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Im george howell. Cnn newsroom starts right now. Thank you, again, for joining us. Our top story, another day with more instances of coronavirus. At least six more cases have been confirmed aboard that quarantined cruise ship in japan. Well know live to that for more on that. A second ship in hong kong has been cleared. Those passengers will be allowed to leave the ship on sunday with no further monitoring. The overall death toll has risen to 813. Thats more than the entire sars outbreak of 2003. The World Health Organization is sending experts to china to study this new disease. Around the world, the virus has insfekted more than 37,000 people. Most of them in china. 362 cases have now been reported worldwide. Lets cross live to yokohama, japan, where matt rivers is on the story. We now know what people feared on that cruise ship, the more they stay there, the more people that are getting sick. Yeah, i mean the numbers continue to go up, george. What the Health Officials are saying they presented symptoms later. They dont believe anyone contracted the virus after the quarantine period has ended. But the fact remains that people onboard continue to get this virus or diagnosed with it. In the meantime, japanese Officials Saying this quarantine will go on until february 19th. For those people who remain on boed that arent sick it is boring and a bit tense. An Early Morning takeoff. And a flight to see the diamond princess, the ship where dozens of people have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. Passengers onboard under mandatory quarantine until february 19th. The ship is actually returning to harbor. It was out of the harbor for about 24 hours to take care of some maintenance issues including the production of fresh water. For the people onboard the added effect of breaking up some of the monotony. People below saw our helicopter flying around. Rose even shot this on her cell phone. We asked her and husband, greg, to show us their cabin. Desk on the left. Swing around and theres rose. And you can see there sure isnt much space in here. Its the hard being stuck into a small room. But we are keeping ourselves occupied with all kinds of things from watching movies and reading books. Reporter breakfast dropped off at the door each morning. Yesterday they were allowed out on deck for an hour, masks on. Two meters from others. Health Officials Say its the only way to stop the virus from spreading further. Some on board say its like being in a kancage. When the crew comes by and knocks on the door to hand you your food and then the doors close as though somehow its the feeding of the zoo animals. Reporter matthew gets it and praises the action of the crew and the government. It feels the quarantine will work and it is a good idea even though others onboard say theyre afraid of skacatching t disease. I understand, its a stressful situation for everybody. Reporter despite some people wanting off, the japanese government says no chance the quarantine will end before february 19th. Tests will continue and if you are not sick, prepared for your room to be disinfected and settle in. We are looking forward to being able to get home. As we watch this ship docking into the harbor hard to think that the passengers on board will not be able to get off. There were some 428 americans onboard that ship. We know some of them have called publicly for the u. S. State department and even President Trump to get involved before that quarantine period end. However, the Japanese Defense Ministry Said they talked to their counterparts in the American Government and theyre onboard with the way the japanese officials are handling this situation. They say the u. S. Will not interfere to break that quarantine period. George and natalie, it appears everyone on that sick and taken off by Health Officials is going to remain on that ship until february 19th. Matt, the perspective you gave us to see how close that ship is to land and to hear from people onboard and see what theyre dealing with really does give you a sense of how they are just waiting in limbo. Matt, thank you for the report. It is one quarantine story after another to try to contain this. No one can really appreciate what theyre going through there. Four passengers from a cruise ship dock in new york city have now been discharged from the hospital. But three of them were diagnosed with flu. Cnns polo sandobal has more on when its scheduled to leave. Officials with that cruise line want to make sure they were not exposed to coronavirus and when or if that ship goes out to sea, additional porotocols and anyone will be denied boarding and any guest that comes into contact with anyone who traveled in that same region over that same amount of time and most importantly here all holders from passport holders from hong kong and macau will be screened. People who traveled to and from the affected region, as well as any guest who reports feeling unwell or showing flulike symptoms. This is the efforts of not just Royal Caribbean cruiseline but they try to keep the spread of coronavirus from happening in the United States. Polo sandoval, new york. Polo, thank you for the reporting. Now to the shooting rampage in thailand. A gunman opening foyer at a busy mall in that country. They shot and killed the gun man there. That brought an end to a 12hour long standoff and hostage taking that left 26 p p wounded. It was set off by an argument with a