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Infections were reported around the globe sunday, the most in a single day. Many of those are the United States where numbers are surging relentlessly. Florida shattered the single day case record reached by any state sunday with more than 15,000 new infections. There are more than 7500 hospitalized patients leading to concern about capacity in parts of the state, but numbers are increasing from coast to coast. See those dark red states on the map . Theyve all seen increases of 50 or more. Also sunday, Michigan Health authorities have issued an advisory telling party goers at this Independence Day celebration to get tested. At least one of them now has the virus. Meanwhile, the rift between the u. S. President and the countrys top Infectious Disease expert is deepening. Dr. Anthony fauci has reportedly not met face to face with President Donald Trump in weeks and mr. Trump has publicly criticized the doctor who has worked for six u. S. President s. Over the weekend the white house released a statement that describes socalled mistakes made by the doctor. It reads in part, several white house officials are concerned about the number of times dr. Fauci has been wrong on things. So lets dig deeper into the administrations astonishing mid pandemic push against dr. Fauci. For that we turn to correspond department Kristin Holmes in washington, d. C. Reporter it would be extraordinary to see this broad siding of one of the Top Health Officials by the white house in any situation, but its particularly striking given that its happening during a pandemic. We had seen the tension between dr. Fauci and President Trump really start to boil up in public kind of lashing out at one another. At one point dr. Fauci openly disagreeing with President Trump. He said that the governments response wasnt really that great to coronavirus. He also talked about how he wasnt sure where President Trump had gotten certain information and then you have President Trump saying that dr. Fauci was a nice man but had made a lot of mistakes. Now in an official statement from a white house official, when asked about this relationship between the two, between the white house and this leading health expert, they said, several white house officials are concerned about the number of times that dr. Fauci has been wrong on things and then they presented a list here that looks almost like Opposition Research that we would get if they were talking about someone like joe biden or a political opponent listing out early comments that dr. Fauci made talking about the pandemic, that you didnt need to wear a mask, that the epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers. Things that we heard not from just dr. Fauci but from many early on. But, again, the broader picture here is that during this pandemic youre seeing a white house that is actively lashing out at one of the nations top officials, someone who is supposedly an advisor to President Trump. He was a member of the Coronavirus Task force here. Its very striking to see Something Like this going on at a time when these cases just continue to surge. Kristin holmes, cnn, the white house. U. S. House democrat adam schiff of california had harsh words for the president and the attacks on dr. Fauci. The chair of the House Intelligence Committee called President Trumps behavior atrocious. Dr. Fauci is the most respected voice in the country on how we ought to be dealing with this pandemic, and to be trying to sideline him, diminish him, discredit him is so atrocious but it is so characteristic of donald trump. He cant stand that the American People trust dr. Fauci and they dont trust donald trump. Im joined now by dr. Ann ramoyne. Doctor, always good to talk to you. Pleased to be here. So we are seeing President Trump wear a mask at last, which is a move in the right direction, but tension between the white house and top Infectious Disease doctor Anthony Fauci is escalating in the middle of this pandemic because he openly disagreed with the president in favor of science. What is your reaction to this level of tension between politics and medicine when the country goes through this Massive Health crisis . Rosemary, this is a huge problem. Were letting politics dictate our Public Health agenda here, and it is just not acceptable. We need to be led by science. This is a virus. We know how this virus spreads. We know now so much more about how to be able to attack this and what we need is our top scientists to be advising the president and to have policy enacted as such. You know, the whole idea that we see donald trump wearing a mask for the first time going into a Military Hospital should not be something to celebrate. He should have been wearing a mask from the very beginning. There is no down side to wearing a mask, none. And, doctor, currently 3 r 33 states are reporting increases in new coronavirus cases. Florida just shattered the single day infectious record with 15,300 new cases and yet the u. S. President is still threatening to cut funds to any schools that refuse to open their doors to students next month. Now we all want our schools to open but we want that to be done safely. How can we do that . We needed to have started talking about this months ago. Because we cant go back from where we are now, we have to get serious about what we are going to be doing going forward. The first thing we need to do is tamp down the spread of disease, and that is where we need to be doing our very best, everyone across the country, to stamp out infection here. And that will likely include going back to phase one. We need to make sure that the virus is at the lowest possible rate of transmission and then we can get back to, you know, reopening but with very stringent controls, including Wearing Masks and social distancing. The other thing thats going to be very