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Cnn newsroom. We continue to follow the protests under way in hong kong. We have live video for you. Tens of thousands of people, perhaps hundreds of thousands, we dont know the numbers yet. But that sea of people says a lot. They are marching to Hong Kong Central government offices. Thats their destination. They are demanding the citys chief executive step down, after she suspended but did not withdraw a controversial extradition bill. They say hong kongs civil rights are in jeopardy if the bill isnt killed outright. They fear it could be used to extradite dissidents to mainland china. Anna coren has been covering this story from the start. Its hard to describe the fury of these protesters. But the numbers in the streets tell the story. That sums it up beautifully. Natalie, it does. Organizers called on protesters to turn out in the tens, hundreds of thousands. That is exactly what we are saying right now. We are getting word that the the front banner of this march is still stuck, pretty much where it began. And that is because of the streams of people that are joining the protests along the way. In a little suburb, it is at a standstill. It gives you an idea of the number of people who traveled from all over hong kong to join in this protest. Weve seen footage from the trains, the mtr here, of just a sea of black, getting off of the trains time and time again, trying to make their way to this protest. It is still ongoing. Thousands of people have come here, where carrie lam made her announcement yesterday, where she was going to spend her controversial extradition bill that would allow for the extradition of criminal suspects to mainland china. As you say, they dont want a suspension, these protesters. They want it completely withdrawn. And they want carrie lam to step down. Our matt rivers has been following this protest. He filed that report a short time ago. Take a look. We managed to climb up on a railing next to this street because we wanted to show you how many people are out. This is normally a road covered with cars. As you can see, its now filled with protesters coming from Victoria Park, and heading ultimately to the Legislative Council building, which is where this march will end. And we can keep panning just to show you the incredible size, the incredible scale of these protests, bodytobody, shouldertoshoulder, across the entire width of this street here in a section of the city called causeway bay. Almost everyone in the crowd is wearing black. Lots of people have signs. Everyone here is focused on this extradition bill. Yes, they say, there was, perhaps, a temporary win, at best, when carrie lam, the chief executive of hong kong, decided to suspend debate on this legislation. But thats not where this ends. People here are frustrated by the fact she did not repeal the bill entirely. Theyre frustrated by the fact that she hasnt resigned. She calls protests like these riots. She doesnt wall them protesters, she calls them rioters. These are some of the things that the people here at this march are frustrated about. Lets pan around one more time and show you, again, this scale on this demonstration. Its taken the better part of two hours just to get from Victoria Park to this point. And this march is going to go on for hours and hours longer. And its quite the turnout, even after last sunday, where organizers say a Million People turned out. We have no way to know how many people turned out at this point. Theres a lot of energy in the crowd. And it is producing some stunning images, that youre seeing right there. And so, this is whats happening right now, right now on the streets of hong kong, here in the section of the city called causeway bay. Were going to be following the story throughout the afternoon. Matt rivers, hong kong, cnn. Matt joins us now. Matt, we can hear and see from your report, so many people have taken to the streets to protest. And this was the aim of today, to obviously call for the withdrawal. The complete withdrawal of this extradition bill. Theres so much more at stake. Were talking about the future of hong kong. Give us the sense of the desperation from the people of hong kong and the people you have spoken to. Well, the numbers are absolutely stunning. I mean, you saw in that report where we were above the crowd. And its hard to, you know, really describe how many people were there. And people are still coming in. You look here, i mean, all these people are still trying to join the march. Theyre still coming from side streets. And theyre still trying to just get into the march. The march route is right there. And the reason why, we cant be live in the middle of it is because were using cell phone signal to be live right now. When you get in the middle of the crowd theres not enough bandwid bandwidth. In terms of your feeling about this, its more about an extradition bill. Its about a series of steps that beijing has taken over the last couple of years, very concrete steps to curtail political speech, human rights activi activism, journalistic freedoms, a litany of things that protesters would say are a part of the growing trend of beijing encroaching and taking away some of the democraticstyle freedoms that hong kong has had for a long time. They are livid about the extradition bill. Thats probably the number one issue on the list right now. But it just joins all of those other issues. And thats why you have so many people out here. Whats happening in this city touches each and every one of these lives. And its beyond its more than just about this one bill. Its about so much more than that. Matt rivers. As somebody who has lived in china the last few years, you know better than most, the restrictions on peoples freedom in the mainland, something the people of hong kong do not want. And one of those people, the protest organizers. He