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About Donald Trumps efforts to go after his president ial opponent Hillary Clinton. The New York Times reports mr. Trump wanted the Justice Department to prosecute clinton. And former fbi director james comey. But the white House Counsel warned against it, telling the president it could lead to his impeachment. A source tells cnn mr. Trump has repeatedly asked for updates on investigations into clinton. U. S. President is under fire, even from members of his own party about his latest statement on the killing of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Cnns jim acosta reports. Reporter just moments before a ceremonial pardoning of the thanksgiving turkey at the white house i will be issuing both peas and carrots a president ial pardon. Reporter President Trump delivered a chilling message on the killing of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a statement that begins with america first, the president seems to dismiss the cia assessment that found saudi arabias Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman ordered khashoggis killing, saying it could very well be the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event. Maybe he did and maybe he didnt. Leaving for thanksgiving, the president defended his decision to side with the saudis. Are you letting the saudis get away with murder . Murdering a journalist . This is about america first. Theyre paying us 400 billion plus to purchase an invest in our country. Thats probably the biggest amount ever paid to the United States. Dont you belief the cia they didnt make a determination. Maybe he did. Maybe he didnt. They did not make that assessment. The cia has looked at it. Theyve studied it a lot. They have nothing definitive. Reporter in a statement the president also appeared to buy into a saudi sphere of khashoggi, saying that Jamal Khashoggi was an enemy of the state and a member of the muslim brotherhood. Khashoggis family has blasted those claims as ridiculous. Secretary of state mike pompeo backed up the president s statement. This is a long, historic commitment and one that is absolutely violate to Americas National security. Its a mean, nasty world out there. Reporter but not all republicans are on board. Im concerned about our standing in the world and what it says about the United States. Reporter president s willingness to believe saudi denials is consistent with his posture on other undemocratic countries like russia and its meddle manage the 2016 election. Maybe it was. It could be russia. But it could also be china. It could will lots of other people. It could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400ed pounds, okay . His explosive statement comes less than a day after his own daughter ivanka trump came under fire for using her emails to do government business. It certainly looks bad and im sure the media will have a field day with it today. For what she has done that. Should lock her up. Reporter hypothetical because its a reminder that her father savaged Hillary Clinton for her email use. If i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lie, so much deception. Reporter a source close to ivanka brushed off the story in statement saying this is a 14monthold story. There was nothing there then and there is nothing there now. The president insists his daughter did nothing wrong. They werent deleted like Hillary Clinton who deleted 33. She wasnt hiring. She wasnt doing anything to hide her emails there was no deletion. There was no nothing. What it is a false story. Reporter as a for ivanka trumps email use, a source close to the white house and the family says the president s daughter obviously knows better as she watched the 2016 Campaign Like the rest of us of as the source put it, quote, ivanka deserves to get hit over the issue. Jim acosta, cnn, the white house. Richard johnson is a lecturer in u. S. Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University here in the uk. And he joins me now to discuss this. Plenty going on in u. S. Politics, but guess thats just a wednesday. What do you make of the president s assessment that maybe it was, maybe it wasnt Mohammed Bin Salman who conducted this extrajudicial killing of Jamal Khashoggi . And also, how unusual it is for a president to be so explicit about this kind of tradeoff between the kind of countries america wants to associate with and then also the economic damage it might cause . Well, i think you hit the nail on the head there that donald trump is a transactional person. He is a transactional president. And so for him, hes not hes going to weigh up what we views as at the bigger and better part of the deal, which is arms from deals with saudi arabia. You know, president s in the past have not had a great record on this either. President obama one of the few vetoes that he exercised and was overruled by congress was legislation by congress to allow victims of 9 11 to engage in civil suits against the kingdom of saudi arabia. And president obama vetoed that, in part because of a concern of damage it would do to u. S. saudi relations. Now this is not on the same level as the president effectively ignoring the cia report about the allocation of blame, but it does show that the United States for a long time u. S. President s have prioritized the u. S. Saudi relationship over individuals who