important for opening schools is the funding to be able to make the social distancing possible to make sure that the ventilation systems are appropriate, to make sure that the teachers and that everybody is trained in how to be able to manage this new normal in covid. Doctor, the u. S. Education secretary, betsy devos, she wouldnt say on cnn sunday if schools should listen to cdc guidelines, but she wouldnt offer her own plan and we know that President Trump thinks the current cdc guidelines are too tough and impractical. Lets just bring those up because we have some of those points listed there. You refer to them, Wearing Masks. Stay home when appropriate. Keeping social distance and six feet apart but schools are incapable of doing that. Do you feel the guidelines that the cdc says it will not water down for the president , do you think those as they stand right now will be sufficient to open schools safely . The first thing we need to be able to open schools safely is to have a very serious reduction in the rate of viral transmission, of Community Transmission of this virus, so if we can get to a very to an acceptable level of Community Transmission, then, yeah, i think that those guidelines are appropriate. You cannot be relying on hopes that the transmission rate will and, doctor, justifiably the u. S. Surgeon general said this. Take a look. Just as weve seen cases skyrocket, we can turn this thing around in two to three weeks if we can get a Critical Mass of people wearing face coverings, practicing at least six feet of social distancing and doing the things that we know are effective. Its important for the American People to understand, we have the ability to turn it around very quickly if people will do the right doctor, do you think possible, that time frame, two to three weeks if people wear masks and keep social distance . Well, i think that in two to three weeks we can do a lot and that is certainly true. Anything that we can do is important, but that being said, two to three weeks from now well just be seeing the infections that were happening right now and those infections are not just going to disappear. Those people will be able to infect other people. We need to be looking at a good six to eight weeks of really doubling down and making sure that we are stopping transmission of this disease, not only for one cycle but at least two. You know, its really important to remember that whatever were seeing today is because of exposures that we had two to three weeks ago. And these kind of lagging indicators are what get us into trouble every time. Just when we think everything might be okay, remember everything that happened just a few weeks back is what is going to come to bear, you know, two to three weeks later. Dr. Anne rimoin. Sobering points raised there. In japan a large number of marines stationed in okinawa have tested positive for the coronavirus. The base has not listed the number who have tested positive. They have had their movements restricted to prevent the virus from spreading further. We are joined live from tokyo. Residents are concerned and the governor shocked by the number of cases. What is going on here . Well, theres growing anger, rosemary, among government officials of okinawa, the residents of the island about the total, 62 cases, that were confirmed among u. S. Military personnel and their families in three different bases on the island of okinawa. Theyre concerned because it took days and a lot of prodding to get even that number out from the u. S. Officials and they were counted over a period of five days last week. They have no other details to share with us, and the government wants more details. The governor wants to know whether any of these 62 people were among those partying, in his words, on the fourth of july in the beaches and the towns of okinawa. They need that kind of information for contact tracing. 62 may not seem like much, but you have to remember that okinawa, there were no new cases of covid19 for more than two months until last week. Even during an entire period of the pandemic they only counted 145 local japanese cases. So they are very concerned about this. I think it just highlights the very uneasy truce that has been around between the residents of okinawa and the u. S. Military that is stationed there. On the one hand they know that the economy depends on the bases, the Security Alliance depends is very dependent on the u. S. , is the bedrock of their security policy. At the same time, whenever there is an incident or accident that truce is tested time and time again. This time it is being tested by the pandemic. The residents i spoke to say they are particularly worried this time of year because they know that a lot of families on the bases like to move in and out before september, which is when the u. S. Academic year starts and School Starts and they also know the explosive number of cases were seeing in the u. S. And they wish that that migration of families would be delayed a little bit this time around. So there is concern and anger almost at the lack of disclosure and the timeliness of the disclosure and the uncertainty about whats going to happen going forward, especially at a time when across japan, not just okinawa, is seeing a resurgence in covid19 cases. Joining us live from tokyo. Many thanks. A dramatic scene off the coast of san diego after an explosion and fire broke out on the u. S. S. Rashard. The u. S. Ship was docked when the fire broke out. Roughly 160 sailors on board. The navy says none of the injuries were life threatening and the blaze is under investigation. During a press conference rear admiral phillip sobek praised the soldiers who worked to save the ship. Sailors across the waterfront are doing a magnificent job to save the ship. They are fighting their ship and they are saving their ship. The resiliency of the sailors and the team around them, were seeing incredible results. There has been months of speculation over how the coronavirus began. Now a team from the World Health Organization is on the ground in china trying to uncover the facts. Well have that on the other side of the break. Stay with us. Swers. Lysol disinfectant spray and lysol disinfecting wipes together can be used on over 100 surfaces. And kill up to 99. 