Former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg in his first debate appearance. Now, bloomberg has been accused fd trying to buy the presidency with his 400 million ad campaign. He also faced attacks on his support for the controversial stop and frisk Police Policy and a history of sexist comments in cases that were sealed with n nondisclosure agreements. We are giving a voice to people who are saying we are sick and tired of billionaires like mr. Bloomberg seeing huge expansions of their wealth while a half a Million People sleep out on the street tonight. I actually welcomed mayor bloomberg to the stage. I thought he shouldnt hide behind his tv ads. Id like to talk about who were running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horseface lesbians and, no, im not talking about donald trump, im talking about mayor bloomberg. We are not going to beat donald trump with a man who has who knows how many nondisclosure agreements and the drip, drip, drip of stories of women saying they have been harassed and discriminated against. Its easy. All the mayor has to do is you are released from the n nondisclosure agreement, period. Lets put forward somebody who is actually a democrat. Look. Well, frontrunner Bernie Sanders medicare for all proposal was challenged as well as his electability. Thomas gift joins us from palo alto in california. He is here and good to have you with us. Six democratic president ial candidates came out swinging in this ninth debate with all eyes on frontrunner Bernie Sanders but a lot of interest in newcomer Michael Bloomberg who many accuse of buying his way onto the stage. Who were the winners and losers just day as head of the critical nevada caucuses . Yeah, so ill mention two candidates who i thought were winners. First sanders delivered another solid performance. Contentwise very similar to what weve heard before but i thi hed also effectively centered his comments on why he thinks hes the bes to mobilize the base and beat trump. That focus on electability is what sanders needed to keep the momentum going in nevada. The polls show he has a sizable lead but still vulnerable to charges about whether a democratic socialist is electable. I also think Elizabeth Warren had one of her better debates tonight and got into quite a few attacks against bloomberg over some of his problems as in his record as a mayor and also some of these sexist comments that hes made toward women. Losers i think we have to talk about, Michael Bloomberg. Yeah, absolutely. And i do want to listen again to what Elizabeth Warren had to say about Michael Bloomberg. Lets just bring that up. Id like to talk about who were running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horsefaced lesbians and, no, im not talking about donald trump. Im talking about mayor bloomberg. It was certainly warrens big moment and bloomberg didnt prepare properly prepared to respond on his past actions, words and how surprise were you by his inability to strike back and what might that mean goinged into forward, do you think. I couldnt agree with you more. Bloomberg didnt seem to be in midseason form, ill put it this way. This is it his first debate so maybe thats to be expected but had to anticipate some of these attacks were coming on stop and frisk and some comments he allegedly made toward women taken while i wasnt surprised by the content of some of his answers, i was struck by how unconvincing his delivery was. To this point bloomberg really has been able to define his own image through advertisement, these public appearances, but tonight was the first time he got pushback and from all angles. Im not sure he was 100 ready for prime time. Just one debate, of course, but i dont think this is exactly how bloomberg wanted to debut on stage in these debates. Yeah, he seemed low energy. He had been practicing but this was the result apparently and, of course, if Bernie Sanders continues to move ahead and gain enough support to win the democratic nomination, can he bring enough American Voters on board to beat donald trump or would his nomination guarantee another term in office for trump . Well, i do think you have to say sanders is the frontrunner at this point and had exis lent showings in New Hampshire and iowa and in nevada has a strong lead it appears so one aspect of this race that hasnt gotten that much attention is that, you know, theres a chance that a lot of the moderates, bloomberg, biden, klobuchar, buttigieg and so on, theyre splitting the centrist vote so that gives sanders a lot of leeway in this race because warren is essentially the only candidate who is seriously contending against him on the progressive link so testimony be interesting to see if moderate voters rally around one of these centrist candidates and make it a twoway race. I do think there is a lot of concern within democratic elite circles that a selfstyled democratic socialist can get the voting required to beat donald trump. Of course, sanders is countering by saying hes the individual who is most likely to, you know, galvanize support among that base so huge tensions within the democratic party. I think reasonable