might have serious claims against the saudi government. And richard, moving on to another big story coming out of the white house and the Trump Administration, what do you understand about the prosecutions which President Trump was trying to pursue with his Justice Department around Hillary Clinton and james comey . Well, its very the thing thats most concerning is the way in which the president possibly attempting to use the Justice Department for his own personal ends. And since the watergate era, president s have had to be very careful at the extent to which they issue instructions to Justice Department officials. There was an interesting report which came out this week which reflected on Richard Nixons close relationship with henry petersen, who had been an assistant to the attorney general and n the Justice Department. It was one of the reasons, one of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon is that he had opened up these back channels with the Justice Department for his own protection and for his own information. And so President Trump has to be very cautious about the ways in which he might be directing Justice Department officials either to provide him with information or to just ongoing investigations which might implicate him personally. And richard, speaking of the behavior of the administration, Donald Trumps daughter ivanka reportedly using her personal email account. Explain to us why thats an issue for somebody in her position and what the democrats plan to do about it. Well, obviously the first charge that gets raised against the president is one of hypocrisy given that Hillary Clintons use of a private email server was one of the centerpiece of his campaign against her and the source of the lock her up rallying cry. He argues his daughter is in a different position because she hasnt deleted her mails and for whatever reason was simply unaware that this wasnt allowed which seems somewhat implausible given the content of the election campaign. Thing is a bigger issue about whether ivanka trump should be having this job in the first place. Congress in 1967 passed an antinepotism law which was sben intended to prevent family members from working in president ial administrations. You know, this law in the past the Justice Department has advised president s that they couldnt do so much as appoint members of their family. Jimmy carter was told he couldnt appoint his wife to be chairwoman of a commission on mental health. I know the Trump Administration said they got around this because she doesnt take a salary, but i think it violates the spirit of this law. And i think its pretty the fundamental point that she is even working for her father in the white house is, you know, a cause for concern in itself given the context of the 67 law. Richard johnson, thank you so much for bringing us your insights and getting up early for us. Thank you. Thank you. Now another selloff on wall street. Stocks in tokyo and seoul have been down most of the day. Chinese markets in hong kong and shanghai have been in and out of positive territory. The dow dropped more than 550 points tuesday, wiping out all of its gains for the year. Plunging oil prices pulled down Energy Stocks and analysts say investors are worried about Rising Interest Rates and the ongoing trade war between the u. S. And china. Cnns alison kosik has more on whats behind the stock slide. Reporter all the major indices have wiped out their gains for the year. Its a headline thats undercut Investor Confidence and set the negative tone in the market. Tech stocks dragged the market lower. Ironic since it was tech shares like facebook, apple and google that powered the market to record highs over the last few years. But now it look likes the darlings of yesterday have turned into the dogs of today. Facebook and apple shares getting crushed. Both stocks are down more than 20 from their recent highs. Investors cant seem to sell tech shares fast enough. Facebook is dealing with the fallout from how it handled foreign influence in the 2016 president ial election. And apple is facing slowing demand for its marquee products the iphone. Investors are also spooked because there is a possibility for a regulatory crackdown that could change the way certain Tech Companies do business and cost them more money. Also weighing on sentiment, trade tensions wrapping up. Over the weekend, there was a collapse of preliminary meetings between the u. S. And china two weeks before president xi and President Trump are expected to meet. But the thinking is the issue wont be resolved. And that thats as President Trump has threatened to impose a third round of tariffs on 267 billion worth of chinese goods. And some tariffs already in place are set to increase from 10 to 25 on january 1st. If those go into effect, that could eat into Company Profit and possibly rattle the markets even more. Back to you. Thanks to alison for her reporting. Vicky price is an economist at the center for economic and Business Research and author of the freakonomics. Beijing hasnt addressed its unfair trading practices. That s thats whats driving . I think to a point. We are seeing a slowdown in Global Growth, but absolutely at the center of what is going on right now affecting all markets. And of course china had been hoping, there had been a number of meeting and weve all been hoping that some of