9 of germs. Lysol. What it takes to protect. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. 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Reporter rosemary, that is one of the critical questions as we are monitoring this story. The World Health Organization has sent this two member advance team to china to set up a probe to look into the origins of the novel coronavirus. They have confirmed that the team is in china but did not specify where. This is what we know. This team consists of two individuals, expert in Animal Health and an epidemiologist. Theyre out to determine the scope, the scale, the agenda of a broader future investigation. So this process is still very much in its early days. While in china this two member team will attempt to answer two key questions. Number one, we know the virus exists in bats but was there an intermediate species involved . How did it make the jump from animals to humans . The World Health Organization has a lot of pressure because of its relationship to china and this team inside of china is under pressure to get access to files, data and also ultimately answers about the origins of this devastating pandemic which as of today has taken the lives of over 560,000 people. The world wants answers so they can stop it from happening again. Kristie, hong kong is now dealing with a new surge in cases. Its third wave. What is the latest on that . Reporter thats right. We are still waiting for Additional Data to come up. Sunday they announced 38 additional covid19 cases of which 30 were locally transmitted. This is the third wave of infections. This is why im working from home and reporting live from my home study. Over the weekend we heard from the dr. Fauci of hong kong. She is the head of disease in hong kong and what she said was quite worrying. She said the situation is quite serious and that the situation was worse than the second wave, than the situation back in march and the reason why is because, number one, the number of locally transmitted cases. Number two, they have not been able to Contact Trace the origin of this latest spike in cases. Now some social distancing measures are in place and schools are closed again here in hong kong. Summer camps have been shut down. Hong kong announced they have canceled the last minute, but these measures pale in comparison to the far stricter measures placed in march. Gyms are still open, tutoring centers are still open. Shopping malls and beaches are crammed with people. Concerns are rising and were waiting to hear the governments latest response. Rosema rosemary. It is a wakeup call to the United States most definitely in other countries around the world. Kristie lu stout, many thanks. China has raised the flood Emergency Response to the second highest level in areas along the ansy river. Days of rain have impacted 38 Million People. Cnns david culver is in beijing. He joins us live to talk about this. What is the latest on this widespread flooding . Devastating and deadly, rosemary. This is happening in Central China for the most part. You mentioned the yangtze. This flows from the western portions of china east out to the sea. Along that stretch, which includes Hubei Province and its province, wuhan, the original epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, all impacted here. Were told roughly 27 provinces, cities, regions are feeling the effects of this deadly flooding. As you mentioned, 141 people is the total listed right now as missing or presumed dead, but the number impacted far more than that. Some 37 Million People are affected here, and weve been told roughly 2 Million People have been evacuated from their homes. So youve got to put this in the context of battling two things in particular. One being the rising flood waters, the other the novel coronavirus. The outbreak is under control according to government officials. If you look at the images, one thing that has stood out is many of the rescuers, a lot of people impacted arent thinking about putting masks on. Their faces are bare and their bodies are wet as theyre waiting through water up to their chest. Its devastating. 28,000 homes have been wiped out. Roadways have been cut off. Were told at least as of today some 12 billion in damage has been assessed. Relief is on the way. For folks down there, it cant come soon enough, rosemary. If the flooding is not bad enough, theyre vulnerable in the midst of this pandemic. Absolutely. Appreciate it. I want to turn to serbia now where heated protests are taking place in cities around the country. Protestors accuse the president and his government of letting the coronavirus spin out of control for political reasons. Were joined from london. Reporter for days protesters have taken to the streets of belgrade and other serbian cities in protest against the leadership of the government. Initially protests started on tuesday when they announced plans for a curfew because of coronavirus infections. After two days of violent protests the government was forced to scrap that plan, however, protests continued morphing into general dissent. Many protestors allege the reason why the virus issurging now is because serbias government lifted restrictions too soon in early may in order to facilitate a parliamentary election in june. It was the First National vote taking place in europe and was won by the party of president buttegeg. They did go from a Strict Lockdown overnight to bars and restaurants and pubs working at full