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Weekend. We have Live Team Coverage for you this afternoon. Correspondents athena jones, rene marsh and brian todd are joining usbrian. You have been with these protesters all day. What is the mood right now on the president s 100th day in office . Reporter ana, the mood is really kind of jubilant. Theyre very happy with what theyve been able to accomplish here today. They got a lot of energy. Check out the scene behind me, this is a massive puppet that these people constructed in North Carolina around the chapel hill area and brought it all the way up here. They just had to squeeze it through kind of a chain link fence on constitution avenue to get it through here. This is supposed so symbolize mother earth. This was the gentleman who was instrumental in making it. Jan berger, can you talk us to for a second . What made you want to bring this all way from North Carolina up here . Well, we thought it was different, important that one of the biggest issues that everybody faces is trying to save the world that we live in for ourselves and for everything else. We wanted to make a beautiful big impact to try and highlight the fact that this is something that we all have to do together so we built this massive monstrosity of a mother earth thats beautiful but falling apart. Reporter its fall apart. You had a real challenge to bring it from the white house in here. What is it supposed to symbolize . This is mother earth and all things on it including ourselves. We have people power and we have the waves and tind and the sun. We need to shift to those resources instead of the once destroying the planet. Reporter good luck with the float. Thank you. Ana, you see the logistical challenges. Theyve been able to make it through here. Were right now at the foot of the Washington Monument where theres a rally. You have a lot of people wanting to call attention to what they believe is an assault on the Environmental Movement from President Trump, ana. Thanks to brian todd. Rene, lets head out to you now. Last hour you talked about how protesters are concerned about the removal of most of the references to Climate Change from the Environmental Protection agency website. Thats the newest thing weve seen. Youve also done some reporting on the president s hiring freeze thats left 350 vacant positions within the epa. Are protesters youre talking with concerned about these issues . Reporter yeah, i can tell you, ana, and they are concerned. Theyre concerned that the epa, which is the main agency in charge of regulating all issues relating to the environment in their view is essentially being gutted and just made a shell of itself. We do know that the hiring freeze remains in place at the epa and you mentioned Climate Change references taken down from the epa website. Well, that happened on the eve of this very big march. Here is where all of those marchers are coming from. Where brian is at the white house. Theyre all filling into this open area here at the Washington Monument. They are still coming and i just spoke with head of the sierra club which is essentially one of the main groups organizing this march here, and they tell me, according to their estimates, ana, some 150,000 people showed up. Again, that is the sierra clubs crowd count at this hour. And were starting to see those protesters fill in here for a rally that will happen here in just a matter of moments a,na. Reneathena. President trump tweeted about his 100th day in office. What did he say . Reporter thats right. Hes not happy with the coverage hes getting. This is the tweet in the last couple hours. He said mainstream fake media refuses to state our long list of achievements including 28 legislative signings, strong borders and great optimism so it seems like the president may be watching the news and not so happy with the grade hes getting. The white house has put out a highlight reel of what they view as the president s greatest achievements. Lot of positive commentary from the news media. Very heavy on fox news clips, but there are also clips across the media. Theyve also put on their website, whitehouse. Gov a long list of what they view as the president s biggest achievements in the last 100 days and in the president s weekly address, the first line of that address touts what he feels hes accomplished. He says i truly believe the first 100 days of my administration has been just about the most successful in our countrys history. Thats very similar to what weve heard from him in the past. He went on to tick through accomplishments like removing the u. S. From the Transpacific Partnership trade deal and confirming neil gorsuch to the supreme court. Ana . All right. Athena jones, thanks to you. Lets bring in our panel of political experts now. Ill start with you salina zito, were finishing getting everybody miked up here. Exit by our floor staffer. When you talked to President Trump this week, this past thursday, you had an interesting conversation. Youve been traveling the country following back up with other folks you interviewed previously. The president s Approval Rating right now is hovering in the low to mid 40s depending which poll you look at. Does that seem to bother the president . Well, we didnt talk about that