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Graham is acknowledging this possibility, already pushing back on the idea of sessions having a new role, tweeting this, quote, ag Jeff Sessions has a good ring to it, highly qualified, committed to the rule of law, tough on crime and fiercely independent. I have a team of reporters and analysts standing by. Lets begin with cnn white house correspondent. First on kelly, hes coming in at a rather tumultuous time. Were getting word he was advising Reince Priebus. What more do you know about this . Thats exactly right. A source tells cnn that john kelly had been giving Reince Priebus advice about his job as chief of staff since day one of the administration and had been helping him out, letting him know changes he should make. This source also tells us about john kellys role as chief of staff. He is expected to make some personnel changes and this person said that john kelly is looking to change the level of access that a lot of an administration staffers here have to the president , a very top heavy white house that john kelly is entering. It is very stormy and divided. We know he is going to expect to make some changes because that was a big problem for Reince Priebus. Typically in most white houses, staffers go to the chief of staff who then determines what information makes it to the president. But not in Donald Trumps white house. It was not like that with Reince Priebus in charge and john kelly will be looking to change that. Thank you for that. Boris, a lot of questions about the president s relationship with sessions after this past week, which included republicans even warning trump not to fire his attorney general. So tell us more about where things stand. Thats right. The president going after Jeff Sessions this week, saying that hes disappointed in the attorney general, even calling him beleaguered just yesterday he was on fox news, Jeff Sessions was, saying the president s comments are hurtful, but saying that he serves at the pleasure of the president. As you said, republican senators have come to his defense. Listen. I have come to the floor to keep my promise and to offer a word of humble advice to the president. If youre thinking of maybing a recess appointment to push out the attorney general, forget about it. The presidency isnt a bull, and this country isnt a china shop. If jeff session is fired, there will be holy hell to pay. Any effort to go after mueller could be the beginning of the end of the trump presidency. Now, sessions has not indicated that he plans to resign, and the president has yet to indicated that he wants to fire Jeff Sessions outright. So back to this report thats out there now, exploring the possibility of the president moving Jeff Sessions from the doj to the department of Homeland Security to replace secretary john kelly, what can you tell us about this . Yeah. It is purely speculation at this point. A bit of a wild theory coming from politico. But as you saw, Lindsey Graham responded to it, so at least he is taking it seriously. It is a wild theory, but it is certainly possible legally because Jeff Sessions has been already confirmed by the senate, the president could install him as the head of the department of Homeland Security for up to 210 days and then nominate a different attorney general, perhaps one that he is more in favor of. Boris sanchez, thanks so much. Reince priebus only lasted about six months, but his history with trump goes back much further. Their relationship was rocky from the start. During the republican primary, donald trump insisting the vote was rigged and that Reince Priebus should be ashamed of himself because he knew what was going on. After trump became the nominee, there was more friction. Trump heard bragging that he could grope women without consent on this leaked access hollywood tape. Grab them by the you can do anything. Reince priebus had heard enough, pleading with the billionaire to drop out of the race. He then abruptly canceled all of his sunday Morning Television appearances. Trump refused to step down. Despite that, the two men seemed to find a way to mend fences. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States, donald trump Reince Priebus is really a star, and he is the hardest working guy. For months, Reince Priebus had the president s back, like when questions for asked about a conflict of interest when trump and his businesses. All of these things will be followed, and they will be done properly. Fending off questions about why the president still hadnt released his tax returns. And President Trump, one of the most historic president ial victories in this country and the other people asking me this question is people like you. Soon after taking office, Reince Priebus found himself unable to contain a laundry list of controversies, the immigration ban, the russia investigation and the failure of the senates plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Still Reince Priebus kept up a brave face. Im not in my trouble. Ive got a great relationship with the president. We talk all the time. In fact, just before coming on the set, he gave me a call. Reince priebus, who was never an outsider and always a Republican Party guy, lost an important ally when press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned. And now just days later, he, too, is out of the trump white house. Randy kaye, cnn new york. Lets talk more about this incredible white house shakeupcoming six months into trumps presidency. Joining us cnn politics reporter Chris Cillizza and cnn contributor michael d antonio. Hes the author behind the book the truth about trump. In one week we lose sean spicer and Reince Priebus. They are both forced out, and that is them specifically. What does