capacity. Thousands of people attending football matches and campaign rallies. The president denies that this was motivation. He says he lifted restrictions because the virus situation at that time was favorable and hes blaming his political opponents and what he called foreign agencies for staging the protests. Serbia is struggling under the weight of rising coronavirus infections. On friday it suffered its highest daily death toll from the virus since the pandemic began. Authorities say the Health System is about to burst and the minister of health has called for these protests to stop because they could make an already critical coronavirus situation even worse, but what some protesters are asking is why these warnings werent given when thousands of people attended political rallies and other large gatherings in the run up to the elections. Cnn, london. U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accuses the Trump Administration with messing with the health of children as they push for schools to open in the coming weeks. Well have more on the debate just ahead. Americas a democracy, and it starts with you. By participating in the 2020 census, you can make sure that federal funding reaches your community for schools, hospitals, libraries, and other Public Services and that your district is represented in congress. The census is safe and confidential, and its critical that you participate. When youre counted, your community is accounted for. For more information, visit getcounted. Com, and to participate, go to census. Gov. Simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. Touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Welcome back, everyone. U. S. Coronavirus infections are increasing from coast to coast. You can see it on this map as we bring it up. The orange states have seen increases of 10 to 50 . The red states have seen increases of 50 or more. The surge in cases is hitting florida hard. On sunday the state shattered the single day case record reached by any state with over 15,000 new infections. All this as the white house publicly criticizes the countrys top Infectious Diseases expert, dr. Anthony fauci. The administration released a statement sunday that claimed to describe mistakes the doctor has made. Despite cases surging across the u. S. , the Trump Administration is pushing an aggressive agenda to fully reopen schools in the coming weeks. On sunday education secretary betsy devos told cnn the children need to return to the classroom, but she refused to say whether schools should follow the safety guidelines from the cdc like Wearing Masks, keeping social distance. She says this list compiled by the nations Top Health Officials on how to safely reopen schools is meant to be flexible. The reality is that there are ways for those teachers to be able to continue to do what they do and every district, every state has the real opportunity to work with and figure out the best scenario for those teachers. Should teachers be in the classroom if they dont feel comfortable . Thats something for them to work out with their local district. Again, thats the exception, not the rule. The rule needs to be schools need to get open. Kids need to go back to school. They need to be learning. Teachers want to be there. U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to devos with a strong rebuke accusing the Trump Administration of messing with the health of children. I think what we heard from the secretary was malfeasance and dereliction of duty. This is appalling, the messing, the messing, the president and his administration are messing with the health of our hildren. It is we all want our children to go back to school. Teachers do, parents do and children do, but they must go back safely. Well, as the u. S. Debates the safety of returning students to class, some countries have already reopened their schools with mixed results. Cnns will ripley shows us what the u. S. Might be able to learn from their successes and failures. Reporter students gather for assembly in thailand. Their first day back to school since mid march. There are new rules to go along with the new normal. Educating in the time of coronavirus. First, the lineup. A pump of hand sanitizer. A full face visor, Temperature Check and class is back in session. One of the first lessons, how to keep their distance. Make shift cubicals made out of old ballot boxes help to keep students separated. One girl says she feels good studying behind the box. It makes her feel safer returning to school. Before its reopening thailand effectively contained the virus. Its infection rate remains low, just over 3200 confirmed cases even though it was the first country outside of china to detect a case of covid19. Around the world other starts and stops. Hong kong schools are closing again. It, too, restarted classes a month and a half ago because of a new spike in cases, officials decided to start summer break early. One student says he just finished his exams and there was just one more week of classes to go so not too much of a difference. There have been similar roll backs in beijing and parts of australia where officials opened up schools after a seemingly successful lockdown only to shut them again after a flareup of coronavirus. In global hot spots like south america, thousands of new cases every day. Schools are closed with a few exceptions. Most of uruguays classes are open. It closed early. Brazil is topping 1. 