superior officer. Lets bring in our christi lu stout in hong kong. Christi this is a highly unli ununusual event in hong kong. They do not take place on a regular basis in hong kong. He had hundreds of rounds of ammo and he was also a highly skilled shooter who won competitions. We also heard from the Prime Minister who said what triggered this was an argument over a land dispute. That is what triggered this mass shooting starting at a military base and then ending at a Shopping Mall in the northeast part of the country. A thai soldier is accused of killing 26 people and injuring 57 others and after a 12hour standoff, he was shot dead by police. Terrified shoppers run out of the mall as a calm day turned deadly in one of thailands largest cities. It is where a thai soldier opened fire at terminal 21 mall killing at least 26 people. Hours after the rampage began, images on social media showed people sprinting across the mall as heavily armed thai police and military evacuated them. John fielding, an english teacher, was inside the mall during the shooting. I was just at a movie with a friend and everything was just completely normal and all of a sudden everyone started running and lots of shouting and panicking and something was wrong and Immediate Reaction was to kind of duck down and hide and then everyone was running into the restaurants and barricading the door. Luckily we were right next to a restaurant and we went inside and shut the door. Huge mall, really busy and there must be thousands of people in the mall. Reporter the tragic event unfolded in realtime as Security Forces published images on social media. Emergency workers live streamed their rescue efforts as they were taking victims on stretchers out of the building. Translator we have been trying to bring out whoever we can and we will gradually save others who are still stuck inside. Reporter thailand Defense Ministry said the suspect shot and killed his superior and then went around shooting his colleagues after he escaped from his quarters he drove to the mall and started shooting civilians. The gunmans motive is still unknown. Sfasbook said it removed the suspected gunmans page, although no evidence of violent videos. We are working around the clock to remove any violating content related to this attack. Our hearts go out to the victims, fair families and the community affected by this tragedy in tihand. The gunman was shot shot dead by police. This day we learned from thai officials that the gunmans mother was brought in to try to talk to her son and negotiate and get him to stand down. We also confirm that the suspect was, indeed, Holding Hostages leading to that fateful decision to by thai police to shoot him dead after a 12hour standoff, natalie. So many people are suffering and grieving right now. Thank you. The impact of the coronavirus goes well beyond the obvious health concerns. For one American Family it means their dreams of adopting a gung dpurl from china as the to be put on hold. Time is running out for Democratic Candidates to garner support in in New Hampshire. How the candidates back up ahead of the prime era. When you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. Align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7. So where you go the pro goes. Go with align, the pros in digestive health. We turn to ireland now where vote counting has begun in their general election with exit polls suggesting there may be a tie between the three main parties. The surveys showed the incumbent party the Irish National party and each one have a little more than 22 . Voters are electing 159 members of the lower house of parliament. Here in the United States, only two days to go until New Hampshire voters head to the polls for the first primary election. Several democratic president ial hopefuls took to the stage saturday night for the New Hampshire Democratic Party 100 club dinner despite their differences, they all spoke on the need for party unity and defeating President Trump. Going into the primary, a new cnn poll conducted by the university of New Hampshire shows senator Bernie Sanders is holding a narrow lead over his top rival. Sanders stands with 28 from likely supporters and Pete Buttigieg comes in with 21 and followed by joe biden and Elizabeth Warren. Candidates are feeling the heat as they scramble to secure as many votes as they can get. We have two reports now, leyla santiago has more on the effort from senator warren and first how Bernie Sanders is trying to maintain his momentum. Theres no doubt that Bernie Sanders and his campaign feeling very confident just a couple days before the vote here in new hampshi hampshire. This is a state where sanders should perform well. Four years ago he soundly beat Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary. This time around things are a little bit different, much bigger feel. Some of the same strengths for sanders are showing. He is drawing very big crowds and this state very close to his home state of vermont. Ro rochester, New Hampshire, there were folks lined up as early as 10 00 a. M. In 25 degree weather. They had an overflow crowd that sanders had to go across before he came in here to speak to the population and did get in. Sanders feels good but not taking anything for granted. Even though his campaign has the edge, this will be a close race come tuesday night and he said to the crowd here in rochester not to take anything for granted. If we win here in New Hampshire and