Ryan nobles at the white house. Lets begin with the latest with russia ofme a lot of developmen. That was a big revelation from Michael Flynn and his lawyers that hes willing to testify about his role in this russia investigation. He wants immunity in order to do so. Whats interesting is that President Trump tweeted himself flynn should request and get immunity. The white house wants flynn to testify and if hes able to get immunity, he should go for it. Why hes offered that from the house and senate intel committee, our sources are telling us Neither Committee is take him up on that offer. Flynn is no doubt an important cog on this investigation. The way he delivers that information to the two important committees remain to be scene. Ana. Team trump is turning up the heat. More on the House Freedom caucus. Whats the latest . Yeah, this is an interesting dynamic that continues to play out. It seems as though the heat is increasing, not tampering down. Not long ago. One of trumps closest associate, a social media director, tweeted, justin amash, take a look at the tweet calling on the trump team to amount a primary challenge to amash in 2018. This is astounding. Even though the president vaguely talked about the idea of some of these Freedom Caucus members receiving a challenge. This is the first time someone from the administration targeted one of these members. Chast interesting of revealing is the way amash responding. He responded of a tweet of his own. He used the new term called trump establishment to describe the way the Trump Administration conduct themselves. It is important to point out that amash has never been a trumps supporter. He was a ted cruzs supporter and publicly stated that he was not going to vote for donald trump. This is someone thats not venturing out too far. It shows us how divisive things are in washington. We dont know where his partners are. We shall see ryan nobles. David, yesterday and last night we know the ranking members of the house adam schiff went to the white house where he saw the documents that were also, the documents in nunes, he had taken to the white house before Briefing Members of his committee. After the meeing he put out a statement saying yes, they were the same documents and washe wa able to verify that. We learned that he met the president himself while he was there. Whats your take on these new development sns. I did not know he met with the president. He was not fully forthcoming of what was coming in those documents. Hes questioning a process but not the substance. We dont know quite. I must tell you that the white house in launching this counter attack through sean spicer, the press secretary and donald trump is continuing and making the arpt that he was under surveillance that the Obama Administration did directly target him, the president , during the campaign and transition. As you know ana, the fbi director and others have said publicly no wiretapping and direct surveillance of the president. It tosses the ball back in the white house. Where is the evidence. Where is your evidence that you are using and apparently you are quoting something from the right wing and a woman who works for Obama Administration and left a year and a half ago. What in the world are you basing this on, what hard evidence . They have not come up with any. The press today is not just believes. We had another tweet storm revealed by the president. Increasingly, there is some suggestions that the notion of ivanka and jared are not around and thats when he gets in these tweet storms. So you start to think where ivanka and jared when he needs them you just discussed of what my thought have been and things have been happening fast and furious and we got ivanka coming into the white house and flynn is asking for immunity and the investigation of russia have been stalled because of all these controversial, he said she said and they did this and back and forth. Where does that leave us aside from the Russian Investigation as it is moving streamline of where it could be. It is increasingly clear that fbi director comey says earlier on in the testimony this could take a long time and months and what started out as investigation of russians interfering with the election and turning to the question associates around trump who coordinated with the russians that investigation is ongoing. Now the president through the original tweet that he was wiretapped by obama still have a whole new line of inquiry of what the white house had been up to and are they colluding with the chairman of the committee. They brought the store ril straig thats a clinical time and his numbers are down to 35 this week. It is a critical time of the presidency. He brought storm clouds over the white house that wont dissipate quickly because these investigations are going to be ongoing. I think everybody is wondering, why is the heck hes playing media critics and doing all the tweet storms again instead of trying to figure where i am going to get my coalition to get tax cuts done and hey, by the way, what is the return of healthcare and why is he paying attention of the serious issues of life instead of watching television shows. Could these tweets be a distraction tactic. Hes got extra time, we got a big deal coming up next week. It will be helpful if he will concentrate on that. Why in the heck is he taking to maralago. Nobody can