8 million. The remoteness of chiles Eastern Island fared on the mainland. One student says its an opportunity thats been given to them because on the continent its not been possible to return to class because of the pandemic. An opportunity countries around the world are struggling to manage. Even after reopening, there are no guarantees the virus wont return. Will ripley, cnn, hong kong. Well, the Walt Disney World resort in orlando, florida, reopened two of its parks over the weekend even as the state is seeing a surge in coronavirus cases. Guests were welcomed back to the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom parks for the first time in almost four months. Were joined now live from johannesburg. Good to see you. Despite the surge in cases across florida, Walt Disney World is back in business. How did it go . What can visitors expect . Reporter yeah, this is whats interesting. Disney opening and sticking to its opening day despite the fact that youve seen a surge in coronavirus cases in florida and just this weekend we saw record numbers of new cases. Disney is justifying it saying that its a new normal and they need to operate within the parameters of this new normal, talking about safety protocols. Retraining staff. Remember that disney has the largest single staff in the whole of the u. S. On one site. Were talking about 75,000 employees. Bringing those people back to work was no easy fete. Disney said it was the first to shut down the parks and the last to reopen. Now the likes of seaworld and universal parks have been in operation since mid june. Disney says that it definitely did think about this very carefully. What can you expect . Social distancing rules, mandatory mask wearing. No running up to mickey mouse for hugs anymore. That tactile experience is gone. The food element is important because thats what people also go to disney for and, of course, that means that restauranteurs have had to ensure theres social distancing between tables. Enforcing the rules are very hard. Some of the criticism saying that its not a black and white issue. Whats going to be interesting is as you start to see a rise in coronavirus cases, is disneys reopening going to contribute negatively to the figures . Are people going to start tracing back cases to these parks . Two more parks are going to open up this week in florida by wednesday and of course california is the other important element here. California has not given disney world the permission to reopen. However, disney said that its successfully reopened theme parks in the likes of shanghai and hong kong as well as tokyo and even considering the likes of paris. Now these theme parks, rosemary, are really important for disney. They contribute around 40 of revenue to the overall business. Its of course in season now. Its summertime. This is when they usually have millions of visitors going to these parks. Absolutely. Many thanks. Some sad news just in to cnn. Actress Kelly Preston has died after a twoyear battle with breast cancer. The model turned costar turned star in jerry maguire. John travolta shared news of her death. She appeared in dozens of tv shows and movies. Most recently opposite her husband. She was 57. Well be right back. I got this Mountain Bike for only 11. Dealdash. Com, the fair and honest bidding site. An ipad worth 505, was sold for less than 24; a playstation 4 for less than 16; and a schultz 4k television for less than 2. I won these bluetooth headphones for 20. I got these three suitcases for less than 40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. We saw protests in the remote part of russia this week end as thousands of people took to the streets in the far east. It comes after the local governor was arrested and flown to moscow on charges for years old murders. Many are demanding that he be released and allowed back into the territory. The governor beat a kremlinbacked candidate in 2018 and has often been portrayed as disloyal to president vladimir putin. Cnns Matthew Chance is in moscow with more details on this. Matthew, what more are you learning about it . Reporter well, its, rosemary, a very unusual protest to take place because its taking place so far away from the capital. It is a place in the far east of russia. Its about 4,000 miles or so from the capitol and so its very unusual to see such large scale demonstrations like weve seen over the course of the past couple of days and in a city, in a provincial city like that. Estimates between 10 to 30,000 or even higher than that depending on who you ask. The local police say 10 to 12,000 people marched and local media say hier than that, 30 to 40,000 people. All of them, were seeing this from video images coming out on social media, various News Agencies chanting antikremlin slogans, antiputin slogans calling putin a thief, calling for him to step down. Its all been prompted by the arrest of the governor of that region. He was elected in 2018 in a popular vote to become the governor and he beat a kremlinbacked candidate to get there. Ever since then hes been characterized. Hes characterized himself as an opponent of the federal employees. He was arrested on extremely serious charges, the murder of two business men, the attempted murder of another businessman back in the early 2000s in the time when there was a lot of criminality in that part of russia as people vied in a dog eat dog area. He was a metals and timber trader. Its not so much about the guilt or not of that individual that will be decided in courts, its the question that many protesters have is why have the arrest be made now, 15 years or more after the crimes had taken place. The answer in the minds of Many Russians is this is a selected application of justice to take out somebody you see as a critic to the kremlin. Rosemary. Matthew chance, many thanks. Joining us live from moscow. To europe where a close ally of u. S. President donald trump has held on to power. The incumbent president andrzej duda has taken the vote. Fred pleitgen joins us. What will this mean for the country . Reporter well, youre absolutely right, rosemary. It was an extremely narrow win. One of the things that it shows is poland is still very much an extremely divided country. By the current results andrzej duda won by a small margin. Ive been looking at