it mean for the direction of this white house . Well, part of this is a prungs of how donald trump operates. He likes this tension. He likes the combativeness. He thinks he can debate it, but he thinks this is how the best work gets done. I would argue this past week would suggest that theory is not right, but thats what he believes. What does it mean to your specific question that Reince Priebus and sean spicer are the two that are now out and we have john kelly in and Anthony Scaramucci in. I think donald trump view it is six month experiment of embracing washington and the washington political establishment in the form of Reince Priebus and sean spicer to effectively a fail and that what he is going to do now is surround himself with both generals, who he has already got a lot of them around him. Obviously more influential with john kelly. But also scaramucci, someone who trump views as a friend. Someone who is not of washington, someone he believes is a good performer on television. I think donald trump being more of what we believes to be the most trumpian possible. I would note that hes been pretty trumpian in the first six months, but i think he believes that there is more he needs to embrace more of who he is and trust his gut more than he has and not be slowed by the traditional ways of thinking. These moves clearly will allow him to do that. It is interesting what the Washington Post is reporting, that Reince Priebus was belittled by trump and saying the demeaning came through in other ways to at one point a fly began huzing overhead distracting the president and as the fly continued to circle, trump summoned his chief of staff and tasked him with killing the insect. Does this sound like the donald trump you know . Well, it really does because he runs things in a why by humiliation. Hes always interested in dominance. If hes unhappy with someone, and i dont think hes ever been happy with Reince Priebus, hes going to humiliate him by saying there is a pesky bug in here, i want you to be the guy to go get it. You know, this is a man who really doesnt want anyone to feel secure. So when chris was talking about him wanting this tension, i think its more than tension that he wants. He wants people to be desperate. And the problem is you can never get it right if youre really on seek yous as you give him everything he wants, then hes going to call you weak. Thats another thing he said about priebus over and over again, that hes weak. So how do you get it right . Thats the big question. Maybe john kelly is his answer. The wall street journal also with this note. President trump apparently was put off as priebus refused to return fire on Anthony Scaramucci following that profanity laced interview. It has been said the president likes this kind of chaos. To your point, strikele, the idea of priebus being weak in his mind, this obviously would reinforce that. Well, it would. And i think where general kelly is concerned, he ought to Pay Attention to all of this because its very hard to win in Donald Trumps world, especially if youre at all public. The people that i have noticed who have done well are the ones who hang back. They do the quiet job inside. Or they maybe a pit bull as Michael Cohen was for then businessman donald trump. But there isnt very much room for that type of character. There may be one Anthony Scaramucci. I dont think there is going to be two. It makes it interesting, no doubt. Tim, priebus now becomes the sixth person in a major role in the administration to be forced out, to resign. In terms of bigger perspective, looking back at history, is this normal and in times when there has been a shake up like this, if there has been in history, how has that ended . It is not unusual for a president to change his chief of staff in the first year. It is not unusual at all. It is the manner in which this was done. By the way, it is not unusual, sadly, for president s to act like alpha dogs and to humiliate members of their staff. What makes this so different is its done publically, that this is the reality show. Lyndon johnson humiliated members of his staff, but he didnt do it publically. President s generally speaking well social media didnt exist until recently. But they didnt play the game that donald trump did with Reince Priebus. Why does it matter . It matters because the white house is supposed to be a professional organization. You want to be able to recruit good people, and you want the world to see us, americans, as professionals. This whole drama around Reince Priebus was absolutely unprofessional. Unprofessional, but does it undermine his ability to be an effective leader. Well, to be an effective the modern chief of staff, the whole institution, is really only about 40 years old. And the most successful chiefs of staff are both respected by the president , all right, and have core good ethical values. When theyre respected by the president , they can actually be a traffic cop. They can say to the president , you really shouldnt allow this end run. In washington, everybody wants to do an end run to see the president. You just expect it. A tough, respected chief of staff says no and the president listens. Thats the key. If general kelly has the respect of donald trump and can play the adult in the room, you might see this administration become a little more effective. Chris, i want to get back to the questions now about what happens with sessions, this question about whether President Trump might actually try to move him to this other role in his administration, perhaps replacing john kelly at the department of Homeland Security. Could that be a real possibility . Well, yeah. The pieces fit. So, yes. And i think almost anything under the sun is a real possibility with this president. He