arguments could be made on both side. Yeah, absolutely, of course, this is make or break for some of these campaigns. Who out of the six president ial hopefuls we saw on that debate stage will go on to survive the next part of this long journey and who will need to bail out . Well, thats a really good question. I think a lot depends on what happens in nevada as well as South Carolina. I will say that i think one candidate who really needs to do well in both of those states is joe biden. Of course, he was a frontrunner early on. He had a disappointing two showings in iowa and New Hampshire. He tried to downplay expectations in those two states but at some point you really she had to show youre in the top tier of candidates so a recent poll from nevada from last week had him in second place there at about 18 compared to sanders 25 . I think biden is hoping for a respectable showing in nevada, get a little bit of momentum going and then focus on winning South Carolina from there. You know, he has a lead in South Carolina but that has dwindled of late. But i think hes hoping to get that momentum back and well see if he can. Yeah, well keep watching. Thomas, many thanks to you for sharing your perspective. Cnn will host two town halls thursday evening, tune in to hear from Democratic Candidates joe biden and Elizabeth Warren at 8 00 and 9 00 eastern respectively right here on cnn. Dont miss it. Well, President Donald Trump has named a staunch loyalist to be the acting director of National Intelligence and its drawing Harsh Criticism including from inside the administration. President trump announced wednesday he named richard grenell, the ambassador to germany, as the acting spy chief. One former Senior Intelligence official tells cnn that current senior officials felt blindsided by it and more concerns are being voiced over his lack of intelligencerelated experience and close ties with the president. Its very unlikely that this acting director is going to say anything that con virginia convenients the world view of President Trump. And thats not good over time when, you know, the actual intelligence the assessments are suppressed in favor of not irritating the president and not contravening his world view and thats bad for the safety and security of the country. In the coming hours President Trumps longtime adviser roger stone will learn his fate. A federal judge will sentence stone on seven counts of lying to congress, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. The accusations arose from the investigation into russian interference with the 2016 election. Prosecutors originally called for up to nine years in prison. But just last week, attorney general william barr recommended a more lenient sentence which called barrs motives into question. President trump isnt telling if he would pardon his close ally saying were going to see what happens. A lot to discuss and michael shear is a cnn political analyst and White House Correspondent for the New York Times joins us. Thanks for being with us. Certainly. So President Trump named his ambassador to germany, richard grenell, as his next acting intelligence chief and while grenell is certainly a staunch loyalist, he doesnt have any intelligencerelated experience. Does that not matter anymore or does loyalty trump experience . Look, i think certainly in this administration loyalty is almost everything. The president has shown that both in terms of the people that he does want around him but also the people he doesnt want around him, right . The recent purges we saw that the present did people who had testified against him during the impeachment inquiry sug ridding his administration of people around him who he doesnt think are loyal and rick grenell is one of those people who, you know, has never strayed an inch from the trump agenda, the trump rhetoric while in office serving in germany but also just as an Online Presence before that. So i think this appears to be a reward for that kind of loyalty and i think, you know, it is designed putting him in as acting dni, head of the Intelligence Services mean he doesnt have to submit rick grenells name to the senate for confirmation where, frankly, i think there would be a great deal of skepticism. You know, largely along the lines that you suggest which is he doesnt have the kind of deep experience and Intelligence Matters that such people the people who fill such positions normally have. Interestingly even some trump allies are unnerved by President Trumps grenell pick. What does that signal to you . Well, look, i mean, you know, there have been moments when even President Trumps allies have expressed misgivings or concerns about a decision that the president has suggested has either made or suggested hes going to make. What rarely happens though is the followthrough from that. You usually what has generally seemed to happen is a sense that some of the allies expressed some consternation but in the end they sort of fall in line and, you know, do what the president wants or at least dont express enough misgivings that anything actually changes. What youre likely to see here given the fact there is no Senate