joins me now. Mo, you must be so proud of all of the people who have turned out once again. Right. Of course. We have proud of hong kong. We started about 2 30 sharp at Victoria Park. And this time, it took 45 minutes to get out of Victoria Park and around the corner. When we took to the street, we saw five passes. Everyone is in black. Just looking confused. They are leading us to chant. I was running late and went to the mtr. It is so full and everyone is in black. Its extraordinary. The pictures we had. I would never have imagined this happening in hong kong. And to turn out, also, one week later. We saw these incredible scenes last sunday. And to repeat again is extraordinary. And on fathers day, as well. The fathers facebook page, i should say, they called on fathers to turn out, as well. And theres families that didnt take part in last sundays protest that werent here today. Its extraordinary. Normally, when we organize demonstrations, we dont do it consecuti consecutively. People get tired. They get fatigued. This time, people took to the street last week. And this time, we only had three days to notice, to inform the public. And what makes these people take to the street and what do you think . It must be carrie lam and the violence that was used by police against other people. The postponement of the bill does not satisfy you or the people that have come here today. They are calling for a complete withdrawal of the bill. You are fighting for the freedom of hong kong, the future of hong kong. Of course. One of her demands is the withdrawal of the bill. The other one is clear, carrie lam has to step down. When you think behind what afterwards. Only universal suffrage will guarantee Hong Kong Freedom of speech and Political Freedoms to elect officials of our city. Wong yik mo, we appreciate you joining us here today. Thank you very much. Natalie, it has been quite something. You know, its hong kong citizens that are turning up. Were also seeing so many expats, as well, who have joined hong kongers here in their march. And theyre still arriving. People will be arriving for the next few hours. As we say, there is so much more at stake. It is not just this extradition bill, it is fighting for the future of hong kong. Exactly. And those numbers, again, it is staggering. Up to 1 million last week. Well have to wait and see what the number is this week. But so far, peaceful protests. Anna, thank you, and to your team for all that reporting. Well see you again. Reports surface of the u. S. Preparing Cyber Attacks attacking russia. Is it the precursor of a cyber war or just sending a message. Plus, saudi arabia now pointing iran, on the tanker attack. Well have a live report from dawe buy. Blowers. [beep] you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler. So you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad. Get e trade and start trading today. From whole blendsare, blended with purpose, for hair that hates humidity with rich coconut oil, a legendary smoother, and cocoa butter known to soften as a whole blend, it nourishes for 24hour frizz control blended makes us better. Whole blends. By garnier, naturally shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. So its a daunting task. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Just stopping that irritation. 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And i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. Ask your doctor. We continue to follow the latest from hong kong. A mass protest has been under way for nearly two hours against the controversial extradition bill. Huge crowds marching through the city, demanding hong kongs chief executive, carrie lam, fully withdraw the bill and resign. Ms. Lam suspended the bill and defended it, saying it has merit and the government is open to revising it. This is bigger than just the bill. Activists fear the bill could give too much control to hong kong and chip away at the citys basic freedoms. Other news now were following the New York Times is reporting that the United States is stepping up its Cyber Attacks on russia. According to the paper, the u. S. Is targeting the russian power grid and has placed malware inside the russian system. The report adds, u. S. President donald trump has not been briefed in detail about the operation, reportedly because of concerns he may shut it down or share the information with russia or other foreign officials, something hes done before. Mr. Trump fired back on twitter calling the article false and an act of treason. He writes the corrupt news media will do or say whatever it takes without the slightest thought of consequen consequence. He, as usual, attacks as he sees a report he does not like lets talk with amy pope, now an associate fellow with chattham house. Thank you very much for coming on and talking about this. Its an interesting report by the New York Times, saying an aggressive strategy by the u. S. Is long overdue, after years of warnings from Homeland Security and the fbi. Do you agree the u. S. Has been slow to act . I dont agree that its been slow to act. But what is going on that is interesting is that the u. S. Is publicly reporting what its doing. For some time, the u. S. Has been engaging in offensive and defensive maneuvers to protect cyber infrastructure. The fact that multiple sources are verifying the story, its been told to the New York Times, that is significantly different here. Yeah. Why is that . Is this just to let russia know, you know, we can do what youre doing . Why do it . Thats the conclusion i would draw here. Theyre sending a message. Establishing the ability to do this is one thing. But usually that sort of thing would happen covertly. Its not something you want the other state actor to know, unless youre trying to make clear that you have the capability that youre concerned about their actions and put them on