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Be in the top five things that he accomplishes. An abc news poll, Washington Post also part of the poll, showing the president has just 42 approval overall, and an nbc news and Wall Street Journal showing he has just 40 . But look at this. Only 2 of the americans who voted for President Trump say they regret it. His voters are still with him. Nina, is that a bad sign for democrats if they Arent Making Mor more inroads and even what you listed doesnt seem to be intacting them very much. Well, his team he cant continue to fworch with just the people who voted for him. He is the president of the United States and the president of all people, so that is a snapshot. What this means though, We Shouldnt Be Playing Politics either way with the needs of the American People. They want leadership and they want people to do things that really are in their best interests. So this is not sustainable just because his team, the people on his team support him. He has the worst Approval Rating in modern history, and that is not a good sign. Put as much pressure to them. So he has to at least Pay Attention to the folks that are swing folks, that arent always going to be with him, and make sure that he actually appeals to those voters so he can put pressure on the members of the u. S. Congress to get things done. Theres no education in the second kick of a mule either. He has to make sure when he takes bill to the United States congress he can get them passed. He needs to make sure he does his homework first and not be in such a rush to get a bill passed, but make sure to get the right bill passed. Does he have Political Capital to have that kind of leverage youre speaking of . I think he still has that capital. Look, people are still excited. You can find these polls against him, but we have more people employed than before, things are moving in a positive direction. No, he hasnt gotten the legislative accomplishments he might have wanted to have done, but he has done other things that give him a good overall first00 days. So i know we keep saying these polls are up, but his base is still happy with him. Hopefully when he gets a few of the legislative accomplishments, more than just his base will be with him and say he has gotten things done that directly affect a betterment of my life. Nina, as a Dimarco Whemocrat would you be okay with your lawmakers compromising on this week . Nothing the president has put forward so far. I mean the wall we need humane immigration reform, ana. The congress should have done it long before mr. Trump was sworn into office. It is not okay to build this wall on the backs of the American People after the president said that mexico was going to build the wall. Forget the dad gum wall, what we need to do is shore up obamacare, not to take healthcare away from millions of americans in this country, who by the way some are democrats, some are republicans, some are green party. When you talk about lifting people and making America Great again, you cant do it on the backs of the Working Class in this country. Theres nothing the president has presented thus far democrats should agree with. Awe drawn, we listed a bunch of really outstanding issues, healthcare, taxes, the spending bill. As a republican what do you want the president and your gop lawmakers to focus on most . What should be the priority . Well, i wish they hadnt of jumped on obamacare. Look, the democrats are going to have to own it. If it continues to go back, more of them are going to want to try to work with the republicans to fix it. I think first off they should have worked on tax reform. You get the Corporate Tax rate down, you start creating more dollars within our country, creating new opportunities, you repatriate the dollars not on our shores, give them a great flat rate to get them to bring the money back into our country if they invest it, those things will continue to help new people come into the workforce, and that will continue to grow his base. Taking on healthcare is a much longer, i think difficult program, but the tax right off the bat they should have gone after the tax reform because that affects everybody, if not directly at least indirectly. All right. Andre bauer, nina turner. Our thanks to both of you. We appreciate you. Have a great rest of the weekend. Thank you. You too. A political shocker overseas. Election day for 47 million registered voters in france. That is an election that could have an impact on all of us Around The World many now, this was just round one in their choice for president today. When all of the ballots were counted, two candidates were left standing. Surprisingly, neither of them were from the political establishment. A former banker and relative unknown named Emmanuel Macron has a slight reid right now over the far right political veteran Marine Le Pen. One will eventually be the next french president. Reaction here on the streets of paris. People unhappy with the first round results, clashing with French Police who fired tear gas to break up the crowds there. Cnn Senior International correspondent Jim Bittermann is in Northern France tonight where supporters of Marine Le Pen are v celebrating. Reporter ana, im not sure the word got out to le pen supporters up here in france, up in the Northeast Corner of the country, that in fact their candidate came in second. Theyre acting like it was a big victory, and i guess it is probably warranted in the sense that there was some feeling that perhaps support for her was weakening at the end of the campaign and she might not make it to the second round. Obviously