the issues will be resolved. But of course the mood from the white house is still pretty aggressive i would say in terms of everything President Trump has just been saying. We suggest in fact that we are going to see a further imposition of tariffs on chinese exports to the u. S. , and that is worrying everybody. Of course it worries the europeans. It worries of course other asian markets because up to a point the concern is quite a lot of what china exports to the u. S. Is going to be diverted somewhere else. And that will actually cause difficulties for other countries that are also exporting the same type of stuff and competing with china. Thats one of the elements out there. If the world really slows down, as a number of people are predicting, and if were about to enter another serious crash possibly, and again there is quite a lot of speculation of, that it isnt just asia we need to worry about, it is the developed world. Everyone in the west as well who have been relying up to a point on the u. S. Leading as what had been a very, very slow recovery from the financial crisis. And the fact that there is a Global Growth slowdown, is that one of the key factors contributing the fact that weve just seen all the gains from the statement in the u. S. Just be wiped out . One of the things that is happening is the old price that looked like it was going to strengthen is now of course falling again. Its still quite high compared to where it was a little while ago. But there it is. Signs of concern about whether there is a nervous supply, whether the World Economy slowdown is going to mean that we dont neath need as much oil as perhaps is being produced right now. Thats another cater that of. If you look at whats happened to the. S, of course, in the u. S. , oil stocks suffered. But were seeing a much wider decline, which is also affecting tech stocks in particular, poered about regulation perhaps coming. Everyone has been talking about first of all taxing some of the profit a lot more internationally that the Service Companies are making. And the second thing is whether there should be more regulating in terms of have they become too big . Will they be broken up . It makes people think back to the days of oil, the Oil Companies where in fact it was lot of intervention regulation and they split them up. It may happen, and i think there is an underlying worry that perhaps the best days in terms of. S are over. And weve seen in fact as we all mow the gains of the last year in the u. S. Wiped out. And you mentioned tech stocks which did pretty badly yesterday in europe. And in fact, the markets in europe closed sharply lower on tuesday overall. Whats driving that . There may be an overvaluation. Thats what people are worried about. A, they have become far too big and so theyre ripe for some change there. A lot more control of what they do. There are all sorts of suggestion, a digital tax as well for all the International Companies that are becoming very big. There is concerns about competition, how can we allow a lot of the fimpls to move into Amazon Retail and so on which is going to worry markets as well. And a number of concerns about whether theyre doing things properly. So are they really respecting the date the of people and are they allowing others to use data in a competitive way that others are asking for. So there i think quite a lot there. I think there is a general concern about whether the growth weve seen in the u. S. This year is going to continue next year. Forecast for a slowdown after the fiscal boost is gone and Monetary Policy is tightening, thats making life more difficult including in the emerging market because a lot of them have borrowed in u. S. Dollars, and that is a big, big, big issue. 10 europe itself has got problems with the italian budget and rethinking how europe is going to be shaped in the future without the uk. So there are loads of problems there too. And slowdown in europe too. Look at germany, which hardly grew. The figures suggest that 4 in last quarter in gdp because theyre not selling as many cars to places like china, and thats an issue. Vicky pryce, thank you so much for joining us. Up next on cnn newsroom, parts of california already scored by heavy wildfires may face even more rain that could mean even more disaster for the state. On the defensive. 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And in the coming hours, heavy rain could also bring mud slides, making conditions even worse for the firefighters and the thousands that are left homeless. Cnns nick watt has more from northern california. Reporter this deadly destructive blaze now 70 contained. But these people, many who have already lost everything not out of danger. Torrential rain is coming. A Flash Flood Watch in effect for tomorrow afternoon through thanksgiving into friday morning. And this tent city in the Chico Walmart parking lot is in a flood zone. What we really want people to do as the rain approaches and the weather starts to shift is get inside. Reporter there is plenty of space in evacuation shelter. Were going to be here as listening as we need to be here. We could be in the sheltering business through christmas. Some are scared to go. Just the germs, the norovirus going around. Im scared because we already got that once, but we got over it. Reporter more than 100 have been hospitalized by the gastrointestinal