with your help, i think we can win. Easier to win in South Carolina and california. It will make it easier for us to win the democratic nomination and then have the opportunity to soundly defeat the most dangerous president in american history. Thank you, all, very much. Now, it appears that sanders closest competition right now is the former south bend mayor Pete Buttigieg. They ran neck and neck in iowa and looks as if New Hampshire voters are giving buttigieg a second look. His campaign seems to be surging at this point but sanders believes a sharp distinction between the two of them. Specifically attacking buttigiegs funding and he thinks that and hopefully his strength here in New Hampshire will help propel him to victory on tuesday night. Ryan nobles, cnn, rochester, New Hampshire. This afternoon, senator warren spoke in front of a pretty big crowd here in manchester for a get out the vote canvas launch as a lot of people from beyond New Hampshire. I talked to people from florida, new york, massachusetts. Were here to knock on doors on her behalf. Now, she was very quick to kind of start off her speech saying, i am betting on you and her campaign will be very quick to point out that they have a Grassroots Movement that has been here for more than a year. Reaching out to the voters of the very first primary in the country. Let me let you listen to what else she had to say. 2020 is our chance to make real change. We have had a country that has worked better and better and better for the people at the very top. 2020 is our chance to turn it around and make it work for everybody. All right. But, now, lets talk about what happened just before she hit the stage. A new poll shows that she is in fourth place in New Hampshire just days away from the primary. And one of the things i took note of is among likely liberal voters, shes actually gone down six points to 15 . So, i asked voters here how that makes them feel. They were quick to say they were happy with her performance in the debate and they did admit the poll numbers are a bit concerning and pivoted to say that this is a long game. She can come back to this. And they believe that after super tuesday, she will be the candidate that will be in place to beat President Donald Trump in an election. And now lets get perspective on this with natasha linsted. Governor of ethics in england. Live in birmingham, england. Good to have you with us. Thank you for having me. Lets talk about the snapshot of what is and what is around the corner. Poll numbers showing Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders poised to do pretty well there. Bernie sanders at 28 and Pete Buttigieg at 21 . What is the appeal, natasha, to voters there . Well, i mean, buttigieg had the best outcome in iowa because he sort of came out of fourth place and third or fourth place to be really neck and neck with Bernie Sanders and turned out he did really well with rural votes and rural votes are portioned in a way that benefitted him and he seems to be doing well with moderate voters and seems to be taking away a lot of biden support base. It may be that some of these voters are thinking i want something that is not as liberal or extreme as warren or sanders, but i want someone who is new and fresh with new ideas and thats who he is appealing to. With sanders he seems to be taking a lot of warren voters and a couple reasons for that. He is not getting in too many specifics about what hes going to do. Hes speaking about things in broad terms and he does not get caught up in conversations about whether or not the middle class will pay for more taxes. These were some of the heated discussions that warren had with some journalists and a cultlike status with his supporters. They really, really love him. They made up their mind. So, hes benefitting from these type of supporters. On the flip side, people have not made up their mind yet and seem more likely to vote for buttigieg than biden. Lets talk also about Elizabeth Warren who was expected to do well there. Lets look at these numbers. You can see here on the chart, Elizabeth Warren not doing so well in this state and then joe biden already admitted he would take a hit in the state. How are these candidates missing the mark specifically . Right. I think that shes just been losing out to sanders that theyre saying that he has more momentum and because they are so similar and appear to be so similar, voters are strategic. They are trying to figure out who has the best chance of beating trump. What theyre doing is just moving towards sanders in this case. Those that maybe would have been supporting Elizabeth Warren. As far as biden is doing, he just did so terribly in iowa. We thought he might come in second and we knew he wouldnt win iowa but to come in fourth is a disastrous result. He will probably come in third or fourth in New Hampshire. He is going to have to regroup. He will have to keep people thinking about what is going to happen in nevada and South Carolina. He has to win big in South Carolina and he needs to win in nevada. If that doesnt happen, his campaign is in trouble. He needs to do well on super tuesday on march 3rd. He has to remind people that this is a very long election period and not over after New Hampshire but i dont see him doing well there. One person who has been monitoring the former Vice President , michael bloomberg. The question of what happens with him. Not a matter of if, natasha, but when this comes into play. Do you see him