she has, and now these folks feel that they have a chance to bring the Campaign Around to the french people and get her beyond the 50 mark when it comes to voting for president in just two weeks time. Now, shes going to have an uphill battle because there are if you do the math with the other parties, shes got a lot of numbers working against her. She will have to bring around a number of voters from the mainstream parties, and it is unlikely that they will do that but we dont know that for sure. Shes going to center this campaign of her foreign policy advisor, on issues like globalization, like europe and like immigration and unemployment. All of those issues have a great deal of appeal up here in this part of france where unemployment is running 17 or 18 . Ana, back to you. Well keep watching. Thank you, Jim Bittermann reporting from france. Right now north korea is detaining an american professor named tony kim. In response the pentagon issued a harsh new warning to the rogue nation. Coming up next, well ask a former ambassador how the tough talk might go over with north koreas leader, kim jongun. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Back in a moment. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. Moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. With 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. And 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. On your big day the only tears you. Not allergies. 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Share the spice of life. Alis. Right now, an american professor is being held in north korea. We are told tony kim just finished teaching for several weeks at upon i dont know june of science and technology. They say his detention is not related to his work with the university, but we know he was stopped this weekend before he attempted to fly out of the country. President trump is set to talk with japans Prime Minister and chinas president tonight and the topic of north korea likely will be a big focus. Lets talk it over with former ambassador to china and former Washington State governor locke. Thank you for being with us. Right now north korea is holding at least two other u. S. Citizens. Why do you think they detained a third . Again, we dont know what their reasoning is for his detention, but do you think theyre trying to send a message . I think theyre looking for as many Bargaining Chips as possible in any type of upcoming talks between china, the United States, north korea and some of its allies regarding north Koreas Nuclear program. So theyre really trying to get as many Bargaining Chips as possible to make it more difficult for the United States. Now, ambassador, President Trump just this week was reportedly involved in pushing egypt to release that egyptian american aid worker. Do you think that could have sent some kind of an unintentional message perhaps to north korea . Well, i think thats totally unrelated. Closer relations with ee yipt ayipt egypt and the two president s met and discussed the case, so it was a gesture of good will between egypt and the United States. Theres no good will between the United States and north korea. So if you were to advise the president , how should he approach this, in particular with the detained americans . I think were just going to have to set that aside. I mean were going to be doing everything we can, using our other channels to seek his release, to make sure he is treated well, along with the other two americans being held. In the meantime, we have really got to figure out a way in which we can get north korea to the Bargaining Table to talk about its nuclear program. Really, it is going to involve many other countries, china, south korea, japan as well, and maybe even russia. Theyve had talks before but theyve broken down. The problem is that north korea is and china have really been insisting on talks first before they stop their efforts on developing a Nuclear Weapon. The United States for the past many years has been saying, you stop developing your Nuclear Weapon first and then well talk. Well, that approach has not gotten us anywhere. In fact, north korea is almost looking at libya and saying, look what gadhafi did, he gave up his Nuclear Weapons and what happened . The west ousted him. Theyre saying their weapons, they have an ace card to keep south korea, the United States from invading north korea. Also this weekend there was another few development. North korea threatened to take out a u. S. Eric carrier. The pentagon responded tonight that with a harsh new warning and i quote, we call on north korea to refrain from provocative, destabilizing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its International Obligations and commitments and return to serious talks, end quote. So, ambassador, how much weight do Pentagon Warning like this carry with north koreas leader . I think both sides are firing, you know, Diplomatic Bluster and military gestures and tough talk at each other. The reality is, for instance, north korea says theyll wipe out the United States. They dont have a Nuclear Weapon yet thats capable of being launched and sent to the United States. They dont have the ability you dont think so . Well, they dont have that capability yet, but thats the problem. We dont want them to get to that point. Thats why it is so important and urgent that we help that we stop their development of a Nuclear Weapon before it gets to the point where we really have fewer options. And so thats why theres going to have to be some sort of grand bargain involving the entire security of north korea, the amount of american troops