bug. Others moved to isolation blocks. Many plan to ride out the rains out here in the open. So were getting tarps and stuff like that. Its been rough, but were making do. Down in los angeles and ventura counties, where the woolsey fire burned, authorities also warning of mud slides on hillsides stripped bare by that blaze and potential debris flow as rains approach. Free sandbags now available from fire stations. Some people will likely be evacuated from their homes once again. There is also concern up here at the campfire site that rains could hamper the search for the dead, even wash away human remains or make them indivisionable from the mud. Were going to go as hard as we can, as long as we can until we cant go anymore. Thats whats going to happen. Reporter and the official tally of the numbers of homes destroyed, that leapt to one thousand in the past 24 hours. That number is going up as search teams make it into more and more neighborhoods. You can tell that they were in this neighborhood today. Thats todays date, 11 20 spray painted on the driveway. When they come through a neighborhood, they will often first go to homes with a car in the driveway, because thats a sign that maybe someone didnt make it out alive. Nick watt, cnn, paradise, california. Meteorologist ivan cabrera joins us with the latest on the conditions in california. Now ivan, i understand that heavy rains are expected. While that brings some relief, it also presents new dangers as well. It certainly does, bianca. Good to see you. Sure, we need the rain in california, right . But at this moment, it would be better without it because the containment is already up to 75, and that has been without rain that has been firefighting efforts that have been heroic and ongoing for a couple of weeks at this point here. We are going get rain, and not just a little rain, a lot of rain, in waves. The first coming in on wednesday with this pacific moisture. We have a queue of storms that are going to set up here, wednesday into thursday and friday. It just continues relentlessly to pound california with this gloom of tropical moisture. Like a fire hoys pointed right over the fire here, and that is going to be causing secondary problems as a result of the water, mixing with the burn scars out there. Look at some of the tallies as far as how much rainfall were expecting. The worst of the rain incredibly right over the fire. 128 millimeter potential. That would be in the next five days through the day on saturday. Thats enough to prompt the flood watches in effect. We have been in effect for mud flows. Thats continuing as we head through the upcoming weekend. So lets talk about what happens when water meets essentially the scarred, burned side that is now california, and a good chunk of it here with the burnt fires. 75 containment, thats good. And the additional rainfall thats coming in, thats going to continue to eliminate the fires all together. But the rain is going to be falling not on grassy surface, not on trees that can absorb all the moisture here. Its going to be falling on basically ash and burnt top soil. What thats going to do once the rains really come down, just like we had bianca last year, a significant event with mud slides here and debris flows. And that will be the potential over the next several days. So incredibly, were adding an additional threat, and a big one here that the folks in california all know all too well with the mud slides threat that usually follows these fires here. Fires going right into the wet season. They meet each other, and every year were doing, that were getting into big trouble as a result. Bianca . Ivan, thank you very much. Bringing you some breaking news now. Weve heard in the last few minutes that a south korean has been elected the new head of interpol. Kim jong yang of the republic of korea has been elected the new president of interpol after a new vote in dubai. Thats on the official interpol twitter account on wednesday. This comes as somewhat of a surprise because it was a former russian interior minister official which was tipped to be the next head, despite concerns that moscow had been using the International Policing agency to target political opponents. Now well bring you much more on that later in the show and have a live report next hour as well. President trump announce he will side with saudi arabia. Coming up, his reaction to his unwillingness to sanction riyadh for murder of Jamal Khashoggi. So, lets talk about Conference Calls. Theres always a certain amount of fumbling. A lot of times it doesnt work. We have problems. 