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Questions about motive and security. They comp in the wake of a deadly shooting on a u. S. Navy base by a member of the saudi military. Also this hour, refusing to cooperate. The white house issues a strongly worded letter to lawmakers considering impeaching donald trump. And out of control, raging bush fires in australia and firefighters working desperately to put them out. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Were coming to you live from atlanta where its 4 01 in the morning. Im Natalie Allen and this is cnn newsroom. Thank you so much for joining us. We begin with the investigation of fridays deadly shooting at a u. S. Navy base in pensacola, florida. The fbi is trying to determine why a gunman shot and killed three people. The attacker, identified as Saudi National mohammed al sharani was training at this base with other Foreign Military personnel. He was killed in a shootout with deputies. Investigators say it is too early to draw any conclusions. We are not prepared at this hour to confirm what may have motivated the shooter to commit this horrific act today. There are many reports circulating, but the fbi deals only in facts. Authorities are also looking at how the shooter got a weapon on to the base. In the investigation, that is now global in scope. Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports. This is a dark day for a very great, great place. Florida Governor Ron Desantis confirming that the suspected gunman in the mass shooting at naefl air station pensacola is a member of the saudi military. He was there for aviation training. A motive has not yet been oi identified, but fbi investigators are looking at whether the shooting was related to terrorism. The government of saudi arabia needs to make things better for these victims. And i think that they are going to owe a debt here, given that this is one of their individuals. But tonight, President Trump who has stood by the royal family through moments of crisis in the past is now relaying a message on behalf of the saudi arabias king solman. The king said that the saudi people are greatly anchored by the barbaric actions of the shooter and that this person in no way, shape or form represents the feelings of the saudi people who love the American People so much. The shooting occurred in the classroom building on the base. Law enforcement officials confirming the suspect used a handgun, killing three people before he was killed by police. Eight others were injured. What was a Saudi Air Force officer doing on a u. S. Navy installation . Theres always been International Students training here because its a good place to train and its good, quality training. U. S. Allies such as saudi arabia often have members of their military come to the u. S. For training, a practice that may now come under scrutiny even as investigators talk to those who knew the shooter. The Saudi News Agency says the king has ordered Saudi Security forces to cooperate with american investigators. Barbara starr, cnn the pentagon. A pentagon Spokesman Says there are more than 5100 foreign students in the u. S. For security related training. 852 of them are from saudi arabia. How does the Selection Process work for letting these troops train in the United States . The types of Selection Processes that a country like saudi arabia has, were dependant on those before we allow them to come into our country. And the fact that these kinds of procedures did not catch this individual, we have to figure out, you know, did he radicalize himself during his time here in the United States or was this a long held plan that he had to do Something Like this. And, of course, those things are unknown at this time. Saudi arabia has strongly condemned the attack as it tries to quack any notions that it promotes extremist ideology. Even though no motive has been revealed yet. For more on this, here is sam kylie from abu dhabi. The confirmation that a saudi citizen, saudi member of the Royal Air Force that Mohammed Al Shamrani was the gunman who murdered three others before he was gunned down himself by sheriffs deputies in florida couldnt come at a worse time for saudi arabia, both diplomatically and militarily. It relies incredibly heavy on the relationship particularly between the Saudi Air Force and the United States. It is a major purchaser, of course, of american aircraft and air power and it needs those pilots to get trained. At the same time, it is in a very tense standoff, indeed, with nearby iran with the recent rocket attacks on its Oil Facilities being blamed on that islamic theocracy and whatever the motives behind these attacks, they conjure up memories going back to anyone when the majority of the terrorists involved in those atrocities were from saudi arabia and questions that have been raised almost constantly about saudi arabias influence in the wider dissemination of extremist ideology through the wahabi, it creates something saudi arabia has worked very hard, indeed, not only do deny but recently to quack. In that context, king salman moved extremely quickly calling the u. S. President and putting out a swift statement through the Saudi Press Agency condemning this criminal act and promising critically unfettered access and help from the saudi arabia Saudi Arabian security services. And the reason for that, of course, in the background is the tensions with the United States over the murder of jamal khashoggi, the saudi arabia citizen who was allegedly murdered by saudi officials inside their consulate in istanbul. So a great amount of