Confirmation required is youre likely to see rick grenell to be put into this position and the critics are going to sort of fade away. Yeah, and we also know, of course, that Donald Trumps buddy, roger stone will be sentenced in a matter of hours now on tuesday the president pardoned a number of friends and felons. Was that to set the scene for another pardon this time, of course, for roger stone . Look, were all in washington were all waiting for that shoe to drop, right . Is President Trump going to pardon roger stone . That would be an amazing assertion of president ial authority essentially on the basis of a personal relationship for a friend of his. You know, the pardons that he issued over the last day or so, many of them were for people who, you know, are sort of in his kind of broad category of friends and Business Associates who, you know, who had recommended to him heres the people that we want, we think that you should pardon and didnt go through the normal Justice Department vetting process. It didnt sort of follow the normal usual rules the president s do and so i mean i think i think it at least suggests what weve already known which is the president doesnt follow those normal rules and if he continues to do that pattern he may well decide to pardon roger stone. Finally what, is the back story to suggestions that attorney general bill barr was considering resigning over President Trumps effort to undermine him on twitter in relation to the roger stone sentencing and making his job harder . Is that real or distraction . You know, i dont think we quite know. The people inside the Justice Department suggest that, you know, the attorney general has in fact considered it. Publicly theyre saying he is not about to resign. I think what we dont know is whether this is really a Tipping Point for bill barr that hes ready to resign potentially if the president keeps tweeting about the department in a way that he doesnt think is proper or whether the attorney general is sort of trying to send signals to the president that say, look, im doing what you want me to do. Stop making my life harder, stop making your life harder by putting me in this position and i think theres some evidence to suggest that at least part of it is trying is him trying to send that message to the president and well see if it works. Michael shear, always great to talk with you. Thank you. Sure. Happy to. And well take a short break here. When we come back after one coronavirus quarantine in japan, some americans have to do it all over again in the United States. Two he vac whys from the diamond princess cruise ship share their experiences. Were back in a moment. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Mucinex cold flu allinone. Fights. Oh no. Nonono. Did you really need the caps lock . Mucinex cold and flu allinone. Whwhat do you see . He world, we see patterns. Relationships. When you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. With esri location technology, you can see what others cant. Well, china says the number of new cases from the Novel Coronavirus keeps dropping but it could be because the country has once again changed its counting methods. Officials reported 394 more infections across the mainland on wednesday. Most of them from hubei province. Thats about 1300 fewer than the day before. Now, the reason for the drop could be because china no longer counts clinically diagnosed patients or people who showed symptoms even if they tested negative for the disease. Worldwide the virus has infected more than 75,000 people and killed at least 2100. On wednesday, iran for the first time reported two deaths from the outbreak. Meantime, japan says two passengers from a quarantined cruise ship have also died and this comes as officials are now allowing people to disembark and return home. Wee we are live in fochina. What more are you learning from them . These are the first two confirmed cases of the coronavirus on that cruise ship that have resulted in deaths. The Japanese Health ministry has come out and said these are two people they tested positive for the coronavirus last week. Theyre both in their 80s, a man and woman and both from japan here but at this point not much else is known. We actually one other bit of information, both did have preexisting conditions. Another bit of information as far as new developments coming out today from this quarantined cruise ship two government officials working on the cruise ship have tested positive for the coronavirus as well and this speaks to the, you know, what Health Officials have come out and said is a failed quarantine on the ship. When you look at the numbers, more than 600 confirmed cases and when you look at the entire country of japan theres only 68 additional cases on in japan itself not associated with the cruise ship and when you look at those numbers and think about the mortality rate only two people have died so far but theres roughly 2. 