understand that. He can argue some of his tweet this is morning when we goes after the House Freedom caucus when hes talking about obamacare and trying to accomplish that still. Thats part of the purpose of some of what hes doing and arguing through these tweets by going after the Freedom Caucus and trying to work them back to some negotiation positions, perhaps, is that there . Thats a plausible theory. Thats possibly what hes thinking. And the way it works in washington, you get more done with honey than you do with vinegar. You know you reach out and take some people to camp david or gore spend some time with him and try to make some friends of the Freedom Caucus. The more you attack the Freedom Caucus and reach out after attacking the democrats and reaching out to think you are getting help of the democrats on the eve of you fighting the senate of democrats approaching judge gorsuch. Hes going to be angry of democrats by the end of this week. The president comes, what is your strategy putting together a majority on which you can govern. Thats part of what you have been discussing. I want to read a tweet this morning on healthcare. The failing New York Times finally gets it. When you read that and hear those words, you look into the report and it does signal of serious issues of Insurance Companies pulling out some of the rural areas of the country in which people are on Obamacare Exchanges may not have an option in their community to use that insurance. Thats a serious problem, is it . Legitimate problem. It is a legitimate concern. The question is who is responsible for fixing it. If president obama were there, clearly president obama and the white house is responsible for fixing up programs that they device in the first place. The country has the right to ask, you are now the president , are you going to tell us you are going to let this thing go to hell or rally troops what needs to be fixed and making sure not too americans suffer. Thats the responsibility that goes with the job of being president. The president always inherit problems from their predecessor. When you become president , you cannot walk akway from the situation, well, thats his fault, he needs to pay for it. The president s perspective by our traditions to pick up whatever pieces are and moving forward. There is a lot of responsibility when you become president to do the best you can by the American People and minimize the degree of suffering. All right, david gergen, well leave it there. Thank you for your time. Now what cnn is learning about terrorists and how they maybe able to blow airplanes out of the skies. Isis and other terror groups have been testing bombs that can be hidden laptop computers. It is this concern of largely behind bans of electronics. Those terrorists may have gotten their hands on airport screening equipment. Bri brian browne is joining me now. Thats riepght. The concern here is that some of the terrorist groups are watching and alqaida and yemen, the latter group is sm sophisticated in bomb making. Multiple times they argumented airliners and other aircrafts with hidden bombs. The concern with this equipment and security equipment from airports, they could help refine their bomb making techniques to ensure that they can come up with something that could make it through the security screening process. Thats really whats elevated this concern and how prompt this ban. We have seen in somalia last year of a laptop was used to carry a bomb to board the plane. The plane suffered some damage but was able to land. It is a tactic thats been used before. With the new equipment, theyre refining the process coming up with a great bond and make through security checks. What do you know about that. How sophisticated are the bomb s s . It is sophisticated. Alqaida and yemen, they long been, they have sophisticated bomb makers and they perfected these non metallic bombs. They had printer cartridges where they had bombs hid in there. They attempted this before this group and the concern is now they maybe sharing this know how with other terrorist groups in the region like alqaida and syria or isis. This is prompting the particular threat to be looked up of intelligence officials. Can we expect any changes in the airline screening process or airport screening process here in the u. S. Any time soon. Officials told cnn that they are fairly confident that their procedures are robust than some of the area in the region which is where the ban applies to. In addition to the screening equipment, they also have better training of personnel and other safety check to kind of prevent a bomb from coming on board. It is something they are looking at. All right, ryan browne. Coming up, the president has now found a new target after the defeat of repealing obamacare. Well go inside the war between the white house and some of his own party. All this at a time when the president is adding a potentially powerful new ally in the white house. His daughter, what is her new role . And a historic moment in basketball, a winning streak and in stunning action, well bring it to you all live in the cnn newsroom. Two become one. Then youre a couple. Think of all youll share. Like snoring. Does your bed do that . The dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. So every couple can get the best sleep ever. Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store, right now save 400 on our most popular mattresses. Ends saturday go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Imy moderate to severeng crohns disease. I didnt think there was anything else to talk about. But then i realized there was. 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The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire agenda if they dont get on the team. We must fight them. Scan scavino just tweeted this today. Trumps train defeat him in cre crimea. Ted cr chip roy is joining us now. It is seem unusual to say the least for the president to call members of his own party to loose, could it work . Well, i think the president is right to be frustrated. Hes right and hes been calling obamacare a mess for a long time. The problem is the mess that he inherited is not just the policy. Also, the gop leadership after seven years promising theyre going to repeal obamacare that put forward a solution that does not repeal obamacare. The Freedom Caucus is the one group in washington standing up of commitment they made to voters. For all the talks of Freedom Caucus, nobody talked about the group of so called moderate without whom this bill could not get through and whos now drawn a line in the sand with Chris Collins with one of his members saying they wont pick up the phone to listen to House Freedom caucus. Thats where it should be directed to house leadership and tuesday group. We did see a member of the freedom how caucus leaving the group essentially i can do more work by working with the rest of the republicans in congress, in the house. Do you expect that well see more people leaving Freedom Caucus . Well, i dont think so. You got a large block of members in the House Freedom caucus who are honoring commitments they made to their cons wetituents. Why should we not be focused on this em. Obamacare, obamacare is built on Medicaid Expansion and subsidies and regulations. If you think of the so called republican alternative does, it maintains those expanded medicaid. Maintains the subsidies and expands the subsidies and keeping regulations in place that are driving up the cost of healthcare. The American People are clambering for lower cost and healthcare and premiums. The only way to get that is to actually reduce regulations and increasing competition in the market and allowing the market to drive down the cost. The president gets that. He has great conversations with members in freedom of caucus. Hes having conversations with members of the Tuesdays Group as well. What the American People want is leadership from washington and theyre not getting it. The house leadership is known for months that they need to come up with a solution. They put forward a bill that does not repeal obamacare and they are being disengenerous saying that it does. Nothing has changed and people on all side of the isles have felt for years is c continuing. How does this president move forward of issues on tax reforms and structure with the current dynamics within his own party. The right way for this to go forward is for the president to reach out to all parties and trying to Work Together to gate principle based solution. What should have happened with obamacare is you start with true repeal bill and get it through the house and work through the Senate Procedures when you got to work to compromise to get the bill through then you start doing that. Instead of starting with the bill that the house leadership gave them which is doom to fail, you need to go back to the bases and repeal bill. He can work with the Republican Party party and he can bring them together in a way that house leadership cannot. Is the premium caucus is willing to compromise as well. Absolutely. The House Freedom caucus is the one group thats been honestly trying to reach across and trying to make a deal and working with the president and house leadership. It is not the House Freedom caucus whose memberships are saying we are in the going to pick up the phone. Theyre willing to accept subsidies or talking about Medicaid Expansions that can stay in place. So chip i know you align yourself mostly of the vu viewpoints of Freedom Caucus. Should the democrats be brought to the Freedom Caucus as well . Of course, one thing that you have to keep in mind is that the Republican Party is going to get decimated. It will be suicide if they dont get back to the drawing board and repeal obamacare. They gone to the people saying theyre going to do it and now theyre putting forward a bill that does not do it. We are seeing that happen right now when Neil Gorsuchs confirmation over the senate. So there are solutions that can be reached but you got to go back to the principles that you campaigned on and adhere to them alreal right, chip roy, we appreciate your time. Ana. Thank you. Still to come in the wake of President Trump immigration break down. 