but he looks at as i did he looks at the people who voted for him. So if you look at the polling numbers, look at the urban areas, the urban suburbs, hes doing poorly, 29 , you know, average around there for approval. But then if you add in the suburbs and then, you know, the third ring out and the fourth ring out, the rural areas, his Approval Rating is at about 58 60 . So thats how you get to the 40 . So the people who didnt like him still dont like him. The people who did like him, i mean, i went, you know, back to all these voters that i talked to when i drove across the country, if you voted for him, theyre very of the miptimistic happy. Its as if the country is still at midnight november 8 tth and e people who voted for him are incredibly optimistic. The people who didnt vote for him, theyre like, wait, he won . Its still that kind of thing. Doug, shovuldnt he beworkin to expand his base . He needs to focus on anything he can do to get legislative victories not through working with department democrats. Working in a better fashion with republican offices. Influence the republican members. We had a vote on friday to keep the government open. We didnt have enough republican votes. It would have failed if it had just been republican. The Administration Needs to double down and work with these members to expand not just on health care, not just on keeping the government open but all the legtsi legislative priorities trump emphasized so far. Lets talk about one of his leg legislative priorities, dealing with Climate Change. Hes talked a lot about the regulations he wants to roll back and he has in effect been successful in rolling back a lot of regular laces and in part why were seeing all these big protests that are taking place around the country the last two weekends. He tweeted this last week on earth day sayi ining today o earth day we celebrate our lakes and land, stand committed to preserving the Natural Beauty of our nation. Im committed to keeping our nation clean. He said hes the jobs president. He appointed one of the biggest epa opponents to lead the industry. Signed an executive order that aims to roll back the clean water rule. We just learned the epa removed Climate Change references from its website. So, mike, how can he say the environment is important to him when hes taking these types of actions . Well, first of all, he is focused on jobs and i would think he would tell you straightup that is his number one priority. Hes been pretty successful in the first 100 days of focusing his administration on jobs. The protests in washington right now to a lot of vote es, this is an antijobs protest. Those who delivered him the white house in michigan, pennsylvania, ohio, are harmed by these regulations. The protesters out there on the left, theyre not for that. Theyre for draconian regulations that hurt industries and really have an ideological view of how climate should be approached and the president doesnt agree with that. I think hes sticking to his word and the voters that salena talked about that he cares about, the Manufacturing Base vote errs hes been focused on e a laser in the first 100 days, hes the people hes thinking about whith the regulations. Can you have one and not the other . Climate change is real, everybody. Our planet is warming. Climate change affects everyone, rural, White Working Class people, and urban folks in chicago, illinois. It is a crisis and a crisis we should all be focused on. These folks out here marching today on climate on capitol hill, they are marching for Environmental Justice protections. Theyre marching for clean water. Theyre also marching for all the kids in classrooms across the country that asthma because thats a result of all the things that happened in our climate. I think we can definitely focus on jobs. Theres nothing about addressing Climate Change, making sure our planet is around for our childrens childrens children but takes away from focusing on jobs and we created a false narrative here and the think the president has succeeded in that narrative in saying that hes, you know, this jobs president and that Climate Change is harmful to manufacturing jobs and thats just not true. When you look at clean energy, for example, 200,000plus people work in solar energy right now, compare that to 53,000 people who work in the coal industry. So, to symones point, there are opportunities, you could say, in clean energy, but kirsten, let me bring up another tweet we heard from the president today. Mainstream media refuses to state our long list of accomplishments including 28 legislative signings, strong wi borders and great optimism. Has the president accomplished more than weve been giving him credit for . Look, i think from any objective standard, it hasnt been the best 100 days and a lot of that is because he kind of came out of the gate and wasted a lot of Political Capital on this travel ban which wasnt handled very well so i think then we moved on to repealing obamacare which didnt happen. I mean, those are two pretty major things. The legislation hes referring to is minor legislation. Its not major legislation. Major legislation would have been getting obamacare repealed and replaced. I think he would have gotten a lot of credit for that even from people who dont agree