3 mortality rate when it comes to this coronavirus and so all those people on the cruise ship, the number is very small right now but there is a potential for further loss of life, rosemary. Yeah, totally understood. Of course, also a lot of concern on the part of medical experts and others, the testing and releasing many of these passengers and scending them home now could potentially spread the coronavirus even further because there are no tests put in place to sort of check and keep tabs on them. Whats being said about that . Reporter well, thats what is really scary. You have all of these people, another 500 people that are supposed to be disembarking from the cruise ship today. Theyre leaving essentially with a clean bill of health. A certificate that says theyve tested negative for the virus. Theyve essentially done their quarantine and can go anywhere in japan and do whatever they want. That being said the cdc on their website says that when it comes to testing in the early stages of the infection you can actually be tested and come back with a negative test result even, in fact, you do have the virus and that is what Infectious Disease experts are so scared of. You have this quarantine on this ship where you have people Walking Around daily today the captain came over the intercom and said that the people that are still on board will have two to three opportunities to mill around the ship. The only requirements they have is wear a mask, stay a meter away from other passengers and not congregate into groups but there is no green zone, red zone, clean zone, infected zone to know where the virus could or may or may not be and so the potential for people who are disembarking to potentially contract this virus and take it out into the general population is pretty high and that is what is so scary, rosemary. Yeah, why its so confounded they have decided to do this. Blake essig, thanks for bringing us up to date, appreciate it. My next guests, sheryl and pal paul malesski were stuck on the diamond princess. Thanks for joining us after a terrible ordeal. Thank you. Now, how are you coping under this second quarantine period . How difficult has this been . Well, we are doing pretty well. Its a couple days after our flight which was very difficult and were starting to settle into our new routine and the rules and the food and the things that we have to do here to maintain our comfortable as possible style and so on. What is that new routine . Well, actually getting over jetlag mainly. But also, you know, eating three times a day, contacting our family and friends, which we do a lot more often now that were here. Talking to people on our comments on our youtube channel, doing some interviews, just things like that. Trying to exercise, walk outside a little bit. Wonderful. Well, i have to say, i mean you both look absolutely fantastic and most of us have seen the videos that you talk documents live under quarantine on the diamond princess. When you look back, what was the hardest part of that quarantine experience . Really the hardest part is the uncertainty of every day. You just dont know whats going to happen next and you dont know if theyll come knocking on your door to take you to the hospital because you have coronavirus or you dont know how youre going to get home. I think those were the biggest things. We just had to really go with the flow day to day. Japanese authorities, they kept you all on board that ship in what most experts say was a failed quarantine. So what did you both think when you saw passengers tested then released off that ship wednesday and sent out to various communities with no followup and no quarantine like youre going through now as a second wave . Well, really we werent even aware of that but the americans that got on the plane, they really had tested us other than a questionnaire and taking our temperature. And, you know, we know now the covid19 can be asymptomatic so really we feel that we were exposed to the virus while we were on the plane ride. One of the preliminaries on the ship was getting enough water in some instances, wasnt it, and getting that even flow of food . You mentioned in the second quarantine you get three meals a day and getting the nice clean water. Yeah, in the beginning it was a little rough because they hadnt really done that before, think about delivering food to 3,000 cabins, you know, or people and its difficult. So it took them a couple of days to get it down but really it worked out pretty well as time went on. The tough anything on the ship was for a lot of those crew member, they were going from passenger to passenger handing out towels and various other items and in some instances exposing themselves to the coronavirus and perhaps passing it along as well because now we hear that it can stay alive for nine days on any surface. Its a little worrying, isnt it . Wow. Wow. We didnt know that. We didnt know that. Thats why our room here after the plane ride we dropped we had an area where we could take off all our clothes. Leave our bags, everything, dirty and go into a shower and go into a clean area of the room and felt so terrible at that point that we had so many germs on us that thats exactly what we did and im glad we did that now that we know it lasts for nine days. Cheryl and paul molesky, thanks for sharing your experience and documenting it so we got to understand what you went through throughout that quarantine period and now in a second one and we wish you the very best. Thank you. Thank you. Well keep documenting. Such a wonderful couple there. Well take a very short break. When we come back, a deadly shooting spree in germany comes to an end. We have more information from police on the fate of the suspected gunman. Were back in a moment. Commisss for online u. S. Equity trades and etfs. 