in south korea, protection of north korea by china, and everything else. So north korea is going to have to see a lot from the United States and its allies if it is going to stop developing a Nuclear Weapon because theyre afraid if they get rid of their Nuclear Weapons or the development of a Nuclear Weapon, whats to stop america or south korea from immediately invading north korea . They saw what happened to Muammar Gadhafi when he gave up his Nuclear Weapons. Hes gun and the west took him out. So theyre afraid that that could happen to them. Sadly, i dont think this is going to be the last conversation we have about north korea, but we would love to have you back as we continue to follow developments there. Ambassador gary locke, thank you for joining us. President trump says he is ready to announce his Tax Reform Plan this week. Millions who have filled out those irs forms looking for a big refund hope it will soon mean more money in their pockets. We will ask ben stein what he would like to see in the president s plan here in the cnn newsroom ke the job, all these benefits are yours. The worlds 2nd most decorated sushi chef. Im trying to get the first. Over here we have quiet spaces for deep thoughts. The latest smart technology. And of course, personal mobility solutions. For joining us. President s plan here in the cnn newsroom cnn newsroom. President trump says were going to get some details on wednesday about his Tax Reform Plan. The president says individuals and businesses will receive a massive tax cut. Of course, that depends on Congress Passing this tax plan. So lets talk taxes with ben stein. He is a renowned economist, actor and comedian. Ben, the current tax code is very complicated as you know. What is the number one thing that needs to be changed or tackled first . I would say raise taxes on the rich and also eliminate the Corporate Income tax. Theres no reason to have the Corporate Income tax. They should get rid of it. Raise taxes on the rich. Republicans are going to say no, we cant raise taxes. I mean really rich. I mean on the really rich, not on medium rich. I mean on people earning 10 or 20 million a year, like the people who live in my neighborhood. They deserve to have higher taxes. So what would you say is a fair compromise then for those who believe that if you give that money back to people or low he taxes, in fact, on the rich is what President Trumps tax plan is proposing in order to pump more money into the economy . Theres already plenty of money in the economy. Were running Something Like a 500 billion deficit, and veterans are still even though they say they ended easy money, they havent. We have Tons Of Money in the economy. Theres a tremendous surplus of capital in the economy. This idea you can give money away through tax cuts and somehow get more money into the Income Tax Revenue Stream is a fantasy, very much beloved by Supply Siders and by my fellow republicans, but im afraid it just does not, would. It would be wonderful if it did work. It would be wonderful if by taxes you could get more income tax revenue, but im afraid it doesnt work. Why do you think the president is introducing this now, given theres a big spending bill showdown expected at the end of the week . Is this the right time to introduce this reform . Well, think hes doing it because hes promised he would do it and hes trying to keep his promises. He made a certain number of fairly big promises, he is trying to keep as many as he can. I think this one was a mistake to promise, but as part of the republican art will kls of faith that you promise a big tax cut. Im an old guy. You said i was renowned, but im mostly an old guy. I can remember when republican president goes s president s said were going to balance the budget and not leave a huge deficit for our grand iron charge. That makes a sense. I have a beloved fiveyearold granddaughter. I dont want to leave her a tax deficit. Said, we will outline or broad principles and priorities. We are moving forward on comprehensive tax reform that cuts tax rates for individuals, simplifies our overly complicated system and creates jobs by making american businesses competitive. That sounds great. Who doesnt want whats in that statement. Sure does. If it were that easy, it would have been done already, right . Well, theres a line and a very famous Ernest Hemingway novel which ends with wouldnt it be pretty to think so. It would be very pretty to think he can get this done and it would accomplish all of the things he says. Look, we already have a very, very prosperous economy. The economy is not really in terrible shape at all, not in the slightest. What we need is to have a society which is kinder and fairer, especially to the homeless and to the very poor and to those deprived of a decent education. We do not need a society which allows the rich to be even richer. By the way, i have nothing against the rich. I love them all. Almost all of my friends are rich, i love them all, but i dont see any reason to have any kind of Special Incentives for them. And the poor or the lower middle class are already paying almost no tax, so i think, as i say, cutting the Corporate Income tax is a great idea. We shouldnt have had that in the first place, but cutting tax on the very rich or even the medium rich, i dont see the point. But you talked about the deficit. And if you cut the Corporate Income tax, what does it do to the deficit . Well, but my idea would be the income that would be taxed at the corporate level would be tax educated to the owners of the corporation. I mean all corporations, contrary to what Elizabeth Warren says, corporations