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A source tells cnn the president has also repeatedly asked for progress reports on investigations into his former president ial opponent. U. S. Lawmakers are sharply critical of President Trumps loyalty to saudi arabia in the aftermath of Jamal Khashoggis death. The cia released a report saying they believe the crown prince mom bin salman ordered the killing. But President Trump says maybe he knew about it, maybe he didnt. Jomana karadsheh is live in istanbul. Thank you fob be with us. What the reaction in turkey to President Trumps statement of maybe he did, maybe he didnt, referring to whether or not the crown prince knew about this killing . Well, bianca, there has been no official reaction just yet, the foreign minister of turkey was in washington, d. C. Around the time that statement was released. He is meeting with his american counterpart, secretary of state mike pompeo. And he was asked by the media about President Trumps statement. He said he hadnt seen it yet. You know, the feeling in turkey, they have been quite diplomatic to an extent in dealing with this crisis when it comes to confronting saudi arabia. They have been very cautious to not end up in a situation where these two countries that are regional rivals to an extent, theyve had a rocky relationship between president erdogan and the de facto ruler of saudi arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman in recent years. Theyve waited to an extent. Theyve tried to get the international community, especially the United States to back turkey up in this current crisis. And, you know, weve seen turkey basically sharing some of the evidence its got. Feeding this information and this leak of evidence over recent weeks to try and put pressure on the United States and other countries, to really take the lead when it comes to holding the saudis accountable. So were going to have to wait and see what happens now since this was really not what turkey was hoping for. They made their position clear, that turkey does not believe the saudi narrative that this was some sort of a rogue operation that went wrong. They say this was a premeditated killing, that this was ordered at the highest levels of the saudi government. While they havent specifically mentioned the crown prince, president erdogan did say it came from the highest levels, but it was not king salman. So people took this to mean he is pointing the finger directly at the crown prince. So well have to wait and see. Does turkey have more evidence that its going to be releasing . Well have to wait and see, bianca. After looking at it last week, it seems like they put the ball this the court of the United States and other western allies after sharing that evidence, the ball is back in the court of turkey right now. Well have to see what their next move is. But theyve also made the point clear that they will not allow a coverup, at least this is the Public Statement from turkey throughout that they say they want to get to the bottom of this and find out who ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, but also as part of this frustration with the lack of cooperation they say from the saudis, they feel that the time may have come now for an independent international investigation. Thank you for your reporting, jomana. Jomana karadsheh for us in istanbul, turkey. Now facebooks Mark Zuckerberg says he is responsible for what happens at the company which he founded. So does he think he should have done more to stop russias attempt to interfere in the u. S. Elections . What he tells cnn about that in an exclusive interview, next. The whole worlds coming together now amazons black friday sale is on now with deals in every department, low prices and Free Shipping on millions of items. The amazon black friday sale. On now facebook founder and ceo Mark Zuckerberg has faced heavy criticism for how he handled russias efforts to spread misinformation online and divide americans during the 2016 election. Now critics say he could and should have done more to stop it, and now a bombshell New York Times report says facebook waged an aggressive lobbying campaign to deflect blame. Cnns Laurie Siegel spoke exclusively with zuckerberg at facebooks headquarters in menlo park, california. I want to start with some revelations that came from the New York Times piece. Sure. Lets look at russia. Did you and other leaders try to minimize russias role in spreading propaganda on the platform . No. Look, heres what happened. In 2016, there is no doubt that we missed something really important, right. The russian effort to try to have these coordinated Information Operations on facebook and also the internet more broadly was not something we were expecting. Elections are always a very high security event, and we were expecting certain kinds of cyber attacks, and we found them. The russians were trying to hack into specific accounts, and we told the people and we told the fbi and all that. But we werent on top of these coordinated Information Operations. So we spent a lot of the last couple of years now basically building up our systems and strengthening themselve ining. But weve addressed a lot of it. The idea what the former chief Security Officer wanted to publish a transparency paper, and every mention of russia was taken out. Was encouraged not to put russia in that transparency paper. Do you regret not being more transparent at the time or not getting not being more vocal about it at the time . You know, i wish that we understood the issues sooner. I wish we understood it before 2016, before the russians tried to do these Information Operations in the first place. Now i do think sometimes people say, well, how did you not know this . And i think in some of these cases, its a really big deal to come out and say that a nation state is behind something. And before our company puts a stamp on someone saying that, i want to be really sure thats the case. Quite a few revelations in this piece. One reason to keep up a trump post that many feel fell under the hate speech category. And part of this revelation said one of the reasons your team decided