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Rifl rifle rivals attacked Bernie Sanders. Sanders health has also become an issue. His campaign traded barbs with bloombergs about each mans heart health. Ryan nobles with the details. Reporter Bernie Sanders is facing new questions over his health. I feel very good. Thank you. Reporter after suffering a heart attack sanders pledged to release medical records before the primary. In late december he released three letters from doctors that included a summary of his health and test results. At tuesday nights town hall he said thats as far as he plans to go. Just to be clear you dont plan to release any more records. Reporter after telling cnn this in october just days after his heart attack. At the appropriate time all of our medal records are public for you or anyone else who wants to see them. Reporter a spokeswoman saying additional requests are unfair. What youre seeing right now is reminiscent of some of the kind of smear, kind of skepticism campaigns that have been run against a lot of different candidates in the past. Reporter then going further by distorting Michael Bloombergs past heart issues. Its really telling given that none of the same concern is being demonstrated for Michael Bloomberg who is the same age at Bernie Sanders who has suffered heart attacks in the past. Reporter thats not true. Bloomberg underwent a coronary stent replacement for a blocked artery but did not have a heart attack. His campaign firing back calling the statement a lie and saying facts matter. This isnt the way we defeat donald trump in november. Sanders press secretary later tweeting she misspoke, both are 78 and would be the oldest president ever elected to a first term. Bloomberg released a letter from his doctor in december saying he was, quote, in Outstanding Health with, quote, no medical concerns present or looming that would prevent him from serving as president of the United States and sanders doctors letter says he is in good health currently and that engaging vigorously in the rigors of your campaign without any lemmtation. You think im not in good health. Come on out with me on the campaign trail and ill let you introduce me to the three or four rallies a day we do. Reporter we asked dr. Sanjay gupta as to what he thought about the transparency from the sanders campaign. He said while sanders did not release full medical records these letters do give us quite a bit of incite into his health and recovery from the heart attack and said letters like these are pretty standard forms of communication between doctors and their patients. Ryan nobles with that report. A gunman suspected of going on a deadly shooting spree in germany has been found dead in his apartment. Police believe he was responsible for two attacks killing ten people in a small town east of frankfort wednesday night. Cnns Nic Robertson joins me from london. Nic, what more are you learning about the shooting rampage and the circumstances leading up to these two attacks . I think one of the significant things here, this is very unusual for germany. The last time there was a killing rampage like this it was four or five years ago, 2016. We know that the frankfort police, much bigger sister about ten miles, 16 kilometers away the police have now taken over the investigation. One of the people who was killed was found at the property of the gunman himself. Its not clear who that person with him who was dead was, but it certainly is building a picture about the person behind the attack and dont know much more about them than this, however, we can begin to perhaps build a park bit of a picture from the locations that he chose to attack. Two locations, shisha bars and what we understand to be an immigrant neighborhood in the town so it does appear although there are plenty of, you know, germans not immigrants who would hang out in these places as well. There is perhaps an element of targeting there. We dont know. Nine people in total killed at those two different locations but i think the motivation is going to be key here and what we know from cnns affiliate rtl in germany that theyre quoting the police saying that this gunman left behind a written message and a video. I think we can reasonably expect that there will be clues to the reason for the attack in that letter and in that video but at the moment we dont know what they are and its really speculation to know what motivated him but this by any stretch in germany a terrible deadly attack. Something the spokesperson for the chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken about today in very sad and sympathetic terps. A tragedy, Nic Robertson bringing us the details, we will, of course, continue to follow that story and bring details to our viewers. Well take a short break. Still to come, americas top diplomat is in saudi arabia for high level talks. Topping the agenda, the ongoing tensions with iran. Well have a live report just ahead. Youre doing more to keep your body healthy for the future. Shouldnt your toothpaste do the same for your mouth . Future proof your whole mouth with new crest pro active defense. Its active Defense Technology neutralizes bacteria to shield against potential issues. Crest. 