are not owned by Soulless Aliens from outer space. Theyre owned by individual human beings, especially Pension Funds and individual people saving for their retirement, and they would have to pay taxes on that income and they should pay taxes on it. Theres no reason to have that intermediate step. That intermediate step was put in during world war ii to raise more revenue. They should have taken it out after world war ii. That could be one way to simplify the tax code. Im wondering because it seems theres so many different pieces, could this legislation be done in more of a stepbystep process. Yes. A little bit at a time . Yes. And i think mr. Trump he is a great guy and im one of those people who voted for him and would vote for him again, but i think it is an enormously more complicated than he realized and it has to be done step by step. Theres no reason he has to rate to get anything done in 100 days. Theres no special magic getting things done in 100 days just because f. D. R. Did a lot in 100 days. A lot of it was ruled later to be unconstitutional. Lets do it right, not in a hurry. Ben stein. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, President Trump instead of attending next weekends white house Correspondents Dinner plans to hold a rally in pennsylvania on the same night. Is is this the president sending a message to the media . Well discuss next. Youre live here in the cnn newsroom Root Cover Up. 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With roundup for lawns, there is no better way to kill lawn weeds to the root without harming a single blade of grass. Its a great day to be a lawn. Draw the line with roundup for lawns. And for weeds in other spaces, turn to roundup weed grass killer products. This is first time in nearly four decades a sitting president has chosen to not attend the white house Correspondents Dinner. Let as discuss. Cnn Media Correspondent and host of reliable source Brian Stelter joining us. Brian, this maybe the first time in a long time the president does not go to the white house correspondents tiner but it is not the first time for President Trump to hold Counter Programming. Exactly. This is straight out of his reality tv play book. Perhaps clever, perhaps too clever by half. You know, you mentioned the pes awe dent pes precedent of the dinner, not since 1981 has the president skipped the white house Correspondents Dinner. Even if they dont want to show up, they usually do. 1981 the year reagan was recovering from the assassination attempt. He called because he couldnt be there in person. President trump doing thingstively. He announced a couple of months ago he wasnt going to show up. Now we learned this weekend he going to hold the rally in pennsylvania to mark his first 100 days. It is of course logical important the president. It creates a split screen image, the president with voters, who he would say are noerd americans, and then you have a bunch of people in black ties, myself included, all dressed up at this dinner, all about white house correspondents sell will brating journalism, so two split screen. Do you think it is a Popularity Contest for him in some ways . I think a lot of things with President Trump are about popularities. About ratings. A great Washington Post story out today about his continued focus on Television Coverage of his presidency. He commented to someone about sean spicer. Why would i fire sean spicer, he gets great rating. It is Counter Programming. It is a classic Counter Programming move to hold a prime time rally, normally on saturday nights the president is at one of his hotels having dinner or at maralago or at home quietly at the white house, not even twooting usually on saturday nights. He is choosing to have a unit coulder programming move. But there is one historical example of this. Remember last january when the president was campaigning, he was about to be in the iowa caucus, was early on in the primary season and he skipped the fox debate. Instead he did this. He held a fund raiser in iowa right across the street from the debate site and he very publicly had a Counter Programming event because he didnt attend the debate. It is kind of similar this saturday night. So do you think he chose pennsylvania in particular for a specific reason . I think it makes sense for him to go to a state where he was where he won on november 8th, a state that some people were surprise willed he was able to win. He continued to the extent he does visit states outside of washington or florida he is going to places where he has unwith, wheu won, where he has been successful. This will be his 100th day in office when he is going to do this. How does it stack up or compare to past president s on their 100th day . Right. We do so president s in the past want to mark this occasion, mostly an artificial deadline but one everybody takes seriously with various events. Weve seen the president s schedule for this week, jam packed with events, with meetings and perhaps with announcements, maybe even more executive orders, all in an attempt to create this sense of momentum and success heading into next weekend. That might be as were showing earlier, you were showing the scoreboard, certainly a work in progress for the president. Hes not going to be able to escape the critical headlines about what he hasnt been able to accomplish yet, but he is going to try to create a sense of momentum this week. Im curious. Is the 100th day in office typically when they hold the white house Correspondents Dinner or did it end up being this way . Usually around that time. Sometime in april is the dinner. The president