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The 23 earlier was only four when his parents took him to the United States illegally. It is little thing that is make me miss back home. Last august he was charged with drunk driving and evading arrest, while in jail he lost his status which gave him a chance to live and work in the u. S. After seven months he was deported. Maybe i can start my own business. He says hes trying to stay positive. Things happen for a reason, i just have to be strong and keep my head up and keep going. Unlike many americanized in the country, he has family to turn to. Valesco is among them, hes helping his cousin to learn about spanish and more about mexican cultures. He finds the experience is overwhelming hes not alone. They are foreigners in their own country. The Government Program helps repatriot mexicans deported from the u. S. They were born in mexico but dont know much else. Where is home right now . Home is here at my tias house. He lives in the suburbs outside of mexico city. I will show you my room. She was kind enough to provide me a space in her house. This is where he contemplates his future. Right now it is uncertainty of the future of what it holds. That kind of kooeps me up at night just thinking of whats going to happen and am i going to find a job or is it going to be tomorrow or a couple months. While it is unlikely he will get back to the u. S. Any time soon. Matadamas concede that he may want to stay. I had everything back in the United States, why not have it here . Thats how i look at things. The challenge now, making his own life in a new country. Cnn, mexico city. Thank you, polo. Next hour. A myth of millions of People Living illegally in this country. I will speak to the woman in this photo and find out what consequences she has dealt with for making her own face a public face of illegal immigration. Ivanka trump suggested that she will have no formal role in the white house. That changed this week. What will it mean for trumps administration. Well talk about it live in the cnn newsroom. Er. At red lobsters lobsterfestime. Any of these 9 lobster dishes could be yours. So dont resist delicious new lobster mix and match or lobsterfest surf and turf because you wont have this chance for long. We have a clearer picture of ivanka trump and Jared Kushners financial situation. We have learned together Jared Kushner and ivanka collected of 195 million in the past year. Their combined assets could exceed 700 million. Our Kate Anderson is joining me to discuss this. Shes also the author of the book first woman. I want to play something for you. Lets listen to this interview ivanka gave after the election. People think you are going to be part of the administration. No, i am going to be a daughter but i have said throughout the campaign that i am very passionate about women issues and i want to fight for them. There is a lot of things that i feel deeply strong about but not in a formal administrative capacity. This week happens. What changed or was this always the plan . I think she was denying the obvious, right . She was the one that moved the washington and shes influential on staffing. She brought in dina powell who was a friend of her and worked in the bush 43 administration and her husband as one of the most powerful people in the west wing, Jared Kushner. I think when she was fighting against the idea that she was an adviser most people knew that she was. You think she was in denial contador did you think she was trying to keep it as under the radar as possible. I think she was trying to keep it under the radar. We never had a first daughter who has had an office in the west wing and whos a crucial part of her fathers administration. It is never been done before. We never had a first son do this. I think she realizes this is unprecedent unprecedented. I know you written about ivanka taken on the first role of the first lady and transforming that. Lets read a little piece of what you wrote about in december. Maybe ivanka will force of the consideration of what being first lady means. It should be someone who wants it and recognizes the responsibility and opportunity that comes with did ivanka inherit the title . She has no experience in government and has a brand and a famous name. I would argue that has not come true. I dont think shes filling in as first lady. Shes carving out a world we have never seen before. We never had a first lady of the first wing office with the exception of Hillary Clinton and that did not work out. What ivanka is doing way more ambitious than any first lady attempted to do. There is a concern that some people have and like you are saying she heretoinherited this position. And Robert Kennedy should be noted that had to be confirmed as attorney general. There is no conconfirmations. Shes an intelligent woman, she knows what shes doing and she knows it can be controversial. We know she has been sitting in with former meetings and shes been out spoken on womens issues saying she wants to be apart of womens issues in the workplace. How would her new role changed and what she will be able to do otherwise . It think it formalizesing it and making it less awkward of her. The image of her sitting next to chancellor merkel at the white house, that was all you need to see and to have the first daughter sitting next to the leader of germany says a lot. It is something we never seen before. It remains to see how effective she is. If she really is, you know a believer in climate change, we have scott pruitt who has come out and attack the agency hes leading. I dont know how influential she will be. I think we are all waiting. Kate anderson brower, thank you. We are 71 days into the Trump Administration. How does this look now through the Rearview Mirror of the obama white house. I talked with our comment tater thats a long time friend with former president obama. David, when