diplomatic and military focus on this incident which has not yet been proven even to be an act of terrorism. Sam kylie, cnn, abu da bu. The white house says it will not participate in the impeachment process now under way in the u. S. House Judiciary Committee where articles of impeachment against President Trump will soon be written. The move surprised no one since the administration telegraphed its intentions days ago. Jerry nadler tack the rejection from the white house in response. Quote, if the president a has no good response to the allegations, then he would not want to appear before the committee. Having declined this opportunity, he he cannot claim that the process is unfair. The white house making it official, the white House Counsel in a blistering twoparagraph letter to jerry nadler saying the inquiry is, quote, completely baseless and has violated basic principals of due process and fundamental fairness, leaving a divided house to move forward in a process that will kick into high gear next week. Facts are clear. The constitution is clear. The president violated the constitution. With the house Judiciary Committee set to hold its second impeachment hearing on monday, the counsel for the intelligence and Judiciary Committees will present their respective impeachment reports, the first action in what will be a defining week for the presidency, with Democratic Leaders to prepare and vote on the articles of impeachment, setting up a full house vote on articles of impeachment. Speaker nancy pelosi, sources say, hearing out all corners of the caucus on whether to include Robert Muellers final report in the impeachment articles. But adding specifically about adding obstruction justice, the speaker made clear in a cnn town Hall Thursday the process remains very much closely held. Were operating collectively. With all due respect. Im not going to answer one charge. Were not writing the articles of impeachment here tonight. Republican turned independent justin omaff says hes ready to vote for articles of impeachment. We do expect to lose some and thats why i said its a conscious vote and its with their constituents. We have a very diverse caucus. Phil mattingly, cnn, capitol hill. James davis joins us now. Hes a Political Science professor joining us from munich. Thanks for joining us. Good morning. Good morning to you. All right. We just heard it there. The white house announcing it will not cooperate with further hearings. No surprise there since it hasnt from the start. In your opinion, has this approach in the realm of Public Opinion held or hurt President Trump . I think at this point, most people have made up their minds about the process and the procedure. Weve seen the impeachment proeths have moved things a bit. Now it looks like 50 of the population, approximately, supports the impeachment proceedings, but that leaves about 50 of the population either against it or undecided. And at this point, it seems there is very little changing the minds of those people. I think the question now is how Many Democrats defect, how will this play identity in the senate . What sorts of procedures, processes, will the senate adocket. The decorum of the senate respected or will this turn into a threering circuit. Many people said get ready for more rough and tumble process as we move forward and right here at the holidays, as well. I want to ask you, the white house turning up the heat on nancy pelosi, warning this whole thing could hurt her. She lost her cool with a reporter thursday. Do you believe this is a Political Risk for her . You know, i really dont. Fp if there is one person in this whole experience who is professional, that is nancy pelosi. She understands politics, she understands her caucus. I think shes paying attention to the diverse views of her caucus. I wouldnt undersecretary her ability to navigate what is a very difficult situation. Its clear, Many Americans are uncomfortable with this procedure, with this process. And yet the constitution does demand that the house of representatives xers clear overside. Theres clear evidence that there was something untoward going on. It is the responsibility of the house of representatives to investigate. So she is doing what she has to do. She took the oath of office, but she is also, i think, very attuned to the politics of this. And back to the articles of impeachment and whether they will go beyond the ukraine situation, include aspects of the Mueller Report, what is likely factors into that decision . I think its a question of what can you put into these articles that make them seem as credible as possible. And what is your strongest suit . You want to lead off these articles of impeachment with your strongest claims. And the question here is do you strengthen or weaken your charges by adding in the Mueller Report . Insofar as the Mueller Report seems to have flopped from the political perspective of the democrats, its not clear to me that adding a weaker case to a strong case makes the final product that much stronger. We move on this week and beyond. Well perhaps talk more about it. Appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you. The u. S. President has frequently communicated with his personal lawyer over ukraine. You know who that is. Rudy giuliani. But a new report suggests his phone calls may have been spied on by another country. Well get into that next here. Also, another migrant child dies in u. S. Custody. We have newly released video of the boys final moments in a cell. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® mucinex cold flu allinone. Fights. Oh no. Nonono. Did you really need the caps lock . Mucinex cold and flu allinone. Laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit [boy gasps] for real cold and flu protection with lysol, you can help protect them from a real cold. Lysol disinfectant spray kills the 1 cause of the cold and clorox wipes dont. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Welcome back. There are new security concerns over ukraine about the u. S. President and his personal lawyer, rudy giuliani. American adversaries might have listened in on those conversations. Here is cnns brian todd. There are new concerns that Rudy Giulianis communications with President Trump about possible dirt in ukraine on the bidens could be monitored by the russians. One concern would be that, say, the russians may have maybe have compromised giulianis phone. The u. S. Post reports the president has routinely communicated with giuliani and others over cell phones and other lines that are not secure. The post citing one senior former white house aide as saying it happened all the time. Giuliani, experts say, is likely a huge target for russian intelligence anytime he goes to ukraine. For him to be talking on an unsecured cell phone is a bonanza for an Intelligence Service like russia. Phone records released this week show julie annie had several calls with people at the white house and others who allegedly were involved in the campaign to pressure ukraine. The fact that house investigators were able to get those lorrecords from a phone c raises the question that giuliani wasnt using a phone that was encrypted or otherwise protected. If giulianis phone wasnt secure, the russians could have easily listened in on conversations giuliani had while he was in ukraine. Since the kremlin has spies and electronic surveillance all over ukraine. I would not be surprised if russia has compromised ukraines telephone system. If theyre able to do that, thats the easiest way to listen into a call that originates or is received by ukraine. Have a safe trip. Byebye. Experts say if the russians listened in on giulianis calls and picked up more, moscow could exploit the information for its own game. Putin and his spies could put out a false claim or they could pull a classic kremlin tactic and feed false information to giuliani. Rudy giuliani is a person who takes in all kinds of information. The russians could feed him disinformation that he would, unturn, give to the president of the United States. The latest concerns, all the more surprising considering that trump slammed Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign for her email habits. She routinely sent classified emails on an insecure private server that could be easily hacked by hostile foreign agents. Since then, whether at the white house, maralago or elsewhere, President Trump has been criticized for using cell phones for sense ifr calls. Mobile devices which are harder to secure than landlines. Last year, when cnn did similar reporting, a senior white house official brushed back claiming the president s cell phone was secure and that he had accepted the recommendations put forth by the white house i. T. Office on cell phone security. Brian todd, cnn, washington. In other news involving President Trump, he has decided to delay his plan to designate mexican cartels as terrorist organizations. That decision is getting a lot of praise from mexican officials. On friday, the mexican president said both countries should respect each others sovereignty. President trump said he decided to delay the move n after the request of his mexican counter did his part. A senior british diplomate in the United States has quit her job while blasting the uk government over its handling of brexit. Alexandra hall was the ledin voi for brexit in the British Embassy in washington. In her scathing resignation letter, she said she could no longer half truths on a government she didnt trust. Lets talk about the uk and the upcoming election. Voters will head to the polls in less than a week in an effort to win over voters. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Labor Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn went head to head on friday in one last debate. They focused on the National Health service, the economy and, of course, brexit. Nobody voted to lose their job or to lose trade with europe. People voted for many, many reasons, but i think we have to come together and bring this issue to an end, not go down the road of sweetheart deals with the usa. What we should do is respect the will of the people. Look at the promises that were made, repeatedly, by mr. Corbin, by all the other parties, that they would honor the referendum result. Theyre refusing to do it. Well, the polls have been broadly consistent with conservatives leading the labor party by nearly ten points. In our next hour, well break down more about the election and what it means to the United States. Next, he was left to die. The final moments of a migrant teen in a u. S. Border Detention Center caught on video. What authorities are saying about the case now. Also, protest necessary iraq have turned violate once again and the death toll from the unrest continues to rise. E. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit a lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Youre watching cnn newsroom in atlanta. Here are our top stories. The fbi is trying to determine the motive for a deadly shooting at a Florida Naval base. Authorities say the shooter killed three people. Officials say he was a member of the Saudi Air Force and was in Flight Training at the base in florida. He died in an exchange of gunfire with deputies. The white house has rejected an offer from Congressional Democrats to present a defense for President Trump in the impeachment inquiry. A letter from the white House Counsel denounced the proceedings as baseless and reckless. Even though, articles of impeachment can be drated by the end of next week setting a stage for the trial in the republicancontrolled u. S. Senate. The issue that launched the impeachment process hasnt slowed down rudy giuliani. President trumps personal attorney was in ukraine apparently still looking for political dirt that would help mr. Trump. The white house has been mum about giulianis opportunities. U. S. Immigration Officials Say they are investigating the death of gautt mal guatemalan t died in his cell without receiving any help or attention. A newly released veryo shows his agonizing final moments. Warning, we are about to show you that video that is shocking and disturbing. These are the final moments of life for 16 yield guatemalan moment carlos vasquez. The video calls into question the official narrative released by Border Patrol after the teens death in may. The security footage was first obtained by the Investigative Team at pro publica. The guatemalan teen who was diagnosed with the flu and a 103degree fever can be seen inside his cell. Time stamps have been added by pro publica. At 1 20, vasquez is seen laying on a bench, appearing to be in pain. Four minutes later, he collapses on the floor, face down, clutching a mylar blanket. After more than ten minutes and with seemingly no one responding, the teen picks himself up and appears to prop himself up by the toilet. Border patrol says an agent checked on vasquez over the next 4 1 2 hours. The log does not indicate how those checks were done. At 5 48 a. M. , the video begins again. Officials did not provide an explanation for the gap. Vasquez still has not moved. The agency says vasquez was found unresponsive during a welfare check, but video shows it isnt until his cell mate wakes up that anyone realizes anything is wrong. The video was first obtained by pro publica through police. Cnn has obtained the video itself. Customs and Border Protection refuses to release the full video. They did release a statement to us in part the investigation into the death of Carlos Hernandez vasquez is ongoing. Were looking into all aspects on of this case to ensure all procedures were followed. Nick valencia, cnn, el paso, texas. That is just a horter. A rape survivor in northern india has suffered cardiac arrest and died after she was stand and set on fire on her way to court to testify against her alleged rapist. Before she died, the 23yearold woman was able to tell police that five men attacked her on thursday, including the suspects she was preparing to service against. Police earlier reported that five men had been arrested. India has been plagued by an epidemic of violent Sexual Assault against women. But another case now has human rights activists calling for an investigation. Thats because the four suspects in a high profile rape and murder case were shot dead by police while in custody. Cnns rahm gupal has the details for us. This is what justice looks like to some. Four men lie dead in a field, shot and killed by police. The men were akwused in the horrific murder of a 27yearold woman who was gang raped, strangled and set on fire. The suspects, who were in custody at the time, had been brought to the scene of the crime in search of evidence when they started attacking the police with stone, sticks and other materials. They also away weapons and started fighting. In that retaliation we the actions of police are being celebrated by many in this community who are outraged by the womans murder. Huge crowds gathered at the scene to express their gratitude for police. From now on, whenever someone even thinks of doing such a thing, they will think ten times before actually doing it. I appeal to all indian police, follow the police. The rape and murder case has caused widespread protests across india with many demonstrators demanding the Death Penalty for the men. Sexual assault often goes unpunished in india. Indias National Crimes reports bureau says there are around 100 Sexual Assaults reported every day, but many of them are never resolved in court because the system is so backlogged. There are serious questions about the actions of police in this case. Some lawmakers are questioning whether police took the law into their own hands. Authorize pult you cannot kill people because you want to. The country was rule of law. Obviously, we want justice to be done through the judicial process. But for the victims family, there is a sense of closure that the courts may never have brought. Translator it is now that my daughters soul must have gotten peace. We turn now to iraq where at least 12 people were killed more than 20 wounded when gunmen opened fire on protesters. This was the scene in central baghdad. The gunmen stormed the protest site and started shooting at the crowd. Authorities had been identified the gunmen, but said progovernment militias have flocked to the area in recent days. More than 400 people have been killed since the unrest began in october. Neighboring iran has experienced deadly demonstrations in recent weeks. Now the u. N. Says Video Evidence appears to show Security Forces using severe violence to quell the unrest. The u. N. Human rights commissioner says the video shows them shooting to kill unarmed protesters even as they ran away. Shes calling for prompt