usually is there. They usually get made fun of from the podium by some comedian, some will folks speculated President Trump didnt want to be in the room for that kind can of ribbing so he decided to have a different event. I want to pivot just to the former president , President Obama for a moment because hes coming out and having his first public event this week in chicago tomorrow morning. What do you know about this . This is so intriguing he has decided to have this first event on the same week everyone is talking about trumps first 100 days. His aids probably will say it is a coincidence. Our colleague athena jones is reporting it is not meant to be a Trump Bashing by President Obama, but it might come up at various points, comparisons between obamas presidency and trump presidency. He will be in students. There will be a chance probably for gentle questioning with students. It puts him in a room with people he enjoyed being with during his presidency, what he thought of as the next generation. He would speak to students and the young people about not being cynical. I would expect to hear it from him tomorrow. This will get a lot of coverage. He has most been seen in paparazzi pictures, on vacation. Picture of him and his wife on the yacht last week. Absolutely. Looked dreamy. A lot of former president s want to get away. In the social media age we see it. It is in our social feeds all the time. We have seen the vacation pictures. When hes not on camera he has been working on his memoire that hes being paid tens of millions of dollars for. Brian stelter, stand by. Will you will be back. Coming up our colleague Alison Camerota speaks out about the culture at fox news saying she was sexually harassed by roger ailes and was asked to meet him at a hotel. You will hear her story next in the cnn newsroom. Flavors,l colors or sweeteners, plus 10 grams of protein and 25 vitamins minerals. It doesnt get better than this. Boost® simply complete™. What twisted ankle . Ask what Muscle Strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Nlike squirrelgirl52, without thwho writes,ootball. No football on sundays has left me with a lot of free time, so ive constructed a sanctuary for local squirrels. Try watching the nfl draft. Maybe watch with a friend. Or doctor. That could reawaken what isomething old. Int. Because it could form a strong bond, regardless of age. If a paint could give any surface stunning new life. Is it still paint . Regal select exterior from benjamin moore®. 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You know, when roger ailes was ousted in july there was a lot of talk about what the culture was there, and now with bill oreilly having been fired it feels as though i take the murdochs at their word they want to know what was wrong there and what the Cull Can Tour was like. I dont know how you get that from silence. It feels like this might be the right time to just have this conversation and let some daylight in. And you said on the air bill oreilly never harassed you, but you didnt say it about roger ailes. Did roger ailes ever sexual l harass you . Yes, roger ailes did sexually harass me. Let me be clear. Roger ailes was, could be charming, he could be quite charismatic, he could be uproariously funny. He could also be a bit of a bully and mean, and he also was often kind of fwrogrossly inappropriate with things he would say. I think many of us experienced that. He would talk about body parts. He would say, give me a spin. He would want to be greeted with a hug, but the time that i remember most was when i was first starting out at fox and i was single and i remember roger being in Rogers Office and i was saying that i wanted more opportunity, and he said, well, i would have to work with you. Work with you . I would have to work with you on that case. I would have to work with you really closely. And it may require us getting to know each other better, and that might have to happen away from here, and it might have to happen at a hotel. Do you know what im saying . And i said, yeah, i think i do know what youre saying. And i just want to say that i knew in my head at that moment, im never going to that hotel under any circumstances, but i didnt know what that meant for me and for my career. And i remember vividly that i had sort of an outofbody experience hovering us in the office and thinking, is this it, is this the end of my time here, will i be fired if i dont to this . And i just want everybody to understand that when it happens, there is a visceral reaction that you have where you recognize, my career and everything that ive worked for is under threat and i dont know what is going to happen next. And you end up then doing what . Well, i just went home and i at any time didnt tell anybody at the time because i was embarrassed and it is sort of humiliating. Embarrassed . It is embarrassing when you know, when this man that youve gone to tell about your strengths and to sort of see if he thinks that youre doing a good job at work, you know, makes that sort of proposition, it is demeaning and it is humiliating. And so i was sort of embarrassed to tell people, and i i decided personally, and everybody deals with it differently, im going to ignore that. Im going to pretend that never happened. He then changed his mo, and when i say that there was harass i experienced harassment there, it was different. For me it was no longer sexual harassment, it was harassment of a different variety. What do you mean . It was sort of emotional harassment. Roger ailes ruled with with an iron fist, and he wanted us all to fall in line and have his world view and