to keep it up is because theyre worried about a conservative backlash. I know facebook is under a lot of pressure from the democrats and republicans, the government in general. Leaders making content decisions based on appeasing political leaders . No. Look but did they in that situation . No, they didnt. And i was involved in those conversations. And i think its very important that people have the opportunity to hear from what political leaders are saying. So, you know, in those cases, i dont think that a lot of the content violated our policies. We also have a specific point in our policies where news worthy content, we give a special deference to, which certainly somebody who is a prominent politician going out and making a point fits into that. So, i dont no, i think we did the right thing there. So it wasnt accurate that part of the reason they didnt take down that post was there was concern over republican backlash . No, that was certainly not part of any of the conversation i had. I was on the reporter call where you repeatedly denied you knew anything about hiring this Opposition Group pr firm. Can you state it for the record did you know anything about this . Like i said on the call, i learned about this when i read the report as well. But im not sure thats the most important point. I think your question is right that this is i do run the company. I am responsible for everything that happens here. I dont think that this point was about a specific pr firm. It was about how we act. And thats why i think its important not just what were doing in relation to this one firm, but that we go through and look at all of the different pr firms and folks we work with and make sure that were operating in a way we want. To. You know, the pr firm was founded by republican political strategists and launched a campaign linking facebook critics to george soros. This is a common tactic used by antisemitic and altright groups. I think thats why a lot of folks were shocked when they found out about this. Does that strike you as stooping low . Yeah, i wasnt particularly happy about that piece of it. And thats certainly a big part of what i when i read about this, what made me want the look into more deeply. The intention here was never to attack an individual there are these lobbying groups and folks who are out there whose primary purpose is to attack the company. I do think its fine to push back on them. Its not common for Tech Companies to necessarily hire these types of firms, and many would argue its a way of spreading the same type of conspiracy theories that facebook has worked so hard in the past few years to get on top of. Yeah. Look, from the review that ive done so far, it doesnt appear that anything that the group said was untrue, as far as we can tell, but again, this really isnt about one pr firm. This is about the standard that we want to hold all of the different folks we work with. We work with a lot of different pr firms and a lot of different contractors and vendors with the company, and we need to make sure that theyre comfortable and that all the folks we work with uphold our values. Do you approve of the way they went after george soros . Do you approve of that methodology . I dont think that this is the type of thing that our company should be engaging with. What would be your message to george soros . Well, i knew that george soros has been the target of a lot of really horrendous attacks, and i think that that is terrible. And i certainly wouldnt want anyone who is associated with our company to be a part of that. There are a lot of questions now about Cheryl Sandbergs role in the latest controversy. Can you definitively say will cheryl stay in her same role . Yeah. Look, cheryl is a really important part of this company and is leading a lot of the efforts to address a lot of the Biggest Issues we have. She has been an important partner for me for ten years. Im really proud of the work we have done together,and i hope we Work Together for decades more to come. You are ceo and chairman of facebook. Thats an extraordinary amount of power, given that you rule a kingdom of two billion people digitally. Shouldnt your power be checked . You know, i always talk about how we need to partner with governments around the world and other companies and nonprofits and other sectors. So, yes, i dont think fundamentally that were going to be able to address all these issues by ourselves. So youre not stepping down as chairman . Thats not the plan. Thats not the plan. Would anything change that . I mean, eventually over time. Im not going to be doing this forever. But i certainly im not currently thinking that that makes sense. This idea of transparency is important, and we keep hearing it, but then you have these reports coming out that Say Something otherwise. How do you ensure that you do Win Back Public trust . I think this is an incredibly Pivotal Point for the company and for you as a leader, because it certainly seems over the last year we havent stopped hearing about, you know, one thing after the next that shows otherwise that the company hasnt been as transparent. Yeah. Well, look, there are always going to be issues, but if youre serving a community of more than two billion people, theres going to be someone who is posting something that that is problematic, that gets through the systems that we have in place, no