investigations into all possible violations. Violent protests also erupted in chile friday. Police deployed teargas and Water Cannons after an tie government protesters threw rocks at them. This started after a hike in metro fares, but have still grown in efforts to reduce inequality in the country. Donald trump won the swing state of wisconsin in 2016. Coming up, youll hear what voters have to say. Also, bushfires in australia, firefighters anticipate more challenges ahead. We have new video for you, coming up. Dust mite droppings eeeeeww dead skin cells gross so now, i grab my swiffer sweeper and heavyduty dusters. Duster extends to three feet to get all that gross stuff gotcha and for that nasty dust on my floors, my sweepers on it. The textured cloths grab and hold dirt and hair no matter where dust bunnies hide. No more heebie jeebies. Phew. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. So while moving may still come with its share of headaches. No kidding. Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. The outcome of next years u. S. President ial election could depend on a handful of swing states like wisconsin. A few thousand votes either way could make a huge difference. Cnns chung la is in milwaukee. Now live from the heart of liberal wisconsin where the Political Party is just beginning. A drop of blue. The impeachment of donald trump, it appears. Two progressives pounding impeachment. Impeachment, is this sort of an optional thing . To sway whatever swayble voters are listening to one of the only left leaning radio stations in the United States. Hillary clinton lost wisconsin by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016, energized democrats, disinfected republicans and they believe the president wont win here again. What im trying to convince are the reasonable republicans. Is your mission to flip the stakes . Absolutely. From radio to television, wall to wall impeachment. I do want vote for will you vote this time . I think i would. Malcolm stewart says hes a swing voter, not a fan of the president , but wonders if weeks of hearings will have any impact. As far as Public Opinion, people pretty much already have an opinion. So i dont think it helps or hurts. Frustrating for democrat jeff schmidt who spends his take talking to table after table. Is that the sense you get . Somewhat, yeah. I dont know what its going to take for people to realize that this is an issue. Progressives in wisconsin say it just takes more work. Here is to you, here is to me, here is to drinking liberally. The haeshgs have brought in new members, among them former republicans. In 2016, i was wrong. I should have voted for Hillary Clinton. Instead, lifelong goppier aaron perry left his ballot blank. Now hes working to. Elect democrats. Is it helpful to republicans . In the long run, i dont think thats a winning hand. Win or lose, these democrats say they have no choice but to move forward. Will it be worth it if the democrats lose the state in 2020 . Yes. Yes. If we dont impeach donald trump, who in the world are we ever going to impeach . Theres a reason that the framers put this out in the constitution. Even if we lose, we have to do it for future generations. The concern among democrats is that impeachment will back fire here in to 20. Thats why state democrats are not talking about it in the upcoming elections, but state republicans are. Theyre using it to fund raise and so far fund raise successfully. Next year, we turn to australia where bushfires are raging. Firefighters say it may be weeks before they can contain the flames. Our derek van dam looks at the forecast for us, next. Also, an ocean graveyard brought back to life. How scientists have come up with a fresh way to revive dead coral. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® [boy gasps] for real cold and flu protection with lysol, you can help protect them from a real cold. Lysol disinfectant spray kills the 1 cause of the cold and clorox wipes dont. Lysol. What it takes to protect. Laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit look at this video. Firefighters in australia are struggling to contain more than 100 bush fires raging across the country. Right now, theres a massive fire burning outside sydney, which could take weeks to put out. The dry and windy conditions that have fueled the flames are expected to continue over the next few days. Earlier, samantha spoke with cnn about the challenges firefighters in New South Wales face. You look on the map of where these push fires are and you can see right up and down the coast of New South Wales from the north stretching all the way to the south. And weve had a couple of huge blazes in the past few weeks. Unfortunately now, five of those fires have actually joined together so we have what is called now a mega blaze. So that is spanning about 330 hectares of land. Next week, we are expecting more hot weather and it is very dry here. We have one of our worst droughts on record. It is very, very windy. So unfortunately it is going to be another tough week ahead for the firefighters. The firefighters are doing everything they can. Theyre back burning this entire area here. They are protecting homes. The area im in here, theyve protected every single home in this area. The flames here were leaping into the air as high as the trees behind me. You can see that the trees have all been burnt out ahead. Im looking straight ahead at my neighbor. Ice home has been saved. These firefighters are doing everything they can and they are doing an incredible job. The people in this area have told me, as