heading off buttigiegs rise as a centrist choice and how does that affect the other candidates . I mean, bloomberg is the wildcard here. This really came out of no where that he is wwas going to come i the campaign and get under trumps skin and willing to spend enormous amounts of money behind himself or really any democratic candidate. He will have to do well on super tuesday. Something is going to have to shift here because you see hes not polling particularly good in New Hampshire. What i see as most likely to happen is that he is going to flame out and then put in tons of money behind another democratic candidate. I just dont see how hes going to come out ahead given the fact that he doesnt seem to have much more in any of the initial primaries. Natasha with perspective, thank you for your time. Thanks for having me. We want to take you now to an airfield in brazil. This is live video coming to us as a military flight carrying brazilian nationals from wuhan arrives. Brazil is one of several countries bringing nationals home as the virus spreads. British citizens have been arriving this morning as well as to a Royal Air Force base in the United Kingdom where british citizens else where in Mainland China and multiple airlines are operating flights to the uk. A little girl abandoned in china just days away from being adopted. But the coronavirus outbreak means the family that wants her will not be able to go to china until this crisis is over. Their story ahead here. Hollywood glitz and glam will be front and center later sunday. Well find out what to expect from this Years Academy awards. Stay with us. You clean dishes as you cook, to save time and stay ahead of the mess. But scrubbing still takes time. Now theres new dawn powerwash dish spray. The faster, easier way to clean as you go. It cleans grease five times faster. On easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. 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He killed at least 26 people and wounded 57 others. The shooting spree started at a military base before he drove to this crowded mall. Six more cases of the wuhan coronavirus had been confirmed aboard a quarantine cruise ship in japan. That brings to 70 the total number of people taken off this ship right here. The diamond princess for treatment. A second cruise ship quarantines in hong kong has been given the all clear. Those passengers can leave this ship on sunday. And a third cruise ship is in negotiation with two different ports for its passengers to get off. The ship has been stranded at sea after being turned away from several asian ports. A United States family spent most of the last two years preparing to adopt a small girl from china. She was abandoned when she was just six months old and had no family. Just as the parents were about to head to china to bring their new daughter home, the coronavirus ruined those plans. Natasha chen has their story. Reporter noah and Ivy Cleveland were supposed to be on their flight to china on friday night to pick up their adopted daughter. We had this made for her to wear on her adoption day. Reporter instead them and their two sons spent showing us the room they were preparing. They spent two years in the off and on adoption process and booked plane tickets and hotel rooms only to have their Adoption Agency less than two weeks before meeting their daughter the plans were on hold because of the coronavirus outbreak. Just days before the u. S. Announced restrictions for people traveling to china. The first time in my life i truly wept to the point of being sick in my body. I just laid over her bed, over her crib that i had, you know, prepared for her and looked at the pictures on the wall and her clothes in her closet and just understanding that this is not happening right now. Reporter the state Department Says theyre being processed but they advise adoptive parents not to travel to china for the time being. Our two boys were staying here and i had six different babysitters lined up to care for them for the 14 days we would be gone. Our suitcase all over the country as we have traveled. Reporter plans in this house also involved noahs travel its costly and stretching their faith. I know by my story and my life that theres many things i wouldnt sign up to go through but in the end, the way god works it out, i would never trade it. It is a part of our story and rubys story and how incredible will it be to tell her look what we did to fight for you. Reporter what they did to fight for a girl who they say was abandoned in a hospital bathroom when she was six months old. A girl who was diagnosed with hydrocephalous. A girl whose new middle name is faith, the thing the family is relying on to right now. If you could Say Something to her right now that she would understand, what would you want her to know . Mama and daddy is coming. Well be there soon. Just hope everything comes together for them. Im sure it will, eventually. We want to turn now to afghanistan where two u. S. Troops are dead and six more wounded after a firefight in eastern afghanistan. Heres what we know, reports that someone wearing an afghan uniform opened fire on afghan and u. S. Forces using a machine gun, this is according to the u. S. Military. Last year they saw a record high number of attacks by taliban and other groups. There are up to 13,000 u. S. Troops still serving in afghanistan. For more journalist in kabul and bring these troops back and make a deal with the taliban, but