with it, they would recognize that thats a big accomplishment. He signed a lot of executive orders that undo a lot of things but they dont really do anything new. All that said, it doesnt mean he cant have a successful presidency. I mean, we do focus on the first 100 days a lot. Maybe more than we should. And to be fair, he has also focused on it but i think that he can go on from here and probably recover. He came into the white house with not a lot of experience with washington, didnt really even expect to win. Its not that surprising that things didnt go smoothly. So i think its better just for him to acknowledge that and move on. When you look at his ten big legislative items that he has on this contract to the American People that he put together, he hasnt been able to accomplish the ten items or even introduce nine of the ten. He has introduced health care. We know where that fell short. But mark, he has a Republicancontrolled Congress and so whos to blame for not getting this stuff at least going in congress . A couple things. He has a Republicancontrolled Congress that isnt necessarily united because you have fiscal conservatives at odds right now with centrist republicans about how to move forward and how to pay for things. But if you look, you know, we talk a lot about President Trumps Approval Rating at 44 in the new cnn orc poll, if you look at the congressional Approval Rating which we have right in front of me, its at 24 . So, when there is blame to be cast, i would think that in some ways if you are a trump supporter, you are casting all the blame on congress, whethe that be republicans or democrats, although i dont think democrats really have played any role at all in the first 100 days and in fact, polls say that more than 6 0 of democrats are out of touch according to those voters polled be i the washington post. If i can say one thing about the protests out here, symone is right, the fact of the matter is Climate Change is real and to have these people come down here and to march shows that theres enthusiasm for it. I dont think what helps their cause, though, is to be marching down with big puppets and kind of, you know, flashing them around because to mikes point, were talking about people who have lost jobs, campaigned for their families and theyre watching tv right now, see people flash around big puppets and talk about Climate Change. It doesnt seem to jive very well. A lot of the signs have language you cant show on cnn right now, too. To that point, we have to leave it there. May, as well as kevin, we havent forgotten about you. Breaking news right now, this just into cnn, we learned the antiisis coalition has confirmed a u. S. Service member has died in iraq from an explosive device that just went off outside mosul. This is early information so we do not yet know the Service Members name or more details about what happened but we can tell you there are about 1,000 members of the u. S. Military right now on the ground in iraq. This operation is called inherent resolve. Again, one American Service member now dead after an explosion near mosul. Well update you as soon as we learn more information. Back to our coverage of the president s 100 days in office. He is the ultimate outsider. What would President Trump have learned in the past 100 days to give him the advantage to pass things other president s couldnt . Things like tax or entitlement reform . Does President Trump need to become a washington insider to change washington . Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. For the car you want. 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Furious at the president s environmental policies, demanding action aimed at the e fejt effects of claimant chanimate c. Similar marches taking place in denver, seattle. The timing of these protests no accident. Today a President Trump heess day in office. This is a new type of president , campaigned on being the outsider, going to come in, shake up washington. Could he become the president who has more of a populist agenda, reaching out to different sides . Could he get to things that other president s in the past havent, like tackling tax reform . Like creating a path to citizenship and immigration, although hes obviously been a little bit more tougher on immigration, but some of those types of issues . I think that he absolutely could because what weve seen from donald trump is that he really is kind of adaptable in the sense that hes not ideological. Weve seen a lot of issues just over the last 100 days where he said one thing on the campaign trail and then talked about hearing, you know, the perspective of, you know, of others and changing his mind, you know, everything from china to most recently when he last had sunny purdue in his ear, what am i thinking of . Agriculture, nafta. Pop quiz right there, you passed. Im done. Nafta, you know, and backing away from a number of things that he said on the campaign trail, certainly about engagement abroad, syria, for example, was a big surprise. Nato being obsolete i think that there is we know that hes calling democrats, that hes actively reaching out to them. A lot of those democrats are saying at this point theyre not ready to work with donald trump and that he has a lot to prove to them, but i do