well, that they have meetings with the firefighters. Through weeks ago, the firefighters said this is coming, lets brace ourselves. Of course, people are always going to say that the government can do more and they are going to try and blame someone, by we have had this incredible drought. You cannot predict these very hot temperatures and these very high winds. And, unfortunately, this has caused this absolute catastrophe here. But i know people on the ground, they are doing everything they can to try and protect lives and homes. Unfortunately, though, six people have actually died in these bush fires this season alone and i have some statistics for you. 680 homes have been lost. But tonight, 2,000 firefighters are in the fields so as i mentioned, theyre doing simply everything that they can. Theyre probably, no doubt, exhausted. Derek van dam is here. What do you say about this . Those images, you see particularly how dangerous they have become. You see what is called a firenado. Those only occur when the fire is at its most extreme and most intense. It creates that fire vortex or fire tornado or firenado. The direct ramifications of these fires are the communities, the towns, the cities downwind from the burning fires. And, well, here is what sydney looks like on any given middecember day. Beautiful, right . People flock to this city because of its beaches, its coastal lifestyle. This is what it looks like within the past 24 hours. A thick, extremely dangerous and unhealthy smog has enveloped and encompassed this entire city. And guess what, folks . Its going to get worse before it gets better. Look at the forecast as we head into monday and tuesday. Very unhealthy air quality index expected. Here is a satellite image of New South Wales into queensland. This is stretching resources to its thinnest. And you can imagine the firefighters, as natalie as so promptly said, are exhausted. And the ashes and the plumes from these smokes, the bush fires, can continue to get pushed into the atmosphere and it moves across the pacific ocean. It has been detected in south america and its also been responsible for changing colors of the glaciers in new zealand. This is actually ash and soot from the fires that have flared up across eastern sections of australia. Incredible to see whats going on here. A quick update on the Weather Forecast going forward. I talked about the conditions getting worse before they get better. That is because a cold front is approaching and that is going to allow for a spike in our temperatures, a drop in the humidity before the cold front passes and the winds will increase, as well. There it is by tuesday. Thats the day were targeting for the worst and most extreme fire conditions. I wish we could take some of this rainfall on the west coast of the u. S. , transport it to eastern sections of australia. Thats just not the case. The other part of the world had to contend with fires, the kincaid fire earlier this year, theyre getting pounded with several inches of rain and rain on top of previous burn scars from the previous fires creates, what . Mudslides and rockslides. So that is a concern today for places in and around the kincaid fire. Here is a quote for you. Teen activist greta tuneberg and thousands of demonstrators hit the streets friday as spain had u. N. Negotiations. Gretas arrived to madrid and was understandably mobbed by activists and the media. She has made quite a name for herself, not just because she is too a certain degree spearheading this global youth movement, but also because of her very direct way of addressing Global Leaders. And that is the message that she is carrying with her in madrid. Here is what she said to say. I sincerely hope that this will lead to something concrete and that that will lead to also an increase in Awareness Among people in general and that we that the World Leaders that people empower grasp the urgency of the Climate Crisis because right now, it doesnt seem like they are. None of us can hide away any more because the Climate Crisis is going to affect all of us. When it comes to other types of crises, whether its humanitarian, natural disasters or war, inaction on the part of the Global Leadership tends to only affect the area of the crisis itself. But when it comes to the climates crisis, inaction by Global Leaders is going to doom all of us. Arwa damon, cnn, istanbul. Scientist may have found a way to bring new life to dead coral reefs. Listen really closely here. That is what a healthy coral reef sounds like. Scientists played the sound on loud, under water speakers on dead patches of coral in the Great Barrier reef. And guess what . They say twice as many fish came and stayed in the places where the sound was playing. The Scientists Say healthy coral reef is noisy and they look for sounds when theyre looking at returning. Pretty ingenious. More of that. We need it. Thanks for watching this hour. Ill be right back with another hour of news. Without the lactose. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit mucinex cold flu allinone. Fights. Oh no. Nonono. Did you really need the caps lock . Mucinex cold and flu allinone. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® questions about motive and security. They come in the bake of a deadly shooting on a u. S. Navy base by a member of the saudi military. Refusing to cooperate. The white house says a strongly worded letter to lawmakers who are considering impeaching lawmakers. And out of control, raging bush fires in australia, and firefighters are working

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