this certainly seems like a setback. Thats right, natalie. So we know the americans were from the seven special forces group, that is a special forces group that specializes in unconventional ware fare. They were in eastern afghanistan completing a key engagement when this attack occurred. Somebody in an Afghan Military uniform opened fire on them and Afghan Forces that they were working with killing two americans and wounding six others. Those six are being treated at American Military installations now. We know u. S. Military is investigating the cause. They dont know the cause or the motive behind this. We dont know right now whether the person in the military uniform was an afghan soldier, or whether it was someone who had stolen an afghan army uniform but could certainly complicate peace efforts here. We know that theyre looking to reduce the number of our soldiers in afghanistan to some 8,000. But right now, how far are american troops spread out across this country . There are about 13,000 u. S. Troops here. About half of them part of the nato mission to train and advise Afghan Forces and the other half are involved in Counterterrorism Missions and those were the soldiers that were killed and wounded in this attack on saturday. Exactly where those soldiers are, we dont know. Thats kind of the nature of special operation forces. Spread across the country but certainly in the east and in the south where weve seen the bulk of fighting against the taliban and fighting in the north and the west, as well. The taliban controller can test more than half the country and weve seen attacks around the country. The American Forces tried to help the Afghan Forces get a handle on this, helping with intelligence and helping with logistics and, of course, helping with air operations, as well. Well be finding out more about how this happened and we appreciate your reporting. Jennifer glass for us live in kabul. Thanks, jennifer. Still ahead, very strong winds and torrential rain are hitting parts of australia very hard. When we return, the latest on the Tropical Cyclone damian and where it is headed next. Also we are counting down to hollywoods biggest night. Well talk about who is up for the gold statuette. Whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Can you help keep these iguys protected online . . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. 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There was trees reported being taken down and, of course, electrical polles, as well. Some structural damage. They escaped structural problems because the system dissipated. Look how much the storm washed itself out within the past 24 hours. Reports of 150 millimeters of rain across the airport in western australia, but the wind gusts there, that is impressive. 185 Kilometers Per Hour. I looked at the observations online and you can see 175 Kilometers Per Hour and 185 and just kept on going up. We need the moisture source for cyclones to generate and strengthen. It is expected to rain itself out in a very sparsely populated area of western australia. Nonetheless, of course, the people who happen to live there dealing with hefty rain and gusty winds. Lets take you to the east coast of the continent because this is the area we have been covering for several months with the brush fires. They are getting rain too much too quickly. Totaled over 300 millimeters of rain from the northeast sections of New South Wales. That is just lighting up like a Christmas Tree from our radares across this area. A lot focusing on the last 12 hours or so. The bureau of meteorology has some threats with gusts over 90 Kilometers Per Hour and high surf causing beach erosion and the potential for localized flooding because we continue to see this excessive amount of rain over the same areas. Of course, you go back a month from today and we were talking about the worst drought in history across eastern australia. Thats not the case any longer. Were quelling the fires and starting to reduce the isnumber significantly. Happy to report we only have 50 active fires within New South Wales and victoria. You talk about this a month ago, we were at 150. The rain is welcome, but maybe we could just dial it down a little bit, mother nature. Its too much. Want to take you now to live images were monitoring. This is what youre seeing live in hong kong. People getting off the world dream cruise ship. Health authorities there announced cruise members onboard that they tested negative for coronavirus. The total of 3,600 people including crew and passenger are now able to leave the ship. That ship after being quarantined there since february 5th. That is a very good scene there. Well, natalie, you just think about it. They have been waiting in limbo for so long and waiting in the small rooms and unsure if they would get sick with this. But now we understand that, you know, they are able to leave. They are disembarking. Passengers have tested negative, again, to coronavirus. We still have the cruise ship and were watching that one, still. We are hours away from hollywoods biggest award show. What to expect and who to watch at this Years Academy awards at this Years Academy awards coming up this weekend. 60 days. Thats 20 longer than other brands. So your home smells true to nature for longer. 