think that we could see after the failure of health care him going in a different direction where he is more pragmatic and picks things that he can get done. Lets listen to what the president said about the job of being president and how its been more challenging than he anticipated. Im an outsider. I want to be an outsider. I ran as an outsider. Im an outsider. Used to ban insider, to be honest with you, okay . I know the inside and i know the outside and thats why im the only one that can fix this mess. I loved my previous life. I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. I this is actually more work than my previous life. I thought it would be easier. I thought it was more of a im a detailsoriented person, i think you would say that, but i do miss my old life. Kevin, this is sort of a rare admission maybe from President Trump talking about maybe not being superman after all and coming in and discovering that its not quite what he thought it was going to be. Is the gravity of being president starting to sink in . Yeah, look, youre right, its a human answer. Its a very honest answer and its also just a reflection of just how tough this job is. Look, when you are president of the united states, anything that gets to your desk, it got there because nobody else wanted to make that decision or couldnt make that decision. So the weight of that, i think, has had an impact on him. I think its also had an impact on many of those staffers who also who are so close to this president , do so much of the work inside the white house and also came to washington without much of an inside washington experience. I think theyre clearly recognizing particularly given the first 100 days how much there is to learn on the job. Does he need to have more of an insider perspective in order to get things done, mike . You know, i think hes learning that but, look, a lot of us work in washington. This citys different. I mean, he really has made a lot of changes culturally already. The house is different, the senate is different, lobbying rule is different, the press approach to things are different. Look, were measuring him in the first 100 days. Go back to the 30s, weve had two president s who have had, going to use air quotes, signature legislation that has been passed in their first 100 days. Barack obama after the crisis there and fdr. Otherwise every other president , even successf fuful president s havent really had that happen until much further into their presidency. Ronald reagan, tax cuts. Hes learning on the job. He is changing things. He started with a bunch of outsiders on purpose and by definition there are going to be growing pains. They are figuring it out. More of this might be very helpful in the next 100 days because what happened was he set such Unrealistic Expectations on the campaign trail about how this is all easy, im going to get this all done, everythings going to be beautiful and he suffered as a result perception wise by those who, you know, judged him against his accomplishments, legislative accomplishments inside the first 100 days. But taking this approach Going Forward might be might serve him very well. I have to say this, though, im pretty sure the republicans on this side over here are not sick of winning yet, though. And he did say were going to win so much. To that point, i remember, you know, in the course of talking to friends of trump during the first 100 days and one of them said, you know, actually it was the day that the Health Care Bill was going down, the thursday before, said if this does go down, thats really going to be a good kick in the rear for him, thats going to kind of wake him up to the realities of washington, and youve seen since then, you know, an elevation of mike pence, him really delegating more to mike pence on the hill in the second attempt to fix to change the Health Care Bill. So, i think that he is adapting and adjusting to the reality every white house has these moments. The question they have to ask themselves is, what did we learn from it, what are we going to change . Well, often you learn more from your failures than your successes. We can all speak to that. Guys, stay with me. Well be back with our panel. Check out the state new digital magazine for cnn politics. Meave reston wrote the cover story. Visit that at cnn. Com state. Coming up, they helped the president win some of the reddest states in the country, but are they happy with him on the job . We travel to three states in three regions to find out. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Fmy doctor recommended ibgard. Abdominal pain and bloating. Now im in control of my ibs. Nonprescription ibgardcalms the angry gut. President trump may be seeing the lowest Approval Ratings in modern history, but theres at least one encouraging nmber he can point to in the latest polls. It shows hes doing extremely well with his base. 96 of those who voted for him say they dont regret it, but as we learned back in november, polls dont always reflect reali realities. So ahead of trumps 100day milestone, cnns Martin Savidge spoke with voters in deep red states, new series red, purple and blue first 1200 days. Reporter asheville, alabama. The suns been up for three hours and gregs been up for six. Hes a farmer. What he grows he and hi wife, brandy, sell at an old gas station at the edge of town. This is a western town. Reporter around here the only thing redder than the m maters is politics. How is trump doing . I think hes doing good. Reporter they like trump even though his first actions havent really helped them. Trumps tough immigration talk has made it harder for greg to find Migrant Workers to harvest his crops. If you cant get it picked, youre in trouble. Reporter then theres trumps efforts to replace obamacare which greg and brandy are on. What do you like about it . Why do you like it . Pay 88 a month for me and my wife. Before obamacare come in, i was paying, like, 660. Reporter obamacare is working so well, brandy feels guilty. She says she knows people who cant afford their private insurance or who cant get insurance at all. Shes okay with trumps efforts to replace it. It still doesnt make sense to pay so little and still the poor people get nothing. Reporter you think you should pay more. Yeah. In other words, yes. Reporter in birmingham, also another long day for a cab driver. In the past, hes voted democratic but in 2016, voted trump. The thing about a businessman is that its action and its not policy. Reporter black trump voters are rare in the south. Only about 9 . Hes even more rare since hes black and gay. 100 days in, how do you feel hes done . 100 days in, im not pleased. Reporter really . Not pleased. Reporter what dont you like. Hes a little too brash, is is that the word . Reporter he hasnt seen as much change as he expected and worries about what a trump budget might cut. Do you wish you hadnt voted for him . I dont wish i hadnt because, i mean, according to alternatives, i dont have any regret. Reporter right, you were not going to vote for clinton. No, im not going to vote for clinton. Reporter in des moines, iowa, i find another surprise. Named alberto alejandro, the 32yearold public schoolteacher who teaches spanish to inner city kids. Who did you vote for this go around . I voted for trump. Reporter born in mexico, he became an american through an Amnesty Program in the 80s, yet voted for a president who has called mexicans criminls and threatens mass deportations. Here we are 100 days after he was sworn in and he has not acted against innocent undocumented workers. Reporter some would disagree, but whats certain is that alberto feels good about the administration so far including on immigration. Being in america to begin with isnt a right. Its a great privilege. Reporter madison county, iowa, famous for its bridges and home to a man many feel personifies america. John wayne. Brian downes knew the duke and found similar qualities in the donald when he met trump at a campaign event. Meeting him made a huge difference, made a huge difference. Its somebody who we really felt like one of us. I had that feeling. Reporter the big Campaign Issue for brian was the same as alberto. Borders. Immigration. And i think that National Security is all part of that. Reporter and like alberto, brian is pleased by trump so far. I think hes doing great. Reporter and he also admits that trumps had to deal with a bit of a learning curve. And he has as much as admitted i didnt know it was going to be this complicated. Reporter from the birthplace of john wayne, to a scene right out of the old west. Johns family has been raising buffalo since the 60s. Today the durham ranch has more than 3,000. Theyre a great story. I mean, they have great comeback story, you know . Reporter wyoming may be the cowboy state, but here, coal is king. On a king kong scale. Wyoming produces 41 of americas coal. Theres also oil, natural gas and wind. We are the Energy Capital of the nation. Reporter here if youre not mining or drilling, youre selling to those who do. This past election, only one issue really mattered. Jobs and energy. And, yes, thats two, but in wyoming, theyre one in the same. Jeff dale runs a business running industrial generators. He voted for trump saying democrats were antienergy. The path we were on was definitely crippling this industry, too many regulations and too many hurdles. Reporter that could explain why wyoming was the reddest state of all. 24,000 pounds. Reporter michaels familyown business has been repairing monster sized Mining Machinery for decades. He voted for trump and says things have been improving ever since. Business is better now. We had our worst year since 2008 last year. Its better now. We feel like its going to be 10 better, maybe 20 better this year. Want your spot at the table . Reporter Stacey Muller is a single mother, a grandparent and coal miner. Operates a pnh 4100 electric shovel thats larger than her house. One mistake and you could really do a lot of damage. Yeah, yeah. We dont make mistakes. Reporter she also voted for trump though she was reviled by his words and actions toward women. I was offended but it was not about me. It was about the people i work with and the people i love and i had to make a choice that was bigger than me. So i did. Reporter for stacey and all the voters i talked with, trump was not a perfect candidate and is is not a perfect president. They voted for him believing he would make their lives better. 