say the things that he wanted us to say on fox news, and he targeted me because he sort of figured out earl willy y on that i didnt share his world view. Roger was the king and obviously everything trickled down from him. So when he said grossly inappropriate things about womens bodies, there was a feeling there that then thats more appropriate and youre not going to get in trouble for that. So on that level he certainly had an impact in terms of the culture and the feeling there. I mean i think that there was a lot of suffering in silence people who felt intimidated, but lets talk about it and whats unacceptable and how bad it feels to be on the Receiving End of it. I dont know. I think this is a turning point. And so if thats everything that happened at fox is valuable in that way, i hope that people are more free to speak there and everywhere now. Roger ailes denies allisons account and his lawyer said these are false allegations. Mr. Ailes never engage d in the inappropriate conversations. She clims occurred and denies this fictional account of her interactions with him and on fox news editorial follpolicy. Want to bring back host of e revival sources. She also talked about emotional harassment. Some in paz ways and other in negative ways. Hen ran the network like a dictator in many ways. Sails would lecture her and assault her to try to tow a conservative line opposed to being neutral and covering with different perspectives. She was talking about that. What i was so struck by in her comments deciding for the first time to share this account of Sexual Assault is that it lines up consistently with what other women said happened inside roger ailes office. By the end, sheen wouldnt go to the office alone because she didnt want to be bullied or intimidated in any sort of way. I think the story it has repercussions not just for women that work in television but people in all sorts of workplaces that when they are younger, they are treated a certain way. They dont have the ability to speak up. Fox says theres a hot line and have instituted new training and trying to clean up the workplace. Ailes has left, bill oreilly has left. The testimony about roger ailes and his behavior speaks about why perhaps bill oreilly was there for so long. He was the Highest Rated star on the network for a long time. Now all of a a sudden hes out of a job. So is the man who was employing him. It is a dramatic Sweeping Change on camera and off camera. Are you hearing theres a cultural shift . Thats what the company is trying to say. They still have more problems. There are other pending lawsuits and most importantly a federal investigation. The Justice Department looking into foxs practices and the settlement payments and other matters involving fox news. Whether they want to follow through on that investigation remains to be scene. Theres been a grand jury empanelled looking into the behavior the network. Its what many women have described. Brian, thank you. Some sad news to report this evening. Kate obeirne has passed away. Shes been a part of the cnn family as a member of the longrunning political Discussion Program the cnn capital gain. She was known for her strong conservative positions and biting whit. She was a Great Journal Skpis writing about her and National Review one remembrance described her as brilliant and hilarious and generous and good. She will be missed. Well with with right back. [ceo] welcome. [heroine] happy to be here. [ceo] so when you take the job, all these benefits are yours. The worlds 2nd most decorated sushi chef. Im trying to get the first. Over here we have quiet spaces for deep thoughts. The latest smart technology. And of course, personal mobility solutions. Functional and pragmatic. New biwhat are we gonna do . Ys. How about we pump more into promotions . Nah. What else . What if we hire more sales reps . Nah. What else . What if we digitize the whole supply chain . So people can customize their bike before they buy it. That worked better than expected. Ill dial it back. Yeah, dial it back. Just a little. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. Or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause Nasal Congestion and itchy, watery eyes. For relief beyond the nose. Flonase. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low Blood Cell Counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. After september 11th, music took on a whole new meaning and heightened meaning. Music that defined history airs thursday night and heres a look. Music and the artists are reflective of the many e emotions we feel. We aint going anywhere. We layed for an audience of police and firemen and rescue workers. They needed a boost. I put a a firemans helmet on the piano to help me concentrate. If i didnt have that, i might have just lost it. This is an anthem for new york city. The events that it transpired define the music and made it bigger than it intended to be. The music will always remind us that it is possible. Somebody has to put this into words and e emotions. That is what anthems are made of. Sound tracks, sounds that define history, thursday at 10 00 on cnn. Music ameans so much. On an all new season of parts unknown, Ashleigh Banfield e eats and drink z hi way through eight destinations Around The World. E he kicks off with l. A. s Latino Community and takes us the most active volcano in the south pole. Season nine is going today Bu Next Sunday at 9 00. You dont want to miss it. If you dont want to wait, tonight its a marathon it travel to hawaii, korea town, miami, but first starting right

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