is the most unconventional candidate, the most unorthodox president we have seen. When we tend to apply the rule, oh, no he wouldnt do that, we should stop ourselves. Why does it make some level of sense . Because donald trump and Jeff Sessions are in a little bit of a stand off here, a little bit of a game of chicken. Donald trump has called Jeff Sessions very weak, beleaguered. Said he was disappointed in him for recusing himself from the russia investigation. Jeff sessions made clear, if donald trump wants me gone, hes going to have to be the one to do it. What this could do is give donald trump is somewhat elegant solution in that, okay, were not firing Jeff Sessions as attorney general, were moving him over to a place where his background on immigration and Border Security are a nice fit here and that way we get someone else in as attorney general. The one problem with all these moving of the chess pieces is it is not going to be easy to get attorney attorney general confirmed. Anyone he would want, short of the senate who resisted doing it in the past, is going to run into a major hurdle in the senate in terms of confirmation. So this stuff is easy to game out on a board. It is harder to do in real life on the Political Landscape we are currently existing on. Lets remember the president has made a point to say hes unhappy with Jeff Sessions because of the russia investigation and the fact that he recused himself, michael. Could you see the president doing this moving of the chairs, so to speak, in order to maybe stop the special counsel investigation . Well, i think if he imagines that he can get away with it, he might try it. The thing that chris said about him pursuing an elegant solution to a problem, the first time donald trump has ever done anything you would call elegant, he is the bull in a china shop. So i would not imagine that hes thinking very carefully about doing something elegant. And if you look at tims oral histories that hes done with so many figures from the nixon era, you can see where people go array very quickly trying to get rid of people conducting investigations. This is terribly fraught and i think if you were to try this in an attempt to force a successor to somehow get rid of robert mueller, he could actually wind up with a person who also has integrity, may not do as he pleases and the crisis will intensify very rapidly. Michael, you bring up the nixon administration. And in fact that was the last time there was a general apon d appointed to the chief of staff position. He plans to bring order to the white house on day one. Listen to what Kellyanne Conway said about this. I think general secretary kelly will bring strength and discipline and put out without even saying so the saying that loose lips sinks ships. And people will think before they hurt each other by using the press to do so or even to think they are helping the president to convey information that is perhaps not yet ripe for Public Disclosure or is in negotiation or conversation. You mentioned this a little bit earlier about a general taking on this role. Maybe the president would have more respect for john kelly versus Reince Priebus just because of him being a general, having had the leadership and experience that john kelly has. But going back to the nixon years when there was a general at the helm, how did that work out . Well, general hage refused the president s order to destroy the tapes. I mean, he told us at the nixon library. So that was a big deal. I dont think that Richard Nixon would have been pushed out of office or resigned had it not been for the tapes and the president asked him if he would destroy it and hage said he wouldnt. So that alone i think is the reason to respect some of what he did. He was a tough customer. But this is a different were not there yet. Here is the issue. And i get back to this business about end runs. Will the family, will steve bannon, work through general kelly . Will general kelly be allowed to organize the president s schedule . And will general kelly have some influence on the president s tweeting . I mean, it would be naive to assume the president would stop tweeting, but will he . Those are the issues. If general kelly cant do that, i dont see him staying long in this position. Gentlemen, thank you all for joining us. As always, we appreciate it. Coming up, conservative telling donald trump if he wants to fire Jeff Sessions, then do it. Quote, be a man. Is the right turning on trump . Plus a twotime super bowl champ sounding the alarm about the risk of brain injury in football. Will it lead big ben to hang it up . And viral footage about a shark being dragged behind a speedboat. How the governor is taking action. Like the pizzaordering fee and the dogsitting fee. And the rummage through your closet fee. Who is she, verizon . Are those my heels . Yeah yeah, were the same size. In shoes. With tmobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four lines of unlimited for just 40 bucks each. 