100 days later, they still do. Cnn, wyoming. Our thanks to martin. Now President Trump promised to be a voice for the forgotten. The men and women not helped by the career politicians or by wall street. So after 100 days, has the president lived up to that promise . Well discuss live in the cnn newsroom. Imy moderate to severeng crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. So, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. He said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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I want to bring back our panel, salena, to you first, the Health Care Plan weve been hearing has been reworked could threaten people with preexisting conditions. Is that living up to this promise to watch out and take care of the forgotten man and woman . That was one of the essential things that he promised he would keep in the health care, whatever reform that he would take. That and having the kids on until they were 26 years old. I think that would be a problem for him if that ends up being something that is easily that states easily do which i think its a voucher for the states. If they want to take that out, that they would and so i think that would be a problem for him. You know, i talked to voters across the country for his 100day mark and they were not unsatisfied that health care wasnt taken care of yet. You know, they have probably a little more patience and a little more understanding than possibly we give them credit for. Yeah, that was an essential part. I think that needs to remain part of his health care reform. Kirsten, what have you seen in the president s first 100 days that speaks to the forgotten man and woman . I dont see a lot. Point to rolling back the environmental regulations which are supposed to help people in coal country, but thats not really were sort of talking about this earlier, its not really an either or situation. There are ways to help people in coal country, especially acknowledging the fact that coal really is not the future of energy in this country or in the world and so something president obama was trying to do was bringing in people from silicon vlley, for example, and going to coal kuchb tcountry. Helping people retrain for new, clean energy jobs. Interestingly, thats something that donald trump is not funding. So, you know, you have to sort of ask, is it about really helping the people there or about sort of pursuing this agenda . I mean, its interesting hearing it called an agenda. Ideal agenda when the left is trying to protect the environment. Well, there is also an ideological agenda happening on the left, its not the future of the kuchb t country, the world in terms of energy and theyre some of the worst jobs in the world so why dont we help people get trained for new jobs and protect the environment . Symone, the democrats would say for a long time theyre the party of the forgotten man or woman. Yet we saw trump win states like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, where hes going to be rallying at tonight. Where have democrats gone wrong and how do you get back on track . Look, ive been at a lot of focus groups and seen a lot of tracking polls and there are voters that are Democratic Party voters who think that the Democratic Party is for the wealthy people. Say the Democratic Party is not fighting for them, so i think where democrats can get back on track is to speak directly to the issues and the reality of millions of people in america. Under president obama, yes, we had 75 straight months of private sector job growth but also under president obama and even before that, there were people in this country working 40, 50, 60 hours a week that cant make enough money to put food on the table to feed their families. That is an issue we have to address in its totality. The last thing i want to make sure we talk about is the forgotten man and woman in this country, not just white men, theyre black women, latino women, theyre latino men, theyre asianamericans, native americans. When we talk about the working clause class in this country, we have to remember there are working class people of all shapes andizes all over america that need our attention. Doug, critics like to point the fact the president has surrounded himself with a lot of millionaires and billionaires part of his cabinet, in fact, politico says its in the range of 4. 5 billion to 6 billion net worth of these people. Are they in touch with the forgotten men and women . I think youre going to have a hard time from getting from a treasury secretary to a coal miner in virginia. President s nominate people whether for treasury, agriculture, whatever, people who have been successful in that field. It shouldnt be any surprise that donald trump is going to pull people that he knows and has experience in those issues. What about rick perry . I think rick perry has been a very successful governor of texas. You may disagree with that. Whats troubling for me about what the administration has done so far with filli in positions they have not filled enough of them. People like me who didnt support trump as a republican will see him nominate people were enthusiastic for, not just cabinet secretaries, ambassadors at france, the uk and germany, where there are elections right now. Diplomatic security jobs at the state department. Im all for