the breakdown of who voted for which candidate. It seemed as though theres a big divide between Younger Voters and older voters. The Younger Voters going for trzaskowski. The older voters are going for duda. The city areas went more for the liberal candidate. And then also big divide, quite frankly, between eastern and western poland. One of the things we do see by these Election Results is at this point in time it seems as though the sort of liberal forces in this country, the supporters of mr. Trzaskowski havent been able to mobilize their base or maybe that that base isnt as big as the conservative base is in the country. At the same time it is the case that andrzej duda at this point in time has not been able to win over some of the more liberal voters in this country. One of the things hes done and will continue to do is basically a poland first agenda, sort of polands version of America First where hes quite critical of the European Union. The European Union quite critical of him. There was a lot of antilgbt rhetoric. It will take a lot of work by andrzej duda and waking up after the election night, you see this is very much a very, very divided country in the heart of europe, rosemary. Interesting outcome for sure. Joining us live from warsaw, many thanks. One of the biggest clubs in european football had a twoyear ban from the champions league. The courts ruling and the fate of Manchester City. Thats next. [child] what is a wish . submarine rings [man] captain, were ready to dive. [child] its adventure in seeing the unknown. dolphin chatters its imagination [man] were ready to surface. And coming up for air. But really, deep down, a wish is hope. And right now, we need hope more than ever. Thats why we need your help. By giving 20 a month, 67 cents a day, or any amount to make a wish, you make wishes real. hopeful music wishes provide hope and give strength to children and their families. Wishes change lives. [narrator] call the number on your screen, or visit wish. Org to grant wishes today. They have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. 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Toronto is the only team in the league not located in the u. S. Meantime, Major League Soccer announced that the postponed match between d. C. United and toronto f. C. Is now slated to start in the coming hours. The League Postponed sundays match after one player had an unconfirmed positive test for covid19 and another player had an inconclusive result. Both of those players will sit out of mondays match. Manchester city has won its appeal against a twoyear ban from the champions league. Just moments ago the court of arbitration for sport announced it will lift the ban. The club was facing punishment over a possible violation of financial fair play rules. Cnns world sports alex thomas is in london. He joins us now live. So, alex, the club and the fans no doubt celebrating the outcome right now. How did this all play out . Reporter massively positive result for Manchester City, the reining English Premier League champions. Even though we know that title is going to liverpool at the end of this delayed season because of the coronavirus pandemic. Manchester city banned from all uefa competition, which for them means the champions league. The hugely popular global competition that is for all of europes top clubs. It came down on february 14th, on valentines day, no love lost between Manchester City and uefa. City very bitter when it was announced they would be banned for two years and fined over 30 million as well. They vehemently denied the allegations. They took the case to the court of arbitration for sports. They came back with the ruling within the last half an hour. Its just come down, were still digesting the implications. It sounds like for Manchester Citys statements since that deal was successful, they welcome the decision. Considering how vitriolic the decision was. Uefa brought the decision through the investigatory chambers. They merely took note of the decision and would make no further comment. Its a bitter blow to their whole strategy around financial fair play which is to help clubs control their spending and not go bankrupt. Critics of financial fair play say it protects those that are already rich and prevents new clubs getting fresh ownership and fresh financial impetus that competes with those traditional futboling powers. It means a loss. Theyve got a star manager who has only one more year of his contract to run. It will be far easier to persuade him to stay. Alex thomas bringing us up to date on that. Just in. Appreciate it. The nfls Washington Redskins plan to announce later today that the team is changing its nickname. The new name will reportedly not be revealed until a later date because of trademark issues. The Team Announced earlier this month they would review the nickname which has long been criticized. The team has faced mounting pressure from several corporate sponsors who have called for a name change and brands like nike and amazon have removed the teams merchandise from their online stores. We will leave you with that. Thank you so much for your company. Im rosemary church. Early start is coming up next. Youre watching cnn. Have yourselves a fabulous day. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. The road to recovery is getting longer in florida. A new record high case count. Hospitals reaching capacity, but a city that did take early action reaches a much better milestone. Plus, the white house taking aim at the nations top Infectious Disease doctor. Why the president is going after dr. Anthony fauci despite his own major missteps. And a very big change in the nfl. Washingtons Football Team will officially retire its controversial nickname today. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and aroun

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