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Take a look at these headlines from the national review. The president is treating his attorney general shamefully. From radio host mark levine, mr. President stop attacking Jeff Sessions. Republicans on brink of civil war. And watch this, from fox news. Attacking Jeff Sessions was still a useless, selfdestructionive act. The first rule in politics as in war, as in life, dont shoot the friendlies. It is also kind of a little bit discomforting way for trump to go after such a loyal supporter this way, especially when sessions made it obvious hes not going to resign. Hes likely the most Effective Member of the trump cabinet. In return, the president attacks him in the failing New York Times. Thats not just criticism. Thats an insult. Its also a worrisome sign that the president may be forgetting who is on his side. I am concerned. I am very concerned. Im very concerned that the president of the United States and his staff will make a terrible mistake in pushing attorney general Jeff Sessions out the door. Just got to a conservative writer of the Washington Post, and political commentator, former spokesman for breitbart news. You wrote an opinion piece called why breitbart hasnt gone to war with sessions. What is the calculus for breitbarts move not to do so . What you are seeing the conflict of interest they have, and they are trying to maintain their proximity to power. I have seen what is like when breitbart goes full tilt against somebody. It is a nonstop grind of stories. You are talking 20, 30 stories a day calling on people to apologize, calling on people to have consequences if they dont apologize. If breitbart were going to go behind Jeff Sessions and take on donald trump, they would be calling every republican member in Congress Asking them to condemn what donald trump said about Jeff Sessions and writing a story about every single one of those and theyre not doing that. They want the power and they see having influence with the president . That and i think you cant underestimate the impact steve bannon has on the editorial direction that breitbart takes. When they started going after jared kushner, a lot of people assumed that was under the direction of steve bannon. All of a sudden they went crickets on those attacks. There is a reason why steve bannon got a direct waiver to try to still have contact with breitbart. So put that aside for a minute. There is a lot of conservative media that is speaking out against the president. Do you think the president s behavior towards sessions changes now in light of the conservative media outcry . Well see. T it is amazing. Of all the people he smeared, the firing of the fbi director, the attacks on john mccain, this is what gets these people upset. Thats because the triple instinct has kicked in. He is one of theirs. He is a loyal, antiimmigration, social conservative and they take offense at this. So for them its all about who is on my team, who is on the other guys team and now theyre in a bit of a quandary because they have carried the president on their shoulders all the way to the white house. On the other hand, they do have quite a bit of affection for Jeff Sessions. I think the president is not so much going to listen to this group of people, but as usually occurs he then gets bored and goes on to pick on somebody else and i think thats going to happen. You saw him change the conversation on a friday afternoon by firing Reince Priebus. So that will give him some mileage. I think you will see a series of these distracting comments and artificial controversies as the president lashes out here, lashes out there. In the meantime, his agenda is stalled. Hes really not producing anything that the conservative movement asked him to, like the repeal of obamacare. So we go from crisis to crisis and controversy to controversy. There is speculation who might replace john kelly. The big name thats been thrown out there tonight is Jeff Sessions, in fact. Kurt, is that realistic . Well, sure. I think we live in a world right now where frankly anything can and will likely happen. And jennifer is right that trump likes to move his attention from one person out to another. He just tweeted in the last five minutes, i love reading about all of the geniuses so instrumental on my elections success. Who is he talking about . Steve bannon. Hes talking about the book the devils bargain. And hes sitting there on a saturday evening reading this book. Its number one on the New York Times best seller and its driving him crazy. Jennifer, where do you think steve bannon ends up landing in President Trumps white house given our reporting says trump was asking about whether bannon should stay or go in light of mixing up his staff, replacing Reince Priebus. He was apparently told that getting rid of bannon would hurt him with his base. Yeah. I think it would probably hurt him with the base, the very people who were complaining about the mistreatment of Jeff Sessions wouldnt like it if steve bannon for dumped. There was a point in the administration of course where he and the then chief of staff Reince Priebus were feuding publically, and he was able to back off from that, be quiet, go under the radar screen and avoid a straight confrontation with the president and the president s children who are very instrumental. I dont think hes going to be going anywhere very fast and i think a lot depends on general kelly. If general kelly thinks that people are going around him, are being distracting to the president , are creating havoc, hes going to step forward. Apparently he was empowered to really take care of the white house. So i think steve bannon is going to be smart about this for a while, probably. Hes going to try to get along with general kelly. If he does that, hell be fine probably in the short term. In between attacking Jeff Sessions and getting rid of Reince Priebus, trump turned to twitter to unveil a ban on new transgender military service. The military is not a microcosm of civilian society. They are there to kill people and blow stuff up. They are not there to be socially engineered. We want people who are transgendered to live happy lives. But we want unit cohesion and we want combat effectiveness, and that is why the president is doing this out of the warmth of his consideration for this population. Kurt, apparently it caught military leaders off guard, including his joint chiefs of staff. Is this simply a play to his base . Yes. This has nothing to do with military cohesion or the costs