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Secretary of state mike pompeo is in saudi arabia right now. Soon he will meet with saudi leaders to discuss ongoing tensions with iran. Pompeo says the u. S. Is willing to talk to iran if certain conditions are met. It was just over six weeks ago that a u. S. Drone strike in baghdad killed irans top military commander. More than 100 u. S. Troops suffered mild brain injuries days later when iran retaliated with a missile strike on Iraqi Military bases. So lets bring in cnns sam kylie. What is expected to come out of mike pompeos meeting with saudi leaders and how likely is it that well see talks between the u. S. And iran . Well, to answer your second question first, rosemary, very, very unlikely, indeed. The position of the United States or the policy of the United States is one of confrontation and containment as laid out a few months ago by none other than mike pompeo. That means that from the american perspective, its not until the United States very publicly and verifiably abandons every effort to develop any kind of Nuclear Weapons program which, of course, was supposed to have been agreed that it would suspend that process or suspend its trajectory as part of the jcpoa that the United States walked away from and on top of that they want to see the iranians stop the destabilization programs they have around the world, support for hezbollah, houthis in the yemen and its destabilizing activities inside iraq and, indeed, attacks on american targets in iraq, which have been blamed on iranian backed military so in that context the iranians who have an election later on this week need tomorrow are taking a hard line in response to the United States but then to look at what they may get out of this pompeo saudi visit its part of the ongoing Reassurance Campaign shoring up that very critical Strategic Alliance from position of both sides in the face of what the iranians have demonstrated is quite potent potential military power, those missiles that rain down with very great accuracy into the iraqi camp, iraqi air base with an American Camp inside it where it was devastating and really has shaken the United States in terms of demonstrating homegrown iraqi technical capable. Sam, many thanks. Speaking of iran as president rouhani grapples with pressure iranian voters gearing up to go to the polls friday to choose a new parliament. But as Cnns Fred Pleitgen explains there is plenty of disillusionment. Reporter campaigning iranian style. One of the main conservative candidates at a rally in a mosque south of tehran. The Biggest Issue is the tough Economic Situation and the trump administrations maximum sanctions. In the Islamic Revolution led by america when, they feel our power when, they feel theyre in danger, then they pursue a fight against our religion, our beliefs and traditions which are the basis of the Islamic Revolution, he said. Not far away the moderates try to rally their troops but their popularity has shrunk has irans economic turmoil deepens. One of the leaders say they want to try to end irans economic isolation. Fighting the roots of corruption, promoting Civil Liberties and expanding social participation of the people in their destiny as well as developing relations with the world, he says. But moderates around president rouhani are under fire as the trump administrations pullout from the Iran Nuclear Agreement and campaign of maximum pressure have battered the countrys economy. In november, protests over a fuel price hike caused a harsh reaction and the recent killing by the u. S. Of top iranian general suleimani and irans counterattack firing missiles at installations nearly brought the two countries to war. Iran continues to Face International backlash after it accide accidentally shot down a ukrainian commercial airliner killing all those on board during the standoff. Voter turnout will be a major factor to watch after thousands of candidates, many of them moderates were disqualified from running by irans guardian council. At a press conference i questioned the spokesman for the council about the issue. Can you explain a little more the process that you go through when vetting and also disqualifying candidates for this election . Tropical depression the candidates should meet the standards of a certain age and agree and also should not have crime reports such as corruption and bad reputation. Reporter irans leadership started a pr campaign urging people to come out and cast their ballots. As they battle voter apathy from a public that faces hardships. Fret pleitgen, cnn, tehran. Next on