was the last time you spoke with president obama . Last time. You still had regular conversations. Yes, we have been friends for 25 years. I met him when he was a law student coming back from chicago after harvard. We collaborated for ten years and starting his race for the u. S. Senate in illinois through his reelection in 2012. So you know we are friends and i will tell you this, one of my great recollections of Election Night in 2008 when he was first elected was going to see my friend and really sensin sensin burden he assumed. You can feel the weight of what hes about to encounter and his realization that these graves responsibilities are now his. I can sense that he feels unburdened. I can sense that he feels lighter without i can only imagine. I am pleased for him as a friend. If you take the presidency seriously and those responsibilities seriously, they weigh on you every single minute and every single day. What does he think of what hes witnessing with the new administration. Well, i am not going to discuss here what i talked to him privately. You have seen some of his public statements. You can assume that hes someone that values the institutions of our democracy. I am sure some of the things hes seen is disquieting. The harshest criticism he can lay on you is that was sloppy. He likes to see things thought through and things done properly. I am sure hes looking at some of the things that have happened and kind of shaking his head. Hes someone that appreciates what a former president has certain parameters in terms of what they should or should not comment on. I dont expect him to be critiquing on style points or getting deeply involved in every issue. He will speak out when he thinks it reaches a front to fundamental democratic principles. Well see, he will start to speak again in spring and well see how he addresses these issues. He looks back at his presidency and does not think he does everything perfectly. Anyone with an ounce of humility would recognize that you dont always make the right call and there are things i am sure if he can do it over, he would. There are things that you can do later with the value of experience that you would not have done at beginning. Hes now working on his memoirs from his period and i am sure he will address some of that. David axelrod. The axe files is coming to cnn. You can catch the cnn special that airs tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Why is this fan and Dallas Cowboys going nuts . You are live with cnn newsro newsroom. vo go national. Go like a pro. What if we could bring you by having better values . At blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. 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Overtime, time running down, pull out the trowel, because william submitted herself in Mississippi State history. The bulldogs advance to Sundays National championship game against South Carolina. I got in the space, i jumped up and just made the shot. I made the shot. I was in shock, im still in the shock. Man, i just won the game. Obviously, when you get to this point in the season, and you lose, its just its the worst feeling imaginable. Reporter now, ana, more heartbreak and buzzerbeaters likely to come in the mens final four in glendale. Behind me, north carolina, the favorite to win it all, 20 final fours they have been to, but you have oregon, they have not made it since 1939. South carolina has never mate it this far. And neither has gonzaggonzaga, over the years has been so close. A small school of 7,000 students led by a big man, 71, from poland, pzemek karnowski. Hes recovered from surgery, two wins away from earning his First National title. I asked przemek what this means to him. It means a lot. For the school to see us succeed and go farther than we have ever been at this point in gonzaga history. So i think just it means a lot for the coaches and players for us to get here. At the same time, we are happy and excited, but we are not satisfied and ready to play hard on saturday. Reporter the beard. And the number one seed gonzaga taking on South Carolina in the early game in just a couple hours. I cant wait. Ana, i have to give you a shoutout. In the cnn bracket challenge, not much addition in the sports world. Im a former nfl player and you swiftly kicked my butt in this challenge. Little did you know that the strategy of picking your favorite teams or teams that you know somebody or coach or, you know, i went to Washington State university, so oregon, you know, is in the pac12. Thats the strategy and the approach i took. And apparently i should go buy a Lottery Ticket because what luck to end up at the top of our leaderboard right now. Reporter you were in prime position to win it all, ana. Is coach fu still at gonzaga . Is he still there . Reporter see, you know sports, hes been there 18 years but never made it to the final four. Hes so close. He thinks this is the year they get it done, ana. I loved watching you on social media picking all the picks. Well see if your picks prove to be prophetic. Im looking forward to see what happens in the games. A lot of good stories there. Coy wire currently in arizona. And coming up, how terrorists may have found a way to get bombs onto airplanes. Well have much more after this. Not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. 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