of having the health care for Transgender Service members, of which by the way going to maralago costs more every week than the health care for Transgender Service members. This is about trump trying to throw something to the base. There is no directive to dod. There is no guidance of how this would actually happen. The joint chiefs had no idea this was going to happen. This is social policy by tweet. And his comments are narrow minded, ignorant and dumb, frankly. It shows there is a lack of sophistication, awareness of the military structure and they are willing to say and do anything to try and change the story at any point if they think it benefits them. They think it is better for them if the liberals get all up in arms about lgbtq issues and takes away from other things happening. And yet we did see republican lawmakers pushing back about this issue as well, about this ban that the president threw out there. They really did. And this was a compete miscalculation on the president s part. They did. People with some military credentials like john mccain and joni ernst really spoke out very harshly. And he has no credentials to be in the white house whatsoever. The military people are in the process of studying this. They will make a decision. And no one, including the joint chiefs, are talking about kicking people who are already in the military, already serving honorable out. So what hes suggesting would be more disruptive, more offensive, more damaging to military moral than anything on the lgbtq members of military are doing as they honorably serve. Thank you both for your thoughts tonight. Thanks. Coming up, a troubling new study about the risk of brain injury in football and why it has one twotime super bowl champ now speaking out. Ard. 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A new study linking football and concussions to a degenerative brain disease has a lot of players in the nfl shaken. That includes a twotime super bowl champion. Beth roethlisberger is the first star to come out and say the new findings will specifically have a role on when he decides to retire. The 35yearold qb contemplated this retirement this past off season before ultimately deciding to return for his 14th season and telling the tribune review, quote, i want to play catch with my kids. I want to know my kids names. As much as i want my kids to remember what i did and watch me play the game, i also want to remember them when im 70 years old. A recent Boston University study showed that 110 of the 111 former nfl players brained that were examined at the degenerative brain disease cte. Many of the brains came from former players who were worried about cte when that player was still alive. It can only be diagnosed after death. Roethlisberger has had multiple concussions in his career and he said in regards to this new cte study, quote, this shows there is nothing to mess with. If you want to mess with your brain, you cant put a new one in. If you want to mess with your brain, go ahead. Im not going to. I love my family and kids. And roethlisberger added he will be wearing a new helmet that is scanned specifically to fit snugly on his head. Ravens offensive line man abruptly retired from football at the age of 26. He did not cite the new cte study as the reason for his retirement. But he had written about player safety in the past. But urschel is actually a math genius. He is going to be taking classes at mit and has said that he shouldnt play football because of his bright career in mathematics. He kept playing because he loved the game. But then deciding the risks were no longer worth it for him. Thank you. Love watching football. Not good to hear about the Health Impact there. Lets show you some viral video now. A boat dragging a shark while traveling at a high speed. It is sparking cries of animal cruelty. Could it change the law in florida . Here is the video. Now investigating this incident. The state agency tells cnn it is trying to identify the people in the video and where it took place exactly. Florida governor rick scott called this video incredibly disturbing. He sent a letter to fish and wildlife asking for a full review of state fishing regulation. Up next a terror plot foiled. Well hear more from australias Prime Minister on this arrest. Were live in the cnn news room. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i was doing okay. Then it hit me. Managing was all i was doing. When i told my doctor,. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. Even after trying other medications. In clinical studies,. The majority of people on humira. Saw significant symptom relief. 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Ask about xeljanz xr. Breaking news out of australia. The Prime Minister says authorities have broken up a terrorist plot to bring down an airplane. Four men arrested in sydney. Police got word a group is planning an attack, using an improvised device. The Prime Minister just made the announcement during a press conference. There has been a major joint Counter Terrorism to disrupt a terrorist plot to bring down an airplane. The operation is continuing. At this stage, four people have been arrested and a considerable amount of material has been seized by police. Cnn National Security analyst joins us live from port smith rhode island. Airline travelers everywhere hear this and understandably a little nervous. Can you put this into some context for us . How big is this . Its certainly good news. What we know now is the disruption was far enough along that the australians actually seized material. The Prime Minister had not identify what had that material is. In fact, at the end of the conference, he said the investigation was ongoing. So i would anticipate there might be