notice that you will use an offensive capability. I see that as whats really happening here. The report also says that president obama was reluctant to respond until 2016, the last year of his presidency, when the u. S. Determined russia hackers were studying access to power switches, in u. S. Nuclear power plants and the u. S. Became more aggressive. Does that make sense to you after lrning just how deep or how far russia might be trying to go . The reality is, there is no there arent really norms here, saying what is appropriate for any state to engage in. What conduct is appropriate . Every state is figuring it out for itself right now. President obama was reluctant to escalate things that might make american citizens less safe. You know, he did take some action to become to take more offensive capability. But really, this is a new frontier. States are trying to figure out what the rules are. And so, this is the next step in escalating it. Right. The New York Times reporting that the u. S. Would employ cyber strikes if a major conflict broke out between moscow and washington. But the article questioned whether placing the equivalent of land mines in a foreign Power Network is the right way to deter russia, because what if russia hits back harder . Right. This is always the calculation that the governments are making. When you are talking about impacting an electric grid, youre talking about impacting citizens, hospitals, homes, schools. This is really warfare that generally states are trying to avoid. Thats the calculation. Again, there arent that many rules around this. States are figuring that out as they go along. They need to be careful and cautious and deploy the capability strategically. Right. We know that russia, of course, hacked into the u. S. Election. They hacked into emails. They have tricked americans on social media during the election, as well. So, its any ones question how far russia is willing to go here. I want to also ask about the part of the story that mentions that Cyber Command in the u. S. Is taking up these operations and not performing the u. S. President , in part, because he has revealed secret operations to our enemies before. We saw the outrage from the president via twitter. What do you think about the fact they are saying they can do this on their own around the u. S. President . Does that sound unusual . Yes, it does sound unusual. Under a fairly new law, they do, in fact, have the authority to do this. But having served on the National Security council, i can tell you that we would not be exercising new powers without letting the president know that thats what we were doing. I think thats really the newsworthy part of this story. Its not necessarily that the u. S. Is taking a much more proactive action against an adversa adversary. It says theyre not fully briefing the u. S. President as they do so. And their reasoning, that the u. S. President cant be trusted, either one to keep secrets or not to inform the adversary because of his relationship with them, that is far more troubling in terms of the current dynamic of the United States executive branch. Exactly. That makes sense. Well continue to follow it, of course. Were getting this from the New York Times. Well see what happens next with this story. We appreciate your insights. Amy pope, thank you. A pleasure, thanks. Saudi arabia, now blames iran for thursdays tanker attacks in the gulf of oman. In a published interview, crown Prince Mohammed ail salman says iran was responsible for attacking the tankers. He says the International Community should take a firm stand against iran. The crew of the Norwegian Oil tanker that was attacked has now arrived in the uae. Sam kiley is live with more of the developments for us. Sam, hello. Reporter natalie, the 23 crew members were rescued and taken to iranian territory. The Company Spokesperson says they were flown in to dubai here, where i am, are now being debriefed over the next 24 hours by Company Officials and emarati officials, keen to find out every detail they possibly can about the nature of this alleged mine attack on their ship and on the tanker. In the case of the japanese ship, the other ship that was damaged, the owners of that say, it was hit not by mines but by projectile. It will be that sort of detail that the eyewitnesses will be able to offer, since they were onboard at the time of the attack on the norwegian ship. The saudi arabia joining the United Kingdom and the United States now, firmly blaming the iranians behind these attacks. The emarati, in this attack. The attacks inside emarati waters, two of them saudi, last month in emarati waters, that these were all actions of a state or that needed the level of organizational skill that a state could offer. There is a bit of difference of opinion between the u. S. And its allies. In telling all of this, neither the japanese nor the norwegians have been calling for any kind of retribution against iran. The japanese have been very staunch in not pointing fingers at any particular nation, as being behind this. And that prevents the saudis, indeed, and the persons, with something of a conundrum. If they did want to take action in defense of their allies, they have to have allies saying defenders. For now, thats not happening, natalie. Thank you so much, sam kiley, for us. Again, thousands of people pouring into Hong Kong City streets, even though the proposed bill theyre angry about has been suspended. They say it still threatens their civil rights. And well have more about it coming up here. Also, President Trump talking about the Vice President of the United States. Youll hear that ahead. paul great. Another wireless ad. So many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. Look. Sprints going to do things differently. And let you decide for yourself. Theyre offering a new 100 total satisfaction guarantee. Try it out and see the savings. If you dont love it, get your money back. See . Simple. 