cutting the stize o government and reducing the too many holes . Do the things he made the promises he wants to keep. All right, guys, stay with us. Thank you to our panel. Few stories hanging over President Trumps first 100 days like the russian meddling into the election. The white houses relation with the kremlin. All the twists and turns coming up next here in the cnn newsroom. First, a comedian believes Uncomfortable Conversations like ours create change. Its the subject of tomorrow nights season premiere of united shades of america. Im in washington, d. C. , and i cant think of a better place to explore our countrys conflicting views on immigration. There is no diverse america. Theres only white america. America is a country of immigrants. Thats bull [ bleep ]. America is a white country. Its a mans game. The fact is men and women are different. Women are more suited to maintaining the household, bring a level of civilization. Were more interested in power, were more interested in exploration and nomination. I just want to bathe in white privilege. Im not going to say anything. There are a lot of jokes in here. Not going to say any of them because im a nicehearted person. [fbi agent] youre a brave man, mr. Stevens. Your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. For the car you want. What other people paid you already know that; youve probably heard me say it. But heres something you might not know after you see what others paid, just sign up for free and truecars certified dealers go to work. Not bad. They help you find your car. Very nice. And make you competitive offers. This is the one. This is truecar. Fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. Daily life a guessing game. And bloating made will i have pain and bloating today . My doctor recommended ibgard to manage my ibs. Take control. Ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard. Russia and the investigations into possible connections into the trump campaign, the story hangs over the presidency of donald trump look a wet blanket. Critics point to how as a president ial candidate donald trump seems to go out of his way to praise runner president vladimir putin. No so much more. We begin our story with Matthew Chance and a view from russia. Matthew. Reporter im Matthew Chance in russia where the view of seems to sbren a transformation. Joining forces in series. But 100 days, none of that has come to past. He ordered u. S. Missile strikes on russians allies. Part of suspicions into russian interference is also a sense that rush and the u. S. Even under President Trump has different priorities. Math that you chance thank you. Lets bring in our in vefrt. So this investigation in the campaign between u. S. And russia seem to be heating up. Whats next in terms of flynn and the investigation . The first thing theres a desire to hear from flinn, certainly from us, the media and the public what his role was with the russians and what his relationship was. One of the things that we may start to see is more people come out and defend him as weve seen the last few days. There is this feeling among investigators right now there may not necessarily be a crime. Obviously, the white house is continuing to defend him. Trump spoke yesterday, heres the sound where trump is defending him. I do feel badly for him. He served the country, he was a general, but just remember, he was approved by the Obama Administration at the highest level. And when they say we didnt obama i guess didnt im smiling because thats rich. Thats a very separate thing from the renewal of a clearance from the vetting that goes into an appointment of any senior white house officials or any Senior Administration official. Im thinking the concern whats the concern for Michael Flynn for the administration . Theres a big concern because hes one of the people that dont go away. Flynn, his names never goes away, we keep hearing more and keep finding out more information because he was in the public eye for a long time, he was in the military, so theres a lot of records concerning him. So, it is a big issue for the administration. The other problem is what we keep finding is that trump and the white house do not have not released everything they know and did, and what was the vetting process . It seems like there really wasnt any vetting process concerning flynn, his communications with the russians have been scrutinized, the fbi is aware of it and it is now part of the their investigation. And now theres other investigations on the hill where theyre moving forward. And the other thing is interesting if he is granted immunity. Well the inspector generals investigation we just learned about this week, the speaking he got from the Russian Media mouthpieces. Thank you so much. May 8th is when were hear from the former acting attorney general yates, as well as thor director of National Security. From washington to new york to all across the country were watching this protest and people gathering for trumps 100th day in washington. Heres from two people who wrote the book on the president s his biographers, youre live in the cnn newsroom. I love kiwis. Ive always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. Super poligrip free. 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