cnn newsroom, once a beautiful family, now a grieving family as more women die in childbirth in the u. S. Than in less developed countries. A search for answers just ahead. Keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Leadership that makes a difference. Vo a great president and an effective mayor. Obama hes been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. Michael bloomberg is here. Vo together they worked to combat gun violence, and again to improve education for every child. Obama i want to thank the mayor of this great city, mayor bloomberg, for his extraordinary leadership. I share your determination to bring this country together to finally make progress for the american people. Bloomberg im mike bloomberg, and i approve this message. Mucinex cold flu allinone. Fights. Oh no. Nonono. Did you really need the caps lock . Mucinex cold and flu allinone. Thats why its important to be prepared for anything life brings. At fidelity, well help you build a clear plan for retirement. One that covers health care costs, taxes, and any other uncertainties while still giving you the flexibility to make changes to your plan as often as you need. Because when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. 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Reporter little boys playing, watched over by a mom theyre too young to remember. Keira johnsons husband, charles, hasnt stopped remembering. Hes still grieving, still angry from that night in hospital. I can see the cathter and her bed side turning pink with blood. Reporter they told him it would be a routine sesarian. This woman looked me directly in my eyes and said sir, your wife just isnt a priority right now. It wasnt until 12 30 the next morning they finally made the decision to take keira back to surgery. Reporter he says he was continually ignored by staff as keiras health continued to suffer. When they took her back to surgery there, were 3. 5 meters of blood in her abdomen from where she had been allowed to bleed internally almost ten hours. They said they couldnt respond directly because of privacy laws. But that cederssinai this is video she recorded teaching her first born son to teach mandarin. She could fly planes and sky dive, seem under vincible to her family, which is why her death is so much harder to npds. I realized oh, my gosh, were in the midst of a Maternal Mortality crisis that is shameful on a global scale. Reporter the charity, every mother counts, started by christy turlingten works across the world on Maternal Health and the u. S. Approximately 700 women in the u. S. Die each year. Globally, its stark. More mothers die in child birth in america than iran, turkey, even kazakhstas. Lindsey dario is a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer who has documented death in child birth around the world. Its almost more heartbreaking because i think when i go to war i know what to expect. What she did not expect to find was at the her own birth place, america, is failing their mothers. When i go to the United States, i see these little scenes of heartbreak. I just cant believe theyre happening in my own country. Its almost harder. Sglrk reporter many of their deaths are because of an Unequal Health care system and systemic racism. Its not only effecting poor, sick moms but collegeeducated africanamerican women. We know there may be issues in terms of institutional racesism, a welleducated africanamerican women has a fivefold risk of death compared to a white woman with less than a high school education. Theres a failure and a disconnect for those responsible for the lives to see them and value them in the same way they would their mothers, daughters, sisters. Now part of an unnecessarily large fraternity of american whose have lost partners in child birth, hes pushing for raising awareness and trying to hold doctors and hospitals accountable. If i can simply do something to make sure i send other mothers home with their precious babies, then its all worth it. Reporter and hes raising his sons, teaching them about their mother. I try to wake up every day and make mommy proud. This is so good. Reporter cnn, atlanta. Good job. It is a shocking story. And before we go, some extraordinary video. Having a brain tumor removed is scary, of course. Imagine what it must be like to do this. Musician Dagmar Turner played the violin during surgery. She feared it would effect her hand movements. So they had her play while she work. They successfully removed 90 of the tumor and she kept full function in her left hand. Extraordinary. And thank you so much for joining us. Ill be back with more news in just a moment. For our viewers in the United States, early start is up next. En i started this commute, everyone said i was crazy. So fifteen years ago, i got my first subaru and i did it anyway. For more than five hundred thousand miles, my outback always got me there. So when it was time, of course i got a new one. Because my kids still need me. And i need them. vo welcome to the allnew subaru outback. The most reliable outback ever. Go where love takes you. 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