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Is ramping up Cyber Attacks against russias power grid and has placed potentially crippling malware inside the russian system. The report adds u. S. President trump was not briefed in any detail of the operation. In a tweet, the president calls the article false and an act of treason. Saudi arabia blames iran for a tanker attack in the gulf of oman. In a statement, saudi arabia called on the International Community to take a firm stand against iran. Sudans ousted president is expected to stand trial soon to face charges of corruption and possession of foreign currency. The acting attorney general says his case will be referred to court after a oneweek appeal po period. 41 criminal cases have been filed against former members of his government. Our top story, breaking from hong kong, mass protests under way, right now, as you can see here. Its even though the citys chief executive, carrie lam, suspended the controversial extradition bill that sparked this public outcry one week ago. Demonstrators say they will not stop protesting until the bill is eliminated completely because they fear it could be used to extradite dissidents to mainland china. They also want lam to step down. This protest appears to be every bit as charlarge, if not larger than last sundays demonstration by an estimation of more than 1 Million People. Anna coren is in hong kong in the park, where the protests began. All of this by the people, anna. Its tremendous. The question is, will carrie lam listen . A really good question. She would say that she was listening to the people yesterday, which is why she decided to postpone the bill. The protesters say she is not listening. They want the bill, her controversial extradition bill, completely withdrawn. You know, natalie, there was a concern there could be protester fatigue. Considering the numbers that took to the streets here in hong kong last sunday, the million you mention, that is one in seven people who live here in this city. They would like to see lam appeasing protesters in her mind by shelving this very controversial bill. It could seem from the pictures and the reports we are getting that protesters are still stuck in that march. Theres parts of the protest that are at a standstill because the numbers that have joined the protest along the way. Weve seen the footage of the train station jampacked with people dressed in black, a sign of solidarity, a sign of protest, against the government, coming and joining the protests. Were making our way from Victoria Park to where we are here. As you can see, there are thousands who are congregating here. And so many more on the other side of the Legislative Council. Steven, describe the scene to us. Well, thats right, anna. Much of what you described. Were making our way through the crowd here. And it is simply incredible. Weve seen parents with babies a few months old, and 70yearolds and 80yearolds walking through here. This is a historic moment, an important moment, for hong kong. A sense that if the people dont stand up now, it would be a fight against the freedoms they believe will make the city what it is. As you mentioned, people are wearing black. It is a symbol against what they believe is the Excessive Force that police have been using to disperse the crowds during the protests weve seen this last week, specifically on wednesday. People are still pouring in. And if carrie lam is listening, this is the biggest physical sign of how people are feeling about this controversial extradition bill. These scenes are extraordinary. We dont have a number as of yet from organizers or police. Theres a huge disparity, mind you, in the official count. But from what we are hearing from the other roads they have had to open, it would seem there are a million, if not more, that have joined todays march. Steven chow, thank you for your reporting. Obviously, carrie lam has her supporters in hong kong. She has supporters in beijing. After she made her announcement in postponing the bill that they support her decision. We heard a bit earlier from some probeijing lawmakers here in hong kong. Take a listen. We dont raise objection from the suspension. I want the demonstrators to learn that, as hong kong is very split. We also have nearly reaching 1 million signatures of people who supported the bill. Based on such circumstances, i hope that both groups can come down, not to instigate the youth and other people. The bill has been suspended, the government made a big compromise. It may not be perfect to the demonstration. But maybe near 1 Million People are also very disappointed. We just draw the line to keep peace in hong kong but not just contain you to spread this. In the last 20 years, the chief executives previous three predecessors has avoided the issue of plugging the loophole of criminals in many countries in the world, committing offenses and coming to hong kong and remaining untouched. Currently, we signed a longterm extradition bill, with 20 countries, and 100 more, including china and taiwan. She wanted to take on this impossible challenge. And she made the strategic mistake of bundling this with the taiwan murder case and tried to rush it through on the basis of the taiwan murder case needs to be dealt with urgently. That was michael tien and priscilla, lawmakers who supported this controversial extradition bill. The question is, will carrie lam stay on as the chief executive. Theres calls for her resignation. There are people here who believe she has lost the credibility and lost the support of the people. They view her as a puppet, a mouthpiece of beijing. The feeling is that carrie lams days are truly numbered. Natalie, back to you. Well wait and see. She also didnt call the people there protesters. She called them rioters. That