matter how advanced the systems are. And i think by and large a lot of the criticism around the Biggest Issue has been fair, but i do think that if were going to be real, there is this Bigger Picture as well which is that we have a different world view than some of the folks who are covering this. And but if weve given the world a voice, look at whats happened in the last year. Youve had election ms. The last year, elections manipulated, hate speech thats gone viral and turned offline. It certainly seems like this mission has been accomplished in many ways, and there is a whole new set of problems that perhaps you guys didnt foresee, and now were in a very complicated place where there is not an easy solution. Yeah. These are complex issues that you cant fix. You manage them on an ongoing basis. Facebook founder and ceo Mark Zuckerberg talking exclusively with our laurie siegle. Interpol has elected kim jong yang. Joining us from dubai with the details. Sam, youre in dubai where the annual congress is happening. Tell us, how unexpected was this a selection . And what do we know about this man . Well, he is the president alongside the preferred candidate certainly for russia. And there had been an assumption that the russian candidate was going to prevail in the voting that was held in the building behind me this morning, bianca, but he did not. And that i think has rescued the reputation in large part of interpol. Rightly or wrongly, it was being perceived that the election of a general in the Russian Interior Ministry to the most senior position within interpol, particularly following the arrest of mr. Ming when he went back to china. He was of course a former minister of the interior in china. He now faces corruption charges. But in the context of a degree of chaos and perhaps political interference from headquarters, there was a sensing that the election of a russian official in context to say the skripal poisonings that have resulted in a death in the United Kingdom by the use of novacek and a nerve agent by russia, russias attempts to use interpol in the past through red notices and other acts called dispersal notices, could have been using this position to chase after dissidents that were opposed to the putin regime. He remain, though, the russian delegate inside interpol. He retains his position as one of the Vice President s, but he is no longer expected well, he wont be as expected being presiding over the whole operation. That now goes to south korea. And i think that has been met, bianca, with universal relief among interpol members. Sam kiley in dubai, thanks for bringing us the very latest. Well check back with you next hour as well. Now were going to take a short break. Well be back with more news after this. Should happen every five hundred years, right . Fact is, there have been twentysix in the last decade. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . They have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again welcome back. A suicide bombing in kabul has killed at least 50 people in one of the deadliest attacks to hit the capital this year. The bomber targeted religious scholars who had gathered to celebrate the birthday of the prophet muhammad. Nick patton walsh has more from london. It appears that a suicide bomber went into this crowded wedding hall. Used for other purposes. Today, on the birth on the prophet of mohammed, a gathering of scholars, there to celebrate that holy day and struck by this suicide bomber. The death toll continues to rise and the number of injured there, as well. Leaving many concerned that the security that is supposed to be at the heart of the afghan city. It has been punctured by the taliban. U. S. Chief of staff recently admitted that the taliban were not losing and its clear from the u. S. Inspector generals control that since the count first began, they are doing the best they can so far. The Afghan Government influences 55 of afghanistan. We have mass casualty incidents like this, that shakes people in the bubble of the capital city down to their bones. Some may suggest this is the work of isis. Some saying, given the extremist version of the islamic faith, is something that shouldnt be done but may be motivation for this attack. But the broader question is what this means for the Peace Process which is under way. The u. S. Envoy having met officials in qatar and dohar of late, trying to discuss how to go forward. It appears that Donald Trumps win at all costs is not going to be followed through with an increase in troop numbers. And that the Afghan Government sees the need for reconciliation here as does washington. Not only does this backdrop for those that lost loved ones in this attack today. Nick paton walsh, cnn, london. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Ill be back with another hour of use rignews right after this. The whole worlds coming together now can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it can you feel it shhh. 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Im Bianca Nobilo and this is cnn newsroom. Donald trump suggests the kingdom wont be punished for the killing of an american journalist. Plus, u. S. Stocks take a tumble. All of the gains made this year have been erased. And crews are finally getting control of the wildfires burning in california

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