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We were so relieved to learn there are treatments for td. Learn more at talkabouttd. Com. This is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12hour. And this is charlie still not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus. Delsym 12hour. Nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. Well, the red carpet has been rolled out and just hours away from now, hollywoods biggest night gets under way in los angeles. The show will be without a host again this year, but plenty of star power on stage. Tom hanks, chris rock, will ferrell just a few presenters handing out awards and they have done it before and it worked out okay. Sunday for more on what to watch, lets turn to film critic richard fitswilliams joining us from london. Richard, great to see you. And also to be back at another oscars. Gut, again, there will be both drama and controversy. I mean, no question. The three issues that come instantly to mind. Firstly, a gain in the lack of diversity on the acting nominations. Secondly, the lack of gender equality when it comes to best director, yet again. Although it is a field very difficult to break in to this year because of the High Standard. And, thirdly, netflix seems to have failed to break through, which they were hoping to do last year and dont look like doing this year. Lert. Lets talk about who will probably take the stage. Any chance Joaquin Phoenix wont win for joker or Renee Zellweger wont take the stage for judy . Youre absolutely right. We know, i think, that Joaquin Phoenix is going to win for playing a comedian turned criminal in joker. Its etched on the memory. Hes a slam dunk. Theres no doubt about it. Renee zellweger all but got that award and it is an amazing performance. Judy garland never won an oscar but an opportunity to pay tribute. Brad pitt for supporting actor for once upon in a time in hollywood and no doubt for lauren dern in Marriage Story. Those we know. I want to show a clip to our audience if they havent seen that. Lets watch that with laura dern. Fathers were expected to be silent and absent and unreliable and selfish. And we can all say we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibles, but people absolutely dont accept those same feelings in mothers. We dont accept it structurally and we dont accept it spiritually. It is mary, mother of jesus and shes perfect. Shes a virgin who gives birth unwavering supports her child and hold his dead body when hes gone. She called this role her most fun ever. And you could tell shes having a blast there, richard. Oh, she is. This is my Favorite Movie because you played the clip from it and i think Marriage Story is fabulous. Really remarkable autobigraphical. Its nominated for best picture. Its not going to win. We dont know which is. This is the big question mark that will keep listeners and viewers absolutely riveted, at least i hope, in what will be a ceremony without a host. Last years it was three hours d 20 minutes. Probably similar this year. Who will win best. Ictu picture . His father was a messenger in the First World War and filmed on one tack and dramatic and brilliant film. Heres the question. Could parasite and indictment of social inequality and if it won, it would be the first foreign millm ever to win. Could it possibly . I know. But you think about it is ive seen clips from it and say im intrigued by parasite ensemble cast, i believe. Theyre all asian actors but you talked about the lack of diversity with these oscars. And theres been some questions about why none of the actors from parasite were nominated. What do you think about that . Well, i think, for example, cynthia was nominated for playi playing harriet in harriet tubman. You have to wonder whether all these voters have seen all the films they have been voting for. Because Jennifer Lopez in hustlers there was an absolute certainty about nomination for best supporting actors and i love scar llett johansson and s got nominated twice and the latter was included. As a result, i think only one other made it and that is not good enough and gain a good deal of resentment. I think with reference to women directors. Only five have been nominated in 92 years and that is absolutely indefensible. In this particular year, we have tarentino and 1917 absolutely suburb and very tough in any year to break into that. I think sam mendez got the idea for the movie 1917 from a story his grandfather told him and thats interesting back story to that story, as well. I think you said brad pitt has taken home awards as best supporting active, but i believe you said you said joe pesci should win for irishman, is that right . I feel he joe pesci was superb in irishman. I think it would be for joe pesci but al pacino was very good, indeed, Anthony Hopkins and i also note tom hanks in a Beautiful Day in the neighborhood. One of the ones that really, i thought, was exceptionally good. Very High Standard overall. But i would vote for pesci but he wont get it. Very, very interesting to see who gets best director, by the way, because sam mendes for 1917 against and its a wonderful movie. And, also, could it because of the Preferential Voting system, could it win best picture . You never know. I didnt know terantino had not won for best director. Well talk with you, again, richard fitzwilliam, thank you for joining us. The days top stories straight ahead for you. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. Well be right back. Tv just keeps getting better. How you watch it does too. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. 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