didnt go over well, either, did it . Anna coren. Thanks again, anna. Well see you soon. We turn to other news, as mexico prepares to reinforce its southern border by deploying troops, theres growing concern over the way that authorities are treating people there. At one detention center, migrants had long processing delays. The migrants arent coming from central america. They have come all the way from africa. At a mexican migrant area, desperation in full voice. This is an example of how desperate many of the migrants are. Many of these women are telling us they are from africa. Many, many Different Countries in africa and came up from colombia. They say that people are sick and they want to get their pass protests to get out of the facility. The vast majority of migrants entering mexico are from central america, particularly el salvador, honduras and guatemala. An untold story is about migrants like these, who have come from africa, headed, they hope, for the United States. Cameroon, ghana, congo. Reporter this woman said she would not give her name but from cameroon, and flew to colombia with the help of traffickers, and trekked to mexico, a journey that can take months. The women say they have been in detention up to three weeks and in, what they claim, in poor conditions. They dont want us out. They want us to stay here. We dont know why. We keep asking them, what is the procedure for us to leave this place . They dont tell us nothing. They dont care. Reporter cnn cannot verify those claims. The increasing presence of migrants from outside the region, haiti, cuba, india, creates added pressures for mexicos government, which in a few days will send troops to the southern border to hold up its bargain with the United States to stem the tide. It will be a crisis that mexico says it cannot handle on its own. Michael holmes, cnn, mexico. Police in the Dominican Republic have made another arrest in the shooting of baseball legend david ortiz. Prosecutors say this man is the tenth person to be arrested. Its believed he surrendered to police and is expected to be charged. Nine other people are already accused in the shooting. Theyre in custody awaiting trial. Ortiz, meantime, is in hospital, in boston, massachusetts, where his wife says he is recovering from his gunshot wound. A jawdropping amount of ice suddenly melted away in greenland. We look at what might have caused it and why the scale is so troubling. Thats next. Maria ramirez . Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. Mom andmno kidding. Rd. Irez but moving your internet and tv . Thats easy. Easy . easy . Easy. 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Miss lam says theres no timetable for the bill to be repr reintroduced. But protesters say as long as the bill is in any form, it poses a danger to their civil rights. In the u. S. , at last count, there were 23 democrats hoping to take on donald trump in the 2020 election. But President Trump seems fixated on just one. Advisers warn that could actual hi help his opponent. This is what mr. Trump said about joe biden in an interview with abc news. He wanted to be the tough guy. Hes not a tough guy, hes a weak guy. He wanted to be the testify guy. Hes recalibrated on everything. Everything he says hes taking back two weeks later because hes getting slammed by the left. And hes stuck with this stuff. Hes really stuck with it. Ryan nobles breaks down who will face whom in the democratic e debate. Reporter for months, the democratic contenders have spent their time drawing distinctions from afar. When it comes to health care, there is no middle ground. Reporter theyre learning who they will be facetoface with for the first debates. The first night will feature ten candidates, including elizabeth warren, beto orourke, and amy klobuchar. I got a lot of plans. Let me just mention a few. Reporter elizabeth warren, calling the debate an opportunity to discuss my plans. And the massachusetts senators i have a plan for that strategy, appears to be payi ining off, a national and early state polls show her jackieing for second place with biden. Warren issued a proposal, about entrepreneurship. She told voters in New Hampshire that her recent success is about making direct connections with voters. Were going to get more people. One at a time, two at a time, five at a time. Thats why im working on a Grass Roots Movement here. Reporter but for now, biden remains the leader of the pack and is keeping his focus on President Trump. Releasing a video calling out the president over foreign interference. Donald trump doesnt think it matters if candidates accept information from foreign governments. I believe hes deadwrong. Reporter and the president appears to be keeping his eye on biden. Everybody knows joe doesnt have it. Reporter and the rest of the democratic field, including warren. I would love to run against her, frankly. I see that Bernie Sanders is not doing well at all. I would have, frankly, like to have run against its probably those three. I dont see the other ones. I dont see it. They talk about kamala. I dont see kamala. I dont see its probably between the three of them. Right. Mayor pete, i dont see at all. I think thats a joke. Reporter while all the campaigns are spinning that the lineups are good for the candidates, it will be difficult to prepare for and stand out in a field that includes ten different debate participants. As one Campaign Aide told me, theres only so much substance that you can get into when you only have a few minutes to speak. Ryan nobles, cnn, washington. One of the topics likely discussed in that debate will be climate change. Just one day this week, greenland lost a staggering 2 billion tons of ice. 20 put that in perspective, imagine 146 soccer fields, filled with water to a height fourtimes higher than the eiffel tower. Meteorologist derek van dam is following this story. Hes