more arrests around this particular incident. But you are right. Over the last couple months, the department of Homeland Security here or in europe, growing concerns about isiss use of explosive materials and detonation devices on airplanes. This may be one of the first disruptions that we know of that the australians were able to stop. Right. Weve been reporting on the travel ban dealing particularly with bigger electronics, from being in carry ones previously from other countries. Not australia. How big of a problem is terror there . Is there something here unique to that area . Well, certainly, i mean as a Coalition Supporter of the wars and certainly because isis has said that they will target any coalition members, australia has seen its fair share of either attempted attacks or isis inspired attacks certainly saw something earlier this summer. And it has unfortunately, her skype shot froze. Well try to get back with her. Bracing for the worst as the death toll keeps rising. Another big story making headlines overseas. Families of u. S. Embassy employees told to leave venezuela. Stay with us. When heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. Infallible proglow foundation by loreal. The pro look in longwear. Go pro with an allday glow. Resists dryout and fadeout. Infallible proglow foundation. From loreal paris. And conceal, reveal, and glow. With new infallible proglow concealer. Im the one clocking in. When youre clocking out. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. There. I can even warm these to help you fall asleep faster. Does your bed do that . Oh. I dont actually talk. Though im smart enough to. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. 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He would be a less wrinkly, winning guy. Turning to venezuelas crisis, the u. S. Has ordered family members to leave the city as soon as possible. Venezuela may be just hours away from more violence and chaos ahead of a controversial election tomorrow that has the potential to give more power to president nicolas maduro. The regime says it has zmachd more than 370,000 troops to secure the vote and has forbidden protests through tuesday. Lets go on the ground in caracas. Paula why is the opposition so fearful of having this vote. Reporter they believe there are no good options, just by having the vote, maduro wins. That body will have overwhelming powers to do whatever it wants, the only people that are electable are people that are loyal to the government. People are fearful of what will happen the day after. I have to say what makes this differentiate is the sheer lawlessness. Its not just the shortage of food and medicine, its petitioner ra military groups, other government groups armed throughout the city and weve been hearing a lot of clashes and just a lot of people insecure, hunkering down in their homes wondering whats going to happen next. Even though the protests right now, the government has deemed them illegal, the opposition is calling on tens of thousands of people to go out into the streets anyway, and it will be very interesting to see if that comes down to a confrontation. Were hearing the words break up civil war, seems like this situation is spiraling out of control what influence could the Trump Administration perhaps have in terms of helping the situation there . Reporter its a very interesting question, especially because the Trump Administration has show interest in it. If maduro holds this vote, he said were going to take swift action . Venezuela sells have its oil to the United States. The United States starts bands those shipments, it could hurt americans, but it will also cripple this economy even further, thereby putting more pressure on the government. The white house has a very large agenda on its plate and no one is quite sure exactly what the next step will be. Do stay safe my friend. Quick brea quick break. Well be right back. Remote moisture sensors use a Reliable Network to tell them when and where to water. So that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. China. Oh. He got there. Thats the power of and. Coming up on tomorrows brand new episode of the cnn original series the history of comedy, we take a look at the sometimes dark side of kmeedic genius. I would say kaufman was the one i saw work without a net. How many people want me to stay . [ cheers applause ] how many people dont want me to stay . [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. And im sorry i brought you all done at this party. His intentions were different than any other comedian, he was trying to get a reaction and it was art more than straight disbandup comedy. But im going to get off. You really [ sobbing ] you ruined everything. [ sobbing ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you. What was that . Tune in for the history of comedy tomorrow 10 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Youre live in the newsroom. We began with a white house struggling to get back on track after a staffing overhaul. Six people gone in less than six months. Is this reshuffling over. John kelly, the current secretary of Homeland Security moves into the White House Monday to replace Reince Priebus as chief of staff. Some are questioning whether Jeff Sessions will be asked to fill it. Tweeting, quote, Jeff Sessions has a good ring to it. Highly qualified, commit to the rule of law, tough on crime and fiercely independent. Dhs secretary Jeff Sessions doesnt sound right, doesnt feel right. Bad idea. There has been serious speculation for more than a week that President Trump wants Jeff Sessions gone. The president confirmed as much tweeting this week, quote, attorney general Jeff Sessions has

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