a place for bannon in this administration goingforward . The president is entitled to pick whoever he wants in his administration. Thats his prerogative. Its up to the president , and the president will make a change if he thinks its appropriate. If he doesnt, im sure hell continue to keep him on board. What do you view as what steve bannon brings to the table to benefit this president and his administration. Well, i think a lot of what youre seeing from the president s agenda is tied to mr. Bannons world view, the muslim ban which he put forward which many dont agree with, thats something that mr. Bannon put forward. Certainly the tightening of immigration. The president is following Steve Bannons playbook, if thats something hes comfortable with, he can implement those policies, but hes going to have to face the backlash about. If bannon is to go, what does that tell you . I think it would be signature trump, every few months we seem to have a major upheave el in his leadership. If he were to go, i think that would be standard policy for this administration. Weve already been through a chief of staff, a communications secretary. It wouldnt be a surprise if we saw another leave. This is one who has had a great deal of influence, in terms of crafting the domestic policy and some of the immigration issues. It may leave a void in terms of what direction the president would choose to pursue his agenda goingforward. Earlier this year, bannon was on the cover of time magazine. Sources are telling cnn kelly has soured on bannon. How do you see this power struggle between those two men playing out. I think we have seen a pretty strong power struggle. Hes not tough enough on islamic terrorism. The president put a statement out to dissuade he was losing faith with h. R. Mcmastcmaster. He doesnt like these public staff feuds that distract from the president s message. I could see that being something that would work against mr. Bannon, if general kelly were to see that effort continue. Thanks for bringing your perspective to the show, we appreciate it. Straight ahead. The images we saw from charlottes have the are chilling. How can this kind of hate happen in america. A former member of the first neonazi skinhead gang in the United States will join us live next. Laquinta presents how to win at business. Step one. Point decisively with your glasses. Abracadabra the stage is yours. Step two. Choose laquinta. Where youll feel like the king of the road. Check out our summer rates now at lq. Com. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum whats going on here . Um. Im babysitting. Thatll be 50 bucks. You said 30. Yeah, well it was 30 before my fees, like the pizzaordering fee and the dogsitting fee. 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You know, i was recruited when i was 14 years old in 1987 and i spent eight years, every one of my teen and early adulthood years until 1995 when i was 22 and americas first neonazi skinhead group and what drew me in and what draws people in that i speak to every day is this idea of a fundamental need for identity, community and purpose, and if there is an underlying brokenness, if there is a pothole that deviated their path originally, theyre open to these ideas of an us against them narrative and blaming somebody else for the problems that exist in their lives and frankly, were living in a society where millions of young people are feeling marginalized. They dont have a lot to hope for. Job opportunities are scarce, college is expensive. If you even are quote, unquote lucky enough to take that burden on and there isnt a whole lot for them to look forward to as far as leadership or where our countrys going and it doesnt surprise me that young people are joining farright groups and theyre flying to syria to join isis because they want paradise. They want a solution for whats happening. Why do you think charlottesville specifically is becoming a target for this movement . We know there was an earlier rally in the same area held by Richard Spencer back in may and we see this large gathering yesterday that the Southern Poverty Law Center had anticipated being the largest hate Group Gathering in decades. Yeah. The truth is is rallies like this have been happening for decades. They havent been reported. In my book i write about a rally that was almost identical to what happened in charlottesville and make no mistake. This wasnt about a statue. This was about racism. This was about showing showing other americans through fear that these people can gather and really try and spread this rhetoric around so that people see them en masse and think that this is a big movement and in fact, it is a big movement, but it is very spread out online and it lives mostly in a virtual world. I want you to listen to what the president said in response to the violence in charlottesville yesterday. Watch. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides. What do you make of his statement. Did you hear a dog whistle in that . . Oh, i did, of course. I think the far right has since the beginning used propaganda and spinning to call the leftwing the haters or to call them the bigots or the racists. As far as what i saw yesterday i saw only one group or one movement ram a car into people and murder somebody. I saw one group carrying swastika flags and i saw another group of american citizens who were standing up against something that they believe is undemocratic and unamerican. So for somebody to say especially for the president to come out and equate the protesters that were there to the neonazi demonstrators to me is is not calling it how it is, and i would love it hear the president call out White Supremacists for what they were doing yesterday specifically. You do not sound like somebody who has lived and breathed that that ideology, that mentality. What does it take to change the hearts and minds of members of these groups . You know, it really, for me and for so many other people it really comes down to receiving compassion from the people that we least deserve it from when we least deserve it. I had the opportunity to meet Richard Spencer and i sat down with him for two hours after white fish, montana, after the town was terrorized by neonazi trolls and i can tell you had i punched him and had he punched me and im talking about 25 years ago i would have come back angrier and it would have polarized us further and i know we have to start with the Common Ground and i know its hard for people to believe that we have some Common Ground with neonazis and haters, but we do. Were all americans. We all want happiness and we all want to be loved and we all want security and we need to start from there and stop blaming each other for the problems that exist in the world when 99 of the time were not responsible for the problems. Was there something that someone said specifically that woke you up . Twrou knyou know, it startede birth of my children. When i was 19 years old i felt connected to the innocence that i lost when i was 14 years old when my son was born. There was a record store that sold whitepower music and i started to sell hiphop punk rock and meet the people that i thought i hated. For the first time in my life i had a meaningful interaction with africanamericans or with jewish people or gay people, and i suddenly realized that i had much more in common with them than i had indifference and that the differences were only there to really, you know, add more flavor and add culture to it and appreciate rather than polarize us further. Christian, we really appreciate your time and thank you for bringing your perspective and your insight to our show. Thank you, ana. Coming up live in the newsroom, the words of a christian pastor in the deep south going viral. His powerful message to white americans live in the cnn newsroom. bell ringing a trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home. With Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. 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Learn about you and the people and places that led to you and see yourself in a new light. Ancestrydna. Save 30 through august 15th at ancestrydna. Com. This is cnn breaking news. Top of the hour, you are live in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. Right now so far no flareup of fighting that sent people to the hospital this weekend and cost one woman her life. White nationalists and hate Group Members battled in the streets with the police unable to stop them and then things turned deadly when a karak cell rated bo a car of counterprotesters. The driver of the car, a 20yearold man arrested and held without bail

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