here to break it down for us. Over 40 of the ice covering greenland melted in just one day. Believe it or not, thats unusual but not unprecedented. Record ice melt in one season is in 2012, theres other large melt seasons, 2007, 2010, note fw ibly. Were seeing this trend and it has ramifications on global sea level rise. Get to the video and you can see why this is important. What is disturbing here is were not we have not seen any of these trends prior to the late 90s. Were starting to see these extreme record melting loss seasons in greenland occur more and more frequently. And the fact it happens so early in this summer melt season, for greenland, points to all signs that this will, once again, be another recordsetting melt year. The average melt season runs from june to august, in greenland. And i have to harp on this again. We talk about why this is important. Its all about global sea level rise. And greenland is a major contributor to that. What youre looking at here is the gray line the average melting of ice of greenland through a usual season. That blue line is 2019. Look at that immediate spike. That was the 24hour period. Most of that melting is occurring on the west coast of greenland. The reason is because we get a blocking ridge of High Pressure, between two weather systems that drives in warmth from the south, that allows for High Pressure to develop. Not only brings in warmer temperatures. But it also prevents clouds and moisture from forming. The more sunshine we get, the more ice melts. We change the Reflective Properties of the ice on greenland. And that also speeds up the process. You dont need to be a scientist to understand whats going on here. Check out this Greenland Ice mass loss over a decade. 20032013. You can see it across the southern and western portions of the country there. Its incredible to note that this much ice can melt in one day. Thats just mindboggling. It is. Thats a direct contribution to our sea level rise. Another scoring record is shattered at the womens world cup. Next, well tell you which dutch player is striking her way into the record books. And it has been called one of the biggest games in sports. But indiana and pakistans cricket duel is much more than that. [leaf blower] you should be mad at leaf blowers. [beep] you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because you have e trade which isnt complicated. 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Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess is not a laxative, it works differently. It helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. Do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. Im still doing it all. The water. The exercise. The fiber. And i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. Ask your doctor. Shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. So its a daunting task. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Just stopping that irritation. That burn that i get is really life changing. Welcome back. The womens football world cup there was another recordbreaking performance as two more teams advance to the round of 16. The netherlands booked a spot in the knockout stage by topping cameroon 31. The dutch striker scored twice in the game. In the process, she broke the alltime scoring record for the netherlands womens team. Good going. Meantime, canada also moved on to the last 16 with a 20 victory over new zealand. More football action is on the way. Sweden will take on thailand. And later, the u. S. Will play its first game since thrashing thailand 130, last week. The reigning champs will face chile in paris. Another world cup is under way. India versus pakistan in cricket. It is one of the sports most iconic matchups. They are clashing again, right now, at the world cup in manchester. India has beaten pakistan in all previous cricket world cup matches. And the two countries tense, sometimes violent, political differences, are fueling an already highly charged game. In the words of steve elworthy, the managing corrector at this summers world cup, quote, it is probably the biggest games of sport in the world. There are few others that will have impact that this has in terms of audience and viewership. Indias team captain hopes his side can tune out all of the offthefield pressure and just focus on the game. To approach on Something Like this, if one focuses too much on the outside, is to understand the game starts tomorrow at a certain time and it finishes at a certain time. Its not going to last a lifetime for you. Even if we have a good performance as the most performance where we feel like we can improve in more areas, the tournament has to go on. I think the focus always has to be on the larger picture. But pakistans coach is embracing the hype and wants his players to, as well. Does it get more exciting. Im telling our players in the dressing room, you can be a hero tomorrow. Your careers will be defined by a moment in the game. You do something incredible tomorrow, you will be remembered forever. Our commentary is, how do you want to be remembered . We have 15 creative creators in that dressing room. And we are stressing to them, how do you want to be remembered . What will they say about you in history . Tomorrow is going to be an inbelievab inbelievable time for these guys to make a mark. Thanks for watching. Im natalie allen. New day is ahead. For everyone else, we continue our breaking News Coverage of the situation in hong kong. Please stay with us. Hey allergy muddlers. Achoo . Do your sneezes turn heads . Try zyrtec. It starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. Another wireless ad. Great. 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Now, i see that pocahontas is doing better. I would love to run against her, frankly. You can expect some attacks

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